When is the holiday season in Tunisia? When is the best time to go to Tunisia for a beach holiday: reviews, beach season

Tunisia is a relatively small country, and if you also take into account that over a third of its territory has long been conquered by the Sahara Desert, then it becomes quite tiny. And almost all of this small territory seemed to be spread out along the coast of the beautiful Mediterranean Sea. Tunisia is rightfully considered a Europeanized country, but with its own national flavor. The number of vacationers coming to Tunisia is in the millions. First of all, they are attracted here by the most delicious snow-white beaches and the purest turquoise sea water, fantastically green oases that have grown like paradise islands in the middle of an endless desert, the history of the country, which dates back over three thousand years and, of course, large number thalassotherapy centers.

Over 3.5 million people visit Tunisia every year, but the largest part holidaymakers fall during the high season - from April to October. During this period, Tunisia has the most favorable weather for a comfortable beach holiday. Mostly the French (former colonial country), Great Britain and Russia come to relax in the resorts of Tunisia. Russia occupies an honorable fourth place in the list of countries providing an influx of tourists to the country. Approximately 245 thousand Russians come to Tunisia every year, and most often they go to the resorts of Hamammet and Sousse. A lot of people come here married couples with children, for whom beautiful beaches with a gentle entrance to the water and a mild climate are perfect.

Young people also come here with pleasure, promoting healthy image life, and lovers of ancient buildings and centuries-old secrets. Such representatives, by the way, are in any age category. Separately, it is worth mentioning the beautiful half of humanity, who come to Tunisia solely for the sake of healing thalassotherapy procedures.

The low season in Tunisia begins immediately after the end of the swimming season, it begins in November and ends at the beginning of April. Of course, in winter time the weather here gets significantly worse, dusty winds often blow and it rains, but for Russians with their harsh winters and this weather is considered good. Winter in Tunisia is indeed very warm. Therefore, even at this time there are vacationers in Tunisian resorts. Of course, the tourist flow is somewhat weakening, but hotels are not empty even at this time of year.

This period is convenient for relaxation because air travel will cost much less, prices for exciting excursions also decrease, and finally, this period is considered the most favorable for undergoing SPA procedures. This is because Tunisian four and five star hotels significantly reduce the cost of living, and prices for wellness treatments are also reduced. As a result, such a vacation turns out to be two times cheaper than at European resorts of the same type. Enterprising tour operators even offer real SPA tours, because in low season they have the widest selection.

IN recent years Celebrating the New Year in Tunisia is also becoming increasingly popular. After all, this country, unlike other Muslim countries, observes many European traditions, especially those related to holidays. Meet New Year tourists mainly go to the island of Djerba because it has everything necessary conditions for a fun celebration.

As such beach season in Tunisia it usually opens already in the first days of April, when the gentle spring weather gives vacationers the very first and truly warm days. Then the locals begin to dress in lighter clothes. However, only the most seasoned people swim at this time, and the majority of tourists still prefer to sunbathe in the pleasant and gentle sun. Since the April tan, like the May tan, is quite safe, you can lie on the beach all day long without any fear. But in the month of May there is already a sharp warming trend, both in water temperature and in air temperature. However, at this time the weather is still very capricious and presents surprises in the form of rain and thunderstorms, and there are strong disturbances at sea at this time.

And starting from June, the amount of precipitation sharply decreases and the real swimming season opens. The water temperature in the sea, however, is not yet quite warm, somewhere around +21°C, but nevertheless June is considered the best summer month in Tunisia - in the evenings it is already quite warm, and in the daytime the air is warmed up by hot, but not yet so aggressive sun rays. In the subsequent summer months– July and August the swimming season reaches its peak. Sea water is heated by the hot African sun to a temperature of +25...+26°C, and on the island of Dzhebka the water is even hotter - +26...+28°C. In the evenings there is a pleasant coolness, and the water still remains very warm, so night swimming in the light of the moon brings vacationers a lot of pleasure.

It must be said that Tunisians themselves consider the most favorable time It's a velvet season for a beach holiday. It continues from the very beginning of September and ends at the end of October. In addition, starting from the very first days of autumn, the beaches gradually become empty, the summer heat subsides and absolute calm begins to dominate the beaches. The water temperature in the sea is still quite pleasant, but already somewhat invigorating in the morning. The sun in September is very gentle and even gentle. You can easily sunbathe for hours without fear of getting burned and exercise various types water sports.

