Drug withdrawal. Drug addict withdrawal: symptoms, duration and causes

Downside Drug euphoria is the withdrawal or withdrawal syndrome. This serious condition much more intense than the effect of a drug, it destroys the intellect, takes away health, kills a person, and not in a figurative, but in the literal meaning of the word.

Withdrawal from a drug addict

Withdrawal syndrome is a set of symptoms of somatic and psychopathological disorders caused by drug withdrawal or reduction in its dosage. Drug withdrawal – withdrawal, withdrawal syndrome, occurs when physical dependence.

The severity of withdrawal symptoms depends on the ability of the drug to integrate into a person’s metabolism. Opiates exhibit a high affinity for human neurotransmitters.

These drugs quickly cause physical dependence, and their withdrawal is accompanied by abstinence. Severe withdrawal symptoms are caused by methadone use. It can last more than a month and it is not always possible to endure it.

Some drugs, such as hallucinogens, do not cause physical dependence and do not cause withdrawal after withdrawal. But mental dependence develops on psychedelics, causing mental suffering in a person and forcing them to get a dose by any means.


The causes of withdrawal are the changes that drug use produces in the body. The main intervention of a drug in metabolism is its effect on nervous system, namely, on the transmission of nerve impulses.

What happens in the brain

The drug replaces the brain neurotransmitters responsible for transmitting the nerve signal, and the body simply stops producing them. The brain of a drug addict loses the ability to independently produce some important neurotransmitters.

The brain acts very consistently. Indeed, why should the body try, work, synthesize mediators if the owner of this intelligent brain goes and buys a magic powder that will replace the compounds necessary for the interaction of neurons and muscle cells.

Without neurotransmitters, communication between the cells of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, internal organs. Without these chemical compounds the body is no longer a complete organism, but simply a set of cells into which a person breaks down during withdrawal.

Changes in the body

The body begins to feel the lack of the drug within a few hours after the last use. The absence of the usual drug affects your general well-being after 1-2 days, which causes withdrawal syndrome.

Withdrawal is felt by all organs that are involved in the metabolism of this psychoactive substance, and the serious condition lasts from several hours to several weeks. The average duration of abstinence is 10 days.

During this time, the body must independently cope with the lack of a surrogate neurotransmitter and restore the ability to synthesize the necessary substances in the required quantities.

This is not always possible. The body feels a lack of vitamins, minerals, nutrients. The lack of microelements necessary for the synthesis of vital compounds sometimes becomes an insurmountable obstacle to overcoming withdrawal symptoms.

With extreme exhaustion, severe long-term anesthesia, the body cannot cope with the task of recovery, is not able to come out of withdrawal, and the person dies. Clinical manifestations of withdrawal in drug addicts are very severe, the degree of threat to life depends on the severity of the drug, the duration and severity of anesthesia.

So, with withdrawal syndrome, depression occurs, the whole world seems disgusting and meaningless. This type of withdrawal lasts for a very long time, sometimes for weeks. Abstinence when drug addiction from antidepressants, in addition to severe depression, brings physical torment, pain, weakness, palpitations, indifference to life.

People addicted to synthetic drugs have to go through painful withdrawal. Dependence on them develops very quickly, and recovery can be very difficult.

Symptoms and signs

Not all drugs cause physical dependence; they also differ in the strength of their effect on the body. But some symptoms are common to all types of drug withdrawal syndrome.

So, what does a drug addict feel during withdrawal, and what signs can be used to judge the severity of his condition?

The first signs of withdrawal may resemble the flu, accompanied by:

  • runny nose;
  • chills;
  • vague discomfort in the body;
  • mild illness resembling a viral infection;
  • deterioration of health;
  • weakness;
  • the appearance of sweating;
  • bad mood.

The patient tries to retire, is not inclined to communicate, and is easily irritated. Exhausted, he lies in bed for hours, trying to warm up. But he gets worse and after a while nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea appear.

