Regulations on the production and technical department (PTO). What is VET: definition, features, levels, rights and responsibilities

VET engineer – technical specialist in preparing estimates, technical documents, as well as exercising control over the production process. The head of the department or other authorized person is in charge of the main work. The production and technical department was created for preparation of production and construction work. The main functions of the department are the development and preparation of estimates and projects, as well as all necessary control over technical documentation. The instructions allow you to determine all the tasks and legal capabilities of a specialist.

Sample of a typical job description for a construction technical engineer

Sample includes all necessary information, which is needed to study this profession. Contains standard provisions, main responsibilities of the position, as well as legal capabilities of a construction department employee. Every organization must know and comply with these rules.

General provisions

General provisions contain the main points that characterize this profession. The list includes the following:

  • the employee is a specialist;
  • the employee is appointed to the position of engineer by order of the general director, which is provided by the head of the department;
  • subordination occurs to the head of the department;
  • basic requirements for taking up the position - prof. education (primary or secondary), total experience – 1 year;
  • during the absence of an employee, all legal opportunities and tasks are transferred to the authorized person specified in the order of the organization;
  • information that a technical equipment engineer must have - construction legislation, acts and regulations, as well as all necessary estimates, schedules and plans.

Each VET specialist must be guided by the acts and laws of the Russian Federation, the organization’s statutory documents, documentation of management officials, as well as this job description.

Job responsibilities

A construction technical engineer has the following job responsibilities:, which form the basis of this profession. Each specialist must perform:

  • implementation technical supervision for the execution of work;
  • checking for compliance with the scope of work specified in the documentation;
  • coordination of project changes, resolving issues during work, without compromising the quality of construction;
  • studying the reasons that slow down and worsen the construction process;
  • acceptance of completed projects, preparation of documents for the delivery of objects;
  • reports on the implementation of the main work plan;
  • checking estimates and calculations;
  • drawing up estimates for additional tasks;
  • monitoring the correctness of filling out documents by the customer;

Carrying out additional instructions from the manager is also among the tasks of an employee of this profession.


VET construction engineer has the right give instructions to lower-level specialists who are subordinate to him. The engineer can monitor the progress of work, approve changes, and also request all necessary documents for further work. Every employee has the right to decide production issues through relationships with other companies that specialize in a certain area. He also has the right to convey his proposals to management to improve the implementation of projects. Requirement to provide necessary conditions and submit all documents to perform job tasks is within the specialist’s right.


The construction technical engineer is responsible for that he did not fully fulfill his mandatory tasks and management requirements. Also, he is responsible for his negligence in complying with all regulatory documents company, dissemination of trade secrets and information that is only available to certain organization. An engineer does not have the right to violate the internal rules of his organization; he must be held responsible for violating technical safety rules and labor regulations.

Working conditions

All construction organizations have similar working conditions. The work schedule is standard, including all holidays and weekends. Primary activities consist of performing office tasks and field supervision work. The payment system depends on the organization; all bonuses come from the implementation of work plans.

The creation, construction and operation of various objects in the construction, energy, road industries, and in the housing and communal services system require a competent and responsible approach from a number of specialists, one of whom is a technical equipment engineer.

It is on his coordinated actions in the technical, design, financial and organizational spheres that many production, technological and business processes, as well as the uninterrupted functioning of the most complex mechanisms, will depend. The specialist carries out all professional actions in accordance with the document “ Job description VET engineer."

Who is a VET engineer?

Common abbreviation PTO stands for as a “production and technical department”, which is included as a division in industrial, energy enterprises, construction and installation companies, housing and communal services organizations. The central figure in the department is a specialist called a “production engineer.” technical department(PTO)" or on spoken language"estimator".

To qualify as a VET engineer there are quite serious requirements, since controlled areas of work are important for ensuring the livelihoods of the population as a whole. Production and technical department engineer must have higher or secondary specialized technical education according to a specific technical profile. It is acceptable to start a career without work experience, but to control serious objects you will need specialized specialization and at least three years of work experience in the chosen field.

The main thing is knowledge of the specifics of work in a particular area, since the price of even small errors in a project or during the execution of work is extremely high.

About the profession of an engineer, watch the following video:

Employee must have both general and specialized knowledge.

