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The state provides mothers, citizens Russian Federation and for young families a certificate for receiving social assistance - maternity capital. This benefit can only be used at the birth or adoption of the second or subsequent children in the family. In the case where the certificate for the second child was not used, it will be possible to receive a certificate for the third. The rules provide for the same conditions for the birth of twins and triplets.

In some cases, which we will also consider in this article, the use of maternity capital is possible not only by the mother. In addition, it is important to consider that there are no benefits provided for the death of a newborn. However, if the child did not die during childbirth and lived for at least one week, then the mother will receive a certificate for subsequent accrual funds are due. Such state assistance does not apply to the adopted children of the husband.

For many Russian families how to use a certificate for maternity capital - current question. It is important to know who has the right to receive the much-needed certificate, what documents are needed to use maternity capital, where to submit them, what are the conditions and rules for using maternity capital.

Who is eligible to receive?

To begin with, we note that the certificate is awarded to every family that has Russian citizenship, for the birth of a second child. It is important to note that the order and legislative norms allow you to use maternity capital only in cases where the state has not previously provided the family with any social financial assistance. You can receive a certificate only once, for the second child or for one of the subsequent ones, if the family has not exercised its right for the second. This type of state assistance applies to all families, regardless of financial situation, region of residence, social status.

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Who can get itNotes
A woman who gave birth to or adopted a second childOr subsequent children, provided that the maternal certificate was not previously used
A man who is the only adoptive parentAlso provided that the certificate has not previously been obtained
Male, if mother is dead or deprived parental rights In the absence of previously received subsidies and benefits from the state
The child himself, if the parents are deceased or deprived of parental rightsUpon reaching adulthood. In addition, if there is more than one such child, the due amount will be divided equally among all

What documents are needed to use maternity capital?

Before you figure out where and what you can spend public funds on, it is important to know what documents are needed to use maternity capital funds:

  • A written statement from the mother or father (in some cases from an adult child);
  • Personal passport of the applicant (Russian citizenship);
  • Birth certificate of the second or subsequent child (or adoption documents).

As already mentioned, if the child’s mother dies, the right to receive the certificate passes to the child’s legal father. In this case, you will need a death certificate of the spouse or a court decision.

Another important nuance. When both parents of a minor have died, then upon reaching the age of eighteen he can receive a certificate for maternity capital required by law, but only for a limited period. The procedure allows you to receive and spend funds only up to twenty three years. Besides this, prerequisite- full-time training. In order to obtain maternity capital, you will need the following documents:

  • Written statement;
  • Personal passport or birth certificate;
  • Certificate from the educational institution where the applicant is studying;
  • Death certificates of both parents.

Use of maternity capital

Referring to the current legislative norms, we can highlight the purposes for which maternity capital should be used after the certificate has been received:

Permitted by law use of maternity capital not just one thing in full. You can distribute financial assistance in parts, and the remaining money will be indexed every year. Considering maternity capital, the conditions for using state assistance are that funds can only be spent upon achieving a child of three years. However, there are exceptions.

Receipt rules

Since a child’s mother, his father, or the child himself can receive a legal certificate of state assistance, Russian legislation the procedure and rules for determining an eligible citizen are regulated. The legislation also establishes the sequence for receiving financial social assistance;

Federal legislation also establishes the amount of state assistance, which is indexed annually. At the same time, the place of residence, namely the region, does not affect this amount in any way.

How can you use maternity capital to improve your living conditions?

Using maternity capital to improve the living conditions of the family is the preferred position of Russian citizens, and it is most welcomed by the state. This situation is due to the fact that the housing issue today still remains a sensitive topic and not every family is able to afford to buy an apartment or house on their own. As statistics show, more than fifty percent of young families with children spend the funds they receive on housing.

Improving living conditions does not mean carrying out repairs or purchasing any necessary things, but purchasing living space. This could also be the construction of your own residential property. Of course, government assistance cannot fully cover all costs. The certificate allows you to repay only part of them, however, it is still quite significant. Typically this is either down payment when applying for a mortgage, or paying off credit debt.

Whatever the housing, it must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation, otherwise it will not be possible to use maternity capital.

Conditions for using maternity capital for a child’s education

Another, albeit less popular, option where maternity capital can be used is the education sector. In other words, this is payment for educational services, including accommodation in a dormitory and other maintenance. In order to use this option, you must meet some conditions:

Despite the fact that the certificate is issued to the mother and can be used to increase her pension, the use of mat capital for the education of the mother herself is prohibited by law. Speaking of pensions, it is possible to redirect government assistance to management company or to a non-state pension fund at your discretion.