Already towards the end of September, white fluffy clouds begin to appear in the sky, which hide the sun for some time. And at the beginning of October it becomes noticeably cooler, and it’s already completely cold to leave the sea in the company of a refreshing breeze. This month, autumn begins to seriously come into its own, and heavy rains. Therefore, the month of October in Tunisia is already in to a greater extent considered excursion. And when the weather permits, you can lie on the beach for a while.

If you are looking for a country where you can relax for a relatively small amount, lie on the beach, and at the same time go on excursions, then choose. The season here lasts from mid-May to mid-September. At this time you can swim and sunbathe all day long.

During the off-season there is a great opportunity to get to know this country better, where many monuments of the Punic and Roman heritage have been preserved. Throughout Tunisia there are many parks and protected areas that are interesting to visit. We will talk about the holiday season by month in Tunisia in this article.

The first half of the month is still cool. IN northern regions It still rains in the country - in Bizerte, in Tabarka or the capital of the country - . There air temperature another +20, +25 degrees. In the south it may be +30. The sea hasn't warmed up enough yet, so it is not quite comfortable for a beach holiday.

If we talk about when the season for beach holidays begins in Tunisia, then This is the second half of May. The sea becomes warm, and near the shore it becomes hot. The heat of +30 degrees will allow you to sunbathe. The rains are ending in the North.

In the markets you can buy whole kilograms of strawberries for a ridiculous price. The end of April and until mid-May, strawberries are sold everywhere, less than 1 euro per 1 kg.

May is strawberry season in Tunisia.

This is the ideal time when it is better to fly on vacation to Tunisia. There are not many tourists yet, and there is not yet that unbearable heat that begins in June. May marks the beginning of the swimming season in Tunisia.


From June to the end of August, from 12:00 to 16:00 the heat is simply unbearable. In the north and east it reaches up to +35 degrees, and in the south it reaches +40 and even +45.

Be sure to use sunscreen and wear a hat, as the sun burns mercilessly.

In June, watermelons and melons begin to grow. They cost pennies, and taste as sweet as honey.

In June in the country The Muslim fast of Ramadan is underway, when Tunisians do not eat or drink until 19:00. For this reason, they may be irritable and tired. Don't pay any attention to this.


Month when tourist season Tunisia is in full swing. It is very difficult to be outside during the day. It is best to spend time on the beaches of Sousse or Mahdia at this time. The best time to go for a walk is in the evening when the heat more or less subsides.

But the sea is like fresh milk. Be careful when you enter the beach - the sand is almost white-hot from the heat. It is better not to walk on it without flip-flops or flip-flops.

Beach holidays in Tunisia last from mid-May to mid-September.

You need to sunbathe little by little and do not stay in the sun for too long, as you can easily get sunstroke.

At this time, the season of melons and watermelons continues. If you are planning to go on excursions to the Sahara or to the scenery “ Star Wars”, which are located in the south, are best counted on a few days.


If there is still terrible heat until mid-August, then by the end of the month it begins to gradually subside. The beach season in Tunisia, when it is best to relax there, continues.

There are still a lot of tourists, so there is nowhere for an apple to fall on all the beaches. During the day, spend time on the beach, and in the evening, it’s better to go to some local restaurant to try seafood dishes. They are the freshest here!

In summer, sweet melons and watermelons are sold in Tunisia.

Speaking about the jellyfish season in Tunisia by month, it is worth noting that It is in August that you can meet them off the coast of the country. They swim so close because at this time their mating season begins.


This month is good because there are fewer and fewer tourists on the streets of Sousse or Gammarth. The temperature drops from +35 to +20, +25. At the beginning of the month it is still hot, but from the middle of the month it begins to get colder.

In the north of the country the sea is already cold, but on the island it is still warm. Where is the best place to fly in Tunisia in September? To Sousse or Djerba.

It is notable for the fact that on the dates of September 12-13 The Muslim holiday Aid Evha takes place, when it is customary to slaughter a sheep and make shish kebab from its meat. The aromas of fire-roasting float through the cities. fresh meat, so that tourists' mouths are watering.

September also marks the beginning of pomegranate season. They can be bought everywhere at low cost.

Tunisia is one of the most popular Mediterranean countries among tourists. It's magnificent here beach holiday combined with the best thalassotherapy and spa in the world, and the landscapes of the great desert and the ruins of ancient cities are fraught with a lot of interesting things for inquisitive travelers.

The north of the country is located in the subtropics, the south is in tropical zone, and a third of the country is desert. The climate in different areas differs from each other. The change of seasons occurs clearly. Before planning a trip to this country, you need to figure out which season in Tunisia is best for relaxing on the beaches, and which for sightseeing or wellness tours.

