The most beautiful nature reserves and national parks in Russia (names). Trips

Fortunately, economic activity human spread did not cover all parts of our country. The state took care of some natural complexes, declaring them protected areas. Such places are carefully protected from destructive anthropogenic influence. Total in Russian Federation over a hundred nature reserves. Let's take a closer look at five of them.

An area of ​​165,724 hectares in Buryatia was declared the Baikal Nature Reserve in 1969.

The Kabansky State Nature Reserve is also subordinate to this reserve. More than 800 plant species form the flora; landscapes are mainly steppe and taiga. Among the species diversity of the animal world there are: 37 species of mammals, 260 species of birds. Several tourist routes pass through the territory, and there is a Museum of Nature.

In 1932, the Ussuri Nature Reserve was created to protect animals. 99% of its territory is covered with forests. 15 plant species found in the reserves are listed in the Red Book of Russia. Among the inhabitants of the pages of the Red Book also live: the black stork, Amur tiger, himalayan bear etc. Scientific research is constantly carried out on the territory.

On a modern scale, which is about 882 thousand hectares, it was established in 1967. It is one of the largest protected natural areas. The climate in the reserve is continental. The landscapes are mostly mountain taiga.

Its territory is on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. The flora is rich: cedar and fir forests give way to deciduous ones, pine forests stretch along the unique Lake Teletskoye; on alpine meadows– variety of herbaceous plants.

The mentioned UNESCO list called “Golden Mountains of Altai” also includes the Katunsky Nature Reserve, which has received biosphere status since the beginning of the 21st century. On its territory, with an area of ​​150 thousand hectares, there are 135 lakes, 700 species of plants, over 20 of which are listed in the Red Book of Russia, many herbs are valuable as medicinal ones.

The fauna is also diverse, for example, you can meet 140 species of birds, or come across a snow leopard in the highlands, which is listed in the International Red Book. Located on the territory close to the Katunsky Nature Reserve national park"Belukha"

A dozen of the most picturesque reserves out of hundreds of parks on the planet, protecting the most amazing natural treasures of the world from unnecessary human activity.

TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world: Yellowstone, USA
The very first, the most famous, the highest geysers and the largest alpine lake V North America- all this is Yellowstone National Park. Yellowstone Lake, one of the largest alpine lakes in North America, is located in the crater of the largest supervolcano on the continent.

Video TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world - Yellowstone

Plitvice Lakes, Croatia
On the territory the most beautiful reserve There are 16 large karst lakes, 140 waterfalls, 20 caves. Moreover, new waterfalls are born here every year.

A characteristic feature of the reserve is the color of the water. The pictures of the lakes look like a photo montage, but the water here really has an azure color.

Video TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world - Plitvice Lakes

TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world: Snowdonia, UK
Unlike nature reserves in other countries, Snowdonia, like other national parks England and Wales includes both public and private land.

Snowdonia Nature Reserve has 2,381 km of open walking trails, 264 km of walkers and riders' trails and 74 km of other open roads.

TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world:Grand Canyon, USA
The Grand Canyon (English: Grand Canyon, Great Canyon, Grand Canyon) is one of the deepest canyons in the world. Located on the Colorado Plateau, Arizona, USA, within the Grand Canyon National Park. Cut by the Colorado River through limestone, shale and sandstone. The length of the canyon is 446 kilometers. The width (at the plateau level) ranges from 6 to 29 kilometers, at the bottom level - less than a kilometer. Depth - up to 1600 meters.

The canyon was cut by the Colorado River through limestone, shale and sandstone about 5-6 million years ago. These are perhaps the most complete geological outcrops in the world, representing the history of the Earth over 1.5 billion years.

: Grand Canyon

TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world:Serengeti, Tanzania
The name of the Serengeti, Tanzania's oldest and most popular game reserve, comes from the annual migration when six million hooves pass across the open plains - 200,000 zebras and 300,000 Thomson's gazelles join the antelope trek in search of fresh pastures. And even when migration subsides, the wildlife viewing opportunities in the Serengeti are outstanding: huge herds of buffalo, small groups of elephants and giraffes, thousands upon thousands of elands, topis, congas, impalas and Grani's gazelles.

The main spectacle in the most beautiful nature reserve in Tanzania- hunting of predators.
Prides of golden-maned lions feast on the expanses of lowland pastures. Solitary leopards prowl among the acacia trees growing along the Seronera River, and many cheetahs roam the southeastern plains in search of prey. Practically unique case: All three species of African jackals are found here, along with spotted hyenas and a host of less visible small predators, from the insect aardwolf to the red serval.

Video TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world:Serengeti

TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world: Fiordland, New Zealand
New Zealand's largest park occupies most of the mountainous southwestern part of the South Island.

