Road sign car parking. Effect of the “Paid parking” sign according to traffic regulations

One of the ways to optimize traffic on the road network is the competent organization of parking space on the roadway. All drivers are familiar with sign 6.4 “Parking (parking space)”. The sign itself does not raise any questions, however, according to GOST, its use is only possible with signs additional information and the definition of the parking zone defined by this sign raises some questions.

Let us consider in detail how to correctly determine the parking space indicated by sign 6.4 in various situations.

Parking parallel to the edge of the roadway

A “Parking” sign installed without a sign with a limited coverage area is valid until the nearest intersection. Plaque “Method of setting vehicle” must always be installed with this sign. This combination can be used to designate a paid parking zone. Do not forget about the prohibition of parking closer than 5 meters to the edge of the roadway being crossed.

Paid parking parallel to the edge of the roadway

  • Parking in your pocket

    To organize parking in a “pocket”, a sign is used that limits the sign’s coverage area and, as noted above, the method of placement must be indicated.

    Please note that parking on the edge of the roadway before and after the “pocket” is not prohibited. Parking is permitted in accordance with general rules stops and parking. At the same time, parking along the sidewalk line is prohibited, since entering and exiting the pocket will become impossible.

    If the sign is installed in the direction of travel with a sign 8.17 “Disabled”, then parking in a place marked with 6.4 Only permitted for disabled people. Blocking the exit, as in the previous case, is prohibited.

    If the sign is installed perpendicular to the direction of movement– it designates a parking space for disabled people. According to GOST, the width of a parking space for disabled people is 3.6 m, that is, 1.8 m from the place where the sign is installed.

    Parking within the coverage area of ​​signs prohibiting stopping or parking

    When it is necessary to organize parking in the coverage area of ​​signs prohibiting stopping or parking, it is allowed to use the “Parking” sign with the obligatory use of the “Validity Area” sign. In this case, the coverage area of ​​the prohibiting signs will be limited to the distance indicated on the sign.

    For some reason this moment is not reflected in the picture and at first glance there is a feeling of contradiction in the signs. The possibility of such a limitation of the area of ​​operation of prohibitory signs is prescribed in GOST.

    The coverage area of ​​any of the signs 3.27-3.30 can be reduced by installing at the end of their coverage area repeated signs 3.27-3.30 with plate 8.2.3 (which is preferable) or by using plate 8.2.2 or by installing another sign from the specified list or by installing sign 6.4 “Parking location” with sign 8.2.1 “Validity area”.

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    The first paid state parking lots appeared on the streets of Moscow relatively recently, in 2013. Such an experiment, as noted by representatives of the capital’s Department of Transport, managed to bring positive results: in addition to additional financial injections into the city budget, such an “innovation” made it possible to significantly streamline the parking of vehicles on city streets.

    But also negative aspects Such an innovation was not long in coming: many drivers unwittingly found themselves in violation due to the resulting confusion with road signs posted along with existing ones. There are often cases when, in such urban traffic conditions, even an experienced driver cannot always easily determine where the paid parking zone begins and, no less important, where it ends. Let's try to figure out what the territory of paid parking spaces is. What should a “paid parking” road sign look like? How should I pay for a parking space, and in what cases is it not necessary to pay for parking?

    How are parking zones organized and controlled?

    Paid parking spaces are, as a rule, a specially equipped and landscaped area adjacent to the side of the road, roadway, sidewalk, bridge, and so on. The state parking zone on a paid basis is intended for organized legal parking of vehicles. On the territory allocated for these purposes, there are road markings for parking spaces and an indication of paid parking - the “Paid Parking” sign.

    Paid parking zones are controlled by special vehicles - parking lots. When entering the territory of the parking zone at the parking lot, a recording device is activated via GPS, which includes two cameras for recording the license plates parked in at the moment cars and general plan in the parking lot. The license plates of vehicles marked in the parking area are transferred to an electronic database, after which a special program analyzes the received data. As a result, the database automatically eliminates vehicles belonging to preferential category drivers, special vehicles and cars that have paid for paid parking services. Along with parking vehicles, parking inspectors are on duty in the paid parking area, recording information about parked vehicles using a tablet computer.

