Responsibility for posting other people's photos on social networks. Filming without consent: what is considered illegal filming

This article details the use of photography without consent, and everything you need to know about it. Nowadays, everyone has the opportunity to have their photo taken. Personal photos of people flooded the Internet. Nowadays almost any person can be found in social networks and view its image. Many people, especially scammers, have the opportunity to use a person’s personal photo for their personal interests. But is such an act a crime and will it be subject to any punishment? This question cannot be answered unequivocally, because some images are private property, life, others have copyrights.

Legislative regulation

Personal image of a citizen Russian Federation will be subject to constant protection by the state. Their use is prohibited by Article 152.2 of the Civil Code. In accordance with it, the use of someone else's image, including photos, is prohibited with the exception of certain cases. These include:

  1. If the photo is used government agencies in the public interest;
  2. If the photo was taken in a public place during, for example, a holiday, only if the person is not singled out for general photo;
  3. If the image of a person was made for a certain fee, and the citizen was aware of his actions.

All used images, according to a court decision, must be destroyed without providing compensation to the publisher. If these photos were used on the Internet, they must be deleted immediately.

In addition, the image may have exclusive rights. In this case, the offense of publishing an image falls under Articles 1229, 1223 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. According to them, several people can be the owners of a photo. The photo must meet the requirements established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Only copyright holders can dispose of them. They have the right to provide the results of their activities for use for a certain period of time for a fee or free of charge.

In addition, the owner of the photo may have corresponding copyrights, which are regulated by the Civil Code, Article 1259. In accordance with it, a list of objects for which copyrights can be held is determined. For their violation, real punishment is provided in accordance with Article 146 of the Criminal Code.

In accordance with Article 1274 of the Civil Code, the creation of a caricature or parody of an image is not a violation of copyright, a violation of the rules for using photos, or a violation of exclusive rights.

Criminal prosecution for using someone else's photo

The use of someone else's photo is subject to criminal prosecution in accordance with Article 137. For such a crime, the offender will suffer the following punishments:

  • Penalty in the form of a fine or imprisonment wages- 200 thousand rubles, one and a half years, respectively;
  • Compulsory, corrective, forced labor - 360 hours, 1, 2 years + (Deprivation of the right to hold a position for 3 years);
  • Arrest, imprisonment - 4 months, 2 years + (Deprivation of the right to hold office for 3 years).

If the distribution and use of the photo was committed by an official, then the following punishment may be imposed on him:

  • Fine, deprivation of wages - 300 thousand rubles, 2 years respectively + (Deprivation of the right to hold a position for 5 years);
  • Forced labor - 4 years + (deprivation of position for 5 years);
  • Imprisonment, arrest - 4 years, six months respectively + (deprivation of office for 5 years).

If the photo is distributed publicly or in the media, in relation to a minor, the offender will suffer a more severe punishment.

  1. Fine, deprivation of wages - 350 thousand rubles, one and a half years, respectively;
  2. Deprivation of the right to hold office for five years;
  3. Forced labor - 5 years + (Deprivation of the right to office for six years);
  4. Imprisonment, arrest - 5 years, six months + (Deprivation of the right to hold office for 6 years).

The penalties indicated in brackets are imposed in addition to the main punishment indicated without brackets and are assigned by court decision.

In addition, using someone else's photo may violate copyright. For such a crime it is also provided criminal liability under Article 146. In accordance with it, an attacker who published or used someone else’s photo, thereby violating copyright, will be punished:

  • Fine, deprivation of wages - 200 thousand rubles, one and a half years;
  • Mandatory, executive, forced labor - 480 hours and 2 years, respectively;
  • Imprisonment - 2 years.

If a person took credit for a photo, saying that he took it, then the court can punish him as follows:

  1. Fine, deprivation of wages - 200 thousand rubles, one and a half years, respectively;
  2. Compulsory, corrective labor - 480 hours, 1 year, respectively;
  3. Arrest for six months.

In this article you learned about the use of photographs without consent. If you have any questions or problems that require the participation of lawyers, then you can seek help from the specialists of the Sherlock information and legal portal. Just leave it on our website.

