Features of children's self-government in the Kolos village; methodological development on the topic. How to organize self-government in a squad? Self-government in the camp

One of the main tasks of the organizational transition period (which we will talk about a little later) is to identify initial leaders and form self-government bodies in the detachment.

There are creative leaders and destructive leaders.

A creative leader acts in the interests of the cause, in the interests of the organization and all its members whom he leads.

A destructive leader acts in his own interests; for him, in the foreground is not the business, not the people, but his own selfish desire to show himself, using the business and those around him for this (often to the detriment of both the business and the people).

IN children's association, organizations meet leaders whose roles are different: leaders-organizers (business leaders), leaders-generators of emotional mood (emotional leaders), leaders-initiators, scholars, craftsmen.

Business leaders play a major role in solving problems assigned to the team in the implementation of labor, sports, tourism, intellectual, creative and other activities.

Initiating leaders stand out in their activities at the stage of putting forward ideas, in searching for new areas of activity for the team.

A skilled leader is the member of the team who is most prepared in a particular type of activity (for example, on a hike, the most experienced tourist).

The role of emotional leaders is associated with actions related mainly to the sphere interpersonal communication in a team, group within an organization. Guys who successfully operate in both spheres of the organization’s life are promoted to the roles of absolute leaders.

Business leaders are aware of interpersonal relationships. This is due to the desire of business leaders to know well the vast majority of their fellow members of the organization, which allows them to build their relationships according to this knowledge.

Emotional leaders often do not feel the need to manage a team. Negative relationships between team members in an organization are more accurately characterized by business leaders.

To influence the team, along with the ability to perceive personal relationships, great value has to determine the status of peers. Absolute leaders are the best at this; business leaders come in second place. The psychological climate in the team, the well-being of peers, and accepted moral values ​​largely depend on emotional leaders.

The leader is promoted by activity. Therefore, through specially organized activities varied in content, it is possible to provide not only situations aimed at uniting the organization, but also, above all, favorable opportunities for the success of children who have a developing potential for influencing their peers.

The development of an organization as a team is characterized by permanent shift leaders depending on the type, nature and content of the activity, which provides each member of the organization with the opportunity to act as a leader and acquire skills in organizing other people and self-organization.

The methods offered to you will help identify leaders in the squad.

Several groups of children, 5-8 people each, are asked to quickly lay out some given figure (house, car, etc.) on the floor (grass, asphalt) from ordinary pebbles, cubes, matches (a house, a car, etc.) The command is given , everyone rushed to the stones, grabbed them in their hands and... what next? This is where you just have time to record everything that happens. After all, you need to notice how each of the participants acts: who boldly rushes forward, takes the initiative, determines the order of actions, gives orders, and who stands aside, prefers to act alone. The leaders of the situation and their assistants are identified, and passive, dependent, non-initiative people are also discovered. If you want to be sure of your conclusions, play the game again. Compare the observation results with other available information.

Choosing a trek leader

The guys name all the potential leaders of the tourist trip. The named students step aside, and the rest are invited to choose a commander from among them and approach him. At the same time, everyone retains the right to remain in place if none of the named commanders suits him. So the class is divided into groups headed by leaders who, in the opinion of the team, can become organizers of the matter.

Flight to the Moon

A blitz game that allows you to reveal the organizational skills of children. Groups of students are given a list of 15-20 items, from which in 2 minutes they need to select 3 that are necessary and sufficient for a flight to the Moon. Leaders are determined by searching for the right solution.

Geometry for the Blind

The players stand in a circle. There is a rope stretched inside the circle, which everyone holds on to with their hands. The presenter explains that it is necessary, with your eyes closed, to form a square or an equilateral triangle, using only verbal negotiations. It is also reported that the children play on spatial imagination and attentiveness. During the game, when there is a lane change, the leader observes which of the guys acts as the organizer of movements.


The players sit on chairs. At the same time, they must stand up, walk around their chair and sit down at the same time. It is important to notice the person who first gave the command.

The team is divided into several groups of 5-6 people. An adult expert observer works with each group. The facilitator gives tasks to all groups in turn; they should not be difficult and interesting, for example:

Come up with a story in which all words begin with the same letter;

Arrange according to hair color from light to dark;

Revive the picture, etc.

The expert, observing the work of the group, distributes multi-colored tokens to each participant after completing each task, defining his role in the task. of this assignment. But the presenter does not announce to the participants what these or those colors mean, and at the end of the game he invites the children to make an applique from the tokens that they have earned.

Thus, after the game, teachers will have a visual picture reflecting the level of activity of a particular child.


The head of the game offers everyone the following situation: “Imagine that you are asked to make a film, for which you need to name the person who can organize the shooting of the film.” After everyone names one or three director candidates, leadership candidates are identified from those who received greatest number elections. They choose their assistants one by one, with the choice of the next one being made after consultation with the already selected assistants. After microgroups of four or five people have been formed, everyone else is invited to choose a “film studio” and join these microgroups.

Each film studio is asked to prepare a pantomime (sketch) within 15-20 minutes on the theme of the life of the team where the children work or study.

After this collective creative activity, the leader asks each microgroup to conduct an analysis and determine who turned out to be the real leader during the preparation of the “movie”.

The game is a journey of groups (teams) that go through a certain route along vicious circle, performing tasks at each stage. The content of the task becomes known only at the stage. Rules for organizing the game:

1.The number of stages must be equal to or a multiple of the number of groups participating in the game;

2.All stages must be the same in duration. Typically, the stage lasts 7-10 minutes;

3. A single signal for transition from stage to stage should be established (bell, music, phrase, etc.)

4.Each group has its own route sheet, which indicates the sequence of stages and their location.

5.Transitions from stage to stage are counted in time and must be extremely short. This can be facilitated by the rational arrangement of stages close to each other and, conditionally, in a circle.