    Information about violators is transmitted every evening to the Traffic Police Traffic Police Center, where final processing of the data is carried out, as a result of which the driver who violated the rules for using state paid parking receives a notice of a fine, confirmed by a photograph of the offense. How to avoid fines for an illegally parked car?

    Where can I park my car? What do the parking spaces look like?

    In urban environments, especially on central streets, finding a parking space can be very difficult. But even if you managed to park the car in such a way that parking does not seem to bother anyone at first glance, the driver may be in for an unpleasant surprise in the form of a fine or the car being towed to an impound lot. How to find the “right” place for your vehicle? Current rules traffic a single road sign 6.4 “Parking” was adopted, which looks like a white letter “P” on a blue background.

    This road sign may be supplemented below by another sign indicating the type of transport for which the parking spaces are intended and the method of parking, a sign indicating the coverage area of ​​the parking zone, a sign “Parking for the disabled” and others. The parking space indicated by these road signs may be free or paid. How can we understand that there is a sign in front of us indicating paid parking?

    What does the “Paid parking” sign include?

    In order not to become a violator of the rules regarding paid state parking, the driver needs to know what the paid parking sign looks like. What road signs indicate that you need to pay for a parking space? Home « distinctive feature", which allows you to identify a paid parking sign, is road sign 8.8, located under the parking sign. This is a white plate with a stylized image of three “coins” - three black circles with the numbers “10”, “15”, “20”.

    How is the paid parking area designated?

    How to determine where the zone reserved for paid parking spaces begins and ends? The beginning of the paid parking zone is a sign that complements the paid parking sign, “10 15 20” (which means paid parking). Without this tandem of road signs, any parking area cannot be considered a paid parking lot.

    The end of the parking zone in which a paid parking sign is in force is indicated by a sign depicting a diagonal strikethrough of the “Parking” sign. Another signal for the completion of any, free or paid, parking may be sign 3.27 “Stopping is prohibited.”

    Additionally, the state paid parking zone is indicated by a sign - a shield with the inscription “You are entering a paid parking zone.” In the same way, a road sign “You are leaving a paid parking area” should indicate the end of this area. But such signs are not available everywhere.

    Methods of paying for a parking space

    Another question that may arise for a driver who is using paid parking for the first time: where and how can I pay for this service? There are currently five deposit methods available cash:

    • Pay through a special parking meter terminal. To do this, you will need to buy a scratch card in advance at one of the mobile operators or use your regular by bank card. You cannot pay in cash on these machines. The instructions for further manipulations are quite simple: insert the card, select the interactive “Pay” button on the parking meter screen, confirm the data (paid time, parking number), pay. You should definitely keep the coupon (receipt), which in case of disputes will be the main confirmation of timely payment for the parking space.
    • Via SMS message (any telecom operator). This can be done quite quickly and easily - you need to send a message of the following type to a single number 7757: “parking number * state registration number of your car * amount of time (in hours) that the car will stay in the parking lot.” After this action, payment will be made from your mobile account. The only thing you should take care of in advance is that you have enough money in your phone account. sum of money. In a similar way, you can, if necessary, extend previously paid time by sending SMS “x1” to the same number (a different number of hours may be indicated instead of “1”). When leaving a paid parking lot, send the message “S” to 7757. In this case, the unspent balance of funds will be returned to the driver’s mobile account. The disadvantage of this method: some mobile operators may additionally charge a commission for the operation.
    • Via an Internet application installed on a smartphone. You will need to install the “Parking” application of your city: go to the “Parking Space” website (“Moscow Parking Space” for metropolitan drivers) and register, receiving to work on the portal “ Personal account" Download from the website and install a special application on your smartphone. Top up your electronic cash account on the parking portal to pay for a parking space. After this, payment for parking will look like this: when entering the paid parking area, the driver must start mobile application, log into your electronic “Personal Account” and activate the “Park” button. To terminate the payment time, the application is equipped with a “Leave” button, and to extend the paid time, extend it accordingly.
    • Deposit money to pay for parking through a regular payment terminal (for example, QIWI) using a section specially designed for this.
    • Among other things, drivers have the opportunity to buy a parking pass for the coverage area of ​​state paid parking lots. This document is purchased for a period of one month or a year and allows you to use paid parking without paying an hourly fee. The disadvantages of this payment method are that the subscription is valid not 24 hours a day, but only from 06:00 to midnight.

