Why I dreamed about kindergarten: features of interpretation from dream books. Why do you dream about kindergarten - interpretations of famous dream books

Dreams are one of the familiar and at the same time mysterious manifestations of the human subconscious. The ability to dream is given to everyone, however fast pace Over time, life and stress can deprive you of the ability to remember what you see in a dream. However, learning to remember dreams again and thus receive clues from the subconscious is not at all difficult.

Lucid Dreaming: A Simple Path to Your Subconscious

Answers to any questions, the realization of even the most unrealistic dreams, self-knowledge and the development of one’s personality are only a small part of the opportunities that the world of lucid dreaming can provide. The ability to control your dreams is available to everyone, you just have to want it and find a path connecting the conscious mind with the subconscious.

Signs and beliefs associated with dreams

Do you want to always get enough sleep and have good dreams? Meet folk wisdom relating to dreams and passed down from generation to generation.

Why do you dream about Kindergarten?

Kindergarten in a modern dream book

Seeing in a dream kindergarten, in which there are a lot of small children - a sign that a period will come in your life, rich in various events, and fate will present you with several not the most pleasant surprises. Soon you will have no time to be bored, since the accumulated problems and current circumstances will require immediate solutions and full dedication of your own strength. If you dreamed of an empty kindergarten building, then in the next few months or years your life will be calm and prosperous. You will not have a shortage of money, relationships with loved ones will develop steadily, but a longing for bright events and adventures will settle in your soul. Such a dream also warns that no matter how much you want thrills in the near future, you should not get involved in the first adventure that comes along, as the outcome of events can be disastrous. For people who don't have children preschool age, a dream about a kindergarten is in most cases considered a bad omen. Such a dream foreshadows a difficult, unpleasant situation in life, conflicts in the service and a feeling of helplessness and despair. Of particular importance is the dream you had on Monday in which you see the empty building of your kindergarten - this is a warning that an unpleasant event may soon happen to your children or little relatives.

Kindergarten in Vanga's dream book

A dream in which you see a kindergarten filled with fidgets running and playing promises you a lot of small problems and everyday troubles. By themselves, these troubles will not significantly affect the course of your affairs, but you will spend a lot of mental energy on eliminating them. If in a dream you see that you are playing with children in kindergarten, it means that in reality you are intensely looking for something you like. After some time, your search will be crowned with success, but for a few more months you will have to do boring and unloved work. Seeing yourself as one of the children in kindergarten is a dream warning that your rash actions and whims not only spoil your reputation, but can also cause a serious quarrel with a person whose opinion is very important to you

What image appears in your mind's eye when you remember kindergarten? Most often - a noisy, polyphonic childish hive.

People who visited this establishment as children had varied impressions. Often they gradually form unexpected plots in dreams.

Lots and lots of pets

Why do you dream of a kindergarten with children? Kindergarten naturally associated with many children. If there are many of them in a dream, this portends a streak of surprises By the way, they may not always be pleasant.

A more “gentle” interpretation speaks of the onset of a playful mood, when an adult wants to play a little prank.

Miller's dream book promises the dreamer a peaceful course of life, if all this mass of children is busy with quiet things- modeling, drawing, appliqué, quiet games.

There is an opinion that a dream with kindergarteners tells the dreamer that he needs a break from his usual worries, and sometimes empty fuss.

Therefore, it is worth taking a time out, sorting out your daily affairs and determining how urgent the solution to each of them is.

Your child has long grown out of preschool age, and he just dreamed of a kindergarten with children. Why would this be? Most likely, such a dream warns that, with all your life experience and knowledge, you may find yourself completely helpless in the current situation.

If a woman often dreams of a kindergarten with children there, this may be a sign that she will soon become pregnant.

Extremely busy people often see a full kindergarten of children in their dreams. And the more kids run around there, the more tasks, assignments and troubles await the dreamer in real life.

If the dream “sent” you to nursery group, then such a plot can be regarded as a desire to have a child.

Seeing the kindergarten empty

According to the dream book, seeing an empty kindergarten is a good sign. Such a dream warns that the dreamer’s life will become calm and balanced, at least without stress.

Another interpreter suggests that this is a sign of a lack of bright emotions, “adrenaline deficiency,” and advises doing something extreme view sports

However, in search of thrills, you shouldn’t get too carried away, much less get involved in some adventures that can lead to unpredictable consequences.

