Short working day for pregnant women. Pregnant woman works part-time

What needs to be done to reduce the working hours of a pregnant woman?

I'm on early pregnancy, but I’m already starting to feel that working full time is becoming difficult. I want to shorten my working day by an hour or two, but I don’t know what needs to be done to achieve this. Is it enough to write an application addressed to the employer or do you need to take any additional steps?

A pregnant woman cannot always perform her duties to the extent that she could do this before pregnancy. And there are objective reasons for this. To preserve the health of women and their ability to work, labor legislation, among other guarantees, provides for the possibility of reducing working hours.

Part 1 of Article 93 of the Labor Code Russian Federation obliges the employer to establish a part-time working day (shift) or part-time working week at the request of a pregnant woman.
It follows from the law that it is enough for a woman to somehow express her desire to reduce her working hours. All other actions must be performed by the employer. But in practice, questions always arise about how a woman can express her request. How much should the working day be shortened, and how should this be fixed? How will part-time work be paid?

Shorten a pregnant woman's working day in three simple steps

A pregnant woman needs to initiate the establishment of part-time work.

The most in an effective way To convey your desire to the employer, all that remains is a written statement. A pregnant woman must submit an application to the employer, which reflects

  • desired length of working time;
  • type of part-time work (part-time or part-time work week);
  • the date from which a woman wants to reduce her working hours.

The application must be accompanied by a document confirming the fact of pregnancy, for example, a certificate from the antenatal clinic.

The employer and the pregnant woman must reach an agreement on working hours.

The duration of part-time work and which party determines it is not established by law. Apparently, everything should be achieved by agreement of the parties. It is not clear what to do if the parties cannot agree, and the law obliges the employer to reduce the working day of a pregnant woman.

When the parties agree among themselves, it is necessary to conclude an additional agreement to the employment contract, since the working hours are its essential condition.

The employer must issue an order

The employer must issue an order regarding the establishment of a part-time working day and familiarize it with it against the signature of the employee.

As you can see, it is not difficult for a pregnant woman to shorten her working hours. The woman herself needs to remember that payment will be made in proportion to the time worked or depending on the amount of work performed.

The legislation of the Russian Federation reliably protects the rights of pregnant women. The benefits provided to this category of employees are set out in the Labor Code. One of the benefits is the formation of a special shortened working day. Installed only on the initiative of the employee.

Regulatory framework

Article 254 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that an employee for medical reasons can apply for a reduction in working hours. Pregnancy is one of these indications. The employer has the following obligations to the pregnant woman:

  • Reducing the duration of a shift at the request of an employee.
  • Reducing production standards, if they are present in production.
  • Translation to workplace with the most favorable conditions.
  • Protecting the employee from harmful and dangerous species production that can negatively affect the woman and the fetus.
  • If it takes time to find a suitable vacancy for an employee, she is released from dangerous work throughout the entire period, but receives a full salary.

IMPORTANT! Despite the change work schedule, the pregnant woman retains the full salary. If an employee needs to undergo examination or treatment in a hospital setting, she retains her original job and salary for the entire period.

Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation stipulates the procedure for reducing shifts. It is determined depending on the wishes specified in the employee’s application. The employer can reduce:

  • shift while maintaining a full week;
  • shift and week.
  • week while maintaining the same shift duration.

Similar benefits are provided to the following groups of persons:

  • People who have adopted children.
  • Persons with registered guardianship of a child under 14 years of age.
  • Employees raising a disabled child under 18 years of age.
  • Persons caring for sick relatives (a medical certificate will be required to receive benefits).

ATTENTION! When working hours are reduced, there is no deduction of vacation pay. The length of service is calculated without changes. Salaries are calculated in the same manner: based on hours worked or the total amount of work performed.

In what cases is the benefit provided?

