How many children should a heroine mother have? Rules for receiving the “Mother Heroine” award and the “Parental Glory” order. Became a heroine mother of many children.

In 1944, it became clear to everyone that the outcome of the war was a foregone conclusion, and it would end in victory Soviet weapons. But over the course of several years of the Second World War, a lot of our fellow citizens, mostly men, died. To encourage women who support and raise several children, the Government of our country has established several awards. Among them is the Order of “Mother - Heroine”.

The establishment of the order took place on 07/08/1944 by Decree of the PVS. Simultaneously with the order, the honorary title “Mother Heroine” appeared. This highest rank in the Soviet Union, which was given to women who had many children.

Appearance of the order

The design of the sign was developed by the artist I. Ganf. The award is made in the form of a convex 5-pointed star made of gold. Behind it are diverging rays that form a 5-pointed star. They are made of silver. These parts are connected to each other using three rivets.

The sign has a figured block. It is made of silver. Its surface is covered with scarlet enamel. It says "Heroine Mother" in gold capital letters. The edges of the block are gilded. For fastening to clothing, a pin clip is provided on the back of the shoe.

The order weighs approximately 17.56 grams. There is about 4.5 grams of 950 gold in it. The height of the award with the block is 4.6 cm.

Who was the medal for?

The title “Mother Heroine” is the highest degree of distinction Soviet women. It was awarded to mothers who gave birth and raised at least 10 children. It was possible to receive the title only after youngest child turns 1 year old. The condition is that other children must be alive at this moment.

When making a decision on awarding a title, children were also taken into account:

  • Adopted in accordance with current legislation.
  • Those who died a brave death or went missing while defending the interests of the Soviet state.
  • Those who fulfilled their duty as a Soviet citizen and saved a person from death, etc.

Women awarded the title “Mother Heroine” simultaneously received the Order of the same name “Mother Heroine”, as well as the PVS Certificate.

The award was supposed to be worn on the left.

How the order appeared

In the history of our country, an order for women who raise large number children was introduced for the first time. This was due to the fact that the Second World War claimed many lives, mostly young men. The population has decreased significantly. The appearance of such an honorary title indicated that the state needed a new generation of youth.

The appearance of government awards for women with many children indicated that the problem of raising children in the USSR was placed on a par with the most important state merits. This significantly increased social status mothers, showed that society treats them with care and respect.

The title was first awarded on October 27, 1944. In accordance with the Decree of the PVS, 14 Soviet women received it. Order No. 1 was received by A. Aleksakhina, who managed to raise 12 children. It was originally planned to award the first order to a female member communist party. But women with many children rarely joined the CPSU, so the Government was forced to look for a candidate among non-party members. She received the Aleksakhin Order on November 1, 1944 in the Kremlin.

Until the beginning of 1995, over 430 thousand women became heroine mothers. IN last time in the Soviet Union, the award took place on November 14, 1991.

A.S. Aleksakhina

Anna Semyonovna was born in 1886. She gave birth to her first child, Alexey, when she was 23 years old, in 1909. Two years later, her daughter, Nastya, was born, and a year later, her son Alexander. In 14, Sophia was born, 2 years later Ivan. In total, Anna had 10 sons and 2 daughters. By 2006, all of them had died with the exception of the youngest, Evgeniy. He lived in Mamontovka.

In the 30s Anna and her entire family moved to Mamontovka, located near Moscow. This village was mainly inhabited by people who participated in the construction of the Moscow-Volga canal. After the start of the Second World War, Anna’s 8 sons went to fight the Nazis. Four died brave deaths.

After it was decided to award Anna the title of “Mother Heroine” at the end of October, she went to the capital and received an honorary award in the Kremlin from the hands of the “All-Union Elder” M. Kalinin. Aleksakhina died in 1955. Her grave is located in the capital's Kuntsevo cemetery.

S. Kerimova

Suraya was born in early 1922, in one of the Azerbaijani villages, into a peasant family. At the age of 17, after graduating from school, she began working on the collective farm. Telman. He was in the Agdam region. At first she was a simple collective farmer, picking cotton. After 2 years, she began to lead a section of the cotton-growing brigade.

The team she led managed to achieve excellent results. In the spring of 1948, Suraya became a hero of socialist labor. The base is a large amount of harvested cotton. A harvest of 86,300 kg per hectare was collected. The area of ​​the site was 5 hectares.