In kindergarten and beyond

Autumn and Spring dream books as if they complement each other's interpretations. The first believes that the plot in which the dreamer takes his baby to the garden, but he resists and does not want to go, indicates that the parent is not paying enough attention to his child. And the second dream book speaks unequivocally: a person does not cope with parental responsibilities in the best way.

It is interesting that the reverse process - picking up from kindergarten - is absolutely not connected with educational issues and parental concerns.

Such a dream sets the sleeper up for professional actions: to improve financial situation he should improve his skills and generally grow above yourself, constantly learn something new, i.e. Do not stand still under any circumstances.

Dreaming of a teacher?

The image of a kindergarten teacher suggests that the dreamer should prepare for someone’s teachings.

Another version of the “educational” dream warns that the one who sees such a plot you shouldn’t count on someone to “cover up” his mistakes: You did it yourself - you can sort it out yourself.

I dream that a group of kids are playing with a teacher. According to the interpreter, the image indicates that the dreamer is able to cope with emotions and the current situation is under control.

The autumn dream book is more realistic: the dream of a kindergarten teacher symbolizes nothing more or less than the pranks of children in reality.

Sleepy fantasies can easily “identify” the dreamer himself as the educator. Why do you dream of working in a kindergarten? A person who sees himself in the role of a teacher in reality sees himself as an accomplished person, ready to make others happy with knowledge and skills.

A smaller interpretation suggests that the dreamer will soon have to “educate” an adult who is distinguished by ignorance and lack of knowledge of the rules of decency.

Head of kindergarten

The head of a kindergarten, like the head in general in a dream, is a symbol of changes in his personal life. It is possible that soon a person will appear on the dreamer’s horizon who will bring new meaning into his existence.

The presence of a woman manager in a dream is a symbol of the fact that someone will begin to show her increased attention. And the man is waiting for a meeting with the girl of his dreams, who can become a real mistress in his house.

As you can see, dream books do not associate “kindergarten” dreams with any obvious negativity. Some changes in life are possible, filled with various events, perhaps not obviously joyful, but more troublesome. And your actions will determine how you overcome all difficulties and obstacles without complicating the situation.

Kindergarten in a dream and in life is a reminder of one’s youth, first friendship, parents and educators. Correct interpretation a dream about a kindergarten depends on whether the garden was empty or full of children, whether the dreamer returned to the past or found himself in the garden as an adult. Such dreams foreshadow new acquaintances, loneliness or a change of job. On a subconscious level, returning to kindergarten means a desire to get away from “adult” problems.

Key interpretations

For an adult, going to kindergarten in a dream is the dreamer’s subconscious desire to become a child again in order to be away from everyday problems.

Seeing your youth and spending time in the garden in a dream means good news from your home. Long-time acquaintances may show up with a desire to communicate. It is possible to meet old friends.

Seeing the kindergarten where the dreamer spent time in reality is a sign of good changes in communication. In the near future, many pleasant and interesting acquaintances will appear.

Abandoned kindergarten

If you dream of a kindergarten, this means light and joy, but if the garden is deserted, then such a dream has the following interpretations for a woman/girl:

  1. 1. Disappointment in life due to lack of self-realization as a mother.
  2. 2. Collapse of hopes and longing for former serenity.
  3. 3. Destruction of former harmony and the emergence of difficulties.
  4. 4. Problems with the child, often of a domestic nature. The child may get injured or fail academically.

The dream book believes that an abandoned kindergarten symbolizes the dreamer’s fear of being left without support.

If in a dream it was not scary to be alone in such an institution, then the subconscious gives a sign that you need to speak out. Indeed, deep down the dreamer is very confused, as if small child.

An empty kindergarten for children is usually a symbol of loneliness and the absence of a true friend in life on whom one could rely.


Crying on the playground is a sign of deep mental loneliness. Soon there will be no strength left to defend your point of view.

Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books


A burning kindergarten for children - collapse of hopes and destruction inner harmony, destruction of strong relationships. The building is on fire - your endeavors will be full of difficulties. You will have to abandon your ideas.

Watching a fire, rather than being in an institution on fire, means that the dreamer will witness an unpleasant conflict.