Whichever option is chosen, appropriate documents will be required to report on what the expenses were spent on. financial resources. Despite the fact that they cannot be cashed out and all transfers go through the State Pension Fund.

Child protection and restrictions on what maternity capital can be used for

The purposes for which you can use mat capital are provided for by Russian legislation and you can use the money at your discretion in full meaning this word is impossible. Moreover, inappropriate spending is prosecuted by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation under the article of fraud. Moreover, in lately Quite often, attempts to spend government assistance not for the intended purpose, but regulations have not yet been worked out to perfection. They have gaps and unclear interpretation, which is what some parents take advantage of.

Since cases of cashing out money fraudulently are not isolated, legislative norms undergo periodic changes. For example, one of these was the restriction legal entities and organizations whose loans the state previously repaid. This, in some way, made it possible to narrow the range of fraudulent activities regarding public funds under this program. Parents themselves are also often victims. financial assistance which passes into the hands of such fraudulent organizations.

In any case, it is necessary to remember that the interests of children should be higher than personal ambitions, so you should not look for loopholes in the laws and make fictitious documents, because this is fraught with unjustified consequences.

Maternity capital is budget funds to support families at the birth or adoption of a second, third and subsequent child. In 2018, the amount of payments is 453,026 rubles. You can dispose of this money not as you wish, but in accordance with the law Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 256-FZ (as amended on March 7, 2018).

What can you use funds for?

1. Improving living conditions

  1. Buying a house or apartment. The new property is divided among all family members.
  2. Housing construction using contractors or on your own.
  3. Housing reconstruction. Should be increased total area living space.
  4. Down payment on or other loan to purchase a home. In this case, it is not necessary to wait until the child reaches three years of age.
  5. Repayment of principal or interest on loans for the purchase or construction of housing, including mortgages. From 2018 - excluding Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2018 No. 631 dates of occurrence of credit obligations.
  6. Payment for participation in shared construction or housing cooperatives.

2. Child’s education

  1. Education of children in secondary specialized or higher educational institutions on extra-budgetary places. The order of birth of children does not matter, the main thing is that they are under 25 years old.
  2. Accommodation of a child in a dormitory at an educational institution.
  3. Child care in educational organization, for example, in an extended day group.
  4. Keeping a child in .

3. Mom's pension

Formation of a funded part in old age. Even non-working mothers can invest in non-state pension funds and private management companies.

4. Disabled children

Compensation for the cost of lifts purchased independently, devices for writing in the Braille alphabet, special computers and so on. Scroll Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 30, 2016 No. 831-r of all goods and services intended for social adaptation and integration of disabled children into society is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

5. Monthly cash payments

Cashing out maternity capital is prohibited. But low-income families can receive Federal Law “On monthly payments to families with children” dated December 28, 2017 N 418-FZ money from maternity capital in cash or on a card, provided that the second child was born (adopted) after January 1, 2018.

Payment is monthly. Size depends on child living wage in the region. You can receive “replenishment” from maternity capital until the child is one and a half years old.

One-time payments in the amount of 25 thousand rubles are no longer provided.

What you can’t spend maternity capital on

  1. Purchase land plot. Even for the construction of a family nest.
  2. Buying or building a summer house.
  3. Home renovation. Not to be confused with reconstruction. We are talking about wallpaper, linoleum and other “decorations”.
  4. Buying a car. With the exception of some regional maternity capital programs.
  5. Purchase household appliances.
  6. Repayment of consumer loans and other debts.
  7. Education of parents, as well as payment for children’s clubs and sections.
  8. Treatment of any family member.
  9. Vacation. Even for the health of children at sea.

Family capital is a huge support for the majority of Russian citizens. Families with two, three or more children are entitled to a payment in the amount of 453,026 rubles. Let's figure out what procedure for using maternity capital is established in the Russian Federation.

The conditions and procedure for using funds allocated from the federal budget are carefully regulated by law.

In particular, it defines:

  • The impossibility of cashing out funds paid from the state budget to help families.
  • Possibility of full or partial withdrawal of capital - the remaining amount continues to be kept in an account with the Pension Fund.
  • Usage budget funds allowed only in strictly established areas.

Remember that any dubious “services” for cashing out family capital are provided only by scammers.

What to spend maternity capital on in 2019?

According to Pension Fund statistics, about 92% of citizens involved in the program spent the allocated budget funds on improving their living conditions. Another 4% spend money on education, caring about the future of their children.