She was a member of the Supreme Council several times Soviet Union, 4 times deputy of the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan. She took part in 2 congresses of the Azerbaijani Communist Party. In 1949 she took part in the World Peace Congress, which was held in the capital of our country.

In 1965 she received the honorary title “Mother Heroine”. Several films have been made about Suraya documentaries, songs written. Now Suraya Kerimova is 94 years old.

P.E. Sekirkina

Pelageya, then still Kobchenko, was born in the summer of 1927. Her parents were peasants and lived in Belgorod region. Graduated from 6-year school. After this, the Second World War began. After its completion, at the age of 20, she went to work on the pig farm of the Znamya Truda collective farm.

Pelageya Egorovna showed great achievements in work, for which in 1971 she was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. It is noteworthy that her husband’s mother, Evdokia Sekirkina, was also a Hero of Socialist Labor.

Pelageya got married at the age of 20. She raised ten children. The first girl, Zina, was born in 1949. Last child, Boris - in 1964. For this, in ’66 she became a mother-heroine. In addition, she was presented with other Government awards. Her husband is Alexey Sekirkin, after 31 years of marriage, in 1988, the couple divorced.

Pelageya Egorovna died at the end of 2014, at the age of 87 years.

E.F. Stepanova

Epistinia Fedorovna Stepanova was born in 1874. early years lived in Kuban. When the girl turned 8 years old, she began to work as a farm laborer. She married Mikhail Stepanov. The couple had 15 children. However, not everyone managed to survive. The first girl was scalded with boiling water and died. The twin boys were stillborn. Only 10 children survived. Among them are 9 boys and one girl.

The eldest of the children, Sasha, was shot by the White Guards in 1918 because the family helped the Red Army. The second son, Nikolai, went to the front soon after the start of the Second World War and was wounded several times. He returned from the war as an invalid. Died of wounds in 1963.

Son Vasily also fought. He was an artilleryman. He was captured, escaped, and became a partisan. He was captured again by the Nazis and shot at the end of 1943. The next son, Philip, was a field farmer who achieved outstanding success in growing grain and sugar beets. Participated in the capital's agricultural exhibition. During the Second World War he was captured near Kharkov and died at the beginning of 1945 in a prisoner of war camp.

Fedor became a junior lieutenant in 1939 and was sent to serve in Far East. In August of the same year, he died near the Khalkin-Gol River. For this he was awarded the medal “For Courage” (posthumously). Before the war, Ivan led the House of Pioneers. After that, he graduated from the military school in Ordzhonikidze. He was a participant in the war with the White Finns. After the start of the Second World War, he was captured, escaped, and joined the partisans. He was shot by the Nazis.

Before the Second World War, Ilya graduated from the armored vehicle school in Saratov. He fought in the Baltic states, near Stalingrad. He was wounded several times. Died in the summer of '43 Kursk Bulge. Pavel graduated from the artillery school in Kyiv. I met the beginning of the war in Ukraine. At the end of 1941 he went missing.

The youngest son, Alexander, born in 1923, has been at the front since the fall of 1941. A year later he fought at Stalingrad. In the fall of 1943, he was one of the first to cross the Dnieper. There he and his fighters took a bridgehead and for a long time held him. Our soldiers managed to repel 6 powerful Nazi attacks. When all his soldiers were killed, Alexander blew himself and the Nazis up with his last grenade.

After retiring, Epistinia Fedorovna settled in Rostov-on-Don. She lived with her daughter, Valentina. She died in early 1969. She was buried with military honors. At the beginning of 2010, Epistinia Stepanova had 44 grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The status of “Mother Heroine” can be obtained by a woman who is raising several children. In this case, both born and adopted children are taken into account. Such families are provided with various benefits and rewards.

Mother heroine: how to get status and benefits?

Even though modern women They can lead a country, serve in the army, be ambassadors and peacemakers, but first and foremost they still remain mothers.

This is the main calling and purpose of a woman in this world. According to statistics, most have two children, and some have three, five or more.

And if there are quite a lot of people with many children, then mother-heroines can probably be counted on one hand.

Mother-heroine in Russia: how many children should there be?

Which mother can be called a heroine? Since 2008, this status can be obtained by a woman with seven or more children. A necessary condition receiving such a title is the fact that the youngest child has reached the age of one year, while all other children must be alive. The status is awarded to a woman not only for children born, but also for adopted children.

