Essay “Taras Bulba” – plot, characters, issues. The eternal problems of heroism and betrayal raised in the story by N.V.

Gogol is historical story, revealing to the reader the life of the Cossacks of the Zaporozhye Sich. The story tells about the heroic past of the country where true patriots were born. This is one of famous works Gogol, which we studied in class and now we will analyze the work, revealing the problems and main idea author's work.

Brief analysis of the work

Analyzing the work of Taras Bulba, the reader is transported to the 16th-18th centuries, when the Ukrainian people are fighting the Polish gentry. At the center of the work are the main characters - two sons, as well as Taras Bulba himself, who was not only a father and a patriot, but also a Cossack colonel. The story takes us to the Zaporozhye Sich, where Bulba’s sons come after training. These are already matured, strong guys, real Cossacks who will fight next to their father. Unfortunately, Andriy fell in love with the daughter of the enemy and crossed all the oaths and laws of the Cossacks. He is a traitor and the only outcome could only be his death. One can only imagine how difficult it was for Taras Bulba to kill his son, but there was no other way out. Betrayal was not forgiven, especially among the Cossacks of that time. Unlike his brother, Ostap turned out to be a true patriot, who did not utter a word in captivity and died like a hero.

From the analysis of the work of Taras Bulba Gogol, we see how courageous, righteous and fair the colonel was, who gave birth to a son, and himself killed him for betrayal. This was the norm in wartime, although today it is difficult to accept such customs. But we live in different times, so we have no right to judge any of the characters. Those were the laws and rules.

Problems of the story Taras Bulba

In his work Taras Bulba Gogol reveals various issues. This is a fight against the enemy when we had to defend our native borders. There is also a moral choice here, when you have to choose between feelings and duty. The author also shows the importance of unity, which leads to victory. Here the author reveals the themes of the relationship between children and parents. The problem of self-sacrifice, love and fidelity is revealed.

Main idea

Having become acquainted with this masterpiece of world literature, one can highlight the main idea of ​​the story. It lies in unshakable love for the Motherland, the need to protect and defend it. This is exactly what the Cossacks did, selflessly rushing onto the battlefield.

The eternal problems of heroism and betrayal, raised in the story by N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"

Tale by N.V. Gogol's "Taras Bulba" (1835) is one of the best historical works of Russian fiction 19th century. The depth and capacity of the characters in this story are skillfully combined with a thoughtful composition and completeness of all elements of style.

In the center of “Taras Bulba” there is an image of a struggle Ukrainian people against foreign invaders. Gogol describes with warmth and admiration the life of the Zaporozhye Sich and its inhabitants. For the writer, Zaporozhye is a nest, “from where will and Cossacks spill out throughout Ukraine.”

In depicting the life of the Sich and its heroes, Gogol combined historical specificity and high lyrical pathos. The fusion of these two elements constituted one of the main features of Taras Bulba, a work that is both realistic and poetic.

The story begins with Taras Bulba taking his sons to the Zaporozhye Sich. He believes that only there, in battles with enemies, will they smell gunpowder, gain intelligence, and become real men. Arriving in Zaporozhye, Ostap and Andriy immediately find themselves in the thick of things: not having time to recover from the festivities and carousing, they, along with other Cossacks, go to fight the “damned Poles.” A messenger who rode into the Cossack camp reported that Poles throughout Ukraine were oppressing the people and trampling on the Orthodox faith. Of course, the Cossack comradeship could not tolerate such outrages. These people had it in their blood great love to their homeland and reverence for the faith of their ancestors. The unspoken code of Zaporozhye stated that every Cossack was obliged to defend these two shrines until his last breath.

According to Gogol, the Zaporozhye Sich was a forge of strong and powerful characters, courageous and noble warriors. The entire everyday and moral structure of the Sich contributed to the education of high moral qualities in people. The Cossacks revered the laws of partnership above the biblical commandments. To die for the Motherland and faith was considered among them an honorable duty and obligation.