The resulting severe diarrhea dehydrates the already exhausted body, squeezes out the remaining strength from a person, and takes away the ability to resist the onslaught of pain in the muscles and muscles.

Pain forces a person to look for a position in which it is felt less. The patient is tossing about on the bed, as if his body is being tested to breaking point. Muscle spasms cause monstrous pain, forcing you to literally roll on the floor, not feeling impacts from surrounding objects.

Common symptoms of drug withdrawal include:

  • confusion;
  • convulsions;
  • pain in joints, muscles, bones;
  • sudden transitions from fever to chills;
  • vomiting.

A common symptom for a drug addict during withdrawal for all types of drugs is sleep disturbance. The patient cannot fall asleep, and if he still manages to do this, his sleep is shallow and short-lived.


Common symptoms of withdrawal after drug withdrawal are:

  • restlessness, inability to sit still, anxiety;
  • uncontrollable, unpredictable behavior, outbursts of anger, rage.

Abstinence is characterized by a lack of interest in the environment, complete isolation of all sensations on oneself, and insomnia. In his sleep, he sees nightmare dreams, which often do not recede even after awakening, tormenting the patient with hallucinations.

He sees those around him as demons, sources of suffering for his body and soul. During withdrawal, the active subconscious pushes the patient to take aggressive actions and calls for salvation. And the lack of conscious control on the part of the brain leads to the inability to distinguish an imaginary demon from loved one– mother, child, spouse.

Like somatic changes, psychopathological symptoms of withdrawal appear gradually, disappearing in the reverse order - first those symptoms that appeared later disappear.

Each type of drug has its own specific symptoms of withdrawal. Thus, with ketamine addiction, an apathetic state develops, characterized by poor facial expressions and inconsistency in the contraction of the facial muscles of the upper and lower parts of the face.

There appears lightness in the sensations of your body, a sense of grace of movements, although in reality the coordination of movements is impaired, and they acquire awkwardness and angularity.


Signs of incipient withdrawal include sneezing, dilated pupils, and yawning. These symptoms are accompanied by pain in the joints.

A characteristic somatic symptom of withdrawal is pain in the joints, bones, and muscles.

The muscles cramp, forcing you to experience severe pain, breaking the person, the condition worsens, becomes more complicated:

  • dizziness;
  • drooling, chills;
  • nausea, abdominal pain, stool disturbances;
  • aches, joint pain;
  • in leaps and bounds blood pressure;

Indigestion is accompanied by diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Signs of withdrawal include tachycardia, arrhythmia, salivation, and sweating.

How to help

Withdrawal symptoms disappear if the drug addict receives another dose. As a rule, the withdrawal condition is very serious, and the patient cannot cope with it without medical assistance.

Most effective method withdrawal symptoms - detoxification. At home, it is impossible to provide the patient with complete medical care; control is impossible. You need to get relief from withdrawal symptoms in a drug treatment clinic, and you can’t limit yourself to this, you definitely need to be treated for drug addiction.

To relieve withdrawal symptoms, detoxification is carried out and medications are administered:

  • restoratives – vitamins, magnesium sulfate, unitol;
  • supporting cardiac activity - caffeine, cordiamine;
  • drug antidotes.

In case of severe abstinence, the drug addict is given. It is most often used for opioid and methadone withdrawal. The patient is put into a state artificial sleep when a person does not feel pain.

As a result of therapeutic measures, it is possible to cleanse the body of the effects of the drug and its metabolites, but not cure addiction. It must be remembered that detoxification does not replace treatment. And it is not a treatment.


The withdrawal state is accompanied by suicidal thoughts, lack of self-control, and heart failure. During withdrawal, a person experiences pain of such intensity that he is ready to do anything to make it stop. Including suicide.

A person loses even his basic instincts. The drug replaces the need for food, sleep, sex, and rest. During withdrawal, a drug addict loses the instinct of self-preservation, fear of death, and may die from internal organ failure, self-inflicted injury, or suicide.

