The lowest temperature recorded on earth. Temperature records or where everyone is hotter and colder

There are many records in the world. Like sports: who can jump the highest or run the fastest. Same with physical ones: who is taller, who has longer than an arm, legs. But not only people and animals set records. The weather also likes to set them. Not only such as the highest wave, the deadliest hurricane.

No less interesting are the records in weather, namely in temperature. It is customary to single out the lowest and high temperature, and the average annual lowest and highest. It is difficult to select specific leaders in these indicators, as well as to compile a rating. This is due to the fact that the Earth can be divided into several sectors. And habitually low temperature in one sector will never be seen in another, with a warmer (tropical) climate.

It is customary to measure on the Celsius scale, recognized internationally. It is impossible to say exactly what the lowest temperature has ever been on Earth, since it was only in the twentieth century that this began to be closely monitored and the results recorded.

Antarctica - "Dome Fuji", -91.2 degrees

Information also appeared that in 2004, on August 3, in the area of ​​the Japanese Arctic station “Dome of Fuji” a new world temperature record was recorded - -91,2 . One of the reasons for installing a new temperature minimum— the location of the “Dome” at an altitude of 3786 meters above the waterline. It should also be noted that average annual temperature in Antarctica is -60.2. This indicator rightfully reserves the title of the coldest place on Earth for Antarctica.

The leader in minimum temperatures is Antarctica. This is the continent that is higher than others above sea level. It is completely covered with ice and has no vegetation. Doesn't happen here temperature conditions above zero. Considering everything climatic features Antarctica, it is worth noting that it rightfully holds the well-deserved title of the coldest place in the world. Antarctica belongs to no one. All results about its temperature indicators were provided by stations located on its territory. Antarctica is called the South Pole of Cold. The pole of cold is usually called the place marked by the coldest temperature.

The lowest officially confirmed temperature in Antarctica was recorded by the Russian Vostok station. The thermometer dropped that time up to -89.2. The record was recorded in 1983, on July 21. This was taken at an altitude of 3420 meters above sea level.

Asia - Verkhoyansk, temperature -67.8 degrees

In 1855, a temperature of about -67.8 degrees was recorded in this eastern part of Siberia. There is an official dispute, but the majority insists on giving the title of Pole of Cold to Verkhoyansk. There is non-documentary information in favor of Oymyakon that in 1924 a lower temperature was recorded in the settlement, amounting to -71.2 degrees Celsius. And in 1938 – -77.8 degrees Celsius.

The debate about a colder climate is still ongoing. Interesting fact that Oymyakon claims to be both the North Pole of Cold and the World Pole. This is explained by the fact that the difference in location above sea level with the Arctic station “Vostok” is taken into account. Therefore, Oymyakon has the right to be called the global pole of cold. Representatives of the locality believe that this title should be distributed, taking into account not only the temperature, but also the location. Vostok station is located at an altitude of 3420 meters. Whereas Oymyakon is located at 741 meters.

In Oymyakon the temperature dropped once up to -67.7 degrees It is worth noting that it is impossible to compete with Antarctica for its lowest temperature indicators. But each continent has its own temperature records, which are not much inferior to the cold South Pole. There is such a competitor in Asia, specifically in Russia. In the world it is called the North Pole of Cold - Oymyakon. This place is located at an altitude of 741 meters above the waterline.

Some believe that Oymyakon is the harshest place with temperatures below zero that has a permanent population. -67.7 – Oymyakon is considered to be the same indicator North Pole cold. the main problem The fact is that not only Oymyakon claims the honorary title of Pole of Cold. There is a lot of controversy on this topic. And many scientists consider Verkhoyansk to be the most cold spot Asia and the northern hemisphere.

Europe -Ust-Shchugor, temperature -58.1 degrees

The lowest temperature was once again recorded in Russia, but in its European part of Siberia. Ust-Shchugor is a small village on the territory of the Komi Republic. It is known only for its temperature records. -58.1 – this is the indicator with which this locality managed to set the lowest temperature in Europe. This was done just in time New Year, December 31, 1978.

