Dream interpretation of planting artificial flowers. What does it mean to see artificial flowers in a dream?

Flowers, being the personification of beauty, also symbolize feelings that are not constant and unchanging, either fading away or flaring up with renewed vigor. By the type of flowers seen in a dream, you can say a lot, which is done in the corresponding section. As for artificial flowers, they are often compared in value to wilted and dried flowers, however, this is fundamentally not the case.

If a withered flower died on its own because its time had come, then the flower made by skillful hands is initially a fake. Therefore, if in a dream you receive a bouquet of beautiful artificial flowers from a loved one or someone else, then there is reason to doubt the original sincerity of this person’s feelings. Love can fade away, or it can be a beautiful fake from the very beginning.

It is worth paying attention to another fact. A fading flower loses its attractiveness, so a dream about it immediately reveals something negative and sad. An artificial flower, being dead in itself, gives the impression of being alive, and sometimes even more delightful than the one created by nature, which speaks not only of falsehood, but also of the fact that it is conscious, and the deception is intentional.

If you dreamed of artificial flowers according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

An artificial flower in a dream is interpreted similarly to a dead, dried flower - these are harbingers of sadness.

If you or someone else receives artificial flowers as a gift, such a dream foreshadows not just a sad event, but perhaps even a health threat, and a very serious one at that.

Making artificial roses in a dream means that you will have to be a hypocrite and express insincere feelings.

You yourself received red artificial roses in a dream - you will have the opportunity to listen to a false confession in reality.

If you saw in a dream how a bouquet of artificial flowers was burning - in reality you will part with your old attachments, you will be able to look at the world with new eyes, you will have a desire to change everything, to start a new life.

The meaning of the dream artificial flowers - Hasse's dream book

An artificial rose dreams of false, insincere love.

Giving artificial flowers in a dream means making unrealistic promises, talking about feelings that you do not experience in reality and have never experienced.

Why do you dream of artificial flowers - esoteric dream book

An artificial pink flower seen in a dream warns of falsehood in a relationship. What you think is love is actually just a lie.

To receive such flowers as a gift is a sign of deception.

To see in a dream how artificial flowers are given to another person means to be in real life a mediator between people who are connected not by love, but by calculation. However, they both know this themselves.


Did you dream about artificial Flowers, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of artificial Flowers in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Hello. I dreamed of a grave strewn with artificial flowers of red and red colors, neither a cross nor a gravestone was visible, only a fence and flowers. I understand that this is the grave of my already deceased father, but in reality it is completely different. Please help me figure it out, otherwise this dream scares me. Thank you

    I dreamed of artificial flowers. At the beginning of the dream, I was in some unfamiliar house and was celebrating something with teachers and classmates. Then the cool teacher came to get a flash drive with music, but I forgot it at home - she was offended. After her some serious people came, among whom was my uncle. I haven't seen him for a very long time in my life. They asked us to leave this house, which we did. I went to my grandmother. She had some rooms with a small entrance that led to that unfamiliar house. I went to one of these rooms to hide my dogs there. And when I came out, it seemed to me that someone was watching me. Dad came to grandma. I went outside and saw a bunch of artificial flowers in the back of my dad’s car, under which someone was moving. And in front of my grandmother’s garden there were artificial flowers stuck into the ground, but there were not many of them. I threw flowers out of the truck and was very angry with those who threw them. Meanwhile, dad got into the car and was about to go somewhere. Then I woke up.

    It seems like it’s my mother’s birthday and I ask my husband, upon arrival to my mother, while I am at my mother’s, to buy flowers, how and how he ends up there, I don’t see, but I see the moment he gets up from the table, on The question is where, he brings artificial flowers and gives them to his mother, at that moment I tear off my hand and throw it away with tears in my eyes.

    In my dream, my boyfriend and I were walking and he gave me a bouquet of flowers. Moreover, the bouquet was like a wedding one, so small and neat, and the flowers themselves were artificial. What does it mean?

    I saw in a dream a bouquet of blue wildflowers (like forget-me-nots) artificial flowers, which I wanted to modify. I wanted to cut the buds and open them more. I wanted the flowers to be beautiful and large. But I woke up

    I had to give artificial flowers to my friend's daughter. They were yellow and kind of crumpled. I didn’t like them. I asked you to choose others. I didn't hold it in my hands. And then I watered fresh flowers at home and they were about to bloom, that is, with buds. Specifically geranium, but I don’t have it. There’s a lot of it. different colors,full window sills.

