Detailed annual tarot forecast. Annual schedule

Online fortune telling using cards by date of birth

Online forecast of a person’s fate by date of birth. For free and in one click you will receive a table of fate and full description periods of life for the whole year.

Find out the forecast of your fate, get a warning about what will happen. Knowing the future, you can get rid of troubles and start a new life!

Knowing one's destiny frees a person from both excessive arrogance and excessive pessimism. Knowledge of fate liberates a person and makes him a realist.

Find out your destiny for the year by date of birth

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Forecast of fate for the year and Annual layout on the cards

In the system of Fate and Love Cards, the year of a person’s destiny begins not according to the calendar beginning of the year (January 1), but on the person’s birthday. A person's birthday, in the system of Fate and Love Cards, is a report of the new year and is indicated by a birth card. Therefore everyone calendar year, for each person is divided into two periods of fate - before and after the birthday.
In the forecast of fate for the year by date of birth, two life scenarios are presented on the cards, according to the first of which calculations of the fate forecast are made before the birthday, and according to the second - after the birthday.

Knowing one's destiny as long as it is present in a person's life allows him to survive. He has something to protect in the grandest sense: his dream, his purpose, the opportunity to live his own life, and not someone else’s. This is the basis of solidarity between those living today and their ancestors and descendants. For an individual, knowledge of his destiny is the maximum volume of life in which he can consider himself a participant. What sets his level of personal development: what he will take upon himself - within the framework of a given fate. Therefore, it is very important that the meaning of our destiny be revealed with the degree of clarity that is possible today.

The magic of cards is that they can answer almost any question. Working with Tarot is no exception. The forecast for 2018 for each zodiac sign can be radically different from each other.

Thanks to the layout, it is possible to answer the most important questions for a person, help him find what he wants and give some advice on coming year. Fortune telling with Tarot cards comes down to answers to the most important questions:
the nature of relationships with other people, ways of establishing contacts
situation on the personal front: relationship with a spouse, the likelihood of new novels or other events in a person’s life
decoding of the financial situation, recommendations for eliminating problems and ways to improve the financial situation.

The Year of the Earth Dog, according to the schedule, is generally marked by activity. Many people, thanks to the favorable influence of the patron of the year, will be able to achieve unprecedented success in areas to which they had not previously paid due attention.

2018 is a time of dramatic change. You need to take on what you previously thought you couldn’t do. But it is worth considering the other side of the forecast, which suggests that this year some people may be too self-confident and want to get what is not destined for them by fate. In such situations, you can find yourself on the edge of an abyss - one careless move will affect your future fate.

For the world as a whole, the year of the Earth Dog will be a period of unexpected statements and actions. Moreover, everything will happen at what would seem to be the most inopportune moment. Such changes will affect both the political and business spheres.

The hermit card in the layout for Aries can be beneficial for them in the year of the Dog. Representatives of the sign will often be distinguished by prudence. These are the people who represent the light of reason in the new year. Often their ideas will be noticed by influential people, because working in the field of education you can achieve unprecedented success that you could only dream of before.

In all situations you need to remain yourself. It is unlikely that the desire to look better against the backdrop of the insulted and humiliated will play into the hands of Aries. However, this is a rather serious year, because who, if not the representatives of the sign, knows that victory must be achieved at any cost.

The “Tower” card foreshadows liberation from past troubles for representatives of the sign. This will also affect their sphere everyday communication. You will have to say goodbye to many people who previously did not arouse much interest.

Representatives of the sign will have to be careful, as evidenced by the Moon card. It very often means failure in business and suggests that a person is more focused on his immediate desires. He can also come up with images that do not always correspond to reality.

In the matter of love, there will finally be a chance to develop relationships. The World card indicates a new beginning, positive changes await Aries.

Tarot forecast for 2018 for Taurus

Nobody knows how difficult it was for Taurus last year. Constant hassle, long business trips and work that was not valued by anyone. The Sun card predicts a radical change in events. It may be possible to change your place of residence and get a job new job. But on the other hand, there is a chance that everything will work out at your previous place of work.

