The strongest poisons for humans. Potently toxic substances

There are a sufficient number of natural and artificially produced poisons in the world. The effects of all toxic substances are different. Some can instantly take life, while others destroy the body gradually, forcing a person to suffer for a long time. There are potent substances that in small doses poison a person asymptomatically, but there are also the most dangerous poisons that cause severe pain, which even in small quantities can be fatal.

Chemical compounds and gases


Hydrocyanic acid salts are an extremely dangerous poison. With this potent substance many lives were taken. On the battlefield, they poisoned the enemy with cyanide, spraying poison that instantly killed soldiers, getting on the mucous membranes and affecting the respiratory system. Currently, cyanide is used in analytical chemistry, in the mining of gold and silver, in electrochemistry, and in organic synthesis.

One of the salts of hydrocyanic acid - potassium salt, known as potassium cyanide, is a powerful inorganic poison. He looks like granulated sugar, and it can safely be classified as an instant-acting poison. Entering the human body through the gastrointestinal tract, death occurs instantly; only 1.7 mg per 1 kg of weight is enough. Potassium cyanide prevents oxygen from entering tissues and cells, resulting in death from oxygen starvation. Antidotes for this poison are compounds containing hydrocarbons, sulfur and ammonia. Glucose is considered the strongest anticyanide, so in case of poisoning, its solution is administered intravenously to the victim.

Apparently, in order to avoid prolonged death throes, this poison was chosen by some famous Nazis to commit suicide, since it acts instantly. According to one version, Adolf Hitler himself was among them.

The vapors of this poisonous element are extremely toxic and insidious, because they have no odor. Mercury affects the body through the lungs, kidneys, skin and mucous membranes. Soluble compounds of this substance are more dangerous than pure metal, but it tends to gradually evaporate and poison a person.

It is especially harmful for the population when mercury compounds enter a body of water. IN aquatic environment the metal is converted into methylmercury, and then this powerful organic poison accumulates in the organisms of the inhabitants of the reservoir. If people use this water for domestic needs and go fishing in such places, then this is fraught with mass poisoning. Regular inhalation of mercury vapor is a slow-acting poison. Toxins accumulate in the body, leading to nervous disorders, up to the onset of schizophrenia or complete insanity.

Exposure of a pregnant woman to mercury can lead to irreversible consequences, as it spreads quickly through the blood and easily penetrates the placenta. Even a seemingly harmless broken thermometer, which contains a small amount of this potent toxic substance, can provoke the development of defects in a child inside the womb.


The extremely poisonous sarin gas, which was developed by two German scientists, kills a person in one minute. It was used as chemical weapons in World War II and civil wars, after which both the USA and the USSR began to produce sarin and stockpile it in case of war. Following an experimental incident that resulted in death, production of this poison was discontinued. Nevertheless, Japanese terrorists managed to obtain this poison in the mid-nineties - the terrorist attack on the Tokyo subway, during which about 6,000 people were poisoned with sarin, received wide attention.

Sarin acts on the body both through the skin and through the respiratory system, affecting nervous system. Severe intoxication is observed due to ingestion of this substance by inhalation. This nerve gas kills a person quickly, but at the same time brings hellish torment. First of all, the gas affects the mucous membranes, a person begins to have a runny nose and blurred eyes, then vomiting and severe pain in the chest appear, and the last stage is death from suffocation.

Getting this poison inside large quantities ends in death. It represents white powder fine fraction, which can be purchased even at a pharmacy, only with a prescription. With constant poisoning in small doses, arsenic can provoke the occurrence of diseases such as cancer and diabetes mellitus. This poison is often used in dentistry - arsenic is used to destroy the inflamed dental nerve.

Formaldehyde and phenols

With these household poisons Literally everyone has encountered dangers for humans.

Phenols are contained in varnishes and paints, without which no cosmetic repair can be done. Formaldehyde can be found in plastics, fiberboard and chipboard.

With prolonged inhalation of these potent toxic substances, breathing is impaired, various types of allergic reactions, dizziness and nausea. Constant contact with these poisons can result in malfunctions of the reproductive system, and with severe intoxication, a person can die from swelling of the larynx.