Any pregnant woman can demand a reduction in working hours, regardless of how far along she is. Benefits can be provided both at early and late stages. Regardless of the period during which the working day is shortened, an appropriate medical report from a gynecologist will be required. An ordinary certificate from the antenatal clinic is enough. There is no need for special documents about the difficult course of pregnancy or poor health.

The requirement to provide benefits is the right, but not the obligation of the employee. If a pregnant woman wants to continue working as usual, it is enough not to submit an application for a reduction in hours to the employer.

IMPORTANT! These rules are relevant for any employing organization: budgetary institutions, individual entrepreneurs, commercial structures.


The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not stipulate the number of hours by which the working day should be reduced. This volume is determined individually: depending on the wishes of the employer and the pregnant woman herself. As a rule, the shift is reduced by 1-2 hours. An alternative option is to arrange a weekly additional day off.

If pregnancy is accompanied by some negative factors, the shift is reduced by more hours. In particular, this is relevant in the following cases:

  • Disability groups 1 and 2 for an employee. The working week should not exceed 35 hours.
  • if the employee has not reached the age of majority. A similar rule applies.

ATTENTION! Shortening a shift cannot affect the duration annual leave or maternity leave.

Registration procedure

The following stages of shortening a shift or work week can be distinguished:

  1. A pregnant woman turns to the antenatal clinic to issue a certificate of status.
  2. Contact the company's HR department.
  3. Submitting an application in writing (a medical certificate is attached to the application).
  4. Leaving the resolution on the application.
  5. Preparation of an additional agreement to the employment contract in two copies and its signing by the employer and employee.
  6. Issuance of an order regarding changes to the work schedule.

The order also requires a statement of the procedure for changing the calculation of wages.

Application example

The application is not standardized and can be drawn up in free form. However, it must contain all necessary information. When compiling, you can use the following example as a guide:

To the Director of Orion LLC
Zaitsev V.B.
from the project manager
Sidorova E.I.


I ask you to reduce your work shift by 1-2 hours due to pregnancy on the basis of Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. To confirm pregnancy, I enclose a certificate dated September 8, 2016 with registration number 0667785.

/Sidorova/ Sidorova E.I.

At the end of the application, a signature and date of preparation must be affixed. The exact content of the document depends on the wishes of the employee. For example, it may require a four-day workweek with an additional hour reduction in shifts.

ATTENTION! The document is drawn up in two copies. One of them remains in the personnel department, the other is in the hands of the employee. The second copy bears a mark indicating registration of the application in the appropriate journal. This is necessary to confirm that the paper has been submitted.

The application may contain additional requirements. For example, if an employee does not want to reduce her shift until her pregnancy is over, she can ask for a change in her work schedule for a few months or weeks.

How are shortened shifts paid?

Wages may decrease if working hours are shortened. The order of its reduction depends on the calculation principles:

  • Based on the number of hours worked.
  • According to the volume of work performed.

In the first case, the size of the reduction is determined by the number of hours by which the shift was reduced. In the second case, a woman can maintain the same salary level if she fulfills the required quota. However, this norm is also reduced at the request of the pregnant woman.

The benefit has almost no effect on the amount of vacation or maternity pay. However, if a woman worked according to a modified work schedule long time, the volume of payments may be slightly reduced.

This is due to the fact that when calculating maternity benefits, the average salary for the last two years is taken into account. During the period of validity of the benefit, it may decrease, which will affect the final result of the calculations.

What to do if the employer refuses to shorten the shift?

The employer does not have the right to refuse to provide the required benefits to a pregnant woman. If he refuses to change the schedule, it makes sense to contact labor inspection. If after checking nothing changes, you should go to court. Such cases are dealt with without payment of fees to the workers. You cannot reduce your shift on your own, as this may be perceived as absenteeism or tardiness, which will give grounds for dismissal.

Like any other employee of a particular enterprise, a woman expecting a child is protected by the Labor Code. According to this set of current rules, company employees have the right to demand certain special privileges from their management. These include, for example, shortened working hours for expectant mothers.