6.Tasks performed by groups at stages must be designed for collective execution and, in terms of complexity, “solvable” in the time allotted for the stage.

7. It is important that the forms of tasks at the stages do not repeat each other, are varied, and give the children the opportunity to switch from one type of activity to another.

Sample tasks for the stages can be found in the appendix.

The self-government bodies of a detachment can be very diverse. The main goal we pursue in creating them is to teach the guys to organize their activities independently, we let them understand that everything in the squad depends on them. Often, detachment self-government bodies depend on the general camp ones. Let's consider several models. They can be used individually or in various combinations.

Duty commander detachment (dezkom) - the formal leader of the detachment. Elected daily at the squad's evening candle. Fully responsible for the team's conduct of the next day. Detailed functionality of the desk committee is contained in the memo.


The commissioner needs to ensure that as many people as possible play the role of the dezhkom. more members squad.

Squad leader- a member of the detachment elected for the entire shift. As a rule, he is also a member of the general camp self-government body. Performs a representative function in the Council, is responsible for a certain area of ​​work in the camp Council, and is a link between the detachment and the general camp self-government body.

Permanent structural units of the detachment(groups). Any team can be made manageable only by dividing it into small groups (5-6 people each), led by a commander elected from the group. Each group is responsible for a certain area of ​​the detachment’s work, for example, duty, decoration, surprise, etc. Every day, or after a few days, the functionality of the groups changes (CHTP - alternation of traditional assignments). These same groups can work in preparing any general camp or detachment work. It is useful to come up with the names of the groups, their mottos, and use them when holding morning squad meetings.

Some squad members may have standing orders, but this is only possible with their consent and the consent of the entire detachment, for example, there are only two artists in the detachment.

2. Self-government in the squad

The detachment must be headed by a commander - one of the team members. There may be two principles for the nomination of a commander - appointment and election.

1. It is necessary to appoint commanders in all cases where there is no strong team, and the Komsomol organization does not yet sufficiently guide public opinion in the team.

Then one of the primary tasks of the teaching staff is to help strengthen the political influence of the Komsomol organization, unite the activists, and captivate them with energetic work in the team and self-government. Commanders must be appointed from among influential Komsomol members and activists by order of the head of the institution, but candidates must first be discussed in the pedagogical council, in the production management, in the Komsomol organization and in the council of commanders.

2. In well-organized teams with a strong Komsomol organization, one should move on to electing commanders. In the commune named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky's detachment selects its candidate for commander with the close participation of the Komsomol bureau, the teaching staff and the council of commanders. Candidates are submitted for final approval by the head of the teaching unit. If a candidate is challenged, the issue will be agreed upon with the squad. Commanders are elected personally at a general meeting of the team. Only members of the team who have the title of communard vote. Commanders must constantly feel their connection with the team that authorized them and their responsibility.

The commander should be a student who is devoted to the interests of the institution, a good student at school, a shock worker in production, more qualified than others and possessing personal characteristics: tact, energy, stewardship, attention to juniors, and honesty. The work of a commander is considered the most responsible workload, indicating the trust of management and the team in him.

In production, the commander must consider his main task to be the implementation of the production plan and the development of the Stakhanov movement. In order to achieve this task, the commander must show his concern in all areas of work, which are: Stakhanov movement, discipline, provision of materials, combating downtime and absenteeism, good tool, good instructions, workplace organization, satisfactory overalls, correct standards, correct documentation.

The commander must consult with the instructor, the head of the workshop, and report to the head of the institution or his assistant about all significant problems and shortcomings in these areas; discuss at a general team meeting or production meeting.

However, he is obliged to take the most decisive measures to ensure that such discussions and meetings do not take place during working hours, so that not a single student is taken away from the machine while working.

The commander himself must have his own workplace at the machine. For his work as a commander, he may be entitled to additional earnings in the amount of 10-20% of his production earnings.

The commander should not replace the instructor, whose responsibilities include direct management of the technical production process. If the instructor is one of the team members - a trainee, he must perform the same functions in production as a hired instructor, without mixing these functions with the functions of a squad leader.

In everyday life, in the bedroom, the commander is also a responsible senior comrade in the detachment. From among the students in the detachment, one is allocated as an assistant commander. In addition, the squad has a sports organizer. These candidates are nominated by the entire detachment or by the personal proposal of the commander, they are approved by the pedagogical leadership and the council of commanders. Each detachment must have a Komsomol organizer. The leadership of the detachment, headed by the commander, has the following functions:

A) ensure that all pupils strictly follow the daily routine, get up at the appointed time, are not late for the meal, leave for work and school on time, and are at the institution on time in the evening; went to bed exactly at the specified time;

b) monitor the sanitary condition of the detachment, the timeliness and quality of cleaning, the performance by the next duty officers of their duties, washing and using the bathhouse, the haircut of the pupils, and the washing of hands before meals. To teach all pupils to maintain cleanliness, not to litter, not to spit on the floor, not to smoke; cut fingernails and toenails, do not lie on the beds in clothes, do not start fights on the beds, etc.;

V) monitor the progress of pupils in school work, organize assistance for those lagging behind, achieve order in the detachment, ensuring the opportunity to prepare lessons;

G) involve pupils in club and sports clubs, reading newspapers and books, participating in a wall newspaper;

d) to achieve an increase in the cultural level of pupils, to eliminate rude words and curses from their vocabulary, to regulate friendly relations, to teach them to resolve conflicts without quarrels and fights, to resolutely combat the slightest attempts at violence by older or stronger people over the younger and weaker;

e) conduct a decisive struggle against the negative inclinations of individual students. To instill in the members of the detachment respect for other people’s work, for other people’s peace, rest, and activities;

and) monitor the formation of separate groups and friendly affiliations in the detachment, encourage and develop useful activities (sports, radio amateurs, etc.), and decisively destroy harmful (antisocial) ones. Petition for the removal of particularly harmful members from the squad.