Climate of Tunisia

There are three in Tunisia climatic zones. The weather in the north of the country is dictated by the Mediterranean Sea. The climate in the coastal areas is typical Mediterranean, characterized by mild, rainy winters and hot summers. The closer to the south, the greater the influence of the Sahara Desert, and the interior of Tunisia has a semi-arid climate with a small amount precipitation. The south reigns desert climate with extremely rare rainfall and sudden temperature changes.

Beach season in the resorts of Tunisia

Tunisia is primarily known as a seaside resort, where the beach season lasts from May to mid-October.

  • Holidays in May and early June are more suitable for those who do not tolerate heat well and prefer a pool to sea bathing: the water in the sea is still cool, its temperature is not higher than +17°C. But already from April you can safely sunbathe - during the day it is quite warm, about +25°C.
  • The sea warms up by mid-June. At this time, the high season officially begins, ending in mid-September. At the beginning of the season, sea water is already +24°C, air - up to +30°C.
  • July and especially August are the peak beach season. At this time there is practically no rain, and the water in the Mediterranean Sea reaches a maximum of +26-27°C. But even at this temperature it seems cool and brings relief from the daytime heat, because the thermometer usually shows more than +30°C, and in August the thermometer readings often exceed +40°C.
  • In September, the weather in the Mediterranean resorts of Tunisia becomes very comfortable: the sweltering heat subsides, and the sea remains as warm.
  • The period from mid-September to October is called velvet season thanks to the warm, calm weather. This is a great time for those who don’t like the heat and crowds on the beaches. Although the water begins to cool and gradually drops to +20°C, the gentle autumn sun allows you to take air baths and sunbathe without fear of getting sunburn. The average daily temperature in October is +27°C. The onset of autumn is felt during cool nights, and sometimes cloudy days, but such periods are not long-term.

The velvet season is preferred by those who love a varied holiday, because this time of year is considered the best for water sports and excursion trips throughout the country. On the island of Djerba, located in the south of the country, the holiday season is longer - the temperature here is about 3-5 degrees higher, and you can swim in November.

Low season in Tunisia

Winter in Tunisia is warm and mild. On sunny days the weather is conducive to long walks. fresh air, nature pleases with a variety of flowers and greenery. But during these months you need to be prepared for stormy days with piercing winds and cold nights.

  • The weather starts to change in November. Although it is still warm during the day - about +21-22°C, strong winds are blowing and it is raining. The sea is rough and cold, no more than +18°C.
  • December and January are the coolest months of the year. There are often heavy rains accompanied by strong winds, the temperature drops to +15°C during the day, and about +5-7°C at night.
  • Happens in February sudden changes weather, cloudy days are common. But little by little, winter begins to lose ground, the air becomes warmer and warms up to 18-20°C. It’s still too early to sunbathe and swim in the sea, but it’s time for thalassotherapy and spa treatments.
  • In March-April you can already feel the approach holiday season. Spring weather pleases with abundance sunny days, and by the end of April it is already warm - up to +24-25°C.
  • Low season is ideal for budget tourists who want to travel around Tunisia or relax in spa salons. At this time, hotels and thalassotherapy centers reduce prices as much as possible.

Spring and autumn, when the winds are strong and the water is not too cold, are good for kiters and windsurfers.

The best time for sightseeing trips in Tunisia

The best time to get to know the country is in the off-season - in May or October. At this time, you can stroll around the sights without fear of getting sunstroke, and the weather is warm enough to spend a couple of days on the beach after a busy trip. September, probably best month for tourists who want to combine a good beach holiday with exploring natural and historical monuments. For traveling around central regions The autumn and spring months can be recommended, since in winter it is cool and windy, and in summer it is too hot. Winter is suitable for visiting the southern oases.

Tunisia welcomes guests all year round, although in winter the Mediterranean Sea is unsuitable for swimming. But otherwise, winter in Tunisia is a good time to relax.

So choosing when to go on holiday to Tunisia can be difficult. Especially if you are focused not only on a beach holiday. If you choose when to fly to Tunisia for thalassotherapy, then you can safely plan your trip for any time of the year. After all, the work of thalassotherapy centers does not depend on the weather outside the treatment rooms.

And if you choose when to go to Tunisia for sightseeing, then early spring fits best. After all, then you will even be able to get to the Sahara without the sweltering heat. In addition, the beginning of spring is still the low season in Tunisia. At this time prices are slightly lower. But in the midst of summer high season in Tunisia, prices for holidays rise very, very much.