Every pregnant woman has the right to have a shorter working day

According to the law, any worker who is “in a position” can rightfully ask the employer to reduce her working hours, regardless of the situation.

To do this, you just need to provide the employer with a certificate from the antenatal clinic confirming that the applicant will soon become a mother.

No accompanying documents indicating that a reduction in working hours for a particular employee is necessary for certain medical reasons related to pregnancy are not required by law.

It is important to understand that the employer himself does not have the right to transfer a pregnant employee to part-time work without her consent. The initiative in this matter always comes from the employee herself.

This means that if in at the moment For an employee expecting a child, the priority is material gain; she, as before, can perform her work duties forty hours a week.

If a pregnant employee is interested in reducing her working hours, the employer is obliged to provide her with such an opportunity. Concerns this rule not only government agencies, but also private enterprises, including individual entrepreneurs.

On what basis are working hours reduced for pregnant employees?

Both public and private organizations must accommodate pregnant employees

The Labor Code does not stipulate on what basis and by how many hours per week working hours should be reduced for pregnant women. As a rule, this question is decided by personal agreement between the employee and her employer, that is, on an individual basis.

Typically, employers offer expectant mothers the following options for reducing working hours:

  • the duration of daily work shifts (usually one hour);
  • shortening the working week with additional days off (usually no more than one per week) and maintaining the duration of the shifts themselves;
  • “mixed” option, implying both a reduction in daily work shifts and weekly additional days off

Agreeing to one of the above options for reducing working hours, expectant mother should keep the following in mind:

  1. By law, an employer has the right to reduce a pregnant employee’s salary in proportion to the number of working hours she refused.
  2. A reduction in working hours does not affect the accrual of seniority.
  3. When calculating for an employee, accounting takes into account the amount of her salary for the previous 2 calendar years. Therefore, a decrease in income due to a reduction in working hours cannot affect the amount of the benefit due.
  4. When calculating the duration of the required maternity leave for a pregnant employee, the fact that she worked for some time under reduced working hours will not be taken into account.

For some special occasions, for example, when we're talking about about the pregnancy of a minor or an employee with a disability, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation has clear regulations regarding the reduction of working hours.

The work of such workers should not take them more than 35 hours a week. However, this restriction is connected, rather, with concern for the often poor health of employees from the “risk category”, and not with the very fact of their pregnancy.

How can I formalize a reduction in working hours for a pregnant woman?

Certificate from LCD - a document that will be required

As mentioned above, in order to prove her right to work in a shortened working week, the expectant mother will only need to visit an antenatal clinic and receive a special certificate confirming the fact of pregnancy.

After this, the employee can clear conscience start writing the corresponding letter addressed to the head of your organization.

What exactly should be mentioned in this statement?

Be sure to indicate how many hours, as well as in what mode (abbreviation work shift, work week, or both at once) you want to reduce your working hours. Clearly define the time limits (from a week to several months) within which you plan to work reduced hours.

Mention availability medical certificate from the antenatal clinic documenting the fact of your pregnancy (it will need to be attached to the application). It is better to prepare this petition in at least two copies. One is given to the manager, the second, with a special note from the personnel service about the acceptance of the document for consideration, will remain in the applicant’s hands.

It should be understood that a pregnant employee does not have the right to begin working on an “updated” schedule until her employer has prepared all the necessary official documents. Among them:

  1. application to the current one detailed description a new work schedule and an indication of the salary established for a specific employee;
  2. a special order on the entry into force of the above changes.

Otherwise, the employee can be legally prosecuted for violating internal labor regulations, even despite her pregnancy. However, if the employer is in no hurry to complete the necessary documentation on time or completely denies the expectant mother her right to work according to a special schedule with reduced working week, it will be possible to go to him. To do this, a pregnant employee will only need to submit a corresponding application to the labor inspectorate.