Therefore, it is not surprising that all the Cossacks fought bravely against the Poles. After part of the Zaporozhye army returned to the Sich, the remaining Cossacks truly performed feats so as not to cede the land to the “Poles”: “How the Cossacks jumped up! How everyone caught up!”

The forces of the Zaporozhye army were drying up every minute. The Polish detachments were superior to the Cossacks both in armament and in numbers. But the fighting spirit of the Cossacks was strong, their faith and love for their homeland was strong. Three times Taras Bulba asked his comrades: “What, gentlemen? There is life in the old dog yet? Has the Cossack strength weakened? Are the Cossacks bending? And every time the heroes answered: “There is still gunpowder in the flasks, dad. The Cossack strength has not yet weakened; The Cossacks are not yet bending!”

The description of the battle near the city of Dubno was created in a folklore vein. It is no coincidence that Bulba addresses his brothers in arms exactly three times. The Cossacks here are likened to the epic heroes who defended their homeland from all evil spirits.

Many soldiers died in this battle. But they all died like real heroes with the words “fatherland”, “faith”, “comradeship” on their lips. This is exactly how Mosiy Shilo, Stepan Guska, Kasyan Bovdyug, Ataman Balaban, Kukubenok died. All " best color" of the Cossack army passed away near Dubno, repeating the same words: "Let the Russian land be glorified until the end of the century! Let the Russian land bloom forever!” These warriors considered dying for their homeland the highest happiness.

The main character of the story, Taras Bulba, and his eldest son, Ostap, were always in the forefront of the Cossack army. These are not only brave and noble warriors. Their whole nature, character, way of thinking were created for battles, defense of their native land and their compatriots. It was not for nothing that at the age of 22 Ostap was chosen as ataman, considering him the most worthy of all the Cossacks.

Ostap Bulba always fought like a true hero, fearing neither enemy force nor the responsibility that the Cossacks placed on him. And he died like a real hero. Ostap, along with his comrades, was captured by the Poles and died terrible death, suffering from brutal torture. But during the tests, not a single muscle moved on his face. Ostap endured torment and torture “like a giant.” Taras, witnessing the torment of his son, involuntarily admired him and said approvingly: “Good, son, good!”

Only at the very end, before the “last mortal pangs”, Ostap began to look for at least one familiar face in the crowd. In it he wanted to draw strength for the last test. And Taras, not afraid of the Poles, blessed his son to a heroic death worthy of a real hero. To the son’s question: “Dad, where are you? Can you hear? Bulba replied: “I hear you!”... and the whole million people shuddered at the same time.”

Gogol does not describe the death of other Cossacks, but we can guess that they also died as real heroes, without betraying their Motherland and without betraying the Orthodox faith. Going to execution, all the Cossacks behaved very dignified. They were not afraid, but walked “with some kind of pride, ... did not look or bow to the people.” Before the torture, Ostap reminded his brothers that Orthodox person humiliate himself, screaming in pain. I think that all the Cossacks fulfilled the order of their chieftain.

A tragic fate was in store for all the men from Bulba’s family. Taras himself also died a martyr's and heroic death at the hands of his enemies. He was burned alive at the stake. But this strong and courageous warrior did not even flinch at the thought of his death. It seems to me that all Cossacks knew from a young age that they could die at any moment. Therefore, for them it was not scary to die, it was scary to lose their dignity, to break the holy laws of partnership.

Until the very end, Taras Bulba thought only about his Cossack brothers, that they would escape from the enemy and be able to escape. Already in the hands of the Poles, tied up and wounded, the hero gives his comrades advice on how to escape from their opponents. For this, Taras was hit on the head with a butt so hard that everything “turned upside down in his eyes.” But, as Gogol writes, “Will there be such fires, torments and such strength in the world that would overpower the Russian force!” With his last words, Taras Bulba confirms this idea. He, like the best warriors of Zaporozhye, blesses the Russian land and the Orthodox faith, confesses his love for them.