Until 2008, heroine mothers were not encouraged at the government level in any way, although in some regions of the federation they received insignia. However, the awards did not provide financial incentives and did not correspond to the contribution that the woman made to the life of the country.

Mother heroine: how many children are there in the USSR?

This rank was first used in 1944. The war period was marked by great human casualties. At the time, the reward was offered as a boost to the birth rate, since many people had died in the war and the nation needed to be rebuilt.

During the Soviet Union, women received, in addition to the title of heroine, an award - an order. The purpose of its appropriation was the need to emphasize the invaluable contribution of mothers to the process of birth and education of new citizens. To be granted heroine status, a woman had to have ten or more children. Before the end of the USSR, almost 500 women received the Order of the Heroine Mother.


Today, mothers who have the status of heroines receive monetary reward in the amount established federal law. In some cases, housing or a car are given along with the reward.

The following benefits are also provided:

In addition, women who have more than 10 children and live in Moscow can open kindergarten in your home. They are given the position of a teacher and paid a salary.

Awards for mothers of many children: how to get them?

Nowadays, both mother and father can receive the reward for having many children, since they raise children together. Before appropriation, the guardianship authorities carefully check whether the family meets all the necessary requirements.

To receive an award, the following conditions must be met:

  • full provision for children, education in spiritual and moral terms;
  • compliance of the family with the normative rules established by law;
  • acceptable lifestyle;
  • education for children;
  • parents are fully concerned about the health of their children;
  • the family can be considered an example for others to follow in terms of preserving and observing family values.

Order of "Parental Glory"

If the family meets all the above requirements, then the order is granted when the seventh child turns three years old.

In addition, the rule regarding living remaining children remains. Dead children are taken into account only if they died while performing their civic duty, or died during military service.

Order " Parental glory"is a straight equal-ended cross made of silver with gilding and enamel, the ends of which are concave on the sides.

Medal "Parental Glory"

It has the same power as the reward of Motherhood. It is awarded to parents raising more than 4 children. As with other awards, adopted children are also taken into account. The medal is awarded when the youngest child turns three years old.

As with other similar awards, this medal is given only to pre-vetted families who must not only give birth to or adopt a child. They are obliged to provide him with a full education and harmonious development, instill human values ​​and ideals, set an example of a strong marriage.

To receive the award, spouses must be legally married and in a marriage registered with the relevant authorities. All living conditions must be created for children, including a home, education and comprehensive development. Also, family members must be citizens of the country and permanently reside on its territory.

Due to the low birth rate and the reluctance of couples to have more than one child, now, unfortunately, orders and awards are practically not given to anyone. According to statistics, in each region of the state only 2-3 families receive the award. However, all government actions are aimed at encouraging the birth rate in large quantities, reviving the right traditions. All this is supported by the promise of various benefits to couples.

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Mom is the best and most tender word. Mom is the closest and dear person. For every mother it is already a great reward when her baby says the first “mama”. There are women who have five or six children, and some have even more. And these mothers of many children receive rewards not only from their children, but also from the state.

The title of “heroine mother” in the USSR

In the USSR, the title of mother-heroine was awarded to women who raised ten or more children. This was also the name of the order, which was awarded to mothers of many children. The title of mother-heroine was awarded if a woman gave birth to and raised ten or more children; moreover, at the time of assignment of the title, the youngest child must be one year old and all other children of this woman must be alive. They also paid attention to the presence of adopted children and children who died or went missing for various reasons.

Most main goal When creating this order, it was to celebrate the mother’s merits in the birth, and especially in raising children. So, we figured out how they received the title of mother-heroine in the USSR, and now let’s pay attention to modern times.

Mother heroine in Russia

Today, the Order of Mother Heroine in Russia has been replaced by the Order of Parental Glory. Four or more - that’s how many children a modern “heroine mother” has. Only now the Order of Parental Glory is awarded to two parents. Unlike the USSR, a certificate of honor and a monetary award were added to the order. Parents who raise seven or more children also receive a badge of the order and a miniature copy of it, which can be worn at special events.

Of course, the order in the USSR provided more opportunities and benefits. The main advantage was receiving apartments and child benefits in large size. It is impossible to say what benefits a mother-heroine has in Russia, because there are none. True, there are regions where mothers of many children luckier, there are discounts on payment utilities, allocate trips to the resort for parents or children, and can allocate a place in kindergarten without waiting in line.