Poisons of plant and animal origin


Amatoxin is a poison that affects the gastrointestinal tract. The source of poisoning is some types of mushrooms, for example, pale and white grebe. Even in acute poisoning, amatoxin has a slow effect on an adult, which makes it possible to classify this potent substance as a delayed-action poison. In case of poisoning, severe vomiting, pain in the stomach and intestines, and incessant bloody diarrhea are observed. On the second day, the victim’s liver enlarges and the kidneys fail, after which coma and death occur.

A positive prognosis is observed with timely treatment. Despite the fact that amatoxin, like everything, is slow active poisons, applies irreparable harm gradually, there were lightning-fast deaths, mainly among children.

Batrachotoxin is a powerful poison that belongs to the alkaloid family. It is almost impossible to meet him in everyday life. It is secreted through the glands of frogs of the genus leafhopper. This substance, like other instant poisons, instantly affects the nervous system, causes heart failure and leads to death.


This plant poison is six times more toxic than the instant killer cyanide. One pinch is enough to kill an adult.

Ricin was actively used as a weapon in war; with its help, intelligence services got rid of individuals posing a threat to the state. They found out about him quite quickly, because lethal doses of this potent substance were purposefully sent to the recipients along with letters.

Bacillus anthrax

This is the causative agent of an infectious disease that poses a huge danger to domestic animals and humans. Anthrax is very acute and, as a rule, the infected person dies. Incubation period lasts up to four days. Infection most often occurs through damaged areas of the skin, and less often through the respiratory tract.

With the pulmonary form of infection, the prognosis is unfavorable and mortality rates reach 95%. Most often, the bacillus is localized in certain areas of the skin, so anthrax is one of the most dangerous contact poisons, fatal to humans. With adequate and timely treatment, a person is on the path to recovery. The infection can affect the intestines and affect internal organs, which leads to sepsis. Another severe form, which is cured only in very rare cases, is anthrax meningitis.

Despite the fact that mass infection with this poison in everyday life, fortunately, has not been observed for a long time, cases of this terrible disease are still being recorded in Russia.

The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service regularly conducts veterinary surveillance on the territory of pig farms and agricultural enterprises that keep cattle.

You should not assume that potent toxic substances are only the hard-to-reach poisons listed above. Any chemical in large quantities can be a deadly poison for humans in everyday life. This includes chlorine, which is used for disinfection, and various detergents, and even vinegar essence. Fear toxic substances, taking precautions when handling them and hiding them from children is the strict responsibility of every conscious adult.

Let's start with the “king” of poisons – Arsenic. Until 1832, arsenic poisoning was extremely difficult to diagnose, since the symptoms of poisoning with this poison were similar to those of cholera. This similarity made it possible to mask the use of arsenic and its compounds as deadly poison.

In acute arsenic poisoning, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and depression of the central nervous system are observed.

Antidote: aqueous solution of sodium thiosulfate, dimercaprol.


Potassium cyanide, or potassium cyanide, is the most powerful inorganic poison. It looks like granulated sugar.

When it enters the body, the cells stop absorbing oxygen, resulting in the body dying from interstitial hypoxia. Potassium cyanide is absorbed very quickly and therefore death occurs within 15 minutes.

Sarin gas

Sarin gas is a poisonous substance with a nerve-paralytic effect.

The first signs of exposure to sarin include nasal discharge, chest congestion, and constriction of the pupils. Soon after this, the victim has difficulty breathing, nausea and increased salivation. The victim then completely loses control over bodily functions. This phase is accompanied by convulsions. Ultimately, the victim falls into a comatose state and suffocates in a fit of convulsive spasms followed by cardiac arrest.

Antidote: Atropine, Pralidoxime, Diazepam, Athens.


Diamphotoxin is the most powerful poison of animal origin on our planet, contained in the blood of the larvae of the South African leaf beetle.

It is capable of reducing the hemoglobin content in the blood by 75% in a short period of time due to the massive destruction of red blood cells.

Antidote: There is no specific antidote.


Ricin is the most powerful poison of plant origin, which is obtained from castor beans of the castor bean plant.

