Evgeny Tsyganov with his wife Irina Leonova. Evgeny Tsyganov left his pregnant wife and six children for new love? Son of Evgeny Tsyganov - Andrey Tsyganov

Incredibly talented Russian actor Evgeny Tsyganov enjoys unprecedented fame among domestic film fans. The list of films in which Evgeniy starred is simply impressive; at the same time, he played the role of completely different types of heroes, each time giving his best. film set to the maximum.

As soon as an actor appears on screens or on a theater stage, acting skills are immediately felt the highest level, talent and charisma. Interestingly, the actor is becoming more and more in demand over the years, and his schedule is even busier.

Height, weight, age. How old is Evgeny Tsyganov

As you know, Evgeny Tsyganov is a very popular Russian theater and film actor, as well as a musician and producer, which is why any news from the actor’s life is discussed by the press and many fans. Curiosity about his height, weight, and age is no exception. How old is Evgeniy Tsygankov - information is publicly available. In a few days he will turn 39 years old. The actor’s height is 170 cm, weight – 72 kg.

A man in his prime, so to speak, with age he has only become more courageous and attractive, which is often noted by his many fans. As a public figure, it is very important to monitor appearance, which is what Evgeny Tsyganov does. Photos from his youth are still quite often viewed on the Internet.

Biography and personal life of Evgeny Tsyganov

Evgeny Tsyganov is a Muscovite. Mother - Lyubov Viktorovna Tsyganova, father - Eduard Evgenievich Tsyganova, sister - Irina Tsyganova. Art attracted Evgeny Tsyganov, as became known with early childhood. Despite the fact that his parents were far from creativity and were engaged in scientific development, Evgeniy nevertheless chose his own path.

Since Evgeniy came to his parents in quite mature age, then he was often allowed to do whatever he wanted, given him a lot of freedom and the right to choose his future profession, hobbies. At the call of his heart, Evgeny Tsyganov graduated from music school and at the age of 14 became a member of a rock band. After 4 years, the group broke up.

Filmography: films starring Evgeny Tsyganov

In addition to music, Evgeny Tsyganov was very interested in theater. Almost 30 years ago, Evgeniy made his first debut on the theater stage, then he played a child’s role. Unfortunately, the boy became disillusioned with his hobby, having witnessed behind-the-scenes drunkenness and swearing.

Over time, the actor returns to the theater stage, playing on the Taganka stage with the most famous Russian actors.

The biography and personal life of Evgeny Tsyganov as a film actor began with the film “The Collector”.

The actor himself did not expect success in film work, but his rich filmography says otherwise: “ Brest Fortress", "Peter FM", "Thaw", "Children of Arbat" and many others.

Family and children of Evgeniy Tsyganov

The actor is not willing to share details from his personal life. The family and children of Evgeniy Tsyganov are often discussed online, especially after the divorce. The first wife is Irina Leonova, an actress. Over ten years of marriage, they had seven children. Unfortunately, the family broke up at a time when Irina Leonova was still carrying her seventh child under her heart. There were rumors that the marriage broke up due to new love actor - actress Yulia Snigir. The public of the actor with many children for such a vile act, because his wife left her career and devoted herself to her family, giving birth to seven children.

Now he is married to actress Yulia Snigir, they are raising a son, who was born in 2016.

Son of Evgeny Tsyganov - Nikita Tsyganov

In 2006, the first son of Evgeny Tsyganov was born - Nikita Tsyganov, who was born shortly after his sister. The actor asked his wife not to work, because he believed that the main thing for a woman is having children. Naturally, in addition to birth, he wanted his children from his mother best care and care, which is incompatible with acting career.

Irina agreed, later becoming a mother of many children. There are photographs of the Tsyganov family on the Internet, but due to the busyness of the father, there is practically no father in the photo. Unfortunately, the actor found time for new passion, leaving the family.

Son of Evgeny Tsyganov - Andrey Tsyganov

The third child, the son of Evgeny Tsyganov, is Andrey Tsyganov. This boy appeared in the Tsyganov family in 2009. The fact that the couple decided to have three children proved love and family idyll. But few could imagine that the birth of four more would not ultimately save the marriage.

Irina Leonova turned out to be not just an actress, but a person who loves children very much, because mother of many children– it is rather a calling that is not given to everyone. The father, while still part of the family, worked, not refusing any offers, because supporting three children is not a cheap pleasure.

