How does a drug addict go through withdrawal? Drug withdrawal

Any person who has any kind of chemical dependence is most afraid that when he gives up the drug or alcohol, he will experience withdrawal. Drugs and alcohol are a kind of sedative for the brain, suppressing the production of specific neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine. When a person stops using drugs or alcohol, the brain receives an overdose of adrenaline, which causes withdrawal symptoms. Getting addicted is easy, but overcoming withdrawal is usually a very difficult and unpleasant task.


The causes of this condition are well known. Any chemical dependence (whether it be drugs, alcohol or other drugs) ultimately results in withdrawal symptoms for the addicted person, or as doctors call it, withdrawal syndrome. The torment that a person experiences in this condition can be simply unbearable, especially if it is drug withdrawal.

Each substance has its own symptoms. Some substances have significant physical effects (for example, opiates or alcohol). Other drugs have little physical effect on the person but have a strong emotional effect (for example, drug withdrawal caused by marijuana, cocaine, or ecstasy). The picture of withdrawal symptoms can also vary greatly from person to person. The patient may experience mild physical symptoms, but may experience severe emotional withdrawal symptoms.

Mechanism of occurrence

If a person regularly takes a drug, alcohol or other chemical substance, then his body gradually gets used to it, and all its processes are rebuilt. The worst thing is that such a patient’s metabolism changes forever, as a result of which the drug that caused addiction becomes vital.

What will happen to a drug addict if one day he does not receive his usual dose? The body begins to feel an urgent need for this substance, and its lack becomes incredibly stressful. The body tries to replace the chemical with something, but does not find an adequate replacement. It is at this moment that drug withdrawal occurs.

Signs of withdrawal occur in a person when he was unable to take the required dose or completely abandoned the substance that caused addiction. Also, withdrawal symptoms can be caused by reducing the dose or taking a weaker substance.

Drug withdrawal forms almost immediately, especially those that occur with the use of opioids such as methadone, opium, heroin and morphine. Thus, if you are addicted to methadone, withdrawal symptoms are accompanied by terrible pain for several months.

Withdrawal occurs a little more slowly when taking psychotropic or hypnotic substances. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome can take a long time to develop. This condition occurs most recently when consuming hashish. There are also drugs (for example, LSD) that do not cause withdrawal symptoms at all, but they lead to other serious problems.

The more severe the withdrawal syndrome, the more difficult it is to overcome withdrawal symptoms.


There are two types of symptoms of this condition.
The first type includes emotional symptoms. A person experiences them regardless of whether they have physical withdrawal symptoms. The second type includes physical withdrawal symptoms. They usually occur with dependence on alcohol, tranquilizers, and opiates.

Emotional symptoms include:

  • anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • attacks of aggression;
  • headaches;
  • anxiety;
  • poor sleep;
  • poor concentration;
  • depressive states;
  • social isolation.

Physical symptoms include:

  • heavy sweating;
  • muscle tension;
  • tremor;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • diarrhea, nausea or vomiting.

The very first symptom of incipient withdrawal is considered to be the occurrence of fixation of all thoughts on the administration of the substance that caused the addiction.


Narcologists distinguish 2 stages of withdrawal syndrome. The first stage is the so-called acute stage, usually lasting a couple of weeks. During this stage, the patient most often experiences physical symptoms. But each drug has its own characteristics, just like each individual patient. After acute withdrawal symptoms, the patient feels like he is on a roller coaster. At first, the condition changes literally every hour. Later, symptoms may not appear for several weeks or even months and then return again. Gradually there are more and more good segments. But bad periods can also be very intense or last a little longer.

The second stage occurs after the acute stage. The patient at this stage has less physical symptoms, but the psychological and emotional withdrawal symptoms are much more pronounced.

This uneven relief from withdrawal occurs because during treatment, the chemical balance in the addict's brain gradually returns to normal. As brain health improves, balance chemicals constantly changing, causing secondary withdrawal symptoms.

People experience the same symptoms of secondary withdrawal. In the acute stage, each patient is individual, but secondary withdrawal is characterized by the same symptoms in most people.

Secondary symptoms

The most common symptoms of secondary withdrawal are:

  • mood swings;
  • increased anxiety;
  • fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • energy changes;
  • low enthusiasm;
  • concentration changes;
  • insomnia.

Symptoms of secondary withdrawal usually appear within 2 years. And a drug addict should always remember this so as not to be caught off guard by addiction and relapse.