The nervous system suffers from the absence of the drug during withdrawal, and the rhythm of the heartbeat is disrupted. Disruption of nerve transmission in the heart leads to chaotic, disordered impulses that disorganize the work of this organ and can cause cardiac arrest.

Severe consequences of withdrawal are noted in the functioning of the brain. Manifestations of withdrawal include:

  • steadily worsening dementia (dementia);
  • seizures;
  • the appearance of psychosis;
  • deep depression.

The severe consequences of drug withdrawal include the destruction of the cerebral cortex, namely the areas responsible for higher nervous abilities - the ability to learn, adapt, and integrate into society. Without treatment, withdrawal significantly accelerates personality degradation and puts a person on the brink of death. This is the answer to the question of whether a drug addict can die from severe withdrawal.

Drug withdrawal is a serious condition that develops when a person becomes addicted to a drug. Depending on how the human body metabolizes the drug taken, withdrawal symptoms may occur in different times after using it. Drug withdrawal usually occurs when a person uses hard drugs such as heroin. Withdrawal syndrome develops gradually over two to three days after the last use of the drug. A person’s need to take a dose begins to increase, and then to increase it.

The first signs of withdrawal are causeless nervousness and irritability; a person cannot control his actions and emotions. Later, the drug addict’s withdrawal also affects physical condition person. He begins to have convulsions and suddenly has a runny nose that stuffs up his nose. Severe lacrimation occurs and profuse sweating occurs. After some time, dilated pupils stop responding to light, nausea and vomiting appear. All these withdrawal symptoms get worse if the person does not take the drug. A person experiences unbearable pain in bone tissue and joints. It seems to him that all his bones are turning out.

Signs of a drug addict are not hard to spot

Unfortunately, the group of drug addicts includes young people and teenagers - it is among this category of people that the majority of drug addicts are found. Therefore, the faster help is provided, the greater the chances that it will be possible to save their lives and return them to the state of a full-fledged person. To do this, you need to know the main signs of a drug addict. The characteristics listed below will tell you how you can recognize a drug addict by appearance and behavior.

Usually the first thing people pay attention to is unusual behavior Houses. Young people or teenagers may come home much later than usual and wake up unnaturally hard in the morning.

The signs of a drug addict quickly become noticeable to everyone around you. A person who is often in a state of drug intoxication often experiences social apathy. Such a person, right before our eyes, loses interest in his previous activities, hobbies, and previous life.

In addition to indifference, narco dependent people become dangerous to others, ranging from unmotivated attacks of aggression to theft and other more dangerous crimes.

The drug addict's behavior is alarming

Intoxication after taking narcotic drugs quite noticeable and if you are attentive to family and friends, the behavior of a drug addict will immediately attract attention. Along with behavioral changes in home environment and in communication with others, negative changes in behavior at work or at school become pronounced. The person becomes rude and irresponsible, has difficulty concentrating on educational material or the work being performed. Secretiveness and alienation from the usual environment is also explained by the fact that a person becomes close to people who also use drugs.

The behavior of a drug addict can also manifest itself in the fact that a person spends time in some strange companies, which can be both aggressive and laugh strangely. Such groups look for more secluded places to take drugs. They can be easily spotted in parks. Favorite places drug addicts - basements, attics, and sometimes stairwells of residential buildings.

Suspicions should increase with increased interest in the contents of a home medicine cabinet. Do not ignore finds that have medicinal value - syringes, strange pills.

Symptoms of a drug addict

Well-known symptoms of a drug addict are uncontrollable and sudden mood swings. Usually there is an inexplicable, inappropriate to the situation, fun, irrepressible talkativeness, a strange increase in mood. But there is also the opposite reaction, manifested in isolation, depression, gloomy state, with manifestations of cruelty, hatred, aggressiveness and anger. Similar symptoms of a drug addict appear when using drugs from the group of hypnotics and sedatives, as well as volatile substances.