What rights and benefits do pregnant women and young mothers have at work? Look for answers in the video consultation:

Not all representatives of the fair sex know what the labor code provides for pregnant workers and what benefits they can count on. However, this information can significantly help a woman carrying a child, because now she is responsible not only for herself, but also for the unborn baby.

For an employer, an employee's pregnancy always brings a lot of trouble. This is due to the fact that expectant mothers are entitled to various benefits and special working conditions. Even the work schedule of an employee in this position may differ from usual if there are compelling reasons for this, for example, medical indications.

Once the fact of pregnancy has been established, the woman can legally receive certain benefits. Exactly what conditions are required for the expectant mother depends on her state of health and the place of work where the fair sex worked before becoming pregnant. It is very important for the employer to comply with all the conditions provided for by Russian legislation. Otherwise, such a situation may threaten the responsible persons with serious administrative and even criminal liability.

In order to avoid conflict situations during the work process, each party must know what is required to be done in such cases by law. Even with a normal pregnancy, changes in the schedule are still possible. In addition, the expectant mother should be offered certain benefits that will help make the work process easier.

IN Russian legislation A number of special standards have been introduced to help regulate the work activities of pregnant employees. Despite the fact that some employers are hostile to this, such laws were adopted not to complicate their lives, but to preserve the health of the woman and the unborn child.

The main document that should be relied upon in this case is the Labor Code. Here is a whole list of norms, laws and regulations that will allow you to establish the correct work schedule for an employee in this position. Moreover, all laws apply to all employers and employees, regardless of the type of enterprise and their location. For some representatives of the fair sex there are also special benefits. They concern primarily those who work in hazardous enterprises, work with frequent business trips and night shifts.

Special laws also apply to those representatives of the fair sex who work in municipalities and in the public service. Future military mothers can also expect special privileges. For these cases, special legislation is provided, but sometimes provisions from the Labor Code are also used.

Rights and guarantees for employees in position

Expectant mothers who are officially employed have the opportunity to receive certain benefits:

  1. First of all, it should be noted that the employer does not have the right not to hire an employee for a suitable position who is in a position solely because of her condition.
  2. The second important right for a woman during pregnancy is the opportunity to receive maternity leave. At this time, the company must pay the employee certain financial assistance in the amount established by Russian legislation.
  3. For an expectant mother who is officially employed, there is a law that prohibits her dismissal. This also applies to the period of maternity leave. There can only be two options here. A woman in this position may be removed from her position due to a very serious violation of the work schedule or due to the liquidation of the enterprise.
  4. A woman in this position has the right to take paid leave at a time that is convenient for her. That is, she does not necessarily have to follow the sequence according to the schedule. At the same time, one should not forget about the employer’s obligation to send her on maternity leave at the 30th week of an employee’s pregnancy. The only exception may be a woman’s personal desire to continue working until childbirth.
  5. Separately, it is necessary to say about the work schedule of pregnant women according to the labor code. For employees in this position, it can be significantly changed. Moreover, in some cases, a reduction in working hours is provided for at the same salary. The opportunity to obtain a position with fewer responsibilities or with more favorable environmental conditions is also a privilege for a pregnant woman.

Features of the work schedule for employees in this position

For representatives of the fair sex who are expecting a child, part-time work is one of the possible, but not mandatory, privileges. A woman can set a reduced work schedule on her own initiative. At the same time, she will receive a salary that corresponds to the amount of time worked. If the expectant mother does not want to lose her income, she can refuse a reduced work schedule. The employer does not have the right to force a different regime.

At the same time, a woman must evaluate everything possible risks for the baby. If there is a high probability that a regular working day will negatively affect the condition of the unborn child, you should exercise your right to fewer hours per week. Rest and peace of mind are very important for pregnant women, and money should not be a deciding factor here.

It should be noted that a woman’s desire to switch to a short working day does not deprive her of the right to go on the required paid leave. The expectant mother can still take time to rest when it is convenient for her. The duration and payment of vacation will not be changed. Moreover, an employee in this position has the opportunity to add her regular paid leave to her maternity leave. So the number of days will be increased by a month, or maybe more.

