When can you fish in Petrov fast? Why is Peter's fast called apostolic?

Petrov's fast in 2017 - from June 12 to July 11. This Sunday begins the prayer for Petrov's fast in memory of the supreme apostles Peter and Paul. The apostles always occupied and occupy special place in the Church and not one of them was in charge. But, since the Acts of the Apostles says more about the works of Peter and Paul, the Church calls them supreme. Let's look at how different these people were before they accepted Christ. Peter (Simon) - the elder brother of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, unlearned, God-fearing, was a fisherman. He was a disciple of Christ from the very beginning of His preaching. He witnessed the Transfiguration of the Lord on Mount Tabor and the resurrection of Jairus' daughter. He denied Christ three times during the trial of Him, but his fiery repentance was accepted by the Lord. And Peter was the first to enter the tomb of the Savior after His Resurrection, the first to see the Risen Lord. Subsequently he became a great preacher. Paul (Saul) – from rich family, a Roman subject, was very educated, well those who know the law Jewish, who studied with the famous teacher of the law Gamaliel, hated the Church of Christ and was a fierce persecutor of Christians. And his conversion to faith was very miraculous. As he walked along the road to Damascus, a light from heaven suddenly shone around him, he fell to the ground and heard a voice: “Saul! Why are you persecuting Me?” He asked: “Who are you, Lord?” And the Lord answered: “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.” And he was commanded by the Lord to go into the city. Saul, who rose from the ground, became blind and could not see anyone. They brought him by the hand to Damascus and for three days he did not see, eat or drink. And he experiences not only physical, but also spiritual insight. From a furious persecutor of Christians, he becomes a tireless preacher of the Word of the Lord. Two of these different characters , two different destinies - united by one thing - love for the Lord. Neither sorrow, nor deprivation, nor danger weakened their love for the Lord, but only strengthened them more and more and gave strength for missionary service. Peter and Paul are those lamps that illuminated the darkness, enlightened the peoples. Their apostolic ministry is unparalleled. In memory of the two supreme apostles, a fast was established in the early days of the Orthodox Church. But, it was especially approved when St. Constantine the Great erected churches in honor of the supreme apostles Peter and Paul in Constantinople and Rome. And since the consecration of the temple took place on the day of remembrance of the apostles, July 12 (new style), this day was the end of Lent. The beginning of fasting depends on the day we celebrate Easter, so the duration of fasting varies from six weeks to a week and one day. This post, as it were, marks the work of the apostles - how they prepared themselves for service - through fasting and prayer. Preaching throughout the world, while in hunger, thirst, and exhaustion, they stood firmly in the truth and found spiritual support in fasting and prayer. We do not fast on Pentecost, because this is the time of the Lord's sojourn on earth. But, after the celebration, fasting is especially necessary to clear thoughts. It is through fasting and prayer that we mortify our sins and this gives us strength to fight the enemy of the human race - the devil. This fast is not strict - on Saturday, Sunday, days of great saints and days of the temple holiday - fish is allowed. Go to church, go to confession, take communion. But the main task of fasting is not only abstaining from food and giving up certain foods, it is, first of all, prayer and good deeds. On the Day of Trinity (Pentecost) the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles so that they would carry the Word of the Lord to all ends of the world. And it is very important that if a person is a church member, then he must convey the Word of the Gospel to those people who are looking for God. Have peace, love, forgiveness, compassion, empathy in your soul and give those around you all the warmth of your heart. Treat everyone with respect, for every person is God’s Creation. Remember that God does not need our fasting, prayer... - WE need it! God is Love. And the Lord always gives us the right to choose, but He waits for us at every hour when we come to Him in prayer to share our joy or pain with Him, to ask or to thank. The closer we are to the Lord, the more clearly we feel spiritual light and spiritual joy. Decorate your days on earth with deeds of love for God and people. Listen to your soul, and you will find out that it yearns for God. Try to break free from the bonds of sin, learn to give and receive true love- Gentlemen, Holy Mother of God. Learn to love those around you...

Prmts. Feodosia virgins. Blzh. John, Christ for the sake of the holy fool, Ustyug. Icon of the Mother of God, called “Support of Sinners” (service on March 7) . St. Luke isp., archbishop. Simferopol(service may be rescheduled for Friday, May 27).