Editor: Igor Reshetov

Good afternoon
And so, there is a Federal Law “On the Protection of Personal Data”.
In accordance with Article 7 of the Law, Operators and other persons who have access to personal data are obliged not to disclose to third parties or distribute personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data, unless otherwise provided by federal law.
Thus, according to Article 9 of the Law, the subject of personal data decides to provide his personal data and consents to their processing freely, of his own free will and in his own interest. Consent to the processing of personal data must be specific, informed and conscious. Consent to the processing of personal data can be given by the subject of personal data or his representative in any form that allows confirmation of the fact of its receipt, unless otherwise provided by federal law. If consent to the processing of personal data is received from a representative of the subject of personal data, the powers of this representative to give consent on behalf of the subject of personal data are verified by the operator.
It is clear that you did not give any consent.
According to Article 21 of the Law, in case of detection of unlawful processing of personal data upon application of the subject of personal data or his representative or at the request of the subject of personal data or his representative or the authorized body for the protection of the rights of personal data subjects, the operator is obliged to block unlawfully processed personal data related to this the subject of personal data, or ensure their blocking (if the processing of personal data is carried out by another person acting on behalf of the operator) from the moment of such application or receipt of the specified request for the period of verification. If inaccurate personal data is identified when contacting the subject of personal data or his representative or at their request or at the request of the authorized body for the protection of the rights of subjects of personal data, the operator is obliged to block personal data relating to this subject of personal data or ensure their blocking (if processing personal data is carried out by another person acting on behalf of the operator) from the moment of such application or receipt of the specified request for the period of verification, if blocking of personal data does not violate the rights and legitimate interests of the subject of personal data or third parties.

Accordingly, I recommend contacting that resource, if you know it, so that the information on it regarding you is deleted.
The second step that needs to be taken is to contact the police with a statement to initiate a criminal case against the husband under Art. 128.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - Slander, that is, the dissemination of knowingly false information discrediting the honor and dignity of another person or undermining his reputation, is punishable by a fine in the amount of up to five hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months, or by compulsory labor. for up to one hundred and sixty hours.
The third step you need to take is to go to court with statement of claim about the protection of honor and dignity and, accordingly, about compensation for moral damage, due to the fact that you suffered serious moral suffering due to the actions that your husband committed.
So in the civil code according to on this occasion says v.152
So, according to this article:
1. A citizen has the right to demand in court a refutation of information discrediting his honor, dignity or business reputation, unless the person who disseminated such information proves that it is true. The refutation must be made in the same way in which information about the citizen was disseminated, or in another similar way. At the request of interested parties, it is possible to protect the honor, dignity and business reputation of a citizen even after his death. 2. Information discrediting the honor, dignity or business reputation of a citizen and disseminated in the media mass media , must be refuted in the same media. A citizen in respect of whom the specified information has been disseminated in the media has the right to demand, along with a refutation, that his response also be published in the same media. 3. If information discrediting the honor, dignity or business reputation of a citizen is contained in a document emanating from an organization, such a document is subject to replacement or revocation. 4. In cases where information discrediting the honor, dignity or business reputation of a citizen has become widely known and, in connection with this, a refutation cannot be brought to public knowledge, the citizen has the right to demand the removal of the relevant information, as well as the suppression or prohibition of further dissemination of this information by seizure and destruction, without any compensation, of copies of material media containing the specified information made for the purpose of introducing into civil circulation, if without destroying such copies of material media, deleting the relevant information is impossible. 5. If information discrediting the honor, dignity or business reputation of a citizen turns out to be available on the Internet after its distribution, the citizen has the right to demand the removal of the relevant information, as well as a refutation of this information in a way that ensures that the refutation is communicated to Internet users. 6. The procedure for refuting information discrediting the honor, dignity or business reputation of a citizen, in cases other than those specified in paragraphs 2 - 5 of this article, is established by the court. 7. The application of penalties to the violator for failure to comply with a court decision does not relieve him of the obligation to perform the action prescribed by the court decision. 8. If it is impossible to identify the person who disseminated information discrediting the honor, dignity or business reputation of a citizen, the citizen in respect of whom such information was disseminated has the right to apply to the court to declare the disseminated information untrue. 9. A citizen in respect of whom information discrediting his honor, dignity or business reputation has been disseminated, along with a refutation of such information or the publication of his response, has the right to demand compensation for losses and compensation for moral damage caused by the dissemination of such information. 10. The rules of paragraphs 1 - 9 of this article, with the exception of the provisions on compensation for moral damage, can also be applied by the court to cases of dissemination of any untrue information about a citizen, if such a citizen proves that the specified information does not correspond to reality. Term limitation period for requirements imposed in connection with the dissemination of said information in the media, it is one year from the date of publication of such information in the relevant media. 11. The rules of this article on the protection of a citizen’s business reputation, with the exception of provisions on compensation for moral damage, respectively apply to the protection of business reputation legal entity.
And remember that these steps will help you be with your son in the future and restore your reputation.