Responsibilities of the employer regarding the working hours of a pregnant woman

As for management, it is first of all required to fully respect all the rights of an employee who is expecting a child. According to the labor code, the working hours of a pregnant woman should be changed in accordance with her wishes. In this case, it is necessary not only to change the schedule and reduce the number of working hours per week, but also to take into account all the other benefits that are available to officially employed expectant mothers.

The employer’s task should be to strictly comply with all the rules that are prescribed in Russian Labor legislation. Therefore, management does not have the right to refuse a pregnant employee to reduce her working hours if this is her initiative. Even the fact that such a decision may negatively affect the work process cannot be a reason for refusal. Here you will have to look for reasonable compromises that will suit everyone. Alternatively, you can hire another part-time employee who will partially replace the pregnant employee.

There should not be certain points in the schedule of employees in this position:

  1. This primarily applies to night shifts. A woman can easily refuse them during pregnancy, as this is provided for in Article 96 of the Labor Code.
  2. In addition, the employer does not have the right to hire disabled employees to work on holidays and official days off. This is stated in Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  3. Overtime work is possible only on the initiative of the employee herself. But she can refuse additional hours, which is provided for in Article 99 of the Labor Law.
  4. Pregnant women are also not sent on duty, as Article 298 prohibits this.

How to change work hours for a pregnant employee?

Considering that the special schedule is not mandatory, but is considered only on the initiative of the employee, she needs to inform management about her decision. To do this, you must write an application. At the same time, Russian legislation states that a pregnant employee can voice her decision at any time. It doesn’t matter what term she is in or how long she has worked in a particular company.

If an employer hires a pregnant woman for a position, he must immediately discuss the number of hours and work schedule. But a new employee can refuse these privileges if she wants to receive a higher salary. The expectant mother should have the opportunity to return to normal work at any time. So, if for health reasons a woman has to give up her usual schedule in any month, but in the future the condition stabilizes, she can work full time again.

According to the Labor Code, for pregnant women, the working hours may remain the same, but still, periodic adjustments are possible. For example, the schedule will have to be changed slightly, since after registering with a doctor, a pregnant woman will have to undergo numerous tests and visit a specialist at least once a month. To do this, the schedule must include special days. This should be taken into account, since the work of most medical institutions coincides with organizations and enterprises. Thus, visits to the medical office will take place during business hours. In no case should the employer consider the hours an employee is absent from work as absenteeism. It would be correct for a pregnant employee to notify her superiors in advance about her possible absence and obtain a doctor’s certificate, which is then provided to management.

Norms for a shortened schedule in pregnant women

Despite the fact that Russian Labor legislation provides for a special work schedule for pregnant employees, this does not mean that they can work any number of hours. There are special standards that are taken into account when drawing up a special schedule for workers in this situation.

A shortened day is an opportunity to work not 8, but 6 hours a day. In addition, the employee may be offered a shortened week. In this case, the number of hours remains the same, but days off are added. Thus, the working period will be considered not from Monday to Friday, but from Tuesday to Thursday. You can also find alternative option. To do this, you should write a statement indicating that the pregnant employee wants to work 6.5 hours 4 times a week. In this case, an additional day off on Friday is provided.

It should also be taken into account that the reduction of the working day largely depends on how many hours a day the woman works as usual. This also applies to the weekly work schedule. In some cases, issues are resolved exclusively on an individual basis.

An employee can easily set up part-time work. To do this, you must first obtain a certificate from a medical institution stating that the woman is indeed pregnant. Next, a statement is written in any form addressed to the management. Here you must indicate exactly what benefits you want to take advantage of. expectant mother. That is, the application must express a desire to receive additional days off or a reduced working day. You can choose a third option with a shorter day and one additional day off.