Here are the deepest lakes in New Zealand, and the mountains reach a height of 2746 meters. The park is famous for its unique fauna birds, including the rare kea parrot, the forest parrot kaka or green nestor, the burrow-dwelling owl parrot, the best singer of the New Zealand forests - the tui bird (bush robin) and the takahe rail, until recently considered extinct and found only in one of the valleys of Fiordland, as well as the symbol of the country - the flightless kiwi bird and the yellow-eyed penguin. In the waters off the coast there are dolphins and fur seals. The park is given a special flavor by the exceptionally picturesque landscape of the coast, cut by deep fjords, to which mighty glaciers descend from the mountains, in some places reaching a height of 300 m.

TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world: Iguazu, Argentina-Brazil
Iguazu is a whole water complex located on the river of the same name. The waterfalls are located on the border of Brazil and Argentina; the Devil's Throat Falls, the largest of the entire complex, separates the two countries.

Iguazu refers to 275 individual waterfalls. The height of the waterfall of some reaches 82 meters, but most waterfalls are a little more than 60 meters. As legend has it, after US First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt first saw Iguazu, she exclaimed: “Poor Niagara!” The surprised woman can be easily understood: the Brazilian-Argentine waterfall is four times wider than the North American Niagara.

Video TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world: Iguazu

TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world: Banff, Canada

Banff is the oldest Canadian national park, it was organized back in 1885. But, despite its status as an object World Heritage UNESCO, Banff is a major tourist center with developed infrastructure. Here you can find everything that is associated with Canada: extraordinary beautiful landscapes and the smell of fir trees, glaciers and hot springs, hiking trails and ski slopes.

The center of the reserve is the highest locality Canada, the city of Banff, located at an altitude of 1463 m above sea level.

Video TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world:Banff

TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world:Torres del Paine, Chile
The highest point of the park, located in the south of Chile, in Patagonia, is Mount Paine Grande, whose height is 3050 m.

The park is one of the most visited tourist sites in Chile. This world's most famous national park in Chile is located almost 3 hours from Puerto Natales. After all, there are glaciers, high mountains, lakes, forests, many animals and birds live here, and you can even find orchids among the flowers.

TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world:Tatra Mountains, Poland-Slovakia
More than a quarter of the national park is occupied by green areas and bare rocks. The flora of the Tatras consists of more than a thousand species of plants, and the chamois can be called a living symbol of the park.

The park also contains deer, wild boars, roe deer, as well as wolves, bears and lynxes.

Protected areas have existed in Russia since ancient times. Even primitive people noticed how quickly hunting grounds were becoming poorer and depleted. The first “events” to protect nature were of a religious nature. There were “holy places”, “protected forests”, “forbidden places”.

Various animals were endowed with supernatural, mysterious traits: bears, beavers and many others. That is why, for a long time, the most beautiful areas of nature, individual animals and plants have come under special protection.

State nature reserves , including biosphere - areas of territory completely removed from their usual economic use, at which people stop all their interference in natural processes in order to compare the latter with developed lands. Nature reserves are considered as research institutions performing scientific conservation and cultural and educational functions.

They are used as a background reserve-reference object in the study of biosphere processes. There are about 90 nature reserves in Russia, including 16 biosphere reserves.

Natural national parks — vast territories where regulated tourism and recreation of people are provided, and environmental knowledge is promoted. National parks also have areas for economic use.

Natural parks- territories of particular aesthetic and environmental value, with a relatively mild security regime and used primarily for organized recreation of the population.

Wildlife sanctuaries - territories created for a certain period (in some cases permanently) for the preservation or restoration of natural complexes or their components.

Natural monuments- unique, non-reproducible natural objects that have scientific, environmental, cultural and aesthetic value (caves, ancient trees, rocks, waterfalls, etc.). Any activity that violates their safety is prohibited in these territories.

Dendrological parks and botanical gardens - environmental institutions whose task is to create collections of trees and shrubs for the purpose of preserving biological diversity and enrichment of flora, as well as for scientific, educational and cultural-educational purposes. Work is also underway to introduce and acclimatize plants new to the region.

Natural reserves of Russia

In Russia, at the beginning of 2006, there were 101 state nature reserves with a total area of ​​about 340,000 km2. Nature reserves are located in all natural areas - from arctic deserts on Wrangel Island to the subtropics (Caucasian Nature Reserve) in 70 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The largest of them is the Great Arctic State Nature Reserve (area equal to 4 million 169.2 hectares; it is the largest in Eurasia), and the smallest is Galichya Mountain in the Lipetsk region (231 hectares; it is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest in world). Before 1916, only local hunting reserves and private reserves existed in our country. Barguzinsky is considered the first official state reserve in Russia. It was established by a decree of the Irkutsk Governor-General in 1916, and in 1917 its creation was formalized by a government decree. However, according to some sources, it is believed that the Sayan Nature Reserve was opened somewhat earlier than Barguzinsky, although at that time it was not officially registered. The youngest reserve today is the Kologrivsky Forest, created in 2006.

