Thyme – Avicenna’s recipes, benefits and harms. Tea with thyme: beneficial properties and applications

One of the many representatives of medicinal plants that grow everywhere in areas with warm climate, is thyme or thyme. It has been known since time immemorial; in Rus' this herb was used in various rituals, recipes of traditional healers, cooking and other areas. Tea with thyme is very popular for its unusual taste and aroma, as well as beneficial properties, of which there are many.

About thyme

Lilac thyme flowers have a strong fragrant aroma and honey-bearing properties. In summer, thyme contains greatest number useful substances, so it is collected in July-August during active flowering.

During drying, the grass does not lose its properties at all. medicinal properties. Thyme contains:

  • many essential oils;
  • amino acids;
  • polyunsaturated fats;
  • vitamin C, B vitamins, folic and nicotinic acid;
  • microelements - potassium, magnesium, sodium salts, as well as zinc, iron, phosphorus, calcium, selenium, copper, manganese;
  • binders and tannins, ash and resins;
  • bioflavonoids.

Thyme can be taken in the form of a decoction, infusion, essential oil is prepared from it, but the most popular method of consumption is thyme tea, and this herb can be mixed with regular tea, with chamomile, mint, and berries (rose hips) can be added.

Any recipe will not spoil it, but will only complement the composition and enhance the healing properties of the drink. Most often, high-altitude black tea with thyme is used for preparation; it will help relieve fatigue, give energy and improve your mood. Hobbyists can use large leaf Chinese green tea with thyme, which combines the benefits of both components. If you need to enhance the anti-inflammatory effect, then chamomile is added to the herbal mixture; if more vitamins are needed, then rose hips can be included in the composition. However, possible contraindications should always be taken into account.


Those who dream of healthy and tasty tea need to know what medicinal properties this or that herbal drink recipe has. What is tasty is not always healthy and vice versa. Another thing is tea with thyme, the beneficial properties of which have been proven, and the taste is beyond doubt. The benefits are as follows:

This video talks about the medicinal properties of thyme:

The main benefits of this drink are manifested in the following diseases in women and men:

  • colds (it is good to include rose hips in the tea);
  • intestinal colic;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • pneumonia, bronchitis and asthma;
  • radiculitis;
  • alcoholism;
  • soft tissue bruises;
  • inflammatory skin diseases;
  • neuroses and neurasthenia.


The medicinal properties of the components contained in tea can sometimes harm the body if a person is allergic to thyme or other herbs or berries (chamomile, mint, rose hips). Individual intolerance and allergies are absolute contraindications. In addition to allergies, there are also relative contraindications:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • pregnancy period in women;
  • acute inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • hypertension.

All these contraindications must be taken into account when choosing a particular tea brewing recipe.

The benefits of thyme tea should exceed possible harm Therefore, the main recommendation for women and men should be considered moderate use of various medicinal preparations and individual herbs included in their composition.

It is better to coordinate any recipe with a specialist, especially if it is multi-component. Thyme tea cannot replace plain water or other drinks, it should be brewed in courses of two weeks with breaks. If we're talking about If a child has a cold, then thyme is added to the tea composition in the same way as rose hips. In order not to harm the body, age restrictions should be observed (not under 5-6 years old).

How to brew tea with thyme?

Brewing such a drink is very simple - add a few leaves or inflorescences of dry thyme to your usual tea and steep for 5-7 minutes. You can put a spoonful of honey in a cup to enhance the healing properties, but take into account the contraindications for allergy sufferers. Rose hips, currant and raspberry leaves will enhance the anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic and antipyretic effects for colds. Rose hips contribute to the enrichment of vitamins for a general strengthening effect.

Tea with thyme and mint is prepared from equal proportions of these components and a glass of water. This recipe combines all the qualities of two useful herbs; it will benefit those who have no contraindications; it will only be harmful if you have allergies. The medicinal qualities of such tea will be appreciated for intestinal diseases, pain in the lower abdomen in women, anxiety states and stress.

It is advisable to test any recipe on yourself before recommending it to others, especially children. Contraindications, benefits or harm - everything should be taken into account when consuming medicinal plants.

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Bright, aromatic, with a spicy and tart taste - tea with thyme cannot but be liked. It is especially good in the morning, for breakfast, and is often drunk after a bath. This tea quickly fills you with strength and vigor, improves your mood and gives you joy, because it is not in vain that the name of the plant means “strength of spirit.” Tea with thyme is used in cosmetology and folk medicine. It helps with colds and in stressful situations.

In a word, it can be called the elixir of youth. Thyme, another name for thyme, has been known for several millennia. Ibn Sina also recommended it to his patients.

For women's and male body it has different effects, and in some conditions it is generally contraindicated.

What are the benefits of thyme tea for women?


