What should a flight attendant be like? Training courses for flight attendant (flight attendant): cost and what you need to know

The following data is presented on the official website of Transaero:

Girls: height 165 - 180 cm,

Boys: height 170 - 185 cm

Elena Luchkina (Aeroflot)

And as usual, I will give an example! Height should be no lower than 160 cm, but no higher than 175 cm. This is in order to reach the shelves if necessary (a flight attendant in a dress should not stand on the back of the seat, or even more so, on a seated passenger). If relative to me, then my height is 164 cm, there were definitely no problems with this during the passage! We had a “thumbelina” at an interview, she was very pretty, she knew English well, but as soon as she entered the office for the interview, they took her to measure her height. Unfortunately, she was too small to be a flight attendant. And girls with a height of 178 were taken without problems. With minor deviations from the norm, a successful interview is possible.

Alina Krumina (Etihad)

Growth, in my airline? It doesn’t matter what height you are, if you can reach the 210cm mark on your toes, you’re good. In this case, it is not so much the height itself that can play an important role, but rather the length of the arms.

Height is necessary in order to reach emergency equipment (masks in panels in case of decompression, for example).
To open the shelves that are located in the tail directly in the ceiling, equipment (baby bassinets) is also stored there.

​You can see other articles about flight attendants

The profession of a flight attendant is considered the most romantic for girls. High school students, even at their school desks, are wondering what subjects to take to become a flight attendant. Beautiful slender girls evoke admiration among men and envy among women. Therefore, many are interested in what it takes to become a flight attendant. Few people know how many pitfalls are hidden behind beautiful picture, which is the profession of a flight attendant.

Different airlines have almost the same requirements for applicants for the position of flight attendant.

The selection of candidates is carried out according to following criteria for flight attendants:

  • Height. It should be at least 165 cm, but not too tall. The requirement for relatively tall height is so that the flight attendant can reach the luggage compartment located above the passenger seats. But very tall girls They are also not suitable for this job because they will have to bend over all the time when moving around the cabin.
  • Qualifications and skills. The applicant must have a higher education, good diction and competent speech.
  • Appearance. There should be no obvious flaws in appearance, such as scars, piercings, tattoos. The girl's weight should not exceed 64 kilograms. Excess body weight is believed to be associated with health problems. Clothing size should not exceed 46, because workwear for stewards large sizes don't sew.
  • Health. Girls shouldn't have problems with cardiovascular system, vision and psycho-emotional state.
  • Languages. Fluency in English. Knowledge of German, French and other foreign languages ​​is preferred.
  • Communication skills. The flight attendant must be able to communicate with different people. Regardless of personal attitude towards to a certain person he needs to be able to maintain a conversation and prevent conflict.
  • Attentiveness. Ability to notice and analyze the smallest details plays an important role in the steward profession. Only a specialist with such qualities will be able to promptly notice the strange behavior of a passenger or see unusual objects on board the aircraft.

All this general requirements, and not all airlines use these criteria when hiring. On many planes you can see employees with a heavy build and short stature. But it's better to be safe.

If a girl’s level of English is insufficient, then she should improve it, and if she is overweight, it is advisable to get in shape. How bigger girl meets the employer's requirements, the greater her chances of getting a job.

The requirements are quite strict, and not every girl will be able to pass them. Young ladies should realistically assess their data and capabilities. Employers special attention pay attention to the appearance of candidates. They should be pretty, with neat hair and natural hair color.

Among all applicants, a potential employer will give preference to those who weigh less than 60 kilograms. Overweight will complicate the work of the flight attendant, who needs to move a lot between narrow aisles.

Many people believe that in order to be a flight attendant, it is enough to have good looks.
After all, all she has to do is smile at passengers and serve food.

Actually this is not true. In a critical situation, the life of one or more passengers depends on the actions of the flight attendant.

Beautiful appearance and tall– this is not the only thing you need to work as a steward. Another important selection criterion is health.

Working on an airplane involves heavy workload, so the employee’s beauty is not a decisive factor.

If you have cardiovascular diseases, doctors will not allow you to work. Every shift, a flight attendant has to endure pressure changes and change time zones. Therefore, a sick heart may not withstand such stress. Even if there are no such problems, this is not enough. After passing the tests, you will have to undergo a turbulence test.

Flight attendants work with passengers at high altitudes, which involves constant stress. People with healthy health will be able to withstand such loads. nervous system and stable mental state.

Therefore, to be a flight attendant, a woman must have these qualities. Determine the general emotional state, stress resistance and stability in behavior can be achieved with the help of a psychological examination.

Take note! The cost of the courses is quite high. Therefore, before you sign up for them, you should undergo a medical examination. If there are no contraindications for medical reasons, then you can move on to making your dream come true.

If the decision to become a flight attendant is unshakable and the girl is absolutely sure of the need to acquire this profession, she should receive the appropriate education.

