Why do you dream of dried fish: dream book, for a woman, a girl, dried, salted, for a man to see, ram, roach, bream. Why does a man dream of dried fish?

Dried fish in a dream is very interesting image. Why do you dream about dried fish? Such a dream, unlike most, is often interpreted illogically. This is due to the fact that dried fish is rarely assigned any special meaning, and rarely anyone is inclined to see in it hidden symbol or message. Therefore, much in such a dream depends on its details and the mood of the dreamer or dreamer.

No less important factor is also the current state of affairs in his or her life. In order to correctly interpret a dream in which dried fish appears, you need to connect the variants of its interpretation with your own life, select the most acceptable ones and compare them with the mood of the dreamer or dreamer. The most appropriate interpretation will reflect the realistically possible predicted events.

Most often, a dream in which dried fish appears is interpreted in a positive way. A dream in which the dreamer or woman, interacting with dried fish, experiences positive emotions: joy, amusement, self-satisfaction, or other form of pleasure.

Dried fish in a dream is a harbinger of a joyful, noisy, fun event. Moreover, his reason will be quite serious, comparable to important purchase or the birth of a child.

The dreamer should not refuse a tempting offer to have fun. On the contrary, it would be best to support such a wonderful opportunity to escape from everyday troubles. Change the walls of your home or office to unusual but welcoming landscapes or clubs - depending on the tastes of the dreamer.

A dream in which dried fish appears can also portend an important business meeting, which plays an important role in career growth dreamer or dreamer.
  • However, in this case, the interpretation also has a positive character: the meeting will end on a positive note. The dreamer will acquire useful acquaintances, valuable connections and indelible impressions. At the end of such a meeting, a “celebration” may follow in an informal setting, similar to a banquet or corporate event.
  • Dried fish in a dream can also foretell the appearance of guests in the dreamer’s or the dreamer’s house. Moreover, with a high degree of probability, these will be uninvited guests, some very distant relatives or old friends from school. Their unexpected, unforeseen visit will be extremely pleasant for the dreamer or dreamer. The meeting of old acquaintances will be fun and relaxed.
  • For a dreamer or dreamer, if he or she is not bound by marriage, giving someone dried fish in a dream is a harbinger of a new relationship.
  • The object of love that appears in a dream is the object of the dreamer’s or woman’s sympathy in reality.
  • Buying dried fish in a dream is a very favorable omen. Such a dream promises the dreamer or dreamer well-being and prosperity. Love and mutual care will reign in his family, and comfort and understanding will always await in the house. Large dried fish in a dream portends the dreamer or dreamer big success

in all endeavors.

Negative interpretations of dreams with dried fish However, such a seemingly positive dream also has negative interpretations. A dream is interpreted in a negative way if the dreamer or dreamer experiences negative emotions

: anger, disgust, irritation or any other form of dissatisfaction. Dried fish in a dream warns the dreamer.

He or she is facing betrayal, and only willpower, patience and prudence will help him or her cope with this heavy blow. It is important not to indulge in emotions and not to commit rash acts in order to prevent irreparable consequences of a mistake made in a fit of emotional storm, anger or resentment. Dreams about fish in one state or another are quite common. Why do you dream dried fish woman or man? According to psychological significance a fish in a dream reflects emotions and is a symbol of working intuition. According to mystical meaning fish is a symbol of faith and spirituality. Seeing live fish in a dream has good interpretation

. But, according to the dream book, dried fish in a dream more often indicates bad events and difficulties. If you dreamed of dried fish, do not be upset. Interpret your dream according to the dream book, taking into account the details and details in order to receive a warning and know what to be prepared for.

As almost all dream books say, dried fish in a dream is a bad sign. If you dream about dried fish, be careful. According to, dried fish in a dream can warn of an imminent encounter with great failure or serious illness. What exactly should you beware of if you saw dried fish in a dream? The interpretation of the plot you see depends on many details and your mood in the dream. Use our tips to remember all the details and nuances of the dream, and not miss a single important detail.

Who saw the dream: a woman or a man?

If a woman sees dried fish in a dream, then troubles await her in close relationships. A loved one may lose his former passion and have a mistress. For a pregnant woman, a dream about dried fish encourages you to listen to your own health and the health of your unborn baby. Worth your time Special attention nutrition, sleep patterns and walks in the fresh air.

If you are a man and see dried fish in your dream, then you will soon lose large financial investments and reputation. Be careful with your work colleagues, try not to enter into new contracts or make new material investments in the near future. Devote time to your family and relaxation.

Did you buy this fish or catch it yourself?