Withdrawal from opiates can be very painful, but is not too dangerous as long as the person does not take other substances. Heroin withdrawal does not cause heart attacks, seizures, strokes, or delirium tremens.

Relieving withdrawal symptoms caused by tranquilizers or alcohol often causes dangerous physical conditions. Abrupt withdrawal of alcohol or tranquilizers from the body can lead to heart attacks, stroke, and convulsions in patients with high risk these diseases. In addition, self-relief from such withdrawal can cause epilepsy, hallucinations and even delirium tremens. Relieving withdrawal symptoms under medical supervision minimizes all symptoms, alleviates suffering and reduces the risk of dangerous complications.

Methods of therapy

The main difficulty in treating any chemical dependency consists in the fact that a person has to endure withdrawal symptoms. The patient must, as it were, “sit out” the withdrawal, as a result of which the body is cleansed of the drug or other substance.

This “servitude” is the most difficult stage in addiction therapy. If withdrawal relief is successful, then further treatment will be effective. But if the patient breaks down, then everything will start all over again. If “serving time” is impossible for some reason, then inpatient detoxification or ultra-fast detoxification under anesthesia is used (in extreme cases).

Man is unified system, our physical body and the psyche are connected by complex and subtle relationships. If everything in a person is beautiful, that is, in harmony, in healthy condition, then this is a strong, energetic personality, capable of much in his life and in the life of society. But, as practice shows, all this power can be easily destroyed with just some kind of chemical compound. The so-called psychoactive drugs destroy not only physical health a person, but destroy his whole life.


Taking psychoactive substances and drugs quickly turns into a real obsession. After a few weeks or months healthy person no longer know. Not only does the drug addict’s appearance change, he literally becomes a different person, whose only motive for existence is drug use.

Pathological and uncontrollable craving for the use of psychoactive drugs is called drug addiction. This is an unusual disease, it has its own characteristics:

  • Drug addiction destroys a person’s physical health and deprives him of social status and relationships, destroys emotional and spiritual life.
  • Drug addiction leads to constant intoxication, which in turn causes chronic diseases everyone internal organs.
  • Drug addiction includes physical and mental cravings for drugs, which requires an integrated approach to treating the disease.
  • In most cases, drug addicts do not want to be treated, this is due to the impact of the disease on the human psyche.

Formation of psychological dependence

For a drug addict to experience withdrawal symptoms, a stable physical dependence on drugs must first develop. And this is only possible as a result of their regular use. When does a drug addict start using drugs regularly?

The first sign of a problem, drug addiction, is the appearance psychological dependence from a psychoactive drug. This is the very case when the psyche identifies the process of use as positive, beneficial to a person, and “gives the go-ahead” for its active repetition.

What could be attractive for the psyche in a dangerous and, let’s not be afraid of this word, disgusting disease? The fact is that drug addiction does not immediately show its true face. At first, the patient really gets euphoria, high spirits, increased activity or relaxation, it all depends on the type of drug, but in any case, it is something pleasant.

At first everything is fine, but later the drug is included in the biochemical processes of the body, the body stops producing those types of compounds that are constantly supplied with the drug. And then the drug addict starts to have problems.

Formation of physical dependence

As a result of regular use of a narcotic drug, a physical attachment to it arises, and for the addict, hard times. Now he is forced to look for a new dose every time, and the withdrawal syndrome does not wait and comes at the appointed hour, regardless of the circumstances and capabilities of the addict.

Formed physical dependence is necessarily expressed in a withdrawal state or drug withdrawal. The fact is that the patient’s body is already accustomed to receiving the compounds necessary for work through taking the drug. Therefore, when the dose is reduced or absent altogether, it signals that the psychoactive drug is needed to continue to work.

At this moment, the patient experiences painful physical and psychological symptoms, which together are called drug withdrawal. Until the chemical purity of the body is restored and the functioning of all its systems is normalized, the patient will experience varying degrees of discomfort. To effectively relieve withdrawal symptoms, drug detoxification and therapy are needed.

What is withdrawal?

Drug withdrawal is a state of withdrawal in a drug addict. This is something that drug addicts prefer not to remember or talk about.

Withdrawal is extremely painful for two reasons. Firstly, the body no longer receives substances that are necessary for its functioning. After all, drugs replace certain compounds that the body itself normally produces.

In addition, during drug use, they “turn off” the body’s pain receptors. Therefore, when the drug is removed from the body, the addict begins to feel excruciating intense pain.