A high-quality photo/video camera is now built into almost every phone. Video filming has become a part of the life of Russians, including public life. And what more people and objects fall into the frame, the higher the risk that the photographer will be contacted with a claim. So that you are prepared for any situation, we will consider in detail in this publication when shooting without consent is allowed, in what cases it is possible to publish photographs on the Internet, and which images lead to a ban on sale of the photo.

What can be considered illegal filming?

The question of “the legality of the actions being performed” inevitably comes to everyone who decides to take up photography. And most often, proposals to turn off the camera come from people who do not know for sure the legality of their own actions. However, the law clearly defines situations in which photographing a person without their consent is prohibited. Accordingly, if the situation does not fall under the prohibition, absolutely everything can be filmed.

The above statement is supported by Article 29 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. According to the Basic Law, any citizen has the right to receive and disseminate information in any form by any means. Video and photography are part of information gathering. And your right to collect information in this way is protected by law.

The Information Law also establishes the right of a citizen to freely film where it is not prohibited. Article 7 of the Law defines the concept of “information”, i.e. shooting objects. According to it, information to which there is no restriction on access is classified as publicly available. Accordingly, each person can use this data at his own discretion.

A reasonable question arises: what to do if you are told that filming cannot be carried out? The answer is also contained in the Information Law. Article 9 of the Law determines that restrictions on filming are established on federal level. Those. personal initiative of a private or legal entity is not prohibited.

Liability for attempting to interfere with lawful filming

Filming in public places is allowed always and everywhere, regardless of the time of day or season. Restrictions are allowed only at the level of Federal law. Accordingly, any prohibitions established at the local level fall under the article “arbitrariness”.

If attempts to interfere with filming in a public place occur with the use of physical force, this falls under Article 330 of the Criminal Code. Law enforcement officers attempting to illegally interrupt filming are liable in accordance with Article 203 and Article 286 of the Criminal Code for exceeding official powers.

Often the person with the camera is put under pressure to delete the footage. This falls under Article 1252 of the Civil Code and is considered as gross violation copyright.

An attempt to take away a memory card or camera is considered as Article 161 of the Criminal Code - “robbery”, i.e. an attempt to openly take possession of someone else's property.

The most “harmless” attempt to interfere with filming from a legal standpoint is to cover the frame with your body. But for this, a person may also bear administrative liability under Art. “petty hooliganism.”

Hidden camera filming without consent: filming without warning and punishment for hidden video/photo shooting

Covert recording devices are prohibited in Russia. There were precedents when individuals were held administratively liable not only for secretly filming a private person without his consent, but also simply for purchasing Chinese video cameras disguised as lighters and fountain pens. But it is important to distinguish between “covert filming devices” and “filming without warning.”

Important: If you knowingly covered up the LEDs on the camera, but in the video you assure that you are not filming, these are signs of creating a covert recording device. Moreover, if you have a camera hanging around your neck and you simply did not warn the respondent that he was filming at the moment- this is not prohibited.

But punishment for filming without consent may not occur, even if the respondent was sure that the camera was turned off. To do this, before publishing, you need to change the voice and apply a blur effect to the video. Then the participant simply will not be able to prove in court that it is he in the video. This is exactly what journalists do when preparing television investigations.

What happens to video and photography of people without their permission?

Filming in public places is permitted. But it is inevitably associated with the inclusion of additional participants in the action in the form of random passers-by. The Civil Code (Article 152.1) protects the right of people not to be depicted in images. However, the Civil Code does not introduce any bans on filming. This article requires only restrictions on the distribution of materials from the author of the image. Those. Photos can be made public only with the consent of the participants in the shooting.