The service of the Sunday of All Saints (according to the Colored Triodion) is being celebrated.

Note. Minea's enlisted service is being postponed (see note May 28). Service of St. Luke, Archbishop. Simferopolsky, may be postponed to Friday, May 27 (see Typikon, May 25, 2nd Markov chapter).

Calendar notes:

Commandment for Petrov's Fast (Petrov's Meat Empty).
Service of St. Luke, Archbishop. Simferopolsky, may be postponed to Friday, May 27 (see Typikon, May 25, 2nd Markov chapter).
Service only according to Triodion.
From this day until August 1, at Matins, when the great doxology is sung, the catavasia “I will open my mouth...”.

Order of readings, according to the calendar: Morning – Ev. 1st, Matthew, 116 readings, XXVIII, 16–20. Lit. – Heb., 330 credits, XI, 33 – XII, 2.

At Great Vespers“Blessed is the man” - all kathisma.

On “Lord, I cried” stichera for 10: Sunday, tone 8 – 6, and all saints, tone 6 – 4. “Glory” – all saints, the same voice: “Martyr’s divine face...”, “And now” – dogmatist, voice 8: “King of Heaven...”.

Entrance. Prokeimenon of the day. Parimia of all saints – 3.

At the litia the stichera of the temple and the stichera of all saints, tone 1. “Glory” - to all the saints, voice 5: “To this day’s celebration...”, “And now” - the Resurrection of the Theotokos, the same voice: “Thou art the temple and the door...”.

On the poem are Sunday stichera, tone 8. “Glory” - all the saints, voice 6: “Come, ye faithful...”, “And now” - the Resurrection of the Theotokos, the same voice: “Creator and Deliverer...”.

According to the Trisagion - “To the Virgin Mary...” (twice) and the troparion of all saints, tone 4: “Who is Thy martyr throughout the whole world...” (once).

Note. “From this week we begin to honor at the Weekly Matins the Seven Epistles of the Council, and the 14 Epistles of the Holy Apostle Paul; Revelation of John the Theologian. Let us honor them at the Weekly Vigils, before other readings, until the Great Holy Week of Easter. In the 50th, the entire Acts of the Saints is read by the Apostle in Weeks, as prescribed. From this vigil we begin to honor the Interpretation of John Chrysostom, the Gospel of Matthew, from the 13th Word of the first book; We honor the remaining Theologian in the 12 days after the Nativity of Christ. Throughout this month, and the second, we perform both books of interpretation, the 1st and 2nd, in the morning readings, until the end of the month of August: except when the life of a certain saint comes, then we leave , and honor the life of the saint" (Typikon, ch. 50, "Sunday of All Saints", 1st and 2nd "see").

At matins on “God is the Lord” – Sunday troparion, tone 8 (twice). “Glory” is the troparion of all saints, tone 4, “And now” is the Resurrection of the Theotokos, the same voice: “Even from everlasting...”.

Kathismas 2nd and 3rd. Small litanies. Sunday sedals (from Triodion).

Communicated - Sunday: “Praise the Lord...”, and all saints: “Rejoice, ye righteous...”.

Note. “At the meal there is consolation for the brethren preparing for the Lenten feat” (Tsvetnaya Triod. M., 2002. L. 288 vol.).

Note. “It is fitting to know that during the Lent of Saints, the Apostle, and the Nativity of Christ, on Tuesday and Thursday, we do not eat fish, but oil and wine. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday we eat neither oil nor wine, but we fast until the 9th hour, and eat dry food on those days. On Saturdays and Weeks we eat fish. If a saint happens on Tuesday, or on Thursday, we have a doxology and eat fish; even on Monday, like that. On Wednesday and Friday, we allow for oil and wine; We eat together during the day. If a saint has a vigil, on Wednesday or Friday, we allow oil and wine and fish. If the memory of the saint, who is also a temple, happens on Wednesday or Friday, we do the same” (Typikon, chapter 33, “see”).