Son of Evgeny Tsyganov - Georgy Tsyganov

Another child, the son of Evgeny Tsyganov, Georgy Tsyganov, was born 4 years ago. Seven has become even more. Until recently, the family of actors had 2 daughters and four sons. Now, they have become even more fun.

Evgeniy Tsyganov all free time devoted himself to work to provide for his family, and his wife Irina plunged headlong into maternal concerns. But, despite all the difficulties that can arise for couples with many children, from the outside, the spouses seemed happy, and no one could even think about their breakup.

Son of Evgeny Tsyganov - Fedor Tsyganov

Yulia Snigir’s first-born was the son of Evgeny Tsyganov, Fedor Tsyganov. He was born in 2016, to newly-made lovers. For the sake of Yulia Snigir, the actor left his first wife Irina Leonova with seven children in her arms. It is known that Evgeny Tsyganov did not abandon the children from his first marriage, periodically maintains contact with them, but due to his heavy workload and constant filming, he rarely visits them.

The actor met his new wife on the set. By the way, the birth of Yulia’s first child was not so rosy, the birth went through some difficulties, but the baby was born healthy.

Daughter of Evgeny Tsyganov - Polina Tsyganova

The first child from his marriage with Irina Leonova, the daughter of Evgeny Tsyganov, is Polina Tsyganova. This is the long-awaited firstborn. The parents were incredibly happy about their daughter, especially Irina, who could not have children with her first husband for a long time. The arrival of a child in the family further strengthened family ties, Irina and Evgeniy have become even more closer friend friend, even dearer.

Many noticed that the members of the Tsyganov family had sparkling eyes with happiness. At that time, Polina did not know that very soon she would have many brothers and sisters.

Daughter of Evgeny Tsyganov - Sofia Tsyganova

The second daughter of Evgeny Tsyganov, Sofia Tsyganova, was born in 2010. Polina was already 5 years old at that time, which means she could help her mother a little with babysitting her newborn sister. Managing four children was quite difficult, but bearable.

The father and head of the family was incredibly happy, because what else is needed for happiness if there is a beautiful and smart wife who gave four healthy child. Irina was already a little exhausted, but she was happy and took care of her children with the affection and love inherent in mothers.

Daughter of Evgeny Tsyganov - Vera Tsyganova

Despite the fact that his wife Irina Leonova became pregnant with her seventh child, this did not stop the actor from starting a relationship with another woman, which Irina also became aware of. In 2015, another daughter of Evgeniy Tsyganov was born - Vera Tsyganova, who did not yet understand that she would have to grow up in a family without a father.

This year the official divorce of Irina Leonova and Evgeny Tsyganov took place. At first, the actor carefully hid who his new lover, but after breaking up with Irina, he stopped hiding his girlfriend Yulia Snigir.

The ex-wife of Evgeny Tsyganov - Irina Leonova

The ex-wife of Evgeny Tsyganov is Irina Leonova. When Evgeny Tsyganov met Irina Leonova, she was married to actor Igor Petrenko. The young people liked each other, which led to a whirlwind romance. As a result, the actress divorced her first husband and married Evgeniy Tsyganov. Very soon the first child appeared in the family - daughter Polina.

At the insistence of her husband, Irina left acting to devote yourself to raising a child. The couple did not stop at the birth of their daughter. Almost every year there were more and more of them. But when Irina was carrying Tsyganov’s seventh child, she learned about her husband’s relationship with another woman.

Evgeny Tsyganov's wife - Yulia Snigir

The second wife of Evgeny Tsyganov is Yulia Snigir. The acquaintance took place on the set, passion flared up between the young people. Evgeny Tsyganov and Yulia Snigir were already in a relationship, although the actor had not yet divorced, and his wife Irina was expecting their seventh child. Soon, Evgeny Tsyganov and Irina Leonova divorced. No one could believe that Evgeniy Tsyganov left his wife. Latest news their breakup shocked the public and the public. Most of all, people felt sympathy for his ex-wife, since she was left alone with seven children in her arms.

The actor tries to help his first wife support their seven children, but he now has a child from his second marriage, which also requires expenses. So it is the popular actor Evgeny Tsyganov who is now busy with a permanent income. Photos with his wife and children from his first wife are very rare, because he does not visit them often.