    What to do if you can’t pay for parking in a paid parking lot?

    As has already become clear, for law-abiding drivers who pay for a parking space on time, various options making payment. For situations where for some reason you need to use accessible ways It is not possible to pay for parking; there is a Single Center, which the driver can contact by phone. The Center's employees will register the appeal and issue the driver with the appropriate number, which in the future will be the basis for preventing collection.

    How far does the sign apply?

    So, knowing what all the paid parking zone designations required by law look like, and strictly observing the established procedure for using state paid parking, the law-abiding driver receives great opportunity safely leave your vehicle in a well-maintained parking lot without the risk of getting a fine or becoming a “victim of a tow truck.” However, due to the regular expansion of specially designated areas for paid parking spaces, not all paid parking areas may be marked or equipped with signs indicating the beginning and end of the parking area. In this case, are there any ways to know for sure how far after the sign the “Paid parking” sign applies?

    • If there is a parking sign without additional indication of the length of the parking zone by other signs, parking vehicles is allowed up to the first intersection, but no more than 5 m before the road intersecting the roadway with the parking zone.
    • To indicate the extent of the zone covered by the “Paid parking” sign, the traffic rules provide for a special road sign 8.2.1 called “Validity zone”. It looks like a sign with a black number and arrows on a white background and is placed, like other specific road signs, under the “Parking” sign. The number indicated on the sign indicates the length of the parking zone in meters.
    • The area suitable for stopping vehicles, located before the paid parking signs, does not fall within the coverage area of ​​the road sign. There will be no charge for parking in front of the “Paid Parking” sign, but a driver who leaves the car outside the official parking zone risks violating other traffic rules.
    • Territories belonging to the courtyards of nearby houses cannot be included in paid parking zones.

    This is important! You should also remember about the effect of other road signs installed in the same area as the paid parking sign. For example, a road sign such as “No Parking” placed near an officially posted parking lot significantly reduces the coverage area of ​​the sign 6.4. Therefore, if the territory is not marked with signs of the beginning and end of the parking zone, you should be guided by the above “Area of ​​Action” sign and road markings.

    Who has the right to use paid parking without paying?

    Does a paid parking sign always mean that you have to pay for parking? The current traffic rules and legislation regulating the principles of organizing city paid parking spaces establish a number of categories of benefit drivers who have the right to use free paid parking spaces:

    • Disabled people and legal representatives of children with disabilities.
    • WWII veterans.
    • Large families.
    • Participants in the defense of the city of Moscow.
    • Drivers of electric vehicles.
    • Persons who were prisoners of concentration camps as minors during the Second World War.
    • Motorcyclists.
    • Emergency vehicles.

    The above road users have the right to obtain a parking permit based on supporting documents. Separately regulations, regulating the rules for the use of state paid parking lots, stipulate the conditions for preferential parking for residents or tenants of housing located in the territory to which the paid parking belongs. Residents of houses in the parking area are entitled to the following benefits:

    • Owners (tenants) have the right to obtain a resident permit for themselves - a document confirming the right to use paid parking spaces free of charge every day from 20:00 to 08:00 (but no more than two permits per household).
    • Based on residency rights, you can additionally receive an annual subscription, which allows you to use parking during the daytime at a reduced cost (from 3,000 rubles).

    You can apply for a discounted parking pass and a permit for free overnight parking by contacting the nearest MFC department.

    This is important! Preferential conditions parking does not apply to drivers who have unpaid (overdue) fines for traffic violations. For this reason, it is necessary to promptly check information about the absence of such debts through the State Traffic Inspectorate website or the State Services portal.

    When can I park for free?