Over the years of the program, aimed at supporting families with children, more than 8,500,000 mothers and fathers who applied received payments.

What can you spend maternity capital on in 2019:

  • receiving a one-time payment (as an anti-crisis measure until the end of 2016, this basis is temporarily not valid);
  • improving the living conditions of family members (purchase of real estate, construction or reconstruction of a house);
  • the child receives a quality education and pays for the services of private preschool educational institutions;
  • repayment of previously issued mortgage loan or making a down payment under a loan agreement;
  • formation of future pension payments for the mother (a relatively new and not yet widespread area).

We propose to consider the features of each of the above points.

One-time payment

It will not be possible to receive a lump sum payment of maternity capital in 2019. Early legislation provided for the possibility of registering it, but only to pay off the current expenses of a family with two or more children.

Using this method, it was necessary to draw up an application and send it for consideration to the Pension Fund branch. The payment amount is 20,000 rubles (in 2009 - 12,000 rubles, in 2016 -25,000 rubles). The expenditure of funds was not controlled by government agencies.

To submit an application, you did not have to wait three years from the date of birth (adoption) of the child. Funds could only be requested once. If the Pension Fund approved the application, then non-cash funds were withdrawn to the applicant’s bank account.

Mat capital for the purchase of housing

The funds paid to the family from the federal budget can be used to purchase new housing - an apartment or a private house. An important condition is imposed on the selected residential premises - it must be located within the borders of Russia, i.e. it will not be possible to purchase real estate in one of the other states.

In a standard purchase and sale transaction, not only the seller and the buyer, but also the Pension Fund will take part. He is obligated to transfer funds from the family capital to the seller within 2 months from the date of conclusion of the agreement between the parties.

Acquisition of a share

Another way to use maternity capital for up to 3 years is to purchase a share in an apartment or private house, as well as buy a room.


  • The acquisition of a share of residential real estate from relatives (for example, from the parents of a spouse) is permitted - the transaction will be carried out on a general basis.
  • If, as a result of the redemption of part of the housing, the Certificate holder becomes its sole owner, then the former owner must be discharged.
  • The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation strongly does not recommend purchasing shares of real estate from the second spouse (in practice, such transactions are carried out to cash out maternity capital).

As for the room, you can buy any living space. The main thing is that it is not recognized as official and is not located in the hostel. If the allocated funds are not enough to purchase a share, then apply for a loan for preferential terms in a bank under maternity capital.

Construction of a house

The construction of a house at the expense of maternal capital can be carried out independently or with the help of contractors. If a contractor is hired to carry out construction work, a contract is submitted to the Pension Fund. Non-cash funds will be transferred to the company's account.

If all construction work is carried out independently, then funds are received in stages:

  1. 1/2 of the amount is paid before the start of construction. You must submit a certificate of land ownership and a work permit to the Pension Fund.
  2. The remaining funds will be paid six months from the date when construction work is confirmed.

Mortgage repayment

The use of maternity capital when purchasing an apartment is allowed to repay the issued mortgage loan - the principal debt and interest accrued on it. The main thing is that the mortgage is obtained from a bank and not from an MFO.

Immediately after issuing the Maternity Capital Certificate, you can visit the bank to draw up a loan agreement and make the first payment using family capital or use it to pay off debt. There is no need to wait until the child is 3 years old.

Tuition fees

Use mat. capital the family has the right to pay for the child’s education. The category of education does not matter - preschool, primary or secondary. The introduction of this direction ensures the availability of quality education.

Upon completion schooling The funds remaining in the account with the Pension Fund can be used to pay for the child’s stay in the hostel.

For retirement

The use of maternity capital is allowed to form future pension payments for the mother. However, Russians, as before, do not use this direction to spend budget funds (only 0.2% of participating citizens redirected payments to accumulate pensions).

State support for families and stimulation of fertility is used in many countries where the demographic situation leaves much to be desired. For Russia, this topic is doubly relevant: large area and low population density predispose to an increase in the Russian population through the introduction of incentive programs. The most important such program, since 2007, is for maternity capital at the birth of a child.

The opinions of the expert community on the long-term impact of the policy of subsidizing with the help of maternity capital differ. Some experts believe that maternity capital is received mainly by families in which the birth rate is fine without it. Others point out that rising birth rates in low-income social groups, will lead to the emergence of social “distortions” in the future. Government officials report a rapid increase in the birth rate - this is the only fact that does not cause debate.

In accordance with Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006, maternity capital is an additional measure to support families with children and is provided once to the following categories of Russian citizens:

  • Women who have given birth (adopted) a second or any subsequent child.
  • Men who are the sole adoptive parents of a second or any subsequent child.

