Stewed turkey with vegetables. Turkey stew recipe How to cook turkey fillet stew

Dietary and tender turkey meat has become very accessible and, along with chicken, is located on the shelves of our stores in all its glory. To feed the whole family healthy and tasty, we recommend paying attention to the turkey stew recipes that we have collected in this article.

Turkey stewed with vegetables


  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sage - 1 teaspoon;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • chicken broth - 300 ml;
  • grain mustard - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • liquid honey - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • boiled turkey - 400-500 g;
  • potatoes, parsnips, celery, carrots - only 350 g.


We clean the vegetables, pour oil over them, season with salt and pepper and place on a baking sheet. Bake them until soft at 200 degrees, then cool and cut into cubes.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and sauté onions and apples until everything is soft. Add saffron and flour to the sauté and fry for another minute. Constantly stirring the contents of the frying pan, pour in, and with it the mustard and honey. Bring everything to a boil. Place the turkey and vegetables into the boiling liquid, cover and reduce the heat. simmer for 15 minutes, then sprinkle with herbs and serve.

Turkey stewed with potatoes is an ideal dish if you have leftover baked meat and vegetables after the holiday.

Stewed turkey fillet recipe


  • butter - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • celery - 1 stalk;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • chicken broth - 3 tbsp;
  • dried marjoram - 1/4 teaspoon;
  • turkey fillet - 400 g;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.


Melt the butter over low heat. Chop the onion and sauté until soft, add celery, carrots and continue cooking until the vegetables are half cooked. Now you can add potatoes and flour to the frying pan, and then pour in the broth. As soon as the liquid boils, season it to taste with salt and pepper, add marjoram and place the diced turkey in the roasting pan. Reduce the heat to low, cover the container with a lid and simmer for 30 minutes. Now all that remains is to chop the bell pepper and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.

If you want to cook turkey stewed in a slow cooker, then first fry all the vegetables in the “Fry” mode, and then turn on the “Stew” for 1 hour.

Turkey stewed in sour cream and cream


  • turkey - 2 kg;
  • butter - 1/2 tbsp.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • flour - 1/4 cup;
  • chicken broth - 2 tbsp;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • celery - 2 stalks;
  • mushrooms - 6-7 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 1/2 cup;
  • cream - 1 tbsp;
  • green onions;
  • green peas - 3/4 cup;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


Turkey (preferably red meat), cut into large pieces. Melt the butter in a Dutch oven and fry the pieces of meat until golden color. Transfer the roasted turkey to a plate. Add chopped onions and mushrooms to the frying pan and fry them until golden brown. Add chopped garlic to the sauteed onion and cook everything together for 30 seconds. Now pour the flour into the frying pan, fry it lightly, and, stirring constantly, pour in the mixture of broth, sour cream and cream.

Season everything with salt and pepper, add all the remaining ingredients: chopped celery, carrots, green peas and pre-fried turkey meat. Now reduce the heat to low and cook the turkey, stewed with mushrooms under the lid, for about 30 minutes. The finished dish can be served immediately with a side dish of pasta, be sure to sprinkle with fresh herbs for color and aroma.

Turkey meat is one of the healthiest, due to its composition with many vitamins and microelements. Its taste does not disappoint either.

Benefits and harms

The nutrients contained in this meat have a positive effect on the body's absorption of calcium. Therefore, for the strength of bone tissue, hair and nails, turkey meat must be present in the diet.

Turkey meat, baked in the oven or stewed in its own juice, is dietary and suitable for diabetics, as well as patients in the postoperative period. The broth from this bird also has an excellent effect, especially during colds and flu. Turkey is considered one of the foods used to prevent cancer.

But there are also several negative aspects, due to which the use of the product should be reduced or completely eliminated. Contraindications are problems with:

  • liver;
  • kidneys;
  • pressure.

If you have at least one point, you should consult your doctor.

Cooking methods

Turkey can be stewed, baked and fried. But the most healthy is stewed meat, which is important to prepare correctly. To do this, the bird must be completely defrosted. The process takes 1-1.5 hours.

Next steps depend on what part of the turkey is being used. To prepare any section, first cut the carcass into pieces. Meat should be cut strictly along the grain. Then it is washed and dried.

In order to stew the turkey in pieces, you need to remove the meat from the bones and cut it. (The thigh is the softest and most tender part of the bird, so it is used more often).