Thyme tea is indispensable for women with certain gynecological problems:

In case of painful menstruation, if there is inflammation of the appendages, ovaries, in addition to tea, warm baths are taken.
baths of thyme infusion help with cystitis and uterine bleeding.
This tea is useful for nursing mothers to drink - thyme improves lactation and enhances milk production. And the soothing properties of thyme itself also make milk best quality. It will make the baby calmer. It is recommended to drink half a glass of weak tea twice a day. It is allowed to add viburnum and linden. Add honey with caution.
to improve well-being during PMS - again, thanks to the calming properties of thyme. Tea relieves lower back pain and reduces depression.
In the same way, it is recommended to drink it during menopause - thyme regulates hormonal background and relieves irritability.

This tea is good for migraines, general weakness, and colds.

The tea itself is not a sleeping pill, but it helps with insomnia, as it calms and relaxes the nervous system.

Those who want to lose weight - after all, it improves digestion and normalizes the functioning of the whole body, improves water-fat metabolism.


During pregnancy. Thyme can provoke the tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus. This condition is dangerous with the risk of premature birth or even miscarriage. This is because every woman produces a small amount of the male hormone testosterone, and thyme stimulates its production. And its increased amount can provoke such undesirable phenomena as uterine tone.

But during labor activity, for the same reason, you can drink in small sips - this will harmlessly stimulate the entire process. And then it will help the uterus quickly get into the desired shape.

What are the benefits of thyme in tea for men?


People call thyme “male herb.” Andrologists often recommend thyme for problems with men's health.

It is useful for men with sexual dysfunction, impotence, and early ejaculation. These problems are often associated with a tense psycho-emotional state, and thyme has a calming effect, and at the same time not a sleeping pill. And if a man does not feel stress, a feeling of confidence will appear, and this will strengthen his erection.
Infusions and teas from thyme help with prostatitis. Baths made from it relieve swelling and improve urination. For prevention, drink a course of half a glass a day for 2 weeks. You need 2-3 courses per year.

Thyme is also excellent in treating various genitourinary infections in men. In such cases, tea is also used externally, in the form of baths, for 10-15 minutes. Drink half a glass three times a day.

The composition of thyme itself includes microelements such as molybdenum - with its help, enzymes are activated that are responsible for the normalization of male sexual functions. In addition, thyme contains selenium and zinc, which help testosterone production. They are included in almost all drugs that improve the condition of male infertility.

Thyme contains ursolic acid, essential substance for the prevention of early baldness, weakness and muscle atrophy.

For heavy smokers, this tea will be a salvation from a characteristic cough - thyme has expectorant properties, it will help get rid of it.

A concentrated infusion of thyme can help in the treatment of alcoholism - both male and female. This remedy is also good because it can be carried out in secret from the patient. When thyme is combined with alcohol, the body produces substances that cause nausea and can subsequently lead to an aversion to alcohol.


For men, there are practically no special contraindications for drinking this tea, except perhaps not drinking buckets of it.

Thyme - medicinal herb, it can be harmful if abused. Its excessive amount causes sleep disturbances and insomnia. You can’t use it for more than 2 weeks in a row, you need to take breaks.

Thyroid diseases, atherosclerosis, peptic ulcers, kidney and liver problems are a direct contraindication.

If you brew it incorrectly and drink it all the time, poisoning may even occur, which will require urgent drug treatment. So moderation is needed in everything... Once a day will be enough.

If you are unsure about using thyme, consult your doctor.

For many centuries in Rus' they have been drinking tea with thyme. Thyme is very popular among the people, as evidenced by its numerous names: Bogorodskaya grass, flypalm, savory, heather, boron pepper and others. Official name thyme - creeping thyme (Thymus serpyllum L.) Since ancient times, it has been revered and considered a divine herb that can restore health and even life to a person. It's a wonderful flavoring. Just 2-3 sprigs per pot of brewing any tea, and you get a delicious aromatic tea filled with vital energy. What are the benefits of thyme tea?

Thyme is rich useful substances. Stems and green leaves contain:

  • vitamins B, C;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils of complex composition;
  • organic acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • various resins;
  • cymol;
  • minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc);
  • thymol.

100 grams of dried grass contains 70 kcal.

Thyme preparations are famous for their disinfectant and analgesic properties, due to their content large quantity natural antiseptic - thymol. IN Ancient Egypt it was used for embalming. Fresh and dry plants are boiled; the decoction is used to treat whooping cough, joints, radiculitis, heart and neuralgic diseases, and to rid the body of colds.

The benefits of thyme have been proven traditional medicine. Bogorodskaya herb is effectively used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. There is a positive effect in the treatment of insomnia. Thyme has diuretic, choleretic, tonic, blood purifying properties. The plant is part of many herbal infusions; it gives them a specific aroma and unique taste. Thyme is also used when brewing tea to add flavor to the tea and impart beneficial properties to the drink.