A few grains are enough to kill an adult. Ricin kills cells in the human body, preventing it from producing the proteins it needs, resulting in organ failure. A person can become poisoned by ricin through inhalation or ingestion.

If inhaled, symptoms of poisoning usually appear within 8 hours of exposure and include difficulty breathing, fever, cough, nausea, sweating and chest tightness.

If ingested, symptoms appear in less than 6 hours and include nausea, low blood pressure, hallucinations and seizures. Death can occur within 36-72 hours.

Antidote: There is no specific antidote.

Poisonous substances lie in wait for us everywhere. Some of them have an almost immediate effect, while others can act slowly. The degree of intoxication in each specific case is different. It depends on the characteristics of the body and the amount of poison that has entered the body. Therefore, determining the most powerful poison in the world is problematic. Nevertheless, we can highlight a list of toxic substances that pose the greatest danger.

The most powerful poisonous chemicals

Potent poisons have been synthesized by scientists for military purposes. But sometimes toxic substances can be found in everyday conditions. Among the most dangerous of them are:

  1. Mercury. It is contained in ordinary thermometers. If the integrity of the flask is not compromised, then mercury does not pose any health hazard. Mercury vapor from broken thermometer. The evaporation process begins even when room temperature. It is prohibited to collect spilled mercury yourself. You must immediately seek help from a specialized service.
  2. Methanol. This substance is often confused with food grade ethyl alcohol, which leads to serious poisoning. Methanol is colorless and odorless, so it is impossible to identify it without laboratory testing. Use even small quantity this substance can be fatal. a person loses his sight.
  3. Potassium cyanide. This is the most powerful poison for humans. It is widely used in plastic products, photography, gold mining and some other fields. Poisoning occurs even from inhaling cyanide vapor. IN shortest time Respiratory failure develops and convulsions appear. In case of severe intoxication, death occurs.
  4. Sarin. This is a substance that was synthesized by German scientists. They pursued the goal of creating the world's strongest pesticide. The resulting gas has gained fame as a poison that causes a long and painful death. Today, the deadly poison sarin is officially banned, but terrorists are trying to use it as a chemical weapon.
  5. Arsenic. This element of the periodic table has long been used as a poison. They poisoned quite a few politicians. Symptoms of poisoning are similar to cholera. First of all, cramps and severe pain appear in the abdominal area. After large amounts of arsenic enter the body, heart disease, diabetes or cancer develop.

These substances are extremely dangerous for humans. Therefore, their features must be remembered.

The most dangerous poisons for humans are also found in plants. Such poisonings often await inexperienced mushroom pickers and other flora lovers. Special attention The following substances deserve:

  1. Amatoxin is the most powerful protein poison. It is found in some mushrooms, including toadstool. Once in the human body, the toxin immediately begins to destroy internal organs. The first signs of intoxication may appear only after a few days. In this case, valuable time to save a person is lost, and doctors cannot guarantee a favorable prognosis. Even if the patient’s life can be saved, his health will be severely compromised. Most likely, a person will suffer from kidney or liver failure and problems with the respiratory system all his life. People often wonder what is more toxic pale grebe or potassium cyanide. In fact, these poisons can be placed on the same level in terms of toxicity.
  2. Strychnine. This poison is found in the nuts of the chilibuha tree. In microscopic dosages it is used for medical purposes. If the permissible amount is exceeded, death occurs, but before this the person experiences severe suffering.
  3. Ricin. Contained in castor beans. Inhalation of small grains of this substance is dangerous. Its poisoning ability is several times greater than that of potassium cyanide. Human death occurs if ricin is injected directly into the blood.
  4. Curare. It is a poison that is produced from a mixture of plants South America. Its main component is an alkaloid, which, when ingested, leads to paralysis and cardiac arrest. Death from curare is painful.

To avoid poisoning from such poisons, never eat unknown plants. Teach children about safety precautions when traveling outdoors.

If you notice the first symptoms of poisoning, consult a doctor immediately. Chances of salvation remain only if the problem is identified in a timely manner.