Pechora-Ilychsky Reserve

Pechora-Ilychsky Reserve located on the western slopes of the Northern Urals in the taiga zone. The reserve was established in 1930 to preserve the unique flora and fauna of the Cis-Ural region. About 40 species of mammals live here: elk, reindeer, wolf, wolverine, beaver, sable, marten; 200 species of birds. The rivers contain valuable species of fish - salmon, whitefish, grayling, taimen. In 1984, the Pechora-Ilychsky Nature Reserve was awarded biosphere status.

Kronotsky Reserve

Kronotsky State Reserve was established in 1934 to restore the number of Kamchatka sable. Since 1967 it has existed as a biosphere reserve and includes unique objects Kamchatka nature: Valley of Geysers, Uzon Caldera, Kronotskoye Lake, nine active volcanoes, graceful fir grove. Thus, the territory of the reserve covers the main landscapes of Kamchatka - the ocean coast, tundra, taiga, mountains, volcanoes.

Here you can find geysers, thermal springs, different in temperature and mineral composition; hydrothermal springs with temperatures above +100 °C; warm and cold carbon dioxide mineral springs. Their occurrence is associated with earthquakes and. There are about 160 volcanoes in Kamchatka, 29 of them are active.

Cedar Pad

Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve was formed in 1916 on the coast of the Amur Bay to protect natural resources Ussuri taiga. Korean cedar, reaching a height of 40 m and more than 1 m in diameter, velvet, walnut, ash, linden, oak, and ginseng grow here. The main object of protection of the reserve is the Ussuri tiger.

Other reserves in Russia

There are several nature reserves in the tundra, one of which is Kandalaksha. It was opened in 1932 on the coast of the Kola Peninsula. Wild reindeer, as well as various species of birds, are protected here.

In 1996, the first tundra ornithological reserve was created on Wrangel Island, where birds are studied and protected. The main object of observation in the reserve is polar geese, which nest in these parts.

In the Siberian taiga, the first natural park was created in 1995. It is called "Kondinskie Lakes" Picturesque ponds, pine forests, an abundance of mushrooms and berries, excellent places for hunting and fishing attract tourists and vacationers here.

The fauna of these places is surprisingly diverse: river beaver, sable, otter, wolverine, fox, reindeer, muskrat. Birds: wood grouse, black grouse, partridge, gray crane, white-tailed eagle, whooper swan.

National parks of Russia

In 1987, there were 156 nature reserves and 17 national parks in our country. Now the number of the latter has increased significantly. There are currently 34 of them.

The national parks include the most picturesque and naturally valuable territories (Valdai, Samarskaya Luka, Meshchera, Curonian Spit, Elbrus region, Baikal, etc.), many of them have received international recognition and are included in the World Heritage List.

Every year, national parks attract more and more travelers not only from Russia, but also from abroad. Visitors to the national park are offered interesting excursions along hiking and horse riding routes, fishing trips, photo hunting, skiing and snowmobiling and much more.

On the territory former USSR the first national park appeared in the Estonian SSR on the coast of the Gulf of Finland in 1971 - this is Lahemaa(Est. - land of the bay). The first to be discovered on Russian territory was Sochi National Park - May 5, 1983 The youngest national park in Russia today is the Russian Arctic, located in the Arkhangelsk region. It was opened on June 15, 2009. The possibility of creating a national park "Mologa" in the Yaroslavl region is being considered.

Currently, there are 40 national parks in Russia, the territories of which cover almost all natural zones: from the taiga to the mountain peaks of the Caucasus, from Baltic Sea to the mountainous regions of southern Transbaikalia. The largest in area - National Park "Udege Legend"", located in the Primorsky Territory. Its area is 88,600 km2. The smallest is the Curonian Spit, which occupies the territory not only of Russia Kaliningrad region, but also Lithuania.

Let's talk about some national parks in central Russia.

Smolensk Lake District

National Park "Smolensk Lakeland" created in 1992 in a unique corner of Central Russian nature. It is located in the north-west of the Smolensk region. This is the land of lakes. The park's water system is complemented by 16 rivers, mineral springs, and high-moor sphagnum bogs.

The watershed of the Baltic and Black Seas passes through the park. The terrain bears traces of the ancient Valdai glaciation. All the lakes, and there are 35 of them, are of glacial origin. Each one is unique in its own way. For example, Lake Chistik has amazingly clear water, Lake Mutny has healing mud, Baklanovskoye is the deepest. And Lake Sapsho is famous for the fact that on its shore there is a museum-estate of the famous Russian traveler Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky.

There is fish in the park's lakes. There are many birds and animals in the forests. You can meet a bear, elk, wild boar, and roe deer. Hunting them is, of course, prohibited. You can only watch and photograph them.