In a love matter, experiences will fade into the background. The Star card suggests that Taurus needs to believe in their luck and destiny. Maybe you shouldn’t look for happiness far away, because it’s very close. But at the same time, the “Tower” card advises representatives of the sign not to take risks in matters of love. You need to think several times, especially in matters of separation.

The Hanged Man card advises Taurus not to cling to their past in material terms. Many representatives of the sign believe that a bird in the hand is better than a crane in the sky. But Tarot tells them that it’s time to take a little break from what Taurus has in their hands and try to catch the crane. Luck will be on their side. Under no circumstances should you give up what you have started. Some of them may not become profitable immediately; responsibility is important.

Tarot forecast for 2018 for Gemini

How long have representatives of the sign tried to change something, but they often failed? Almost always they catch themselves thinking this way. The “Justice” card advises representatives of the sign to approach any matter objectively. Don’t think that if someone succeeded, then Gemini will definitely succeed. Perhaps they are not destined to deal with some matters and issues at all.

Often such people can be irresponsible. The Victory card warns Gemini. If they don’t know how to do something, then there is no need to take it on, because in the end they leave things on the shoulders of others. They easily get excited about a new idea, but again, the “Priest” card advises finding yourself in some kind of business, and not taking on everything that brings wealth and in which representatives of the sign show a passing interest.

The Ace of Cups card advises Gemini to think about the person who is now next to them. Maybe they feel strong sympathy, love. But true feelings and affection should be sought in your past. Surely the representatives of the sign left the person behind, fearing that they would not be able to live up to his expectations. Moreover, at that time, Gemini had a lot of financial troubles, which is why they avoided this person.

Tarot forecast for 2018 for Cancer

You can often hear that representatives of the sign want to “live the spring” next to their loved one. But, for some reason, the relationship may not work out. In 2018, Dogs, as indicated by the “10 of Cups” card, are highly likely to appear new love on the horizon. For those already in a relationship, Tarot cards advise not to try to appear happier than you actually are. You can't fool yourself.

“Ace of Pentacles” speaks of something new in the life of Cancer. This will affect financial situation. A successful business will be opened, and you won’t have to invest a lot of personal savings into it. It is advisable to devote more time to this issue.

The inverted “Queen of Swords” promises the appearance of an unpleasant person in life, who will try by all means to lead the representatives of the sign astray from the intended path. It is no exception that she will be from the past of Cancers. We'll have to take radical measures.

Representatives of the sign will manifest themselves in all areas of life. And quite successfully. And the “Tranquility” card says that all negativity will be overcome and there will be no obstacles in the way of Cancers until the end of the Year of the Dog. It is advisable not to get involved in conflicts yourself.

Tarot forecast for 2018 for Leo

The Tarot reading shows that this year most Leos will prefer to hide their emotions from strangers. They are afraid of being vulnerable. Often, because of this, they will be insincere, as the Moon card indicates. But it is unlikely that they will intentionally lie to strangers; most likely, Leos will try to hide some fact of deception.

The inverted card “Lovers” suggests that in terms of love, Leo’s choice will be wrong. There is a fairly high probability of making a mistake with new fans. If the choice falls between two people, then you need to choose with your heart, not your mind. The card also suggests that the plans of the representatives of the sign in love may be unrealistic.

High probability of financial delays. Problems with management or changes in management can become a problem for everything. This is illustrated by the “3 of Wands” card, which is in an inverted position. It is precisely because of the rather tense financial situation that frequent quarrels in the family are possible. It is advisable not to miss opportunities to earn money. Towards the middle of the year Dogs will receive enough advantageous offer at work. You should not ignore it; it is advisable to show yourself in the best light.

Tarot forecast for 2018 for Virgo

Future events this year will not always turn out to be the most favorable for Virgos. The Tarot card layout advises them not to commit rash acts. In addition, you will have to think carefully about your future financial situation. The “10 Swords” card is quite destructive and speaks of possible losses in the lives of representatives of the sign.

