Audio course: Conversational English for beginners.

Spoken English in lately is becoming increasingly popular. If earlier in English language courses time was devoted to communication along with grammar, then recently spoken English has acquired independence.

85% international conferences and organizations use English.

Courses have become very popular in which students listen to foreign speech, recordings of radio broadcasts, watch films in English, and then discuss them among themselves, of course, in English. That is, maximum attention is devoted to learning to speak and understand the speech that foreigners use in everyday life.

Very often a person who knows the rules of grammar well knows how to correctly compose sentences and has a good vocabulary, cannot perceive the speech of a native speaker by ear and is unable to maintain a conversation, express his thoughts and his point of view. This occurs when a student does not spend enough time speaking English. Sometimes a student simply lacks confidence in his knowledge, he is afraid of being misunderstood or making a mistake.

It should be understood that spoken English has a number of differences from the literary English that is studied even at school. The conversational English course is based on slang and phraseological turns speeches, on stable expressions which are used in everyday life and current life. Of course, development spoken language occurs in a special sequence.

By learning spoken English, you can make a significant investment in your future and in your professional growth. Subject to availability good level Speaking English, you can create conditions for a multifaceted life, find something new and unknown for yourself.

To be confident in your knowledge of spoken language, you need to practice well and thoroughly. The author’s teaching system “The Hummingbird Method” has very interesting and effective material to help teach spoken language. Perhaps the main distinguishing feature of the “Hummingbird Method” is that from the first lesson it will be much easier for you to start speaking English. Thanks to a unique teaching method, your vocabulary will be replenished with exactly the number of words that is necessary to have a productive conversation with a native speaker, as well as watch films and TV shows in English. It should be noted that the duration of these courses is only 30 days.

Of course, to thoroughly practice speaking a language, you need to get it abroad. But not everyone has the opportunity to travel to English speaking country practice English. This is precisely why courses for teaching spoken English were created, namely the “Hummingbird Method”.

Differences between spoken English and literary English

Spoken English, of course, differs significantly from literary English, from the one we study at school and in courses. The very first criterion of difference is that grammar is not the main point on which you need to concentrate when learning conversational language. They don’t delve into the nuances of grammatical sentence construction in conversational language courses. The basics of grammar are studied in order to construct sentences independently in the future.

Spoken English often contains various abbreviations.

Replenishing vocabulary is a top priority in such courses. The lexical content of the courses is also different, that is, you do not mindlessly memorize words and phrases, and the more the better.

In conversational English courses, as well as when teaching the “Hummingbird Method”, you use words and phrases that are used and most often found in spoken language.

The third differentiating factor is the form of training. It is usually mostly oral. This, of course, is explained by the fact that first of all you need to talk, talk on your own, have conversations with fellow students or with the teacher, and also pronounce phrases recorded on a voice recorder.

Who is conversational English suitable for?

The target circle of students of spoken English is quite broad. These can be people who have just started learning English, as well as those students and students who have good knowledge of the English language, but cannot overcome the barriers to communicating in English.

There are also people who have a very hard time perceiving English language by ear or those students who, for some reason, have stopped improving their knowledge of the English language and want to regain the abilities they once acquired. By taking a conversational English course, you will build a foundation of vocabulary as well as linguistic intuition.

After completing the Hummingbird Method courses, you will be able to understand the type of thinking of native English speakers, and this is another significant contribution to communication with foreigners. Also, in the future, in order to improve your English, you will not have to resort to a textbook; it will be easy for you to understand English on your own, that is, by watching films and reading books in English.

The result of learning spoken English

In fact, the result will not take long to arrive. You will notice that it is much easier for you to understand the English language aurally, regardless of who spoke it, a teacher you are getting used to, or a TV announcer whose speaking style is unfamiliar to you.

Your type of thinking will change when talking the right words and the speed will select itself. You will no longer feel those barriers to communication. Ideally, you will even be able to think in English, not mentally select a translation of what you want to say, but immediately construct your answer in English. You will enjoy the fact that you can easily communicate in English. You will have additional motivation to achieve even greater results.

Therefore, if you are still wondering whether you need spoken English? Then we can confidently give an affirmative answer. Conversational English does not take much time and is suitable for people with different abilities.

Remember the legend about Tower of Babel and its builders? So, modern humanity, apparently, is ready to regain common language for all continents and countries. And by the will of fate, English becomes the language of international communication, because it is known even in the most remote corner of the world. Want to join the global community but don't know how to learn spoken English for beginners? will help you this material, in which we detail tips on how to learn English on your own.

