What vitamins help with vision? List of the most effective vitamin complexes for the eyes

Thanks to vision, we receive up to 90% of all information. Is it possible to increase its severity and prevent its development? eye diseases? Of course, if you include in your daily menu foods that contain certain vitamins.

Night blindness storm

Vitamin A (retinol)

Why is it important?

This valuable substance is part of the visual pigment of the retina - rhodopsin, thanks to which we can see objects in the dark or in dim lighting. With a deficiency of vitamin A, there is a decrease in visual acuity in low light, up to its complete loss at dusk - night blindness.

Also, a lack of vitamin can cause conjunctivitis, glaucoma, and xerophthalmia. In the latter case, the membrane of the eye - the cornea - gradually turns into a cataract, and the function of the lacrimal glands is also impaired.

Where can I get it?

If problems have already arisen, the doctor may prescribe special eye drops and preparations that contain vitamin A. For prevention, you need to take vitamin complexes, as well as increase your intake of the vitamin from food. They are rich in beef, pork and cod liver, chicken eggs, butter, milk, sour cream, cream.

Plant foods contain provitamins - carotene and carotenoids, which are converted into vitamin A in the intestines. Large reserves of carotene are found in all fruits and vegetables of red, orange and yellow, and also in greenery.

Carotene is better absorbed with fats. From carrots grated on a coarse grater, only 5% of carotene is absorbed, from finely grated carrots - 20%, and if you season a carrot salad vegetable oil or sour cream, the body will receive about half of this “sighted” vitamin. By the way, carotene is easily destroyed upon contact with air: cut vegetables and herbs immediately before serving and do not leave them chopped in reserve.

For the eyes - top class

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

Why is it important?

This vitamin has a beneficial effect on vision: the eyes become sharper, see better in the dark and perceive colors. With a deficiency of riboflavin, there may be complaints of pain in the eyes, rapid visual fatigue, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctivitis) and eyelids (blepharitis).

A lack of riboflavin can occur not only with insufficient dietary intake, but also with certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, with chronic enteritis and enterocolitis, the absorption and assimilation of this vitamin is impaired.

Where can I get it?

All dairy and fermented milk products are rich in vitamin B2. There is a lot of it in chicken, beef, and lean pork. Riboflavin is also found in fish: cod, herring, mackerel, tuna. The vitamin can also be obtained from peas, spinach, cauliflower, green onions, dill, liver, chicken eggs. On average, 60% of the daily intake of this substance comes to our body from products of animal origin, 40% from plant origin.

Riboflavin hardly accumulates in the body, so foods that contain it should appear on your table every day. Eat enough protein foods - it is necessary for the absorption of the vitamin. By the way, riboflavin does not tolerate bright colors. sun rays. For example, milk left on the table will lose approximately 10% of the vitamin every hour.

Milk soups and porridges will turn out much tastier and will almost completely retain riboflavin if you cook the cereal in water and only then add warmed milk.

Cataract management

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Why is it important?

Ascorbic acid strengthens blood vessels, including the capillaries of the eye. With a deficiency of vitamin C in the body, hemorrhages occur under the conjunctiva (mucous membrane) of the eyeball, in the retina, and favorable conditions for the development of conjunctivitis.

Vitamin C also prevents and reduces the risk of developing cataracts. The main manifestation of this disease is partial or complete clouding of the lens with a decrease in visual acuity, up to its complete loss.

Clinical studies show that ascorbic acid slows down the clouding process.

Where can I get it?

The main sources of this vitamin, essential for the eyes, are fresh and freshly frozen vegetables, fruits and berries. Among them are cabbage, sorrel, radishes, green onions, black currants, blueberries, sea buckthorn, citrus fruits, strawberries, as well as parsley leaves, dill, sauerkraut, sprouted wheat grains, dried rose hips.

Steam food more often - this way vitamin C is better preserved. When cooking, products lose about 50-60% ascorbic acid. To ensure that ascorbic acid is destroyed as little as possible, place the products in boiling, slightly salted and acidified water.

B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, in particular on the innervation of the eyes.

What is vitamin B1 for?