At the commune school. F.E. Dzerzhinsky has an institute of class commanders. These commanders are at the disposal of the head of the school and are assistants to the class teachers.

They monitor classroom discipline during lessons and during recess, the general order and cleanliness of the classroom, and the safety of classroom property. The class officers are subordinate to the class commander, and he is responsible for their work. At the request of the teacher, the commander removes the violator of discipline from the class. This organization operates in school during school hours. Outside of school - in everyday life and at work - the class commander is subordinate to the commander of the detachment of which he is a member. Complex system collective dependencies fosters the ability to lead and obey.

Commanders manage detachments on the basis of general meetings of the detachment, the influence of the detachment activists, the political work of the Komsomol and political educational organizations of the institution, the work of all self-government bodies in full agreement with the administrative and pedagogical leadership, with constant instruction and assistance from the teaching staff.

Regardless of this, squad leadership, on the basis of the same processes and organizations, must always mobilize the attention of squad members on issues of production work, implementation of industrial and financial plans, improving quality and combating defects, on school studies and discipline in the team, on general ways of growth and development of the institution .

The commander should always strive to ensure that the detachment is a friendly team; he builds his authority on his better work, on his exemplary behavior, Komsomol integrity and does not turn into a boss.

At the end of the day, at a precisely set time and in a certain form, the commanders report to the head of the teaching unit about the state of their detachment, about the misconduct of the students and violations of the regime, if any. Such a brief daily report gives the manager a clear picture of the state of the institution and the opportunity to immediately take the necessary measures both in relation to individual students and on issues general organization. For a team of children, the awareness of management and the ability to immediately respond to actions and events is of great educational importance.

Commanders are elected for 3-6 months. This period is the most appropriate: firstly, during this short term commanders feel empowered by the team and do not turn into peculiar officials; secondly, a large number of students pass through command posts and, thirdly, the responsibilities of a commander, which require additional stress, do not become burdensome for the students during this period. The issue of removing a commander before his term of office must always be thoroughly motivated and approved by the council of commanders. The administrative removal of a commander can only be caused by very serious and urgent circumstances. All commanders of detachments and classes constitute the central body of self-government - the collective council (council of commanders) of this institution.

Children's self-government in summer camp.

Features of the organization of life activities of temporary groups of children of primary school age.

Problems of adaptation of children aged 6-8 years are directly related to their age characteristics. Since children younger age need a lot of attention from the counselor, in this regard it is extremely important:

 Reduce the size of the detachment;

 Or increase the number of adults working with the group (one adult per 10 children).

The daily routine should be changed by increasing the time allocated for rest and intra-squad affairs.

It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the performance and concentration of attention of such children - it is better if monotonous activities do not exceed a time interval of 25-30 minutes. At the same time, frequent changes of activities are recommended for younger children.

In accordance with the age needs of children 6-8 years old, the time for individual lessons can be increased, since long group games and activities cause them fatigue or excessive excitement. For the same reason, these activities should be carried out in the first half of the day, and not load the evening hours.

Night terrors and the appearance of enuresis as a reaction to stress are not uncommon for children aged 6-8 years. Such problems also require the intervention of specialists - a doctor and a psychologist. The teacher can help the child by telling him something pleasant and soothing before bedtime, or simply being nearby at this time. To overcome fears, good therapeutic games are games of “hide and seek” and “Blind Man’s Bluff”, drawing on the topic “Fear” and “How I overcome fear”.

The principle of symbolic response can be taken as the basis for working with fear. As its forms, essays are used - fairy tales, drawings on the topic “Fear” and “How I overcome fear.” The choice of fairy tale is appropriate, since the “fairy tale period” exists in children from 4 to 8 years old, in which they believe that the fairy tale is reality.

A fairy tale, being a factor of socialization, offers the child meanings at various levels, expressed in a generalized form, helps the child “open the world of his unconscious”, puts his feelings in order, i.e. Its therapeutic effect is determined by the fact that it allows you to react to unconscious problems without injuring the child.

Younger children are more likely to lack communication skills. This is a barrier to interaction with other children. Such communication skills can be developed through playing in small groups (5-8 people) or by contacting child psychologist for behavioral psychocorrection.

A condition for self-actualization of the personality of each child, his development leadership qualities, the ability to lead others, L.I. Malenkova calls this form of organizing interaction in a team as children's self-government.

Indeed, in the practice of collective education, various systems of children’s self-government have developed and are successfully applied: the methodology of collective creative activity I.P. Ivanova, School of Self-Determination A.N. Tubelsky, educational system of the school V.A. Karakovsky, three-level system of school self-government N.P. Kapustina.

Based on these systems of school self-government, various models of children's self-government of temporary children's groups are being developed. Considerable experience in organizing children's self-government in the camp has been accumulated by the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok", to whose methodological materials we will turn. I.N. Khusnutdinova, methodologist of the Methodological Department of the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok", notes that in a temporary children's team there are several forms of self-government bodies:

1. Duty commander. When each child acts as a commander for one day. The commander on duty is re-elected every evening in the eagles circle, at the analysis of the day or at the end of the “light”. With such a system, almost all the guys from the squad will be in a leadership position; this is important for every teenager as recognition: “I was chosen, they trust me.” Not only kids, but also older guys pay a lot of attention to attributes; in this regard, the commander on duty may have a tie, a badge, or a symbol toy that hangs on his neck (on his arm, on his sleeve). The commander on duty for the outgoing day approaches any of the guys in the circle (selects) and gives him the attribute of the commander on duty. You can agree in advance with the guys in the detachment and comply with the condition - not to choose them as commanders twice, but to give preference to those guys in the detachment who have not yet been in the position of commander.