Then chop the onion (1-2 heads) and fry in butter with meat (about 1 kg), salt and black pepper until slightly browned and fragrant. Seasonings can be added to taste.

Then pour 1 glass of cold water into a saucepan (in a frying pan) and, closing the lid, leave to simmer over low heat for 1 hour. After this time, add salt to the dish (if necessary) and remove from heat.

There is another simple recipe for fillet stewed in tomato sauce with vegetables. To prepare, turkey breast (400 g) is cut into medium equal pieces and washed. Tomatoes (300 g) are scalded with boiling water, sanded and cut into cubes. Peel 1 onion and cut into half rings.

Now you can add seasonings (basil, dried garlic, ground black pepper - 5 grams each), meat broth or water (200 ml) and tomato paste (75 grams). This mixture must be simmered for about 10 minutes under the lid.

Meanwhile, a half-kilogram zucchini is peeled from skin and seeds and cut into small cubes, which are poured into a saucepan along with the tomatoes. Salt everything to taste and simmer for another 20 minutes. The dish is ready.

It can be served with a side dish or fried bread.

Turkey thighs make great oven roasts. The meat is stewed in ceramic pots with vegetables. The dish is very aromatic and tasty, and is very easy to prepare.

First, you need to remove the thigh (750 g) from the bone and cut into pieces of medium thickness. The bones should not be thrown away - it is better to put them in a saucepan, add water and cook the broth. You will need about 5 ladles of it (based on 5 pots).

The meat is salted and peppered, then fried in a hot frying pan with sunflower oil or other fat until a slight golden brown crust forms. Then place the turkey on a plate.

Next, you need to cut the carrots (200 g) into cubes and fry them in the fat remaining from the bird. Then the leeks (100 g) are cut into rings, the potatoes (800 g) are cut into large pieces, and the prunes (10 pcs) are cut in half.

Now you can put food in pots. Place one bay leaf at the bottom. This is followed by the turkey, arranged in an even layer. Next, potatoes, fried carrots, prunes, leeks and one clove of finely chopped garlic are placed in the container in succession. The placement is completed with cherry tomatoes (2 pieces in each pot), cut into halves. Salted broth in the amount of one ladle is poured last.

All containers are covered with lids and placed in a cold oven. Cook at a temperature of 180 degrees for one and a half hours. This dish is served hot.

In about the same time, you can stew the turkey in a slow cooker. The vegetables that complement this dish are rich in vitamins and microelements and are good for health.

So, first you need to wash the turkey (1 kg) and cut into medium-sized pieces. Next, completely peel and chop the zucchini into small pieces (300 g). Tomatoes (200 grams) are also cut into pieces, but first dipped in boiling water and the skins are removed. Onions (100 g) are peeled and cut into half rings. Carrots (100 g) are also peeled and grated on a coarse grater.

After preparing the ingredients, pour vegetable oil (50 g) into the bowl, add onions and carrots and, without closing the lid, cook for about 20 minutes in frying mode. After 10 minutes, add poultry to the frying mass and cook further.

At the end of the set frying time, add the remaining vegetables, a little water, salt and ground black pepper (or other seasonings to taste) to the bowl. Now you can close the lid and cook the turkey for 1 hour in the stew mode.

You can use whatever you like as seasonings. However, Caucasian spices are more suitable for turkey, such as:

  • ginger;
  • turmeric;
  • cinnamon;
  • carnation;
  • black pepper;
  • cardamom.

Using this method, you can do other things while cooking, since the dish does not burn in the multicooker. Eat deliciously!

For information on how and how long to stew turkey in pieces, watch the video below.

Poultry meat has always been considered low-fat and dietary; it is recommended for young children, as well as for people suffering from excess weight. As for turkey, the benefits from eating it are much greater than from the same chicken. Turkey is a dietary species, along with chicken and rabbit. Many mothers use it as an introduction to complementary foods for their baby, and for good reason. Turkey meat has an excellent protein and fat balance. You need to know how to choose how much to fry turkey, stew, bake, and what the most delicious recipes with it are.

Preparation and selection

The most important step in preparing a delicious dish is choosing good meat, and turkey is no exception.