A diploma is important for working on an airplane. Most employers give preference to girls with higher education.

It is better if it is a medical or management specialty. But a diploma cannot play a decisive role.

A flight attendant must have well-spoken speech and clear diction. If you don’t have such skills, then it’s okay, because they can be developed by public speaking. But people with speech problems will not be able to qualify for this reason alone, even if they are excellent in all other criteria.

Each applicant is tested in English. The main task of testing is to assess knowledge of grammar and text translation. The girl must have a valid passport.

What are flight attendants taught?

The main job of flight attendants is to ensure the safety of patients. Therefore they
are taught how to act in the event of an emergency landing on water or land.

During the training process, they acquire skills to behave in critical situations, when there is a report that an aircraft has been mined or a fight is brewing. They will also be able to provide assistance to a pregnant woman and, if necessary, deliver a baby.

During the flight, the issue of feeding passengers is entirely the responsibility of the flight attendants. They are taught the rules of serving and serving dishes. They should also know about the country they are flying to.

Therefore, the curriculum includes regional studies, where they study the culture and politics of different states. Girls are taught to wear discreet makeup and wear their hair in a neat style. They are taught how to wear the uniform correctly. The profession of a flight attendant requires certain knowledge and skills. Therefore, every girl who dreams of working in the sky must undergo training.

You can get a steward position only after completing special training courses. Airlines and airports provide training. But in order to work on international flights, the courses will need to be supported by a diploma of higher education, preferably medical or linguistic.

Particular attention during training is paid to the practical part. The girls are immersed in conditions close to real ones. They learn how to behave during a plane crash and provide first aid to passengers. They also study their future responsibilities. During the theoretical part, they study the types of aircraft and train to establish contact with passengers.

Many girls who dream of working in the sky are interested in how long it takes to study to become a flight attendant. The duration of the courses depends on the company that provides the training.

They can last from one to three months. Therefore, if a person is limited in time, it is worth asking how long it will take to study to become a flight attendant in certain courses.

Upon completion of training, students must take flight attendant exams on special simulators identical to real aircraft. In order to get a job, candidates must have more than 30 hours of flight experience and at least 4 points on the exam.

In some higher educational institutions You can become a flight attendant. But most airlines, before accepting a steward position, require the candidate to undergo training courses.

Advice! Training is very expensive, and no one can guarantee that a graduate will be hired upon completion. Therefore it is better to pass free training from the airline and then work for them for 2-3 years.

Many girls who choose to work in the sky need to know how long flight attendants work, because most of their life and all their youth will be spent high above the ground and far from home. Staying on your feet for a long time causes the development of varicose veins and problems with the spine. Constant stress leads to sleep disturbances and insomnia.

The working conditions in which flight attendants work are considered difficult. They work with people and regularly experience difficult conflict situations. At the same time, they cannot show their negative emotions passengers, they must always smile. Therefore, the retirement age for stewards is 45 years.

Useful video: How to become a flight attendant?


The profession of a flight attendant is very interesting and difficult at the same time. After completing difficult training, all their work will be fully paid off with a high salary and new impressions. But the choice of this profession must be approached carefully, because the life and safety of passengers depends on the flight attendant.

Stewardess, steward... Sounds nice. Representatives of this profession are truly pleasant people in all respects. They have an attractive appearance, good manners, competent speech. It is rarely remembered that the duties of flight attendants include not only smiling and serving meals, but also ensuring the safety of passengers during the flight. However, those who managed to survive an emergency situation in the air understand how responsible this work is and requires enormous endurance. Therefore, when choosing to become a flight attendant, you should not only look in the mirror, but also evaluate your physical and psychological capabilities.

When and why did flight attendants appear on airplanes?

The understanding that passengers require attention during a flight came quite quickly. Before the advent of flight attendants, this responsibility rested with the co-pilot. The entire flight he was forced to shuttle between the cockpit and the aircraft cabin. Such a service jeopardized the safety of air travel. The first steward was included in the crew in 1928 in Germany.

In 1930, American airlines decided to increase the attractiveness of passenger air travel and began hiring slender people as flight attendants. beautiful girls. The carriers also had a purely practical interest - the beauties weighed little and did not overload the aircraft.

The list of duties of the first female flight attendants included a huge number of tasks, including physically difficult ones.

The flight attendant had to clean up the cockpit and the cabin, check that the seats were securely fastened to the floor, and even kill flies if there were any. When meeting passengers, the flight attendant weighed the passenger and his luggage, and then loaded the suitcases onto the plane herself.

During the flight, “flying citizens” could ask the flight attendant not only to give them a blanket and slippers, but also to clean their shoes! After passengers visited the toilet, she was required to clean the room.

While the plane was at the transit airport, the flight attendants were refueling it. Fuel had to be carried in ordinary buckets. But the most unthinkable thing today seems to be the duty of a flight attendant to “help roll the plane into the hangar upon arrival at its final destination.”