Today in Russia there is a decision on the entry into force of a new law that provides benefits large families. The law stipulates the following points:

  • depending on the number of children, payments range from one subsistence minimum to seven times the minimum;
  • benefits for utilities;
  • benefits for admission to universities;
  • provision of minibuses;
  • provision of land;
  • assistance in obtaining loans for the purchase of housing.

The conditions for these privileges are that the youngest child must be one year old, parents and all children must be citizens of Russia.

Mother heroine in Ukraine

In Ukraine, the title of mother-heroine is awarded if a woman gave birth and raised five or more children up to the age of eight; adopted children are also taken into account. At the same time, attention is paid to personal contribution to the upbringing of children, the creation of favorable living conditions, the education of children, the development of their creative potential, and the formation of spiritual and moral values.

In Ukraine, mothers of many children are paid one-time assistance ten times the subsistence minimum. Mother-heroine, who, due to small length of service or lack thereof at all, is not entitled to a pension, receives social assistance one hundred percent of the subsistence level. In addition to all this, a heroine mother or a woman who has given birth to and raised five or more children under the age of six receives a pension for services to her homeland. It is paid as a supplement to the basic pension amount, in the amount of one-fourth of the subsistence minimum.

Large families and heroine mothers who have unfavorable living conditions have the right to priority order for obtaining housing. Even if the children in the family are eighteen years old, the woman is not removed from the waiting list until she receives housing.

Giving birth and raising many children is a lot of hard work, but at the same time, there is nothing more important and necessary than children.

Mother heroine - how many childrenmust a woman have to receive this honorary title? We will tell you in our article how many children a heroine mother needs to have in order to be considered a “heroine of our time,” where to apply to obtain this status and what awards she can expect.

Do the title “Mother Heroine” and the Medal of Motherhood exist?

Let's first look at the question of how many children a mother-heroine must have to receive such an honorary title and is it even awarded at the present time? We answer: today such a title does not exist in our country.

During the existence of the Soviet Union, this title was awarded to mothers of large families who raised 10 or more children - at the same time, at the time of assigning the title, the youngest of the children had to be at least 1 year old, and all other children had to be alive. At the same time, there were such awards as the “Motherhood Medal” and the orders “Mother Heroine” and “Maternal Glory”.

If we talk about the origins of these awards and honorary titles, it should be noted that the period of their birth fell during a difficult period for the entire country - the Great Patriotic War. The country was experiencing a difficult demographic situation, and this became one of the ways to encourage women who are so hard time kept their children.

Now there is talk about reviving the title of “Heroine Mother” and providing a number of benefits to women awarded it. A bill “On establishing the honorary title “Mother Heroine” has already been developed Russian Federation"". In accordance with the provisions of this bill, women awarded the title “Mother Heroine of the Russian Federation” are proposed to be given benefits in the amount of 1 to 7 living wages(depending on the number of children), provide benefits for utility bills and provide financial assistance when children enter higher education educational institutions. In addition, the state proposes to provide such families with cars and land plots, as well as provide assistance in obtaining a loan for the purchase of housing.

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The condition for conferring the title, and, accordingly, receiving state assistance, is that a woman has 10 or more living children (the youngest of them must be at least 1 year old). In addition, all children must have Russian citizenship.

It should be noted that Russian legislation does not share the rights of natural children and adopted children, so even families in which all the children (or some of the children) were adopted will be able to receive the title and financial assistance.

Is the order/medal “Maternal Glory” issued?

Such an award as the order/medal “Maternal Glory” is also not awarded today, since it was introduced during the existence of the Soviet Union. But this does not mean at all that large families are not encouraged in any way and the state does not pay attention to them: instead of the mentioned award, the medal of the Order of Parental Glory was introduced.

The medal of the Order of Parental Glory is awarded to families who have raised or are raising 4 or more children. Today this is an analogue of the Motherhood medal. It should be said that not only those children who were born into the family are taken into account, but also those who were adopted. In this case, the youngest child at the time of presentation of the order must be at least 3 years old, all children must be alive. The exception is cases of death of children during the performance of their labor duties, in connection with their service or the performance of their civic duty, as well as other cases provided for by law.

It is also important to note that only those families who have provided their children with harmonious intellectual, physical, cultural, spiritual and moral development, lead a healthy and socially adapted lifestyle, serve good example strengthening the institution of family and raising children.

For similar services in strengthening the institution of the family, they are also awarded the Order of Parental Glory. Moreover, there are 2 forms of the order: for men and for women.