Buying dried fish in a dream is a very bad sign. There are several options for interpreting such a dream:

  • The first meaning is you or your close relative illness will soon overtake you. Therefore, you should start leading as soon as possible healthy image life and give up bad habits.
  • The second meaning is that buying fish in a dream can symbolize excessive greed. Try to moderate your appetite.
  • And the third meaning is that you may receive an unexpected inheritance or gift from a deceased relative.

Drying purchased fish means that you talented person, but you can’t find a worthy area of ​​application for your abilities. Such a dream can also characterize you as a secretive and uncommunicative person. Sometimes a dream suggests that you are pretending to be someone you really are not. Try to become more an open person, learn to freely express thoughts and emotions, find mutual language with others, and then you will have more opportunities to realize yourself.

A dream in which you yourself catch fish for drying or other purposes promises life trials. V dirty water talks about problems at work. Your colleagues are plotting and trying to set you up. Pay more attention to your immediate responsibilities and try to avoid talking about unnecessary topics with colleagues. But at the same time, it is better not to sort things out openly, as this will turn against you.

Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

According to its mystical meaning, fish has been used in many cultures as a symbol of spirituality and divinity. Therefore, according to some sources, eating dried fish in a dream means a shortage spiritual development and an unconscious desire to be satisfied with spiritual food. And according to popular belief, there is dried fish in a noisy and fun company- a sign that unexpected guests will come to you soon. Various interpretations of dreams about dried fish can often be found in folklore. Most famous authors do not general values dreams about dried fish. But there are no less interesting interpretations about fish and fishing in general.

Miller's Dream Book - unexpected joy

Fishing in clear water speaks of approaching joy. Fate will present you with a very good and unexpected gift. Fishing and catching it means that you are expected severe trials, but you will be able to overcome them without succumbing to despondency. Buying fish in a dream means pleasant events, joys and material wealth.

Vanga's dream book - expensive purchases

If you're trying to catch big fish, which is off the hook, then you will miss a good opportunity in the future. If you do manage to catch a big fish, then an expensive purchase awaits you. If in a dream you caught or bought fish in which you found caviar, then such a dream speaks of an inability to rationally use resources, which will soon lead to their depletion.

Freud's Dream Book - problems in personal life

A fish in a dream is a personification manhood, and fishing symbolizes an act of love. If in a dream you see yourself fishing, then during sexual intercourse it is difficult for you to concentrate on your partner, since you are tormented by problems at work. Or you have completely stopped enjoying your partner.

Buying already dead fish in a dream indicates bad intimate life and self-doubt. Cooking fish is a sign of attentiveness and caring towards your partner. Treating fish and accepting fish treats indicates an active sex life and readiness to experiment.

Modern dream book - fate sends a chance

Dried fish in a dream speaks of approaching good opportunities. But they will be difficult to catch and most likely will not bring any results. But it's worth trying your luck! If you see dried fish in a dream, then do not waste precious time, but rather start taking action, then the likelihood of catching luck by the tail will increase.

Eating dried fish portends success in all endeavors. If you saw a lot of dried fish in your dream, then changes await you. Trying to catch fish in the water means that you will witness an unfair situation, but you will not dare to help the victims.

Each dream book interprets dried fish in a dream in its own way.

Vedic dream book - bad news

A symbol that turbulent events will begin in your life. Drying fish in a dream - do not get depressed, then you will avoid many problems. Eating dried fish: for a man - unpleasant news, for a woman - a lack of thrills.

New dream book 1918 - easy work

Seeing fish being dried in a dream means easy, pleasant work. You will deliberately ruin someone's mood. Eating dried fish in a dream means old age, a sharp deterioration in your well-being, health and mood.

Online dream book - postpone your plans

Please note that any prepared by you important decision must be “frozen” for a certain period. Otherwise, its implementation will not bring the expected result. And when the deadline comes, you will have a sign. Which? You will understand this.


If you dreamed of dried fish, you don’t need to immediately panic and expect trouble to come your way. First, think about your emotions. If you dream that the process of fishing, choosing fish in a store, preparing it and the meal itself give you pleasant and joyful emotions, then set yourself up for the good and try to catch luck by the tail.

Well, if a dream about dried fish leaves negative emotions or incomprehensible sensations, then you definitely need to be careful in communicating with colleagues and superiors, categorically not take part in gambling, try to avoid new expenses and investments and pay close attention to your health, like your own. , and loved ones. After all, he who is forewarned is forearmed!

Video “Why do you dream about Fish”

Eating dried fish means old age, deterioration of your health and mood.

Dreaming about “Dried fish” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing dried fish in a dream means a wasting disease.

What does the dream portend: Dried fish

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Drying fish means illness. Eating dried fish means depression.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Fish?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Big fish- you will be unfairly slandered. It happens that in dreams we also see appearance fish. So, if it is already dead and decaying, then you will face small financial losses, but with healthy and fresh fish, on the contrary, it’s a dream...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Fish?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Fishing: for a woman - to pregnancy (provided that she catches it). For a man - to family troubles. Ice fishing: for a woman - to pregnancy. For a man - to an unexpected event that will force you to re-evaluate your moral positions. Hooking a fish with a fishing line is a sign of favor...