    Hello! The sleep was not long. My boyfriend and I carefully chose artificial flowers for the graves. We didn’t like any of the flowers and never bought them. Before choosing colors, we bought something else and then switched to some other purchase.

    I went with my husband and some friend, choosing artificial flowers in order to take them to the cemetery of my husband’s late father. My husband offered to buy a soft toy. We didn’t like the flowers, and it was already getting dark, so we decided to go the next day. For some reason I walked around naked and felt normal. Some non-Russian guy admired me. Before this, I had a dream that I was raped by some Ahmed... I have no friends with that name and I don’t communicate with non-Russians.

    Well, it all started with the fact that I sort of went to buy flowers for my girlfriend...., I bought 3 red roses... Then I went to the bus, I got on it, it was empty, and then the conductor came up to me to look at the flowers, she came up and praised the flowers, and when I already looked at them they suddenly became artificial, I was surprised, and so I got off the bus, I threw them away and left….


    I dreamed that I was walking through a garden of very beautiful flowers. There were beige flowers most often. They were decorated with various beads, they were in full bloom, very beautiful! And then I wanted to smell them, but they told me they were artificial. I felt a bit uneasy. And I woke up immediately.

    I was with my children, lit two candles from someone’s burning candle, my husband came drunk with flowers, in a vase with a beautiful sculpture, a sprig of chrysanthemums (my favorite) on the vase, an artificial rose decoration, and then it turned out that all the flowers were artificial.

    Flowers are laid out in an oblong box: red roses, branches of white lilac and some blue flowers. I select the lilacs and put the roses on a pallet. My mother sits down next to me - she died 39 years ago and takes roses.

    Hello, I dreamed that I was given artificial flowers blue, I She accepted them, but then gave them to her grandmother, because of which in a dream she argued with her aunt (grandmother’s daughter), she said that they were terrible, and that only I could be given such. I woke up.

    I dreamed that I was walking in the garden, everything was growing, the tomatoes were turning red, the cucumbers were blooming, there were already zucchini, there were a lot of onions, dill and it was blooming. I walked further, and there was a bouquet of artificial flowers, like they put a white one in a cemetery, like a pink one. there was a bouquet and there was a third bouquet. I don’t remember what color

    Last night I had a dream that I and a man (I only know him in absentia - we communicate together on the website and have never met) were going up the stairs, carrying artificial flowers in my hand and going into the hall where a dead man was lying in a coffin (a fashionable man aged 30) and I put these flowers in his coffin and we turned with this acquaintance and left this hall, began to approach the stairs to go back down and the dream was interrupted...

    I dreamed that it was as if there was going to be someone’s wedding, but whose it was not clear. In anticipation of this wedding, artificial wedding flowers are distributed to guests, which are in a cardboard box. They gave me 2 flowers that looked like a red rose. At this time, my son, who is 10 years old, comes to this box. He also began to choose a flower for himself and seemed unable to decide which one to take, either the white one or the blue one. In the end, he chose blue.

    Good afternoon!!!
    I had a dream from July 3rd to July 4th.
    I am in a dark, small and rather uncomfortable room. (Something like a garage). And I see my grandmother, who died 8 years ago, lying on a wooden board nailed to the top. And it feels like either I or maybe someone else is throwing away a few artificial bouquets of flowers. This process itself somehow faded from my memory. But I understand that she rises up and asks (perhaps even demands). those bouquets that were thrown away. And they are near me and I, in a panic, frantically try to return them to her.