Instagram and Wikipedia Evgeniy Tsyganov

Is there an Instagram and Wikipedia for Evgeniy Tsyganov? IN social networks the actor is not registered, photographs can only be found those circulating on the Internet, taken by journalists or paparazzi. Information about the actor’s family and career is on Wikipedia. His detailed filmography and merits and achievements as a film and theater actor are indicated there.

Today, Evgeny Tsyganov is a very popular actor, as well as a happy family man and father of eight children. The actor actively takes part in various film shoots and at the same time works in the theater. Article found on alabanza.ru

Both Evgeniy and Irina do not like to discuss their personal lives and rarely give interviews. Appear in public only in cases of urgent need.

So, recently Irina performed on the stage of the Concert Hall. Tchaikovsky. The actress and all her seven children, including her very little daughter Vera, who will soon be two years old, sang “Lullaby.” The video went viral and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Internet users expressed their admiration not only for the lyrical performance and the gentle voice of the actress, but also for Irina herself as a mother of many children. In their comments, they supported Leonova and wished her personal happiness.

"Irina, you beautiful woman, you are a woman, of course, you are a mother of seven children, but you are so beautiful! I didn’t expect that you have such an interesting voice and performance - it, as they say, touches the soul! I wish you interesting and the right man, big house, success in creativity, so that you receive a prestigious film or theater award, just shine!”

“Irochka, you are a great fellow! Health, strength, patience, courage, more work, enough money for your big family. Children, be proud of your mother! Ira, talented actress and singer, low bow to you.”

It should be noted that the mother of many children is admired not only by strangers, but also by people who know her well. Actress Maria Poroshina, for example, said that she was simply amazed at how skillfully Irina Leonova copes with all her children.

// Photo: performance frame/youtube.com

“Ira, like an octopus, manages to straighten everyone’s clothes and comb their hair. And at the same time, calmly, clearly, like a radar, it really snatches out of all this noise necessary information. But Ira works successfully: she plays at the Maly Theater!” - Maria noted.

Irina Leonova returned to active work last year; she plays a lot in her native Maly Theater and teaches acting. The actress moved from the four-room apartment where she lived with Yevgeny Tsyganov and the children - everything there reminds her of her former common-law husband.

Tsyganov, who is happy with Yulia Snigir, continues to actively act in film. The actor supports all his children financially and quite often communicates with them, takes part in their upbringing, as he himself admitted in a recent interview with the Dozhd TV channel.

“Sometimes you have to force it on a child, you ask: “What about music, and shall we do painting?” I have a hard time with violence and I can’t handle children for something... This is probably my problem. I can’t be a completely strict dad who will push them somewhere, drag them, and so on. I'm talking, we're trying to come to an agreement. Sometimes there is a feeling that you are not very well received, but you always hope that you get it emotionally!”

Irina Leonova is forced to agree to any part-time job

To feed seven children, Irina Leonova is forced to agree to any part-time job

For a whole year, fans of Evgeny TSYGANOV have been closely following not only his work, but also his personal life. Family drama, developing in full view of the whole country, is worse than any soap opera. The popular actor left common-law wife Irina LEONOVA with seven children for the sake of Yulia SNIGIR, who in March of this year gave the “Thaw” star another child. It would seem that in this whole story the devil himself would break his leg, but we tried to figure out how the abandoned Tsyganov family still survives.

Life in a four-room apartment on Leninsky Prospekt, which Tsyganov shortly before leaving the family, I bought it with the assistance of native Theater Fomenko, seethes around the clock.

Day Irina Leonova starts at five in the morning: she gets up first to prepare breakfast for the children, and then takes them to school and kindergarten. The youngest - two-year-old son Georgiy and one-year-old daughter Varechka - have to be taken with them: there is simply no one to leave them with.

At lunchtime, when the older children return home, the mother of many children leaves for work (most recently Leonova returned to the Maly Theater, from where she went on maternity leave for 12 years). Artistic director Yuri Solomin nobly supported the actress and gave her one of the main roles in the play “King Lear.” True, until the production is released, Irina is forced to sit on a “bare” salary - this is about 50 thousand rubles a month. Agree, for a horde of children - it’s not enough. Of course, the “heroine mother” also receives help from the state - six and a half thousand (allowance for caring for two children under three years old) plus 750 rubles in compensation for each child. Total - a little more than 18 thousand.