Some events that started out very well may end up not being the most successful. It is advisable to take some of them under your own control, which are extremely important for Virgos. Sometimes such a card speaks of stagnation in one’s financial situation. Recommendations for representatives of the sign are as follows: it’s time to urgently change something in life. A social circle that is not comfortable for Virgos should also not be valued and you can calmly part with those who cause pain.

There will be a real struggle in the personal life of the representatives of the sign. Perhaps the partner will have someone on the side, but on the other hand, it may also be that they will fight with themselves, with their shortcomings, as indicated by the “2 Swords” card in an inverted position.

In the second half of the year, as the Knight of Wands card says, Virgo will have quite a lot of creative plans and many of them will turn out to be successful, you just need to devote a little time to this issue.

Tarot forecast for 2018 for Libra

Most of the cards from the layout indicate that great changes have taken place in the life of Libra. Some of them found a new partner, others got married. There are also those who discovered profitable business and made new influential acquaintances. The “10 of Pentacles” card indicates the high position of the representatives of the sign in society. You can also talk about harmony in their lives and a strong position.

Things in your personal life will also be very successful. “6 of Pentacles” takes on a rather favorable interpretation when located next to the “Hanged Man” card. Libra's romantic life will shift to new plan. Most likely, those people who long time are married, will travel again and spend more time with each other.

The Hanged Man card speaks of serious changes in the life of the representatives of the sign. Who knows, maybe many tests await them ahead, or maybe everything will go quite successfully. Everything depends only on Libra and their ability to accept important decisions in emergency situations, the ability to negotiate with others and sacrifice oneself.

Most likely, representatives of the sign may have some misunderstandings with loved ones. In relations with subordinates, they will show harshness and sometimes injustice, so there is a possibility that Libra will be left without reliable partners and employees.

Tarot forecast for 2018 for Scorpios

Quite a productive period for representatives of this sign. The Nun Tarot card indicates that any important issues will be resolved not by chance, but thanks to the knowledge and skills of Scorpio. Often they will receive everything they have been looking for for so long. Surely the representatives of the sign have long decided what they will do and how they will do it, but 2018 is a rather unstable year, so plans can often change at the very last moment.

In the first half of the year, some situations can be misleading. The “2 of Wands” card suggests that, despite possible problems between partners, in their relationship the supremacy will still belong to love, passion and mutual understanding.

Moreover, faith in a partner will be so strong that it will often help Scorpios survive all the dark days of this year without much effort. The layout shows that the “2 of Wands” card will also bring unprecedented wealth to a person. Moreover, you can win a fairly large amount at any time in 2018.

“6 of Wands” recommends that representatives of the sign prepare for possible difficulties, however, they will be short-lived. You shouldn’t focus too much on yourself; you’ll have to pay a little attention and care to those around you.

Tarot forecast for 2018 for Sagittarius

This year Sagittarius will have successful financial transactions. Almost all negotiations will be extremely successful, as indicated by the 4 Pentacles card. There is no need to worry about stability in 2018; as the cards show, there will be reliability and harmony in everything in life.

But at the same time, you should be more careful about your material spending. Manage to get enough good offer In addition, you should not worry about your status in society.

The “3 of Cups” card suggests that it is worth keeping control over any situation in life, even if it seems unimportant. This also applies to love relationship. If there were some problems in the past, they will easily disappear. But there is also reverse side medals - some problems may re-emerge. It is always worth fighting to the last.

This card also indicates the birth of a child this year. It’s worth thinking about, perhaps now is the right time for this. The birth of a new family member will also strengthen the relationship between spouses.

"Page of the Cup" indicates the receipt of positive news. Often those who have already for a long time Sagittarius expected. It also indicates that the life of representatives of the sign will be filled with joyful emotions.

This year we will be able to complete some major project. Perhaps the construction of a house will be completed or it will be possible to open your own business, bring legal and judicial matters to completion.