Also, after sleeping pills and sedatives, motor activity, coordination of movements - they become imprecise and sweeping. Stiffness and slowness of reactions may occur. In a sitting position, there is constant swaying of the body and uncoordinated movements of the limbs. When walking, general instability and staggering are noticeable. Handwriting changes dramatically. In addition, changes in speech are noticeable. Sometimes she becomes too fast and expressive. In other cases, the drugs taken slow down speech, the sound becomes blurred, and pronunciation becomes slurred.

When exposed to cannabinoids, volatile and hypnotic-sedative substances, the eyes and face become red. Skin blanching occurs with exposure to ephedrone and opiates.


We will help motivate a person so that he has a desire to get rid of addiction.
We will give recommendations on how to communicate with a drug addict.

Withdrawal in drug addicts is a serious condition called withdrawal syndrome. Compared to alcoholics, who encounter a phenomenon unexpectedly, dependent people feel the approach of a phenomenon immediately. And it all starts with severe irritability, when it becomes more and more difficult to control one’s own emotions. The only cure is a new dose.

Narcotics have a withdrawal effect, and the syndrome is always more active than an injection or snorting chemicals. When foreign components enter the blood, it is saturated with hormones that make metabolism faster, but the consequences are obvious: severe depression, apathy, irritability. It turns out that acid or cocaine, after a short period of pacification, causes psychosis.

Signs of withdrawal in drug addicts

Drug withdrawal develops over a couple of days, and then begins to intensify. Added to the emotional distress is physical discomfort, accompanied by muscle cramps, contractions, and chills. A weakening of smell, vision, and sensitivity manifests itself. There is copious amounts of mucus and sweat. Further continuation entails the formation of pain in the joint area.

Mental disorders are among the primary warning signs, so you should pay attention to sudden mood swings, excessive talkativeness, and friendliness. But this is the calm before a serious storm, because this is followed by aggression and strange antics.

If someone has a history of drug addiction, withdrawal symptoms may not manifest themselves immediately. For example, a person abstains from chemicals for several weeks, and discomfort will arise later, its symptoms will become stronger.

"Hard" and "soft" drugs

Both types involve attachment at the same level, having a detrimental effect on the nervous system and physical health. The division is carried out on the basis of the level of withdrawal symptoms and the ease of experiencing it. There will be no pain or aggressive attitudes. Therefore, grass is “light”. It is easier to recover from an illness than when taking “hard” drugs - cocaine, heroin.

In these cases, a person is capable of any action to avoid a bad state. With chemicals like powder, the process begins after the first use, there is no euphoria. Taking aggressive substances today and a couple of years ago are also different things. Previously, the patient had a year of time called the “golden” year, when it seemed that his performance improved, inspiration came, and life became brighter. U modern people no so much time.

Urgent help with withdrawal

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Drug addiction: services and prices

Calling a narcologist

Drug addiction treatment

Removing withdrawal symptoms

Medical tests

Rehabilitation processes

Drug withdrawal is a stage that needs to be overcome. WITH global point From a perspective, this process is not so bad: it signals the cleansing of the body from toxins, and by replenishing the supply with a new dose, the addict aggravates the situation. To survive the syndrome, it is likely that you will need specialist advice and hospital stay. There are free clinics in Russia offering drug treatment. Treatment involves the use of sedative drugs so that the nervous system can be restored and cleansed. The clinics offer sessions aimed at supporting suffering victims in support groups.

At first, the patient may refuse help with support, but gradually, in a circle of like-minded people and doctors, he gets used to the new existence and experiences a genuine interest in the process. The main obstacle is to survive the moments when the patient from the institution returns to his usual speed of living. Relatives and loved ones must do everything to change the situation and prevent a return to the previous rhythm of life.

How long does withdrawal last for drug addicts?