Without vitamin B1(thiamine) prevents the transmission of nerve impulses in any organ, including the eyes. This vitamin is necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes in the heart muscle, as well as for the formation of the enzymes cocarboxylase and cholinesterase. Scientists have proven the participation of cholinesterase in reducing intraocular pressure.

Lack of vitamin B1 in the body leads to damage nerve cells and decreased visual acuity. In addition, a lack of vitamin B1 increases the risk of developing glaucoma. Excessive consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates can cause hypovitaminosis B1.

Where can you get vitamin B1?

This vitamin is found in most plant foods, but it is especially abundant in the surface layer of cereals. Therefore, bread made from wholemeal flour is much healthier. The content of vitamin B1 is high in such products of plant origin as wholemeal rye and wheat flour, buckwheat and oatmeal, millet, beans, peas and beans, walnuts, and there is also a lot of it in brewer's yeast, pork, beef and pork liver.

It should be noted that heat treatment of foods has almost no effect on the content of vitamin B1 in food.

An alkaline environment has a destructive effect on vitamin B1. For example, its amount decreases when adding soda to the dough or when cooking peas and beans in water to speed up their boiling.

What is vitamin B2 for?

Vitamin B2(riboflavin) is an active participant in redox processes in the body and tissue respiration. Riboflavin is part of visual purple, which, in turn, protects the retina from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. In the lens of the eye, this vitamin maintains the supply of glutathione, which is an active antioxidant. With a lack of vitamin B2 in the body, vision deteriorates, the mucous membrane of the eyes becomes inflamed, and conjunctivitis occurs.

Other organs also react negatively to vitamin B2 deficiency, for example, the mucous membranes of the mouth, lips, and nose may become inflamed.

Where can you get vitamin B2?

Vitamin B2 to a greater or lesser extent contained in almost all plant and animal products. The highest content of this vitamin is in beef liver, kidneys, cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, eggs, wheat sprouts, brewer's yeast and sunflower seeds.

What is vitamin B3 for?

Vitamin V3(vitamin PP, or nicotinic acid, or niacin) is involved in the redox processes of the body, regulates higher nervous activity, functions of the digestive system, cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is successfully used for the treatment of vascular disorders in the eye, in particular in the complex of stimulating therapy for glaucomatous optic atrophy.

IN small quantity The human body can synthesize vitamin B3 from the amino acid tryptophan.

Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) reduces blood cholesterol in patients with atherosclerosis, dilates small blood vessels, and lowers blood pressure.

Where can you get vitamin B3?

The main food sources of vitamin B3 are beef liver and tongue, chicken and rabbit meat, veal, beef, lamb, fish, mushrooms, as well as legumes, in which this vitamin is in an easily digestible form. There is a lot of vitamin B3 in grain products, but it is poorly absorbed from them. Dairy products and eggs contain little vitamin B3, but a lot of tryptophan. Nicotinic acid is the most stable of all vitamins; it is well preserved when heating and canning foods.

When taking vitamin PP (vitamin V3) in tablets, a short-term vascular reaction (flush) may be observed, which gradually decreases.

What is vitamin B6 for?

Vitamin B6(pyridoxine) is involved in the metabolism of amino acids, in the synthesis of antibodies, DNA, and red blood cells. The body's need for vitamin B6 is satisfied through its intake from food and formation by intestinal microflora, however, when using certain drugs (antibiotics, contraceptives), its synthesis may be disrupted.

Vitamin B6 deficiency is common in people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, alcohol abusers, and those who have been exposed to radiation.

Vitamin B6 deficiency causes disorders nervous system: drowsiness, irritability, depression, neuritis, including inflammation of the optic nerve. The mucous membranes and skin are often affected, causing dermatitis, stomatitis, and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes - conjunctivitis. Animal and poultry meat, buckwheat, pearl barley and barley cereals, millet, legumes, fish, potatoes, bananas are rich in vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is not destroyed when heated, but is destroyed quite quickly in light.

What is vitamin B12 for?

