Yulia Vysotskaya gave birth to her third child, latest news photos. All that is known

A couple of days ago, information appeared on the Internet that the favorite of the Russian public, actress Yulia Vysotskaya, was in interesting position. She is four months pregnant. The popular TV presenter gave an interview about the latest news in her life.

Yulia Vysotskaya is pregnant with her third child: the actress suddenly grew out of her dress

For a long time the actress could not understand what was happening to her. She really wanted to eat, but she couldn’t even imagine that she was expecting a child.

Yulia Vysotskaya and her husband, film director Andrei Konchalovsky, were supposed to attend the international film festival. Before leaving for Italy, a stylist friend brought dresses and suits for this trip. Julia selected a sunny yellow dress with an open bust and a cinched waist, especially for the opening ceremony, an interesting jumpsuit and a few more stylish items for cocktails.

Imagine the actress’s surprise when famous husband and director Konchalovsky rejected the beautiful yellow dress. It was impossible to breathe with my entire bust in this dress. It was about two or three sizes too small. The actress grew out of her dress in four days.

It immediately became clear that Julia was pregnant. I had to urgently run to local stores and look for a loose dress for the ceremony.

Yulia Vysotskaya is pregnant with her third child: Andrei Konchalovsky will become a father for the eighth time

Yulia Vysotskaya and Andrei Konchalovsky are called the most stylish couple of Russian cinema. The eminent film director’s marriage to actress Yulia Vysotskaya is his fifth. Julia speaks of her husband as a very decent person. Andrei Konchalovsky supports all wives and children from these unions.

In 2013, a tragedy occurred in the family of Vysotskaya and Konchalovsky. The family got into a car accident, daughter Maria received severe injuries, was in a coma for a long time. In 2017, materials appeared in the French media with reference to the director’s friends about the improvement physical condition girls. They say that Masha is on the mend. However, these materials were soon removed from the website without any comment.

In a 2017 interview with domestic media, Yulia admitted that there were improvements, but she and her husband did not want to talk about this painful topic.

Yulia Vysotskaya is pregnant with her third child: the actress is the author of culinary masterpieces

Yulia Vysotskaya was immediately remembered for one of her first roles: she poignantly played a kind fool from a madhouse who found herself in the epicenter of the war in Chechnya. The film "House of Fools", filmed in 2002 by director Andrei Konchalovsky.

And then in 2003, viewers former USSR were surprised by the new facet of the actress’s talent. In the frame, the beautiful presenter Vysotskaya stood in the kitchen and cooked, while simultaneously talking about the dish being prepared. It was not just a story about what ingredients to take, how to mix them, and what should be prepared from it. It was a brilliant short story, a cultural and historical excursion. In addition, it is colorfully and deliciously described. In her program, Julia was not just a TV presenter, she played the role of Penelope, guarding the hearth and protecting her family from harm. The audience understood this perfectly.

In her programs, Julia often filmed her children, especially her daughter Masha. Before the 2013 accident, Yulia Vysotskaya gave many interviews about children and education. She paid special attention to topics related to raising girls. What a woman should be and how girls should be raised. In her opinion, her daughter Masha grew up shy, she needs to be more confident. The girl lived in London and studied at school there. Because of work, I didn’t have to see each other as often as I would have liked. Masha missed her mother a lot and constantly wrote text messages.

The star couple is happy about the unexpected news about the birth of their third child.

2013 was the most unfortunate year for the Konchalovsky family. In France, the father of a family and his daughter got into an accident. My daughter Masha was sitting in the passenger seat unfastened, and therefore received a serious traumatic brain injury.

Mother Yulia Vysotskaya and father Andrei Konchalovsky trusted the clinic in Marseille. There, the device completely took over all the girl’s life support. She is still in a coma. But in 2016, there were rumors in the media that Masha came out of a coma, but as you can see, this was false information, the media, as always, tried to suck the “fame” out of the finger...

Since 2013, the Konchalovsky family has remained silent. For the first time, Julia gave an interview about her daughter’s condition to Tatler magazine.

However, in her revelation, Yulia speaks carefully about Masha’s condition, fearing to jinx the improvement in her daughter’s health. Vysotskaya says that even doctors in Marseille cannot give an unambiguous answer to the question of Masha’s health.