After a feeling of approaching, you should immediately contact a doctor. Reassure him that treatment will be necessary for recovery. As long as the person agrees, everything can be done to save the situation. The period is individual. Depends on the body and the time of taking harmful substances. Usually in women it appears brighter and lasts longer due to physiological characteristics. For chronic victims, the feeling “dulls” and becomes unbearable, but not enough to begin treatment. Over time, a person does not see the point in it at all and “injects” or “sniffs” until his death. And, unfortunately, it comes quickly.

Withdrawal from drug addicts speaks of cleansing the body; if you contribute to this and help, the process will go through as quickly as possible, and in a few weeks you will return to a normal state of health. If this happened to your close relatives, you can solve the problem simply.

Reality about drugs! VIDEO!

When you are faced with the question of treating drug withdrawal, you need to remember that all types of drug addiction have the same clinical picture. The stages of drug addiction are divided into the following:

  • Intoxication (use of drugs, alcohol);
  • Acute withdrawal ( drug withdrawal);
  • Period of post-withdrawal disorders;
  • Formation of therapeutic remission.

Any treatment should be based on the period of the disease. Treatment of drug addiction begins with harm reduction during acute withdrawal disorder through detoxification, or, roughly speaking, withdrawal from drug withdrawal.

Abstinence begins when a person’s drug addiction has already developed, and access to the drug has stopped for some reason.

How does drug addiction develop?

A single use of the drug does not cause addiction. Dependence appears after 3-5 injections or intranasal use of heroin, 10-15 injections of morphine, 30 doses of codeine. On average, the episodic drug administration stage lasts 2-3 months. If drug use becomes regular from the very beginning, the period of drug addiction is reduced to 1-2 weeks.

Drug addiction also has its stages.

Stages of drug addiction:

  • First stage. The regularity of anesthesia is the beginning of the first stage of the disease. Superficial sleep, suppressed appetite, decreased amount of urine, constipation. Doses are gradually increasing. The absence of the drug manifests itself after 1-2 days, mainly in the form mental disorders. The duration of the first stage when taken by injection is from 2 to 4 months, when taking codeine - up to six months, when ingesting poppy straw - up to several years.
  • Second stage. Tolerance increased sharply (100-300 times). The physiological effect of the drug changes - constipation disappears, a cough appears during colds, sleep is restored, and constriction of the pupil remains. Behavior becomes lethargic and passive. Signs of physical dependence appear.
  • Third stage. Most drug addicts do not survive to this stage. In the third stage, not only the major drug addiction syndrome is expressed, but also the consequences of chronic intoxication. In the foreground is physical dependence. Tolerance drops to 1/3 of the previous dose. The effect of the drug is exclusively stimulating, there is practically no euphoria. A dose of 1/8-1/10 of a constant dose is required to achieve physical comfort. Outside of intoxication, there may be no ability to move. Withdrawal syndrome is less pronounced, but occurs sooner, and its duration reaches 5-6 weeks.

Patients of the third stage seek medical care, because they cannot get the required amount of the drug and suffer from prolonged symptoms of withdrawal syndrome. Sometimes they try to give up the drug on their own, trying to replace it with alcohol, tranquilizers, barbiturates, but this, as a rule, does not lead to success. Sometimes there is a transformation of one drug addiction into another or the formation of polydrug addiction.

Withdrawal symptoms may vary depending on the type of drug the person was using, for example:

Opium (morphine, heroin)

Withdrawal from morphine addiction occurs several hours after taking the last dose of the drug. Various somatovegetative and psychoneurological symptoms are noted.

Physical manifestation:

  • yawn,
  • sweating,
  • lacrimation,
  • diarrhea,
  • chills,
  • pupil dilation,
  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • tides,
  • elevated temperature,
  • increased breathing,
  • spasms of the muscles of the larynx, abdomen and other groups, pain in them,
  • dehydration and weight loss.

Psychological manifestation:

  • Observed anxiety, anxiety, unaccountable fear of death, coming in waves.
  • Sleep is disturbed and often accompanied by nightmares.
  • The mood is changeable: sometimes mild euphoria with an overestimation of one’s own personality and one’s capabilities, sometimes low mood with depression, sometimes irritability, anger with apathy and aggression.