Vitamin B12(cyanocobalamin) is involved in the biosynthesis nucleic acids, the breakdown of fats, affects hematopoiesis. In the middle of the 20th century, the effect of this vitamin on the optic nerve was proven. In the initial stage of glaucoma development, vitamin B12 improves the condition of the optic nerve, but with an advanced process it does not have a significant effect.

Where can you get vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 is synthesized in the body by intestinal bacteria. Food sources of this vitamin are animal products. The liver, kidneys and hearts of animals are especially rich in vitamin B12; its content is high in meat, fish, cheese, eggs, and somewhat less in cottage cheese, sour cream, milk and fermented milk products.

Plant foods and yeast do not contain vitamin B12, so vegetarians are advised to take vitamin B12 tablets.

What is folic acid for?

Now a few words about folic acid, which plays an important role in the metabolism of amino acids and in the processes of hematopoiesis. The name of this vitamin comes from Latin word folium, which translated into Russian means “leaf”. Indeed, there is a lot of folic acid in plant leaves, especially in parsley, spinach, and lettuce.

Some foreign ophthalmologists note an improvement in vision when taking this vitamin, but most experts believe that there is no need for additional folic acid if a person eats a lot fresh salads, fruits and vegetables. It must be remembered that when cooked, folic acid is destroyed.

Vitamins for the eyes to improve vision are presented in a wide variety by the pharmacological industry. Every year the percentage of people who turn to an ophthalmologist with complaints of eye fatigue and decreased visual acuity increases. Prolonged concentration of vision on nearby objects has a very harmful effect on the condition of the eyes.

Essential vitamins to improve vision

Doctors are increasingly diagnosing dry eye syndrome. Why? Man being long time near a computer monitor, must adapt to changes in brightness and contrast, to constant flickering. In this case, there is increased eye strain and the number of blinks is reduced.

Impaired hydration leads to dryness of the eye membranes, and this creates optimal conditions for the penetration of infectious agents and the development of inflammation.

Vitamins of groups A, C, E, B are necessary components of the diet, even if no pathologies have been identified. But if a person is at risk (hereditary factor, work specifics) or has already been diagnosed with visual impairment, retinol, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, riboflavin, niacin are essential vitamins for the eyes to improve vision.

  1. Vitamin A– is responsible for color perception, participates in the formation of light-sensitive pigment located in the retinal rods. When transitioning from light to dark, it supports accommodation. Hypovitaminosis leads to loss of clarity and deterioration of twilight vision.
  2. Vitamins E, C- protects the eyes from solar radiation. Consumption of products containing daily norm of these vitamins, supports the normal functioning of the lens, reduces the risk of developing cataracts.
  3. Vitamin B3– optimizes blood flow to the optic nerve.
  4. Riboflavin– allows you to carry out effective therapy for dystrophic changes in the cornea in the shortest possible time.
  5. Pyridoxine– participates in cellular metabolism.
  6. Cyanocobalamin strengthens the optic nerve, ciliary muscle, reduces tearfulness. Vitamin B12 deficiency causes premature aging of the eyes, increasing dullness, and constant tearing.
  7. Eye vitamins with lutein and zeaxanthin– antioxidant protection based on carotenoids. They ensure the safety of the retina in daylight conditions or when exposed to the harmful spectrum of the light environment. Over time, the supply of these substances will be used up. To maintain lutein and zeaxanthin concentrations at sufficient level, it is necessary that they constantly enter the body with food.
  8. Zinc contain the retina, iris and choroid of the eye. This trace element promotes the formation of retinal. Deficiency causes the development of cataracts and color vision impairment.

Indications for the use of vitamins for the eyes

Macula ( yellow spot) is the central part of the retina. This is the most sensitive area. Visual acuity depends on the normal functioning of the macula.

Unfavorable environmental conditions, aggressive effects of UV radiation, specifics of work, bad habits lead to decreased vision and signs of fatigue.

Vitamins for the eyes to improve vision are indicated for use when:

  • Visual fatigue syndrome.
  • Wearing lenses.
  • Computer syndrome.
  • Conjunctive hyperemia.
  • Impaired twilight vision.
  • Complex therapy of myopia and farsightedness.
  • Retinal dystrophy (central, peripheral).
  • Diabetic retinopathy.
  • Initial stages of cataracts, glaucoma.
  • Rehabilitation period after eye surgery.
Pikovit drops can be used for children over 1 year of age

Due to the active growth of the child, the need for nutrients increases significantly.