Tarot forecast for 2018 for Capricorns

In the life of representatives of this sign, a certain woman plays a big role. She can be a mentor, a close relative, sometimes even a colleague. This is indicated by the Queen of Pentacles card. But you should be extremely careful; such a person is unlikely to take the side of Capricorns if something threatens his interests. However, for now, such a person can be completely trusted, and he will help resolve difficult situations more than once this year.

The reversed card “9 of Wands” suggests that in the life of representatives of the sign, not everything may be easy. Indicates that Capricorns may fall into vicious circle from which it is not so easy to find a way out. Most the best way out– leave the game if there is no strength for further struggle. It is unlikely that anyone will blame the representatives of the sign for this.

The same card says that on love front Capricorns will feel the crisis. Moreover, it will be temporary and may manifest itself spontaneously. There is no need to make long-term plans; a better option is to live for today.

The Devil card indicates that Capricorns are too focused on the material plane. They may forget about everything and think only about finances. Moreover, such people are extremely envious. Most best solution for them it is to learn to enjoy the successes of other people and borrow some of their ideas and ideas.

Tarot forecast for 2018 for Aquarius

Don't lead yourself into a trap. Perhaps unpleasant situations are not as critical as they may seem to Aquarius. The “6 Swords” card says that representatives of the sign will have a fairly successful year. In this case there will be large number travel, not only business trips, but also a pleasant holiday with your loved ones.

It is in the year of the Dog that the great changes that Capricorns have been waiting for for too long will come. At the same time, too many things will depend on the representatives of the sign. If they don’t act on time, they risk losing everything.

In terms of love, “Queen of Swords” speaks of strong and passionate love. Lonely representatives of the sign can meet true love, but will most likely meet the wrong people several times. It is worth paying attention to more authoritative people. You don't always need to express your feelings too violently.

Tarot forecast for 2018 for Pisces

“4 of Wands” is a card that is responsible for the life of Pisces in the year of the Dog. She is considered to be one of the most prosperous. The year for representatives of the sign will be eventful. Things will not always go the way Pisces would like, but this will not make the result worse.

There used to be enough difficult times, both morally and financially. Right now the time has come when Pisces can take a deep breath and live without worrying about what tomorrow will turn out to be like.

“Queen of the Cup” indicates that the love sphere of life will be filled with emotions. You won't have to decide serious problems in a relationship with a loved one. In addition, single representatives of the sign will have a good chance to meet exactly the person they have been waiting for for a long time.

The “Strength” card, which is responsible for the internal stimuli of Pisces, shows that this year representatives of the sign will be strong and with physical point point of view, and from a moral point of view. They will be able to withstand almost anything, even if it seems overwhelming at first.

Since ancient times, people have been trying to look into their future, and on the eve of future events they go to fortune-tellers and magicians to look into the beyond.

Since ancient times, people have been trying to look into their future, and on the eve of future events they go to fortune-tellers and magicians to look into the beyond. And before the New Year, God himself commanded! We are not embarrassed by the fact that the beginning of the New Year is different for many nations. We wonder, make wishes and really hope that maybe this year something that we are afraid to even dream about will happen. Each of us knows a couple of fortune tellings, which we perceive more as a joke, entertainment, and not something serious. But nevertheless, they treat the result of fortune-telling with reverence, what if it comes true?! Instinctively, we do the right thing, because fortune telling touches on a very subtle area beyond our control, in which we may not believe, but nevertheless it is recommended to treat it with respect.

There are a sea of ​​fortune telling methods . The Chinese are especially successful at it. In ancient times, a Chinese fortuneteller could predict the future for any object and even phenomenon. For example, by a leaf falling at his feet or by the sad expression on the face of a passerby. The ancient fortunetellers believed (and they, by and large, were right) that any phenomenon has a cause and effect, because the past, present and future exist simultaneously. This is for us humans, they are spaced out. But today we will not talk about China.

The method of fortune telling offered to you is based on the ancient knowledge contained in Tarot cards. The true origin of Tarot cards is hidden in the darkness of centuries, but the knowledge embedded in them helps a person to know himself and the world around him. In my practice, I have more than once combined the capabilities of astrology and Tarot cards, making an astrological chart and a Tarot layout for the same situation. Never! they did not contradict each other. They clarified and supplemented, but the result was the same.