How to determine the voice of the Week? – If the ordinal number (number) of the Week of Pentecost is greater than 8, you need to subtract one from the number of the Week (because the 8th tone, not the 1st, is assigned to the Sunday of All Saints, the first tone begins with the 2nd Week) and the remainder divide by 8. The remainder of the division will be indicated by the voice. If there is no remainder, this means the 8th voice (from the Orthodox Church Calendar for 1928. M., 1928). If serial number Weeks less than 8, the voice is determined again by subtracting one from the Week number.

How do you determine the morning gospel for a given week? – The Week Number must be divided by 11. The remainder will indicate the serial number of the morning Gospel. If the remainder is 0, it means the 11th Gospel. Weeks 1 – 11 correspond to the morning gospels 1 – 11.

Petrov's meat-eating in 2017 falls on May 29 (see Typikon, “Easter sighted according to keywords"; Wed Typikon, chapter 33 (“see”), chapter 51).

At a meeting of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church on May 5, 2015, the text of the service of St. Luke isp., archbishop. Simferopolsky. The text of the service is posted on the official website of the Russian Orthodox Church - Patriarchia.ru (http://www..html), and on the website of the Publishing House of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church (http://nbt.rop.ru/?q=texts/sluzhba /313).

The 118th psalm (17th kathisma) is sung in the 5th tone, regardless of the weekly tone, and immediately after it the troparia “The Council of Angels...”. In parish practice, the polyeleos are usually sung instead of the Immaculates at Sunday all-night vigils.

In the Church of All Saints, the polyeleos and magnification are sung: “We magnify you, apostles, martyrs, prophets and all saints, and we honor your holy memory, for you pray for us to Christ our God,” with the chosen psalm: “Blessed is the man, fear the Lord ode. .." After the ipakoi - the sedalion of all saints (see in the canon, according to the 3rd canto). Sedate - voices. Prokeimenon and Gospel - All Saints. According to Psalm 50: “Glory” - “Through the prayers of all saints...”, and the stichera of all saints (optional). Canons: Sunday with irmos for 4 (irmos once), the Virgin Mary for 2 and all saints for 8.

Meanwhile, V. Rozanov (see. his"The Liturgical Charter of the Orthodox Church", p. 692) notes that before this alleluia “there should have been a Sunday alleluia of Chapter 8: Come, let us rejoice in the Lord..., which, however, is not indicated either in the Typikon or in the liturgical Apostle.” The opinion of V. Rozanov is confirmed by the interpretation of N. Syrnikov (see. his"The Key to the Church Rules", l. 122 vol.), according to which, before the Alleluia of All Saints, the Sunday Alleluia of the 8th tone is appointed.

Orthodox church calendar fasts and meals for 2019 indicating and brief description multi-day and one-day fasts and continuous weeks.

Church Orthodox calendar of fasts and meals for 2019

Fasting is not in the belly, but in the spirit
Popular proverb

Nothing in life comes without difficulty. And in order to celebrate the holiday, you need to prepare for it.
In the Russian Orthodox Church there are four multi-day fasts, fasting on Wednesday and Friday throughout the year (except for a few weeks), and three one-day fasts.

In the first four days of the first week of Great Lent (from Monday to Thursday) evening worship The Great (Repentant) Canon is being read, the work of the brilliant Byzantine hymnographer St. Andrew of Crete (8th century).

ATTENTION! Below you will find information about dry eating, food without oil and days of complete abstinence from food. All this is a long-standing monastic tradition, which even in monasteries cannot always be observed in our time. Such strictness of fasting is not for the laity, and the usual practice is abstinence from eggs, dairy and meat food during fasting and during strict fasting - also abstaining from fish. For all possible questions and about your individual measure of fasting, you need to consult your confessor.

Dates are indicated according to the new style.

