My soul is crying very badly. What to do if you feel bad because of someone? What to do if your soul hurts, if your soul feels bad

Sometimes it happens that you feel very bad at heart and absolutely don’t want to do anything.

When a person feels bad in his soul, he wants to sleep in the morning and not wake up, he wants to cover himself with a blanket from everyone and plunge somewhere far into sleep.

Sometimes you feel bad at heart and desire disappears, motivation disappears, people disappoint, friends betray, love leaves.

How to live under such life scenarios and circumstances? What to do? Have a glass of wine or whiskey? Does it make sense? Tomorrow you will wake up and you will not only have a sore soul, but also a sore head. Maybe then go to the kitchen and eat something tasty? Well, eat a piece of chocolate pie and enjoy yourself for 10 minutes, but what next? Then the same melancholy and despondency.

A person will not be helped by bodily satisfactions, which are an illusion of happiness and joy; a person only needs real ways improving your mental state in order to continue to live moderately and give joy to your loved ones and loved ones.

What to do when you feel bad?

Of course, in the very first seconds or minutes of trouble, a person wants to be sad, shed tears at the window and lock himself in his room.

There is nothing bad or unnatural about this, be sad, cry for 20-30 minutes.

While you are sad, try to play your favorite song for 3-4 minutes, which can improve your mood and allow you to collect yourself psychologically.

The main thing is that the song is not sad and depressive in the “Black Metal” style, because such musical genres will drive you into the deepest despondency.

The author of this article, when he feels very bad, prefers to listen to the song: Linkin Park – Breaking the habit. The song, in its rhythm and content, helps you get back on your feet and move towards your cherished goal.

After you listen to the music, go and wash yourself, or even better, take a warm shower if there is hot water.

After washing or showering, you will immediately feel refreshed and relieved. You will begin to think more clearly, more broadly, and even a little more optimistic.

You will need to take a piece of paper and write the following phrase on it: “ IT WILL NOT ALWAYS BE SO».

Please hang this piece of paper in a very important place in your apartment and let it be your life postulate.

This one is very wise phrase will constantly remind you that all your troubles, failures and problems are not eternal and, someday, they will fall underground, and you will no longer intersect with them.

Why do this?

This is necessary so that your mood improves and euphoria (joy) awakens inside you.

Agree, if you were put in a dark cellar with cobwebs, your joy would hardly increase, since such an area would depress you and drive you into deep depression.

Hence, raise the blinds, remove the curtains and make your apartment bright from sunlight.

This won't improve your mood dramatically, but at least you won't feel pessimism and darkness around you.

Bright light is always associated with life, but you know what darkness is with...

Negativity and sadness in the soul are well diluted by vigorous activity, which can cause positive stress.

  • Go to gym, if you don’t have one near your house, play sports in your room or apartment.
  • Go and run a kilometer around your house or school stadium.
  • Play football, basketball, table tennis.
  • Go for a ride in a car, go for a ride on a motorcycle, but I beg you, don’t crash.
  • Jump with a parachute.
  • Go rope jumping.

In fact, there are quite a lot of options for active activities in the world, both paid and free.

Try to do something active, don’t sit and wait for tomorrow’s workday, since working during a bad state of mind drives you into negative thoughts hopelessness.

Before work, have time to do something active for the soul from the list above and it will become much easier for you.

What to watch when you feel bad?

I feel terribly bad in my soul and around on TV they show depressing news, where they say that the dollar has grown, so-and-so was killed, there was a terrorist attack, and so on.

Is this familiar to you? The solution is simple - turn off the TV and watch a couple of motivational videos on the Internet that will definitely help you.

Just go to YouTube and type in “Motivation” and that’s it, you’ll find more useful videos than you’ve ever seen on TV.

If you want to watch movies, no problem. We recommend you watch:

  1. Always say yes!
  2. In pursuit of happiness
  3. Until I played in the box
  4. Legend No. 17
  5. Slumdog Millionaire

It’s clear that when you feel bad at heart, you don’t want to read and it’s easier to turn on a movie, series, and so on.

But there are still people in the world who draw inspiration not from films, but from motivational books.

When you are in a bad mood, it is very difficult to read hard-to-read literature, so we will give you a list of books that are easy to read.