General relate to the basics of labor legislation and legal norms in various production areas, structural organization enterprises and the flow of major production processes, labor protection rules, industrial and fire safety.

TO specific include: norms and rules for conducting work at various sites and sites, drawing up and adjusting technical, economic and design and estimate documentation, methods of assessing and quality control, as well as knowledge of the conditions for delivery of finished objects to customers.

It is desirable to know some computer programs, availability driver's license and proficiency in driving a car.

In his activities, this specialist guided by current laws and the company's charter, is well acquainted with the orders, instructions and regulatory and technical documentation of the organization. He is subordinate directly to the head of the structural unit, whereas, according to the instructions, both the general director and chief engineer, and the head of the department.

This type of work presupposes the presence and development qualities such as attentiveness, responsibility, diligence, the ability to plan work processes, as well as communication skills, initiative and the desire for self-learning. An engineer often has to go on business trips for production assignments.

Purpose and objectives of the profession

Main goal The work of an engineer - a specialist in the production and technical department of any industry will be to ensure the normal functioning of the main technological processes in the field of production and construction.

For this it is necessary perform the following tasks:

  • knowledge of methodological and regulatory documents governing a specific area of ​​activity;
  • control over all areas of production in the fields of construction, energy, housing and communal services;
  • interaction with specialists both within the company and outside it (customers of work, design institutes and subcontractors);
  • work with design, executive and reporting, financial and technical documentation;
  • ability to act in non-standard situations, analyze and eliminate possible errors in the performance of work.

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The employees of the technical and technical department are in charge of various construction and production facilities, both those under construction and those already in operation. The responsibilities of each specialist are clearly defined and specified in their job description. They are determined by the specifics of the corresponding production sector and may vary. The types of controlled objects, the company structure, and areas of responsibility matter.

All types job descriptions characterize a VET engineer as a specialist in a certain field of work.

List it generally obligatory actions the workplace looks like this:

Features of work in various production areas

This position in a construction organization requires a higher construction education and work experience of at least one year, and for complex objects up to three years.

Fulfilling the main responsibilities of an engineer in the production and technical department of this area involves comprehensive control over the implementation of construction and installation work. The specialist prepares and checks design documents, schedules and production plans, calculation and estimate documentation, as well as compliance of the work performed with approved norms and rules. In this industry, established interaction with customers, subcontractors, and design organizations is especially important.

Increased attention is paid acceptance objects and construction and installation works.

The work of a design engineer in the construction industry is discussed in the following video:

When selecting candidates for production and technical department engineers in the energy industry Preference is given to those who already have experience in the relevant field. The specialist is required to have a higher or secondary vocational education and work experience in the specialty for at least three and five years, respectively.

Energy Engineer performs duties related to the control of electrical equipment, thermal and energy systems. The specialist must know the features of working with electrical equipment and its types, rules for working with electrical diagrams, electrical installation skills. The key responsibility here will be to ensure the operation and proper operation, repair and modernization of equipment in the power industry, electrical and thermal networks.

VET engineer in the housing and communal services system required to have secondary special education or higher education technical profile, as well as work experience of at least one year.

Specialist performs quite a wide range of responsibilities, since his area of ​​responsibility includes both commissioned residential and non-residential buildings, communications, and new construction sites. He is responsible for the operation of heating networks, operation of facilities housing stock, which are on the balance sheet of the housing and communal services enterprise. This specialist is a member of the commissions that analyze technical condition objects, interacts with specialists from design, supervisory, heat supply and other organizations, carries out certification of objects and controls the database of general house metering devices.

VET engineer in the field of road construction must have vocational education in the field of construction and operation of roads and work experience in the specialty of at least one year. He is required to know regulatory and technical literature, the fundamentals of technology and production, legislation in the field of road construction, methods of quality control and acceptance of work.

Additionally skills may come in handy driving a car, knowledge of MS Office and Auto Cad programs.

The responsibilities of an engineer include developing projects, technological maps and technological diagrams, their adjustment and coordination, maintaining various documentation, checking the implementation of construction and installation work, compliance of their cost with volume and quality. The area of ​​responsibility also includes checking the primary documentation of transport service providers. The most important task is to develop work schedules together with construction site managers, technical department employees, and project managers.

The labor functions of a technical equipment engineer are very diverse. But they are all spelled out in the instructions. What are the job responsibilities of a technical equipment engineer according to the instructions? Let's find out!