    I dreamed that My boyfriend, with whom we are meeting in reality, gives Me artificial flowers, at first He wanted to give Me two roses, one white, the other red, but before giving me, He asked Me, two - it’s impossible. give that it is to the deceased, and My brother He told him that it was impossible, and then He gave Me three artificial roses, but I didn’t remember exactly whether all three were white, or two white and one red

    I dreamed that my sister was getting married for the second time to her husband. And I made flowers for decoration from lilac or purple felting paper. Then my older brother and I congratulated her. The day before, our brother died. It’s scary

    I bought artificial roses for a friend’s birthday for his anniversary, but his anniversary was actually in December, and there were 7 of them, I think one should be removed, but I didn’t give them to him, I also kissed him in a dream

    Good afternoon I dreamed of bright red flowers. large.
    There was a knock on the door home, I went out into the vestibule and there on the floor there were felting felts in a bag, or a bunch of artificial flowers, bright red, large, a lot. It was as if someone had brought them in and knocked.

    I am in some room where people wear a lot of artificial flowers. Then I see a coffin in front and I follow it, in my hands I have a bouquet of artificial flowers. The coffin is brought into some room, placed on a stand, next to it is a photo of some men (I don’t know him). Various flowers are on the floor and I put my bouquet there too. Some woman gave me some kind of piece of paper and I left there. What could this mean?

    everything happened in the summer: bright sun...green grass, a very handsome young man (not sober) gave me a white artificial flower from the grave of some old man, but I forced this man to return the flower back to the grave! what could this mean?

    The man was young in figure, but when he turned around, he had a wrinkled face. He asked for directions, I showed him. In gratitude, he gave me a white-pink flower, I said thank you, but when I looked closer, it turned out that the flower was artificial. I shrugged and thought to myself, why was it necessary to thank me so much? The man was very tall, I stood next to him and felt his great height.

    Hello! I had a dream that my deceased father-in-law brought my husband, that is, his son, a bouquet of artificial orange-red roses. And he, in turn, shared with his brother, left 8 roses for himself, and 30 for his brother. And the day before, I dreamed of a shot, and a bullet wounded my husband in the heart. And one more thing one dream, when I also bought 8 live orange-red roses as a gift for my daughter’s birthday, only my daughter-in-law decided to share, I have 5 and she has 3.

    There is a holiday and I understand that it is my birthday, there are a lot of guests, I think. that there won’t be enough food, but when everything is on the tables it seems like nothing. a lot of laughter. Congratulations - a whole scenario. Here, bringing out a huge bouquet, I understand that they are artificial, I step back a little - I don’t need such flowers. they are very bright and beautiful. then I start collecting dishes. a lot of crumbs, two plates were broken, then more artificial flowers. They tell me these are roses, but I see them. that these are tulips. There was also a moment where I was pouring water into the kettle. and it starts to leak

    I went into our toilet and saw a box with artificial red large and very beautiful roses made of material. the son said that he made them himself at the request of his sister for the coffin of her husband’s grandmother. and he put small plastic flowers in his backpack. His friend was standing in the corridor near the door

    Hello! Today my mother dreamed of her dead husband. He asked her what time it was and asked for better clothes. According to him, he had to run errands (although he had not been anywhere for several years due to illness). My mother went into the house to get clothes and when she came out there was no one there was none. But a couple of minutes later, a woman I knew appeared in the courtyard of the house, who said that she had left flowers at the gate because she would not appear here soon. This woman (after these words) went to our neighbors. That was all over. The day before sleep, I personally had a small conflict with those to whom this woman went. Thanks in advance!

    My mother and I wanted to get on the bus, but we were a little late for it and decided to wait for the next one, but I saw my classmate and told my mother to take us on this bus. I sat down, but my mother didn’t, she was in black. I left, deciding that my mother would arrive on the next one. I got to the stop, but not to my house, it was not the same minibus that goes to my house. Suddenly the friend disappeared and was no longer standing at the bus stop, but on the curb and looking at the big road with one turn and absolutely flat. Then I opened the black safe, from which I took out beautiful artificial flowers, there were a LOT of them. There was still not a single car on the road. At this point I woke up, thinking about my mother in my sleep.

    I had a dream in which I got a job selling artificial white flowers and bouquets, but this was not for a cemetery, and I made a lot of money from profit paper bills bag full of proceeds

    I dreamed of flowers in the back truck: both live and artificial, which I saw in the cemetery. Mostly I saw greenery on the side of the car... They were being driven by a friend to her brother’s house. I asked her to give me at least one and I don’t remember anything else...