2. Permanent commander. A commander who is selected at the very beginning of the shift, during the organizational period, and manages the work of the detachment throughout the entire shift. The commander is the organizer of the detachment’s activities, possesses all the information, and is responsible for the detachment’s activities. Together with the counselor, he prepares a daily analysis of the day and takes part in planning. During the organizational period, the counselor first explains the functionality, and then invites one of the guys in the squad to help him and try his hand).

3. Alternating traditional assignments. Very often in a detachment the list of daily tasks is repeated. To ensure that all children in all groups are included in all types of activities, the groups change assignments after 3-5 days using a “spinner” (to distribute the time of the entire shift, on the one hand, and give all the children the opportunity to manifest yourself in every matter, on the other). Alternating assignments, the guys from each group will work in all areas during the shift. The composition of the guys within the group is constant. In the ChTP system, in addition to the process of dividing into microgroups itself, it is important to discuss and decide with the children exactly which groups should be in the detachment in order to ensure all directions of its activities. These are information groups, leisure groups, surprise groups, sports groups, decoration groups, and duty groups. The leisure group is engaged in the preparation and conduct of activities in the detachment, holding musical and gaming minutes, organizing outings to other detachments and carrying out joint activities, can initiate the organization of competitions, work with the younger detachment, organize the creative part of duty in the dining room, tour the camp, provide leisure part in organizing the trip.

Responsibilities of the design team: design of headings for the detachment corner; assistance to the leisure group in completing business, publishing wall newspapers in the detachment together with the information group; training the children of their squad and younger children in design skills, organizing a competition for the best room decoration, a newspaper competition, making decorations for canteen duty, decorating a squad area.

Information group conducts information KTD, prepares material for a wall newspaper, produces leaflets, radio broadcasts, prepares information about events in the world for morning information gatherings, holds information hours, provides advertising, affairs, events, etc.

Surprise group prepares surprise charades for KTD, other activities in the detachment and camp, surprises for birthday people, surprise activities, for example, a lightning concert. surprise concert for kids; surprises and thanks to the dining room attendants, surprises to the neighboring squad; morning “minutes of common joy” for your squad, surprises for counselors, camp staff, and the driver who takes the squad on a trip.

Sports group takes on the organization and conduct of exercises, helps physical education instructors in conducting sports and athletics competitions, mini-sports competitions within the squad, conducts outdoor games and “health hours” during the day, helps the tourism instructor and organizes and conducts a hiking trail, hike, and can initiate an exercise competition in a squad, between squads.

In charge duty group includes preparing the detachment place for the detachment gathering, she is responsible for the cleanliness and order in the rooms, implementing the regime and conducting the affairs of that day. Cleaning the detachment place and territory, organizing duty around the territory, around the canteen.

4. Creative groups, related to the preparation of specific cases - ϶ᴛᴏ various micro-groups of interests or groups formed “under the leader”, or reference groups.

Microgroups based on interests (music, sports, dancing, intellectual activity, etc.). The activities of such microgroups are planned by the council of commanders, which includes the detachment commander and microgroup commanders, about a week in advance, while not only the specific activities of each group are determined, but also the forms of participation of children in other types of activities, and issues of preparing the detachment for general camp activities are resolved. Concrete planning for tomorrow takes place every day by the council of commanders and each microgroup. If it is extremely important, the composition of such groups may change slightly after the organizational period, when the guys are better able to correlate their interests and the capabilities of the camp.

Groups formed “for business” or “for a leader” work like creative groups; the participation of children in other activities of the detachment is determined similarly to interest groups. For a teacher, this option is more difficult, since the organizational activities of the unit have to be planned and implemented outside the framework of this structure, but for children it is good opportunity realize your desires, abilities, achieve success and recognition.

Groups formed by sympathy, or reference groups, are not always effective in their activities. Sometimes they are created as temporary ones for the last 4-5 days of the shift: this helps to emotionally “hold” the guys in the pre-departure period, in addition, these same groups prepare the final affairs of the detachment;

5. Game models This system of self-government is characterized by the creation of a children's community in imitation state structure: with republics, parliaments, prosecutors, police, etc. Distinctive feature such self-government is the predominance of form over content.

Each of the described forms contributes to the development of organizational skills (see Table No. 1).

Form Teacher's actions Children's actions Pedagogical result
Permanent Commander Training in the day planning algorithm; provision of information space; joint planning of the day; consultations when planning the day, the interests of all team members are taken into account; learn to plan the day; have information about the day, affairs; organize routine moments Satisfying children's interests; implementation of children's experience, their active position; gaining experience of self-government and independence
Duty commander Training in the day planning algorithm; joint planning; consultations Possession of information about the day; learn to plan the day; organization of routine moments Immersion in an active learning space; gaining experience in self-government and responsibility for a temporary team; implementation of experience; self-control; communication skills; increased self-esteem; acquiring new organizational experience
Game models Creation of a game situation, its support; Creating appropriate game management structures Participation in the game Immersion in an active learning space; implementation of the child’s experience; active position of the child; gaining experience in self-organization and responsibility for the team
Creative groups Team planning training; training in various options for organizing and conducting business; consultations Planning your activities; ability to organize preparatory work Immersion in an active learning space through creative work; gaining experience in organizational activities; analytical work skills; self-control; realization of creative possibilities

Almost all systems of children's self-government are based on common principles:

1. Pedagogical guidance that ensures the targeted development of children's self-government.

2. Subject matter of the activity (if there is an activity, there is a self-government body).

3. Unified planning as the basis of the mechanism for including all participants in the organization of collective life pedagogical process.

4. Election of self-government bodies.

5. Changeability of leadership and subordination functions, types of activities

6. Building self-government from the bottom up, and not vice versa.

7. Participation of all children in the system of self-government (principle of democracy).

8. Consent: disagreements occur only before a decision is made, and after that the rule of mandatory implementation of the decision by all participants in the process applies.