A technical equipment engineer is an employee of the production and technical department. Such a department may be in a manufacturing or construction organization.

Accordingly, the functional responsibilities of a technical equipment engineer are related specifically to this department.

The production and technical department develops and coordinates design documentation, makes all necessary cost estimates, monitors the production process or construction and installation work, and participates in concluding contracts with suppliers and contractors. What does this mean?

There is a whole department of specialists who will think through and bring to completion a production or construction project. In addition, the VET analyzes and records the work performed.

Labor functions of a technical and technical equipment engineer in construction organizations

In turn, the technical equipment engineer is the main employee of such a department. He may not be the boss, but he still carries out the most difficult duties of his department.

Depending on the specifics of the enterprise, the labor functions of a technical and technical equipment engineer may include: different character. If we're talking about about a construction organization, the main responsibility of such an engineer is the development and preparation of design and estimate documentation.

For example, construction organization enters into a contract for the renovation of a warehouse as a contractor.

The functional responsibilities of a technical maintenance engineer will be that he must assess the volume of required repair work and understand what needs to be done to ensure that the warehouse is in a suitable condition.

To do this, the specialist draws up an estimate, which describes in detail: what types of work need to be carried out; which ones, in what quantity to use building materials, right down to the last nail; what construction equipment will be used during the work, how many machine hours it will work, how many specialists will be involved in the work; pawn wages personnel who will participate in the repair work without forgetting about profitability.

Of course, the financial department will mostly be involved in the cost of these works, but the technical data on the quantity and quality of work performed will be the responsibility of the technical department engineer.

Other functions of a technical equipment engineer

The functional responsibilities of a technical equipment engineer do not end with the preparation of estimate documentation. Further, during the repair work, the technical maintenance engineer will monitor the strict execution of the contract so that everything is completed within the framework of the agreements and without violations. Among other things, he must monitor employees and take disciplinary action if necessary.

A technical equipment engineer, if he does not have a head of a structural unit, reports directly to the head of the enterprise and, in fact, is the manager of the employees performing construction and installation work.

If during the execution of work a technical maintenance engineer identifies deficiencies, it is his duty to report this to management and propose corrective measures.

Upon completion of the work, the technical equipment engineer will hand over the renovated premises to the customer with a full report on compliance and quality of workmanship.

Functional responsibilities of a technical equipment engineer on the customer's side

The functionality of a technical equipment engineer is the same if the organization in which he works is the customer of construction and installation work. Only now he carries out most of the control functions.

The engineer must check the provided design and estimate documentation of the contractor for compliance with the truth, since the contractor may include unnecessary items to increase the cost of the estimate.

While the work is being carried out, the PTO engineer will monitor its execution, and after completion he will accept the work performed and will have the right to force the customer to make corrections if deficiencies are discovered.

Production process and functionality of a VET engineer

If a specialist works in a manufacturing company, then the functional responsibilities of a technical equipment engineer extend to all equipment involved in the production process.

The VET engineer is responsible for all the information on the operation of the existing equipment. He must ensure that problems with equipment are corrected in a timely manner, must be involved in putting new equipment into operation and decommissioning unusable equipment. Actually, he is responsible for ensuring that all equipment in the enterprise is started up every day and works properly until the end of the shift, for ensuring that everything functions as a single organism.

Moreover, this applies not only to production equipment, but also to the utility networks of the enterprise.

In addition, the labor functions of a technical equipment engineer include knowledge of legislative acts, issued regulations of supervisory authorities, internal orders and standards of the enterprise, as well as compliance with safety regulations for the work performed.

The functions of a technical equipment engineer are extremely complex, so enterprise management is careful when selecting a specialist. After all, he must be able not only to organize work and draw up a project, but also be able to look into the future in order to understand what the current state of technological processes at the enterprise will lead to.

General provisions

The production and technical department (PTO) is independent structural unit PrikamNefteStroyServis LLC (LLC) and reports directly to the Deputy General Director for Production Activities.

A PTO is created, reorganized and liquidated by order of the general director of the LLC.

The head of the VET directly manages the activities of the department.

A person with a higher technical education in a specialty corresponding to the profile of the LLC’s activities, with at least 5 years of experience in electrical installation production in engineering positions, is appointed to the position of head of the technical production department.