    As recently as 2015, an experiment by the Moscow Government was completed and was recognized as very successful, suggesting a procedure for using paid parking spaces for free on public holidays and on officially accepted weekends. In accordance with the new changes, paid parking areas are marked with signs indicating that on weekends and holidays There is no charge for parking; drivers can use the following free of charge:

    • Every Sunday and Saturday following a public holiday.
    • On non-working holidays.
    • On days off officially postponed on the basis of federal laws.

    The exception is parking lots, where signs “Parking on weekends is paid” are installed.

    Problems that arise when using paid parking

    Unfortunately, we have to admit that the organization of paid parking has a number of shortcomings. Despite the ongoing work to eliminate shortcomings, there are still a lot of complaints and questions related to paid parking on motorist forums. Such comments from “clients”, vehicle drivers, are most common:

    • Confusion with road signs. Most often this is due to " human factor" For example, road signs may be installed incorrectly. Or the driver discovers road signs that contradict the parking permit near the place where the “10 15 20” paid parking sign was recently installed, which means the following: due to an oversight, the previous signs were not dismantled. Often such misunderstandings are eliminated by the installers themselves or by a call (complaint) from the drivers.
    • Uneven or worn parking lot markings.
    • Fines due to parking meter errors. Most often, this is a simple technical failure, due to which information about payment or the location of the car was transferred untimely or not at all to the general database of the parking space. Such fines can be easily challenged, especially if you have a saved ticket in hand.

    Paid parking signs June 2nd, 2017

    Until recently (in historical terms), just about 5 years ago, in Russia we did not have paid parking on the streets. Therefore, even an additional sign with coins indicated in the rules payment only in cash.

    For a short period in the 2000s, Luzhkov collected money on some streets in exactly this way. As they say, not many will remember, but it happened. However, after parking attendants began to take most of the collected money into his pocket, and not into the budget, Yuri Mikhailovich covered the feeding trough.

    In 2012, at the instigation of Maxim Liksutov, Sergei Sobyanin decided to introduce the first paid parking zone according to new rules. As he later admitted, this was one of his most difficult decisions. Not surprisingly, few people were willing to pay for what was previously free. But that's not the point. They put up a lot of signs, they started to damage appearance cities. Then came up with the idea of ​​using reduced-sized signs, as well as signs with combined information signs, for example, toll rates.

    Signs should not only be understandable, but also beautiful and interesting. On the "parking" sign, the Latin letter "P" (parking) is too reminiscent of the Russian "P". Why not play with this and enter new sign payment - like this.

    Firstly, it is beautiful and original, and secondly, it attracts attention and develops the designation of the Russian currency (invented by the well-known Tema Lebedev). In short, even foreigners can’t make a mistake.

    I know that now there will be 2 skeptics, “they say, there is no need to scare people, the road is not a place for experiments.” Yeah, tell that to the leaders in road safety - the Europeans.

    The first time I saw such signs was in Italy many years ago and I thought it was some kind of local peculiarity.

    But then I saw such signs all over Europe. It's funny when you show these photos to some big people at the traffic police department. Let me remind you that they are not allowed to travel abroad. So they are surprised, " How do these Europeans violate the strictly established designations of road signs, prescribed in the relevant annexes to Vienna Convention about traffic“But no one lives by outdated standards except us, that’s the whole secret.

    Moving people along a road is not hard code. This is psychology, certain patterns of behavior. Game form reports important information- this is no longer just an initiative that should be taken, but an obligation in the information age.

    Therefore, I think that this is an excellent answer to the Europeans. Give me a new sign!

    The number of cars in our country is increasing every year, which is why there are numerous traffic jams on the roads, and parking in the city center is becoming a big problem. Finding a free parking space takes a lot of time and not everyone has the patience for this. It happens that car owners in a hurry leave their car in the wrong place or grossly violate parking rules.

    As a result of such actions, an obstacle is created for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, causing traffic jams and congestion. For such a violation of parking rules, a fairly large fine is provided, and the car is towed to the impound lot. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the stop sign and parking is prohibited to avoid material and moral costs.

    If you email often notifications about payment of a traffic fine are received from the traffic police, then this is a reason to once again carefully study the requirements of traffic rules, as well as the location of parking spaces for stopping vehicles. In addition, it is advisable to remember where the “No Stopping” and “No Parking” road signs are located in the area of ​​the city where you visit most often. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to quickly find a suitable place to stop without unnecessary hassle.