Animal poisons

Poison can kill a person instantly. Such toxic substances are often carried by animals. Among them are:

  1. Toads chirp. The skin of these amphibians secretes chiriquitotoxin. This neurotoxin has a toxic effect on the human nervous system. After intoxication, a person experiences severe convulsions, coordination of movements is impaired, and complete paralysis of the limbs may develop. The poison has strong impact if administered intramuscularly.
  2. Puffer fish. The milk, caviar and liver of this fish contain tetrodotoxin. This substance causes severe poisoning, which is accompanied by severe itching, drooling, convulsions, and difficulty swallowing. The poison is fast, so as soon as possible paralysis develops respiratory system and the death of a person occurs.
  3. Australian Taipan. The venom of this snake contains thaipotoxin. Its entry into the human blood leads to paralysis of the respiratory muscles and impaired blood clotting. This kind of snake venom is the most poisonous. In terms of poisoning ability, it is several times greater than cobra venom.
  4. Karakurt. During the bite, the spider injects alpha-latrotoxin into the victim's blood. It leads to severe pain that spreads throughout the body in a matter of minutes. At the same time, severe shortness of breath, dizziness, increased heart rate, and bouts of vomiting occur.
  5. Central Asian cobra. This snake's saliva contains a powerful neurotoxin. Its entry into the human blood provokes convulsions, breathing problems, and paralysis. If left untreated, death occurs. Such poisonings are rare, since the cobra attacks a person only in exceptional cases.

The poison may be contained in biological material any animal. Therefore, it is best to minimize contact with it, especially for wild fauna.

If you were bitten poisonous snake or a spider, try to immediately suck the poison out of the wound. Remember that this can only be done if there is no damage to the oral cavity. Contact us as soon as possible medical care.

Bacteriological poisoning

Not only animals and plants, but also bacteria can pose a danger to humans. Their vital activity in the human body leads to the formation of strong toxins. Among them, the following can be particularly highlighted:

  1. Botulinum toxin. It is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Its vital activity leads to the development of botulism in humans. This is a disease that can only be treated in the earliest stages. In other cases, the probability of death is extremely high. The bacterium multiplies quickly in the absence of oxygen, so poor quality canned food often becomes a source of poisoning.
  2. Bacillus anthrax. Its entry into the body leads to the development of anthrax. This disease develops rapidly. There are cutaneous and intestinal forms. In the first case, death occurs in 20% of cases. With the intestinal form of the disease, no more than 5% of victims can be saved.
  3. Tetanus toxin. This substance is produced by rods of the genus Clostridium. Infection most often occurs through open wounds on the body. Infection manifests itself in the form of convulsions, impaired swallowing reflex, damage to the respiratory center and cardiovascular system. The likelihood of death is extremely high.

Determining the fastest-acting poison is quite difficult. Everything will depend on a combination of many factors. Try to avoid contact with hazardous substances as little as possible. If infection does occur, do not try to cure it yourself. Only timely seeking medical help will save your life.

The Swiss physician and alchemist Paracelsus once correctly noted: “All substances are poisons; there is not a single one that is not. It’s all about the dose,” and he was absolutely right.

It’s paradoxical: the human body is almost 70% water, but even water in large quantities is destructive. However, sometimes even a drop of a substance is enough, which can be fatal. From flowers to heavy metals and gases produced by man himself; Below is a list of the most dangerous poisons known to mankind.

Cyanide exists in the form of a colorless gas or crystals, but in either case it is quite dangerous. It smells like bitter almonds, and when it enters the body, in just a few minutes it leads to the appearance of symptoms such as headache, nausea, rapid breathing and increased heart rate, as well as weakness. If action is not taken promptly, cyanide kills by depriving the body's cells of oxygen. And yes, cyanide can be obtained from apple seeds, but don't worry if you eat a few. You will have to eat about ten apples before enough cyanide has accumulated in your body for you to feel all of the above. Please don't do this.

24. Hydrofluoric acid (Fluoric acid)

Hydrofluoric acid is a poison used, among other things, to make Teflon. In its liquid state, this substance easily seeps through the skin into the bloodstream. In the body, it reacts with calcium and can even destroy bone tissue. The worst thing is that the effect of contact does not appear immediately, which increases the likelihood of causing serious damage to health.