Kindergarten teacher

Dream books interpret differently a dream in which a teacher is in a children's institution:

  1. 1. A kindergarten with a teacher means support and support. Soon likely to appear on the way wise mentor.
  2. 2. Children who are without a teacher portend fun, carefree moments to come.
  3. 3. In a dream, the teacher raises his hand or shouts - a sign that inside the dreamer you are afraid of your superiors. He is about to change jobs.
  4. 4. Being a teacher means that in real life you need to take the reins of power in your hands, since the people around you are not able to bear responsibility for their own actions.

If your dream about kindergarten left a bad aftertaste, you need to wash your face in the morning cold water and retell the plot. Water will wash away all negativity.

The article on the topic: “dream book kindergarten picking up a child” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Dream interpretation kindergarten

For some, visiting kindergarten is etched in their memory with vivid memories of carefree days and constant games with friends. The rest, on the contrary, did not like to attend an institution for preschoolers and tried to spend more time under parental care.

Thanks to the peculiarities of the perception of images, the interpreter will provide each dreamer with several meanings to choose from regarding what kindergarten is dreaming about.

Family dream book insists: being in a kindergarten in a dream is a sign that the sleeping person is tired of fulfilling an obligation, longs to relax, mind his own business, and have fun with friends.

Another interpretation, where it was seen that the dreamer was a child in kindergarten, is provided by the interpreter of the sorceress Medea.

In reality you are being manipulated if you managed to realize yourself as a child among your peers in your dreams.

Kids in kindergarten

I dreamed about a lot of children

People who have a huge number of things to do often dream of many children.

The more kids run around in the story, the faster the number of hassles, troubles, and assignments from management will increase.

An empty building is by no means a bad symbol, as it may at first seem to a sleeping person. The absence of children's cries in a dream is a sign of a calm and measured life.


The dreamed preschool institution will tell about the dreamer’s inner world.

  • As the dream book assures, kindergarten personifies such character traits as infantility, sincerity, and naivety.
  • A dream about a familiar kindergarten is an attempt by the subconscious to restore internal harmony.
  • Brightly painted walls dream of creative people, and several beds standing nearby will tell you that friends will not refuse help.

If you dreamed that you sent your baby to kindergarten, then in reality there will be less household troubles, women will pay attention to their own image.

Quiet life

Dreaming about children sleeping in cribs

Everything will go smoothly - the dream book insists when children dream of sleeping in their cribs.

  • Peace will reign at home after visions of children playing calmly.
  • A manger in a dream symbolizes the desire to have children.
  • A lot of kids playing with the teacher is a sign indicating that the person is coping with emotions and is in control of the current situation.

A surge of joyful emotions should be expected by a person whose dreams are filled with images of kids on a walk in kindergarten.

Possible difficulties

A dream of a lonely child with whom the group does not want to play will tell you that in reality the dreamer feels emptiness.

I dreamed of a sad child

If you see a kindergarten student, a mentor will appear who will hurt your ego.

Correcting one’s own omissions will take a long time and, perhaps, to no avail, for those who tried to escape from the kindergarten in their dreams.

The accumulated discontent will soon spill out if you dream of sad, saddened children.

Children's creativity

What the baby did in his dreams will help create a true omen of future events.

  • You might dream about a frisky child active person who strives for success despite obstacles.
  • Success will accompany any endeavor when children play with dolls in their dreams.
  • Difficulties are guaranteed after dreams of crying children.
  • Drawings, modeling and others creative processes, performed by the pupils according to the plot - these are creative possibilities that the dreamer hides from the environment.
  • The one in whose dreams the guys ate with gusto will be able to complete the task perfectly.

Beware of enemy traps if the kids played pranks and did not listen to the teacher.

Short interpretations

Playing with children in your own image in a dream is a symbol inner peace, sober thinking.

Are you dreaming of a website with an invitation to study in kindergarten? It will be difficult to get out of a trap prepared for someone else.

Watching a baby cry in front of the kindergarten doors - a clear sign future struggle for a place in the sun.

A fruitful period will begin if you see students who are passionate about useful activities.