North America - Northais, temperature -66.1 degrees

The crowning glory was the Greenland Northais in 1954, January 9th. He entered the list of the lowest temperatures with a personal record of -66.1 degrees Celsius. 2345 meters above waterline (Greenland ice sheet) – it is at this height that the North American record holder for temperatures below zero is located.

South America - Valle de los Patos Superior, temperature -39 degrees

Hot and strange Argentina pleased us with the cold. This happened in Valle de los Patos Superior, where the temperature dropped in 1972. The temperature reached -39 on July 17. As in previous cases, the altitude of the location played an important role - 2880 meters above sea level.

Australia - Charlotte Pass, temperature -23 degrees

The southern continent, at first glance so hot, has its snowy side. Charlotte Pass is the most cold zone Australia. Where in winter months The temperature may well be below zero. 1755 meters above sea level played a role. And they gave a record for Australia of -23 degrees. Which at first glance may not seem so cold. But only if you are not used to celebrating the New Year on the beach and in a swimsuit. Here is the one and only ski resort Australia.

Africa - Ifrane, temperature -23.9 degrees

Last on the list, but not last in importance. Even in Africa it can be cold - Ifrane, Morocco. In 1935, the city pleased with its temperature -23.9 degrees. Subsequently, due to the unusually cold climate for Africa, it was turned into a ski resort.

Russia is the most big country in the world, occupies 1/8 of the Earth's land mass and is extremely rich in natural records. Here is the deepest lake in the world - Baikal, the highest mountain peak - Elbrus, Franz Josef Land, the northernmost archipelago on the planet, the longest European river - the Volga. The list could go on for a very long time.

In addition to geographical records, Russia holds another one - weather records. The fact is that it is in the territory of the largest country in the world that the lowest temperature is recorded.

On the right bank of the Yana River is the northernmost city of Yakutia - Verkhoyansk. It’s hard to even call it a city. Rather, it is a small urban settlement with a population of 1,150 people, according to the 2015 census.

Frosts are not uncommon in Russia, but the town has become famous for its extreme weather conditions. It was here that on January 15, 1885, the temperature dropped to -67.8 0 C, which today is the lowest officially recorded temperature in the world in the territory of a permanently populated area. Such terrible cold is very difficult to survive today. And then in Verkhoyansk there was no centralized heating, and people themselves had to keep their houses warm with the help of firewood. During that harsh winter, many wild animals, birds and stray dogs froze.

The town confirmed its record in February 1892, and in the winter of 1933 the frost outside was -67.7 0 C.

I wonder what short summer here the temperature rises to 30 0 C. The absolute maximum was recorded in July 1988, when the air in Verkhoyansk warmed up to +37.3 0 C. Thus, Russia holds another record - the highest a big difference maximum and minimum temperatures.

In 2005, townspeople attended the grand opening of a memorial plaque in honor of the 120-year record - the absolute minimum temperature on Earth in a populated area. Verkhoyansk has officially been awarded the status of the coldest city on the planet and the Pole of Cold Northern Hemisphere Earth.

Oymyakon, Yakutia

There is another settlement in Yakutia that defends the right to be called the coldest city in the world. Residents of the village of Oymyakona claim that it was here that the lowest temperature of -82 0 C was recorded in January 1916. To prove that Oymyakon is the most severe place with a permanent population not only in Russia, but throughout the globe, the following temperature data are provided:

  • 1892 – minus 67.8 0 C,
  • in 1924 and 1926 – minus 71.2 0 C,
  • 1933 – “only” minus 67.7 0 C and minus 69.6 0 C,
  • 1938 –77.8 0 C below zero.

IN this moment this information is being verified, and if it is officially confirmed that such terrible frosts were indeed observed in the Oymyakon Valley, then Verkhoyansk will lose its primacy as the coldest place on Earth and the Pole of Cold, and Oymyakon will receive these titles.

Verkhoyansk and Oymyakon are cities belonging to the Asian part of Russia. In the European part of the country, the lowest temperature was observed in the village of Ust-Shchuger (Komi Republic) on December 31, 1978 - -58.1 0 C.