What do you think is collateral? successful study conversational English for beginners ? Teacher? Good technique? Language skills? Enough finances to pay for special courses? Not at all.

The key to success is your commitment to speaking English. Yes, yes, so little - and at the same time so much. After all, this desire still needs to be developed in oneself.

Before you start learning English, set yourself a certain standard. You shouldn’t immediately attempt something supernatural, like reading Shakespeare’s sonnets in the original.

Let's say, first, try to master a conversational English course for tourists. You will be able to make acquaintances and freely communicate with foreigners at train stations and airports, in hotels and inns, in museums and shops, and you will simply never get lost on the streets of the city. It is possible to achieve such results in just 1-1.5 months.

Then, having received the basic information, you yourself will be drawn into communication in English. You will be able to expand your knowledge by watching films and TV series, reading adapted books and texts, studying grammar in depth and practicing all your skills in conversation with foreign interlocutors.

And all this will become possible only thanks to your personal desire to learn spoken English. Well, are you ready to start studying? Let's look at how to teach spoken English lessons while effectively developing all the necessary skills.

Development of educational process

Having set a goal, make a schedule for your classes. Evaluate your strengths wisely! If you have little free time, then you will have to conduct short lessons every day, but if you are ready to devote a couple of hours to learning spoken English, then your schedule of lessons is the standard 3 lessons per week.

Don't forget to stock up on office supplies and teaching aids, too. At a minimum, you need pens, pencils, colored markers, a study book and a vocabulary notebook. Textbooks and dictionaries are not so necessary, since now all the material is easy to find on the Internet.

So, you have prepared yourself psychologically and prepared the necessary supplies for studying. There is only one thing missing - an understanding of where to start learning English on your own. Let's look at the training course in order.

Main base

At the beginning of our journey, we always learn the basics: letters, sounds, numbers. To some, this knowledge will seem too easy and therefore unnecessary. This will be the first gross mistake that can cast doubt on the achievement of progress in your studies.

Learning the alphabet and sounds is important preparatory stage, which forms the skills and abilities necessary for subsequent serious work. Well, how do you remember english words without knowing even approximately how to read them? Or how to learn to listen to English speech without understanding the sounds? Therefore, take your first introductory classes seriously.

According to the form of study, we recommend studying materials with transcription and audio accompaniment. This will allow you to immediately practice the correct perception and pronunciation of sounds. We also recommend using proven techniques to help you remember english letters and their pronunciation. With them you will quickly complete the preparatory stage.

Vocabulary recruitment

Now that you've learned the basics of the language, it's time to get familiar with popular words and phrases.

You can start by studying various topics. They are good because they are often accompanied by small dictionaries with translation and transcription of unfamiliar expressions.

Don't like simplified and uninteresting educational texts? We offer to work with adapted books. They help you practice reading and learn new vocabulary, and the audio versions also teach listening comprehension.

Speaking of audio courses. Many positive feedback Dr. Pimsleur's technique was received from students of spoken English for beginners. By practicing this innovative method, you not only improve your perception English speech and expand your vocabulary. The main advantage of the course is that it helps beginners talk.

Thanks to carefully designed lessons conducted in a dialogue format, the Pimsleur method will teach anyone to speak English in just a few lessons. For which it is highly valued by those who come to live abroad without knowing the language. And these are athletes and famous actors, and just the lucky ones who won a green card.


Learning spoken English also involves working with grammar. It should be studied in parallel with a set of words.

You need to start getting acquainted with simple basics: the verb to be, features of nouns, types of pronouns, use of articles, aspects of tense and for verbs, etc.

Don’t try to cover everything at once difficult topic and understand all the nuances. The training material can always be divided into several lessons, taking into account the mandatory practical reinforcement of the theory. Without solving the exercises, you will not improve your knowledge.

On our website you will find a selection of materials on grammar, in which we have tried to present even the most complex nuances in an accessible form. Also for each topic developed practical work with tasks different levels difficulties. A convenient form of presenting material and a well-thought-out knowledge testing system will help you learn English efficiently and quickly.

Think like an Englishman

Many responsibly learn all the words, rules and exceptions, but in the end they do not get spoken English, but “occasional” English, i.e. not full command of the language, but only the ability to understand foreign speech and have difficulty constructing one’s own sentences. Why is this happening?

The point is that you cannot always rely on your native language. Composing a thought in Russian and then trying to translate it into English is the key mistake of most students. It is necessary to develop the ability to work with information exclusively in English.