Oryol Polesie

National Park "Oryol Polesie" located at the junction of forest and forest-steppe zones. The park's topography is an undulating plain composed of fluvio-glacial sands and loams. There are sand dunes up to 10 m high. The territory is dissected by a dense network river valleys and beams. There are two lakes and several dozen artificial reservoirs here. The park is home to the gray crane, muskrat, badger, beaver, lynx and even the dark European forest bee.

Ugra National Park

Ugra National Park V Kaluga region was opened to tourists on July 1, 1997. It is located in the picturesque valleys of the Ugra and Zhizdra rivers, as well as on the left bank of the Oka. The length of the park from north to south is 130 km, and from west to east - 80 km, which provides sufficient diversity natural landscapes. The content of the national park is historical and natural. There are 21 natural monuments, more than 30 architectural monuments, famous spiritual centers, and about 100 archaeological sites.

The Ugra River in the national park flows through sparsely populated, wooded areas. Its steep banks are surrounded by green pine forests. The water is so clean that it contains plants that are indicators of water purity: white water lily, freshwater sponge - thistle. One of the most mysterious places park - forest tract "Devil's Settlement" with impenetrable forests, deep gloomy ravines, steep cliffs, boulders and caves. Archaeologists have found traces of a site here ancient man(Iron Age).


National Park "Nechkinsky" was organized in 1997. It is located at the junction of taiga and coniferous deciduous forests Cis-Urals. The territory, stretching for a good hundred kilometers above and below the dam of the Botkin Reservoir, is covered with light pine forests, interspersed in depressions with spruce and birch forests with an admixture of fir, larch, linden and oak.

In forests, lakes and rivers, meadows and swamps, 745 species of plants grow and 114 species of animals live. The territory of the national park contains numerous archaeological, historical and cultural monuments from different eras.

Landscapes and panoramas of the vast water and forest expanses of the park attract painters, photography enthusiasts and tourists.

Nature reserves of Russia

Another form of protected natural areas is nature reserves.

Reserve- a section of territory or water area within which not all of it is under special protection natural complex, as in a nature reserve, but only its individual elements: vegetation, all or some species of animals, etc.

Unlike a reserve, the lands of a reserve are not confiscated from the land user; only certain types of activities are limited for a certain period of time (plowing, logging, haymaking, hunting, fishing, tourism, etc.).

Currently, there are 69 federal reserves in Russia with a total area of ​​about 170,000 km 2 in 45 constituent entities of the Federation and about 12 thousand regional reserves. Among the first reserves established in 1958, it should be mentioned Tseysky(regional, North Ossetia- Alanya), Priazovsky(federal, Krasnodar region), Khingan-Arkharinsky(federal, Amur region), Voronezh(federal, Voronezh region), Kirzinsky(federal. Novosibirsk region),Tyumen(federal, Tyumen region is), Yaroslavsky(federal, Yaroslavl region).

Below is a list of Russian nature reserves, with a brief description.

Altai Nature Reserve

Founded in 1932 (within modern borders since 1967). Area - 863.9 thousand hectares (forested - 248.2 thousand hectares) Altai region. Mountain-taiga forests: larch, cedar-larch, fir-cedar, alpine. The flora has 1,500 species, many valuable plants: golden root, orchids, maral root. Fauna: elk, deer, Altai mountain sheep, sable, snow leopard, Altai snowcock, black stork, white partridge, etc.

Baikal Nature Reserve

Founded in 1969. Area - 165.7 thousand hectares (forested - 117.2 thousand hectares). Buryatia. The southern coast of Lake Baikal and the Khamar-Daban ridge. Dark coniferous taiga complex - spruce-cedar, fir-spruce taiga. There are 777 species in the flora. Fauna: deer, musk deer, wild boar, roe deer, lynx, elk, sable, brown bear, wolverine, alpine vole, mountain hare, pika, squirrel, etc.

Barguzinsky Reserve

Founded in 1916. Area - 263.2 thousand hectares (forested - 162.9 thousand hectares). Buryatia. Coast of Lake Baikal. Larch forests, dark coniferous taiga (spruce, fir, Siberian cedar), thickets of dwarf cedar. There are 600 species in the flora. Fauna: deer, musk deer, Barguzin sable, brown bear, black-capped marmot, Baikal seal(endemic to Lake Baikal).

Bashkir Nature Reserve

Founded in 1930. Area - 72.1 thousand hectares (forested - 63.9 thousand hectares). Bashkiya. Western slopes Southern Urals. Pine-broadleaf, pine-birch (with Siberian larch) forests. The flora contains 703 species, including 50 rare ones. Fauna: elk, deer, roe deer, brown bear, pine marten etc. Among the birds there are rare species: imperial eagle and eagle owl.