The family of Taras Bulba in the story is connected not only with the theme of heroism, but also with the theme of betrayal. Bulba's youngest son, Andriy, went over to the side of the enemies, falling in love with a beautiful Polish girl. But this hero cannot be definitely called negative. He has a rich spiritual world, complex and contradictory. He is as brave in battle as Ostap. No wonder, watching him, Taras thinks: “And this good enemy would not take him - a warrior!”

Even in the bursa, the younger Bulba was distinguished by his sharpness, dexterity, strength, and intelligence. More than once he became the leader of dangerous enterprises. But Andriy not only “seethed with thirst for achievement, but with it his soul was accessible to other feelings.” It was precisely because of the subtlety and sensitivity of the soul that the hero got into trouble.

Andriy sincerely fell in love with the beautiful Polish girl. “What is my father, comrades and homeland to me?” - he says. This hero is not attracted to the romance of war, battle and victory. It was created for something else: for love, personal happiness. The desire for this led Andriy to betrayal and death at the hands of his own father.

Love for a woman collided in the soul of Andriy Bulba with love for the fatherland and native faith, with a sense of duty. Love for a woman won, but did not bring happiness to the hero. It should be noted that in all of Gogol’s works, women appear as something destructive, as creatures of the devil, a dark force. They are designed to seduce and destroy, to bring misfortune and evil. The image of the beautiful Polish girl from Taras Bulba was no exception. This woman separated Andriy from his comrades, his father, and his homeland.

Betrayal and treason are the most terrible sins in the unspoken code of Cossack comradeship. They are not forgiven and are punished by death, because nothing can justify or atone for betrayal of the Motherland. Andriy dies at the hands of his father, who did not even want to bury the body of his traitorous son, because traitors do not deserve this.

We can say with all confidence that the story by N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" - heroic story. It glorifies love for the Motherland and holiness Orthodox faith, a feat in their name. Zaporizhian Cossacks here they are likened to heroes who protect their native land from all evil. They all die as heroes who did not betray the shrines and laws of comradeship. For these people, traitors are equated with enemies who must be mercilessly destroyed. Betrayal of shrines is not forgiven to anyone. Traitors, along with their honor and conscience, lose their soul and are not worthy to live on their father’s land, which N.V. glorifies in his story. Gogol.

N.V. Gogol is one of outstanding writers XIX century. His work still lives on, and famous stories and comedies are filmed not only in Russia, but also abroad. The works of N.V. Gogol contain many secrets. The life of the writer was no less mysterious.

Life and work of N.V. Gogol

N.V. Gogol’s interest in literature arose in childhood. At first, the writer was engaged in collecting Russian-Ukrainian folklore, in particular songs. He combined them in the book “Little Russian Lexicon”. Gogol worked on this dictionary for several years.

N.V. Gogol studied at the gymnasium, and after graduating he moved to St. Petersburg. The city had a huge influence on the writer’s work. It is here that the literary career of N.V. Gogol begins. First he writes “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka.” The work is associated with the romance of people's lives. In literature, Gogol was one of the first writers who described in such detail the joys and sorrows of ordinary rural people.

A few years later, two collections of stories were published, “Mirgorod” and “Arabesques”. At the same time, N.V. Gogol wrote “Petersburg Tales”.

After the premiere of the comedy “The Inspector General,” N. V. Gogol stopped writing for some time: “The Inspector General” was received with terrible criticism. People did not understand the comedy and considered it an empty joke, a mockery of people.

After N.V. Gogol writes “ Dead souls", another immortal work.

The writer died at mysterious circumstances. According to recollections, he was very sick and died in agony. Several decades after his death, the body was exhumed. There was a hypothesis that it was lethargy, and on the lid of the coffin they allegedly even found marks resembling scratches from nails. However, this fact has not been proven.