Calendar of fasts and meals for 2019

Periods Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

from March 11 to April 27
xerophagy hot without oil xerophagy hot without oil xerophagy hot with butter hot with butter
Spring meat eater fish fish

from June 24 to July 11
hot without oil fish xerophagy fish xerophagy fish fish
Summer carnivore xerophagy xerophagy

from 14 to 27 August
xerophagy hot without oil xerophagy hot without oil xerophagy hot with butter hot with butter
Autumn meat eater xerophagy xerophagy
from November 28, 2019 to January 6, 2020 until December 19 hot without oil fish xerophagy fish xerophagy fish fish
December 20 – January 1 hot without oil hot with butter xerophagy hot with butter xerophagy fish fish
January 2-6 xerophagy hot without oil xerophagy hot without oil xerophagy hot with butter hot with butter
Winter meat eater fish fish

in 2019

The Savior himself was led by spirit into the desert, was tempted by the devil for forty days and did not eat anything during these days. The Savior began the work of our salvation by fasting. Lent- a fast in honor of the Savior Himself, and the last, Holy Week of this forty-eight-day fast was established in honor of the memory of last days earthly life, suffering and death of Jesus Christ.
Fasting is observed with particular strictness during the first and Holy weeks.
On Clean Monday, complete abstinence from food is customary. The rest of the time: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - dry food (water, bread, fruits, vegetables, compotes); Tuesday, Thursday – hot food without oil; Saturday, Sunday - food with vegetable oil.
Fish is allowed on the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and on Palm Sunday. Fish caviar is allowed on Lazarus Saturday. IN Good Friday You cannot eat food before the Shroud is taken out.

in 2019

On Monday of the Week of All Saints, the Fast of the Holy Apostles begins, established before the Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul. This post is called summer. The continuation of fasting varies depending on how early or late Easter occurs.
It always starts on All Saints Monday and ends on July 12th. The longest Petrov fast consists of six weeks, and the shortest one is a week and a day. This fast was established in honor of the Holy Apostles, who, through fasting and prayer, prepared for the worldwide preaching of the Gospel and prepared their successors in the work of saving service.
Strict fasting (dry eating) on ​​Wednesday and Friday. On Monday you can have hot food without oil. On other days - fish, mushrooms, cereals with vegetable oil.

in 2019

From August 14 to August 27, 2019.
A month after the Apostolic Fast, the multi-day Dormition Fast begins. It lasts two weeks - from August 14 to 27. With this post the Church calls us to imitate Mother of God, who, before Her relocation to heaven, constantly remained in fasting and prayer.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday – dry eating. Tuesday, Thursday - hot food without oil. On Saturday and Sunday, food with vegetable oil is allowed.
On the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord (August 19), fish is allowed. Fish day in Assumption, if it falls on Wednesday or Friday.

in 2019

Christmas (Filippov) fast. At the end of autumn, 40 days before the great feast of the Nativity of Christ, the Church calls us to winter fasting. It is called both Filippov, because it begins after the day dedicated to the memory of the Apostle Philip, and Rozhdestvensky, because it occurs before the feast of the Nativity of Christ.
This fast was established in order for us to offer a grateful sacrifice to the Lord for the collected earthly fruits and to prepare for a gracious union with the born Savior.
The charter about food coincides with the charter of Peter's fast, until the day of St. Nicholas (December 19).
If the Feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls on Wednesday or Friday, then fish is allowed. After the day of remembrance of St. Nicholas and before the forefeast of Christmas, fish is allowed on Saturday and Sunday. On the eve of the feast, you cannot eat fish on all days; on Saturday and Sunday - food with oil.
On Christmas Eve you cannot eat food until the first star appears, after which it is customary to eat sochivo - wheat grains boiled in honey or boiled rice with raisins.

Solid weeks in 2019

Week– week from Monday to Sunday. These days there is no fasting on Wednesday and Friday.
There are five continuous weeks:
Christmastide– from January 7 to January 17,
Publican and Pharisee– 2 weeks before
Cheese (Maslenitsa)– week before (no meat)
Easter (Light)– week after Easter
- week after Trinity.

Fasting on Wednesday and Friday

Weekly fast days are Wednesday and Friday. On Wednesday, fasting was established in memory of the betrayal of Christ by Judas, on Friday - in memory of the suffering on the cross and death of the Savior. On these days of the week, the Holy Church prohibits the consumption of meat and dairy foods, and during the week of All Saints before the Nativity of Christ, one should also abstain from fish and vegetable oil. Only when the days of celebrated saints fall on Wednesday and Friday are vegetable oils allowed, and on the biggest holidays, such as Intercession, fish.
Those who are sick and engaged in hard work are allowed some relief, so that Christians have the strength to pray and do the necessary work, but eating fish on the wrong days, and especially the full permission of fasting, is rejected by the rules.