It is important to note that the maternity capital certificate can only be obtained once. For example, having received a certificate after the birth (adoption) of a second child, it is impossible to obtain a certificate at the birth (adoption) of a third and subsequent children.

An indirect possibility of obtaining a certificate for maternity capital may be the transfer of the right to it:

  • , if a woman (mother) was deprived of parental rights to a child, the appearance of which led to the issuance of a certificate, or to a previous child who was taken into account in the queue, or as a result of the woman’s death. In this case, the father may not be a Russian citizen.
  • To a child (or children in equal shares), if the father (or single mother) was deprived of parental rights to the child, the appearance of which led to the issuance of a certificate, or to the previous child, who was taken into account in the queue, or as a result of the death of the father, or if the father did not have the right to maternal capital (for example, if the first child in the family was not his own).

It should be noted that the age of the first child in the family does not matter. Even in cases where the first child is an adult, the birth of a second child primarily creates the mother’s right to maternity capital.

Maternity capital is not subject to any taxes.

Deadline for applying for a certificate

Certificates for maternity capital are issued by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or through multifunctional centers for the provision of public services by writing an application. There is no time limit for applying for a certificate. This can be done at any time after the occurrence of the event giving rise to the right to receive it.

The decision to issue a certificate is made by the Pension Fund within a month from the date of receipt of the application. During this time, fund officials check the information provided in the submitted documents. Within five days after the decision is made, the applicant is notified that the certificate is ready.

Terms for disposing of funds

It is possible to dispose of maternity capital three years after the birth (adoption) of the child with whom the certificate was received.

An exceptional case Repayment of debt and interest under a credit or loan agreement for the acquisition (construction) of an isolated residential premises is recognized. For this purpose, maternity capital can be spent at any time. Purchase and sale agreement with installments of residential premises from individual does not fall into this category.

Targeted use of maternity capital funds

Maternity capital can be used for several purposes.

Improving living conditions

This area of ​​using maternity capital is the most in demand. It includes:

  • Construction of residential premises.
  • Purchase of residential premises.
  • Construction or reconstruction of individual housing.
  • Fulfillment of obligations on housing loans or borrowings.

The implementation of this targeted use of maternity capital has some limitations:

  • Improvement of living conditions should take place within Russia. It is prohibited to buy an apartment abroad with maternity capital.
  • Maternity capital cannot be used to purchase land or a plot of land (for example, for construction).
  • Maternity capital cannot be used for repairs or reconstruction of residential premises (apartments).
  • The law does not provide for the use of maternity capital to acquire shares in the right of common shared ownership.

Children's education

Maternity capital can be spent on the education of one or more children in an educational institution of any level and direction. In this case:

  • Educational institution(school, including art schools, technical schools, universities, kindergartens) must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • The child must be no more than 25 years old at the start of training.

In addition to paying directly for educational services, maternity capital can be used to pay for expenses associated with obtaining an education: for example, to pay for living in a dormitory, and in the absence of a dormitory, to pay for renting an apartment.

Formation of the funded part of the child’s mother’s pension

Maternity capital funds can be used to create maternal pension savings. If a woman has not made a decision on the use of maternity capital, she can take into account maternity capital funds when assigning her a funded pension.

This target direction is not provided for men who have adopted children, as well as those who received the right to maternity capital in the order of transition from a woman.

Use of capital for several purposes

Maternity capital funds can be used on a multi-purpose basis:

  • Part of the funds is aimed at solving housing problems.
  • Part is for the education of children.
  • Part is for pension savings.

Maternity capital can be divided in any ratio. After each stage of using maternity capital funds, the Pension Fund notifies the holder of the certificate about the balance cash.

What documents are required to obtain maternity capital?

The set of documents required for receiving and disposing of maternity capital funds depends on the purpose of its direction. Regardless of the purpose of the referral, a statement on the disposal of maternity capital funds is mandatory.

Construction or reconstruction of individual housing:

  • Copies of documents confirming ownership (lease, gratuitous fixed-term use) of the land on which construction is to be carried out.
  • Copies of construction permits or copies of the certificate of ownership of individual housing during reconstruction.
  • A written obligation to register residential premises built (reconstructed) with the help of maternity capital funds, in common property all family members, including spouse and children.

Construction or purchase of an isolated residential premises (apartment):

  • Copies of the purchase and sale agreement, certificate of registration of ownership.
  • Copy loan agreement, if the premises are purchased on credit.
  • A written obligation to register the apartment as the common property of all family members if the ownership is not registered.