Bolshekhehtsirsky Reserve

Founded in 1964. Area - 45 thousand hectares (forested - 41.6 thousand hectares). Khabarovsk region. Vegetation from the East Siberian, Okhotsk-Manchurian and South Ussuri taiga; coniferous broadleaf forests. The flora contains 742 species (150 species of trees, shrubs, vines): Ayan spruce, white fir, Korean cedar, Amur velvet, Manchurian walnut, lemongrass, aralia, Eleutherococcus, actinidia, Amur grape, Amur rowan, etc. Fauna: red deer, musk deer , roe deer, wild boar, Himalayan black bear, lynx, sable, Schrenck snake, etc.

Visimsky Reserve

Founded in 1971. Area - 13.3 thousand hectares (forested - 12.7 thousand hectares). Sverdlovsk region Slopes of the Middle Urals with southern taiga forests of Siberian spruce, fir and Siberian cedar, Scots pine. There are 404 species in the flora. Fauna: lynx, bear, pine marten, weasel, mink, otter, ermine, ferret, chipmunk, goshawk, etc.

Volzhsko-Kama Nature Reserve

Founded in 1960. Area - 8 thousand hectares (forested - 7.1 thousand hectares). Republic of Tatarstan. It consists of two sections: Raifsky and Saralovsky - on the border of the taiga zones and coniferous-deciduous forests. There are 844 species in the flora. In Raifa there is a valuable arboretum of 400 species of trees and shrubs from the North. America, Asia, Europe. Mixed forests with pedunculate oak, cordifolia linden, Scots pine, spruce, Siberian fir, etc. The fauna includes forest and steppe species: brown bear, lynx, forest polecat, ermine, weasel, pine marten, reddish ground squirrel, muskrat, wood grouse, roller, deaf cuckoo, etc.

Darwin Nature Reserve

Founded in 1945. Area - 112.6 thousand hectares (forested - 47.4 thousand hectares). Vologda and Yaroslavl regions. South taiga pine forests, birch-pine forests. There are 547 species in the flora. Fauna: elk, roe deer, brown bear, badger, lynx, squirrel; 230 species of birds, including black grouse, capercaillie (there is a capercaillie farm); During the migration there are especially many waterfowl.

Zhigulevsky Reserve

Founded in 1927 (within modern borders since 1966). Area - 19.1 thousand hectares (forested - 17.7 thousand hectares). Kuibyshev region Coniferous-deciduous forests with relics of the Tertiary period and endemic Zhiguli. The flora has 520 species (some are rare). Fauna: elk, roe deer, badger, more than 140 nesting bird species.

Zavidovo Scientific and Experimental Reserve

Founded in 1929. Area - 125 thousand hectares (forested - 79 thousand hectares). Kalinin region Mixed forests of spruce, pine, birch, and aspen. Fauna: elk, deer, roe deer, wild boar, hares (hare and hare). Breeding valuable animals (deer, beaver, wild boar).

Zeya Nature Reserve

Founded in 1963. Area - 82.6 thousand hectares (forested - 75.1 thousand hectares). Amur region East Siberian mountain pine-larch (Dahurian larch) forests with elements of the Manchurian flora. Fauna: wapiti, elk, roe deer, musk deer, sable, brown bear, weasel, three-toed woodpecker, capercaillie. Changes are forecasted natural environment under the influence of the Zeya hydroelectric station.

Ilmensky Reserve

Founded in 1920. Area - 30.4 thousand hectares (forested - 25.9 thousand hectares). Chelyabinsk region Mineralogical Museum in Nature (150 minerals). Larch-pine, pine-birch and birch forests. The flora has 815 species, many relics.

Kandalaksha Nature Reserve

Founded in 1932. Area - 61.0 thousand hectares (forested not taken into account). Murmansk region Areas of tundra, forest-tundra and forests of the northern taiga subzone: spruce and pine forests. There are 554 species in the flora. Complex of northern island fauna (seal, guillemot, eider, etc.); The islands have famous “bird markets”.

Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve

Founded in 1916. Area - 17.9 thousand hectares (forested - 13.1 thousand hectares). Primorsky region. Southern, coniferous-deciduous, broad-leaved (oak and linden) forests. In the forests there is a combination of northern and southern species flora. Of the 834 species, 118 are tree species: Mongolian oak, Korean cedar, white and black fir, Schmidt birch, Manchurian walnut, pointed yew, dimorphant, white elm, Amur velvet, Chinese lemongrass, actinidia, zamanikha, Amur grape, Eleutherococcus, a valuable relict ginseng. Fauna: Ussuri tubebill, giant shrew, leopard, Amur cat, sika deer, Himalayan bear, harza, otter, raccoon dog, etc.

Reserve "Kivach"

Founded in 1931. Area - 10.5 thousand hectares (forested - 8.7 thousand hectares). Karelia. Kivach waterfall, pine and spruce forests subzones of the middle taiga (western sector). There are 559 species in the flora. The fauna includes representatives of the middle taiga (forest lemming, squirrel, elk, three-toed woodpecker), southern forest and forest-steppe species (little mouse, quail, corncrake, oriole, gray partridge, etc.).