    I dreamed that I was reclining on the bed. My brother's wife is sitting next to me. We are talking about something. Then I notice a beautiful red flower on the wall, then a second one, and then many more. I was surprised when my sister-in-law managed to learn how to make such beautiful flowers so quickly and in such quantities.

    I see coffins and bouquets of flowers in the corners, then a gap, then I water with a hose green grass and flowers. I see a woman who earlier in a dream gave me money in an establishment with tables set. As if everyone had already left.

    dreamed of artificial flowers dark brown, men of Caucasian nationality gave gifts to women, but I didn’t see women, they just put flowers on the tables in an empty office, one flower at a time

    I dreamed that my husband was sick with some strange, unidentified disease and my sister she knew exactly how to “cure” him: she gave these flowers and told me to give them so that he would recover. What was this for?

    Hello! Today I had a dream as if I was cleaning, everything was scattered, I collected the toys and I saw three artificial flowers lying there, like a gift, three wrapped separately, I picked them up and put them on the refrigerator as souvenirs

    I rescued beautiful artificial flowers that had already been plucked from clean water, but they turned out to be real.
    And before that, red, almost black blood was pouring out of me, flowing in streams. I also wore a white skirt. But then everything seemed to stop.
    In general, it's kind of creepy.

    Hello, this is a dream. I dreamed that I wanted to sell my house and then it seemed ex-husband and supposedly the initiative came from him, he put out an advertisement and men began to come one by one, and at the same time they were disabled people in a wheelchair and the last disabled person stood up from the wheelchair and threw an iron stick on my neck, like a crowbar, a poker in general, an iron pipe. It’s as if he wants to kill me and my ex-husband is involved in all this at his instigation. And I kind of show him why you need this, let’s sell the house and I’ll give you this money. And this disabled person supposedly wants to buy a house, but he can no longer walk in a wheelchair and I tell him that where I show him, and there in the house it’s like the things and furniture of the former and on the wall there are artificial flowers and old carpets, in general there is rubbish everywhere, but this guy , supposedly he wanted to strangle me, he picks flowers and says such flowers should not be in the house, their place is in the cemetery, supposedly such flowers only grow in the cemetery. And they looked like they were hanging from the wall

    I’m standing in the store and suddenly I see three branches of artificial flowers that I lost, the seller, my friend, agreed to return me two red branches for my late mother and grandmother, and did not give the third blue branch for my grandfather, who was also deceased, and took it for myself. Then I wanted to buy salted or smoked fish but she didn't look fresh. I wanted to take apples and tangerines, but they were also somehow not right. then my mother came, I was glad that she was alive and I was worried that she wouldn’t be offended that I removed her things from the closet. Mom smiled and left but promised to return

    I dreamed that my husband gave me an armful of roses of different lengths. I take it in my hands, examine it, and instead of roses I hold two bouquets of artificial carnations, red and made of plastic. In my dream this really confused me, and my husband handed me a flower stand..

    Many bouquets of very bright artificial flowers were on my way. I’m walking slowly and some woman, whose face I can’t see, seems to be trying to slip these bouquets. Yes, I was also in a white dress, sort of like a bride, but I only saw mine right hand, covered with thin guipure with a bridge between the fingers. I understand that I don’t need these flowers, they are dead, although very beautiful in sun rays. I try not to pay attention to them and in the end, I don’t take it myself. large bouquet ik of fresh flowers. They are not so multi-colored, mostly white, like lilies of the valley, and the green leaves are rather thin. And I'm leaving...

    Mom gave me one branch of lily of the valley (without leaves), on the other side of the stem there were a bunch of lilies of the valley, I thought it was artificial, I wanted to give it to one woman with whom I don’t get along in reality, but I changed my mind and kept it for myself

    Hello. I dreamed about how neighbors brought and placed artificial flowers under the fence of my house. I ran up to them and asked why, they said it was necessary and as if on that day big holiday some kind of thing, that’s why they said this is what we should do on this holiday. And then I think I need to go put on a glove and burn them. On at the moment I'm in another country, my parents live at home.