    Where is it prohibited for any vehicle to stop? Such places include:

    The difference between the concepts of “stop” and “parking”

    Not every car owner will be able to correctly explain the difference between terms such as “parking” and “stop”. Road The “No Stopping” sign looks very much like the “No Parking” sign., but differs from it in that it has an additional intersecting diagonal line. However, the meanings and requirements of such signs differ greatly. In the Rules, these terms are interpreted as follows: if the car stopped at short time(up to 5 minutes) is a stop, and if for a longer period, then a parking lot. In reality, things don't happen quite like that.

    For example, a truck brought goods to a hypermarket or vegetable warehouse and while it is unloading it, it can stand on the road for quite a long time until the process is completed. According to According to the rules, this situation is interpreted as a stop., if the goods are unloaded continuously. But if the driver stopped near a store to buy cigarettes, but because of the long line at the checkout, stood there for 10 minutes, then the inspector assesses this situation as parking.

    The rules of stopping and parking are interpreted as actions of the car owner, carried out both at will and at the request of the passenger. If the car was forced to stop due to a breakdown, at a traffic light, as a result of a traffic jam or an accident, then this is not considered a stop or parking because the driver did it unintentionally.

    A forced stop is carried out in the place where the car owner is caught in an emergency or force majeure situation. In this case he certain actions need to be performed to ensure the safety of other vehicles. So, the driver must turn on the flashing alarm and park the car on the side of the road. If the stop is expected to be long, then it is necessary to install an emergency sign.

    How to distinguish between “No Stopping” and “No Parking” signs?

    To avoid getting fine for wrong parking, you must carefully study the Traffic Rules indicating where stopping vehicles is prohibited. Only after this can you confidently occupy a free space in the parking lot.

    According to road rules, a parked car must:

    • do not interfere with the normal movement of vehicles and pedestrians;
    • do not create obstacles that force you to violate road rules other traffic participants;
    • not lead to a threat to the safety of public traffic.

    In a place where standing vehicles can cause emergency situation, install “No Parking” and “No Stopping” signs. Even experienced drivers can confuse them, as they are very similar to each other.

    They can be distinguished by the following signs:

    It is not prohibited to stop:

    • postal vehicles;
    • transport for disabled people of groups 1–2;
    • taxis that wait for the client with the taximeter on.

    Sign areas

    The driver must always notice from which place the sign begins to operate, as well as the entire area of ​​its action and its completion. Let's consider this point in more detail.

    Area of ​​operation of the “No Stopping” sign

    Everyone knows that the effect of any sign begins from the place where it was installed. Therefore, if a car stops right in front of him, then a fine cannot be imposed in any case.

    In accordance with traffic regulations, effect of a sign prohibiting stopping, has its distribution only on the side of the road where it was installed. The length of its action varies:

    • to the intersection, which is located next to the location of the sign;
    • to the place where the nearest populated area begins;
    • to the “End of all restrictions zone” sign.

    In addition, there is another option for determining the coverage area: an information plate is installed under the sign, which indicates the length of the restriction. That is, it stops operating after the distance shown on the plate.

    "No Stopping" sign with arrow, pointing downwards, means that the area covered by such a restriction ends immediately after its passage. On the roads you can also find a prohibition sign with an information plate showing two arrows, one pointing up and the other down. This means that the driver is driving through the restricted area at this time.

    On additional signs Restrictions that apply to a specific type of transport may also be indicated. Their absence means that no one is allowed to stop, except for route transport and taxis with the meter on. Drivers who violate traffic rules and stop under a sign prohibiting stopping are punished with a fine.

    Regarding disabled drivers, they can park or stop at the location where the sign is valid only when there is an information sign underneath it indicating that its effect does not apply to this category of citizens.

    Area of ​​operation of the “No parking” sign

    Necessary know the boundaries within which this sign operates. They start from the place where it was installed and continue to the following sections of the road:

    As soon as these sections of the road are crossed, you can park your car.