Komsomolsky Reserve

Founded in 1963. Area - 32.2 thousand hectares (forested - 19.6 thousand hectares). Khabarovsk region. Spruce-fir taiga with areas of cedar-broad-leaved and light-coniferous forests. Available relict species plants and animals; spawning grounds for chum salmon and pink salmon.

Kronotsky Reserve

Founded in 1967. Area - 964 thousand hectares (forested - 606.7 thousand hectares). Kamchatka region , geysers. The flora contains about 800 species, including the relict graceful fir. Forests of stone birch, thickets of cedar and alder trees. Fauna: Kamchatka sable, bighorn sheep, reindeer, etc. coastal waters sea ​​lion rookeries, ringed seal, larga.

Lazovsky Reserve

Founded in 1957. Area - 116.5 thousand hectares (forested - 111.5 thousand hectares). Primorsky region. Southern part hr. Sikhote-Alin with the islands of Petrov and Beltsov. Siberian pine-deciduous forests with typical representatives of the Manchurian flora (1271 species, including 57 endemics and 20 rare); among the trees are Manchurian and Amur linden, Amur velvet, aralia; vines - grapes, actinidia, lemongrass, as well as ginseng and eleutherococcus. The fauna includes Amur goral, sika deer, wapiti, Himalayan bear, pheasant, Amur tiger, Manchurian hare, Moguera mole.

Lapland Nature Reserve

Founded in 1930. Area - 161.3 thousand hectares (forested - 84.1 thousand hectares). Murmansk region Lake basin Imandra. Northern taiga sparse spruce and pine forests. There are 608 species in the flora. The fauna includes wild reindeer, elk, marten, ermine, wolverine, Norwegian lemming, otter, etc. The beaver has been reacclimatized.

Reserve "Malaya Sosva"

Founded in 1976. Area - 92.9 thousand hectares (forested - 80.2 thousand hectares). Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansiysk national district Pine forests of the middle taiga subzone. There are 353 species in the flora. In the fauna, the local population river beaver And valuable species hunting animals.

Mordovian Nature Reserve

Founded in 1935. Area - 32.1 thousand hectares (forested - 32.0 thousand hectares). Mordovia. On the border of deciduous forest and forest-steppe zones. The area is dominated by pine forests of various types (from lichen to sphagnum), floodplain oak forests, as well as linden, aspen and birch forests. There are 1010 species in the flora. The fauna includes muskrat, elk, hares (hare and hare), lynx, wood grouse, hazel grouse, black grouse, black stork, eagle owl, etc. Roe deer and beaver have been re-acclimatized; deer, sika deer, raccoon dog, and muskrat are acclimatized.

Oksky Reserve

Founded in 1935. Area - 22.9 thousand hectares (forested - 19.4 thousand hectares). Ryazan region Pine and broadleaf forests. The flora has 800 species, including 69 rare and 5 endangered. The fauna includes a number of rare species: muskrat, otter, black stork, white-tailed eagle, etc. The beaver has been reacclimatized.

Pechora-Ilychsky Reserve

Founded in 1930. Area - 721.3 thousand hectares (forested - 612.2 thousand hectares). Komi Republic. Coniferous forests subzones of the middle taiga and mountain tundra of the Northern Urals. The flora has 700 species, including 6 endemics, 7 rare and 11 endangered. The fauna includes elk, forest reindeer, wolf, wolverine, otter, mink, sable, kidus, etc. Beaver has been reacclimatized.

Pinezhsky Nature Reserve

Founded in 1975. Area - 41.2 thousand hectares (forested - 37.9 thousand hectares). Arkhangelsk region Northern taiga forests of a European character with Siberian representatives (Siberian spruce, etc.) and fauna characteristic of the northern taiga.

Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve

Founded in 1948. Area - 4.9 thousand hectares (forested - 4.7 thousand hectares). Moscow region Pine and broad-leaved forests in the south of the coniferous-broad-leaved zone. Areas of relict steppe vegetation. There are about 900 species in the flora. The fauna includes elk, wild boar, roe deer, deer; beaver reacclimatized. There is a central bison nursery in the reserve, and a bison stud book is maintained.

Sayano-Shushensky Nature Reserve

Founded in 1976. Area - 389.6 thousand hectares (forested - 245.6 thousand hectares). Krasnoyarsk region. Mountain forest formations of cedar, fir, spruce forests. The fauna includes Siberian mountain goat, mountain taiga reindeer, deer; Among the rare ones are the red wolf and the Altai snowcock, listed in the Red Book.

Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve

Founded in 1935. Area - 340.2 thousand hectares (forested - 339.7 thousand hectares). Primorsky region. Cedar-broad-leaved forests (Korean cedar, lemongrass, Eleutherococcus), spruce-fir taiga, stone birch forests, thickets of dwarf cedar. The flora contains 797 species, including 100 endemics. Fauna: wild boar, wapiti, roe deer, tiger, Himalayan and brown bears, goral, musk deer, sika deer, sable, harza, fish owl, mandarin duck, etc.