    Hello. I had a very strange dream that scared me….”….I was invited to a cafe by the parents of a guy I really liked during my school years….(now we have our own families and there is no relationship between us other than hello-bye) It was just the three of us in the cafe. The hall was decorated with many flowers, but the flowers... seemed to be artificial. When they met, the husband gave his wife a bouquet of artificial flowers... very large, bright... you could even hear the bouquet rustling when the woman took it in her hands... after which she immediately put it down. We sat, talked, had a meal... The woman stood up and there was a feeling that she had prepared a presentation and would now give it... Tiny bouquets appeared in her hands... made of artificial red and white roses... and... they somehow lined up in a chain... 3 bouquets of red, 3 white... She started talking about her son... that he is wealthy... good-looking, treats me well... that she and her husband have a high position in society and they could do everything for us... with these words I told her interrupted. I replied that it became clear to me why I was invited. My answer is no and nothing can happen between us, since we have each had our own families for a long time. I got up to leave, the woman told me. The man said the phrase: “I will always help you, with any request, please contact me.”...Then the woman said...you should think about it anyway...and persistently wanted to give me a bouquet of artificial flowers. I pushed them away. several times... she said that I didn’t need them... but for some reason... not them, but another bouquet... ended up in my hands... and... the two flowers seemed to be soldered together... such a factory branch of two flowers, and one single...on long legs...this bouquet was located on such a large, simply huge green leaf...the flowers were scarlet...I twisted it and looked at it...not understanding why I needed it...I wasn’t even pleased to hold it, although the flowers were beautiful…..When I tried to give them away again…a strange phrase came from the man’s mouth…”Take it, maybe you can take it to someone at the cemetery…”I woke up…I don’t remember…whether I gave them away or not (((

A dream in which the sleeper sees artificial flowers has many meanings. Very often, lifeless flowers in dreams symbolize unfulfilled hopes, lies, and pretense. However, in some cases, a dream in which artificial flowers are seen is a favorable sign for the person dreaming. To select correct interpretation for a mysterious dream, you need to remember its details and turn to the dream book.

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    Who is dreaming

    Night dreams in which lifeless flowers are dreamed can be interpreted in different ways. When deciphering a dream, you should pay attention to the gender of the dreamer. The meaning of the same dream for a man and a woman can differ significantly.

    For a woman, dream interpreters offer the following meanings:

  1. 1. If a young girl dreams of artificial inflorescences, then the vision is a warning for her. A girl should take a closer look at her chosen one: he keeps secrets from her or deceives, playing with feelings.
  2. 2. If in a dream the flower arrangement looked exactly like the real thing, the dream means that the chosen one of the young lady knows how to inspire the trust of others and avoid suspicion of his integrity. However, the dreamer may suffer from her lover’s hypocrisy.
  3. 3. For a middle-aged woman, a dream in which she sees lifeless inflorescences foreshadows suffering and love experiences.
  4. 4. If the flowers were made of paper, the vision means improvements financial situation in the near future.
  5. 5. Inflorescences made of leather symbolize a worthy reward for the work done and recognition of merit by others.

    For a man, a dream in which artificial inflorescences appear means failure in business, loss of profit due to the unprofessional actions of colleagues. The dream book advises the sleeper to direct his energy to control his subordinates in order to avoid troubles and not incur losses.

    Dream scenario

    Any dream should be interpreted taking into account its details. The decisive factor determining the interpretation of a dream is its plot.

    The dream can be explained depending on what happened in it:

  1. 1. Seeing in a dream artificial bouquet in a vase standing near a sleeping house or apartment - to unpleasant events in life. And it doesn’t matter what color the flowers were: white, yellow or red. It is possible that danger awaits the sleeper. The dream book advises the dreamer to be careful and attentive to any details.
  2. 2. Buying a bouquet of lifeless flowers or choosing one in a store means that in reality the dreamer will have to lie to others to achieve the goal.
  3. 3. Artificial roses that the sleeper sees at someone’s wedding symbolize insincere feelings and a marriage of convenience. Receiving such roses as a gift in a dream means that the dreamer will have to listen to a false declaration of love.
  4. 4. Seeing mourning wreaths in a cemetery means getting rid of a serious illness and the dreamer’s recovery.
  5. 5. In Vanga’s dream book, artificial inflorescences are a bad omen, meaning lies, deception, grief and failure.

Give or receive

According to Miller's dream book, a dream in which a person is given an artificial rose portends loneliness and melancholy. The bouquet promises the sleeping person an illness, illness or sad event.