Therefore, first of all, you should balance your baby’s diet with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Fermented milk products, fruits, vegetables, meat products are mandatory components of the daily menu.

Examples of tasty and healthy recipes dishes for children from 9 months you can, from 1 year – and from 18 months –.

Also, for preventive purposes, children's eye vitamins can be used 1-2 times a year.

  1. Polivit baby - for babies.
  2. Pikovit - used for children from one year old.
  3. VitaMishki, Strix Kids - from 4 years old.
  4. Vitrum Vision – from 12 years old.

Important from the very beginning early years Monitor your child's vision, especially school age when eye strain increases significantly. Therefore, we recommend that you read the article about preschool and school age...

Vitamins in the form of drops

Vizin, Sencatalin, Quinax, Okovit, Myrtilene Forte - all these drugs are presented in the form of eye drops, eye vitamins are their basis.

Let's consider the main mechanisms of influence:

  • Stimulation of metabolic processes.
  • Activation of cell regeneration.
  • Elimination of night blindness by restoring visual acuity in the twilight.
  • Relieving the feeling of fatigue.
  • Slowing the development of ophthalmological diseases: cataracts, glaucoma, retinal dystrophy.

Almost all drops (vitamins for eyes to improve vision) contain essential minerals, multivitamin complexes, antioxidant systems.

It is necessary to dwell separately on Japanese eye drops with vitamins. Two main manufacturing companies: Sante, Rohto. After the first use of the drops, irritation and eye fatigue are eliminated, this good prevention allergies.

Many experts consider Japanese drops to be the best vitamins for eyes with myopia.

The composition of Japanese drops includes B6, B12. Proserine relaxes the eyes, chondroitin sulfate moisturizes, taurine is a retinoprotector, aminocaproic acid has an anti-inflammatory effect.

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7 most effective vitamin complexes

The table presents a list of eye vitamins for improving vision that have proven their effectiveness. beneficial properties.

Let's take a closer look at the composition and beneficial properties of the most effective vitamins for the eyes. Focus, Super Optic, Strix, Blueberry Forte, Dopelgerts are vitamins for the eyes from the group of dietary supplements.

Before purchasing, we recommend visiting an ophthalmologist to check your vision and record the results. And after completing the course, do a repeat study and find out how much the vitamin complexes helped in your case.

It's important to note that these are not medications.! Complivit Oftalmo, Vitrum Vision - multivitamin complexes.


Operating principle


Adverse reactions


Price, rub.


AdultsIntolerance to the components of the drug. Cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation.1 capsule per day. Course duration is 1-2 months. Break – 1 month


Multivitamin complexFrom 18 years oldIndividual sensitivity.1 tablet once a day after meals. Course – 3 months


From 12 years oldHypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Dyspepsia.2 times a day, 1 tablet after meals. Course duration 3 months
Dietary supplementsFrom 14 years oldAllergic reaction1 tablet 1 time per day with meals. Course – 1.5-2 months


Dietary supplementsFrom 12 years oldAllergies, signs of dyspepsia1 tablet 1 time per day with meals


Dietary supplementsFrom 4 years oldHypersensitivity to the components of the drugFrom 4-6 years old, 1 tablet per day with meals.
Over 7 years – 1 tablet 1-2 times a day


From 12 years oldAllergies, nausea, vomiting2 tablets 2 times a day. Course – 3 months

Doppelhertz asset

These are eye vitamins with lutein. The drug belongs to the group of dietary supplements and contains:

  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Tocopherol.
  • Retinol.
  • Zinc gluconate.
  • Zeaxanthin.
  • Lutein.

Doppelgerts active eye vitamins also include additional substances such as gelatin, glycerin, wax, water, and iron oxide. These eye vitamins are not recommended for children.. The drug is indicated only for adults.