Sokhondinsky Reserve

Founded in 1974. Area - 210 thousand hectares (forested - 147.0 thousand hectares). Chita region Typical Siberian taiga - light coniferous and dark coniferous (cedar) forest formations with steppe islands. The flora has 280 species, including 42 rare ones. Fauna: elk, wapiti, roe deer, musk deer, lynx, sable, capercaillie, bearded partridge, etc.

Reserve "Stolby"

Founded in 1925. Area - 47.2 thousand hectares (forested - 46.3 thousand hectares). Krasnoyarsk region. Eastern Sayan Mountains. Dark coniferous (cedar-fir) taiga, larch and pine forests. Granite-syenite rocks (“pillars”) up to 100 m in height. The flora contains 551 species, 46 rare species. Fauna: deer, musk deer, wolverine, sable, lynx. In the rivers taimen, lenok, whitefish, chebak, grayling, etc.

Ussuri Nature Reserve

Founded in 1932. Area - 40.4 thousand hectares (forested - 40.3 thousand hectares). Primorsky region. Siberian pine-broad-leaved, black-fir, elm, vine and hornbeam forests, ash forests of the South Ussuri taiga. The flora has 820 species, 18 rare (ginseng, actinidia, lemongrass, etc.). Valuable fauna: tiger, leopard, wapiti, roe deer, musk deer, wild boar, sika deer, shrew - giant shrew, pheasant, eastern and Pallas muzzles, Amur and patterned runners etc.

Khingan Reserve

Founded in 1963. Area - 59.0 thousand hectares (forested - 34.8 thousand hectares). Amur region Mountain cedar-broad-leaved forests - Mongolian oak, flat-leaved and Daurian birch, white fir, Ayan spruce, Daurian larch. The flora has 500 species, rare - 21. Valuable fauna: wapiti, black and brown bears, sable, harza, weasel, Manchurian hare, chipmunk, lynx, etc.

Central Forest Reserve

Founded in 1931. Area - 21.3 thousand hectares (forested - 19.9 thousand hectares). Kalinin region Spruce and mixed spruce-broad-leaved forests. The flora contains 546 species, 10 rare. A complex of forest southern taiga animals - elk, wild boar, brown bear, lynx, wolf, marten, flying squirrel, beaver, wood grouse, black grouse, hazel grouse, etc.

Voronezh Reserve

Founded in 1927. Area - 31.1 thousand hectares (forested - 28.5 thousand hectares). Voronezh region Steppe and complex pine forests (Usmansky pine forest) and oak forests. There are 973 species in the flora. A typical forest-steppe faunal complex (including aboriginal settlements of beaver and muskrat) - elk, European deer, wild boar, roe deer. Center for the study of river beaver and experimental cellular beaver breeding.

Khopersky Reserve

Founded in 1935. Area - 16.2 thousand hectares (forested - 12.8 thousand hectares). Voronezh region Floodplain of the river Khopra with oak groves, black alder and white poplar forests. Upland and floodplain oak forests with ash. The flora contains 33 rare species. The area is inhabited by muskrat, beaver, roe deer, wild boar, and sika deer and bison are acclimatized.

Kabardino-Balkarian Nature Reserve

Founded in 1976. Area - 53.3 thousand hectares (forested - 2.5 thousand hectares). Kabardino-Balkaria. Northern slopes of the Main Caucasus Range. Pine and oak forests and highlands with rare and valuable plants. Fauna: tur, chamois, snowcocks, etc.

Caucasian Reserve

Founded in 1924. Area - 263.5 thousand hectares (forested - 164.1 thousand hectares). Krasnodar region. Western part of the Main Caucasus Range. Mountain oak (sedus, Georgian and pedunculate oak), beech and dark coniferous forests (Caucasian fir, or Nordmann fir, eastern spruce). The flora contains over 1,500 species, including 327 endemics and 21 rare ones. The fauna includes 59 species: Caucasian deer, chamois, Kuban tur, lynx, forest and stone marten etc. The bison has been reacclimatized. Under the jurisdiction of the reserve on the southeastern slope of Mount B. Akhun is the Khosta yew-boxwood grove (area - 300 hectares).

North Ossetian Nature Reserve

Founded in 1967. Area - 25.9 thousand hectares (forested - 3.6 thousand hectares). North Ossetia. Northern slopes of the Main Caucasus Range. Mixed broad-leaved trees (pedunculate and sessile oaks, eastern beech, common ash, Norway maple, hornbeam), pine and birch forests. The flora has 1,500 species, including 80 species of trees and shrubs, 5 rare ones. The fauna includes the East Caucasian tur, chamois, brown bear, stone and pine martens, badger, forest cat, lynx, etc.