A night vision in which a girl sees an artificial bouquet given to her means her desire to part with her admirer and understand what she wants from a relationship.

If the dreamer gives artificial buds to a deceased person, then this promises health and for many years life to the sleeper.

It is not given to us to know how dreams are born; the plots of dreams can be the most bizarre. Sometimes we don't remember what we dream at all. And sometimes we see bright color dreams in which every detail is clearly visible. In night dreams you can hear the aroma of living roses, and sometimes the bouquet turns out to be lifeless. Let's see what lifeless beckets mean in dreams, what various dream books say about this.

General interpretation of sleep

In general, artificial flowers in a dream represent sadness and various problems. They can symbolize betrayal loved one, threats various kinds, talk about the insincerity of feelings and relationships. Each dream book gives its own interpretation of such dreams, exact interpretation largely depends on the details of the dream.

Here are the most common interpretations:

The dream books of Hasse and Loff, an ideomatic interpreter, interpret such dreams in a similar way. If in a dream you watch from the side as your friend works on the creation artificial flower- sad as it may be, get ready for betrayal on his part.

Wreaths and bouquets at the cemetery

In real life, an artificial bouquet is associated with a cemetery. Therefore, we often see wreaths and inanimate flower arrangements in a dream on someone’s grave. If you dreamed similar dream, that means soon will get better sick relative. Have you seen wreaths made of metal? Such a plot carries a favorable semantic connotation - in the near future it will be possible to make peace with old enemies, but at the same time you will have to fuss and fuss.

A dream that you see yourself in a cemetery, where there are many artificial flower bouquets around, indicates upcoming disappointment with your partner and your personal life. Or your happiness is at risk. Perhaps you are simply unsure of your significant other or their feelings. Bringing an inanimate bouquet to someone's grave means facing a series of sad events in real life. But everything can still be improved if you fight the circumstances.

Coloring artificial flowers

The color of the bouquet seen in night dreams also gives the dream additional meaning. After all, each color symbolizes something different. Dark tones have always been considered a harbinger of something gloomy; bright colors, on the contrary, mean luck and prosperity. Faded, faded color is associated with decay, poverty and destruction. This is what the colors of an artificial bouquet mean in a dream.

Plants and flowers surround even city dwellers. They accompany you in joy and sorrow. When deciphering what flowers mean in dreams, it is necessary to take into account many details.

Dream Interpretation: seeing flowers in a dream

Miller's Dream Book interprets beautiful flowering plants in the garden as joy and pleasure. If they have wilted or completely dried out, you should prepare for trouble.

When a woman dreams of being given flowers, it symbolizes her popularity. In reality she has many fans. White flowers, according to the famous interpreter, portend sadness.

Ukrainian dream book contains the opposite interpretation. The delicate shade of the petals is a sign of joy.

According to Vanga's dream book If you dreamed of many flowers, a person feels loneliness. The reason for mental isolation is the excessive demands placed on loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya suggests that if a girl in love dreamed of her boyfriend with flowers, the relationship will develop. Smelling a bouquet means the passion will not last long.

According to interpretation modern dream book a man with flowers means that in reality he experiences tender feelings. For representatives of the stronger sex, the dream promises profit.

Flower seeds speak of hope. The dreamer expects the situation to improve.

Flower bulbs - good sign. In reality you will be pleased with your purchases.

The sprout of a flower symbolizes the beautiful vitality. At the moment, everything is possible.

According to Azar's dream book when you dream of flowers being presented by your ex, short-term joy will follow. Refusing them is a sign to be more careful with things, there is a high probability of theft.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina suggests that on the eve of joy one dreams of flowers. Events will turn out well.

Flower seedlings mean forced labor. The dreamer will have to do something other than what he wants.

Newest dream book suggests that a flower vase symbolizes frivolous events. In order not to spoil your reputation, it is advisable to monitor your behavior.

Why do you dream about fresh flowers?

A good sign is to see fresh flowers in bouquets. Everything that will happen in the near future will have a positive effect on the future.

Blooming flowers in pots symbolize pleasant rendezvous. Joyful surprises from loved ones will follow.