One-day posts

Epiphany Christmas Eve– January 18, on the eve of the Epiphany. On this day, Christians prepare for cleansing and consecration with holy water on the feast of Epiphany.
Beheading of John the Baptist- 11 September. This is the day of remembrance and death of the great prophet John.
Exaltation of the Holy Cross- September 27. The memory of the Savior's suffering on the cross for the salvation of the human race. This day is spent in prayer, fasting, and contrition for sins.
One-day posts– days of strict fasting (except Wednesday and Friday). Fish is prohibited, but food with vegetable oil is allowed.

Orthodox holidays. About meals on holidays

According to the Church Charter, there is no fasting on the holidays of the Nativity of Christ and Epiphany, which happened on Wednesday and Friday. On Christmas and Epiphany Eves and on the holidays of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord and the Beheading of John the Baptist, food with vegetable oil is allowed. On the feasts of the Presentation, Transfiguration of the Lord, Dormition, Nativity and Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, Her Entry into the Temple, the Nativity of John the Baptist, the Apostles Peter and Paul, John the Theologian, which occurred on Wednesday and Friday, as well as in the period from Easter to Trinity on Wednesday and Friday Fish allowed.

When marriage is not performed

On the eve of Wednesday and Friday of the whole year (Tuesday and Thursday), Sundays (Saturday), twelve days, temple and great holidays; in continuation of the posts: Veliky, Petrov, Uspensky, Rozhdestvensky; in continuation of Christmastide, on Meat Week, during Cheese Week (Maslenitsa) and on Cheese Week; during Easter (Bright) week and on the days of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross - September 27.

The apostles Peter and Paul were called to serve Jesus Christ and the Church in different ways, but according to legend, both ended their lives as martyrs - the apostle Peter was crucified upside down on the cross, and Paul was beheaded with a sword. Therefore, Peter's Fast is also called Apostolic Fast.

The beginning of the Petrine Fast does not have a fixed date - it always begins on Monday a week after the feast of the Holy Trinity (Pentecost) - in 2018 it falls on June 4.

And the date of Trinity depends on the day of Easter, so the beginning of Peter's Lent falls on different dates and lasts from 8 to 42 days.

The essence and meaning of the post

Peter's Fast was established in apostolic times and dates back to the very first times Orthodox Church. It used to be called the fast of Pentecost. The Petrine or Apostolic fast became after the construction of churches to the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Constantinople and Rome.

Peter's Fast, like any of the four multi-day fasts a year, calls for self-improvement, victory over sins and passions and prepares Christians with fasting and prayer for the celebration of the day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

© photo: Sputnik / Sergey Pyatakov

The clergy believe that spiritual life without fasting is impossible - this is an ascetic truth, for which it is paid with blood. But Peter's Fast is not only a memory of past persecutions from external enemies.

According to the Gospel, the main enemy is not the one who kills the body, but the one who is rooted inside the soul. History remembers cases when baptized people forgot about love for God and neighbor and returned to previous sins, and fasting reminds of such danger, church ministers note.

For a Christian, hunger and refusal of food in themselves are not good, since the need for food is natural for humans. Fasting serves to educate the will, which is important for morality, since by fasting a person learns to subordinate his bodily needs to the spirit.

During the days of fasting, the church encourages people to think about humility and martyrdom, as well as to evaluate the spiritual feat of each of the apostles. Martyrdom in Orthodoxy is one of the key phenomena. It is to go to torment and humbly accept it that is the highest spiritual feat.

© photo: Sputnik / Yuri Kaver

Petrov's Fast is also given in order to make up for lost time in Lent. This is a way out for those who, due to illness, travel, or other reasons, were unable to observe Lent before Easter.

What you can and cannot eat during Peter's Fast

Peter's Fast, unlike the Great Fast, is not so strict. It begins on Monday, the 57th day after Easter (a week after Trinity). In 2018, it falls on June 4, and the last day of fasting is July 11. Accordingly, in 2018 it lasts 38 days.