“The coma condition is ambiguous and progresses differently for everyone. There are times when she is with me, there are times when I don’t understand anything. It seems like something is happening that we are very happy about. We are waiting for a repeat, but there is none. But something else happens. Everything is going...slowly. We were told from the very beginning that the recovery would be very, very long. And this is endless work – both Masha’s and ours...”

The magazine asked a sensitive question to Yulia Vysotskaya: “Does your husband feel guilty for what happened to his daughter?” However, Julia answered evasively here too. She said that Andrei Konchalovsky is such a secretive person that he doesn’t even tell himself the truth. The only thing that Julia noticed was that if it weren’t for the work in which the actor completely threw himself into, he would have had a very hard time experiencing the condition of his daughter and everything that happened to them.

Vysotskaya said that her husband Andrei sleeps no more than 2-3 hours a day because of work...

Yulia says that now there are only 4 friends left in her life, who know everything about the condition of their family and Masha. She simply does not have the strength to communicate with others.

Julia emphasized that she had completely changed her outlook on her life. Previously, she actively shared her happiness with other people, putting all of herself, her children and her husband on display. And now she regrets it. She believes that she should have kept at least a little happiness for herself, which she now does not have.

“The topic of family is closed forever - regardless of the light at the end of the tunnel, which I still know exists. I even told my friends: “You don’t need to use Instagram.” You don't have to tell me how good you feel. If this is marketing, then act from a marketing point of view.”

Today, Yulia Vysotskaya continues to work on her restaurant business and some television projects. And also a dog, Krug, appeared in their family.

Recently, Yulia Vysotskaya showed her subscribers her grown-up son. This was the first time since her daughter had been in that terrible accident with her husband.

Look at this cute photo. Mom holds her son's hand. She captioned her photo like this:

“My little grown man. Only mine! You are my air, my infinity. I love you very much, my dear, my son.”

At the end of last 2016, information slipped into the media that Masha was on the mend, came out of a coma and began undergoing rehabilitation. Nothing more could be learned. But six months later rumors appeared. that Masha fell into a coma again.

Yulia Vysotskaya is an actress and TV presenter, born on August 16, 1973 in Rostov region, the city of Novocherkassk.

Childhood and youth

When Vysotskaya was a little girl, her parents future actress separated. The girl’s stepfather was a military man, so their family often came from one place to another: from Armenia to Georgia, from Georgia to Azerbaijan. Due to very frequent moves, Vysotskaya had to change educational institutions seven times.

Even as a child, she came to the decision that in the future she would become either an investigator or an actress. The girl graduated from school in the capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku. Yulia’s mother thought that the girl would not be able to enter a university in Moscow. After all, they had no cronyism. Based on this, she advised her daughter to go to Minsk to enroll.

As a child

When Vysotskaya graduated from school, she went to Minsk to enter the theater school.

But in case she fails entrance exams, the girl planned to enter law school. However, her worries were in vain; the future actress was accepted into the theater the first time. From that moment on, her studies began at the Belarusian State Academy of Arts. The actress graduated from it in 1995, receiving a diploma indicating this.

Film roles

The young actress received her first role in the drama, which was filmed in Belarus. The painting was called “To Go and Never Return.” A year after that, she began working on television and for several years held the position of TV presenter of the popular television program called "Slacker".

After Yulia graduated from the academy, she was able to get a job in her profession at the Belarusian National Theater. The actress took part in theatrical productions called “The Bald Singer” and “Look Back in Anger.” In addition, she participated in the play “Nameless Star”.

In 1994, the girl managed to star in the almanac “Bewitched,” and a year later she received a role in the comedy “A Game of Imagination.” Unfortunately, all of the above roles did not bring popularity to the actress.

A sharp turn in the life of Yulia Vysotskaya was the union with the famous director Andrei Konchalovsky. They met at the Kinotavr film festival. Already in 2002, the actress received the main role in the film, which was directed by her husband. The film is called "House of Fools". The actress got the role of a crazy woman in a mental hospital, whose name was Zhanna. According to the script, Vysotskaya's heroine was in love with famous singer named Bryan Adams.

Throughout the film, she waited for him to come for her. It is worth noting that this role turned out to be very difficult. In order to get used to the role and play it believably, the actress, a month before the start of filming, began visiting a mental hospital, where she observed patients.