1. Pedagogical essence children's group.

2. Stages of development of a children's team-team.

3. Methodology for organizing a temporary children's team-detachment.

4. Children's self-government in the detachment.

5. Methodology of collective creative activity.

1. Pedagogical essence of the children's team

Immediately after the initial acquaintance on the bus or at the time of registration, children and adolescents begin to unite into various communities in communication, play, etc. Psychologists call such associations “self-emerging groups.” Association occurs most often on the basis of common interests and common conversations, identical position (belonging to the same unit, traveling together on a bus, etc.), and a feeling of sympathy. In a children's environment, self-emerging groups are created as soon as children find themselves together and are characterized by the naturalness of their emergence. The counselor should not ignore these “living” children’s groups, but a self-emerging group is not a collective. According to the definition of N.F. Golovanova, from a pedagogical point of view, “a team (from Latin - unite) as an educational community, as a specially pedagogically organized association has its own specific characteristics: a socially significant goal; socially significant activities; collective relations; democratic self-government..." [p. 104].

As a complex socio-pedagogical system, the children's team includes informal and formal structures.

Under informal The structure of the team is understood as a spontaneously emerging system of interpersonal relations between the students of the detachment. In his work, the counselor must take into account the informal structure of the team, since it precedes the formal one and determines the status of the individual in the system of interpersonal relations in the squad.

Formal the structure of the detachment is built on business (formal) relationships, on relationships of “mutual responsibility” that take shape and develop in joint activities and communication through the inclusion of students in the self-government system. The management of the formal structure of the team is carried out by selected bodies (detachment commander, physicist, editorial board, etc.). In the formal structure, the students of the detachment perform certain social roles - assignments. Assignments are given openly, often in accordance with a schedule, have specific content (canteen duty), duration and boundaries of responsibility (for example, specific work actions).

The formal structure of the team in the camp realizes its educational potential in the interaction of the primary team - the detachment, the general camp team and the teaching team.

The primary team is an indivisible part of the team, the smallest structural unit, which involves the unification of students on the basis of friendly, personal and business interests. The primary team involves close communication, constant contact between students, and, according to G.F. Golovanova, has the right to directly “touch” the child’s personality. The counselor must take into account that within the detachment there may be small primary groups and take into account their great social, status and value significance in their work.

The totality of primary collectives as a “differentiated unity” in the interpretation of V.A. Karakovsky is general team. The primary collective is not able to fully fulfill its educational functions if it does not live as a part, a “cell” of the general collective. Only in the general team does the pupils become aware and accept socially significant goals through participation in collective forms of activity. The inclusion of pupils in the general team expands the range of business connections, enriches “horizontal” contacts (for example, between pupils of the same squad) with “vertical” contacts that go beyond the boundaries of the squad and age. Expanding connections and leaving students outside the detachment significantly enriches the value-moral atmosphere in the camp (a kind of “camp spirit”) and largely determines the system of relations between pupils in the detachment.

The organic structure of the formal structure of the educational staff of the camp is pedagogical team. In the camp, it is specific in that various specialists are involved in organizing the educational process: school teachers, pedagogues additional education, as well as students of pedagogical universities. Working in the camp requires educators to have a unified pedagogical position, a diversity of creative interests and abilities of teachers, and a culture of pedagogical communication.

2. Stages of development of a children's team-team

The problem of creating a temporary children's team and building on its basis the educational process in the camp requires the counselor to know the pedagogical nature of this process. At the same time, it is important not only to know the changes that will occur in the relationships of the students, but also to imagine the specifics of the pedagogical activity of the counselor at each stage of the development of the team. Traditionally, there are 4 stages of team development (A.S. Makarenko), which differ in features pedagogical leadership, enrichment of social meaningful meaning activities of team members. In the process of development of the team, the relationships of its members to the teacher and to each other, to general activities and self-government bodies. In its development, a temporary children's team undergoes changes from an object of education through an increase in subjectivity to an educated subject of the pedagogical process (G.F. Golovanova) (table).

At the fourth stage, there is harmony of mutual responsibility and interpersonal relationships at the detachment and camp level, each student actively participates in collective life and influences it with his creativity. Pupils place high demands on themselves and strive to be at the level of moral values. Achieving this stage in a temporary children's group is difficult, first of all, due to the limited time of children's stay in the preschool. However, the phenomenon of humanistic relationships among students of truly developed groups does exist. And then, even after the children leave the camp, the relationships between the students are preserved, developed and strengthened for many years.

Table - Stages of development of a temporary children's team-detachment

Stages of team development

Pupils' position

Counselor position

Collective-building activities of the counselor

Conditions for the effectiveness of teaching activities

First stage

  • Unorganized groups of pupils, informal interpersonal relationships,
  • there are no initial experiences of a common goal, experience of collective activity

Direct interaction with each student

  • Bring students together, help them get to know each other better in a short time;
  • include students in interesting and exciting common activities for the purpose of their self-expression;
  • give the asset an opportunity to manifest itself;
  • determine assignments for all students so that they have a real opportunity to act in a team.

The counselor’s attention should be paid not so much to events, but to the implementation of the trinity - activity, communication, relationships.

Second stage

The primary signs of a collective appear:

  • self-government bodies (active) begin to operate;
  • responsible dependency relationships arise.

Pedagogical interaction is mediated: the leader first “infects” the activists with collective activity, convinces the activists of its feasibility, and helps them build the entire project of the cause. Now the asset itself organizes the activity, implements and evaluates its results.

  • To educate activists, to train activists in the difficult task of managing other children, to purposefully develop their organizational experience;
  • education of primary teams through regular changes of assignments, alternation of various short-term assignments;
  • accumulation of experience of pupils’ activities from the position of activists through the creation of temporary assets, “action councils”.