In order for a person to demand restrictions on the distribution of photographs with his participation, it will be necessary to prove that he is the central figure of the composition.

For example: if the central figure of the photo is a monument, then there is no need to ask the consent of tourists caught in the frame to publish the photo. If a person is in focus and in portrait mode in the image, he is the central figure and his permission is required.

Important: This rule does not apply to civil servants during execution. Police, ambulance, fire service, security workers, etc. Filming without consent individual in this case, it is completely permissible if the employees are on duty.

Responsibility for illegal filming of children and without parental consent

If the child is not the central figure of the frame, permission to photograph is not required. If you plan to talk with a child on camera, conduct a video survey on the street, etc., then such filming of minors without parental consent is unacceptable.

According to the law, a child can only consent to filming if he or she is 14 years old. Before reaching this age, permission to film is provided by a parent, guardian or responsible person (for example, a teacher if the child is a schoolchild or a teacher if the action takes place in a kindergarten).

Recording interviews with children or conducting portrait photo sessions without parental consent and publishing them later is prohibited.

Important: As in other cases, prohibitions apply to the further use of materials, and not to taking photographs (according to Article 152.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). In public places, filming in any form is allowed.

Filming without consent on private property and in public places

Filming on private property without the owner's permission is prohibited. The inviolability of property is guaranteed by the basic law and Article 29 of the Civil Code. According to the article, the owner of the property has the right to dispose of it at his own discretion, incl. allow and prohibit video filming of property.

But this article is often used by owners of shops, retail outlets and restaurants. That is why at the entrances to such establishments we see the warning “illegal filming is prohibited.”

In this case, there is a direct violation of the law, because public establishments are equivalent to public places, accordingly, an unauthorized ban on filming and obstruction to it leads to legal consequences, described above.

Important: If you are prohibited from taking photographs or shooting videos in a service establishment, you should refer to the Consumer Rights Protection Law. According to it, the responsibilities of staff include providing the maximum complete information about the product provided. And the consumer, in turn, has the right to record this information in any convenient form (including video and photos).

Moreover, Article 16 of this law determines that there can be no restrictions on photo and video filming and only state institutions has the right to limit it. A call to the police by staff will be classified as a “false call.”

An attempt to ban filming citing trade secrets is also doomed to failure. After all, the Law on Trade Secrets clearly defines the characteristics of information falling under this concept - according to the Law, only information with limited access can be a trade secret. If the owner has not knowingly limited access to information, then it cannot be considered a secret.

In the process of professional activities photographers (and not only photographers) ask approximately the following questions:

  • Is it possible to post photographs of people on websites on the Internet or display photographs of yourself in public open exhibitions without the model's permission?
  • Is it possible to sell photographs of people without their consent?
  • Is it possible to use photographs of a model in advertising without her permission?
  • Is it possible to photograph people without their consent?
  • What is, When and Why is a model release needed?
  • Can I, as a photographer, use photographs without the model's permission?
  • Should the agreement be oral or written?
  • What to do if the model is underage?

Answers to these and other questions can be found in this article.

The general rule is that the model must agree!

There is one interesting article in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - 152.1 “Protection of a citizen’s image,” which specifically concerns photographers and models. This article, on the one hand, answers a number of questions, and on the other, raises new questions.

The basic rule states: the publication and further use of a citizen’s image (including his photograph) is allowed only with the consent of this citizen. After the death of a citizen, his image can only be used with the consent of the children and surviving spouse, and in their absence, with the consent of the parents.

In other words, you can photograph a person without his consent.

A photographer can violate the rights of the photographed person only when:

1. Will publish the photo, that is, it will open primary access to the photograph to an unlimited number of persons.

The concept " publication"from the point of view Supreme Court(Clause 43 of the RF PPVS of June 23, 2015 No. 25) is the implementation of an action that for the first time makes this image available to the public by publishing it, publicly displaying it, or in any other way, including posting it on the Internet.

2. Start using photography. The use of a photograph means: reproduction, distribution (including sale), public display (including on an Internet site), import of the original or copies of a photograph, processing of a photograph, etc. You can read more about the use of photography in the article: “What rights does a photographer have to a photograph. Photographer's copyright."