The efforts were not in vain, and Yulia Vysotskaya performed her role simply superbly. It’s no wonder that a film festival called “Women in Cinema” awarded Yulia’s work with the “Silver Horseshoe” award. It was awarded to Vysotskaya “for the most desperate role.” Some time later, in 2003, the actress again starred in a film directed by her husband again.

The painting was called “Lion in Winter.” Not only domestic but also foreign actors took part in the filming of this film. This is how Julia met Glenn Close, Patrick Stewart and other famous foreign artists. Julia's role in this film was small. However, according to the actress herself, she was very functional.

It is also worth noting that for the first time the actress starred in the same film together with the masters of cinema. This fact was already considered a huge success.

Some time later, in 2005, the actress received the main role in the film “Soldiers of the Decameron.” Her heroine's name was Vera. A year later, in 2006, the actress played the role of Inna Seliverstova in the film “The Queen’s First Rule”.

In addition, Yulia Vysotskaya superbly played the main role in the film “Gloss”. The actress's character's name was Galya.

Despite her busy schedule, Yulia did not give up the theater stage. She continued to take part in performances at the Mossovet Theater, where she played a role in three Chekhov productions. Julia also participated in “Miss Julie”. This performance took place at the theater on Malaya Bronnaya.

Yulia Vysotskaya and cooking

In 2003, the actress became the host of a TV show called “Eating at Home.” And already in 2009, on the same television channel, Yulia Vysotskaya received the position of presenter in the TV show “Breakfast with Yulia Vysotskaya.”

At the same time, the actress became the editor-in-chief of the culinary magazine “Bread and Salt”. In addition to all this, the actress published a series of books dedicated to cooking and healthy eating.

In total, the actress wrote twenty-six books. In addition, Vysotskaya opened her own restaurant, which is located in Moscow and is called “Yornik”. The actress also has her own culinary studio called “Julia Vysotskaya”.

Personal life of Yulia Vysotskaya

Julia first got married while still a student. As it turned out later, it was a fictitious marriage. The husband of the future actress was senior student Anatoly Kot, who was originally from Minsk. Yulia did not have Belarusian citizenship at that time. Without it, she might not get her diploma and also lose her job.

Vysotskaya and Anatoly Kot

Thus, the student, who was in his senior year, simply helped the then-future actress get out of a difficult situation. Julia and Anatoly still support friendly relations.

The actress met Andrei Konchalovsky when he was still married. However, a year later the director divorced, and he and Vysotskaya got married. For Konchalovsky, this marriage became the fifth. A year later, in 1999, the couple had a daughter, who was named Maria. And already in 2003, Julia gave birth to a son, Peter. With Yulia, Andrey and their children French citizenship. They have their own house in Tuscany.

With Andrei Konchalovsky and children

Yulia Vysotskaya spends a lot of time in Moscow filming various television programs. After the birth of Peter, Julia graduated from the English Academy of Dramatic and Theater Arts.

Not long ago, Julia and her husband visited the Venice Film Festival, where they presented their joint project called “Paradise”. In this film, the main role was played by Julia herself. The film did not go unnoticed and received the Silver Lion award for best director.

The celebrity recently opened an account in social network Instagram, which quickly gained popularity. And the victory in Venice made the actress a star on this social network. On her page, Julia quite often posted behind-the-scenes photos from the film festival, thanks to which she began to gain more and more subscribers.

The film entitled “Paradise” was created with the cooperation of Russia and Germany. It talks about people whose destinies were intertwined during the Second World War. Julia in this film played a Russian emigrant named Olga. In order to fit into the character as best as possible, the actress even shaved her head.

In 2013, a misfortune happened in the family of Andrei Konchalovsky and Yulia Vysotskaya. This happened in France. The family was returning from a memorial ceremony dedicated to the memory of Natalya Konchalovskaya, the director’s grandmother. The car was involved in an accident. There was a head-on collision. In the car, in addition to Konchalovsky himself, were his wife and daughter Maria.

The director himself and Yulia escaped with scratches. Fourteen-year-old Maria was seriously injured. As a result of a traumatic brain injury, the girl fell into a coma. The girl was transported from a hospital in Marseille to an elite clinic in Moscow.

The tragedy that befell the director's family shocked everyone. For several years, Julia Vysotskaya lived in a fog. She abandoned everything. Julia spent days and nights at her daughter’s bedside. The woman had no strength left even for simple human communication.