    Thus, we have understood such concepts as parking and stopping, as well as signs prohibiting doing this. You should be careful not to confuse these two signs, as inspectors like to impose a fine for this offense. Knowing the rules of the road eliminates many unpleasant situations.

    In our world, based on market relations, you have to pay for everything, including the fact that you park your car in a specially designated parking lot. In crowded cities there are so many cars that there is not enough parking for them free seats, so the authorities began to allocate special areas for them, where car owners can fearlessly leave their car for any period of time for a fee. However, you need to know how to pay for parking on time so as not to receive fines for unpaid parking.

    In order to discipline drivers and replenish the city treasury, Moscow authorities introduced fines for unpaid parking in 2015. Moreover, the entire metropolitan area is divided into paid and free parking zones. The first is distinguished by special arrangement and equipment, marking of parking spaces, and the presence of parking meters - automatic machines for accepting payments. The boundaries of the paid parking area are indicated by a warning sign or sign. However, despite this, many drivers, especially visitors from other regions, out of habit forget to pay for parking.

    Paid parking sign

    According to the Rules, near each parking area intended for parking cars, a road 6.4 “Parking” is installed, which is the letter “P” (Parking) on ​​a blue background. The fact that this parking area is paid is indicated by the sign 8.8 attached below " Paid services", which is depicted in the form of three coins in denominations of 10, 15 and 20. If there is no additional sign under the “P” sign, parking is therefore free. Thus, the paid parking sign is a combination of sign 6.4 with sign 8.8.

    In addition, the boundaries of the paid parking zone are indicated by warning boards or tabloids with appropriate notices about entry into or exit from the paid parking zone. If the entrance to the paid parking zone is indicated by a combination of signs 6.4 and 8.8, then the exit from it is indicated by the same signs, but crossed out diagonally by three parallel oblique lines.

    It is also recommended to pay attention to road markings, at paid sites each parking space is marked with oblique or straight stripes. It should be borne in mind that parking a car in the final sector, limited by the semicircle that ends the site, is prohibited, as it will create an obstacle for cars leaving the cross street.

    Cost of paid parking and benefits valid in Moscow

    The cost of paid parking in different cities is different and is determined by the decision of local authorities. In Moscow, parking a car in a paid zone costs 80 rubles per hour in the area covered by the Boulevard Ring and 60 rubles/hour in the area between the Boulevard and Garden Rings.

    However, if you do not pay for parking, it will cost 2,500 rubles, and also the evacuation of the car, which will cost the owner 5,000 rubles.

    But, as with all government regulations, there are also exceptions. In the paid parking zone you can park your car for free in the following cases:

    • if the parking time does not exceed 15 minutes;
    • if in the courtyard or adjacent areas that are not subject to the regulation on paid parking;
    • if the owner of the car is a participant in the Second World War or belongs to an equivalent category of people, a disabled person or a representative large family. Drivers who fall into this category of beneficiaries must annually obtain the appropriate permit at the Moscow multifunctional center for the provision of public services. At the same time, disabled people or veterans can park their car for free only in the parking spaces designated for them, indicated by the appropriate sign;
    • if the car is a service vehicle for emergency services;
    • Citizens living in these territories can park their car for free in a paid parking lot overnight from 20.00 pm to 8.00 am. To park during the daytime, this category of citizens can purchase a discounted annual subscription at the MFC costing 3,000 rubles. Only 2 agreements can be issued for each apartment, which are valid only in its own parking zone. This rule does not depend on the number of owners or people living in the apartment.

    You can apply for them at the nearest MFC branch. The validity of a permit may be temporarily terminated if its owner has accumulated three or more arrears in repaying fines for any types of traffic violations.

    On November 1, 2016, a decree on extending the validity of resident parking permits comes into force in Moscow. According to this resolution, a citizen can choose for how long he will extend the validity of his resident parking permit. If previously it was mandatory for a year, then from November 1 it will be possible to obtain a permit for a year, two years or three, as you choose.
    The fee for a resident parking permit remains the same - three thousand rubles per year. It can be paid in installments, once a year, or you can pay, for example, for three years at once.

    Video: Paid parking in Moscow or how to avoid fines

    Who can fine you for unpaid parking?