When can you use photographs without permission from the model (person being photographed)?

In total, there are 3 exceptions to the general rule when you can use photographs without the model’s permission (clauses 1,2,3, clause 1, article 152.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Permission for publication and further use of the photograph not required in the following cases :

1. The use of the image is carried out in state, public or other public interests.

This means that for state, public and other public figures the right to personal image operates in a narrower area than for ordinary citizens. For example, you can use photographs of the president, governor, etc. without their consent.

The decision of the European Court of Human Rights of June 24, 2004 contains the position of the national court that a certain “ public figure"is a significant figure modern history and therefore [she] must tolerate the publication without her consent of the photographs in question, which were all, without exception, taken in public places.”

Also interesting findings can be found in judicial practice(PPVS of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2010 N 16 “On the practice of application by courts of the law of the Russian Federation “on the media”):

TO public interest should not be attributed to any interest shown by the audience, but, for example, the need of society to detect and disclose threats to democratic rule of law and civil society, public safety, environment.

It is necessary to distinguish between reporting facts (even very controversial ones) that could have an impact positive influence for discussion in society of issues relating, for example, to the performance of one’s functions officials And public figures, and reporting details privacy a person not engaged in any public activity. While in the first case the media perform a public duty in informing citizens on issues of public interest, in the second case they do not play such a role.


Without the consent of a citizen, the publication and use of his image is permissible when public interest, in particular if such a citizen is a public figure(occupies state or municipal position, plays a significant role in public life in the field of politics, economics, art, sports or any other field), and the publication and use of the image is carried out in connection with a political or public debate or interest in to this person is socially significant.

At the same time consent is required, if the sole purpose of disclosing and using the facial image is satisfying philistine interest in his private life or making profit.

No consent required for the publication and use of a citizen’s image, if necessary in order to protect law and order and state security (for example, in connection with the search for citizens, including missing persons or those who are participants or eyewitnesses of an offense).

2. The image of a citizen was obtained during filming, which is carried out in places open to the public or at public events (meetings, conventions, conferences, concerts, performances, sports competitions and similar events) , unless such image is the main object of use.

In other words, you can use a photograph of a person who is in a crowd of other people, but you cannot use a cropped image where the portrait of this person is placed throughout the photograph.

!! NEW CLARIFICATIONS Supreme Court(PPVS of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2015 No. 25):

The image of a citizen in a photograph taken in a public place will not be the main object of use if, in general, the photograph displays information about the public event at which it was taken.

By general rule, if the citizens depicted in a collective photograph have clearly expressed their consent to the photograph and have not prohibited the publication and use of the photograph, then one of these citizens has the right to publish and use such an image without obtaining additional consent from other persons depicted in the photograph, except in cases , if such an image contains information about the private life of these persons.

3. Citizen posed for a fee.

In this case, if the model was paid money for posing, it is necessary to take a receipt from her, which should indicate: the full name of the model, the amount she received, the date, from whom and for what she received the money, where, when and by whom the photo shoot was conducted (place) , signature. This receipt will protect the photographer from further claims from the model.

There is another option. It concerns TFP shooting, that is, when the model poses for the photographer for photographs. In this case, photographs are payment for posing. This is not a gratuitous legal relationship. Therefore, in this case, you need to take a receipt from the model stating that as payment for posing, the model received N number of photographs in digital or printed form.

If the model is a minor, a similar receipt should be taken from the legal representatives - parents.

If a person himself posted his photographs on the Internet: can they be used?

The following answer can be given to this question (based on the RF PPVS dated June 23, 2015 No. 25):

1. Publication of a citizen’s image, including placing it yourself citizen on the Internet, and general availability such an image do not in themselves give other persons the right to freely use such image without obtaining the consent of the person depicted (except for 3 cases when consent is not required).

2. At the same time, the circumstances of the citizen posting his image on the Internet may indicate the expression of consent by such person for further use of this image, for example, if this is provided for in the terms of use of the site, on which such an image is posted by a citizen.

In what form should I give consent to the publication and further use of a citizen’s image?

The law allows oral and written forms. Because consent is a transaction. Also, a transaction is considered completed in the case when his will to complete the transaction is clear from the person’s behavior.