When choosing a bird, you should pay attention to the following indicators:

  1. It should have a pinkish, pleasant color. Of course, the color can vary from pale to yellowish, but the best quality turkey is always pink.
  2. When pressure is applied to the skin, it should recover quickly. This means the bird is fresh and firm.
  3. The skin should not be sticky.
  4. The carcass should not have an unpleasant, old, sour or rotten odor.

If all indicators are normal, then you can safely buy the carcass. But if you want young, more tender and juicy turkey meat, then you should pay attention to the weight and color of the legs. Weight should not exceed 10 kg, and paws should be gray. These are the criteria that indicate the young age of the bird. Of course, there are birds up to 30-35 kg, but they are tough and old.

How long does it take to fry a turkey in a pan?

Frying turkey wings is very easy. For this you will need:

  • Wings – 2 pieces;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Salt, allspice, garlic.

Before cooking the wings, they must be washed and dried; if there are feathers, remove them. Rub with ground pepper and salt, set aside for 30-40 minutes. Heat a frying pan, pour oil and place the wings on it. How long to fry: over high heat on each side for 3-4 minutes. You can serve stewed vegetables and baked potatoes with wings.

When preparing turkey hearts, you need to take into account one trick: you need to boil them first. How long should you cook? Approximately 20-30 minutes. If the hearts are very large, then it should be cooked for at least 1 hour. You need to cook it in lightly salted water with spices (black pepper, bay leaf), you can add onions. Before boiling the hearts, they must be cleared of veins and films and cut into four parts. When the hearts are cooked, dry them with a towel and place them in a hot frying pan with oil. How much do you need to cook? Fry for no more than 4-5 minutes. on each side. Lightly pepper, salt and add herbs. You can also add it to steamed vegetables or to sauce.

Frying rules

The rules for frying turkey meat are very simple. You should not cook cold meat, its temperature should be at room temperature, so you need to remove it from the refrigerator 1.5-2 hours before cooking. Since turkey is considered a very delicate species, you should not overcook it when frying, otherwise it will turn out tough and dry. The total frying time is 5-7 minutes on both sides.

Also, the age of the bird plays an important role. The juiciest and most tender meat comes from carcasses up to 10 kg. Over 10 kg is considered old and tough.

How to fry in pieces

In addition to fillets and legs, you can fry drumsticks. To do this you need to prepare a marinade. In a bowl, mix paprika, soy sauce, garlic, balsamic vinegar. Clean the drumsticks, rinse and dry and rub with marinade. Leave in the marinade for about 2-3 hours. Heat a frying pan and place the drumsticks. Each piece must be fried for 2-3 minutes. on both sides. Then pour the remaining marinade or a quarter glass of water into the frying pan. Cover the dish with a lid and simmer until fully cooked.

You can cook according to this recipe not only drumsticks, but also finely chopped poultry carcass. The dish turns out juicy, tender, spicy and delicious.

You can add fresh vegetables or a side dish to the dish, or even sprinkle with chopped herbs (cilantro, parsley, basil, arugula).

How to fry in a frying pan

Frying in a frying pan is quite easy; it is not necessary to marinate or cook beforehand. You can add spices. Great for this:

  • allspice, paprika;
  • rosemary, thyme, ginger;
  • garlic, cloves.

You need to grill it in a frying pan, then you get an appetizing golden brown crust, and the bird will retain its juiciness and tenderness. How long does it usually take to cook offal: fillets - 20-25 minutes, chops - 15-20 minutes, and legs - at least 30 minutes.

With raisins in sour cream

To cook poultry in sour cream sauce with raisins you will need:

  1. Fillet, you can use breasts or drumsticks. If you want more juicy meat, then it is better to take drumsticks.
  2. Soaked raisins (3 tbsp.).
  3. Flour 1 tsp.
  4. 1 glass of sour cream (it is better to choose not too fatty 10-15%).
  5. Sunflower oil.
  6. Nutmeg, cinnamon, pinch of salt.

The fillet must be cut into small pieces, seasoned with nutmeg, salt, cinnamon and left for 30 minutes. Heat sunflower oil in a frying pan and add the meat, fry a little until half cooked and add the soaked raisins. When a golden crust forms on the meat, sprinkle with flour, mix thoroughly and add sour cream. How long to cook the meat: over medium heat without a lid - about 20 minutes. Once the sauce thickens a little, the dish is ready.

Grilled vegetables or rice go well with the fillet.