In the first lessons, this skill is developed automatically. Let's imagine that you are responding to the greeting " Goodmorning!Howareyou? with the phrase " Hello!Thanks, Iamfine!Andwhataboutyou?. At this moment you don’t think in Russian “ Hello! Thank you, I'm doing great! What do you have? You just need to know which phrase is appropriate in given time. It's the same with everything else. When talking about yourself, think initially in English. Scroll through your head the standard combinations My name is, I am..., I have..., I speak and so on.

Once you develop the habit of thinking in a foreign language, it will become like your own. At the same time, if you prefer to constantly translate all information into Russian, you will never fully master the English language.

Fun and easy conversational English for beginners

Let's imagine that you have already completed the basic material. It's time to think about how to improve your spoken English. To do this, you need to diversify your studies.

Reading and listening to books

We have already mentioned this method, now we will tell you in a little more detail.

Special adapted literature is published for English language learners. It is written entirely in the original language, only using simplified grammatical structures.

Books are published for absolutely all levels of training: from beginner to the highest. With the easiest works you will learn 200-300 words, with texts of average difficulty more than 1000, and for almost original novels this number is over 2000.

Constantly reading or listening to books helps:

  • increase vocabulary;
  • improve speech perception;
  • learn to think in English (reading to yourself);
  • study the use of grammar in speech.

In addition, the interesting plot of the work encourages more frequent classes.

Watching educational videos and films

It's nice to know that you can watch your favorite films with the original voices of the actors. But such work requires an extensive knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. If you have not yet gained the necessary experience, try your hand at watching training videos accompanied by English subtitles and Russian translation of unfamiliar words.

Also on elementary lessons For a similar plan, try watching colorful cartoons for children. Moscow was not built all at once, and the skill of good perception and understanding of English speech must be developed gradually, starting with the easiest materials.

There is no doubt about the effectiveness of this method. Having learned to clearly understand the speech of movie characters, you will no less effectively be able to perceive the words of your interlocutor by ear, and also successfully use in dialogue what you heard in the video colloquial phrases and expressions.

Communication with native speakers

And the most main goal, for which we study English is, of course, communication with the British, Americans and everyone else who is close to this language.

Modern technologies easily allow us to contact residents of the most different countries. Make the most of this opportunity.

Correspond in text form, practicing correct writing and checking the corrections of a native speaker. Make audio and video calls to practice colloquial speech, improve pronunciation and learn to understand your interlocutor by ear.

Don't be ashamed of making mistakes. The interlocutor will probably correct you and explain how to correctly pronounce and use this expression in speech. It is better to immediately correct any shortcomings that arise than to study incorrectly and end up in an awkward situation after having already left abroad.

According to this measured plan, spoken English is studied in classes for beginners. This path may seem long to some, but only those who walk can overcome any road. Feel free to start learning the language by studying for 30-60 minutes a day and mastering the most simple elements. These small successes will develop an interest in the language, and you will definitely want to learn more and more new information.

An excellent course for those who want to master basic English. The course provides the minimum necessary to survive in real life. language environment. You will learn to greet each other, get to know each other, find out about business, say goodbye, navigate the city, check into a hotel, order food in a restaurant, etc.

Specialists from the Voice of America radio station have developed 90 spoken English lessons that are intended for those who want to master the language from scratch to intermediate level. The course is based on a situational game principle: you will follow radio journalist Martin Lerner through different cities America, you will visit different situations, acquire the necessary vocabulary and master basic grammatical structures.

One of the best conversational English courses! An extremely well-thought-out method that allows you to master the English language with an almost one hundred percent guarantee. The training is built on the principle of “from simple to complex,” which is manifested both in the course as a whole and in each lesson in particular. You practice each phrase piece by piece, starting with the pronunciation of the syllables individual words, then gradually increasing the complexity until you finally get a complete utterance. Conversational English using Dr. Pimsleur's method is an internationally recognized course, which is modeled after teaching other languages.

This conversational English course is distinguished by the fact that it is taught in English and on live material - excerpts from speeches of politicians, fragments of real conversations of native speakers. The topics of the course are approximately similar to the topics of almost any other conversation course– “Greeting”, “Acquaintance”, “Agreement”, “Dispute”, etc. – however, their language level is more complex and natural.

Small but extremely interesting video conversational English course consisting of 12 art videos stories with full transcripts and exercises with answers. If you already speak basic English, then definitely give it a try. this video conversational English course. You will expand your vocabulary, learn to perceive authentic speech by ear, and generally improve your level of English.

The Goethe-Verlag publishing house (Munich) has long been known for its quality courses on foreign languages. The conversational English course is one of the most excellent developments of the publishing house.

The course is focused on the rapid development of practical communication skills using short statements. This is exactly what you need if you want short time master real speech. After all, in everyday communication we do not build long sentences and complex structures. Our main goal is to understand each other. This is exactly what the Goethe-Verlag course teaches.