    All types of violations related to improper parking and methods of parking vehicles are identified by traffic police and Mosparking inspectors. In addition, special vehicles equipped with video cameras patrol throughout the paid parking zone, which record the license plates of all parked cars and automatically check them in the parking payment database. If the license plate number of a car whose parking has not been paid for is identified, a decree on a fine for unpaid parking in the amount of 2,500 rubles is issued to its owner and sent by mail to his address. You must appeal a parking fine to the authority from which the decision to impose it arrived no later than 10 days from the date of receipt of the letter. The fine must be repaid within 60 days.

    How to pay for parking?

    There are several ways to pay for parking:

    1. Payment via parking meter

    Automatic terminals that accept payment for parking are called parking meters. Parking meters only accept bank or parking cards; you cannot pay in cash at the parking meter.

    The procedure for completing a payment transaction is as follows:

    1. select the “Payment for parking” function on the monitor;
    2. enter the vehicle number in the required format;
    3. the number of the parking zone where the car is parked is confirmed;
    4. enter the duration of parking in hours;
    5. The payment card is applied to the reading device (put into the card reader), wait for the end of the payment and receive a receipt

    The device automatically calculates the cost of parking taking into account the current tariff for a given zone and parking time according to a 15-minute tariff.

    In the parking meter, it is important to correctly enter the parking zone number, which is usually indicated on the boards next to the parking area. After the completion of the financial transaction, all information is automatically transferred to the central server into a single database for recording parking payments.

    Parking meters are usually installed at each paid parking lot, and they are easy to use. However, their disadvantage is the possibility of non-issuance of a receipt (check) for the payment made after the end of the paper receipt tape inside the device. If, when paying with a bank card, you can confirm the financial transaction at the bank, then when paying with a parking card, confirmation of payment is no longer possible.

    2. Pay for parking via SMS message

    In Moscow, mobile operators provide the opportunity to make payments for parking via SMS. To activate, renew and terminate the service, you must perform the following operations:

    1. You should send a coded message to number 7757 in the form - parking number * car number * parking time in hours (from 1 to 24), for example, 1010 * A444MM111 * 8.
    2. Extension of parking, for which you need to send a message to the number indicated above, consisting of Latin letter X and the extended time in hours, for example, X4.
    3. Early termination of parking, for which you should send a simple message in the form of the letter C or S to number 7757. Then the amount of the remaining unused parking time is returned back to the parking account of the car owner.

    The latter operation allows you to save money due to per-minute billing. Let us remind you that the first 15 minutes of parking are free, and charging occurs with an accuracy of 15 minutes. Therefore, you can do the following:

    • for example, the driver parks the car at 9.00, and sends an SMS about payment for parking at 9.13, indicating a stay of 60 minutes, at which the parking period expires at 10.15;
    • then he picks up the car from the parking lot ahead of schedule at 10.12 and immediately sends an SMS about stopping parking, due to which the funds for the remaining time of 13 minutes are returned back to his account;
    • Thus, the car actually stood in the parking lot for 60 minutes, but only 30 minutes were debited from the driver’s account.

    Video: How to pay for parking in the center of Moscow?

    3. Payment via the Internet using a mobile program

    To be able to pay for parking via the Internet, you must first install a special application called “Moscow Parking” on your smartphone. Next you should do the following:

    • register in the application by sending an SMS in the form of the word PIN to 7757 and receive a personal account;
    • after receiving a response message with a password on your phone, you need to log in to your account by indicating your login (phone number) and password in the appropriate windows;
    • top up your parking account balance;
    • select the “Park” option, and the parking time will automatically count down and funds will be debited from the account;
    • select the option with a triangle to extend parking;
    • select the option with a square to close the parking lot;
    • select the “Fines” option to timely find out information about the presence of an outstanding fine for non-payment of parking.

    4. Payment on Qiwi terminals

    Qiwi terminals are located in many supermarkets, shopping centers and accept payment in cash, for which you need to select: “Payment for services - State duties - Moscow parking”, write down the number of the parking zone and parking time, and pay the required amount in cash. At the same time, terminal system services cost 2% of the deposited amount.

    How to appeal a parking fine in Moscow