How to fry fillet

Cooking turkey fillet is as easy as preparing any other poultry. The main thing is that it is at room temperature, and not straight from the refrigerator. The sirloin part of the drumstick turns out more juicy, and the breast part is drier. If you want to fry the sirloin with breast, you can use:

  • fillet 300-400 g;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • 1 cup asparagus;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • sunflower oil;
  • a pinch of salt and allspice;
  • greens (cilantro, parsley);

Cut the sirloin into small pieces, season with salt and pepper. How long should it marinate: at least 1-1.5 hours. Cut the onions and carrots into cubes. Heat the oil in a cauldron and fry the fillet until golden brown. Remove turkey and set aside. Fry onions and tomatoes there. Boil asparagus in lightly salted water. Add asparagus and poultry to the vegetables, pour in 1-2 cups of water or broth. How long to simmer: 10-15 minutes and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Turkey fillet in batter

To prepare you will need:

  1. Turkey loin.
  2. 1 egg.
  3. 5 tbsp. l. flour.
  4. Ground black pepper, a pinch of salt, rosemary, 1-2 cloves of garlic, ginger.
  5. Sunflower or olive oil.

The fillet needs to be cut into pieces about 2-2.5 cm wide, wrapped in cling film and beaten a little. Remove from the film, add spices, salt and pepper, set aside for 1 hour. Break 1 egg into a container and beat with a whisk until smooth, add spices: garlic, rosemary, ginger. Heat the frying pan. Dip the fillet first in flour, then in batter and place in a hot frying pan. How long to fry: 2-3 minutes on both sides of the meat.

As soon as a golden crust forms, the dish is ready.

In the oven

Roasting a turkey in the oven is quite simple. There are a huge number of recipes for legs in the oven. Can be baked in foil, in a sleeve, with vegetables or as a separate dish.

Recipe for cooking in foil:

You will need 2 legs, a pinch of salt, rosemary, ginger, foil. The legs must be dried and rubbed with spices. Peel the garlic and cut into 3-4 parts. Make cuts in the leg and chop them with garlic. Place the legs in the refrigerator for 2 hours, ideally overnight. Take them out of the refrigerator and let them warm up. Preheat the oven, line a baking sheet with foil, place the legs on it, cover with foil and place in the oven. How long to bake: approximately 1-1.30 hours at 170 degrees. After this, take out the bird, open the foil and pour the released fat and juice over it, put it back in the oven for 30 minutes, but at a temperature of 150 degrees.

Cooking legs in the oven in a sleeve is even easier, for this you will need:

  • turkey legs;
  • butter;
  • cream or sour cream;
  • rosemary, thyme, a pinch of salt, a pinch of allspice, 1-2 cloves of garlic, lemon and orange zest;
  • baking sleeve.

Clean the meat, dry it, cut it and add spices, put garlic in the cuts. Send to marinate for 3 hours in a cool place. Remove the meat, shred the cuts with butter and rub with cream or low-fat sour cream. Wrap in a baking sleeve, add thyme, rosemary and orange zest. How long to bake: 20 minutes. at 190 degrees, then open the sleeve, pour over the released juice and bake for another 50 minutes. at a temperature of 150 degrees.

  • Per 100 grams - 66.72 kcal.
    Used - 7.33/0. 42/8. 87.


    • Turkey fillet 500 g.
    • Carrots 2 pieces.
    • Potatoes 6 pieces.
    • 2 tomatoes.
    • Onion 1 piece.
    • Greens 1/2 bunch.

    1. Cut the turkey into small pieces. Place in a frying pan heated with oil and fry over medium heat until a light crust forms. Use a large frying pan.
    2. cut the potatoes and carrots.
    3. chop the onion.
    4. Add onions and carrots to turkey. Cook over medium heat for 5-7 minutes.
    5. Place the potatoes in the pan.
    6. Add a little water (1-2 cups) so that the potatoes are almost submerged in water.
    7. Salt, pepper, add bay leaf and sprinkle with your favorite spices. I used basil and paprika. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer until tender over low heat (30 minutes.
    8. At the very end, add the chopped tomatoes and cook for another 5 minutes.
    9. Sprinkle the dish with herbs and leave for 5 minutes on the turned off stove. Bon appetit!