For example, if a person voluntarily gives an interview to a TV channel, then his actions (posing for the camera, answering questions) indicate his consent to the further use of the interview with his participation, including his images.

But, so that in case of misunderstanding, the issue does not reach court proceedings, it is better, of course, to put everything in writing.

You can also include a number of conditions in the consent (if desired). For example, you can determine the procedure and limits for the publication and use of an image (provide for the period for which it is given, as well as ways of using this image).

Is it possible to post any other people's photos on social networks, etc. without permission?

  1. Yes, you can’t even find the ends on the Internet))) no one will know what was stolen and what was stolen)))
  2. Is it possible to post other people's personal photos on social media? groups, for example, VK, without the knowledge of the person depicted in these photos, but located on his VK page in open access to all users, and accompany these photos with non-offensive comments and without violating the privacy of his personal life?

    Well, for example: “A very sociable girl” and a link to her page and a photo from her page.

  3. For using other people's photographs with the aim of humiliating the honor and dignity of their owner, charges are brought under Part 2 of Art. 130 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (insult). The sanction of this article provides for punishment in the form of correctional labor for up to 6 months or restriction of freedom for up to 1 year.
  4. from an internet cafe... piss yourself in your boots (legal advice)
  5. The protection of images of citizens is regulated by Article 152 clause 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (introduced Federal law dated December 18, 2006 N 231-FZ) which, in particular, says:

    Disclosure and further use of a citizen’s image (including his photograph, as well as video recordings or works fine arts, in which he is depicted) are allowed only with the consent of this citizen. After the death of a citizen, his image can only be used with the consent of the children and surviving spouse, and in their absence, with the consent of the parents. Such consent is not required in cases where:

    1) the use of the image is carried out in state, public or other public interests;
    2) the image of a citizen was obtained during filming, which is carried out in places open to the public, or on public events(meetings, conventions, conferences, concerts, performances, sports competitions and similar events), except when such an image is the main object of use;
    3) the citizen posed for a fee.

    It is also necessary to remember Article 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: Collection, storage, use and dissemination of information about the private life of a person without his consent is not allowed


    the effect of Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) Violation of privacy, which states that:

    1) illegal collection or dissemination of information about the private life of a person constituting his personal or family secret, without his consent, or dissemination of this information in public speaking, publicly displayed work or in the media is punishable by a fine in the amount of up to two hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to eighteen months, or by compulsory labor for a term of one hundred twenty to one hundred eighty hours, or by corrective labor for a term of up to one year, or arrest for up to four months (as amended by the Federal Law of December 8, 2003 162-FZ);

    2) the same acts committed by a person using his official position are punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of one to two years, or by deprivation of the right to hold certain positions, or engage in certain activities for a period of two to five years, or arrest for a period of four to six months (as amended by the Federal Law of December 8, 2003 162-FZ).

    Thus, you can take photographs of people not for commercial use and without making them public, as long as they do not object, as long as the filming takes place in public places or at public events and you do not violate privacy laws. And in case the person in your photo is taken close up, obtain his written consent.

  6. If a person posts his own photos on the Internet, it is clearly with the goal that people will look at these photos, evaluate them, and even copy them.
    And when posting other people’s photos, goals, motives and damage, if any, should be considered.
    If you post a photo of a girl you don’t know and caption it “this is the most beautiful girl in the world," then that's one thing.
    But if you put the inscription “dates for everyone”, then something different)))
  7. Would you like it if your photo was posted somewhere without permission?
  8. It also clearly states that any photo has a legal copyright holder. And in general, stealing is not good!
  9. of course you can
  10. Of course you can, it’s our right to post photos
  11. melodiously not varto zachipati privacy nsho people
  12. oh, come on, post it. there are so many fakes now, and nothing.
  13. Public figures are allowed (others are not)...
  14. The right of a voter to take photographs and videos in the voting premises is not expressly provided for by law. At the same time, the legislation does not contain a ban on such actions.
  15. You can, but only if you ask!
  16. A lengthy and lengthy trial with no result because judges are usually stupid... so-called. lay it out and it’s simply impossible to prove that you laid it out yourself; it’s always fashionable to draw up a contract of assignment
  17. It’s possible, but no matter what this person sees!! 1
  18. Well, if it was a photo of your friend.