Why I dreamed about kindergarten: features of interpretation from dream books

This institution is familiar to almost everyone - some personally visited it in childhood, some now take their children to kindergarten, and some stand in a long line in the hope of taking a vacant seat. Kindergarten has become a part of our lives, and therefore it is not surprising that it haunts many parents day and night. But we dream about kindergarten not because we deliver our children there every morning; the reasons often lie within ourselves, in our experiences, dreams and lifestyle.

Kindergarten in dreams and in reality

Most common cause Dream books call this kind of dream the imminent birth of a child. But we dream of different kindergartens - ours, others’, new, destroyed, with kind teachers and cheerful children or strict guards and little prisoners of circumstances.

If you see yourself as a child playing in kindergarten, it means you have not yet realized yourself as a self-sufficient adult. You are still being manipulated by your family, colleagues and even casual acquaintances. You are still bothered by problems from childhood, for example, indecision, uncertainty, overprotectiveness of your beloved mother. The latter is relevant, as a rule, for men.

We saw a kindergarten teacher in a dream. Expect well-deserved condemnation from your family or a reprimand from your boss. Don’t count on forgiveness or help; you will have to correct your mistakes yourself.

Felomena's dream book interprets this dream differently. You will have problems with children, whether your own or someone else's. The conflict of generations will manifest itself in full.

An empty kindergarten, as a rule, is dreamed of by calm, even melancholic people. You may not consider yourself in this category, but in the near future you will have to, for some reason, part with your emotions and lead a very calm lifestyle that is unusual for you. The reasons may be different - malaise or an attempt to hide from someone and evade responsibility.

A crowded kindergarten in a dream promises many surprises in reality. Just keep in mind that not all surprises will be pleasant. After such a dream, a woman can count on a long-awaited pregnancy. Often large groups Children are dreamed of by people trying to cope with a dozen things at once. They say that Caesar could do this, but you should shift some of your responsibilities onto some other people's shoulders.

“Vova, Klava, Mishenka - these are not cherries for you!”

Children's behavior is an important component of your sleep. Try to remember what the children were doing and how they behaved.

Children playing calmly are a guarantee of a quiet life without stress and surprises. The same can be said if kindergarteners help adults. But if the kids are naughty, don’t expect a quiet life. Minor troubles at work and unexpected obstacles in everyday affairs will make you forget about carelessness for a long time.

But it's worse if you dreamed crying child. In this case, you will not get away with minor troubles. We'll have to decide serious problems to keep a business afloat or maintain material wealth.

The dream of a lonely child with whom children do not play is you yourself in life. Even if there are people swirling around you, there is no one among whom you would want to completely open up.

You dreamed of a baby eating. The better his appetite, the better your business will be. Well, if a whole group of kindergarteners rattles spoons together, life has come white stripe. Make deals, make big purchases, make new friends. Any undertaking you undertake during this period will be fruitful.

This is not your home!

I dreamed of a holiday in kindergarten. If you take part in a holiday concert, expect pleasant surprises, but if you take part in a holiday feast with your kindergarteners, force majeure will definitely happen at work, and you risk losing your job.

You dreamed that you drank a glass of cocoa in kindergarten - the dream book warns that someone from your inner circle is abusing your trust. But if instead of cocoa there is milk, the desired business trips and successful deals are ahead.

Things are scattered around the kindergarten. This is very good sleep. You will have some kind of grand idea that will bring huge profits. The main thing is not to discard it as unnecessary, since at first glance it is a pure gamble.

Brightly decorated walls of a kindergarten are seen in a dream creative personalities. And if you haven’t written a single book or painting yet, perhaps you are ruining your talent. Try to create something. It is possible that something masterpiece will turn out.

Children's cots standing close together are friends rushing to the rescue. No matter what happens in the near future, you will not be left with the problem alone.

You work in a kindergarten. Felomena's dream book predicts see you soon with an antisocial personality. Be reasonable and try to avoid conflict.

If you take your child to kindergarten in a dream, it means you are not fully coping with parental responsibilities. Subconsciously, at least in a dream, you want to shift the care of the baby to other people. The dream book is confident that by sending a child to kindergarten in a dream, a woman in reality will have the opportunity to pay more attention to herself. It’s not very clear, however, why your baby may have simply grown up.

Often a dream about a kindergarten symbolizes your attempt to escape from reality. What for some reason is impossible in reality can be easily solved in a dream.