Organization of an emotionally attractive, active, creative, business communication pupils.

Third stage

Most students have an active position in collective social activities, “the flourishing of the team” (A.S. Makarenko)

The teacher is perceived by team members as a senior comrade, a respected and authoritative participant in common affairs. In the process of education, there is a shift in subjectivity towards the collective.

The counselor implements his basic pedagogical activity in accordance with the development program of the camp shift, the work plan in the detachment, the logic of team development, fulfills its job responsibilities, bears responsibility for the life and health of children.

  • Inclusion of pupils in a variety of productive activities;
  • unity of pedagogical requirements, enrichment of pedagogical communication;
  • expansion of powers and deepening of activities of self-government bodies

Thus, a temporary children's team develops as a specific socio-pedagogical phenomenon. The team-building activity of a counselor is based on the pedagogical principles of team management and is implemented as a specially organized pedagogical interaction with students, on the one hand, and on the other, taking into account the informal processes of self-organization and self-government.

3. Methodology for organizing a temporary children's team-detachment

Leading ideas of the methodology formation of a temporary children's team-detachment:

  • it is necessary to involve all students in diverse and meaningful productive joint creative activities;
  • it is important to organize and stimulate this activity in such a way that it unites and unites students into a friendly and efficient team.

Pedagogical basis of the methodology is:

  • skillful presentation of demands on students;
  • organization of children's self-government in the detachment and training of the activists;
  • organization of exciting prospects in the cognitive, labor, social, value-oriented, artistic, aesthetic, sports and recreational activities of pupils and their free communication;
  • formation of healthy public opinion;
  • creation and development of positive traditions in the squad;
  • using methods for organizing collective creative activity.

Methodology for presenting claims to the pupils of the squad means:

  • a clear definition of the norms and rules of behavior in the detachment;
  • accustoming pupils to comply with the norms and rules established in the camp and detachment, developing skills and habits of behavior;
  • compliance with the measures in presenting requirements to the pupils of the detachment;
  • in the process of presenting demands, it is necessary to take into account the mood in the detachment and the public opinion of the students

Only by creating conditions for active participation pupils of the detachment in detachment affairs, you can gradually complicate the requirements for improving joint life activities in the detachment!

At the stage of organizing a detachment, the presentation of demands comes from the teacher and counselors. It is important that the requirements are supported by all students in the unit. The children's activist becomes the counselor's first assistant in monitoring compliance with the rules and regulations in the squad.

Organization of pupils' activities is built on the basis of the development of a temporary children's team through the organization of exciting joint activities. Activities should be socially significant, varied, and consistent with children's interests. The counselor must take into account the main features of collective activity: division of labor, cooperation of children, interdependence of children, cooperation of children and adults, use self-government in organizing children's activities.

When preparing the collective activities of the students of the detachment, the counselor decides:

  • subject task (involves achieving the immediate result of joint activity; focuses the activity on a substantive result, increases the interest and activity of students in achieving the goal);
  • educational task (allows the counselor to make the optimal choice of content, methods and forms of collective work; to solve it, the counselor must determine the role and functions of each student in the squad, think through the amount of work, place and time, necessary equipment, forms of control and self-control, methods of summing up and encouraging best participants).

Public opinion- this is the prevailing assessment that is given among the students of the detachment various phenomena and the facts of collective life. Public opinion is a special form of collective demand, which is accepted by individual members of the team as a given, undeniable, and self-evident. In public opinion, the educational role of the detachment is realized; through public opinion, the detachment makes demands on its members, expresses its attitude towards their actions and deeds. In the course of joint creative activity, children develop common assessments, judgments, and norms of behavior. By forming public opinion in the detachment, the tasks facing the detachment are constantly becoming more complex.

To form a healthy public opinion it is necessary:

  • the presence of a system for organizing joint collective creative activities;
  • bring to collective discussion all more or less significant events and phenomena in the life of the detachment, give them a correct public assessment;
  • increase the role of self-government bodies in the detachment.

Main methods The formation of public opinion in the detachment includes persuasion, analysis and evaluation of activities and relationships, criticism and self-criticism, personal example, etc.

Public opinion reflects the maturity of the team; it begins to act as a well-functioning mechanism that exerts an educational influence on its individual members and, conversely, allows for the formation of such qualities in students as objectivity, fairness, exactingness, adherence to principles, and conscientiousness.

Availability traditions in a team reflect the level of collective experience, habits, and relationships. The mechanism of traditions - “this is how we do it,” “we always do it this way,” “usually in our group...” simplifies a lot of things in organizing collective activities, freeing up time and energy for creativity.

Traditions in the squad include:

  • choosing the name and motto of the squad, other symbols;
  • holding squad fires, training camps;
  • “team birthdays”;
  • everyday traditions (for example, collective planning, organizing, conducting and analyzing interesting activities in the squad).

The establishment of strong traditions in the squad contributes to the development of the squad as a children's team, increases the meaningfulness of its life, and fosters a sense of pride in its team.

In modern pedagogical concepts special attention is given to personality education in social system. The counselor needs to realize that the education of the team is organized for self-determination of the personality of the pupils, for them to reveal their individuality. According to G.F. Golovanova, to educate an individual in a team, a teacher needs to concentrate his pedagogical efforts in three main directions of collective life of pupils:

1) personal self-affirmation in collective activities and communication;

2) mastering adult forms of communication and activity;

3) discovering oneself as a person and individuality.

4. Children's self-government in the squad

Assets– the core of the team, its organizing center. This is the most active, proactive group of students with good organizational skills, as well as specific competencies in a certain area.

Of particular importance for the formation of children's collective relations is the development of self-government in the detachment. Self-government presupposes independent management of oneself, one’s life activities, independent organization of duty, independent distribution of responsibilities when organizing activities, during events, as well as self-monitoring of activity results. The development of self-government helps students feel the complexity of social relations, form a social position, and determine their capabilities in the implementation of leadership functions.