These are the two main documents that need to be presented to the employer. Having received them, the boss must immediately respond and fulfill the request of the pregnant employee. Otherwise he faces administrative punishment and a fine. It would not be superfluous for a woman to keep copies of the papers. They can be useful in case of controversial situations.

After the new work schedule for the pregnant employee has been discussed and all the nuances have been agreed upon, the employer issues an order, which is signed by the employee. Only after this can this issue be considered resolved. In this case, the agreement must be signed in two copies. One of them remains with the pregnant woman.

There are also cases when the employer simply does not want to comply with the request of a pregnant employee. Moreover, if we take into account that the Labor Code provides for a preferential work schedule for pregnant women, he is at great risk. Failure to comply with the requirements of the Russian Labor Code is punishable. If a woman can provide a pregnancy certificate from a medical institution and has written an application to change her work schedule, management does not have the right to refuse her.

At the same time, the expectant mother should take into account that a change in work schedule also entails a decrease in wages. This is the reason that employees in this position often give up their privileges.

Remuneration when changing work hours

Those representatives of the fair sex who still intend to work part-time due to pregnancy should take into account that, most likely, they will receive a lower salary. The thing is that in Russian legislation there is no mandatory clause that states that the rate will be maintained for expectant mothers who agree to a short working day. Thus, wages will be calculated based on time actually worked. Here, it is mandatory to take into account both the shortened working day and the absence of the employee during the visit to the medical institution.

Considering that the law does not make exceptions for pregnant women, many expectant mothers refuse the preferential schedule and choose the usual work schedule. Moreover, if medical contraindications no, some don’t even go on the required maternity leave, but work until the birth.

An employee who is in a position does not have the right to demand the same salary from the employer if she plans to work a shortened day or week. It would be correct for management to record the hours worked in a table, which will allow the salary to be correctly calculated for a pregnant employee. The employer cannot set any minimum or maximum. Numbers should not be taken out of thin air. This must be a clearly calculated and fully justified salary. Only hours actually worked are reflected in the time sheet. The time that the employee spent in the antenatal clinic is not included here and is not paid.

Preferential working conditions for pregnant women

Additional privileges related to employees in this position relate not only to work schedule and wages, but also, as stated in the labor code, working conditions for pregnant women. And first of all, here it is necessary to note the need to transfer a pregnant employee from hazardous production to a safer job. In addition, pregnant women are prohibited from participating in jobs that require heavy physical labor. In this case, it is desirable that the salary correspond to what the expectant mother received before.

The Labor Code provides for certain benefits for representatives of the fair sex in this position. However, a woman has every right to refuse them if she believes that this will in no way affect the baby’s health. At the same time, you should definitely think about whether you need to participate in work underground or in carrying heavy loads, when the body needs strength to bear a child.

Article 254 of the Labor Law states that there should be no difference in wages for a pregnant woman when she is transferred from one place to another. This suggests that using the required benefit, the employee loses nothing.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation, or more precisely, it says that workers in this situation cannot be involved in work at night, and also should not go on business trips or on shifts. On holidays and weekends, pregnant employees are not involved in work activities unless the employee herself expresses such a desire.

Working conditions unacceptable for pregnant employees:

  1. Relatively technical requirements It is worth noting that expectant mothers are prohibited from lifting boxes or any goods above their shoulders.
  2. Foot operated mechanisms cannot be operated.
  3. You should not work in assembly line production with a preset rhythm.
  4. You should also refuse work that requires serious psycho-emotional stress.
  5. A pregnant employee may be transferred to another department if she has to work in a damp and drafty room.
  6. This also includes interaction with various pathogens.
  7. It is also considered harmful work activity with serious changes in temperature and pressure.

In all these and many other situations, the expectant mother may demand that the employer transfer her to another department while maintaining her salary. It is important to consider that the employer does not have the right to fire or lay off a pregnant employee until the child turns 3 years old.