    In front of you are all the products from which we will prepare a delicious dish.
    Peel the vegetables, wash and dry the turkey fillet. Cut the meat into small pieces.
    Heat the frying pan well with butter. Butter can be replaced with vegetable oil.
    Place turkey pieces in a frying pan heated with oil.
    Turn them over when the meat is browned to your desired degree. Some people like their meat lightly fried, while others like it to be more golden brown in color.
    Meanwhile, chop the peeled vegetables.
    Transfer the browned turkey from the pan to a small saucepan or sauté pan. The oil stays in the pan!
    Place onions and carrots in a frying pan and fry for 5 minutes.
    Then add the pepper and fry for another 3-4 minutes. You can cover it with a lid.
    Transfer vegetables from pan to turkey. Add salt and black pepper.
    Pour water.
    And add sour cream. Stir, cover with a lid and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. During this time you can prepare the side dish.
    Stewed turkey is ready!

    Turkey with vegetables stewed in sour cream is an excellent meat dish for gourmets and food lovers. Pairs with various types of side dishes, especially mashed potatoes, as well as a mixture of vegetables. It will take a minimum of time to prepare the recipe, so you won’t have to strain yourself too much. I advise you to try this recipe for a main dish and add some variety to your everyday family menu. Now you can start cooking. Ingredients:

    • Turkey fillet – 200 grams Carrots – 1 pc. Onion – 1 pc. Ground black pepper or a mixture of peppers - to taste Salt - to taste Fresh herbs - 10 - 15 grams Sour cream 20 - 30% fat - 150 grams Vegetable oil - for frying


    Preheat the frying pan and add a small amount of oil. Now we need turkey fillet, we need to defrost it (if it was frozen), rinse it well in water and cut it into small pieces. Place in a frying pan, pepper, salt and quickly fry on both sides over medium heat. In simple words, cook the turkey fillet until half cooked.

    Now, add fresh carrots and onions cut into small cubes. Stirring well, fry lightly. If necessary, add a little vegetable oil.
    All that remains is to add fresh sour cream, mix everything well until smooth and cook until done, stirring occasionally. A few minutes before the dish is ready, add chopped fresh herbs. It could be parsley, dill, cilantro.
    The finished dish is best served slightly cooled. If desired, you can sprinkle with grated hard cheese. As a side dish for turkey with carrots and onions stewed in sour cream, you can use boiled potatoes, pasta or a light stewed vegetable mixture. Everything of course depends on taste preferences, individually. I hope that such a simple and tasty recipe for the second hot dish will be useful to you and come to your table! Bon appetit!

    Turkey with vegetables stewed in the oven

    You can stew turkey with vegetables either on the stove or in the oven. I stewed the turkey in the oven in a thick-walled glass dish with a lid, in which everything is perfectly stewed and baked. It turned out great! Tender, juicy turkey fillet meat is soaked in vegetable juices and aromas - mind-blowingly delicious! Try it!

    • 350 g turkey fillet
    • 1 medium carrot
    • 1 onion
    • 1 tomato
    • 1 bell pepper
    • Dill or parsley
    • Salt pepper to taste

    Recipe for turkey stew with vegetables:

    Stewing turkey is as easy as stewing pork and vegetables. The result is tasty and tender meat.

    Wash turkey fillet, remove membranes

    Cut into small pieces

    Place turkey fillet pieces in a bag and beat with a mallet. This needs to be done so that the meat is softer and, most importantly, juicier.

    Peel and wash vegetables

    Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and place in a saucepan or deep pan in which you will stew the turkey and vegetables.

    Chop the onion and send it there

    Place pre-beaten pieces of turkey fillet on vegetables

    If you are cooking in the fall, when all the fresh vegetables are available, then you need to wash the bell peppers and tomatoes. Remove seeds and cut peppers. Grate the tomatoes or pass through a meat grinder.

    Now, in winter, I use blanks.

    Place frozen bell pepper slices on top of the turkey.

    And 1-2 tablespoons of tomato soup dressing. Be sure to prepare it for the winter - a universal thing! It goes into borscht and homemade sauces - ketchup and for stewing meat and vegetables.

    Then you need to pour some water to cover the turkey.

    I immediately pour boiling water so that everything can cook faster.

    Add dill or parsley

    Add salt and pepper to taste.

    Cover with a lid. Place in a preheated oven and simmer until done.