  1. Count of Monte Cristo;
  2. Aimless life;
  3. There is no harm in dreaming;
  4. Important years;
  5. Love of life.

Not every person manages to be cheerful and positive all the time. Sometimes we feel sad with or without a good reason. And it’s not always possible to understand what to do when you feel bad at heart. No one can help us with this except ourselves. After all, only we know ourselves better than others. Therefore, we can ease our souls without outside help. The main thing is to want it.

The reasons for what is bad in the soul?

In general, spiritual heaviness often appears by itself. But it also happens that there is a reason for this:

  • Unrequited love;
  • Problems with studies;
  • Scandal with relatives or friends;
  • Envy or guilt;
  • Complexes, etc.

In such a situation, you should simply understand the root cause and solve it. For example, if you are sad because of your boyfriend or girlfriend, then improve your personal life. If you have problems with weight, then start losing weight.

The main thing is to admit to yourself that you don’t feel good precisely because of this, and not look for excuses. Otherwise, you will constantly go in a vicious circle.

What to do if you don’t feel good?

In such a situation, you need to do 2 things:

  1. Don't enjoy it;
  2. Don't get used to this.

Many people take hidden pleasure from their suffering. Sadness becomes a habit. And they begin to engage in constant spiritual masochism, which is extremely wrong.

Don't dig into yourself, making it even more painful. Try to distract yourself. If this doesn't work, then don't do anything at all. You will have a desire to make things worse for yourself, for example, to remember all your failures. Don't do this. This is a false desire.

Turn on the positive

In fact, the human psyche is simpler than it seems. And if you turn on the fun switch in yourself, then you can get out of depression.

For example, you feel bad. You start watching VK memes. At first, you are disgusted by it. Then you stop caring. And then you accidentally start smiling. And your suffering recedes.

That’s right, with the help of distraction you can cure any blues. In addition, various positive activities can fill your life with activities. And you won't have time to sit and suffer.

Remember this. Inaction is the worst thing that can happen. It is from him that all mental problems come.

Spiritual heaviness is normal

In general, such problems are not the worst thing. A person doesn't always have to laugh. After all, laughter for no reason is a sign of you know what.

Therefore, you should not try to cheer yourself up as soon as you feel sad. It's normal to feel a little sad. Sadness helps us to reboot ourselves and take a little break from the turmoil of the world.

The main thing is not to indulge your spiritual problems. If you feel sick too often and it interferes with your life, then take action immediately.

In general, in such a situation you can learn from alcoholics and drug addicts. Live one day at a time. You have a body. You have food to feed your body. So what else do you need?

Learn to score everything in moderation. If you take everything seriously, you can get a lot of problems. It is especially difficult for people who are always chasing a great goal, dreaming of becoming the smartest or the richest.

In the life of every person there are white and black stripes - this is how the world works, where various events occur in waves. Those who know about this theory do not dwell on troubles, but confidently move forward, achieving their desired goals.

But what to do when some life shocks drive you crazy, the ground disappears from under your feet, sadness, melancholy, and mental breakdown arise. How to cope with this condition and prevent severe depression?

Causes of mental sadness

Obvious reasons include conflicts in the family, at work, health problems, misunderstandings in love relationships. Transformed factors that aggravate the condition:

  • Negative emotions that for a long time do not find a way out of the body;
  • Expecting something bad, when a marriage is falling apart at the seams, there are layoffs at work, people are rude at the store, there are traffic jams on the road, and much more.

In each individual case, it is important to find the root cause of the appearance of negative emotions, and then unwind the issues that have arisen like a ball of thread, putting everything in its place.

What to do?

Whatever happens, do not reproach yourself, it is important to understand that everything good and bad comes and goes, it is important not to dwell on negativity, but to move forward, enjoying life.

If your soul is bad, then you need to give yourself or someone else joy. Treat a child to candy, feed a dog on the street, take an old lady across the road. If you can’t live without sushi or a new dress, then allow it for yourself today.

Attention! You need to learn to enjoy the little things. Difficulties make a person stronger. It is advisable to correct all errors immediately after they are realized. Forgive, ask for forgiveness, pray to the Lord about what he has done.

You may want to be alone, but this does not mean that you need to withdraw into yourself, much less abuse alcohol. Need to enable good music, lie down on the sofa, relax, try to analyze the current situation.