How to brew tea with thyme

An overdose of thyme can cause nausea, so the process of brewing tea should be given due attention.

Classic tea recipe

2 teaspoons of dried raw materials are poured into 1 glass of boiling water, the mixture is infused for 15 minutes. This infusion should be drunk three times a day, no more than 1/3 of a glass at a time.

Tea should not be stored, it is better to brew fresh every day. This tea can be used for prevention colds and strengthening the immune system. A decoction is recommended for fatigue and dry cough.

Black tea with thyme

A teaspoon of black tea leaves and 1 teaspoon of thyme are poured into a preheated teapot or mug. Pour a glass of boiling water in two doses. Let it brew.

The drink prepared in this way turns out to be aromatic, but the small amount of savory in it makes it possible to drink it often. Tea has tonic properties. It is recommended to drink it in winter time year. Add cinnamon, lemon, honey, ginger to taste to improve healing properties tea.

Green tea with thyme

Green tea is brewed traditional way, but with the addition of a teaspoon of thyme. it takes about five minutes. To improve the taste, you can add a spoon of honey or a slice of lemon.
The resulting drink effectively relieves coughing spasms, has a beneficial effect on digestion, and makes breathing easier.

Soothing tea

For cooking useful infusion a collection of herbs is used: 2 parts peppermint, 1 part valerian, 1 part thyme. The dried raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water. The tea drink must be steeped for 20 minutes, then strained.

Beneficial properties of thyme tea

Properly prepared thyme tea has undoubted benefits.

Thyme is a medicinal plant and should be used with caution. You should follow the exact dosage when preparing drinks, and drink them in moderate and recommended quantities.

Thyme in tea is contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • for endocrine pathologies;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • for nervous disorders;
  • with peptic ulcer;
  • for heart problems;
  • for hypertension;
  • with atrial fibrillation;
  • with atherosclerosis.

This tea is not recommended during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Long-term use may lead to allergic reaction and increase blood pressure. If vomiting or nausea occurs (the first symptoms of an overdose), you should stop taking savory. The essential oils contained in the plant can have an irritating effect, so people should not drink it if there is an exacerbation of colitis, hepatitis, or cholecystitis.

Children can be given savory tea in small quantities. It is prohibited to simultaneously use thyme tea and expectorants and antitussives. It is better to first contact your pediatrician for advice.

Here it is useful plant- thyme, its benefits are undeniable, tea made from it is tasty and aromatic. Therefore, tea with thyme takes pride of place in the list of famous herbal teas.

For many centuries, tea with thyme has been included in the “recipe book” of the world’s best healers.

The composition contains a huge amount of vitamins and other substances beneficial to the body. If you learn how to prepare and use thyme tea correctly, you can improve general condition your health, prevent the development of many ailments.

Tea with thyme: benefits, calorie content and composition

In Eastern medicine, thyme is known as the herb thyme. There are many varieties of it. Thyme is a small shrub reaching a height of about 40 cm. Thyme, due to its rich composition, is in great demand not only in alternative medicine, but also in cosmetology, food industry. Infusions based on the plant can prevent and even cure many ailments.

Thyme contains:

Tanning and mineral compounds;

Ursolic, oleanolic acids;

Organic pigments and essential oils;

Vitamins ( ascorbic acid, vitamins of group B, PP).

There are 70 kcal per 100 grams of dried thyme. Tea with thyme contains only 2 calories per 100 grams. The drink is recommended for consumption in the absence of contraindications. Even women during pregnancy and lactation can drink it (only after consulting a doctor).

The right tea has a mild sedative effect. Exactly this property will allow you to give a woman and her child a calm, deep sleep.

Tea with thyme: benefits for the body

1. It is an excellent anthelmintic agent, characterized by disinfectant and antibacterial effects.

2. The drink is considered a strong pain reliever. A cup of tea relieves headaches in a matter of minutes, discomfort during menstruation in women.

4. The drink helps strengthen the immune system due to its rich composition. It also normalizes digestive processes, relieves bloating, and normalizes intestinal motility.

5. Tea with thyme is known for its beneficial effects on the human nervous system. The drink has been proven to be an excellent stress reliever and will allow you to purchase peace of mind.

6. The drink is also beneficial for men. It improves potency. Women are recommended to drink this tea during weak lactation (as prescribed by a doctor).

7. Tea with thyme, the benefits of which are invaluable, is also useful for cosmetic purposes. By regularly including the drink in your diet, you can get rid of acne and pimples. Moreover, the presence of essential oils and vitamins in its composition prevents early withering of the dermis, strengthens hair and nails.