During this period, you also cannot eat meat, dairy products, eggs, but fish is allowed on some days of the week. The basis of the Lenten table is vegetables, herbs and dishes prepared from them, as well as cereals, fruits, berries and dried fruits.

During this fast, the consumption of hot food without oil is prescribed on Monday, fish is allowed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays, and dry eating (bread, water, salt, raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, honey) is allowed on Wednesdays and Fridays. And on weekends, a little wine is allowed.

The Day of Remembrance of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, which is celebrated on July 12, is not included in fasting. However, if it falls on Wednesday or Friday, then it is fast, but of a low degree of severity - food with oil, fish and wine are allowed.

Saint Seraphim of Sarov said that “true fasting does not consist in exhaustion of the flesh alone, but also in giving that part of the bread that you yourself would like to eat to the hungry (hungry, thirsty)… Fasting does not consist only in eating rarely, but in eating little; and not in eating once, but in not eating much.”

How to fast

Petrov's fast is considered the easiest fast of all. calendar year. But even when starting this, not the most strict, fast, you need to consult with your confessor and your doctor if you have any chronic diseases.

In general, laymen are not required to fast as strictly as monks, for whom the Charter provides for more stringent rules. During fasting, foods should also be excluded from the menu. instant cooking, that is, fast food, confectionery and baked goods.

At the same time, it should be remembered that fasting is a spiritual cleansing and only in second place is abstinence from food. It should not promote weight loss, but strengthening in a person spiritual origin. Therefore, it is very important to pray, confess and receive communion during Lent.

But, if for some reason a layman cannot follow all the rules of fasting, he can limit himself to other, non-gastronomic things. For example, do not watch TV or use social networks in the Internet.

Traditions and customs

According to church canons, the sacrament of marriage - the wedding does not take place during church holidays, posts and individual temple holidays. Accordingly, a wedding during Peter's Fast and on Peter's Day is not permitted.

To live long and happy family life, it is recommended to wait out Petrov's fast. You should also postpone conceiving children until after the fast. According to folk customs, the wedding was not held on Petrov Fast for other reasons.

Peter's Fast is held in the summer, during the peak season of field work, so there has been a centuries-old tradition of not holding weddings at this time. Modern rural youth also adhere to this tradition.

Even more ancient tradition claims that the souls of the dead visit the Earth at this time, and cheerful celebrations are disrespectful to their memory.

Signs for Petrov's fast

During fasting, you should not cut your hair - your hair will be sparse. During Lent they do not sew or do handicrafts - their hands will be weak. Whoever lends money during Peter's Fast will not get out of debt for three years.

A marriage concluded during Lent is short-lived, there will be no harmony in the family, and it will soon fall apart. If during Peter's Fast, at the end of the moon, you touch a dry branch with a wart, saying: just as during Lent the meat on the platter is empty, so that the wart is thin, then the wart will dry up and fall off. If the commemoration coincides with fasting, then according to the rules the commemoration must also be fasting. But there is nothing terrible in the fact that there was quick food on the table on such a day. If during fasting, during a feast, someone persuades a fasting person to eat meat, ridiculing him or the fast, then he will die hard and for a long time.

Peter's Fast is not a time for fortune-telling, rituals, or fulfillment magical rituals. This way you can bring disaster on yourself and your loved ones, left without support higher powers. It is better to devote time to prayers and sincerely ask Heaven for what you want.

If on the first day of fasting it's raining, then the harvest will be excellent. Three rains in one day - the year promises to be rich in joyful events.

The material was prepared based on open sources

The day after Orthodox holiday All Saints Cathedral begins Petrine (Apostolic) Fast, which in 2017 due to the peculiarities of the calendar and early Easter It will last quite a long time - a whole month.

When does the Petrine (Apostolic) Lent begin and end in 2017?

In 2017 Petrov (Petrovsky) post begins 12 June and lasts until July 11 inclusive.

The day after the end of Peter's Lent - July, 12- a holiday is coming, which is called the Day of Peter and Paul, or Peter's Day (on folk tradition Peter-Paul). This holiday is celebrated on the day of remembrance of the apostles Petra And Pavel.