Will help you decide when to go to Tunisia on vacation.

Holidays in Tunisia in winter

The winter weather in Tunisia is quite cool; the daytime temperature rarely rises above +16-18°C. And at night the air barely warms up to + 8°C. It often rains, so walking may be difficult. But at the same time, all of Tunisia is surrounded by greenery; wildflowers and even almonds sometimes begin to bloom as early as January. And by January, oranges ripen in Tunisia, which is especially exotic for residents of our latitudes. February is already more like a spring month than a winter month; there are more and more sunny days.

Holidays in Tunisia in spring

The weather in Tunisia is rapidly improving in spring. Already in March it stops raining, and the thermometer reaches + 20°C. And in April comes the most best time for excursions. Just remember that in the evening in Tunisia it gets cold very quickly and very strongly. But in May it’s quite possible to sunbathe, or even swim, if you’re not afraid cool water. True, sometimes it rains until the end spring months. And in May, thunderstorms sometimes come to Tunisia.

Holidays in Tunisia in summer

The weather in Tunisia in summer is hot and dry. Even in June, the thermometer sharply reaches + 30°C, and in July and August it remains firmly at + 35°C. It is difficult to go on excursions in such weather, but you can swim in the sea or relax under the caring hands of thalassotherapy specialists without any problems. Additional feature summer days There may be a sudden sirocco wind, bringing heat from the desert to an additional 10-15°C.

Tunisia is considered warm country, where you can travel comfortably, regardless of the season. The Tunisian climate is not characterized by sudden temperature changes. Here even in January there is no snow, and in some areas there is no rain for years.

Guidebooks recommend to travelers holiday in Tunisia in spring and in autumn time . IN winter season in the Mediterranean resorts of the African state it can be very cool, which is not at all conducive to a beach holiday.

In summer in Tunisia, on the contrary, the air can warm up to 35 degrees and even higher. And when the daytime sun mercilessly scorches and the drying sirocco blows, travelers no longer care about walking through parks and the ruins of ancient settlements. The only people who don’t pay serious attention to the Tunisian weather are those guests who like to visit the country for rejuvenating and wellness treatments.

Weather in Tunisia in January

After the New Year, in the Mediterranean resorts of Tunisia, the temperature for days remains on average at +15 degrees Celsius. But sea ​​water at this time it warms up to about 13-15 degrees.

Midwinter in Tunisia weather conditions very changeable.

If you are very lucky, you will even be able to sunbathe a little during your January trip to this country. However, very often in January the weather in Tunisia tests travelers with strong winds and rain.

However, this period is very suitable for sightseeing, such as the ruins of Carthage.

Sometimes in Tunisian resorts in January you can even swim in the Mediterranean Sea, which is often quite calm. There is no less fresh fruit here in January than in any other month. January in Tunisia is considered the coldest month of the year. During this period it also falls a lot of rain.

Weather in Tunisia in February

In terms of tourism, February in Tunisia is one of the quietest months of the year. In Mediterranean resorts the sea is very choppy during this period, which, however, gives the coast a very attractive appearance.

Tunisia is very beautiful in February. This month can even be considered the beginning of spring.

Tunisian nature, which did not even think of withering away for the winter, but only dimmed slightly, begins to come to life in February. During this period, birds sing louder here than in January, and the plants amaze with the brightness of their fresh colors. Despite the fact that the air at this time warms up only a couple of degrees more than in January, tourists should not discount February.

During this period, fans of thalassotherapy and everyone yearning for the measured eastern life like to come to the country.

Weather in Tunisia in March

March in Tunisian resorts is a time of waiting. Hotels and restaurants are actively preparing for the tourist season.

There are already more sunny days in March than in winter, while the amount of precipitation decreases sharply.

March walks around Mediterranean coast perfectly invigorating and refreshing. The heat has not yet arrived, but its approach is very well felt, because the air in Tunisian resorts is already warming up in March up to 19-20 degrees.

March in Tunisia ideal for relaxation for everyone who does not like the sizzling sun and is quite ready to swim in hotel pools instead of the sea.

Weather in Tunisia in April

In April, the Tunisian resorts of Monastir, Sousse, Djerba and many others lure tourists clean beaches And fresh fruit. It is quite warm during this period on the island of Djerba, where the average daytime temperature is 22 degrees above zero.

However, April nights in Tunisian resorts can be quite cool due to sea winds. During this period, the water in the sea has not yet fully warmed up for swimming.