Arsenic is a naturally occurring crystalline semimetal and is perhaps one of the most well-known and common poisons used as a murder weapon in late XIX century. However, its use for such purposes began in the mid-1700s. The effect of arsenic lasts from several hours to several days, but the result is the same - death. Symptoms of poisoning include vomiting and diarrhea, which made it difficult to distinguish arsenic poisoning from dysentery or cholera 120 years ago.

22. Belladonna or Deadly Nightshade

Belladonna or Deadly Nightshade is a highly poisonous herb (flower) with a romantic history. What makes it poisonous is an alkaloid called atropine. Absolutely the entire plant is poisonous, although varying degrees: The root contains the most poison, and the berries contain the least. However, even two pieces are enough to kill a child. Some people use belladonna for relaxation as a hallucinogen, and in Victorian times women would often drop belladonna tincture into their eyes to dilate their pupils and make their eyes sparkle. Before death, under the influence of belladonna, a seizure develops, the pulse quickens and confusion occurs. Belladonna is not a toy for children.

21. Carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide)

Carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) is an odorless, tasteless, colorless substance and slightly less dense than air. It poisons and then kills a person. Part of what makes carbon monoxide so dangerous is that it is difficult to detect; sometimes called the "silent killer". This substance prevents oxygen from entering the body for normal cell functioning. Early symptoms Carbon monoxide poisoning is similar to the flu without fever: headache, weakness, drowsiness, lethargy, insomnia, nausea and confusion. Fortunately, the detector carbon monoxide can be purchased at any specialty store.

20. Beach apple tree

The most dangerous tree in all North America grows in Florida. The Manchineel tree or Beach apple tree has small green fruits that look like sweet apples. Don't eat them! And don't touch this tree! Don't sit next to it and pray you never end up under it in windy weather. If the sap gets on your skin, it will blister, and if it gets in your eyes, you can go blind. The sap is contained in the leaves and bark, so don't touch them!

Fluoride is a highly poisonous, pale yellow gas that is corrosive and will react with almost anything. For fluorine to be lethal, a concentration of 0.000025% is sufficient. It causes blindness and suffocation like mustard gas, but its effects are much worse on the victim.

18. Sodium fluoroacetate

The pesticide used is Compound 1080, also known as sodium fluoroacetate. IN natural form it is found in some plant species in Africa, Brazil and Australia. The terrible truth This deadly odorless and tasteless poison lies in the fact that there is no antidote for it. Oddly enough, the bodies of those who die from exposure to sodium fluoroacetate remain poisonous for a full year.

The most dangerous man-made poison is called dioxin - it only takes 50 micrograms to kill an adult. It is the third most toxic known to science a poison 60 times more toxic than cyanide.

16. Dimethylmercury (neurotoxin)

Dimethylmercury (a neurotoxin) is a terrible poison because it can penetrate most standard protective equipment, such as thick latex gloves. This is exactly what happened to a chemist named Karen Wetterhan in 1996. A single drop of colorless liquid fell on my gloved hand, and that was it. Symptoms began to appear FOUR MONTHS later and she died six months later.

15. Wolfsbane (Wrestler)

Wolfsbane (Fighter) also known as "Monk's Hood", "Wolfsbane", "Leopard's Venom", "Women's Curse", "Devil's Helmet", "Queen of Poisons" and "Blue Rocket". It's practically whole family, which includes more than 250 herbs, most of which are extremely poisonous. Flowers can be either blue or yellow. Some of the plants were used not only in folk medicine, but also as a murder weapon over the past decade.

The toxin found in poisonous mushrooms, is called amatoxin. It attacks liver and kidney cells and kills them within a few days. May affect the heart and central nervous system. Treatment is available, but results are not guaranteed. The poison is temperature stable and cannot be removed by drying. Therefore, if you are not 100% sure that the mushrooms you collect are safe, do not eat them.

Anthrax is actually a bacterium called Bacillus anthracis. What makes you sick is not so much the bacteria as the toxin it produces when it enters the body. Bacillus Anthracis can enter the system through the skin, mouth or respiratory tract. The mortality rate for airborne anthrax is as high as 75% even though there is a cure.