Teberdinsky Reserve

Founded in 1936. Area - 83.1 thousand hectares (forested - 27.4 thousand hectares). Stavropol region. Northern slopes of the Western Caucasus. Two sections: the main one - in the upper river basin. Teberda and Arkhyzsky - in the valley of the river. Kizgich. Mixed broad-leaved, pine and dark coniferous forests. The flora contains 1180 species, incl. 186 endemics, 4 rare. Rare species fauna: Kuban tur, chamois, Caucasian snowcock, Caucasian black grouse, Caucasian mouse. There are brown bear, red deer, wild boar, forest cat, ermine, fox, etc.

Russia is the most big country peace. It has everything: hot seaside resorts, snowy mountain peaks, deep lakes, crystal clean rivers, fabulous taiga, amazing animals. However, this unusual rich nature needs protection and care. In order to preserve the ecosystem, specially protected natural reserves in Russia were created. In total, there are 103 in the Russian Federation protected areas, which are scattered throughout the country. They occupy an area equal to 27.38 million hectares without taking into account the water area. Natural reserves in Russia are the basis for research: studying animals in their usual habitat, observing plants, and working to preserve the animal and plant worlds.

Barguzinsky Reserve

The oldest nature reserve in Russia is Barguzinsky. It was founded on December 29, 1916. Located in Buryatia in the North Baikal region. It was founded as a sable reserve, the main idea of ​​which was the preservation of these small animals. At the time of its founding, the reserve could boast of only 20-30 individuals. On at the moment the number of these mammals has increased noticeably and now amounts to 1-2 individuals per 1 km 2.

Since 1996, the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve has become a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Nowadays, the fauna of this wonderful place is incredibly diverse. Here you can meet moose, hares, bears, marmots and many other interesting fauna. In total, 41 species of mammals live here. Also on the territory of the reserve there are many rivers and lakes, in the waters of which you can see a lot of fish. Next, we will learn about other state natural reserves of Russia.

Great Arctic Nature Reserve

At the moment it is the largest not only in Russia, but throughout Eurasia. Located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the Taimyr region. Founded 05/11/1993. The area of ​​this incredible place is more than 4 million hectares! The reserve includes some islands, peninsulas, mainland parts and archipelagos. Basically, all its territories are located in areas of long-term winters. For example, on Cape Chelyuskin, which is part of the reserve, there is snow 300 days a year. The temperature in the Great Arctic never rises above -7 Cº. This beautiful place has more than 160 species of plants, 120 of birds, about 20 of mammals and 30 of fish.

Reserve "Kivach"

Speaking about natural reserves in Russia, we cannot forget about “Kivach” - a small and oldest protected natural area in the Russian Federation. It was founded in June 1931 in Karelia, in the Kondopoga region. Total area This place covers almost 11 thousand hectares, 80% of the territory is occupied by forests and deep thickets. These are mainly spruce and pine trees. This reserve got its name thanks to the waterfall of the same name, which is located on the territory. It is also the main attraction of this place. There is also the world-famous Sopokhsky Bor. Trees grow here, the age of which reaches three and a half centuries. One can only envy such long-livers! The reserve is home to more than 200 species of birds, about 50 of mammals, 3 of reptiles, 5 of amphibians and 18 of fish.

Altai Nature Reserve

What other protected natural areas are there in Russia? In fact, it is impossible to list them all. The Altai Nature Reserve is one of the most famous and visited in Russia. It is located in the mountains Southern Siberia in the Altai Republic. It was opened in 1932. The area of ​​this wonderful place is 881,238 hectares. The climate here is continental. As mentioned above, it is located in the mountains, so there are no hot days. Summer is cool, however, completely absent at the peaks, and winter is mild and not severe.

All natural reserves of Russia, like Altai, have an amazing and unusually rich flora. 1,500 plant species grow in this territory, 22 of which are listed in the Red Book. And you can only meet them in this wonderful place. The fauna of the region is a real treasure. Here live 59 species of rare animals that were threatened with extinction from the face of the Earth.

Wrangel Island

Wrangel Island is one of the largest and very famous reserves Russia, located in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. It occupies an area of ​​2.2 million hectares. About 70% of the entire territory is mountainous. About 150 small rivers flow across the entire area of ​​this reserve; you can also come across 900 shallow lakes in the Wrangel Mountains. The climate is cold and quite pungent. Summer lasts no longer than 25 days a year and is quite cool. When talking about protected natural areas in Russia, nature reserves should be mentioned first. And this island is truly beautiful.

The Wrangel flora has no analogues in the Arctic in its richness. 417 plant species, 169 bird species, and a huge number of mammals grow here. 130 thousand walruses were counted on Wrangel Island! In honor of this reserve, a commemorative coin from the Bank of Russia and a postage stamp were issued. In a word, for those tourists who love nature, silence, beauty and animals, the natural reserves of Russia - best place for visits. All the places described above and many more will happily welcome you into the bosom of beauty and grandeur.