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Although in April in Tunisian resorts you can already meet daredevils who are not afraid of the waters of the Mediterranean Sea that have not warmed up after winter. In April, guests of Tunisia guaranteed beautiful tan . On cool April days, you can diversify your holiday in the Mediterranean resorts of Tunisia with excursions to the city of Kairouan or see the remains of an ancient amphitheater in the city of Dougga.

Don’t forget about the sultry Sahara, whose climate is not affected by winds from the sea.

Weather in Tunisia in May

In May at Tunisian resorts swimming season starts. During this period, hotel and municipal beaches are already much busier than in winter and early spring, when only the most desperate people find themselves in the sea.

It's already possible in May don't be afraid of strong winds, however, for evening walks it is still worth putting at least warm pullovers and sweaters in your suitcase. After all, if a May day in Tunisia is similar to a warm afternoon on tropical islands, then in the evenings it can be as cool as a winter day in some European capital.

The sea in May is not yet warm enough for comfortable swimming. However, if the body is not susceptible to colds, then you can take a risk and make several swims.

May, like all other months of spring, is ideal for sightseeing tours of ancient Tunisian settlements. May is also wonderful in gastronomic terms. During this period you can enjoy yourself to your heart's content citrus and almonds.

Weather in Tunisia in June

June in Tunisia is a period of sweet oriental bliss, when, under the yoke of the hot rays of the sun, all nature plunges into peace.

Average temperature June in the country is 27-28 degrees above zero, while the water in the sea warms up to +24 degrees.

By the second half of the month, the sea in Tunisian resorts “calms down” and becomes the best escape from the heat.

During this period you can swim completely without fear.

Weather in Tunisia in July

As befits resorts on the Mediterranean Sea, coastal Tunisian cities in July are simply buried in flowers, fruits and greenery.

During the day, the temperature in the country already rises above +30, so if you are in the sun during this period, you should definitely use sunscreen.

July in Tunisia is perfect for the relaxation of all beach lovers. During this period, life in resorts such as Sousse and Monastir is simply in full swing. Hotels actively entertain tourists with animation programs, and vendor stalls abound rare species fruit.

Weather in Tunisia in August

August in Tunisia is considered the hottest month.

Air and water temperatures reach their maximum during this period. In the sea, the water warms up to about +25 degrees, so swimming and exercising aquatic species sports during this period are very comfortable.

But it’s best to forget about long sightseeing walks. Traveling around Tunisia in August is not very comfortable even in air-conditioned transport.

Weather in Tunisia in September

By September, the heat in Tunisian resorts subsides somewhat. The average temperature during this period is +31 degrees, which is favorable for swimming in the sea.

Even though number of tourists at the resorts in September already decreases somewhat, and there is no less entertainment during this period. Restaurants continue to delight with fresh fruit and seafood dishes, and hotels continue to offer interesting parties.

Weather in Tunisia in October

Sea water in the resorts of Tunisia, having warmed up well over the summer, continues to remain warm in October. But air temperature are already falling to +25-26 degrees. During this period, people actively come to the resorts of Tunisia lovers of a relaxing holiday.

October is ideal for trips to local national parks.

During this period there is no danger of getting sunstroke, so you can spend whole days outdoors.

October in Tunisia is loved by those travelers who enjoy the light sea breeze and gentle sun.

Weather in Tunisia in November

November in Tunisia, first of all, will be appreciated by all fans of the gifts of nature. This month you can enjoy melons, grapes and dates here.

It is still warm in the country in November. Air temperatures continue to remain above +20 degrees.

However, the autumn cooling is already beginning to make itself felt, abundantly irrigating the earth with rain and bringing winds. Swimming season ends by November. But walking through the ancient ruins during this period is quite comfortable.

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Weather in Tunisia in December

When going on a December trip to Tunisia, you should definitely take care of warm things. Nights in December can be very cold here. In the evenings, air temperatures at resorts drop to +8. Cold showers are also inevitable during this period.

The onset of December in Tunisian resorts is always marked by empty beaches and cafes. During this period, tourists can easily get the best rooms in hotels with views of the beaches and seascapes. Many establishments are significantly lowering their prices.

In December, Tunisia is suitable for visiting by those travelers who want to undergo high-quality spa treatments, take a break from the noise of big cities and walk along deserted but still beautiful beaches.

When planning a Tunisian trip, it is absolutely not necessary to pay attention to the calendar. After all, every season in Tunisia is attractive in some way.