Complivit Oftalmo

Complivit Oftalmo - a drug for improving vision, helps with myopia and visual fatigue syndrome

Includes 8 vitamins:

  • Retinol acetate.
  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Tocopherol acetate.
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2).
  • Cyanocobalamin (B12).
  • Rutin (R).
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6).
  • Folic acid.

Microelements are represented by copper and zinc oxide. Selenium, lutein, zeaxanthin are also included in the Complivit Oftalmo multivitamin complex.

If we talk about vitamins for the eyes for myopia, this drug deserves attention. Possessing good antioxidant properties, it can be used for increased stress on the eyes, in case of development of visual fatigue syndrome.

About the causes of stye on the eye and its drug treatment you can find out from the article.

Vitrum Vision

Tablet vitamins Vitrum Vision are prescribed to increase visual acuity

Vitrum Vision eye vitamins contain:

  • Riboflavin (Vit B2).
  • Tocferol acetate.
  • Vit. WITH.
  • Lutein.
  • Zeaxanthin.
  • Vitamin R.
  • Selenium.
  • Zinc oxide.
  • Dry blueberry extract.

Vitrum Vision produces eye vitamins in tablets. Prescribed to improve visual acuity and protect the eyes from bright radiation.

The drug is also widely used for hypovitaminosis, deficiency of macro and microelements. If you have been diagnosed with impaired night vision, Vitrum Vision - effective remedy.

Focus Forte

Vitamin complex, indicated primarily for significant eye strain.

Indicated for programmers, as well as people in professions that involve long-term work on computers.

The constituent components of this corrective system improve blood flow, thereby facilitating the flow of nutrients into the eye tissue.

Focus Forte is a drug that reduces eye fatigue and is used to prevent myopia
  • Beta-carotene - acts as a light filter, neutralizing free radicals.
  • Lutein is an integral component of macular pigment.
  • Lycopene has an angioprotective effect.
  • Vitamin B2 - improves visual acuity in low light conditions. Protects the retina from the harmful effects of solar radiation.
  • Vitamin A, as mentioned above, is responsible for adaptation to darkness.
  • Vitamin E – reduces the fragility of blood vessels, normalizes the permeability of their walls. It is also a powerful antioxidant.
  • Zinc protects against exposure free radicals.

When choosing vitamins for the retina, the Focus corrective system is a good alternative. Also indicated for use in varying degrees myopia.

If we talk about cost, then the standard Focus vitamins for eyes system is on sale, the price is 350 rubles. and Focus Forte for 80-100 rubles. more expensive.

Is it worth panicking if... This is important for all parents, without exception, to know.

Super Optician

This complex is indicated for people over 40 years of age due to age-related vision deterioration

These eye vitamins contain retinol, vitamin B6, niacin (B3), vitamin E, vitamin B9 (folic acid), vitamin B12, vitamin C, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2).

The composition also includes omega 3 fatty acids, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, microelements (zinc, silicon, manganese, selenium, copper), amino acids.

The antioxidant system, consisting of lutein and zeaxanthin, is an important component of this complex.

The drug is recommended for people over 40 years of age, with age-related changes vision, as well as when spending a long time near a computer screen.

Super Optic is rich in B vitamins, which supports the health of the visual system. By increasing the sensitivity of the retina, it normalizes visual acuity and has a beneficial effect on the transmission of impulses along nerve fibers.


Manufacturer vitamin complexes Strix combines the presence of blueberry anthocyanins

On the dietary supplement market, the Strix complex is presented in various versions.

These are the usual Strix eye vitamins (intended for both adults and children over 7 years old), Strix Kids (for children over 4 years old) and Strix Forte.

Also on sale are new directions Strix Excellent, Strix Manager, Strix Teen.

Combines all of the above drugs trademark Strix what these are eye vitamins with blueberries.

Blueberry anthocyanins strengthen the vascular wall, protect the eyes from UV radiation, improve blood circulation, reduce the risk of dystrophic changes in the retina, and increase visual acuity both in daylight and at dusk.

Blueberry Forte

Eye vitamins to improve vision. Thanks to the high content of blueberry fruit concentrate, ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, rutin, zinc.

The drug strengthens the wall of blood vessels, relieves fatigue, improves nutrition, enriches eye tissue necessary substances and has a generally positive angioprotective effect.