The acute, most severe period of abstinence is 7-10 days. However, then, within 1-1.5 months. severe asthenia, depression, somatovegetative disorders, and decreased performance continue. There are short-term psychoses with changes in the state of consciousness. There may be Korsakov's amnestic syndrome and convulsive seizures. Mental disorders become noticeable and are expressed in psychopathization with dysphoria and deceit. A decrease in a person’s moral and ethical qualities, emotional devastation, and loss of ability to work are revealed. Neurological changes are mainly expressed in the form of autonomic disorders (constriction of the pupils, dry mouth, stool retention, fluctuations in blood pressure, etc.)

At the late stage of opium addiction, all syndromes of the disease state become more complex and aggravated. Tolerance decreases, and disruptions in the rhythm of taking the drug occur, especially during periods of somatic distress. However, as the condition improves, drug use resumes. There is practically no euphoria observed, the stimulating effect of the drug is reduced. Mental dependence is satisfied partly by improving the mental state and some increase (stimulation) of intellectual and physical processes.

Physical dependence is severe. In withdrawal syndrome, all the symptoms of the chronic (II) stage of drug addiction appear in a more acute form. Asthenic syndrome becomes especially difficult and protracted, and even taking a drug alleviates it for a short time. Depression is severe, often with suicidal thoughts.

In patients, a decrease in the intellectual and mnestic properties of the personality becomes pronounced, they lose their individuality traits, and become similar to each other. Asthenia and adynamia predominate. It is worth remembering that heroin withdrawal should only take place with consultations and under the supervision of medical personnel.

External manifestations of drug addicts:

  • There is a general aging
  • cachexia,
  • sallow gray skin
  • trophic disorders in the form of crumbling teeth, hair loss,
  • diseases of individual organs or systems: cardiovascular, genitourinary, respiratory, gastrointestinal tract,
  • impaired coordination of movements.

Methadone withdrawal manifests itself in physical symptoms:

  • Dizziness,
  • lacrimation,
  • Runny nose,
  • Sneezing,
  • Nausea,
  • Vomit,
  • Diarrhea,
  • Fever,
  • Chills,
  • Tremor,
  • Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat),
  • Pain in the joints of the legs,
  • Increased pain sensitivity,
  • High blood pressure.

Mental symptoms:

  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Depression,
  • Adrenal exhaustion
  • Prolonged insomnia
  • Rave,
  • Auditory hallucinations,
  • Visual hallucinations
  • Increased perception of smells, reality or imagination,
  • Noticeable decrease sexual desire,
  • Anxiety,
  • Panic,
  • Paranoia.

Why does methadone cause such effects?

Long-term use of methadone is addictive and the effect of the drug is reduced. This process is called "tolerance" to the drug. Tolerance to the drug may require increasing doses of methadone to prevent painful withdrawal symptoms.

As the dose of methadone increases, the amount of negative impact drug on the body. This impact includes:

  • Dulling of emotions
  • Lack of sleep
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Loss of sex drive and interest,
  • Loss of clarity of thinking,
  • Slower response, increased likelihood of accidents,
  • Dehydration and inability to properly metabolize.

Methadone withdrawal symptoms are the most severe of all drugs.

  • Painful and debilitating symptoms may last for several weeks or, with large doses, for several months.
  • Almost no one has been able to complete methadone withdrawal on their own; medical assistance is required.

Facts about methadone withdrawal:

  • Methadone is narcotic substance, like other opiates and opioids such as g heroin, oh xyContin, in Icodine, oh xycodone, hydrocodone.
  • Methadone is the most addictive drug.
  • People taking methadone experience severe deficiency essential vitamins and minerals.
  • People taking methadone will experience severe and painful withdrawal symptoms if they stop the drug abruptly.
  • The pain of methadone withdrawal can be compared to a very bad case of the flu, only 10 times worse.
  • Using methadone for pain relief can be fatal.