Appointment to the position of head of VET LLC, transfer and dismissal are made general director by agreement and petition of the Deputy General Director for Production Activities.

VET in its work is guided by:

LLC Charter;

Regulatory legal documents on construction issues on site Russian Federation;

Orders, instructions of the management of the LLC;

Managerial and teaching materials regulating production planning, operational production management;

By these Regulations.

Main tasks of VET

Organization of construction and reconstruction, preparation of production.

Ensuring timely commissioning of construction projects.

Saving enterprise funds due to effective use capital investments, development of measures to reduce the cost of construction and installation work.

Organization of rhythmic work of sections, divisions and the enterprise as a whole.

Increasing the organizational and technical level of electrical installation production.

Coordination of annual volumes of work with customers, general contractors and subcontractors.

VET structure.

PTO consists of:

Pre-production and design groups,

Estimate and contract group.

Changes in the structure and staff of the VET are developed by the head of the department, based on the conditions and characteristics of the LLC’s activities, in accordance with the feasibility and requirements of the economic situation, agreed with the general director and approved by order.

The distribution of functional responsibilities between VET employees is determined by job descriptions approved by the head of the VET and the general director of the LLC.

Functions of PTO.

A) pre-production and design group.

1.Preparation of production:

Obtaining working documentation; examination project documentation for compliance with the project physical volumes EMR and specifications of materials, completeness of the package of documents. Drawing up comments and suggestions, consideration with customers, drawing up decisions.

Obtaining permits for work, incl. opening warrants, work orders, orders and coordinating work with supervisory, control and other territorial bodies;

Drawing up work schedules based on data provided by line personnel;

Development of work projects;

Development of technological maps;

Drawing up requests for materials and equipment;

Checking superintendents’ requests for materials, registration (extract) of materials and equipment supplied by the customer;

Preparation of orders for the manufacture of products.

Monitoring the status of orders and the quality of their production.

2. Timely delivery to construction sites of working documentation, work projects, work production logs and other specialized journals, as well as the necessary documentation in accordance with regulatory requirements and customer requirements.

3. Carrying out technical supervision of construction:

Verification of compliance with the decisions developed in the work project;

Monitoring the timely delivery of work to the customer and regulatory authorities;

Development of measures to reduce the cost of construction and coordination of changes in design solutions with the customer and design organizations;

Solving current issues related to work that arise during construction.

4. Commissioning of objects:

Preparation of documentation on completed objects for admissions committee;

Control of timely delivery of work to the customer (signing of acts).

5.Working with subcontractors:

Current control of the volume and quality of work performed, for their compliance with the approved design and estimate documentation, working drawings, building codes, standards, safety regulations, requirements rational organization labor;

Monitoring the implementation of the work schedule;

Checking the work plan developed by subcontractors and monitoring compliance decisions taken;

Monitoring compliance with the work schedule and timely delivery of work.

6. Participation in the work of the qualification commission for assigning categories to workers.

7. Reception of material reports, implementation of control measurements.

8. Taking photographs of the working day.

9. Calculating orders for products, preparing cost estimates.

10. Implementation of electrical installation projects for buildings and structures at voltages up to 10 kV, based on agreements with customers.

11. Review, study and implementation of electrical calculations, carrying out the necessary approval for the implementation of the design task according to the information received from the customer for the design. Performs the graphic part of the project and its reproduction, in accordance with the requirements of design documentation.

12. Calculates the cost design work and preparation of payment documentation.

Preparation and delivery of completed design documentation to the customer.

13. Preservation of control copies of completed projects.

B) Estimate and contract group.

1. Preparation and execution of contracts concluded by the LLC with customers, contractors and subcontractors for the performance of construction and installation work. Coordination of estimate documentation when concluding contracts.

2. Receiving design and estimate documentation for the production program from customers, contractors and subcontractors and providing documentation for linear sections.

3. Drawing up local estimates, forms KS-2, KS-3 for construction and installation work at construction sites.

4. Taking part in the compilation of sets of work together with linear sections for the next month.

5. Preparation of contracts, estimates and others necessary documents to participate in tenders.

6. Conducting analysis based on the results of participation in tenders for the period (6 months, 9 months, a year).

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There are many unknowns in a manufacturing or construction environment. to an ordinary person definitions and abbreviations. One of these is VET. What does this mean and what do specialists in this field do? This will be discussed further.