The most useful thyme tea recipes

Tea with thyme will not harm the body if you learn how to prepare it correctly. There are several recipes. By selecting new ingredients each time (depending on your condition), you can get specific properties drink

Invigorating morning drink

The ideal drink for the morning is black tea with thyme. It is aromatic and incredibly tasty. A cup of tea will invigorate and give great mood for the rest of the day.

Making the drink is simple. You need to add 1 teaspoon of thyme and half a spoon of black tea to the teapot. Everything is poured with boiling water. The drink should steep for 7-10 minutes. Then add a slice of orange (lemon) and 1 tablespoon of honey. Additional ingredients will improve the taste of the drink and make it richer.

Black tea with thyme not only invigorates, it will help normalize digestive processes and cope with colds. It is not recommended to drink it before bed to avoid insomnia.

It's no secret that green tea is incredibly healthy. If you add thyme to the drink, it will become even more valuable in its properties. This tea is prepared in the same proportion as with black tea.

Benefits of the drink:

Blood circulation is normalized;

Allows you to reduce blood cholesterol levels;

Relieves headaches;

Makes a person feel better when they have a cold;

Characterized by excellent antioxidant properties;

Strengthens the immune system.

During the day you are allowed to drink no more than 3-4 cups of this tea. The last one is 2 hours before going to bed. The drink is characterized by a strong diuretic effect.

Herbal teas with thyme

Herbal teas with the addition of thyme are extremely beneficial for health. The main thing is to choose the right ingredients. It is necessary to rely on the desired effect.

1. Thyme and oregano. The presented herbs are combined in a teapot in a ratio of 1 to 2. It is necessary to infuse the drink under a closed lid for at least 15 minutes so that it absorbs all the vitamins from the plants and is saturated with aroma.

2. Thyme and coltsfoot. The herbs are combined in equal proportions (1 teaspoon each, no more needed). The mixture is infused for 15 minutes, then a tablespoon of honey is added, as well as a slice of citrus (lemon, orange). You should drink tea when it's ready room temperature.

Peppermint tea with thyme

If you add mint to thyme, the drink will be not only aromatic, but also incredibly healthy and tasty. The ingredients are combined in equal proportions. Everything is poured with boiling water - 300 ml of water for 2 tablespoons of herbs. The tea should sit until it reaches room temperature. You can also add 1 teaspoon of honey here. The drink is useful to drink before meals, it is recommended even before bed. Peppermint tea with thyme improves digestive processes, normalizes metabolism, calms the nervous system and improves sleep.

Recipes for thyme tea for colds

1. To strengthen the immune system. To 1 tablespoon of thyme you need to add some rose hips, currant leaves and strawberries. The drink must be brewed with boiling water and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. The tea turns out to be incredibly healthy. It contains many vitamins necessary for immunity. When you have a cold, this is exactly what you need.

2. Mix thyme and coltsfoot in equal proportions, and add a tablespoon of dried raspberries. The tea is poured with boiling water in a teapot and steeped for 15-20 minutes. You need to drink it when you have a cold - 3 cups during the day. It helps relieve coughs, soothe sore throats, and relieve headaches and other ailments.

Tea with thyme: harm, important contraindications

Tea with thyme rarely causes harm to the body. If you remember about contraindications, unpleasant surprises can be avoided.

Having heart problems;

Kidney and liver diseases;


Diseases related to the thyroid gland;

Stomach ulcer;

Disorders nervous system.

Tea with thyme, the harm and benefits of which have been presented, is a very valuable drink. The main thing is not to overuse the quantity and remember the contraindications.

Tea with thyme is the most valuable gift of nature. He is able to cure many ailments, and also has unique taste, unique aroma.


From this article you will learn:

Such a wonderful plant as thyme has several names: cap, virgin herb, thyme. During Ancient Greece it symbolized fertility, which is why many brides decorated their heads with a wreath with woven thyme. This only proves that even our distant ancestors had known healing capabilities of the plant.

During Kievan Rus the cap served as an integral part of amulets and amulets that protected their owner from damage, evil eyes, and slander. Many practicing sorcerers still use thyme to prepare a wide variety of tinctures and potions.

The first mentions of the plant go back into history, when our distant ancestors used it as an antiseptic. Thyme was part of embalming fluids and could instantly revive a person after a sudden faint.

Where is thyme collected?


Despite all its positive properties, tea with thyme is contraindicated for people with chronic diseases, pregnant women, heart patients and vascular atherosclerosis. It is forbidden to drink tea after myocardial infarction.

What can you add to black tea with thyme?

Tea with thyme can be diluted with any ingredients - lemon, honey and even a small amount. If provided for in the recipe, you can add other ingredients: cinnamon, St. John's wort, rose hips, lime.

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