After the Nika 2013 national cinema award ceremony, the Russian world started talking about the fact that Yulia Vysotskaya was going to give birth to her husband, director Andrei Konchalovsky, an eighth child.

At the last Nika film award ceremony, Yulia wore a shapeless cardigan - apparently intentionally to hide her baby bump. However, she failed to do this - the very next day socialites they started talking about Vysotskaya being pregnant.

Let us remind you that the pregnant woman is 39 years old. By the way, Andrei Konchalovsky is 75. They are already raising seven children. True, only some of them were born in marriage. The eighth child in the family will become the third common child Yulia and Andrey.


Yulia Vysotskaya at 40 years old. Photo without makeup | My Child

The charming actress, TV presenter, cook Yulia Vysotskaya should know the secret of eternal youth! How else can you explain that in her photo without makeup at 40 years old there is a glow natural beauty and youth despite these dozens of lived experiences and all the goodies that she prepares for the whole family. Of course, we should not forget that Yulia Vysokaya is also a mother of two children. For some women's appearance, pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period become a turning point. But not for Julia.

In order not to be afraid to appear in your natural beauty at 40 years old, you should follow the advice of Yulia Vysotskaya:

1. Use decorative cosmetics only in extreme cases ( public event, holidays). The actress believes that her skin ages noticeably. And that’s why in everyday life he chooses naturalness.

2. Healthy sleep daily, which would last at least 7 hours.

3. Watch your diet. For example, fast food should only be homemade and only healthy.

4. Don't force your body with food. For example, Julia starts eating no earlier than noon.

5. Learn to live in harmony and ease.

Recently, Yulia Vysotskaya was also the heroine of the news - everyone was discussing Yulia Vysotskaya’s pregnancy. To which the actress was indignant and called the penetration into her personal life incorrect. By the way, according to Internet sources, she would prefer it if they wrote “Vysotskaya has recovered.” Pregnancy for Russian celebrity– this is too intimate for public discussion.

Yulia Vysotskaya gave birth to her third child

Beautiful Yulia Vysotskaya, it looks like she is really pregnant. Today Andrei Konchalovsky already has 7 children from different women V different marriages– two of them are from Yulia Vysotskaya. The most popular question is “Did Yulia Vysotskaya give birth to a third child?” 2014. Information constantly appears in the media proving that the actress was still in a “situation.” At the Kinotavr festival, the director met a young actress from Minsk, Yulia Vysotskaya.

Even at the Nika ceremony, which took place in the previous year in 2013, Yulia appeared with a rounded, clearly noticeable belly, however, she tried to hide it from the prying eyes of the paparazzi. Julia's figure has always been enviably slim, and the girl has always tried to emphasize her impeccable shape, however, in recent months she has begun to wear complexly cut outfits that hide her volume. For a star, the birth of a child is the greatest happiness one can experience.

I would like to note that Julia was born in 1973, on August 16th. Andrey began to often invite Yulia to his theatrical productions and television projects. So it is not surprising that after spending many years away from this home in America and Europe, Andrei Sergeevich and his wife Yulia returned to the “family nest”.

Vysotskaya, Yulia Alexandrovna

Husband loves old furniture“, it’s just important for me that it be cozy and nice,” explains Vysotskaya. Yulia Vysotskaya jokes that when they bought all this, they realized: there would be nowhere to put it.

Family of film actress Yulia Vysotskaya:

Dear Andron and Yulia! We offer you our help in improving Maria’s health. If you are interested in our offer, please contact us. Mobile phone: 0984493949. I follow with interest the activities of Yulia and Andrei Sergeevich! Julia’s programs are undoubtedly very interesting for people interested in cooking, but as for everything else... She was just very lucky with her marriage.

Julia Vysotskaya: “I don’t know a better method than love”

Julia, you are simply gorgeous, modern woman, a good housewife and cook. Here some people write that Yulia got married for convenience, that Andrei is an old man... How disgusting and disgusting it is to write like that. I’ve been watching Yulia’s program for many years, now with my daughter, and we really like it. Beautiful woman, a cook, but her husband is old and I doubt her such cloudless happiness... without him, she would never have achieved what she has now, where she goes, she showed her children the whole world.