“Taras Bulba”: the history of writing the story

The story “Taras Bulba” was included in the collection of stories “Mirgorod”. The image of Taras Bulba is considered one of the most controversial in Russian literature.

When working on the story "Taras Bulba" Gogol had to study large number historical materials. However official documents he didn’t have enough: the writer wanted to feel the soul of people, to know their mentality, signs and everyday side of life. Gogol was engaged in the poetics of folk songs, and this influenced the image of Taras Bulba and other characters.

Work on the story lasted about 9 years, the writer worked intermittently. Gogol worked from 1833 to 1842. The story was edited several times.

His two sons, Ostap and Andriy, come to visit Taras Bulba. He goes with them to the Zaporozhye Sich so that young people can see how real Cossacks live and become real men. The image of Taras Bulba is written out in detail: he is a real stern Cossack who wants to stand up for his Fatherland. In the Sich, Ostap and Andriy fight the Poles, but Andriy suffers from love for a Polish woman. In the end, Andriy runs to the besieged city to his beloved, thereby renouncing his family. Andriy joins the Poles and fights on their side. Taras Bulba kills Andriy for betrayal. “I gave birth to you, I will kill you,” Gogol quotes him as saying (“Taras Bulba”). The image of Taras is increasingly revealed to the reader. He goes on to fight. Ostap is captured and executed in the square. Taras Bulba goes to avenge the death of his son, but his regiment is defeated. The hero is burned alive at the stake.

Problems of the story “Taras Bulba”

First of all, this is a problem of education. The image of Taras Bulba in the story is surprisingly revealed when he tells his sons to go to the Sich. At the same time, Andriy and Ostap unquestioningly obey their father.

The second problem is love for the Motherland, the patriotic feelings of each hero. The reader clearly sees that between family relationships and the country, Taras chooses the Fatherland. Taras does not spare his son, and, having lost Andriy, continues to fight together with Ostap.

The third topic can be identified as the problem of choosing between patriotic and loving feelings. Andriy became so carried away by the lady that he betrayed the Cossacks. He couldn't fight his attraction to this girl.

Image of Taras Bulba

The main character has all the advantages of a person of the era described in the story. He is a wise leader who is not created for a family hearth. Unyielding and decisive, he hates his enemies and desperately fights Polish oppression. At the same time, Taras did not like luxury. He preferred simple life Cossacks

The main features of Taras Bulba during the conflict with Andriy are revealed. Realizing that his own son betrayed the Fatherland, Taras does not hesitate to kill him without a feeling of pity, confident that he is right. And how much inner strength the reader observes in Taras Bulba during the execution of Ostap! This strong-willed man sees how his son and his pride are being taken out to be executed, but he does not betray himself in any way.

After the death of Ostap, Taras can be called cruel. But he fought for a just cause: it was necessary to end the fight with the Poles and avenge the death of his son.

This is truly a story created for the people. “Taras Bulba” (the image of Ostap is proof of this) is a masterfully written work that is close and understandable to everyone.

Image of Ostap

Taras Bulba saw in Ostap good warrior from the very beginning of life in the Zaporozhye Sich. Fearless, strong, he impressed even experienced Cossacks. His character was similar to Taras - just as strong and strong-willed. It is worth noting that when Ostap was executed, he did not utter a sound of prayer. He stoically accepted his death. The only thing he wanted was last time look at my father, the closest person at that time.

The images of the heroes (Taras Bulba is the brightest of them) are impressive and natural. N.V. Gogol was able to perfectly convey the state of people fighting for independence.

The story “Taras Bulba” is very remarkable not only in the “Mirgorod” cycle, but also in the entire work of Nikolai Gogol. To begin with, it should be said that the cycle itself includes very diverse stories: “Viy”, “The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich”, “Old World Landowners”. The events of all these works take place in Ukraine. Both “Viy” and “Taras Bulba” can be called fantastic, but “Viy” has a rather mystical orientation, while the story “Taras Bulba” refers to works on historical themes. To explore the theme of “Taras Bulba” in more depth, the work should be analyzed in more detail.