I noticed the first results literally after a few sessions...

I came to ESL after 10 years of unsuccessful attempts to learn English. By that time, I had an impressive vocabulary, but I couldn’t use it. The grammar, which was taught in schools and institutes the old fashioned way, let us down. In addition, the notorious “language barrier” has always hampered me. I was attracted to Easy Speak by its unusual learning system.

Just think - no textbooks, no wheezing tape recorders with boring dialogues. All you need is a notebook and a desire to learn!

I noticed the first results literally after a few sessions.. Thanks to clear sentence patterns and constant conversational practice, speaking and writing in English has become much easier.

Next is better! A month later, I could freely maintain informal communication, and after three months, I could correspond. Another trip abroad became a real test for me. And this exam passed “excellently.”

Correspondence with hotels and ticket booking agencies, studying routes on English and Australian websites, conversations with experienced travelers- everything that previously seemed like an insurmountable obstacle has become a real pleasure.

Many thanks to Easy Speak and my wonderful teacher!

Thanks to Easy Speak my life has changed a lot...

One day my boss told me the following: “Olga, in three years it will be a shame not to know English.”

I am still grateful to him for this phrase, because it was after this that I realized that if I want to get professional development, English is necessary. I had the basic one, and I was already ashamed.

How did this happen? It seems that I studied well at school, went to language courses, but somehow everything stopped at the level: My name is..., I have..., I am from....

I started looking for courses, went to the Easy Speak website and signed up for a trial lesson. I was so inspired by the proposed methodology that I decided to study the language here.

And I was right! The incendiary, relaxed atmosphere, the lesson, built in the form of a game, did the trick, I fell in love with language. Now I didn’t find it difficult and tedious to do homework.

I was so fascinated by the learning process that I even tried to write not just sentences, but composed short stories. Everything turned out to be brilliantly simple.

Everything you need for everyday communication, was in class. Three hours flew by unnoticed, we became so friendly in the group that sometimes during conversation (communication practice, one of the stages of the lesson) we discussed pressing problems and shared news (of course in English).

Live communication helped me quickly remember new words and rules for constructing sentences. With the help of a unique technique, everything was easy to remember, and I wanted to go further and further.

In my third year I was sent to business trip abroad, on the fifth I went on vacation to Mallorca. There I already communicated with foreign colleagues, met and maintained conversations with people with a different language. I rented a car and even picked it up from the impound lot =)!

I remember my pride when I spoke on the phone for the first time with a colleague from Croatia, and we finally understood each other!

I completed all levels of training at Easy Speak. And she could already write in her resume “I can pass an interview.” But of course! After all, this topic was also in the training program!

Thanks to these courses, my life has changed a lot. Now I work in a large international company , I go to Munich for work, but prefer to relax in exotic countries. I create routes myself, without involving agencies.

On at the moment I want to say that knowing a language is independence. Independence in choosing work, friends, places to relax. And once again I say thank you for the chance to gain this freedom!

These are the first courses in which I really began to understand this language.

I studied English at school for 9 years, and then at the university for another 2 years, but it didn’t give me anything. Already at a “more conscious” age, I decided to nevertheless comprehend this knowledge. And this is what I will tell you: “This first courses, in which I really began to understand this language.”

About the English language club for beginners

Not fluent in English but want to improve your speaking skills? English Language Club "Light" will help you with this! Always a pleasant, friendly atmosphere helps to overcome language barrier and will allow you to relax, enjoying all the subtleties of spoken language.

We are waiting for you every Tuesday and Friday from 19:00 to 21:00,
Sunday from 18:00 to 20:00.
At the address: metro station Smolenskaya, lane. Sivtsev Vrazhek, 44/28.

Pre-registration is required!

English Language Club "Light" is for you if:

  • You need regular English practice to develop your speaking skills.
  • You are over 16 years old.
  • Your level English Elementary or Pre-Intermediate (You once studied English, but forgot it, or recently started learning it).

How are the meetings of English language clubs “Light” structured?

Additional information about the Light club

The English language club helps people who have just started learning English or those who have not had language practice for a long time. Without the possibility of constant training, English is forgotten very quickly, especially at the initial stage of learning. If you already know certain structures and have a small vocabulary, we will help you really speak English.

English language club cost

You can see the cost in the "Prices" section.

If it's too easy for you and even becomes boring conversation club"Light", then you can visit our English conversation club on Wednesdays and Sundays, which is designed for participants with more than high level. More detailed information You can look at the conversation club of the Bigvig center.