The life path and family of popular TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya.

After the uproar on the Internet, Julia gave her comment. By his own admission, his meeting with Yulia Vysotskaya changed his attitude towards many things - marriage, family, and taught him to value the happiness of marriage. Each of the children has their own hobby: Masha plays tennis and music, Petya practices judo and drawing.

Children and dogs (photos, videos)

When walking, the actress was not always in complete control of the situation; in addition, on the evening of the Nika film awards, Konchalovsky and his wife looked very happy and smiled openly all the time. In 1992, when Vysotskaya was still studying at the Belarusian Academy, her debut in big cinema took place, she played the main role in the film “To Go and Never Return” (a psychological drama).

But among hundreds of others, one place is especially dear to the director - a house on Nikolina Gora, half an hour’s drive from Moscow, where the Mikhalkov family has lived since 1951. It’s important to me that I live on Nikolina Gora, on this land,” says Andrei Konchalovsky. After all, our family settled here more than 50 years ago, my brother and I had our own house, and our parents had theirs next door. My youth passed here and so many vivid memories are associated with this place.

When the director returned to Russia in the early 90s, he built a third floor over the two floors, where his office is now located. But Andrei Sergeevich convinced me, saying that it was unreasonable. Andrei Konchalovsky was entirely responsible for the filling of the house - what the exterior and interior decoration would be like. Much was brought here from the former places where the Konchalovsky couple lived. However, there is still a lot of stuff from this country in the Konchalovskys’ house: vases, screens, figurines.

I liked the house, all the best! Health to you all and long life. Famous good example should be for the people. Thousands of you cannot do even 10% of what this pretty, smart and lovely woman can do!!! Hello everyone, I’ve read a lot here, both good and not so good, but I’ll still add something from myself. Women do not judge and will not be judged.

Stars and celebrities who died in 2015

I think so, some themselves climbed into your house out of curiosity, and still have the audacity to condemn anything, and even more so to climb into family life. Envy is an evil feeling. Hello. I looked at the photo of Yulia and Andrey’s house - it’s just gorgeous. For many years I have been living with the dream of settling somewhere in good location in such a fabulous, unusual house. But unfortunately, this is impossible to do with a husband like mine. So, dear evil ones, be angry with Yulia and Andrey in silence, because you write all sorts of nonsense out of malicious envy and because you yourself cannot do anything good in this life.

After this, Vysotskaya played in many famous films, and in 2003, the culinary program “Eating at Home!” was released on NTV, in which Yulia became a permanent presenter. He returned here with Yulia from Los Angeles in 2000, where the children grew up and went to school at the French embassy in Moscow.


Yulia Vysotskaya is pregnant with her third child, photo

Who said that age is a hindrance to happiness? Here is 75-year-old director Andron Konchalovsky and his talented wife, 39-year-old Yulia Vysotskaya, TV presenter of a culinary show and wonderful actress, he doesn't touch it at all. The couple is expecting another addition to their already large family.

They learned that Vysotskaya was pregnant with her third child at the Nika 2013 awards ceremony, where Julia, accompanied by her husband, appeared in loose clothes with a rounded belly. Since the TV star was never overweight and her figure was considered by many to be the standard of harmony, it was not difficult to draw the appropriate conclusions.

Moreover, both spouses in the photo looked, although somewhat tired of excessive attention, but very happy.

In the family of Konchalovsky and Vysotskaya, two children have already grown up: daughter Masha, who is already 14, and ten-year-old son Peter. And for the filmmaker this will be the eighth baby.

When will this event happen if no official confirmation has been received? Probably at the end of this year, 2013, but it’s impossible to say for sure. Indeed, despite her popularity, the famous “cooking lady” is very reluctant to talk about her personal life...

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Will Yulia Vysotskaya, Katie Topuria and Anfisa Chekhova become mothers?

January 30 "14 13:25 Comments: 1Russian show business was covered by another wave of baby boom. Following the twins of Diva and Galkin, the world saw the firstborn of actress Kristina Asmus and showman Garik Kharlamov. The information space is already boiling with news about additions to other star families. Incredible the truth about the stars (STB) found out where the truth is and where another fiction of journalists. Anfisa Chekhova with her husbandfacebook.com/pages/Anfisa-Chekhova-Anfisa-Chehova

The press began actively writing about the pregnancy of A-Studio lead singer Katie Topuria at the end of last summer. At that time, the 27-year-old singer was just getting ready to marry Lev Geykhman, who was 12 years older than her. It was then that photographs appeared online in which Katie posing with a noticeably rounded tummy.