The method of predictions outlined below using Tarot cards is good because it simultaneously shows us the reversal of our lives both forward and backward for any number of years that interest us. We can see the picture in development. Despite the fact that this method of fortune telling is known to specialists, it has not been replicated like the others, and this is already interesting.

For fortune telling, cards of the so-called Major Arcana are used. They symbolically describe the stages of the spiral of our development, one turn - 22 cards. Moreover, the movement can go either one way or the other. Cards in the direction from 1 to 21 describe our path of ascent to God. Cards in the direction from 21st to 1st show the path of the soul embodied in matter. And since the movement proceeds in a spiral, we, following one or another path, either approach God or move away from him, in order to come to him again, because all paths lead to the temple. Today we will not delve into the secrets of the Tarot, but simply try out its methods and test their effectiveness in our own lives.

I want to give just one piece of advice. If you find that a particular year does not match what is written, do not dismiss it out of hand. Think, analyze, look inside yourself, try to hear the echo in your soul. After all, Tarot cards do not skim the surface, but guide us into the depths of our soul. This is a delicate and delicate matter, there is nothing to do with a “crowbar” and categoricalness in the soul.

Don’t be confused by the fact that seemingly the same events happen to us in the same years. Firstly, all people are subject to different cycles, one of which is universal. After all, we cannot give birth to a child until some instincts awaken in us. Secondly, the meaning of cards, even in the aspect in which they are presented, is multifaceted. Therefore, everything described below should be taken as an impulse for reflection, as an indication of the prevailing energies acting on us in a given year. Thinking people will be able to see much more here than is written. This, in fact, is the task of the “secret” sciences, because for us what is valuable is not what we were taught, but what we were able to understand through this study. Thirdly, the size of the article does not allow us to describe some of the nuances associated with the interpretation of cards; for example, the meanings of inverted cards were not taken into account here. Therefore, if what is written is happening in your life, but exactly the opposite, this is a sign for you that you have “deviated from the course.”

So, in front of you small table, in which Roman numerals indicate the numbers of Tarot cards, and Arabic numerals indicate the number full years life. If desired, the table can be supplemented by years, for example, you turned 23 years old in 2002, which means in 2006 you will be 27. This will be your personal plate. Remember also that your personal year starts from the day of birth.

I (Mage). A year of achievements, the beginning of a cycle, the opening of potential. The year cannot be missed; it is necessary to lay the foundation for the next twenty years or so. It is necessary to make your own efforts and use all accumulated resources. The goal can be achieved through dedication and focus. Look for a way out yourself. Make the decision yourself. A strong will and self-confidence, guided by love and reason, will lead to the intended goal and protect against dangers along the way. Remember that it is not what is in front of you that matters, but what you are able to do with it.

II (High Priestess). This year you cannot take sudden, rash actions. You should be careful because you have reached a fork in the road. You must call on all your experience and wisdom to make a choice. This is a time of in-depth introspection. Improvements should be achieved through reflection, careful planning, and not rash action. Follow the feeling inner voice, do not try to embrace the immensity. Don't jump over your head, limit yourself to what is clear to you.

III (Empress). A year of emotional and financial prosperity. Stabilization in household chores. Good year for marriage. You are able to cope with any problem if you are ready to cooperate. If you look at what is happening sensibly and resolve any issues peacefully, then a successful outcome awaits you. Women can play a decisive role. Perhaps what you lost will return to you. A good year to buy land (real estate).

IV (Emperor). A year of work and practical implementation of plans. Laying the foundation. You have enough strength for fruitful work. You will need prudence, a clear analysis of the situation, action according to plan and within the law. The year to take responsibility. Life requires you to make your own decisions and “be in charge.”

V (Hierophant). The year will require from you an extraordinary approach to business, the ability to take risks and a fair amount of adventurism. Old methods are no longer effective, new ones have not been tested and, it turns out, not everything depends on you. The result, most likely, will not be exactly what you planned, but you can’t stop or wait it out. Just go ahead. You need to relate your desires to the desires and hopes of others and think about how your actions resonate in the world.