Even if thoughts of good things don’t come to mind today, it’s enough to drink warm chamomile tea and fall asleep, and tomorrow will put everything in its place.

How to improve your mood?

Mental emptiness occurs when there is no desired support nearby. You need to pull yourself together, call your friends, meet in an emotionally charged place - a cafe, theater, disco, bowling alley. Noisy and fun company will allow you to escape from bad thoughts, and perhaps find a way out of the situation.

You can join a gym where you can throw out your emotions with physical activity. Yoga will help normalize your breathing. And meeting new people interesting people will lead to the thought that maybe not everything is as bad as it seems.

Sometimes mental pain arises due to committing a rash act, in which case, in order to remove the accusations from yourself, you need to repent, ask for forgiveness, and tell others about what you did. Yes, other problems may appear, but you will no longer lie to yourself.

Effective ways to relieve sadness and anxiety

What can help you take your mind off bad thoughts?

  1. Delicious food - dark chocolate, banana, orange, cheese, beef liver, strong tea with lemon, ginger, coffee.
  2. Smile - no matter how bad your soul is - you need to smile, look in the mirror and admire your reflection. You can also say that everything is fine with me, I’m in a great mood.
  3. Reading your favorite book and watching an interesting movie.
  4. Maybe you should cry to let the negativity out, then a good mood will come.
  5. Try something new, much less desirable. Go to a resort, update your wardrobe, bake a cake, go to a concert, let new emotions and experiences distract you from negativity.
  6. Make your dreams come true - each of them should come true, and not remain written on a piece of paper.

If mental anguish arose due to death loved one, then in this case it is important to go to church, light a candle, pray, and understand for yourself that it is no longer possible to resurrect him and bring him back to life. You need to let him go, because, as the Bible says, then it will be easier for him to live in the next world.

If work exhausts all the juices, and there is no way to change it, for some objective reasons, then you need to learn to relax when you come home. Take a bath, arrange noisy party, visit a beauty salon, set aside time for a hobby, which will take your mind off problems.

Proven methods to get out of a bad mood

You can pour out your soul to your loved one or to a stranger, talk about your experiences, hear the advice of others. You can write about the problem in social networks, try to figure out why your soul feels so bad.

It will also help to go for a walk fresh air, outdoors. It is enough to listen to the birds singing, pay attention to the beauty of this world - let go of your thoughts and experiences. Your favorite pet can be an excellent helper; even if he doesn’t talk, he can give you love that will fill your weary heart.

Attention! Sometimes, it’s enough to get a good night’s sleep, before going to bed, make a relaxing face and body mask, take a bath, drink a cup of tea with lemon and bergamot. All this will benefit both soul and body.

And most importantly, stop tormenting yourself with worries, there are so many in the world serious problems, about which you are not even aware. Life is beautiful, enjoy the little things - a bird in the hand is better than a pie in the sky.

When nothing helps, then you need to see a doctor, he will prescribe a course of medications, and you can improve your physical and mental health. Happiness and smiles to you every day!

Whatever happy man no matter what, he will always be missing something. Some small trifle, because of which everything will lose its color and your soul will become lousy. What to do in this case and how to deal with it? In this article we will talk about what to do when you feel bad at heart for no apparent reason.

And cats scratch at my soul

Every person knows this expression. It is known not only theoretically, but also practically. It seems that everything is fine, it seems that he is happy, but still his soul is lousy. Why?? Often a person is not able to answer this “why” because he himself does not understand it. But still there are reasons. Very often the reason is disagreement with this way of life, self-deception, lack of happy moments, fear in connection with sudden changes and much, much more. You can deal with this on your own, but if nothing works out, you need to contact a specialist. Don’t be afraid of going to doctors, they are people too, they also have emotions and they can help you. A psychoanalyst will not only help you figure out what the problem is, but also suggest a solution.

What to do when you feel bad?

There are many things and activities that can help you combat low mood and depression. But before you start, you must admit that you really feel bad. First of all, admit it to yourself, and only then, if you want, to someone else. Understanding your problem means half solving it. So, let's find out what to do when you feel bad at heart.