    The turkey and vegetables are stewed in the oven over low heat for about 60-70 minutes from the start of baking. Then the turkey meat becomes tender and flavorful.

    Mashed potatoes with milk are perfect as a side dish. crumbly buckwheat porridge or rice with vegetables. And if you add an eggplant appetizer to a plate of stewed turkey with a side dish. prepared for the winter or a couple of spoons of lecho - you will get an incredibly tasty dinner!

    That's all for today! Have fun cooking and share your impressions in the comments. Subscribe to new recipes to always keep up to date with the news of the Tasty Food site

    If you're tired of chicken and don't like duck meat, then it's time to pay attention to one of the lowest-calorie and hypoallergenic meat products - turkey. It harmonizes perfectly with vegetables and cereals. Dietary meat is especially useful in combination with stewed zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, cabbage, pumpkin, potatoes and other vegetables from your garden. Here are just a few recipes. Recipe step by step
    Ingredients Amount of turkey - about a kilogram of vegetable oil - 3-5 tablespoons of milky ripe eggplant - 2-3 pcs. carrots - 3 pcs. bulbs - 2 pcs. garlic - 3 cloves of tomatoes - 5 medium bell peppers - 1 large meaty curry pod - a couple of pinches of fresh dill - a bunch of salt and pepper - to taste Cooking time: 90 minutes Calories per 100 grams: 72 Kcal Turkey stewed with vegetables is prepared in stages: Carcass Wash the birds thoroughly, pluck any protruding feathers (if any). Dry the turkey with a paper towel and divide the bottom into portions with a knife; Season each piece with salt, pepper and curry; Peel the onions, peel and rinse the carrots, garlic cloves, peppers, remove the stalks from the tomatoes and the tails from the eggplants; Heat vegetable oil in a deep saucepan or cauldron. Place the poultry parts and fry on both sides over medium heat until golden brown;
    Cut the onions into quarter rings, grate the carrots using a hand shredder or grater. Add the vegetables to the pan after turning the turkey pieces over to cook on the other side; Cut the eggplants, tomatoes and bell peppers into medium cubes (1.5-2 cm). If desired, first remove the outer skin from the tomatoes. Make cross-shaped cuts on the fruits and pour boiling water over them, then the films will come off without much effort;
    Cover the poultry parts with sautéed onions and carrots and chopped vegetables. Add a little water, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for half an hour, monitoring the liquid level;
    Finely chop the garlic cloves and a bunch of fresh dill, add to the stewed poultry, taste for salt, and cook for another 7-10 minutes; An ideal side dish for this dish would be rice or young boiled potatoes. Recipe for stewed turkey with vegetables in sour cream Ingredients: 0.4 kg of turkey meat without bones and skin; 250 grams of sour cream with fat content up to 15%; 0.2 kg cauliflower; 0.2 kg of broccoli florets; 2 small zucchini of milky ripeness; 1 bunch of parsley; 3-4 tablespoons of refined deodorized sunflower oil; 2 onions; Khmeli-suneli seasoning; 2 bell peppers (yellow, red).

    Cooking time 1 hour 15 minutes. One hundred gram serving contains about 69 kcal. Preparation of the dish: Rinse the poultry meat in the sink, let the water drain, cut into strips, sprinkle with salt and Khmeli-suneli and leave to marinate in a plate while you work with other ingredients of the dish; Wash the cabbage forks, divide into individual small inflorescences, cutting off the long, rough stalks, and boil in salted water for several minutes until half cooked; Peel the onion heads and cut into half rings. Simmer for a couple of minutes in sunflower oil in a cauldron (a container with a thick bottom and walls); Add sliced ​​meat to the onion frying, stir, give the turkey pieces time to brown a little; Small young zucchini fruits can be cut into thin rings without peeling and seeds; Free the sweet pepper pods from seeds and stalks, cut into large (1.5-2 cm) pieces of any shape; Pour chopped zucchini, peppers, boiled cabbage into the cauldron, pour sour cream. Add water if necessary. After the sour cream sauce boils, reduce the heat and simmer under the lid for a quarter of an hour; A couple of minutes before cooking, sprinkle the dish with fresh parsley.