Many of the interpretations directly indicate fatigue and a desire to escape from everyday life. The family dream book insists that it’s time for you to go on vacation. You are sucked in by gray everyday life, and in order not to lose faith in a bright future, listen to this advice. Good luck, and always be cheerful and active!

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Dream Interpretation

Picking up a child from kindergarten

Dream Interpretation Picking up a child from kindergarten dreamed of why you dream about picking up a child from kindergarten? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Picking up a child from kindergarten by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Why did you dream about kindergarten?

at the Women's Club!

Have you ever dreamed that you were transported back in time and saw yourself as a child surrounded by other children? Or maybe you took your baby to kindergarten?

Why do you dream of a kindergarten, and what subtleties of interpretation does the presence of additional details in the dream in the form of toys and children's clothing suggest?

Miracles are nearby

The general meaning of the image of a kindergarten in a dream is that you are latently worried about some unresolved issue regarding relationships with loved ones. You may feel that you are underestimated, but this is just suspiciousness.

What else will the dream tell you:

  • If you see yourself inside a building, then the dream book recommends thinking about rest. You have clearly overworked yourself at school or work, this state oppresses you, and subconsciously you dream of returning to the carefree state of childhood.
  • A dream about a kindergarten also signals that you should radically change your attitude towards the difficulties that stand in your way: do not take this situation too seriously, the insurmountability of obstacles is only apparent.
  • Did you dream of a kindergarten where you are a child? Perhaps some close relative or a friend has too much influence on you.
  • A dream in which you play happily with kids in kindergarten hints that you should stop and look around in search of small everyday miracles.
  • For a childless woman, seeing a kindergarten in a dream means the likelihood of an early pregnancy.

To clarify the interpretation, the dream book suggests taking into account what month you dreamed about kindergarten:

  • IN winter time dream about kindergarten means that soon you will be in frivolous society.
  • In spring, such a dream hints at your mischievous mood.
  • Dreaming of a kindergarten from June to August may mean that an acquaintance from the distant past will soon appear in your life.
  • Why do you dream about a garden in the fall? To the fact that you need to pay more attention to your own children or godchildren.

When interpreting a dream about a kindergarten, the dream book attaches great importance to the additional elements seen.

For example, why dream of a garden with children playing with bright and varied toys? Several options are possible. On the one hand, such a dream can warn that your expressive behavior offends loved ones. Another meaning is that soon several pleasant events will happen in your life.

Seeing old toys scattered in a kindergarten group in a dream means that you need to listen to the child living inside you. Similar dream signals that the routine of everyday life is depressing you. A possible way out is to commit a rash act that will bring a sense of celebration into drab everyday life.

Why dream of a garden with children's things scattered throughout the premises? In this case, the dream book predicts that in the foreseeable future you will have some financially profitable idea, which will also help to reveal the most unusual sides of your personality.

In your dream, did you carry small things in your hands around the kindergarten? This dream suggests that your plans will not immediately, but will still find a response from others.

And the most main advice

  • Why do you dream about kindergarten?

    A dream about a kindergarten may foretell the birth of a baby in the dreamer’s family. It is possible that very soon a person will learn about the good news and such a long-awaited future replenishment. This news will be the miracle and fulfillment of desire that the dreamer has dreamed of for so long.

    What if you dream about kindergarten?

    A dream about a kindergarten is a hint that the dreamer urgently needs to rest and temporarily isolate himself from everyday affairs and worries. After such a dream, you should look around and take a closer look at your life, understand that everything is not as bad and difficult as it seems. What a kindergarten means in a dream suggests that a person does not notice much in his life. good times that are happening. And he constantly complains and laments that life hasn’t worked out. You just have to stop for a minute and look around - life is beautiful and you need to appreciate every day.

    It is very important to understand and make sense of this dream, since perhaps it indicates that the dreamer is being manipulated like a small child. By the way, this can be done by the closest and dear person. It is best to correctly not give in to these actions and avoid conflicts in any way.

    A dream about a kindergarten can be a symbol of human character traits. It denotes playfulness, good nature and simply childish spontaneity in the one who has such a dream. This dream hints that an adult can admire even some small joys in life, like a small child. But on the other hand, this dream can be regarded as a reflection of frivolity and frivolity this person to some important life issues. Therefore, the dreamer should first of all understand himself and understand whether he is doing the right thing in a particular situation.