VI (Lovers). A traveler at a crossroads. It's time to do life choice and determine where you want to move next and with whom. Opposite forces will act on you, equally tempting you. In the end, you have to make a choice and make it yourself. Other people will not help you because it will be their choice, not yours. Moreover, you will have to take responsibility for it.

VII (Chariot). A year of realizing what you have been preparing for a long time. You can’t hesitate, it’s time to hit the road. The time has come to show both the world and yourself what you are practically capable of. The state of affairs will require control over the situation; you will have to take it into your own hands in order to be able to manage it. This year you will need endurance, diplomacy, the art of maneuver, and the ability to use any opportunities, even mutually exclusive ones. Forward without fear or doubt.

VIII (Justice). The year is psychologically difficult. You will be rewarded according to your deserts. He who sows good will also reap it, but let him who sows evil and discord take offense at himself. Heaven can neither be deceived nor bribed. The year will require an honest and impartial approach to life and people. If you are hit by misfortunes or illnesses this year, think about what you have done wrong so far; you still have time to repent and change.

IX (The Hermit). A year of temporary suspension from active actions, summing up and correcting mistakes. You need to think about where you are going and what your end goal is. In order to achieve it, you will have to give up something, discard something as outdated, and look at something with different eyes. There is a need to turn to your inner spiritual teacher and really evaluate what you have managed to achieve and determine the step to which you have managed to reach.

X (Wheel of Fortune). A turning point year. Something in your life will change radically. Moreover, this does not always depend on your efforts. This is His Majesty's case. Therefore, we can expect unexpected events this year. In any case, this is a change for the better, even if it doesn’t seem so to you now. The time has come for change, so we must not resist it, but accept it as a gift from heaven. Your future is at stake, so boldly take what life offers you. Take advantage of the chance given to you.

XI (Strength). This year you will need to collect all your internal resources and oppose them to brute external force. You will have the opportunity to demonstrate your spiritual strength, for this you will have to call on patience, endurance and wisdom for help. If your thoughts are pure, then by acting with determination, without fear or doubt, you will win. This is the year of perseverance and testing for lice.

XII (The Hanged Man). A year when you will not be able to express yourself in the world, because if you do not distance yourself from the world, it will do it for you. This is the year of sacrifice. You may have to give up your idea or dream for the sake of a debt or someone else's idea. Do this voluntarily, because now you are not able to change the course of events. Do not enter into disputes or altercations. This will be your payment for the future. In order to understand what is happening, you need to change your point of view and completely disconnect from the world. Do not interfere with what is happening, but simply observe. And look for a solution to the problem within yourself.

XIII (Death). A year of radical changes and irrevocable losses. You are entering the next stage. Something, perhaps very expensive, will have to be given up. This cannot be avoided, nothing can be changed. You will have to take a decisive step - the way back is closed to you. It doesn't matter what the result turns out to be from your point of view, what matters is that you cross a certain threshold. We must gather all our courage and move forward without looking back. Only after this will the true meaning of what is happening to you now be revealed to you.

XIV (Moderation). A year of summing up, reviewing what remains after the past destructive year. The past cannot be returned, but everything that was in it will serve in the future. There is no need to rush, you need to think, weigh, wait, since your actions now have fateful consequences. The most important thing now for you is to divide your aspirations and desires into important and truly important. Play your game, not someone else's. More than ever, you need to maintain external equanimity and internal peace; vanity is detrimental this year.

XV (Devil). A year of passions and temptations. Can offer you incredible opportunities. The devil-tempter is dexterous, smart and resourceful, it will not be possible to outwit him, so you will need the experience of equanimity of the past year in order not to succumb to the temptation to get what you want at any cost. Be careful because you don't know what the price is. And the price will be your freedom, your will, your life. Isn’t it better to give up something now, so as not to shed bitter tears later? Don’t be sad if some relationships are destroyed and there is no return to something, this is the price to pay for illusions.