    Video Stewed turkey with vegetables

    How to cook the dish “Stewed vegetables with turkey”

    Recipe ingredients:

    • Turkey (fillet) - 700 gr.
    • Onion - 2 pcs.
    • Carrots - 1 pc.
    • Tomato - 2 pcs.
    • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
    • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
    • Garlic - 5 teeth.
    • Chili - 1 pc.
    • White wine - 100 ml.
    • Salt (to taste) - 2 gr.
    • Ground black pepper (to taste) - 2 gr.
    • Dill (to taste) - 10 gr.
    • Vegetable oil (to taste) - 20 ml. Number of servings: 6
    1. Wash the turkey fillet, dry it and cut into pieces.
    2. Peel onions, potatoes, carrots and garlic.
    3. Cut the onion into slices, carrots into slices, potatoes into large cubes.
    4. Wash the tomatoes and cut into four parts.
    5. Remove the stem and seeds from the pepper and cut into cubes.
    6. Wash and cut the dill.
    7. Heat a frying pan, add oil and fry the turkey over high heat for 3 minutes.
    8. Reduce heat to medium, add wine and cook, stirring, until the wine evaporates.
    9. Add onions, carrots, potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, garlic and chili to the meat, salt and pepper.
    10. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat until the potatoes are cooked, stirring occasionally.
    11. Five minutes before readiness, remove the chili and sprinkle with dill.

    Hello, dear readers of my blog! Today I want to talk about the ideal product for those who love meat and at the same time lead a healthy lifestyle. This pan-fried turkey fillet is a juicy and tender dish with minimal calories that can be prepared in a variety of ways.

    The calorie content per 100 grams is only 102 kcal, and the fat content is minimal - 3 g. It can be consumed by absolutely everyone: suitable for nursing mothers, small children and those struggling with excess weight. The only thing is that due to the low fat content, the dish can turn out dry, especially the fillet.

    To make the meat juicy and soft, marinate it or stew it in sour cream sauce, cream or tomato. Soy sauce, lemon juice, olive oil with spices are perfect as a marinade. The product goes well with honey and mustard, and sometimes it is marinated in kefir, dry wine and even beer. I marinade recipes.

    The meat turns out very tasty in breadcrumbs, in eggs and with cheese. The breading “grabs” it securely, and the juice remains inside. It cooks quite quickly, and can be served with any side dishes - potatoes, pasta, vegetables. Below you will find not only the best recipes, but also cooking secrets. So, how long to fry meat, how long to stew, and how to turn a simple product into a culinary miracle?

    Delicious turkey thigh fillet in a frying pan, fried in pieces

    The simplest dish is stew with gravy. It turns out soft and tender, and cooking does not require much time. I fry poultry when I don’t have much time, but I need to feed my family heartily and quickly.

    Required ingredients:

    • 1-1.5 kg of turkey meat;
    • 2 onions;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 1 clove of garlic;
    • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil;
    • Provencal herbs or any spices;
    • salt, pepper

    How to cook:

    1. Peel the vegetables, cut the onion into half rings, grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

    2. Heat a frying pan with oil, fry the vegetables over medium heat until the onion is translucent.

    3. Rinse the meat well, dry and cut into small pieces.

    Always remove excess moisture from meat after washing. This way the turkey will be roasted rather than stewed.

    4. Place in the frying pan with the vegetables and fry over high heat for about 10 minutes – the turkey should begin to release juices.

    5. As soon as all the juice has been released and the meat has turned white, the heat must be reduced so that the liquid simmers slightly.

    6. Add spices and garlic, simmer covered for about half an hour.

    7. 5 minutes before readiness, add salt and pepper. There is no need to add salt earlier, otherwise the juice will release too much and the meat will become dry.

    If after cooking there is a lot of liquid left in the pan, you need to increase the heat to maximum and evaporate the excess liquid. The dish is ready!

    Have you tried fried turkey leg steaks? Be sure to try it. And step-by-step cooking recipes.

    Turkey fillet in a frying pan with sour cream and vegetables

    Poultry meat in sour cream sauce turns out unusually juicy and aromatic. Potatoes are used as a side dish, which will add satiety to the dish. The recipe can be slightly modified - add more or less garlic, and use cream instead of sour cream.

    What you will need:

    • 800 g turkey thigh fillet;
    • 1 kg potatoes;
    • 1 onion;
    • 2 carrots;
    • 1 clove of garlic;
    • 200 g sour cream;
    • 250 ml boiling water;
    • vegetable oil;
    • herbs, spices, salt and pepper to taste.