Vostok station

Above we considered settlements in which the most harsh winters on the planet. If we talk about points earth's surface, where there is no permanent population, the lowest temperature in the world - -89.2 0 C - was recorded on July 21, 1983 at coordinates 78 0 27' south latitude and 106 0 50' east longitude. The most interesting thing is that these coordinates belong to the Russian Arctic scientific station"East". Again, the record belongs to Russia...

Many people begin to complain about the unbearable cold when the temperature outside drops below 0. However, there are places on our planet where it can be much colder. And, most amazingly, some of these places are inhabited by people! From this article you will learn about corners globe, the temperature in which is almost the same as in the most powerful freezing unit.

Vostok station

The Antarctic Vostok station is rightfully considered the coldest place on our planet. The research station is located near the south geomagnetic pole and is located at an altitude of 3.5 kilometers above sea level. In the summer of 1983, a temperature of -89 degrees was recorded here.

Even in this “weather” there is active activity at the station. Scientists are exploring the climate of Antarctica and its unique nature, as well as Lake Vostok, located under four kilometers of ice.

Station "Plateau"

This US-owned station was used for only three years in the early 60s. At the moment, the station is not operational, but it is possible that in the future it will again meet brave Antarctic researchers.

4 scientists and 4 military personnel worked at the station, who initially had to devote only two years to their activities. However, the work dragged on for another year: the results of the research interested the US government and it was decided to leave naturalists at the station for a longer period. True, information about what interested scientists so much and why the military were with them on the “Plateau” is still not known to the general public.

The average annual temperature at the station reached -18.3 degrees: this is even lower than at the Vostok station. And the lowest indicator was the thermometer value -86.2 degrees.

Oymyakon city

This city, located in Yakutia, is considered the coldest populated area on the planet. Oymyakon is located beyond the Arctic Circle at an altitude of 700 meters above sea level. In addition, the city is built in a lowland, as a result of which icy air accumulates near houses at night. Due to the peculiar geographical location the difference between day and night temperatures can reach 20 degrees.

The lowest temperature recorded in Oymyakon was -64 degrees Celsius, but there is evidence that in 1938 the thermometer dropped to -78 degrees.

Naturally, it is impossible to grow fruits and vegetables in such conditions. Food products are brought to Oyamyakon by air. True, this can only be done in summer: in winter, the runway freezes over and does not function.

Surprisingly, translated from the Yakut language, “Oymyakon” means “non-freezing water.” This paradox is connected with the fact that not far from the city there are springs with burning water that really do not freeze even in the most severe cold.

Icemitte station

Ismitte - polar station of Alfred Wegener's expedition. The station is located on the Greenland Ice Sheet.

The name of the station is translated from Greenlandic as “middle of the ice.” And this is not surprising. After all, all the premises of the station are made of snow and blocks of ice.

In the early 1930s, an expedition was sent to the station, whose members were supposed to record temperature indicators and engage in meteorological research. It was possible to find out that the temperature in this point of the globe drops to -65 degrees. However, this knowledge came at a considerable price. Alfred Wegner himself, as well as one of his colleagues Rasmus Villumsen, died from the cold. Another researcher had to amputate frostbitten toes without using painkillers, which, unfortunately, were not available at the station. Perhaps this is why the research was not continued and the station is currently abandoned.

Mount McKinley

Mount McKinley is located in Alaska. The mountain received its current name in honor of the 25th American President William McKinley. The height of the mountain is 6194 meters. When the mountain belonged Russian Empire, it was called Bolshoi.
McKinley is considered the coldest mountain on the planet. The temperature at its top is winter time can drop to -55 degrees.

IN last years The climate has changed a lot, and not only in the direction of warming. Such changes occur especially noticeably in zones of sharply continental climate. Here the summers are impossibly hot, the winters are very frosty. Let's look for answers to the questions: where is the lowest temperature on Earth? Where is it coldest?

Climate of the Northern Hemisphere in the 19th century

It would seem that the coldest should be Northern and South pole, as the farthest from the equator. In reality, things are not so simple.