However, the intrigue did not last long: a few days later the singer assured the press that she had become the victim of an unsuccessfully tailored dress. “The fact that I’m pregnant is not true. Unfortunately. Well, we’re not in a hurry yet, but why not,” said Katie.

Read also: Anfisa Chekhova went to a clinic in Karelia to lose weight

Already the second pregnancy is attributed to Russian TV presenter Anfisa Chekhova. The press's interest in the star's figure was fueled by a fresh series of photographs of Anfisa in outerwear.

I just put on weight, apparently I ate well New Year", - she exclusively commented on the Incredible Truth about Stars (STB) program about rumors about her interesting position as Chekhov.

Meanwhile, journalists do not stop talking about the pregnancy of actress Yulia Vysotskaya. The press began actively writing about the fact that the famous TV presenter was going to give her 76-year-old husband Andrei Konchalovsky an eighth child back in the spring of last year. Then star couple came to the award ceremony Nika-2013.

Yulia Vysotskaya and Andrey Konchalovskytsn.ua

It was that evening that the paparazzi noticed the slightly rounded belly of the always slender actress. If you believe the media, now Vysotskaya has almost last month before childbirth. For the last four months, Julia and her husband have been constantly with their daughter in a hospital in France, where the girl was injured during an accident. Therefore, no one in Russia saw the actress.

A well-known producer and friend of the Konchalovsky family, who wished to remain anonymous, confirmed Yulia’s pregnancy.

Let us remember that Yulia Vysotskaya published a cookbook and returned to her usual lifestyle after an accident involving her daughter Maria.

Watch online video programs about Andrei Konchalovsky and Yulia Vysotskaya:

When will Vysotskaya go public for the first time after tragic events in the family, watch in today's episode of the program The incredible truth about the stars at 18:20 on TV channel STB.


Maria Konchalovskaya, who was killed in an accident, will soon have a brother

Director Andrei Konchalovsky for the first time publicly commented on the tragedy that hit his family - he was 14 year old daughter, who crashed in a terrible accident in France, is in hospital in in serious condition. Based on Konchalovsky’s post on the social network, we can conclude that things are not going too well for Masha. Meanwhile, the director’s wife, actress Yulia Vysotskaya, is pregnant again...

Famous Russian and Hollywood director Andrei Konchalovsky for the first time commented in public on the tragedy that occurred with his 14-year-old daughter, Maria Konchalovskaya, who received terrible injuries as a result of an accident.

Let us recall that on October 12, 2013, the director and his family were involved in a terrible accident in France. The one who suffered the most in the accident was Masha Konchalovskaya, the eldest child of Andrei Konchalovsky and his wife, actress and TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya. The girl, who was not wearing a seat belt, suffered serious head injuries. Since then, Maria Konchalovskaya has not come out of her coma; her condition remains stable and serious, despite all the efforts of French doctors who are doing everything possible to put the girl on her feet.

Since the day terrible accident thousands of fans write sympathetic comments on social networks addressed to the Konchalovsky family, and now the director responded on his own official page on Facebook.

Konchalovsky responded with a quote from his book “Exalting Deception,” written back in 1999.

"Human optimism is very often associated with the belief that everything is fine and will only get better in the future. It seems to me that optimism should be associated with the fact that things will never be good, but we must live in this and with this. Carry your cross. In This is optimism. You always need to find the strength to live, understanding how far the world and we in it are from perfection...” wrote Konchalovsky.

Judging by the quote, it can be assumed that things are not going too well yet...

Andrei Konchalovsky and his creative team sincerely thanked everyone who showed them support and sympathy during these difficult two months.

“Friends, on behalf of the team of the Andrei Konchalovsky Production Center, we would like to thank you for the words of sympathy that you send to the family at this difficult moment. Your support is very important,” says Andrei Konchalovsky on the official page.

Earlier it was reported that both Andrei Konchalovsky and his wife Yulia Vysotskaya suspended all their creative projects and moved to France for this time to be closer to the hospital where Masha is located.