Withdrawal symptoms in drug addicts do not immediately show themselves in full force; at the first stages of use, they can manifest themselves in lethargy, mood swings, and symptoms similar to a cold.

Signs of withdrawal in drug addicts: causes, treatment

Withdrawal manifests itself differently in different types drug addiction, its intensity also depends on the length of the disease and the psychophysical characteristics of the addict. However, there is also general manifestations that a drug addict experiences during withdrawal:

  • Sudden changes blood pressure.
  • Cardiac arrhythmias, increased heart rate.
  • Pain in joints and muscles, cramps.
  • Headaches.
  • Irritability and nervousness, depressed mood, depression, aggression and panic attacks may occur.
  • A set of symptoms characteristic of a cold or viral disease: chills, sweating, increased secretion of saliva and tears.
  • Pupil dilation.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders various kinds: diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting, colic, gas formation.
  • Strong desire to take a drug.

How long withdrawal lasts depends on many factors. First of all, the type of drug that the addict used plays a role, as well as whether withdrawal treatment is carried out. It always includes rapid detoxification and drug treatment. Below we will talk about how and where you can relieve withdrawal from drug addiction.

How is withdrawal from drug addiction relieved?

The classic treatment option for withdrawal in drug addicts is drug detoxification using intravenous drips. In this way, it is possible to quickly remove drug waste from the body and relieve dehydration.

Droppers are convenient because you can immediately add any medications to them, which, due to infusion, will be delivered to the bloodstream and body organs as quickly as possible.

Basic droppers that relieve withdrawal symptoms always include glucose and vitamin complexes with drugs of group B. If necessary, a narcologist can add drugs to them that will restore the functioning of the liver, heart, and brain. The composition and volume of droppers is determined by the patient’s condition; drug addiction usually requires a course of treatment.

In cases where a drug addict is severely intoxicated, hardware methods are used to cleanse the blood of the drug. For opiate addicts, there is a separate procedure that allows you to cleanse the opioid receptors of the brain and painlessly relieve withdrawal symptoms in a few hours; it is called UBOD. This procedure does not replace the need for general detoxification of the body.

Where is the withdrawal procedure performed?

Withdrawal treatment for drug addicts is carried out in hospitals and at home. Given the seriousness of the disease, treatment in a drug treatment clinic is more preferable, and sometimes even necessary. If addiction lasts for a long time, then the manifestation of withdrawal symptoms can be very intense and even require the use of resuscitation measures.

In addition, at home, a specialist cannot use hardware methods of detoxification and therapy, or conduct urgent laboratory and functional diagnostics. In the clinic, the addict is under the constant supervision of specialists who are always ready to help him.

However, it is worth noting that today narcologists provide high-quality care at home. Therefore, if the patient’s condition allows, withdrawal can be stopped at home.

Comprehensive drug addiction treatment

We have already noted that drug addiction is a serious complex disease, therefore a guarantee of cure is provided only by completing a full course of treatment. It is necessary to relieve withdrawal symptoms, but you must remember that this is a measure emergency assistance and does not cure drug addiction. How long abstinence will last in this case depends on the strength of the psychological craving for the drug, and it can only be eliminated with the help of rehabilitation. That's why full program Treatment of drug addiction always consists of three stages:

  1. Withdrawal relief and drug detoxification.
  2. Psychological rehabilitation.
  3. Resocialization and assistance to codependent relatives.

The dangers of breakdowns

We would like to address your special attention that during the period of self-medication of withdrawal, the risk of overdose increases. It is extremely rare that a patient manages to get rid of withdrawal symptoms from drug addiction on his own; usually, after a while, a breakdown occurs.

During these few days, the addict’s body manages to partially cleanse itself of drugs naturally. His tolerance to the drug decreases, so if he fails, the usual dose can lead to an overdose and life-threatening consequences. That is why we strongly recommend drug treatment for withdrawal symptoms under the supervision of a narcologist.

Treatment of various types of drug addiction at the Pomoshch center

Our consultation center “Help” provides all types of drug treatment services from emergency assistance to the organization of long-term complex treatment. You can call us and have a narcologist come to your home in case of an overdose or the need to relieve withdrawal, we also help in transporting the patient to a drug treatment clinic.