The beginning and duration of Peter's Lent depend on the day of Easter, which in 2017 came on April 16. Peter's Fast always begins on Monday, the 57th day after Easter and a week after the holiday Trinity, which this year was June 4.

The longest Petrov fast can last one and a half months, the shortest - only eight days. So, although the upcoming month of fasting, which is sometimes popularly called the Petrovka hunger strike, is a lot, it is not the limit.

History of Petrovsky post

The tradition of fasting after Trinity (Pentecost) was established by the apostles, which is why Peter's fast is called apostolic. The disciples of Christ, who witnessed his resurrection and ascension, and then the holy spirit descended on them, called on their fellow believers to celebrate one week (week) after Pentecost, and then fast in order to prepare to bring the word of God to other nations. According to gospel sources, after the descent of the holy spirit, the apostles began to speak in languages ​​that they did not know before, and thanks to this they were able to carry the light of the Gospel different peoples. Since that time, Christianity has become a world religion.

The tradition of fasting for such a long period at this time is established in Orthodoxy. Peter's Fast is dedicated to the memory of two apostles - Petra And Pavel. Lent ends with the Day of Peter and Paul (in the folk tradition of Peter and Paul, Peter's Day), which was very important for the Slavs because it meant the middle of summer and was associated with many signs, rituals and beliefs.

What can you eat on Petrovsky fast?

Peter's Fast is considered not as strict as the Great Fast. Firstly, during Peter's Fast there are many days when serious relaxations are allowed, in particular, you can eat fish. Wine is allowed on some days. Secondly, at this time there are already a lot of fresh berries, fruits and vegetables, which allows you to do Lenten table varied, healthy and tasty. Therefore, today the expression “Petrovka-hunger strike” already has a rather historical meaning.

What you can’t eat on Peter’s Fast

The prohibitions during this period are the same as during Lent. Meat and meat products, eggs and all dishes made from them, as well as all dairy products. All restrictions in principle corresponding to the post also apply. Believers remember that fasting is not a diet, but a way to cleanse your soul and body, a test that helps you imbue yourself with the ideas of Christian humility. Therefore, even plant-based substitutes for those products that are prohibited are undesirable: “soy meat” and similar modern delights. It is also recommended to give up fast food, and children should limit their consumption of store-bought sweets, replacing sweets and cakes with berries and fruits.

Peter's fast and holidays

There is always a holiday on Peter's Fast Nativity of John the Baptist which is celebrated July 7. On this day you can eat fish and seafood, regardless of what day of the week the holiday falls on.

The Day of the Apostles Peter and Paul, which comes after the end of Lent on July 12, is also fast if it falls on Wednesday or Friday. In this case, believers are allowed fish and seafood, hot food with vegetable oil and wine, but meat and dairy are still prohibited. In 2017, Peter's Day falls on Wednesday, so all these restrictions apply.

Petrov fast - 2017: nutrition calendar by day

Strict days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday(12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28 and 30 June, 3, 5 and 10 July).

These days, for those who are fasting, it is recommended to adhere to dry eating - that is, not to eat boiled or generally hot food, including those with vegetable oil. For those who strictly observe fasting, you can eat only once a day after 15.00 (Moscow time).

On these days it is allowed to eat bread, fresh fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts and honey. Need to drink more water, you can consume compotes, fruit drinks and freshly squeezed juices, but store-bought juices and especially carbonated sweet drinks are extremely undesirable, neither from the point of view of the meaning of fasting, nor for health. With more soft version Lent on Mondays, you can eat hot boiled food without oil once a day - porridge, soups, vegetable stew, boiled mushrooms, etc.

Friday, July 7- this is a holiday - the Nativity of John the Baptist, on this day you can eat boiled fish and seafood, as well as hot lean food without oil.

On Tuesday and Thursday, you are allowed to eat hot cooked food without oil twice a day. These days, fish and seafood are allowed, which can be boiled or baked in the oven or over coals.

On these days, you can eat hot boiled food with vegetable oil twice a day; fish and seafood are also allowed, which can also be cooked with the addition of oil. Adults are allowed to drink some wine.

On all days of fasting, fresh vegetables and fruits are allowed, and it is recommended to pamper children with fresh strawberries, cherries and other berries.