Problems arising from their deficiency

Deficiency of different vitamins causes different visual impairments. For example, with a lack of vitamin A in the body, hemeralopia develops, better known as “night blindness.”

It seems that the defect is not such a big one - you can only see poorly in the evening, however, if the problem is not addressed in time, the disease can lead to melting of the cornea.

Involuntary twitching of the eyelids may be a consequence of vitamin B6 deficiency. A lack of riboflavin and omega fatty acids leads to a feeling of “sand” in the eyes.

By consuming a multicomponent complex of vitamins for the eyes, you will “catch two birds with one stone”- fix the immediate problem and prevent others.

What microelements are the most suitable?

The best complexes for vision

The more varied and quality the diet, the lower the likelihood of developing most eye diseases. If it is not possible to devote a lot of time to cooking every day, then the consequences of irregular and not entirely healthy eating can be eliminated with the help of vitamin complexes.

Vitamins for eyes “Lutein Complex”

Vitamins for the retina - powerful restoration complex, recommended for anyone who experiences severe eye strain. Particularly useful for older people who have been diagnosed with glaucoma, cataracts or retinal dystrophy.

The price of eye vitamins with lutein ranges from 250-400 rubles for 30 tablets. Depending on the concentration of the substance, vitamins are taken from 1 to 3 times a day for a long course. Cases of overdose are not indicated.


  • “I was prescribed a complex with lutein after laser correction. I'm satisfied with the result."
  • “Domestic drugs are cheaper, but the quality of the effect is no worse.”

Eye vitamins Optix

A preparation with carotene and a complex of minerals necessary for eye health. Accompanying substances create conditions for complete absorption of the basic vitamin.

Prescribed for people with irregular diets, problems with the retina and lens, diabetics (what else are needed?), and those suffering from night blindness.

Should not be used for vision correction in children under 12 years of age or in people with allergic reaction on the components of the drug.

The cost of the Optix drug is up to 250 rubles per package of 30 tablets. Drink for three months.


  • “My son drinks as prescribed by the doctor. We treat myopia. It seems to help, unlike other drugs. It’s good that it’s inexpensive.”
  • “The problems started due to sitting at the computer for a long time. The drug helped restore the quality of vision.”

Vitamins for eyes Doppelhertz Active

Nutritional supplement with the main components of retinol, lutein and blueberry extract. Can be used without consulting a doctor.

Cost ranges from 250-300 rubles for 30 tablets. The effectiveness of the drug is manifested with stable, systematic use.

Reviews of Doppelherz eye vitamins:

  • “Doppelhertz Active eye vitamins turned out to be useful not only for vision, but also for the skin. I am very glad that this particular drug was recommended to me. And very inexpensive."
  • “My eyes hurt, especially after long periods of sitting in front of the computer or TV. I decided to take Doppelhertz for my eyes. It seems to help."

Strix eye vitamins with blueberries

Vitamins for eyes with blueberries and carotene. Can be used as a prophylactic. They have the ability to relieve unpleasant sensations in the eyes of people who periodically or constantly work with welding and spend a lot of time at the monitor.

There are 30 tablets in a package. Cost within 500-700 rubles. Take a tablet per day for a course of 30 days. No cases of overdose have been recorded.


  • “Alas, the money did not come back. I took the course, but it didn’t help one bit.”
  • “Although the drug is expensive, vision is more expensive. I bought it, I drink it, there are already positive results, even though the course is not finished.”

Japanese eye vitamins

A large assortment of multi-component liquid preparations recommended for both ordinary eye fatigue and more serious problems.

Cost from 600 to 1400 rubles. Directions for use: a couple of drops for each eye, 2-3 times a day. Use until discomfort disappears.


  • “The Japanese decided to deal with the problem directly - well done. The most interesting thing is that the price for a foreign drug is absolutely acceptable.”
  • “The drops are very convenient to use. Tired eyes - she started dripping. Unpleasant sensations pass in a minute."

Vitamins for eyes Slezavit

Domestic multicomponent preparation with blueberry extract. It perfectly resists age-related degenerative processes in the organs of vision, therefore it is recommended for older people.