Symptoms of codeine withdrawal

If you have taken codeine for a long time, codeine withdrawal may occur if you abstain from the drug. Symptoms appear in two stages. The early phase occurs within a few hours after the last dose. Secondary symptoms occur later as the body becomes accustomed to life without codeine.

Early symptoms of codeine withdrawal are similar to all symptoms of heroin withdrawal.

Secondary symptoms include:

  • Diarrhea,
  • Stomach cramps,
  • Dilated pupils,
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Goosebumps.

Many of the symptoms of codeine withdrawal become the opposite of the effects of codeine. For example, using codeine causes constipation, but if you stop using it, it can cause diarrhea. Codeine often causes drowsiness, but during withdrawal the person suffers from insomnia.

Perhaps everyone to modern man you get to hear about this at least from time to time terrible phenomenon, How . Fortunately, most people are familiar with this terrible phenomenon only from books, films or newspapers. It is much worse if among your friends and relatives there are those who have experienced this themselves. However, at the same time, many people have a rather vague idea of ​​what it is. withdrawal. And this can be considered a serious omission.

Withdrawal - what is it?

Indeed, it will be useful for everyone to know what it is withdrawal so that, if necessary, you can quickly identify it and not confuse it with other attacks. Official name withdrawal symptoms are a drug addict's withdrawal syndrome. However, other nicknames given by drug addicts themselves are much better known - kumar, harevo, dolbeshka and many others. Indeed, many drug addicts who have experienced withdrawal are so afraid of a repetition of these sensations that they prefer not to even call it by its official or well-known name.
What is the breaking mechanism itself? It's pretty simple. First of all, it is worth saying that the pain of withdrawal is nothing more than ordinary defense mechanism body (like a headache with a hangover). That is, the body understands perfectly well that a dangerous poison has been introduced into it. Drugs quickly destroy the human body, but when the person experiences a “high” and for some time after it, he simply does not feel pain - some brain receptors are switched off. And if you take it regularly drugs, withdrawal If it doesn’t come, the mind will constantly be stupefied and will not be able to adequately respond to destruction. However, some time passes. The body is gradually cleared of the poison, but the owner does not add another portion (either deciding to quit, or, which happens much more often, due to the fact that there are neither drugs nor money to buy them) and now the mind begins to function. Understanding perfectly well what taking drugs will ultimately lead to, the mind punishes its owner with pain. This is the most primitive technique that allows you to protect a person from destruction. The simplest example– stick your finger into the fire. Hurt? But the hand immediately withdraws and the finger does not have time to get seriously burned. If there was no pain, he would simply charred. So don't blame pain for everything - it protects us from more serious damage.

Withdrawal of drug addicts (video)

Of course, on such a topic as withdrawal from drug addicts You can talk for a very, very long time. However, as they say, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Therefore, it will be very useful for any teenager to see how they will have to pay for a very dubious momentary pleasure. Don't be afraid that such a video will cause irreparable harm to his psyche - all it will cause is horror, which will disappear in a few days. But an acute aversion to drugs in any form will be present in him on a subconscious level.