The development of self-government in the detachment makes it possible to create conditions for the social development of children and adolescents by including them in solving complex problems and relationships that develop in the team. By participating in solving the problems of the detachment, students develop the qualities necessary to overcome the difficulties of camp life and solve management problems in the detachment.

Thus, self-government(according to L.V. Vorontsov) is:

– a form of organizing children’s life activities that ensures the development of their independence in making and implementing decisions to achieve socially significant goals;

– specific activities of the team in organizing various collective activities, the life of the children’s association;

- an indispensable feature of the team, its function.

Self-government activities are implemented through the following types:

– collective planning;

– current organizational work on the implementation of key tasks of the detachment;

– work in permanent and temporary self-government bodies;

– fulfillment of collective, group and individual assignments, duty in a detachment, camp;

– participation in the work of detachment training, in the work of the camp’s pedagogical council.

Self-government can consist of the activities of temporary and permanent bodies.

To temporary bodies of self-government include:

– action councils, headquarters, i.e. work in temporary creative and initiative groups. They are created by decision of the detachment council to perform a specific task facing the detachment. Having completed a specific task, the members of the case council report to the squad council, after which the group disbands;

– duty, as well as individual or group assignments.

Permanent self-government bodies include: squad gathering, squad council, unit (room) activities, unit gatherings, club activities.

Squad meeting is the highest body of self-government and provides each member of the detachment with the right to participate in preparation, discussion and decision-making on important issues life activity of the squad.

Squad Council the chief executive body elected at a detachment meeting. Its members direct the work of microgroups, councils of affairs created for organization in the detachment various types activities: labor, physical education and recreation, patronage, educational or artistic and creative. The microgroup may include members of the unit based on common interests and friendly relations existing between them.

Tasks of pedagogical leadership on the development of self-government among the pupils of the detachment (according to L.V. Voronkova):

  • designing an ideal self-government scheme in a detachment even before the first practical steps of teamwork;
  • organizing training for the squad’s assets and developing the necessary qualities;
  • inclusion of the unit's students in organizational activities.

5. Methodology of collective creative activity (CTA)

The technique was developed by the Leningrad scientist-teacher I.P. Ivanov and successfully embodied in the practice of the communitarian educational system. Today, this technique is still in demand as “a modern organization of the community of children and adults, as a technology of creative self-determination in collective activity” (N.F. Golovanova, p. 149).

Basic organizational form in the method of collective creative activity is an activity that is organized together with children to educate and form a value-based attitude towards the world.

In the practice of the camp, a case is an independently (together with counselors, educators, and self-government bodies) organized event, the result of which will be a positive social transformation and self-building of the personality of each student. Collective affairs can be built in various content aspects of education, have a civic, socio-political, educational, aesthetic, sports and other orientation. One of the most important characteristics collective action is a manifestation of civic creative concern, bringing benefit and joy to others.

The organization of the activities of the participants in the case is also specific. All work is built through the functioning of microgroups. Microgroups are included in collective activity as living cells of a large organism. It is within the microgroups that all work is planned, developed, organized, and analyzed. Each microgroup acts independently, but not in isolation. Even in conditions of competition, the possibility of cooperation and cooperation is not excluded, which allows the actions of all microgroups to merge into a single common cause.

The activities of microgroups are managed by the Council of Affairs. This is a temporary self-government body that has a rolling stock and ensures the organization of the activities of the participants in the case. The method of collective creative work also involves the use of alternating creative assignments. Such instructions are given both to individual participants in the case and to microgroups. The use of fixed insignia has a stimulating effect. Such signs reflect the meaningful meaning of the assignment and record certain experience and traditions of this assignment, which are passed on along with the insignia.

The reflective function is performed by “lights”, “evenings with friends”, “evening candles”, which allow you to create collective experiences and collective experience through discussing the results of CTD.

The main rule for preparing and conducting CTD is to create an atmosphere of invention, improvisation and creativity. According to G.F. Golovanova, “the situation of a collective case should be perceived by its participants as part of real life, as life problem, which should be accepted as your own, significant and interesting to you personally and your comrades” (G.F. Golovanova, p. 151).

The algorithm of collective creative work is presented in successive stages, each of which has its own goals, and is represented by the specific activities of the counselor and students.

First stage – “Preliminary work”

Involves a collective search for various options for organizing a business. The preliminary work of the counselor will be to think through the general educational goal of this case. What relationships will develop among students as a result of participation in CTD, what changes will occur in spiritual world the identity of each participant in the KTD. If the pupils still have insufficient experience in organizing collective activities, then the counselor can think through in advance possible options their implementation. These options will be unobtrusively offered to students at the planning and collective discussion stage.

Stage two – “Collective business planning”

In accordance with the KTD methodology, planning is carried out in micro groups, so students should be seated facing each other in several groups. If the pupils do not have sufficient planning experience, then the counselor begins with a starting conversation, encouraging the children to actively think about the upcoming task. Then all microgroups participate in a collective discussion. After the discussion is completed, representatives of the microgroups demonstrate the results of the discussion, ask each other questions, and argue.

After making a collective decision and selecting the Case Council, at a meeting of the Case Council, a plan for carrying out the case is drawn up, responsible persons are appointed, and approximate assignments are distributed for microgroups and individual students.

Activation of children's activities during planning is possible using the techniques of prompting, choice, advice, strengthening the motive (additional explanation of the significance of the matter), making advances, and asking for help. You can resort to such forms of planning as “Idea Tree”, “Suggestion Box”, “Auction of Ideas”, “Wish Questionnaire”, “Competition for best offer", "Different opinions".