At first glance, it may seem that the theme of this work is limited only to the phrase “the Cossacks’ struggle for their homeland.” But this is not entirely true. Of course, this aspect is present, but besides it there are others.

Fight for the homeland

This theme is the main one: the Cossacks fight both the Poles and the Tatars, although this episode is not described in the text of the work. Cossacks go to Poland not just out of boredom or to warm up and harden young warriors in battle. The Cossacks are deeply offended by how Catholic priests refer to Christian holidays, by the fact that they sew outfits from robes, that they harness ordinary Christian believers to carts, humiliating a person: “... priests now travel all over Ukraine in tarataikas. “It’s not just the trouble that the tarataykas are harnessed, but the trouble is that they are no longer harnessing horses, but simply Orthodox Christians.” This news caused violent reaction among the Cossacks, they perked up, and, driven by a thirst for justice and passion for battle, began to prepare for the campaign. Not a single one of the Cossacks expressed dissatisfaction; even the thought of staying in the Sich, among the parties and fights, could not have occurred to anyone: “... both old and young; “everyone, with the advice of all the elders, kuren, koshev and with the will of the entire Zaporozhye army, decided to go straight to Poland.”

In battles, the Cossacks showed themselves to be brave and fearless warriors, ready to fight to the last, so as not to disgrace the honor of their native land. Dying, they all uttered a few words about what they valued most: about freedom and the Fatherland. For example, the wounded Balaban says before his death: “Let the Russian land bloom forever!”, and Kukubenko thanks his comrades, ending his speech with the phrase: “May even better people live after us than we do, and the Russian land, forever loved by Christ, flaunts!” Thanks to the images of these Cossacks, the reader understands that every Cossack sincerely loved his native land. Every Cossack in the Sich is a true patriot, since he was always ready to defend first of all the freedom and independence of the Fatherland, and only then think about himself.

Fight for what is dear

Speaking about the theme of the story “Taras Bulba”, one cannot help but mention the theme of the struggle for faith, which is connected with the theme of the struggle for the Fatherland. Taras Bulba himself puts the Christian faith above all else. “He considered himself a legitimate defender of Orthodoxy,” is how the author describes Bulba. For an old Cossack, the concept of “a believing Christian” is synonymous with the definition of “a decent person” - it is no coincidence that the young people who came to the Sich were asked about their religion. The faith of the Cossacks grows from a simple relationship with God into a kind of symbol of unity, something that unites all the Cossacks. It is the desecrated faith that is the reason for such a quick decision to attack the Poles.

Andriy Bulbenko, at first, seems to be a kind of apostate and deserter, because he betrayed his own, going over to the side of his enemies. It would be wrong to say that youngest son Bulba did not care at all about the consequences of his action. He decided to fight the Poles because of his love for the master's daughter. The girl who captivated his heart was so dear to him, meant so much to the young Cossack, that Andriy renounced the formed system of values: “What do I care about my father, comrades and homeland!... I have no one!” Andriy consciously made a choice; he understood that, at best, he would never see the lady again, and at worst, he would see her death. He fights for what was dear to him - for his love, committing a risky act.

The scene of Andriy's murder is significant. Let us remember that he is killed by Taras Bulba. This happened on the battlefield when Bulba Sr. saw his son in the Polish troops. Kozak was seized with anger and despair: his own son betrayed the love that his father raised and instilled in him - love for the Fatherland and the Christian faith. This was too big a blow for the old Cossack, it did not fit into his picture of the world. By killing his son, Bulba kills the possibility of renegadery as such. He shows that the values ​​he has built are above blood ties.