XVI (Tower). A year of radical change and change. But above all, it is the collapse of the illusions that you have stubbornly held on to until now. What will be destroyed this year or stubbornly not given into your hands is not yours, and you just need to give it up, because you really don’t need it anymore. You are forcibly released from something that you did not want to get rid of voluntarily. Go where your soul calls you, without regretting the past, because in order to build a new building, you must first clear the place on which it will stand.

XVII (Star). A fateful year that can ultimately turn your life around. A year of hope and unusual opportunities. Luck will spread its wings over those who trust in life. This year, the heavens are revealing to you some of their secrets related to your destiny and purpose, so what is important is not what happens around you, but what is important is what is inside you. Be able to discern in the everyday bustle the signs that fate gives. Your strength is faith. Don't fuss, listen to the quiet voice of wisdom that usually sleeps inside you. This is the wisdom of eternity.

XVIII (Moon). This year you may lose your bearings. Anxiety, premonitions that come true and, to a greater extent, do not come true. Separation from reality, illusion. desire to hide from problems. Targeting the wrong people who are really needed, lies and betrayal are possible. Don't be afraid of mistakes, because they are not a reason to give up on life and the future. Find your inner strength and go towards the light. The most difficult hour is before dawn.

XIX (Sun). A year of maximum opportunities. Whatever happens this year, everything will be for your benefit. Allow yourself what you have limited yourself to until now, including freedom of expression. Just don't get blinded by the bright rays of the Sun.

XX (Court). The beginning of a new life. Rebirth. Changes awaited with impatience and some fear. Whether you managed to complete the work you started or not, the bell has rung and it’s time to keep an account of what has been done. Examination and “assignment”, in the language of students. Accept the changes that await you, because only with them is a breakthrough into the future possible.

XXI (World). The year of the final completion of the cycle. Dot the "i". You finally move into a different quality. A situation somewhat similar to Card XVI, but in this case you are freeing yourself from past attachments with a feeling of gratitude and relief. You are free. A change of place of residence or work is possible.

0 (Jester). A year of preparation for a new stage. Crossroads, choice of path. Completely new circumstances and opportunities. Don't give up anything this year has to offer. From these possibilities you will choose what will be important to you in the next stage. Your soul knows, but you haven’t understood it yet, so you take on one thing or another. You need a pen sample. At this stage, only faith will help you: faith in the idea, faith in yourself, faith in a guardian angel who will not allow timid sprouts to perish for the time being. You have to take a step into the unknown.

This system is an original knowledge using 52 Tarot cards. Each person's birth date is assigned one of 52 cards, called "Your Birth Chart." Once you know your birth chart, you know who you are and can know in advance what will happen to you in the areas of love, family, work, finances, health, relationships with the law, travel and your spiritual life. Fear of the unknown and fear of change can place limitations on how you live your life. These cards will provide you with the knowledge and understanding that will help you accept right decisions and open doors to new opportunities. By exploring exactly what your destiny cards represent, you can push aside your fears and doubts so you can move forward with inner strength and confidence. The goal of the system is to transform your internal conflicts and your relationships with other people.

The cards reveal the scenario of your entire life from birth to death. Each of the 52 cards also represents a day of the year. Therefore, your birthday reveals the secrets of your personality to declare what your talents are, what job will bring you the most satisfaction, how you interact with other people, who your most significant relationships are with, what your most big problems and how to get the most out of your life.

Discover detailed information about yourself and valuable knowledge about the science of Tarot cards, which comes from very ancient and highly revered mystical knowledge that arose before early Egypt. Their exact origin is unknown, but their authenticity speaks for itself. This information gives you timely and practical insight into the events and experiences you are currently going through in your life, with whom and why.

My practice has allowed me to reduce the main characteristics of a person’s personality to the 22 main Arcana of the TAROT. My calculation does not claim to be “absolutely correct,” but it allows you to quickly assess the main milestones of your birth charts and destiny charts. If you need a detailed analysis of your card, I am waiting for you at a personal consultation. I’ll give you a hint and reveal the secrets based on my own many years of experience.