To cure addiction and achieve long-term remission, the patient needs full course treatment. Emergency measures and coding alone will not help here. With us you can undergo a course of treatment for drug addiction, including detoxification, rehabilitation, and resocialization. We will select for you exactly the clinic and rehabilitation center that has everything you need for treatment, and at the same time, the combination of cost and accommodation conditions will completely satisfy you.

Please note that every day of delay in case of drug addiction brings new irreversible deterioration in the patient’s condition, and the addiction becomes more and more intense. Exactly early application visiting specialists makes it possible to undergo a course of treatment faster and at the lowest cost.

Therefore, we sincerely advise you to call our call center right now and find out everything about addiction treatment and its approximate cost. Today, addiction treatment is much more accessible than you might think. Call our consultant and see for yourself. You can also fill out the form feedback, posted on the page, and we will recruit you ourselves.

Drug addiction is not just a harmful addiction, but a serious disease that leads to damage to internal organs, the appearance of mental disorders and the development of neuropathological conditions. A drug addict is a person who is physically and mentally dependent on drugs. Influence narcotic drugs has a peculiarity - the addict needs a constant increase in dose.

Drug addiction appears very quickly. Very often, beginning drug addicts mistakenly think that they can stop using drugs at any time. They themselves do not notice how they fall into terrible networks. Some drugs are addictive after the first use. Others take some time and addiction depends on individual characteristics person.

Drugs have an effect on the brain that a person may think that he is in control of the process and can stop taking drugs at any time. However, stopping drug use is not easy and causes what is called drug withdrawal.

Drug withdrawal is a pathological condition that manifests itself differently in each drug addict. For some, withdrawal begins immediately after the first use, while for others, long-term use causes withdrawal. And withdrawal itself can occur with various symptoms, different strengths and intensity.

Usually, withdrawal symptoms appear after several weeks of drug use. During this time, addiction occurs, called drug addiction. The peculiarity of addiction is that each subsequent use requires an increase in dose. The longer drug use occurs, the stronger the withdrawal syndrome.

There are cases when severe withdrawal begins after 2-3 times of using drugs. It is at the moment of withdrawal that a person begins to realize that he has fallen into a terrible drug network. If the body does not receive the required drug dose, withdrawal occurs. It is always very painful and unpleasant.

As a rule, the first signs of withdrawal begin 10-12 hours after the last drug dose.

Withdrawal at the first stage can be recognized by some common symptoms:

  • nervousness, irritability, lack of control of emotions and behavior;
  • shuddering of the body, as if with a strong chill;
  • excessive salivation, lacrimation, sweating;
  • nasal congestion, feeling of runny nose.
  • the pupils dilate, there is no reaction to light;
  • severe vomiting;
  • complete loss of appetite;
  • swelling.

If you do not take the drug within 24 hours, the symptoms intensify even more:

  • blood pressure increases;
  • increased heart rate;
  • intestinal disorders - diarrhea.

The most important, strong and painful symptom is severe pain in the joints and bones. It’s as if the person is being broken from the inside. Muscles cramp. The pain is not only severe, it also does not stop. That is, there is not a single moment for a drug addict to switch off and be able to rest. This pain cannot be relieved by any painkillers because it is caused by the demands of the drug.

In addition to severe physical pain, the addict experiences severe psychological suffering. The fact is that pain during withdrawal is phantom - imaginary. They are produced by the human brain, which requires a new dose of drugs.

The following situation arises: at the beginning of use, a person reaches for a dose to obtain pleasure, the so-called “high”. During withdrawal, the addict seeks a dose only to alleviate his suffering. We are no longer talking about pleasure.

Drugs have the ability to inhibit neurons that transmit impulses. Therefore, after taking drugs, the pain disappears. With the constant use of narcotic substances, the human nervous system gets used to such work and stops producing its own painkillers - endorphins, which are also responsible for producing feelings of joy and pleasure.

Cells of all human organs begin to exist only with the participation of narcotic substances. Naturally, failure to obtain the necessary components causes physical suffering, called drug withdrawal.

The sight of drug withdrawal is simply terrible. A sick person does not control himself, his behavior and emotions. His body is in unnatural positions. If you add to this dilated pupils, uncontrolled facial expressions, increased sweating and salivation, you can imagine the horror of the situation.

If a drug addict could overcome withdrawal symptoms on his own, he would be able to give up drugs. But it is simply impossible to overcome withdrawal symptoms. It is terrible pain that forces a person to return to drug use again and again. After withdrawal, it becomes clear that the patient cannot live without drugs.