What is PTO?

In a production environment, it is impossible to do without special lifting and transport equipment (this is PTO). Using various devices, transportation, unloading and loading of all necessary materials and elements. Similar mechanisms are used almost everywhere: in factories, in construction, during transportation, etc. There are many classifications of the equipment in question. What is VET and what does it include? It is worth highlighting, perhaps, lifting machines, floor transport, suspended equipment, rail devices and much more. Of course, all of the above equipment must be managed by someone. There is a special profession of VET engineer, which will be discussed further.

Who is a VET engineer?

The question of what PTO is has been answered. Now you need to find out everything about the specialists in this field. What is all the work required in the area in question? VET is a very broad environment, and therefore there can be many specialists here. But the most common profession is an engineer. This employee deals mainly with various technical documentation, estimates, reports, etc. The specialist in question is responsible for all the information about the operation of the equipment, about necessary repairs, about existing malfunctions, etc.

Of course, the number of responsibilities of an employee depends on the level of qualifications and the available rank. However, almost every engineer is required to test equipment, put certain devices into operation, be responsible for workplace safety, etc. An employee is also capable of independently developing various devices. In this case, he must test his own inventions for effectiveness and apply for a special patent.

Professional categories

There are several types of categories and ranks in the profession of VET engineer. It is worth starting with the third, initial category. This level of qualification includes workers with higher technical education, but without the proper professional experience and length of service. A specialist of the third category is assigned the corresponding functions.

The second category is a little more difficult to read. Thus, the employee must have at least 3 years of experience and a mark of advanced training. Depending on the enterprise or organization where the specialist works, corresponding responsibilities will be assigned.

The first category is considered the highest and most prestigious. A specialist with a similar level of qualification must have certain knowledge and skills. Don't forget about the great responsibility. As a rule, the first category includes either the head of the technical department or leading specialists.

Where can I work?

There are many areas where a TVET specialist can work. What exactly does this include? Where can he carry out his labor activity a person who has received an appropriate technical education?
Here's what you can highlight:

  • Construction organizations. Construction is probably the most widespread field today. Today it is not so difficult to get a job in various types of OJSC or LLC; PTO and its mechanisms are available at almost any construction site.
  • Transport organizations. Here we can cite as an example transport ships, the existence of which is simply impossible without lifting devices.
  • Civil industry. Various kinds mining enterprises, ordinary factories, industrial centers and much more - there are many organizations of this kind in the CIS countries.
  • Water supply and sanitation organizations.
  • Hydraulic stations.
  • Heating and ventilation stations and much more.

Thus, a person who wants to work with lifting equipment will find virtually no problems getting a job.

Responsibilities of a technical equipment engineer

It is worth talking about what the workers in question do, what functions and responsibilities they perform.
VET includes many specialists of different classes, but further we will talk specifically about engineers.

Regardless of skill level and categories, the following main functions of workers can be distinguished:

  • monitoring and technical supervision of construction and installation works;
  • checking all available technical elements and devices for compliance with standards;
  • changing design decisions, their coordination with management;
  • carrying out repair work on existing equipment;
  • commissioning of certain devices;
  • keeping a log book;
  • preparation of estimate documentation;
  • detecting problems, reporting to management about shortcomings identified during the work process;
  • compliance with health and safety regulations and much more.

Thus, the question of what VET is and what specialists in this field do is best answered by a list job responsibilities employee.

Rights and responsibilities of a technical equipment engineer

Every officially employed person is entitled to a number of professional rights. The specialists in question are no exception in this case. What rights are given to an engineer, leading specialist or head of a technical department? Here's what we can highlight here:

  • the right to give subordinates orders and tasks;
  • the right to control the implementation of orders and tasks;
  • the ability to request from management all documents necessary for work;
  • the right to submit various kinds of ideas, plans or proposals for improving the organization’s activities to management for consideration;
  • right to social guarantees and timely payments;
  • the right to demand from management the conditions necessary for comfortable and optimal performance of activities.

What is the employee responsible for? This includes failure to fulfill one’s official duties or performing them incorrectly, violations of routine rules, being intoxicated at the workplace and other disciplinary offenses.