It can also be used by young people with vision problems of various etiologies. Cost within 500-600 rubles. There are 30 capsules in a package. The course of admission is one month.


  • “The doctor prescribed it for a girl with farsightedness. I liked the result."
  • “Whatever Slezavit, what other drugs - whatever vitamins for the eyes you take, the names are different, the effect is the same. The price is a little expensive - we’ll look for something cheaper.”

State cardiovascular system strongly depends on the amount of vitamins in the body. What vitamins are needed to strengthen the heart?

Vitamins for eyes Focus

A preparation with vitamins and blueberry extract. Recommended as a prophylactic against eye diseases and as a medicinal product, allowing to improve the results of therapy against cataracts, glaucoma, retinal destruction, and night blindness.

There are 20 tablets in a package. Cost within 300 rubles. Take once a day for one and a half or two months. Not prescribed for children under 14 years of age.


  • “I didn’t think that eye vitamins had any benefit. I drank Focus and realized I was wrong.”
  • “The name of the drug is suspicious.”

Vitamins for eyes Vitrum Vision

A multicomponent preparation containing not only vitamins, but also blueberry extract. It is popular because it is considered to be a very effective eye vitamin.

Recommended for heavy loads due to long hours of work at the computer, for the treatment of diabetic retinopathy, night blindness. Vitrum eye vitamins are suitable as a maintenance drug after surgery.

Available in packages of 30, 60, 100, 120 tablets. Cost 250–350 rubles.

Choosing good vitamins to improve vision

The comparison of the most expensive thing to the apple of an eye, invented by our ancestors, does not lose relevance today. Moreover: the apple itself acquired special value and began to require increased attention to one’s own health.

Prolonged work at a PC, watching TV shows, physical inactivity, rare and meager portions fresh air- all this led to the fact that decreased visual acuity and ophthalmological diseases seriously “rejuvenated”. You can help maintain eye health with the help of the best modern vitamin complexes designed specifically for this.

Complivit Oftalmo

Photo: otcpharm.ru

The cost of a package containing 60 tablets is about 400 rubles.

Advantages. Distinctive feature This vitamin-mineral complex is that it provides an impact on all functions responsible for visual acuity and eye health. The product contains 9 vitamins, 3 minerals, lutein and zeaxanthin. Together, these substances help not only to replenish the deficiency of nutrients needed by our visual organs, but also strengthen the walls of the blood vessels in the eyes, protect against the negative effects of UV rays and radiation from electronic gadgets, activate regeneration processes in the tissues of the eye, etc.

Perhaps the most accurate way to describe the benefits of Complivit Ofthalmo is this: the drug is designed for people exposed to constant and excessive visual stress. It will help both prevent complications of this lifestyle and restore vision with complex treatment.

Flaws. The drug cannot be taken by persons under 18 years of age, so it is not suitable for the most vulnerable category of “computer-weary” children – children.

Conclusions. Complivit Ophthalmo is definitely worthy of a crown spot in your home medicine cabinet if your eyes are the main “working tool” that bears the main load. Practically, the best eye vitamins for people who work at a computer. 10 points out of ten!

Reviews. « I’ve been taking them for three years now (once a year in a course) and I can say that these are one of the best vitamins for the eyes. They help well, there is no dryness in the eyes, no redness, fatigue, “sand” and other things, too.”.

Vitrum Vision

Photo: irecommend.ru

The cost of a package containing 60 tablets is about 1000 rubles.

Advantages. The composition of the drug is not overloaded with vitamins and microelements, but includes everything essential for visual health. This “minimalistic” formulation allows children over 12 years of age to take Vitrum Vision. This is an important factor: the prepubertal period is one of those stages at which the development of visual impairment is most likely. The body of a child growing very rapidly is unable to effectively supply the eyes with nutrients, leaving everything necessary to support vital organs. And the eyes of a teenager who does not take his eyes off the screen of a smartphone or tablet suffer from a deficiency of vitamins and minerals and are gradually losing ground. Vitrum Vision, taken for prophylaxis, will help prevent vision complications, and as one of the components of complex treatment, it will accelerate the restoration of visual acuity to healthy values.