Alive indoor flowers reflect the state of relationships and inner mood. If they have withered, you should urgently take measures to restore harmony in communication with your loved ones.

Beautiful homemade flowers in a dream are an excellent symbol. This is a harbinger of a wonderful period.

Well-groomed fresh flowers in the flowerbed indicate that the dreamer pays great attention to appearance. Sometimes it is worth remembering that she is not the main thing in life.

Success in work matters portends clearing with flowers. It is also a reflection of the desire to relax.

However, the vast field fresh flowers are not interpreted very well for lovers. There will be separation due to insurmountable circumstances.

I dreamed of a bouquet of flowers in hands at home - a warning to look around. A loved one is having troubles that need help.

Just a dream big a bouquet of flowers - a desire to retire. The sleeper feels the need to understand himself.

You may feel sad if you dreamed bouquets of different flowers. However, nothing bad will happen.

It's nice to receive a bouquet of flowers. This is a sign of good luck in the business sphere, the fulfillment of a dream. Gifted a bouquet of flowers also symbolizes relationships with the opposite sex. The more beautiful the composition, the more harmonious they are.

Why do you dream of artificial flowers?

If you dreamed of artificial flowers, in reality you should prepare for sad events and discord with your loved ones. Men should be wary of deception and slander from colleagues.

Artificial flowers woman symbolize disappointment in love. Romantic hopes are not destined to come true.

When you dream that the dead man gives artificial flowers are a reflection of nostalgia for the past. However, if it was one of the deceased parents, this plot can be considered a favorable omen. You will be able to fulfill your deepest desire.

Artificial flowers sick person- a bad sign. Your health condition will worsen.

Interpretation of dreams by color and type of flowers

When deciphering what flowers mean in dreams, be sure to pay attention to the details of the dreamed plant. What matters is: petal color, size, freshness. It is also worth considering that there is unanimity various dream books No.

So white flowers symbolize sadness. But in an alternative interpretation, this is a harbinger of pure joy.

Trees with white flowers signify fateful changes. All endeavors will be successful in the near future.

Sad events foreshadow black flowers in a dream. This is a warning sign about all kinds of troubles and betrayal of a friend or loved one.

Yellow flowers warn that you will have to try very hard to achieve success. But relationships with loved ones will bring pleasure.

Blue flowers symbolize the dreamer's composure and the ability to take control of his own emotions. For lovers, this is a symbol of unrequited feelings.

The onset of a prosperous period is heralded by dreams pink flowers. The steps taken will have an important impact on fate.

As in reality, red flowers in a dream symbolize passion. The cautionary meaning is to remind one to strike a balance between enjoying the senses and performing daily routine duties.

A sign of a karmic romantic connection is purple flowers. The main thing is not to miss truly your person.

Interesting leisure time and new acquaintances portend bright flowers of different colors.

Petals of the Unusual green tint they say that someone is jealous of the dreamer.

It’s good if you dreamed beautiful flowers. Success and fun events lie ahead.

Changes in better side means blossoming flower. They will affect the personal and business spheres.

Garden blooming flowers prophesy the conquest of career heights. Even in difficult matters you can achieve success.

Huge flowers in a dream foreshadow joy or difficulty. It all depends on the color of the petals.

Little ones flowers symbolize not very significant events. Small surprises and trivial problems.

Withered flowers are not too good sign. Your health may worsen if prevention is not taken care of.

For family dreamers and those in love, withered flowers in a vase predict discord. You will have to make efforts to save the relationship.

Withered flowers symbolize trouble. To a greater extent they will relate to the area of ​​feelings.

Dreamed dry flowers portend sad events in your personal life. The relationship has come to an end, and a final break is possible.

When you dream of flowers with roots, there are not too big troubles ahead. You should avoid arguing with your family.

Flowers with broken stems portend an ugly act by a loved one. Because of this, feelings will feel cold.

The blossoming of sensuality and sexual attractiveness symbolize buds flowers. It is also possible to gain new experience.

Funeral flowers are a sign of difficulties. In the coming period, it will be difficult to turn the tide of events and turn luck on your side.

Actions with flowers in a dream

When, you should definitely take into account what happened to you to do with them.

Through the efforts of the dreamer, global changes will occur in his life if he dreamed plant flowers in the ground. They can be called fateful.