Everyone knows that discrimination against women in the workplace is a fairly common phenomenon. Some employers even force a woman to take a pregnancy test before hiring her. Such actions are illegal and are prosecuted by law.

Shortening your working day during pregnancy: when can you count on it?

The main thing is to know this and understand that the owner does not have the right to refuse to hire a pregnant woman at any stage.

In various ways, not only bosses try to harass a pregnant woman at work, but also colleagues, to whom some of the responsibilities are transferred. If you need to negotiate amicably with employees, then only knowledge of labor law works with your bosses.

Any pregnant woman, regardless of whether she feels well or not, should be transferred to light work, but with the written consent of both parties. In this case, wages remain the same. Even if the enterprise does not have a position to which a woman can be transferred, the unnecessary burden is removed from her. But are pregnant women's working hours reduced?

Not everyone knows that a reduced (shorter) working day for pregnant women is provided for by law. This issue is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article No. 93. This normative document states that, at the request of the woman herself, the owner (director, manager, etc.) is obliged to transfer the woman to part-time or weekly work, regardless of the form of ownership of the enterprise.

Women of Ukraine are also protected by law, because according to the Labor Code, Article 56, they have the right to a reduction in both the working day and the week. In addition, according to paragraph 9, Article 179, a woman on maternity leave has the right to take work home, if possible, and at the same time receive child benefits and wages.

If the employer refuses this, then the woman can file a corresponding application in court and win it, after which her rights will be restored, and a fine will be imposed on the owner. Many do not bring the matter to trial and ultimately agree to reduce their working hours for pregnant women.

What should a working day be like for pregnant women?

There are three types of time reduction:

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How many hours does a pregnant woman have to work per day by law?

When a woman finds out about her pregnancy, in addition to the pleasant necessary efforts of preparing for a new addition to the family, she has many questions. These issues also include issues related to work, relationships in the team during pregnancy, and the rights and responsibilities of a pregnant employee. A woman needs to understand all the nuances in order to remain calm, confident, worry less and enjoy her new condition.

You, of course, are happy about the upcoming replenishment, but it is quite possible that your superiors will be upset. After all, they don’t want to part with an experienced employee, endure possible costs, change planned schedules, and so on. The most the best solution will, without delaying time, quickly bring proof of your pregnancy to work. Such proof, first of all, is a certificate of pregnancy. A certificate is issued antenatal clinic where you register. This certificate is official document, the HR department is obliged to register it and assign a registration number. For your own peace of mind, it is recommended that you take a copy of this certificate with the number on it, the signature of the manager and the date the certificate was received. This is done in order to ensure that if unpleasant conflict situations With your bosses, employers were deprived of the opportunity to say that they did not know about your situation at all.

In the forty-first chapter of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, article 261 provides information about the impossibility of terminating an employer’s contract with a pregnant employee. The only exception is when the organization is liquidated. But even when your job is eliminated, your work experience is not interrupted, and you should be awarded monetary compensation.

The same article talks about temporary contracts: if the validity period expires during the employee’s pregnancy employment contract, she needs to write an application for its extension before her maternity leave begins, and her boss is simply obliged to sign it.

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, in Article 145, stipulates liability for employers who illegally fired or did not hire a pregnant woman for a vacant position.

Article 254 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation reports on the transfer to another job of pregnant women and women with children under the age of 1.5 years. And Article 259 (of the Labor Code) says that pregnant women cannot be sent on business trips, they cannot be involved in any overtime work, you cannot be hired to work at night or on weekends and holidays.

As for the length of the working day, then labor code The Russian Federation does not establish a maximum working day for a pregnant employee.

Right to shortened working hours for pregnant women

If necessary, the employee can provide the employer with a medical report. In it, the doctor, focusing on the employee’s well-being, will write a prohibition on the length of the working day exceeding eight hours. If there is such a medical report, management is obliged to issue an order and take it into account when drawing up the working day schedule for a pregnant employee.