Of course, Leonova is entitled to other payments. For example, five thousand rubles per purchase school clothes or 900 rubles each for the purchase of children's goods. As well as free travel on public transport, meals for children at school and kindergarten. In addition, she can receive some medications free of charge. But it is impossible to take advantage of everything without visiting the authorities where you need to collect all the necessary certificates. And this also takes a lot of time.

“Irochka counts every penny,” Leonova’s neighbor Lyudmila Pavlovna told us. - She buys groceries from an economy-class store and mainly on special offers. He doesn’t go to beauty salons and doesn’t spoil himself with outfits. Children wear out each other’s clothes; I have never seen them have expensive toys. When Ira’s husband left, it was scary to look at her - she constantly walked around with tear-stained eyes. And now, as I returned to the theater, I walked away a little, and perked up. Now she also takes part-time work - tutoring, and the other day she returned very late from some literary readings.

According to the neighbor, Irina still continues to love Tsyganov, despite his vile betrayal with Yulia Snigir.

I think that’s why she doesn’t complain about him much, although it’s unlikely that he helps her very much. I saw Zhenya here at most five times in all the time. His parents even come there more often - in the summer they take the children to their dacha. I once asked Tsyganov’s mother if they were babysitting their eighth grandson, Snigir’s son, but she replied that other grandparents, Yulia’s parents, were looking after him.

Close friends of the once happy married couple they are also perplexed: how did it happen that the sought-after Tsyganov (the actor is currently starring in several projects at once, plays in the theater, and in addition also performs in nightclubs with his group “Pokka Pret”), whose fee is about 200 thousand per day of filming, left his ex-wife and seven children without significant support?

In Moscow, the son of SNIGIR and TSYGANOV lives with his grandmother, Yulia’s mother, but sometimes the actors take Fedya with them to the set. Photo: “Komsomolskaya Pravda - Pskov”

It is also surprising that his beloved Yulia Snigir was forced to go to work almost immediately after giving birth - there was no time, they say, to sit on maternity leave.

Yulia pays for a rented apartment for her mother, who left her job and moved to Moscow to look after little Fedya,” friend Snigir shared with us. - Plus the child needs a lot of things. Fortunately, the apartment in which Yulia lives with Zhenya is fully paid for by Tsyganov. They have separate budgets, so no one knows what he spends his money on. Maybe he’s investing in his own group, or saving up for something.

His debts are heavy

Tsyganov has been banned from traveling abroad for a year now because he cannot pay off his debts to the state. On the bailiffs website, the actor has 13 fines (mostly for violating the rules traffic) for a total amount of about 27 thousand rubles.

Actor Evgeny Eduardovich Tsyganov is a native Muscovite. He was born on March 15, 1979. Already now he is the owner of several very prestigious awards and film awards. No one in the family had anything to do with art, much less was a representative of the acting profession. The guy’s parents worked at the Titan Research Institute. It was there that they met. Mom and Dad developed very powerful microwave devices that were intended for air defense systems. No one would have thought that a child would be drawn to art from childhood. Evgeny Tsyganov's wife gave birth to seven children, but this did not save their marriage from collapse.

In the photo: Evgeny Tsyganov

In addition to Zhenya, the family also brought up older sister Irina. The future actor was a rather late child, so his parents allowed him almost everything. He attended music school, which he graduated with great success. At the age of 14, Tsyganov joined the music group, which played on Arbat. After 4 years, the talented young man moved to the group “Grenki”, which plays in the Britpop direction. They not only played in prestigious clubs. But they even managed to record an album. After some time, public interest in the group began to subside, so in 2004 the group disbanded.

In addition to music, Evgeniy was very fond of theater. Since childhood, he has been a participant in productions for the youngest spectators. The talented boy was invited to perform children's roles at the Taganka Theater. His peers watched cartoons while the future star was already playing in very serious performances. The roles were very minor, but they gave the future actor not only tremendous experience, but also useful contacts. Nevertheless, the behind-the-scenes theater life did not impress Tsyganov and he made a serious decision to leave the theater stage and never connect his life with the acting profession.

No matter how strange it may sound, Evgeniy was expelled from school for poor academic performance. I had to go to film school and learn the profession of a cameraman. Many directors continued to praise Tsyganov’s acting talent and advised him to enter Shchukinskoye. Perhaps he would have made a good operator, but the guy gave in to persuasion. He was not a student at this university for long: a year later he took the documents and submitted them to GITIS for the directing department. It was here that a fateful meeting took place with Pyotr Fomenko, who helped change a lot in the fate of this talented guy.