    What does it portend?

    In addition, a manger or garden in a dream can be a sign of a person’s helplessness, his dependence on some people or their opinions. You should work on yourself, perhaps even consult a psychologist to improve your inner world. There is such a version that if you dream this dream, then the person to this day is at the mercy of his childhood problems and experiences. And here you need to understand and feel your “adulthood,” as well as wake up and begin to be present in your real life. This dream may indicate the dreamer's childishness, which he does not recognize in himself.

    A woman who very often dreams of a kindergarten and many children in it is most likely that she will be pregnant. Therefore, so that pregnancy does not become an unexpected surprise, you need to urgently think about the issue of protection from such surprises.

    And finally, it can be noted that a dream about a kindergarten can symbolize a person’s escape from reality and the problems that exist in it. That is, unconsciously to himself, he tries to isolate himself from the questions that torment him in life.

    Add to calendar

    Kindergarten according to the dream book

    A kindergarten in a dream reminds us of a time of reckless childhood, freedom from obligations, but also that our parents and other adults often raised us and taught us. Understand why such a vision is dreamed of, whether it foreshadows successful business or warns about difficult situation, the dream book will help.

    Difficulties Ahead

    Seeing yourself as a child in kindergarten in a dream is a warning. The dream book states: someone close to you is trying to manipulate you. The dream where you are there as a child, playing with peers, has a twofold interpretation. Either you are constantly trying to keep yourself within some limits, and your inner “I” wants to rest, or you are not developing spiritually at all.

    A dream about a kindergarten teacher foretells that someone will teach the dreamer. Also, a dream about a teacher warns a person: there is no point in expecting that his mistakes will be made up for by his loved ones, he must correct the situation himself.

    A calm period and good mood awaits you

    Why do you dream about an empty kindergarten? According to the dream book, a stable, balanced life without stress awaits you. Also, seeing an empty kindergarten in a dream means: with a prosperous life, the dreamer will feel a lack of emotions and desire a surge of adrenaline. You can tickle your nerves with mountain climbing or scuba diving.

    Did you dream of a kindergarten with a lot of children? In reality there will be a series of surprises, and not always pleasant ones. In addition, a kindergarten in a dream foreshadows a playful mood, a desire to play a little prank.

    Miller's dream book promises prosperity

    Why do you dream of a kindergarten with children? If they calmly play or sculpt, draw, or make appliqués, this is a good sign. The vision foretells a peaceful life for the sleeper.

    Give yourself a break

    Sometimes a kindergarten with children in a dream can be interpreted as a hint: the dreamer needs a break from empty worries and constant fuss. You need to stop and really evaluate the importance of everyday difficulties, as well as the urgency of solving them.

    Had a dream preschool with children, although your child has grown beyond this age? The dream book warns: a situation will occur where you will find yourself helpless, even despite your life experience and knowledge.

    What were the guys doing?

    Children’s activities are important for the interpretation of sleep:

    Play - success in business, personal affairs;

    Crying - difficulties at work are possible;

    They play pranks - things will not move as smoothly as you would like due to misunderstandings, little things that you missed;

    They eat with appetite - the work assigned to you will go well;

    If you are busy doing something useful (picking berries, helping your parents), a calm, fruitful period lies ahead.

    Other meanings

    See children's party in a group that you are present in a dream promises pleasant surprises very soon. Such a holiday, according to the dream book, indicates unexpected meetings with pleasant people. At the same time, eating and drinking on it, even if only lemonade, is not too good sign. There will be some difficulties.

    Why dream of being in a kindergarten and drinking cocoa there? The dream book indicates: you trust a person who does not deserve it. Take a closer look at your immediate surroundings to see who you can rely on.

    Did you dream of drinking milk in kindergarten? The dream promises prosperity, successful trips, benefit, business success.

    Dream interpretation kindergarten picking up a child

  • This institution is familiar to almost everyone - some personally visited it in childhood, some now take their children to kindergarten, and some stand in a long line in the hope of taking a vacant seat. Kindergarten has become a part of our lives, and therefore it is not surprising that it haunts many parents day and night. But we dream about kindergarten not because we deliver our children there every morning; the reasons often lie within ourselves, in our experiences, dreams and lifestyle.