Maternity capital is financial assistance provided to a family at the birth of a second, third, fourth child (children). The size of this payment is clearly defined by the state and is currently equal to 453 thousand rubles.

Financial assistance is issued in the form of a certificate according to which non-cash funds are used for their intended purpose. This article describes in detail what maternity capital can be spent on.

The certificate is issued to parents who have two or more children, but this does not mean that it belongs to a specific child. This is a help to the whole family and should be used in accordance with the interests of each member.

For what purposes is maternity capital used?

When receiving a certificate, it is important to know how to use it correctly. In accordance with the amendments and additions made to the law on maternal capital, starting from 2016, four target areas have been identified for which funds are spent:

  • Payment for services in the field of education.
  • Improving existing living conditions.
  • Costs for social adaptation and treatment of disabled children under 3 years of age. The list of costs has been approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • Mom's funded pension.

Funds from the maternity capital certificate are used in one of the possible directions, or a combination of them.

You can cash out part of the maternity capital funds in the amount of 25,000 rubles. This one-time payment is issued after submitting a corresponding application to the Pension Fund or any MFC.

Maternity capital - for mother's pension

The mother can take advantage of the opportunity to send maternity capital funds to the pension fund branch. In this way, the funded part of her pension will be formed. All you need is an application. For a woman, such a decision will become reasonable - when calculating length of service Caring for multiple children does not always receive full credit.

Before reaching retirement age, the mother can withdraw the application at any time and use the funds for other purposes.

According to statistics, this direction is the least popular - only 1% of certificate holders use it.

Using this method of managing financial assistance has the following advantages:

  • Increase in old age pension payments.
  • An increase in the amount of capital due to the investment activities of the Pension Fund, without taking into account annual inflation.

Such an expenditure of capital would be a suitable option for unemployed women with several children.

How to use funds to buy a home

Improving housing conditions is the most common option for spending maternity capital. It is chosen in more than 90% of cases.

You can realize the opportunity to improve your living conditions by using the certificate as follows:

When constructing a residential building, it is possible to pay off expenses in the following cases:

  • If the work is carried out construction organization according to the contract.
  • In case of construction on your own. At the request of the certificate owner, an amount of no more than 50% of the capital is transferred to his account. The remainder is transferred after six months. To do this, you need to present documents confirming the start of construction work.

It is possible to use maternity capital to pay off a mortgage. Legally, this can be done as follows:

  • Pay off the debt under the loan agreement.
  • Pay off interest on the loan.
  • Pay the down payment on a loan, loan, or mortgage.

An undoubted advantage of this direction is the possibility of spending capital funds without waiting for the child to be three years old.

Use for child's education

To use maternity capital in this direction, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Child age: from 3 to 25 years.
  2. The educational institution must be accredited and located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Transfer of funds is possible both to public and private educational institutions. There is only one caveat - you must submit an application at least 6 months before the start of the sale of funds.

Educational services that can be paid for using maternity capital:

  • Participation in accredited state educational programs.
  • Visiting sports sections.
  • Payment for accommodation in a university dormitory.
  • The child is in educational institutions where supervision is provided (nursery, kindergarten).
  • Studying at a higher educational institution.
  • Studying at a music and art school.
  • Attending language courses.

It is important to remember that in any direction of using maternity capital, funds can be spent either fully or partially.

For what purposes can maternity capital not be spent?

The intended use of maternity capital funds is strictly defined and regulated by law: Federal law No. 256 of December 29, 2006 “On additional measures state support families with children." The areas listed in the law are exhaustive:

  • Purchasing a car. The car is in no way connected with any legal option for selling maternity capital.
  • Purchase of a summer house, land plot. Neither the first nor the second will literally improve the family’s living conditions: it is impossible to live in a dacha all year round, and construction on the site is unlikely to be completed quickly.
  • Home renovation (apartments, houses). Since repairs, even major ones, do not solve the problem housing issue, then maternity capital funds cannot be spent on it.
  • Consumer loan. Maternity capital funds are used only to repay a targeted loan for the purchase of housing. It will not be possible to take out any other loan against a maternity capital certificate for the purchase of household appliances or home repairs. Even if the funds from a consumer loan are spent on purchasing a home, this will have to be proven in court, which will take a lot of time and effort.

When deciding where to spend maternity capital funds, it is important to remember that the choice is limited by the above points. Despite the State Duma considering other options for using capital, the list remains unchanged. A different disposal of regional maternity capital funds is possible, but such an opportunity is not available in all regions of the country.