Ex-wife Irina Leonova, relationship history

Evgeniy is a very charismatic guy who has always enjoyed success with representatives of the opposite sex. While still a student, he began a relationship with a girl who was younger than him. It was the beautiful Olga Stashkevich. Even the fact that she was taller did not hinder their relationship young man by as much as 10 cm. This continued until 2004, when Zhenya met actress Irina Leonova. It was she who became a truly dear and close person for the artist. The couple met while working on the film “Children of the Arbat”.

In the photo: Evgeny Tsyganov with his daughters

Some time later, Zhenya and Ira got married. It should be noted that at the time of meeting the woman was already officially married to at least famous actor Igor Petrenko. Their relationship was quite tense due to the lack of children. As soon as he appeared on the threshold new lover, Leonova divorced. But the hardest thing is to break up with ex-lover Olga was worried. The girl still does not want to discuss her relationship with Tsyganov.

In the photo: ex-wife of Evgeniy Tsyganov with children

After the wedding, Evgeny and Irina began to live in a house in the capital. They had seven children. Leonova left her career in order to take care of family affairs and her husband. But Evgeniy turned out to be not so devoted. As a result, he left his wife and 7 children and left for another woman.

Why did Evgeny Tsyganov leave his wife?

Many are interested in the reasons for the divorce of Leonova and Tsyganov. Until recently, the artist did not give any comments on this matter and refused to discuss his relationship with the woman he once loved. It is known that when Ira was pregnant with her seventh child, her husband had a new relationship on the side. Immediately after the birth of the baby, he left his family. Friends say that the guy simply could not stand the frantic pace of life. After all, he had to work and then return to the house, where there was almost never peace and quiet: the children frolicked, cried, and screamed all the time. Maybe his psyche simply couldn’t stand it.

In the photo: Evgeny Tsyganov and Irina Leonova

Children of Evgeny Tsyganov and Irina Leonova.

Irina gave birth to her first child in 2005. It was daughter Polina. In total, three daughters and four sons were born in the family. The girls were named Polina, Sofia, Vera, and the boys Nikita, Andrey, Alexander, Georgy. It’s too early to say whether they will follow in their parents’ footsteps or choose other professions. Evgeniy tries, whenever possible, to help his ex-wife not only financially, but also to assist in raising children. Despite the presence new family, the artist does not give up on the kids and is ready to do everything to ensure that they grow up happy and do not need anything.

In the photo: ex-wife Evgeniy Tsyganov with their newborn daughter

New wife Yulia Snigir

While still married, Evgeniy began having an affair with a very attractive actress Yulia Snigir. It was these relationships that served as the reason for Evgeny Tsyganov and his wife Irina to divorce. However, the artist is in no hurry to formalize his relationship with his new lover. And this even despite the fact that in 2016 she gave birth to his son Fyodor. The couple does not stop working actively, starring in films and TV series. It is clear that in this situation it is very difficult to pay due attention to the child. Neither Zhenya nor Yulia are going to sacrifice their careers for the sake of their family. For now, work comes first for them.

In the photo: Evgeny Tsyganov with ex-wife

Evgeniy and Yulia do not comment on the fact whether they are going to legalize their relationship and whether they plan to have more children. They simply live together only because they feel good and comfortable. Evgeniy also does not comment on his relationship with his ex-wife Irina after the divorce. What is known is that he takes part in raising his own children whenever possible. Maybe Leonova still loves ex-spouse and if given the opportunity, she could forgive him. But will the hero-lover want to renew the relationship again and return to the family, or will he prefer an unofficial marriage with beautiful girl? Who knows, but in any case, one of Evgeniy’s children will be raised in a single-parent family and experience a lack of paternal attention.

In the photo: Evgeny Tsyganov with his wife

Now Evgeniy is engaged not only in his acting career. The guy staged the play on the theater stage of the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop, which was a success. In addition, he performed on the stage of the famous festival “Invasion 2017” together with the group POKAPRET. The artist develops as a versatile personality and each time performs in front of fans in a new role.

In the photo: Evgeny Tsyganov and Yulia Snigir

In the photo: Evgeny Tsyganov and Olga Stashkevich