  • First, don't avoid people. On the contrary, communicate as much as possible with your family and friends, throw parties and receptions, go on picnics and visits, but just don’t be alone with your thoughts and don’t distance yourself from your friends - this is very dangerous.
  • Secondly, get a pet. A dog is best, as it is a very active family member who will definitely not let you get bored. Of course, you can also have a cat, it all depends on your preferences.
  • Third, try something new. Go to a resort, try a new dish, update your wardrobe, go to a rock concert or a play at the theater. Basically, do something you've never done before, feel something you've never felt before. New emotions and experiences will help you forget about depression and relieve you from your daily routine.
  • Fourth, do charity work. You can’t even imagine what a joy it is to help other people. Even the smallest, but still help.
  • Fifth, play sports. Morning jogging and working out in the gym will not only lift your spirits, but also allow you to keep yourself in good shape. Besides this good opportunity make new acquaintances.
  • Sixth, make your dreams come true. Write a list of things you would like to do, but are unlikely to dare to do. Wrote?? Now fulfill it, because dreams should come true, and not remain dreams!


After reading this article, you already know what to do when you feel bad. The main thing is to really fight this and not give up, because your happiness is in your hands - remember this.

When a person feels physical pain, it is quite simple to say that it hurts. But when the soul hurts, what to do, how to explain it, and how to cope with it?

Features of mental pain

As you know, mental pain cannot be measured by any instruments. Oddly enough, sometimes a person cannot even describe it, but most of us have felt it at least once in our lives. Often, small wounds on the body heal quite quickly, but it may take more than one year to eliminate the pain in the soul.

The emotional suffering that a person feels at this moment is often incommensurable with anything. The painful sensations that a person experiences at this moment depend on individual characteristics personality and the reason that provoked such a malfunction in the body.

Causes of mental pain

If we consider mental pain in a broad concept, then there can be an innumerable number of reasons for its occurrence. Most often similar discomfort appear due to loss loved one. This could be a breakup, a serious quarrel, or death. In all these cases, there is a feeling of emptiness, a lack of this person, which entails the appearance of mental pain.

When asking the question of why the soul hurts, you can find other answers. Often this happens because the goal was not achieved. For example, a person spent most of his life creating a mind-blowing career, but remained an average worker. Someone focused on family life, but things are heading towards divorce. Moreover, in most of these cases, oppression occurs not because the desired outcome did not work out, but because of the condemnation of those close to them.

Also with public opinion You can connect situations when a person does not want to do something, but “should”. This very necessity is most often far-fetched. Over time, certain ideals appear in society, and in an effort to achieve them, a person forgets about what he really wants. Without receiving even the slightest pleasure from daily work every day, he cannot achieve a feeling of joy, constant voltage Over time it affects your state of mind.

How to deal with the problem

Most people in such a situation are not interested in the reason for such sensations, but in the answer to the question “When the soul hurts, what to do?” You need to understand for yourself how to relate to this pain, what to do in such a situation, and how to react to what happened. All these steps will be part of recovery and relief from painful sensations.

How to deal with painful sensations

You should not perceive pain as something negative and destructive. Pain, both mental and physical, gives us a sign that a malfunction has occurred in the body. This condition becomes the first signal that prevents much worse consequences. And you need to direct your internal reserves to eliminate the first urges.

The constant state of depression, apathy and dissatisfaction only gets worse over time. If you do not take any action, then as a result of a continuous depressed mood, a person morally begins to “corrode” himself from the inside.

How to react

It is much easier to cope with torment when you know why your soul hurts. There are several tips that help in different situations. After all, a person will cope differently with a problem if it arises mental anxiety and when there is a feeling that no one needs you.

Losing a loved one

The greatest pain is felt in those moments when you lose a loved one forever. What’s even more depressing is the realization that you can’t get those back. joyful moments that connected you.

In such a situation, there is no need to keep everything to yourself, especially in the first time after the incident. It’s best to cry, whether to someone or just alone. After you have let go of the most negative emotions, it’s worth taking care of your own recovery. You need to accept the fact that a person has left this life, but you are still alive, don’t give up on yourself. Oddly enough, in this situation, most people who have experienced this support the statement that time heals. No one can tell you how much water needs to flow for you to return to real life, but it will definitely happen.