It is very difficult to remove the breakage. The more experience a drug addict has, the more difficult it is to free a person from drug withdrawal. Withdrawal treatment for “experienced” drug addicts should only take place in a hospital setting under the close supervision of doctors.

Symptoms of withdrawal cause a person to experience severe physical and mental suffering, which can only be relieved by qualified doctors - narcologists.

The withdrawal process involves mandatory cessation of drug use. When removed, pain, irritability and nervousness are eliminated. To relieve breakage using special medicines Toxins and poisons are removed from the body, which lead to poisoning. This procedure is called detoxification. This phase is mandatory for treatment.

However, there are very deep cases of drug addiction in which abrupt withdrawal from drugs can lead to the death of the patient. In these cases, withdrawal or withdrawal occurs according to other schemes and rules, which can only be approved by an experienced narcologist.

To relieve withdrawal symptoms there is wide range various drugs. Each case of withdrawal is individual and requires a special approach. To determine the type and dose of medication, the doctor must know the whole truth about drug use: duration of drug addiction, dose, frequency, type of drug. This knowledge will allow him not to make mistakes when planning treatment.

You cannot relieve withdrawal symptoms on your own; this can lead to dire consequences, including death. You cannot replace one psychoactive substance with another. It is a common misconception that alcohol can relieve pain. This is far from true. Drinking alcohol during withdrawal will worsen the condition and can lead to irreversible consequences.

The use of medications and sleeping pills without medical supervision can also lead to serious and even fatal consequences.

Withdrawal relief should only take place in a hospital setting. This is a rule that allows no exceptions. There is always a risk when recovering from withdrawal symptoms side effects or unforeseen complications. In a hospital setting, there are the necessary drugs and equipment to help patients.

You need to know that withdrawal symptoms last 5-7 days. The body will be cleansed of toxins and drug residues. Withdrawal symptoms will first be mitigated and then removed completely. Usually the pain goes away intravenous administration polyionic saline solution, which restores electrolytic balance in the body. Sedatives and sleeping pills are added to the solution. In addition, the patient is given vitamins, minerals, and medications that support the immune system and give strength for a speedy recovery.

The downside of drug euphoria is withdrawal syndrome or withdrawal. This serious condition much more intense than the effect of a drug, it destroys the intellect, takes away health, kills a person, and not in a figurative, but in the literal meaning of the word.

Withdrawal from a drug addict

Withdrawal syndrome is a set of symptoms of somatic and psychopathological disorders caused by drug withdrawal or reduction in its dosage. Drug withdrawal – withdrawal, withdrawal syndrome, occurs with physical dependence.

The severity of withdrawal symptoms depends on the ability of the drug to integrate into a person’s metabolism. Opiates exhibit a high affinity for human neurotransmitters.

These drugs quickly cause physical dependence, and their withdrawal is accompanied by abstinence. Severe withdrawal symptoms are caused by methadone use. It can last more than a month and it is not always possible to endure it.

Some drugs, such as hallucinogens, do not cause physical dependence and do not cause withdrawal symptoms after withdrawal. But mental dependence develops on psychedelics, causing mental suffering in a person, forcing him to get a dose by any means.


The causes of withdrawal are the changes that drug use produces in the body. The main intervention of a drug in metabolism lies in its effect on the nervous system, namely, on the transmission of nerve impulses.

What happens in the brain

The drug replaces the brain neurotransmitters responsible for transmitting the nerve signal, and the body simply stops producing them. The brain of a drug addict loses the ability to independently produce some important neurotransmitters.

The brain acts very consistently. Indeed, why should the body try, work, synthesize mediators if the owner of this intelligent brain goes and buys a magic powder that will replace the compounds necessary for the interaction of neurons and muscle cells.

Without neurotransmitters, communication between cells is impossible nervous system, musculoskeletal system, internal organs. Without these chemical compounds the body is no longer a complete organism, but simply a set of cells into which a person breaks down during withdrawal.

Changes in the body

The body begins to feel the lack of the drug within a few hours after the last use. The absence of the usual drug affects your general well-being after 1-2 days, which causes withdrawal syndrome.

Withdrawal is felt by all organs that are involved in the metabolism of this psychoactive substance, and the serious condition lasts from several hours to several weeks. The average duration of abstinence is 10 days.

During this time, the body must independently cope with the lack of a surrogate neurotransmitter and restore the ability to synthesize the necessary substances in the required quantities.