Video of a former drug addict talking about withdrawal

Video about withdrawal in the words of a drug addict

Feelings of a drug addict during withdrawal

Of course, speaking on a topic like drug withdrawal, it is worth talking not only about the mechanism, but also about how the addict feels when a wave of withdrawal hits him.
In the first stages, the addict simply feels a slight malaise - chills, lethargy, worsening mood and a sharp increase in sweating. As a result, the addict tries to put on as many clothes as possible, turn on all the heating devices, crawl with his head under the blanket and simply hide there from the whole world. At such moments, you should not even approach a drug addict - this is really dangerous for any person - now the drug addict is no longer a reasonable person and is practically incapable of taking responsibility for his actions. Hit loved one will not be difficult for him. At this stage, the narcotic effect wears off and the mind begins to operate at full capacity.
The next step is to try to cleanse the body faster. That is, frequent loose stools, nausea and vomiting begin. However, in some cases, drug addicts feel so bad and show such apathy that they do not even find the strength in themselves or do not consider it necessary to leave their shelter - they can easily do all this while lying on their bed, under warm blanket. It is quite clear that this spectacle looks very indecent.
Well, the worst thing begins at the next stage. After all, the term withdrawal" comes from the verb "to break". Indeed, it seems to the drug addict that someone is trying to break his body. First of all, terrible pain appears in the joints - as if someone is trying to twist them into an unnatural position. Almost immediately, terrible pain in the muscles begins to be felt. Now the addict can no longer lie still. He simply rolls around on the floor or on the bed, often trying to hit surrounding objects - this is how they think they will be able to relieve the general pain. Of course, they practically do not feel such blows - the pain from withdrawal syndrome is too great. But later, if the addict is able to survive withdrawal, the body will remind him of all these blows received in semi-consciousness.
By the way, the clarification about “surviving withdrawal” is not at all accidental. Quite often it happens that drug addicts simply do not survive it. After all, withdrawal in drug addicts is always accompanied by a huge load on the heart. And in some cases, it simply cannot stand it, as a result, someone who not so long ago was a human simply dies in puddles of his own vomit and diarrhea.
However, even if the body is still strong enough and the heart is able to withstand withdrawal, it is not a fact that the person himself will withstand this test. After all, in attacks of withdrawal, many find the simplest way out - suicide. Jumping out a window, a noose, or cut veins. So, it is not surprising that many people, even those who seriously decide to get rid of drug addiction, do not experience the first withdrawal.
Of course, the withdrawal effect noticeably intensifies as the addict gets more involved. That is, a drug addict with considerable experience experiences more pain than a “beginner”. The fact is that the body is already poisoned and has practically turned into dust - many organs practically do not function.
During withdrawal, an addict cannot think about anything other than getting rid of pain. Therefore, no one should approach him. If he has to kill a loved one in order to get money for a dose, he will hardly think twice about it. It doesn’t matter who it will be - wife, mother or child.
In addition, withdrawal symptoms are often accompanied by paranoid hallucinations. In this state, a drug addict may well kill his parents, believing that these are demons who have come for his soul.

How withdrawal develops

It should be noted that withdrawal from codeine addicts and, for example, hashish-dependent drug addicts varies significantly. That is, dependence on soft drugs does not occur immediately.
According to experts, if a drug addict is addicted to hashish and other similar drugs, addiction occurs after 3-4 months. Withdrawal after desomorphine can develop when using the drug for a month or two (). Well, if we talk about more serious types of drugs, such as heroin, cocaine and similar ones, then a few tricks are enough to delete the drug addict from the list of people forever. Cocaine withdrawal is considered one of the most dangerous and painful. It is quite clear that even if he survives withdrawal, he will never be able to become a full-fledged person - getting rid of physical dependence is only the first and only possible step. However, psychological dependence lasts for life. A “former” drug addict can live without drugs for ten to fifteen years, but when faced with a serious problem, he can break down and get hooked on drugs again. And everything will go again. The only difference is that now the body will be weakened by previous attacks.
By the way, it is worth noting that withdrawal does not last for several hours, as some people think. In fact, the duration of withdrawal for drug addicts can be up to a week, or even two.. At this time different stages withdrawals replace each other, but no longer leave their carrier. In the end, he will either endure and get the opportunity to live a semblance of life (the drug addict will never become a full-fledged member of society and a reliable friend, spouse, or father), or he will simply die, unable to withstand the inhuman pain.
Therefore there is only one truly reliable The way to never experience all the horrors of withdrawal is to simply not touch drugs. Remember - this is a one-way ticket. You definitely won’t be able to jump off at the intermediate station. Look around - what is more attractive to you, whole life lived healthy and strong man or death in a puddle of one's own excrement? They cannot make this choice for you. Only YOU can do it!