Don’t isolate yourself from the help of loved ones, they can distract you a little. When your soul hurts from losses, loneliness is not the best advisor, so to restore vitality and energy, try to get involved in the life of society more often.


At some point in life, most people feel abandoned and unwanted. If your soul hurts from loneliness, the main thing is not to close yourself off. The more you focus on yourself, the more consuming this state becomes. The soul may feel heavy from loneliness after a breakup, or such pain may arise as a result of the feeling that no one needs it.

Getting out of the daily routine, meeting new people, traveling and even art will help you cope with loneliness. In a great way recovery after failed relationships will become handicrafts. Choose for yourself what you like, be it painting huge oil paintings or assembling matchstick houses, the main thing is that this activity completely absorbs and captivates you.

If you broke up, but still work at the same job or are in the same group of friends, then the best option there will be a change of scenery. You don't have to go to the other side of the Earth to get distracted. Camping with tents in a nearby forest will have exactly the same effect.

There is also one popular and quite effective way when your heart is heavy. Workaholics in this case are completely saved by work. This is a fairly effective method, but it is not worth using it as a long-term treatment, because you can lose contact with all your family and friends. Therefore, it is better to perceive this method as temporary therapy.


The concept of grief is quite broad; it can include both mental and physical losses. When your soul hurts from grief, you need to realize and accept what happened, and then begin to move on. Everything passes and changes, medicine allows us to treat most diseases, and financial losses can always be restored. Time heals, and after a while you yourself will begin to forget about what happened.


A fairly common condition of the human body, when the soul hurts from insults. Injustices in this life lie in wait for us at every corner, and no matter how hard we try, it is impossible to cope with them all. If the feeling of resentment arose as a result of a situation that you can influence, then it is best to act and strive to restore justice. If the situation is obviously a win-win situation, it is better to let it go and forget it as quickly as possible. Resistance will take away much more vitality from you than ignoring what happened. If a feeling of resentment arose after something a loved one said to you, it is better not to eat yourself up about this, but to talk openly with him. A fairly common situation is when a person screws himself up and comes up with the development of the plot in one phrase. A constructive conversation will help you figure out the essence of the problem and understand for yourself, first of all, whether there is a reason to be offended.

First aid at home

Most often, the most ordinary things can return positive attitude and pull a person out of a depressed state. Therefore, you need to remember some tips that will answer the question “My soul hurts, what should I do?” Easy techniques to eliminate psychological trauma:

In the most difficult situations

When your soul hurts, what should you do when not a single method helps, and you yourself feel that you are becoming more and more drawn into this state? There remains one more proven method of combating heartache and depression - a trip to a psychologist. Some people are extremely negative about this, believing that it is a waste of money and time. Actually this is not true.

A long-term state of mental pain, which is intertwined with chronic depression, is no longer regarded simply as a malfunction in the body, but as a disease. And who can best help you cope with the disease if not a doctor?

Do not underestimate mental pain; disorders develop against the background of this problem physical condition person, health problems appear. The patient becomes distracted, which negatively affects work and study, and will subsequently give an additional impetus to worsening depression.

A visit to a psychologist will allow you to find out what the situation looks like from the outside. A positive feature is that a person can look at what happened impartially. Also, the psychologist will probably offer you several options for getting out of this state; you can choose the most effective and least painful one for you. The human psyche has many features that only an experienced psychologist understands, so his help often becomes the most effective among all options for getting rid of depression.

Don't isolate yourself

If you feel that for some reason you have broken down internally and you can’t cope on your own, you shouldn’t close yourself off from everyone. This condition can be compared to a disease that you don’t tell anyone about, but at this time it gets worse and causes more and more harm.

Talk to a loved one; if this is psychologically difficult, tell a stranger about your experiences. By constantly holding negative thoughts within ourselves, we poison our essence.

Recovery or worsening

Some people confuse relief from heartache with temporary relief. When choosing alcohol or drugs as an ally, a person must understand that they will not help in any way to cope with the problem. The intoxication passes, but the pain does not disappear. Such treatment methods are akin to self-deception; we forget about the problem for a while, but it does not go away.

To get rid of mental pain, you need to understand what its root cause is, get rid of it, accept it or forget it. You should not run away from the decision; the faster and more radically you begin to fight mental pain, the better the result will be.