12. Hemlock plant

Hemlock - classic poisonous plant, which was regularly used for executions in Ancient Greece. There are several varieties, and in North America, water hemlock is the most common plant. You can die from eating it, yet people still add hemlock to salads, considering it an acceptable ingredient. Water hemlock causes painful and severe convulsions, cramps and tremors. People who have experienced the full power of the whitehead, but survive, may subsequently suffer from amnesia. Water hemlock is considered the deadliest plant in North America. Keep an eye on small children and even teenagers when they are outside! Don't eat anything unless you are 100% sure it is safe.

11. Strychnine

Strychnine is commonly used to destroy small mammals and birds and is often the main component of rat poison. In large doses, strychnine is also dangerous for people. It can be swallowed, inhaled, or taken into the body through the skin. The first symptoms: painful muscle cramps, nausea and vomiting. Muscle contractions ultimately lead to suffocation. Death can occur within half an hour. This is very unpleasant way die, for both man and rat.

Most knowledgeable people consider maytotoxin to be the most powerful marine toxin. It is found in a dinoflagellate algae called Gambierdiscus toxicus. For mice, meiototoxin is the most toxic among non-protein toxins.

Mercury is a heavy metal that is quite toxic to humans if inhaled or touched. Touching it can cause the skin to peel off, and if you inhale the mercury vapor, it will eventually shut down your central nervous system and be fatal. Before then, kidney failure, memory loss, brain damage and blindness are likely to occur.

8. Polonium

Polonium is radioactive chemical element. Its most common form is 250,000 times more toxic than hydrocyanic acid. It emits alpha particles (not compatible with organic tissues). Alpha particles cannot penetrate the skin, so polonium must be ingested or injected into the victim. However, if this happens, the result will not be long in coming. According to one theory, a gram of polonium 210 injected into the body. could kill up to ten million people, causing first radiation poisoning and then cancer.

Suicide tree or Cerbera odollam works by disrupting the natural rhythm of the heart and often causing death. A member of the same family as Oleander, the plant was often used to perform the "innocence test" in Madagascar. An estimated 3,000 people a year died from drinking Cerberus venom before the practice was made illegal in 1861. (If the person survived, he was found innocent. If he died, it no longer mattered.)

Botulinum toxin is produced by the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum and is an incredibly powerful neurotoxin. It causes paralysis, which can lead to death. Botulinum toxin is known by its commercial name, Botox. Yes, that's what the doctor injects into your mom's forehead to make it less wrinkled (or into her neck to help with migraines) that causes muscle paralysis.

5. Pufferfish

Pufferfish is considered a delicacy in some countries, where it is called Fugu; it's a dish that few would literally die for. Why does death occur? Because the insides of the fish contain tetrodotoxin, and in Japan, approximately 5 people a year die from eating puffer fish as a result of improper preparation technology. But gourmets continue to persist.

4. Sarin gas

Sarin gas makes you relive the worst moments of your life. The chest shrinks, stronger and stronger, and then... death comes. Although the use of Sarin was made illegal in 1995, it has not stopped being used in terrorist attacks.

3. "Poison Arrow"

golden frog Poison Arrow is tiny, adorable and very dangerous. Just one frog the size of a phalanx thumb contains enough neurotoxin to kill ten people! A dose equal to approximately two crystals of salt is enough to kill an adult. This is why some Amazon tribes used poison on the tips of their hunting arrows. One touch of such an arrow kills within a few minutes! When walking in the Amazon forests, stick to the rule: do not touch red, blue, green and especially yellow frogs.

Ricin is even more dangerous than anthrax. This substance is obtained from castor beans, the same plant from which castor oil is extracted. This poison is especially toxic if inhaled, and a pinch is enough to kill an adult.

1. "VX"

Codenamed “Purple Possum,” it is a VX gas that is the most powerful nerve gas on Earth. It is man-made, and you can thank the United Kingdom for that. Technically, it was banned in 1993, and the US government allegedly ordered the destruction of its stock, but whether this is actually the case is anyone's guess.