    Kindergarten in dreams and in reality

    The most common reason for such a dream is the imminent birth of a child. But we dream of different kindergartens - ours, others’, new, destroyed, with kind teachers and cheerful children or strict guards and little prisoners of circumstances.

    If you see yourself as a child playing in kindergarten, it means you have not yet realized yourself as a self-sufficient adult. You are still being manipulated by your family, colleagues and even casual acquaintances. You are still bothered by problems from childhood, for example, indecision, uncertainty, overprotectiveness of your beloved mother. The latter is relevant, as a rule, for men.

    We saw a kindergarten teacher in a dream. Expect well-deserved condemnation from your family or a reprimand from your boss. Don’t count on forgiveness or help; you will have to correct your mistakes yourself.

    Felomena's dream book interprets this dream differently. You will have problems with children, whether your own or someone else's. The conflict of generations will manifest itself in full.

    An empty kindergarten, as a rule, is dreamed of by calm, even melancholic people. You may not consider yourself in this category, but in the near future you will have to, for some reason, part with your emotions and lead a very calm lifestyle that is unusual for you. The reasons may be different - malaise or an attempt to hide from someone and evade responsibility.

    A crowded kindergarten in a dream promises many surprises in reality. Just keep in mind that not all surprises will be pleasant. After such a dream, a woman can count on a long-awaited pregnancy. People often dream of large groups of children trying to cope with a dozen things at once. They say that Caesar could do this, but you should shift some of your responsibilities onto some other people's shoulders.

    “Vova, Klava, Mishenka - these are not cherries for you!”

    Children's behavior is an important component of your sleep. Try to remember what the children were doing and how they behaved.

    Children playing calmly are a guarantee of a quiet life without stress and surprises. The same can be said if kindergarteners help adults. But if the kids are naughty, don’t expect a quiet life. Minor troubles at work and unexpected obstacles in everyday affairs will make you forget about carelessness for a long time.

    But it’s worse if you dreamed of a crying child. In this case, you will not get away with minor troubles. Serious problems will have to be solved in order to keep the business afloat or maintain material wealth.

    The dream of a lonely child with whom children do not play is you yourself in life. Even if there are people swirling around you, there is no one among whom you would want to completely open up.

    You dreamed of a baby eating. The better his appetite, the better your business will be. Well, if a whole group of kindergarteners rattles their spoons together, a white streak has come in life. Make deals, make big purchases, make new friends. Any undertaking you undertake during this period will be fruitful.

    This is not your home!

    I dreamed of a holiday in kindergarten. If you take part in a holiday concert, expect pleasant surprises, but if you take part in a holiday feast with your kindergarteners, force majeure will definitely happen at work, and you risk losing your job.

    You dreamed that you drank a glass of cocoa in kindergarten - the dream book warns that someone from your inner circle is abusing your trust. But if instead of cocoa there is milk, the desired business trips and successful deals are ahead.

    Things are scattered around the kindergarten. This is a very good dream. You will have some kind of grand idea that will bring huge profits. The main thing is not to discard it as unnecessary, since at first glance it is a pure gamble.

    Brightly decorated walls of a kindergarten are seen in dreams by creative individuals. And if you haven’t written a single book or painting yet, perhaps you are ruining your talent. Try to create something. It is possible that something masterpiece will turn out.

    Children's cots standing close together are friends rushing to the rescue. No matter what happens in the near future, you will not be left with the problem alone.

    You work in a kindergarten. Felomena's dream book predicts an early meeting with an antisocial person. Be reasonable and try to avoid conflict.

    If you take your child to kindergarten in a dream, it means you are not fully coping with parental responsibilities. Subconsciously, at least in a dream, you want to shift the care of the baby to other people. The dream book is confident that by sending a child to kindergarten in a dream, a woman in reality will have the opportunity to pay more attention to herself. It’s not very clear, however, why your baby may have simply grown up.

    Often a dream about a kindergarten symbolizes your attempt to escape from reality. What for some reason is impossible in reality can be easily solved in a dream.

    Many of the interpretations directly indicate fatigue and a desire to escape from everyday life. The family dream book insists that it’s time for you to go on vacation. You are sucked in by gray everyday life, and in order not to lose faith in a bright future, listen to this advice. Good luck, and always be cheerful and active!