There are several in the Northern Hemisphere settlements, which can rightfully be called “poles of cold”. All of them are located in Russia. And this is not surprising, since it owns a huge part of the northern territories.

Long ago, in the 19th century, in one of these villages (Verkhoyansk) a critical temperature was recorded - 63.2 degrees below zero. It is located in the northeast direction from Yakutsk, 650 kilometers from it. In the same area in January 1885, an even greater minus temperature was recorded - 67.8 degrees. At that time, this was the lowest temperature on Earth.

Verkhoyansk at that time was a place of exile for political prisoners. The measurements were carried out, as expected, at an equipped weather station by one of the political exiles, I. A. Khudyakov. In this regard, in Verkhoyansk there is a monument called “Pole of Cold”. There is also an interesting local history museum called the Ulus Museum with the same name.

Frosts of the 20th century, modernity

In the middle of the 20th century, temperature measurements were taken in Oymyakon, a village located just south (4 degrees) of Verkhoyansk. This was done by S.V. Obruchev (son of the author of the works “Sannikov’s Land” and “Plutonium”). According to his data, it turned out that a minus mark of 71.2 degrees is possible here. And this was the lowest temperature on Earth at that time.

The Oymyakon depression is located higher in level than the Verkhoyansk depression. In addition, it is surrounded by mountains, trapping frosty and dry air in the depression. However, such a temperature has not been observed in practice. And yet, Oymyakon became famous as the frostiest place.

Oymyakon. The fight for the title of “Pole of Cold”

In fact, Obruchev’s calculations were made near another village - Tomtor, located 30 kilometers from Oymyakon. Since almost everything geographical features This region (plateaus, depressions, etc.) are called Oymyakon, which is why Oymyakon became so famous.

In Tomtor itself, already in February 1933, the weather station recorded a temperature mark of minus 67.7 degrees. That is, until the record for the lowest temperature on Earth (Verkhoyansk, 1885) is broken with a lag of 0.1 degrees. The residents of Tomtor themselves believe that the weather station was built later, when climate warming began to occur. Otherwise, most likely, they would have broken the record long ago.

Based on average temperatures over 15 years, in Verkhoyansk the minimum temperature was only minus 57, and in Tomtor it was minus 60.0 degrees. And according to the absolute minimums for the same period of time, the temperatures are as follows: Verkhoyansk - 61.1, and Tomtor - 64.6 degrees. It turns out that it is colder in Tomtor than in Verkhoyansk.

The Oymyakon weather station, due to record data, is noted in the Guinness Book. But the Yakut authorities changed everything. They decided and recognized Verkhoyansk as the “pole of cold”. Perhaps in order to attract more tourists.

Vostok station. Lowest temperature on Earth

The achievements of the above-mentioned Verkhoyansk and Tomtor pale in comparison to the temperature values ​​of the Vostok station, located in East Antarctica. This is the real “Pole of Cold”.

This station is located at an altitude of almost 3.5 kilometers above sea level, on the ice dome itself. The lowest temperature was recorded there - minus 89.2 degrees. It is amazing! Even in summer, the temperature here stays between 20-40 degrees below zero! It’s worth feeling and seeing it to understand what real cold means.

East Antarctica has the coldest temperatures on Earth.

Dashti Lut, Libyan desert

The hottest air on Earth was recorded in 2005 in Libya in the Dashti Lut desert. The thermometer showed plus 70 degrees Celsius.

At this temperature, you can cook food without using fire, since the surfaces of objects become so hot in the Sun that you can safely fry eggs on them. And it is impossible to walk barefoot on the ground. The air even in the shade warms up to 60 degrees.

There is another desert in Libya - Al Azizia. In September 1922, a positive temperature of 57.8 degrees was noticed on it.

There is Death Valley in the USA. The hottest temperature was recorded there at 56.7 degrees. A average temperature Summer here is +47 degrees.

Universe. The coldest place

The lowest temperature in the Universe is in the Boomerang Nebula. It is believed that this is the coldest place in the entire Universe. Its temperature is minus 272 °C. This is despite the fact that minus 273°C is taken as the lowest temperature - the lowest accepted limit of all temperatures.