This is not always possible. The body feels a lack of vitamins, minerals, nutrients. The lack of microelements necessary for the synthesis of vital compounds sometimes becomes an insurmountable obstacle to overcoming withdrawal symptoms.

With extreme exhaustion, severe long-term anesthesia, the body cannot cope with the task of recovery, is not able to come out of withdrawal, and the person dies. Clinical manifestations of withdrawal in drug addicts are very severe, the degree of threat to life depends on the severity of the drug, the duration and severity of anesthesia.

So, with withdrawal syndrome, depression occurs, the whole world seems disgusting and meaningless. This type of withdrawal lasts for a very long time, sometimes for weeks. Withdrawal from drug addiction to antidepressants, in addition to severe depression, brings physical torment, pain, weakness, palpitations, and indifference to life.

People addicted to synthetic drugs have to go through painful withdrawal. Dependence on them develops very quickly, and recovery can be very difficult.

Symptoms and signs

Not all drugs cause physical dependence; they also differ in the strength of their effect on the body. But some symptoms are common to all types of drug withdrawal syndrome.

So, what does a drug addict feel during withdrawal, and what signs can be used to judge the severity of his condition?

The first signs of withdrawal may resemble the flu, accompanied by:

  • runny nose;
  • chills;
  • vague discomfort in the body;
  • mild illness resembling a viral infection;
  • deterioration of health;
  • weakness;
  • the appearance of sweating;
  • bad mood.

The patient tries to retire, is not inclined to communicate, and is easily irritated. Exhausted, he lies in bed for hours, trying to warm up. But he gets worse and after a while nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea appear.

The resulting severe diarrhea dehydrates the already exhausted body, squeezes out the remaining strength from a person, and takes away the ability to resist the onslaught of pain in the muscles and muscles.

Pain forces a person to look for a position in which it is felt less. The patient is tossing about on the bed, as if his body is being tested to breaking point. Muscle spasms cause monstrous pain, forcing you to literally roll on the floor, not feeling impacts from surrounding objects.

Common symptoms of drug withdrawal include:

  • confusion;
  • convulsions;
  • pain in joints, muscles, bones;
  • sudden transitions from fever to chills;
  • vomiting.

A common symptom for a drug addict during withdrawal for all types of drugs is sleep disturbance. The patient cannot fall asleep, and if he still manages to do this, his sleep is shallow and short-lived.


Common symptoms of withdrawal after drug withdrawal are:

  • restlessness, inability to sit still, anxiety;
  • uncontrollable, unpredictable behavior, outbursts of anger, rage.

Abstinence is characterized by a lack of interest in the environment, complete isolation of all sensations on oneself, and insomnia. In his sleep, he sees nightmare dreams, which often do not recede even after awakening, tormenting the patient with hallucinations.

He sees those around him as demons, sources of suffering for his body and soul. During withdrawal, the active subconscious pushes the patient to take aggressive actions and calls for salvation. And the lack of conscious control on the part of the brain leads to the inability to distinguish an imaginary demon from loved one– mother, child, spouse.

Like somatic changes, psychopathological symptoms of withdrawal appear gradually, disappearing in the reverse order - first those symptoms that appeared later disappear.

Each type of drug has its own specific symptoms of withdrawal. Thus, with ketamine addiction, an apathetic state develops, characterized by poor facial expressions and inconsistency in the contraction of the facial muscles of the upper and lower parts of the face.

There appears lightness in the sensations of your body, a sense of grace of movements, although in reality the coordination of movements is impaired, and they acquire awkwardness and angularity.


Signs of incipient withdrawal include sneezing, dilated pupils, and yawning. These symptoms are accompanied by pain in the joints.

A characteristic somatic symptom of withdrawal is pain in the joints, bones, and muscles.

The muscles cramp, forcing you to experience severe pain, breaking the person, the condition worsens, becomes more complicated:

  • dizziness;
  • drooling, chills;
  • nausea, abdominal pain, stool disturbances;
  • aches, joint pain;
  • surges in blood pressure;

Indigestion is accompanied by diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Signs of withdrawal include tachycardia, arrhythmia, salivation, and sweating.

How to help

Withdrawal symptoms disappear if the drug addict receives another dose. As a rule, the withdrawal condition is very serious, and the patient cannot cope with it without medical assistance.