They spend all their time at the victim’s bedside, while, according to media reports, Yulia Vysotskaya, who besides Maria has a 10-year-old son Peter, is now expecting her third child.

The family of Andrei Konchalovsky had an accident on October 12, exactly 25 years after the death of the director’s mother, writer and artist Natalya Konchalovskaya.

A rented Mercedes, driven by the 76-year-old director himself, unexpectedly flew into oncoming traffic and collided head-on with a car in which an elderly French couple was traveling. Two 80-year-old Frenchmen and Maria Konchalovskaya, who was sitting next to her father and was not wearing a seat belt, were injured in the accident.

The girl, who fell into a coma at the scene of the accident, was taken by helicopter to the hospital; since then, alas, there has been no significant improvement in her condition.

Yulia Vysotskaya is Russian actress, which also leads to the well-known cooking shows, writes books that are dedicated to healthy eating. So we can say with confidence that we have before us a versatile and interesting woman who loves to do what she loves. She always tries to do everything with a smile, be positive, and enjoy life.

She understands that this is important not only for her, but also for those around her, because the audience should receive their dose of positivity while watching her performances. Therefore, Vysotskaya approaches this very responsibly and always creatively. But where did it all begin? How did she even appear on screen? How did it all begin and how did this sweet and simple woman at first glance manage to conquer the world of show business?

Height, weight, age. How old is Yulia Vysotskaya

No one will deny that Julia looks beautiful and it’s not just about her natural abilities. A woman always tries to smile and keep good mood, so her eyes always shine with happiness and satisfaction with her work. If we talk about such aspects as height, weight, age. How old is Yulia Vysotskaya? Here you can answer the following. Today she is already 43 years old, but the actress looks much younger, you can’t argue with that.

Her height is 174 centimeters and her weight is 56 kilograms, so she looks great and is in good shape, both for her age and in general. First of all, she most likely owes it to the fact that she speaks publicly, and, as you know, you can’t look bad on screen. And this is unacceptable for a woman, real woman, should always be the best in everything.

Biography of Yulia Vysotskaya

The biography of Yulia Vysotskaya begins in the small city of Novocherkassk. Her childhood years were spent here, and the girl does not remember her father; he left the family when she was very young. Then, when my mother married someone else, Julia had younger sister, the difference from which is as much as eight years. Her stepfather had a profession that forced her to constantly move from place to place.

Yulia visited many countries and graduated from school in Baku. I also went to music school, but from the very beginning early years, she dreamed of entering a theater university. In the end, when school years left behind, I decided to try my hand. True, I didn’t dare to go to Moscow, so I decided to try myself in Minsk. And then, on the first try, she managed to enter the theater university there.

Vysotskaya’s filmography dates back to when she was a student. She took part in the film “To Go and Never Return,” and claims that the director did not have particularly warm feelings for her, so she did not believe that her time would ever come.

The beginning of the nineties was marked by a good career rise for Vysotskaya. She hosted Belarusian television for three years, namely the program “Bezdelnik”. Then she starred in the anthology “Bewitched,” after which she got a job in the theater, where she performed in a variety of roles. At the same time, she persistently taught English language in order to enter the London Academy of Musical and Dramatic Art, which she eventually succeeded in doing.

This happened in the late nineties. After this, the woman gets the role of a mentally ill patient in a mental hospital. The role was very difficult, but the girl coped with it and showed wonderful results. A year later, she starred in the historical film “The Lion in Winter,” where she played the role of the king’s mistress. Although this role was not very large, it was very functional. It should be noted that both films were directed by her husband Andrei Konchalovsky, but we’ll talk about that later.

Filmography: films starring Yulia Vysotskaya

Along with her film career, the actress did not leave the theater stage, because she loved its stage. She took part in various productions, showed excellent results, and won more and more sympathy from the audience. At the same time, she began hosting cooking shows. One of the first such programs is “Eating at Home,” which she began hosting and soon increased her ratings. After all, there she told TV viewers how to prepare tasty, but at the same time healthy food at home, to make sure that healthy image life was not a burden.

A few years later, she also became the host of the “Breakfast with Yulia Vysotskaya” program, and after some time she was invited to work as editor-in-chief of the “Bread and Salt” magazine. In parallel with this, having gained experience, the woman wrote books about healthy food. Moreover, she published dozens of these same books; now she has about forty copies of such literature, among which is “Cooking for Children.”