Flaws. The price can scare you away. But only if you are not afraid of the prices for optical glasses and contact lenses. In addition, given the content of vitamins in Vitrum Vision that can accumulate in body tissues, creating “reserves”, this complex is not recommended to be taken together with other multivitamins, without the consent of a doctor.

Conclusions. One of the best, reliable and proven means for the prevention of visual acuity disorders in adults and adolescents. 10 points out of 10.

Reviews. « I take it as prescribed by an ophthalmologist. A little expensive. But for the eyes (especially in old age) vitamins are simply necessary».

Blueberry Forte with lutein

Photo: krv.com.ua

The cost of a package containing 50 tablets is about 140 rubles.

Advantages. People have known about the healing properties of blueberries for a long time. How our ancestors learned about the ability of this plant to restore vision is unknown. But laboratory and clinical studies conducted over the past decades have confirmed: blueberries contain substances that activate regenerative processes in eye tissues, normalize the permeability of cell membranes, and even stimulate the regeneration of a special pigment, which is responsible for the quality of vision in different conditions illumination Additional substances - lutein, vitamins C, B and zinc, produce an additional, vision-strengthening effect.

Flaws. Apart from the traditional possible intolerance to the components of the complex, no shortcomings have been identified. Some of the best vitamins for the prevention of visual impairment in adults and children.

Conclusions. 10 points out of ten is a well-deserved rating for a drug that is recommended for strengthening eye function in adults and children, starting from 3 years of age.

Reviews. « Excellent dietary supplement. I have slight vision problems and periodically drink a course of blueberries. Eye fatigue disappears (I sometimes work at the computer for 12 hours), of course, I not only drink Blueberries, I also drop drops, and overall the effect is excellent».

Star eyebright

Photo: www.evalar.ru

The cost of a package containing 30 capsules is about 120 rubles.

Advantages. Another phyto-vitamin complex for those who trust healing powers nature. And they should be trusted: medicinal eyebright is a plant known for its ability to positively influence the regeneration of eye tissue. Just what is needed for people who have to spend a lot of time at the computer and driving - in conditions of frequent changes in lighting intensity or in insufficient lighting of the workplace.

The healing effects of eyebright are supplemented with a complex of vitamins, which helps prevent deficiency of nutrients involved in metabolic functions.

Flaws. The manufacturer indicates that no side effects have been identified, but given vegetable origin the main component of the drug, it should be taken with caution by persons with hay fever and other forms of allergies.

Conclusions. The best vitamins for the eyes on plant based- an effective product with a well-thought-out composition and not “burdened down” by an excess of components of synthetic origin. 10 points out of 10.

Reviews. " Almost a week after I started drinking Eyebright, I felt an improvement in my vision at night. I work as a driver, and after night shift I felt a strong pain in my eyes, which gradually disappeared when I took a course of this dietary supplement».

Biorhythm Vision 24 day/night

Photo: www.evalar.ru

The cost of a package containing 32 tablets is about 230 rubles.

Advantages. Our visual organs, working tirelessly during the day, want good rest at night. But under load and “inaction” they require various complex substances. If your eyes need antioxidants during the day to prevent negative impact factors environment, and vitamins that support visual acuity, then at night they need vitamins and microelements that help restore damage.

This feature was taken into account when developing the Biorhythm Vision 24 complex. “Day” tablets contain vitamins that prevent the formation of free radicals under the influence of radiation from electronic gadgets, damage to cells by ultraviolet radiation and help replenish the reserves of light-sensitive pigments. “Night” tablets include vitamins and minerals necessary for full restoration processes in the tissues of the eye, blood vessels and optic nerve.

The distribution of tablets into daytime and nighttime allowed to reduce the dosage of some vitamins (in particular, A and E - which can cause negative side effects in case of overdose) and at the same time maintain effectiveness.

Flaws. There are no downsides as such. If you follow the requirements for taking the drug, no complications are expected.

Conclusions. The balanced composition, created taking into account the biorhythms of our body, is worthy of the highest rating. 10 points out of 10.