Third stage – “Collective preparation of the case”

The activity algorithm of the counselor and students can be outlined as follows:

– to be confirmed general project the case, the timing of its preparation and implementation;

– we determine the content of the case, the amount of work, roles and assignments according to the principles “As small as possible and as large as possible, so that everyone has their own role in common cause"(N.E. Shchurkova);

– we organize the work of micro-groups under the leadership of the Action Council, with each micro-group preparing its own “surprise” as part of the common cause;

– we create positive motivation, support manifestations of initiative and creativity, and mutual assistance. It is important for the counselor to prevent excessive competitiveness and unhealthy rivalry;

– we organize, as necessary, separate rehearsals for small groups;

– we write a plan-script, prepare the necessary means (music, linking texts, posters, theatrical props, invitation cards, etc.).

This stage is very significant in educational terms, since here invaluable experience of joint activities is acquired and the value foundations of relationships are laid. Wide arsenal pedagogical techniques stimulation of pupils was proposed by N.E. Shchurkova (method of assigning powers, removing fear, personal exclusivity, direct and hidden assistance).

The fourth stage – “Carrying out a collective business”

This stage is the culmination stage in the implemented QTD technique. The counselor considers the degree of his participation and the degree of participation of the children, depending on their experience and degree of independence. The matter is carried out according to the planned plan, but you need to be prepared for possible “variations”. Each microgroup presents its own “surprises”, and from these individual elements a common bright and interesting thing is formed. This allows you to maintain the mood of the students and stimulate their interest. It is important to remember that it is the students and their mood, attitude to what is happening, relationships with each other, and the experience of shared emotional experience that is the main goal of the matter. The very content of the matter and its implementation are secondary.

Fifth stage – “Collective summing up of the case”

This stage is extremely significant in terms of each student identifying the personal meaning of collective interaction. This stage is organized immediately after the end of the case, when emotions are still heightened and the vividness of impressions has not been lost. It is also advisable to analyze the results of one’s own activities, first in microgroups, and then in the form of collective discussion. Pupils will have to answer the questions: “What was good? What did you like and why? How did you feel? Who do you want to say thank you to?" Then we identify the shortcomings: “What didn’t you like? What failed and why? What were you dissatisfied with? And at the end of the discussion, “What do we offer for the future?”

The main task of this stage is to consolidate the collective experiences of pupils, stimulate their activity and orient them towards further transformation of the surrounding conditions and circumstances of life.

At this stage, you can use the reflective techniques “Reflective Circle”, “Chain of Sentences”, “Dispersion of Opinions”, “Palette of Moods”, etc.

Stage six – “The immediate consequence of a collective cause”

This is the stage of implementation of proposals adopted at the stage of collective summing up. Pupils unite into new creative groups to work on a new KTD, and alternating creative assignments change. A new spark flares up in search of new ideas and things to do.

At this stage, the counselor comprehends the results of the case, outlines prospects, adjusts the goal, and expands the capabilities of his students by providing them with a greater degree of freedom and independence.

Thus, the CTD technique has ample opportunities to expand the subjective experience of students. The inclusion of children and adolescents in productive socially significant activities orients them towards transforming the surrounding reality, enriches the educational potential of joint experiences, and forms a system of value orientations.

Self-government bodies in the Brigantine camp

Camp asset is created to resolve issues of organization, maintenance of camp activities, development of positive personal qualities of children.

The active members of the shift include camp students selected by teams and adults.

Goals and objectives of the asset:

The asset, as a form of self-government of children to protect the rights and interests, acts for the purposes of:

Providing assistance in conducting recreational, cultural events and creative activities;

Creating conditions in the camp for the development of the physical, creative and intellectual potential of children;

Assistance in creating a favorable psychological climate.

Organization of asset activities

The active members of the camp are the Camp Council and the Unit Councils, which are self-government bodies.

Rights and responsibilities:

Each member of the asset has the right:

To participate in the discussion of all camp matters and freely express one’s opinion;

To protect your rights and interests.

Each member of the asset is obliged:

Carry out the assigned work responsibly;

Comply with the laws of communication and culture of behavior.

Activities of the councils:

Camp tip:

The camp council meets once every 9 days (at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the camp shift)

Coordinates and controls the work of all units, resolves current issues.

Council of assistant organizers (counsellors):

Council meetings are held daily:

Development of ideas, scenarios for holidays and events;
-distribution of responsibilities between teams in preparation for the case;
- control over the execution of orders;
- holding the event itself;
- analysis of the event;

Planning the next events in the camp.

Summarizing principles:

At the meeting, the results of the day are summed up; if necessary, a report on the activities of the detachments is heard (responsible detachment commanders),

Calculates earned points according to the following scheme:

Accrual of points:

labor landing – 5 tokens maximum;

preparation and participation in the event - 1 point maximum;

1st place in any event – ​​3 points;

2nd place – 2 points;

3rd place – 1 point.

Removal of points:

being late for an event – ​​1 point;

violation of discipline in the squad - 3 points;

an organic combination of various types of leisure and recreation with forms of educational activities

realization of the interests and potentials of the individual

forming your own ideas about yourself and the world around you

entertainment, games, freedom to choose activities

development of creative potential

release of year-long tensions

Your suggestions ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Purpose of summer school camp from the students' point of view

At school camp I have the opportunity

I find it difficult to answer

improve your physical and mental health

expand cultural space

develop creatively and intellectually during extracurricular hours

form your own ideas about yourself and the world around you

have fun, play, freely choose activities

do whatever I like

get relief from the tension that has accumulated over the year

At the Brigantine school camp this summer I dream

make new friends

get to know your classmates better in an informal setting

get an emotional charge

develop your creativity

get healthier

spend time usefully for yourself

meet with interesting people

attend your favorite activities

feel the state of happiness and celebration, entertainment and fun

travel (excursions, trips)

get the opportunity to take a break from classes

Your wishes ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________