As you can see, the theme of Gogol’s work “Taras Bulba” is not limited only to the struggle for native land. The author understands the struggle as something more than just a battle. A person must defend his interests, as well as what is of value to him. Perhaps he will die during this struggle, but he will still remain a Man until his very last breath.

The description of the idea and the conclusion made in this article can be used by students in grades 6-7 when preparing an essay or essay “Theme of the story “Taras Bulba””.

Work test

The famous story “Taras Bulba” almost immediately won a huge amount of recognition among readers from the very first moment of its appearance.

Many critics and specialists in the field of literature and art argue that this story is one of the most memorable works of the Russian writer Nikolai Gogol.

At the beginning of getting acquainted with this story, the reader can assume that the theme of this entire work lies only in the phrase “the Cossacks’ struggle for their homeland.”

But it is fair to say that this is not at all the case. Of course, you cannot argue with the fact that this meaning exists, but in addition to it, there are other important, vital meanings in the work, with which the entire work is fully filled.

The main theme of the entire work is the struggle for one’s homeland. Here we are told about a strong and courageous people who do not spare their lives in the struggle for the honor and freedom of their homeland.

It is also impossible not to note that throughout the entire story one can see another equally important and significant line of relations between parents and their children. The work very clearly shows the father's relationship with his sons. The reader can also see how the absolutely identical upbringing of two sons contributes to the growth of two completely different men.

One of the main characters, Taras Bulba himself, appears to the readers as a strong, brave and courageous Cossack, who is not alien to such feelings as sentimentality. It is worth noting that one of his sons, namely Andriy, was killed by his father after he went against his will.

Reading this work, readers get different impressions, but of course, everyone can find something in it for themselves. Once you read it, you will realize that it is filled with deep meaning.

Theme of Gogol's story "Taras Bulba"

“Taras Bulba” is a famous historical story by N.V. Gogol. Its main theme is a person’s selfless love for his native land, readiness to protect her from enemies until her last breath. The author skillfully reveals this theme in the images and actions of the main characters of the work: Taras Bulba and his two sons.

The story describes the distant times of the birth of the Cossacks, their irreconcilable hostility for their independence with the Polish nobility. Having created your special state, the freedom-loving Zaporozhye Sich, the Cossacks were engaged in peaceful labor, but at any moment they were ready to take up arms.

Taras Bulba is the central character of the story. This is a real Cossack, a courageous and courageous person. The character has no real historical prototype. He personifies all the best features of a unique Russian class - the Cossacks. Taras – a real warrior, who has seen a lot in his lifetime. The arrival of his sons from studies is a joy for the aging father. However, he severely restrains his emotions and does not allow his mother to admire her children enough. Taras almost immediately begins to get ready for the journey to show Ostap and Andriy to the Sich, to give them a taste of Cossack life.

The children of Taras end up in the daring and dashing Zaporozhye Sich, where peaceful life passes in endless drinking bouts. The outbreak of hostilities with Poland instantly transforms the inhabitants of the Sich. The readiness to defend the Motherland at the first call is the main quality inherent in the Cossacks. In military clashes, the sons of Taras mature and grow stronger. He prophesies a great future for his children.

The siege of the city of Dubna is the central episode of the work. In it, Gogol described in sublime tones the power of the boundless love of the Cossacks for their Motherland. A sharp contrast to this is Andriy’s betrayal because of his love for a Polish woman. Taras could not stand it and killed own son. This is the main tragedy of the work. Betrayal of the Motherland cannot be forgiven; it is washed away only with blood.

Another misfortune awaited Taras’s heart. Ostap was captured. The moment of torture and execution is described in an incredibly moving tone. Ostap endured the torment to the end, he died with honor and pride.

Taras's terrible and merciless revenge ends with his painful death at the hands of the enemy. Last words the old Cossack turned to his comrades. He predicts the greatness of his homeland. The image of the crucified and burned Taras is a symbol of a true fighter for the freedom of his land.

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