Personal life of Yulia Vysotskaya

Yulia Vysotskaya’s personal life is as happy and successful as her career. It is known that she is married to director Andrei Konchalovsky. But here we need to make a digression that she was married before. True, the marriage was fictitious, because the girl was not a citizen of Belarus at that time, because of this she could lose her job and not finish her studies.

Then a native Minsk resident helped her get out of the situation; his name was Anatoly Kot. After the divorce, the couple were still for a long time on friendly terms, Yulia remembers him with gratitude. Then, already free, she entered into marriage with Konchalovsky and met his family. Vysotskaya said that the family of her future husband greeted her warmly and cordially, and with all of them, good relationship, friendly and pleasant. The first daughter was born, Masha, then the son Peter.

Family of Yulia Vysotskaya

Julia Vysotskaya's family today consists of herself, her beloved husband and two also beloved children. She lives happily with her family, continues to act in her husband’s films, and raises children.

Vysotskaya has repeatedly said that family is very important to her, that despite the fact that she has achieved success on the screen, it is very important to have someone to share this success with, so her husband and children play a very important role in this. The actress tries to spend her free time with her family and pays a lot of attention to ensuring that her daughter and son grow up purposeful and hardworking. And she succeeds, because for Vysotskaya nothing is impossible.

Children of Yulia Vysotskaya

The children of Yulia Vysotskaya are hers eldest daughter and son. Their names are Mary and Peter. They were born from a second marriage with Andrei Konchalovsky. For some time the family lived in Los Angeles, but then they realized that they could not live in a foreign country. Therefore, they came back to Moscow, where they had a second child.

Today, Julia’s children have made her a happy mother, who, after working on the screen, rushes home to spend time with her family. Children try to study well because they have in front of them shining example in the form star parents. So, it is quite possible that in the future viewers will see two more good actors or directors who followed in the footsteps of their star parents.

Son of Yulia Vysotskaya - Peter

The son of Yulia Vysotskaya, Peter, is the second child in the family of Vysotskaya and Konchalovsky. He was born in 2003, and the family had already returned to Moscow from Los Angeles. The family realized that they could not live in America, so they decided to return to their homeland again.

Today, Peter is already a teenager, but has not yet thought about following in the footsteps of his mother or father. He still has time to think carefully about who he wants to be in this life. For now, he is simply living the ordinary life of a teenager, albeit more prosperous, receiving from his parents expensive gifts and whatever he wants.

Daughter of Yulia Vysotskaya - Maria

The daughter of Yulia Vysotskaya, Maria, became the first child from the second marriage of Yulia Vysotskaya and Andrei Konchalovsky. She was born in 1999, now adult girl, who can also appear on television. True, nothing concrete has been heard about her yet.

I must say that several years ago, the girl had an accident and fell into a coma for a long time. Doctors even told the parents to prepare for the worst, but the husband and wife believed in the best outcome. As a result, the girl began to recover and is now back to normal life. It is not known whether Maria is going to become an actress or TV presenter, but with such a mother and father, all doors to the world of show business are open to her.

Former husband of Yulia Vysotskaya - Anatoly Kot

Ex-husband Yulia Vysotskaya Anatoly Kot became her first husband, even when the girl was a student. True, the couple did not hide the fact that they got married fictitiously and did not pretend to anything at all. The fact is that at that time Yulia was studying in Minsk, but was not a citizen of Belarus, so she could lose her job and not finish her studies.

Then the honored theater and film actor Anatoly Kot decided to help her and married her. Vysotskaya was grateful to him for this; after the divorce, the couple maintained friendly relations for a very long time. Each of them had their own path, so they said goodbye to each other warmly and continued to build their careers.

Yulia Vysotskaya's husband - Andrei Konchalovsky

Yulia Vysotskaya's husband Andrei Konchalovsky became her second husband, with whom she still lives and raises children. Andrey is a famous director, and in many of his films he films his wife, allowing her to fully realize her potential. It must be said that Konchalovsky is much older than his wife, but this does not prevent them from loving each other, trusting each other and supporting each other.

They build a career together, raise children, free time trying to spend it together. Now, despite his advanced age, my husband still continues to direct films and involve his family in filming. He understands that no matter what his age, he still needs to continue to work, both on himself and on his career.