    Step by step recipe:

    1. Rinse and dry the turkey, cut into medium pieces.

    2. Peel the potatoes, cut them and fill them with cold water to prevent them from darkening.

    3. Cut the onions and carrots into cubes, crush the garlic or chop it with a knife, finely chop the greens.

    4. Mix sour cream, garlic and herbs, add a little salt.

    Sour cream can be replaced with cream, then you will get a delicate creamy sauce.

    5. Heat a frying pan, pour in vegetable oil, fry the meat over maximum heat for 5 minutes.

    6. Add onion and carrots, fry for another 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

    7. Salt, pepper, add spices, add potatoes and stir.

    8. Pour in the sour cream dressing and add boiling water to make a broth.

    Stir the ingredients, reduce the heat to low and simmer covered for 20-25 minutes. The dish will be ready as soon as the potatoes are soft.

    I use the same recipe. Poultry meat in creamy sauce turns out especially tasty and tender. I recommend trying it!

    How to cook turkey steak in soy sauce on a grill pan?

    Turkey breast marinated in soy sauce is practically a restaurant dish. To improve the taste, you can add your favorite spices to the marinade, although the meat is already perfect. The product is marinated very quickly, fried too, and goes well with any side dish.

    Products for the dish:

    • 300 g turkey fillet (breast);
    • 4 tbsp. soy sauce;
    • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
    • 1 bell pepper;
    • 1 onion.

    How to fry:

    1. Peel the breast from films, rinse, dry and cut into oblong pieces 1-2 cm thick.

    2. Cut the onion into rings and the pepper into slices.

    3. Pour soy sauce over the pieces, chop the garlic and add to the turkey, mix very well. Leave for 5-7 minutes so that everything marinates well.

    4. Heat a frying pan (a grill is best, but you can use a regular one) with vegetable oil, add a piece of butter.

    Clean the pieces of meat well from the garlic, otherwise it will burn. Fry them on both sides until golden brown along with slices of bell pepper and onion rings.

    A simple recipe for battered turkey breast chops

    Poultry chops are easier to prepare than pork chops, and they have much more benefits. The secret of the dish is that the meat must be beaten to break the fibers. This will make it much softer. I use a kitchen hammer and a regular plastic bag for this. Otherwise, the process is practically no different from ordinary chops.

    List of ingredients:

    • 500 g turkey fillet;
    • 1 onion;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • 3-4 tbsp. flour;
    • vegetable oil;
    • sesame;
    • salt, pepper

    Cooking method:

    1. Peel the onion and garlic, grate on a fine grater. This is not the most pleasant process, and as a last resort you can use a blender.

    2. Add pepper to the resulting paste and mix well.

    3. Rinse the meat, dry it and cut it across the grain into pieces 2-3 cm thick. Wrap them in plastic and carefully beat them with the smooth side of a hammer.

    4. Place the prepared semi-finished products on a plate, brush each with the onion-garlic mixture and rub with salt on both sides. Leave for 15-20 minutes.

    5. Mix flour with sesame seeds, beat eggs.

    Dip each piece of meat in an egg, then in flour and fry over medium heat until golden brown.

    Turkey fillet cutlets with rolled oats, fried in a frying pan

    This healthy and tasty dish is perfect for children, as it contains a minimum of fat and no harmful additives. Usually white bread or a loaf is added to the minced meat, but I like to make them with rolled oats. It turns out to be less caloric, but very satisfying - such cutlets can be eaten with vegetables without a side dish or bread.

    3. Place oatmeal in the minced meat, salt, pepper, and add seasonings.

    4. Beat in the egg, mix the mixture well and beat it lightly.

    Form cutlets and fry in olive oil on both sides until brownish.

    Goulash of turkey fillet stewed with onions and carrots in a frying pan

    Many of us associate goulash with lunches in the canteen, but in fact it is prepared not only in public catering. This dish is of Hungarian origin and is traditionally prepared with beef or veal. It is cut into thin slices and then stewed with onions and carrots in tomato sauce. I want to offer a version of turkey fillet goulash, which turns out especially tender and juicy.

    Do you still think that proper nutrition should be bland and boring? Then try to cook turkey fillet dishes that your loved ones will really like. And be sure to tell us which recipes you liked the most and share them with your friends on social networks. Bon appetit and see you again!