Most effective method withdrawal symptoms - detoxification. At home, provide the patient with complete medical care, control is impossible. You need to get relief from withdrawal symptoms in a drug treatment clinic, and you can’t limit yourself to this; you definitely need to be treated for drug addiction.

To relieve withdrawal symptoms, detoxification is carried out and medications are administered:

  • restoratives – vitamins, magnesium sulfate, unitol;
  • supporting cardiac activity - caffeine, cordiamine;
  • drug antidotes.

In case of severe abstinence, the drug addict is given. It is most often used for opioid and methadone withdrawal. The patient is put into a state artificial sleep when a person does not feel pain.

As a result of therapeutic measures, it is possible to cleanse the body of the effects of the drug and its metabolites, but not cure addiction. It must be remembered that detoxification does not replace treatment. And it is not a treatment.


The withdrawal state is accompanied by suicidal thoughts, lack of self-control, and heart failure. During withdrawal, a person experiences pain of such intensity that he is ready to do anything to make it stop. Including suicide.

A person loses even his basic instincts. The drug replaces the need for food, sleep, sex, and rest. During withdrawal, a drug addict loses the instinct of self-preservation, fear of death, and may die from internal organ failure, self-inflicted injury, or suicide.

The nervous system suffers from the absence of the drug during withdrawal, and the rhythm of the heartbeat is disrupted. Disruption of nerve transmission in the heart leads to chaotic, disordered impulses that disorganize the work of this organ and can cause cardiac arrest.

Severe consequences of withdrawal are noted in the functioning of the brain. Manifestations of withdrawal include:

  • steadily worsening dementia (dementia);
  • seizures;
  • the appearance of psychosis;
  • deep depression.

The severe consequences of drug withdrawal include the destruction of the cerebral cortex, namely the areas responsible for higher nervous abilities - the ability to learn, adapt, and integrate into society. Without treatment, withdrawal significantly accelerates personality degradation and puts a person on the brink of death. This is the answer to the question of whether a drug addict can die from severe withdrawal.

What is withdrawal in drug addicts? As a rule, this phrase can be heard on the radio or television. This pathological condition develops in a person who has taken the last dose of the drug. The body cannot exist without it. He requires artificial doping that will allow him to work.

How does withdrawal manifest itself in drug addicts? When does this moment come? All this depends on individual factors. Some addicted people feel the syndrome after taking a couple of doses, while others develop withdrawal symptoms after several months of using the drug.

What is withdrawal?

After taking a dose, a person experiences a kind of euphoria. Then he develops a very serious condition. This is called drug addiction withdrawal. Unlike alcohol addicts, abstinence in such patients is much more intense.

Abstinence from drugs includes psychopathic and somatic disorders that develop due to physical withdrawal from the drug. The sources of the formation of negative signs are a decrease in the usual dosage.

The severity of the syndrome depends on how the drug is able to be involved in metabolic processes. Opiate compounds are considered the most dangerous and destructive. In turn, taking methadone provokes severe withdrawal symptoms. This type of remedy can torment the addict for several months. Usually it is very difficult for drug addicts to survive this period. And not everyone manages to get out of it.

Withdrawal from other weak hallucinogens does not cause physical dependence. So, what is withdrawal? This is the most terrible state of a patient who constantly wants to return to the time when he used narcotic substance. Unfortunately, at this moment it is very rare for a person to control himself. He becomes aggressive and unrecognizable.

What are the reasons for the development of the syndrome?

Pathological changes in the body develop during drug withdrawal. They occur when a person uses drugs for a long period of time. In turn, these substances are integrated into metabolic processes. They affect the functioning of all systems and internal organs of the human body.

What are the causes of withdrawal? The occurrence of this process lies in the above-mentioned actions of the drug. But the main source of the problem is that the drug affects the functioning of the central nervous system. Subsequently, he controls the transmission of brain impulses.

How do drugs affect the brain?

First, these drugs interfere with metabolism, and then completely replace neurotransmitters. The latter are responsible for receiving and sending nerve impulses. As a result, the body loses the ability to produce neurotransmitters necessary for life.

In the brain, the drug causes the same changes as in a schizophrenic. That is, someone who is addicted to this drug becomes stupid. This is due to death nerve cells brain, which helps reduce intellectual abilities person.

As a result, without these chemically bioactive compounds, the musculoskeletal system and the relationship between the cells of the internal organs are disrupted. The patient's body is a chaotic collection of cells and nerve impulses.

How do processes occur inside a person?