It's good if you dreamed plant flowers in a flower bed. In reality, the sleeping person will perform a kind and very wise deed.

Replanting flowers in pots- save symbol home comfort. The dreamer realizes the importance of family and makes efforts to maintain mutual understanding and harmony.

The efforts made to achieve well-being are evidenced by the plot in which water flowers. Your efforts will bring excellent results.

A plot appears for a passionate romance in reality tear flowers in a dream. Emotions will swirl, but you shouldn’t rush headlong into the pool.

Also, as a certificate of familiarization with sacred knowledge, one dreams of tear off flowers. At the same time, a person not only accumulates information, but also knows how to convey its meaning to others.

The projects started will develop without problems, and will soon give results, if you dreamed cut flowers. The joy of work.

Collecting a bouquet flowers - the personification of the search for like-minded people or the thirst for bright romantic emotions. New hobbies will allow you to realize yourself.

Choose flowers - auspicious sign. Happiness awaits ahead.

Buy flowers in a dream - to acquisitions in reality. The plot is a sign of success.

Present Flowers to a person you know means experiencing tender feelings and a call of passion for him in reality, as well as counting on reciprocal favor. Presenting a bouquet to the deceased means a period of stagnation.

If a person sleeping in reality feels that he is not receiving the benefits he deserves, he ends up steal flowers in a dream. Feeling resentful of the unfair arrangement of the world is not constructive and prevents you from enjoying what you have.

sniff flowers are good news if the aroma is pleasant. A repulsive amber foreshadows losses.

Admire flowers in a dream are a symbolic reflection of the creative nature of a sleeping person. The ability to notice beauty helps in real life.

Receiving flowers from a stranger is a sign of a new acquaintance. The quality of the plants will tell you whether it will be pleasant or useless.

What type of flowers did you dream about?

When interpreting what flowers mean in dreams, important importance is given to the interpretation of their appearance.

Roses mean romantic relationships. Red symbolizes passion. Yellow foretells bright acquaintances for single people. Pink petals mean tenderness.

Irises in the shortcut it means troubles that prevent you from doing your favorite creative work. Orcas in a flowerbed or in nature symbolize receiving favorable news.

Dream about pleasant little things daisies.

Flowers foretell the onset of a favorable period bells.

Calla lilies dream of receiving money.

Tulips signal a meeting with unpleasant person with inflated self-esteem. It is also a symbol of the fragility of feelings.

Carnations predict meeting people who will become reliable friends.

Some of the dreamer's egoism is personified peonies. These fragrant flowers call for attention to family and friends.

The symbol of joy is poppies.

To change in your personal life, appear in a dream field flowers. Women will meet a new admirer, and men will meet a friend.

To dream of pleasant surprises orchids. The dreamer's sensuality is at its best.

If you dream of violet flowers, this is a very favorable omen. Prosperity awaits family dreamers.

Fragrant jasmine predicts happiness in love.

Are considered a sign of renewal lilies.

Where did you dream about flowers?

Flowers in the house symbolize the slightly unsociable character of the dreamer. This reflects a tendency towards reclusion.

Numerous flowers on the windowsill They suggest that it is time to complete your voluntary hermitage.

When you dream of flowers in a vase, for families and lovers this is a particularly blessed vision. The feelings of partners are strong, they bring joy and it is worth appreciating it.

Flowers for single girls and men on the bed represent a quick acquaintance with a person for whom sympathy will arise. The development of relationships will be very pleasant.

Flowers in the water mean that someone will help in the implementation of projects. The growth of financial well-being will be accompanied by spiritual growth.

Suddenly, memories of an ended romantic relationship came flooding back, that’s what flowers mean in dreams at the cemetery. However, returning to the past will not bring happiness.

Sick dreamers dreamed of flowers at the grave- a very favorable plot. In reality, your health will improve noticeably.

Flowering plants in the garden or front garden portend fun. Joyful events will happen in life.

When you dream of flowers, the meaning of what you see depends on the smallest details. Therefore, after reading a not-so-pleasant prediction, there is no reason to be upset. It is worth remembering the nuances. Perhaps they will radically change the interpretation of the plot. We wish you pleasant dreams and a happy reality.