Why do you dream about Fish?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Buying fish is a sign of deception and falsehood. Cleaning fish means serious tests lie ahead. Cook - you will achieve well-being. There is it - hard work, low salary. Live fish- To happy love. Ice cream is a failed romance. Salty - old spiritual feelings will stir you up...

Dream Interpretation Dried fish

Fish – common on almost everything globe. This is unique Living being, which has undergone virtually no changes over millions of years. Therefore, it is not surprising that fish became one of the most important symbols of ancient cultures. But in modern world it is important to know why you dream of fish prepared in one way or another.

It’s easy to understand what dried fish means in dreams if you use a step-by-step interpretation. To do this, you need to compare the details of the dream and the dreamer’s feelings from the night dream. Do not forget that this is one of the symbols that for women indicates the emotional sphere, and for men - the social one.

Dried fish seen in a dream means that all your plans and plans will become reality, but only if you make the necessary efforts for this. Perhaps you have already taken the first steps to implement a new project, but you just can’t begin to act in this direction, for fear of making a mistake.

What does the dream mean?

Holding several ready-made dried carcasses in your hands - you have a choice. Whatever you do now, you will get the desired result. If you place the dried carcass in your palms clean water, and the fish, wagging its tail, swam away - an ambiguous dream. The Chinese dream book is sure that this is a sign that any, even the wildest dreams, will come true. But Miller’s dream book is not so optimistic. He believes that this is a sign that you are losing heart and will let luck slip out of your hands.

If you dreamed of dried fish

Actions with fish

It is very important to remember what exactly you had to do with the fish in the dream. Your readiness for active action, as well as relationships with others, will depend on this. So, if you just ate it, it means good luck will accompany you in your new project. But if you don’t like the taste, despite the alluring smell, then you won’t be happy with the result of your work. It is very important to divide this category of dreams by gender.

For a man

If a man dreams of a very dry fish in his hands, he should be ready to make a decision that he has already thought about for a long time. Feeling its taste in your mouth is a sign of acquaintance.

  • Seeing several fish on the table in a dream means choosing a field of activity. You shouldn’t be surprised if you get fired from your job after such a dream. But this is only a chance to improve your financial situation.
  • If you dream that you are treating someone with smoked or dried fish, it means having a fun time with friends and lots of drinking.
  • You caught something that seems to be alive in a clear lake, but you see it is already dry - your laziness may prevent you from getting the desired position.
  • Drying and cooking yourself is a quick rise up the career ladder.
  • Breaking apart is a romantic acquaintance that may well have a continuation.

For woman

Such a dream describes the female emotional sphere. If a young woman dreams that she is choosing dried fish at the market, it means that soon she will have an event at which everyone will pay attention to her manners and upbringing, says a modern dream book.

  • Buying and bringing into the house means prosperity and comfort in the family nest, says the esoteric dream book.
  • Eating or breaking apart aromatic dried fish is a new experience. You have a journey ahead that will make you very happy.
  • Seeing it laid out on retail shelves, buying it - good sign. You will be able to justify the trust of your loved ones in a very important matter.

Contemplative dream

If someone bought dry fish

If you dream about someone else buying, eating or holding a similar delicacy in their hands, and you only watch these actions, this is also a good sign. Most likely, you will be offered additional responsibilities (as an option - extra work) and you will receive a substantial reward for it.

Watching fish being caught with a fishing rod and then being pulled out already dried is a warning. You may be offered an interesting, uncomplicated job for a lot of money. But you have no idea what exactly is the source of their income. Any illegal actions may be incriminated against you.

Personal attitude towards the delicacy

When explaining why dried fish is dreamed of, it is worth remembering own attitude for a similar dish. For people who do not accept it in their diet, seeing something like this in a dream is a bad sign. It promises disappointment and unjustified hopes, he says family dream book. But this situation is caused solely by one’s own indecision and laziness.

Overpowering yourself and trying it in a dream, feeling a pleasant salty taste in your mouth, is a good omen. You will be able to learn something new and it will benefit you greatly.

If such a fish was dreamed of by a person who always pampers himself with such dishes, then it is worth taking a break from exhausting work. Your busyness is off the charts and this can lead to... nervous disorders, warns the dream book from A to Z.

For fishermen and people who trade in such products, such a night dream does not promise any special incidents in life. Everything will be as harmonious and smooth as before.

For those who really love this dish, seeing it in a dream predicts a meeting with a loved one. If you are not a member serious relationship, then such a vision says that a meeting will soon take place, which could become fateful for you.