So, we have answered the question of what withdrawal is. Now let’s find out what happens in the body of a drug addict when using the drug. A person who takes drugs begins to feel the need for them after several hours of absence. The body realizes after a couple of days that it is deprived of doping. This is when withdrawal symptoms begin.

How long does withdrawal last for a drug addict? Abstinence can last for several months or a couple of hours. During this time, the human body will have to remember how to synthesize the necessary substances itself.

The duration of withdrawal also depends on the type of drug the patient used and the stage of development of the addiction. After prolonged abstinence, psychosis may appear. Drug addicts often commit suicide because at this moment their consciousness is clouded, they experience memory loss and hallucinations.

Withdrawal is a kind of painful and painful recovery of the body, which is deprived of surrogate neurotransmitters. For a person, this is considered an almost insurmountable obstacle.

The situation is bad if a person has several chronic pathologies. In addition, his body will be in an extreme state of exhaustion. Also, a very long period of drug use can lead to disastrous results.

What are the signs of withdrawal syndrome?

Withdrawal symptoms vary in severity and severity. Let's consider the main signs of withdrawal in drug addicts, which are identified by experts. These include fever, headaches, nausea and sudden change moods. The patient also experiences discomfort in the area of ​​muscles and bones.

First withdrawal symptoms

At first, withdrawal symptoms are very similar to the state of a person with a cold. Also, the drug addict does not want to communicate with anyone and becomes withdrawn. TO this state symptoms such as runny nose and cramps, lethargy, fever and confusion, irritability and excruciating discomfort in the body are added.

After some time, vomiting is added to them. Then diarrhea begins. This in turn leads to dehydration. The patient notes terrible joint and muscle pain.

As a rule, in this state, patients begin to roll on the floor and hit objects. At this moment they do not experience any pain. Such human behavior can lead to injury. Also added to this is sleep disturbance. He becomes superficial and anxious.

A little about psychopathic withdrawal symptoms

Withdrawal occurs when the addict is deeply depressed. The person stops communicating with family and friends, he is not interested in anything. The nightmares he has continue to haunt him. real life in the form of hallucinations.

The drug addict mistakes others for scary creatures, which bring him this very suffering. At this moment he may commit a crime. The main psychopathic symptoms include hallucinations and increased level anxiety, outbursts of rage and aggression that the addict does not control.

What are the somatic signs?

Typical symptoms of this type include pain in the joints and muscles. Abstinence is initially preceded by initial somatic symptoms. The drug addict experiences dilated pupils, sneezing and yawning.

Then the previously mentioned symptom joins in. A person experiences unbearable pain when his muscles are cramped with excruciating cramps. Afterwards, the patient’s condition begins to deteriorate sharply and signs such as a sharp increase in blood pressure, vomiting and chills, aches throughout the body, increased sweating and problems with the gastrointestinal tract appear. The latter most often manifests itself in the form of diarrhea.

What should you do if you have withdrawal symptoms?

If during withdrawal the addict takes another dose, this condition will disappear, but not completely. In this case, you must seek help from qualified doctors.

It is impossible to treat withdrawal symptoms at home on your own. It is in a specialized hospital that the effects of abstinence are relieved. Drug addiction absolutely requires treatment. Withdrawal relief is carried out by narcologists. For this they introduce special medicines. So, to improve heart function, “Caffeine” is prescribed.

The patient is prescribed general strengthening medications, such as Unitol. For certain types of drugs, antidotes are used. If the patient has used methadone and opioids, he undergoes accelerated detoxification under general anesthesia. Unfortunately, this therapy cannot provide treatment for addiction. This remains main problem Today.

What are the consequences of withdrawal?

As noted above, the patient’s withdrawal goes away with depressed state. Thoughts of suicide enter his head. At this time, there is no control over emotions from the brain. In order to escape from this painful state, a drug addict may commit suicide. Also at this time, the patient loses his basic instincts. He doesn't want to drink or eat or sleep. In addition, there is a disappearance of the instinct of self-preservation. Therefore, during this period, the drug addict can harm himself and get injured.

Severe complications are also observed in brain activity. A person may develop psychosis, major depression, epilepsy and progressive dementia. This occurs as a result of the destruction of individual parts of the brain. In this case, competent assistance from a specialist is required. Otherwise, the personality will degrade and the aging process will accelerate. A person may die. Therefore, if you have a friend who suffers from this disease, do not wait until he is gone, but seek help.