Where does this temperature come from? What's happening?

In the very center of this nebula is located dying star, which for 1,500 years has been emitting gases in the form of wind, moving at an unimaginably high speed of 500,000 kilometers per hour. The gas coming out of the nebula is cooled in the same way as the air that people exhale. The temperature of the gas itself is two degrees higher less temperature places where it then expands. Due to rapid expansion, it cooled to 272 Celsius.

This amazing nebula got its name due to its similarity in appearance with a boomerang, although it is believed that it looks more like a butterfly. This is due to the fact that Australian scientists who discovered this place in 1980 did not have such powerful telescopes as they have now, and saw only isolated fragments of the nebula. The modern Hubble telescope took the most accurate picture.

Thus, the places on Earth with the highest and lowest temperatures are, respectively, the Libyan Dashti Lut Desert and East Antarctica. And there is no limit to such natural phenomena.

Despite the fact that humanity has explored the Earth far and wide, scientists continue to make discoveries that force them to rewrite textbooks. So American researchers from the University of Colorado at Boulder made their contribution -

they found that temperatures in Antarctica can drop to almost -100°C.

They spoke about the discovery of a new temperature record in an article in the magazine. Geophysical Research Letters .

Previously, the lowest recorded temperature in Antarctica was -93°C, this data was obtained in 2013. The new record, like the previous one, was set in the eastern part of the mainland. Researchers discovered it by studying satellite readings of temperature changes in Antarctica and comparing the results with data from ground-based weather stations.

The lowest temperature on Earth is now officially -98°C. Temperature record was installed on July 31, 2010.

“I have never been in such cold and I hope I never will,” says Doyle Rice, one of the researchers. —

They say that every breath there brings pain and you need to be extremely careful not to freeze your throat and lungs when breathing. It’s much colder than Siberia or Alaska.”

“Such a temperature can be felt at the poles of Mars in clear summer day" compares Ted Scambos, lead author of the study.

Temperatures drop so low in ice “pockets” up to three meters deep.

Scientists used data from the Terra and Aqua satellites, as well as satellite measurements National Administration oceanic and atmospheric research USA for 2004-2016. The greatest temperature changes, as it turned out, occur in Southern Hemisphere at night in June-August. Temperatures below -90°C are regularly recorded there.

The researchers also identified conditions conducive to the establishment of a temperature minimum: clear skies, light breezes and extremely dry air. Even a minimal content of water vapor in the air contributes to its heating, although not much.

“In this area, during certain periods the air is very dry, and this allows the snow to release heat more easily,” Scambos explains.

The temperature record was recorded at several points at a distance of hundreds of kilometers from each other. This got the researchers wondering - is there even a limit to the cooling?

“It all depends on how long the conditions allow the air to cool and how much water vapor there is in the atmosphere,” Scambos said.

Extremely dry and cold air sinks into pockets of ice and becomes colder and colder until the weather. Temperatures could drop even lower, researchers say, but it will just take a lot of clear, dry days in a row.

If this record can be broken, it will obviously not be soon, the authors of the work believe. Level up carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and in connection with this, an increase in the amount of water vapor does not at all contribute to the emergence of the conditions necessary for this.

“Observation of the processes that influence low air and surface temperatures suggests that we will experience extreme low temperatures less frequently in the future,” the researchers write.

The researchers note that the data obtained are indicators recorded remotely. The lowest temperature recorded at a land weather station was -89.2°C. It was recorded on July 21, 1983 on the Soviet Antarctic station"East".

Because the current data was obtained from satellites rather than directly, some researchers refuse to acknowledge its significance.

“The East is still the coldest place on Earth,” insists Randy Cervenu, a professor of geography at the University of Arizona and a World Meteorological Organization specialist. — Remote sensing was used here, not standard weather stations Therefore, we at the World Meteorological Organization do not accept these results.”

In the United States, the lowest temperature was recorded in Alaska in the Prospect Creek settlement. The temperature record set on January 23, 1971 was -80°C.