With the development of aviation and the increase in flight duration, it became clear that anything could happen on board - from an unplanned birth to the appearance of terrorists. Therefore, the training programs for flight attendants included training in self-defense and medical care.

Young people (up to 25 years old) were hired as flight attendants. unmarried girls, whose weight did not exceed 52 kg and height - 160 cm. The applicant for the position must have a nursing diploma.

Description of the profession

Flight attendant - main man in the cabin of a flying airliner. He takes care of the comfort and safety of passengers, provides them with any support and assistance if necessary, and is also responsible for their life and health.

Only an emotionally stable person with strong nerves can occupy this position. Not all passengers are calm, friendly and well-mannered. What if the flight lasts 8 hours or more?..

At each stage of preparation and conduct of the flight, the flight attendant is assigned certain responsibilities. Before the flight, the flight attendant must check that there is a first aid kit and emergency equipment on board. Meals, drinks, hygiene products, blankets and other necessary items must be delivered to the plane.

The flight attendant is obliged to instruct passengers on the rules of conduct in regular and extreme situations, and during the flight monitor their implementation.

The steward must be able to provide first medical care, as well as to prevent and prevent conflict situations that arise on board. During training, flight attendants are even taught how to put out fires!

Trainees are also required to know the design of the aircraft so that if it gets into air pockets, thunderstorm conditions, etc. emergency situations be able to explain to passengers the reason for the change in the “behavior” of the airliner.

This profession requires good health And physical training. The work takes place standing, in constant movement around the cabin. During the flight you have to experience changes in altitude, temperature and atmospheric pressure. All this is accompanied by a change of guards and climatic zones, sleep and eating disorders.

It is no coincidence that there are age restrictions for representatives of this specialty. The retirement age for female flight attendants is 45 years old, for male stewards - at 50.

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Requirements for flight attendants

The general rules for representatives of this profession have remained unchanged, although each airline can set its own hiring rules. A steward or stewardess must have:

  • good health (a conclusion about this is given by a medical board);
  • good appearance;
  • soft timbre of voice;
  • permissible deviation of visual acuity - no more than 30%;
  • age - on average 19-29 years;
  • height - 160-175 for women, 170-190 for men;
  • clothing size - 42-46 for women, 46-52 for men.

Qualities required for stewards:

  • communication skills;
  • emotional restraint;
  • patience;
  • diplomacy;
  • listening skills;
  • responsibility;
  • attentiveness;
  • resistance to stress;
  • speed of reaction.

An important requirement for representatives of this profession is to speak Russian competently and have a good command of one or more foreign languages.

Where to study as a flight attendant

Until recently, to become a flight attendant, it was enough to obtain secondary specialized education or complete specialized courses. Availability today higher education is competitive advantage. Universities that train specialists in the field of aviation are especially valued. They don’t teach the profession of “flight attendant”, but they give basic knowledge for those who are going to work in the sky.

If you don’t have a higher education, but still have a desire to work as a flight attendant, you can complete preparatory courses, pass an interview with the airline and a medical commission. But it should be understood that this requires a large amount of knowledge in the field of psychology, medicine, linguistics, etc. Therefore, in addition to attending specialized courses, you should also engage in your own self-education.

Pros and cons of the profession

A flight attendant is certainly a non-standard profession. Thanks to the external surroundings, it seems light and romantic. But, of course, this is not true or not entirely true.

Advantages of the specialty:

  • lack of a routine work schedule;
  • social package and social benefits for employees;
  • 45 days vacation;
  • opportunity to retire early.

Disadvantages of the specialty:

  • great physical and emotional stress;
  • the need to serve a different contingent of passengers;
  • risks to life and health;
  • the need for a large amount of knowledge and skills.


In this “airy” profession there is a lot that is earthly and even, one might say, mundane - average salaries, regular stress, not so much romance. Therefore, one way or another, people who are in love with the sky go to work as flight attendants. If the future flight attendant or tomorrow's steward does not have the awe of the sky-high distances, there is no point in experiencing regular emotional and physical overload, and even risking your life. But if your soul sings when the plane gains altitude, then it’s time to start preparing for your first professional flight!


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The profession of a flight attendant is one of the most romanticized and desired for girls. Beautiful shape, the opportunity to travel around the world attracts girls (less often boys) all over the world.

The modern flight attendant looks like a model - slim figure, snow-white smile, hip gait. But is it possible to become a flight attendant with non-standard appearance And extra pounds? An analysis of the internal rules of the world's airlines shows that most likely not.

For example, recently an Aeroflot employee lost a lawsuit against the company for discriminatory claims regarding the clothing size of flight attendants. Despite the fact that in many countries requirements for the age and gender of workers are considered unlawful, airlines nevertheless find convincing arguments for their conditions for appearance flight attendants and stewards. Let's consider the main criteria.

Age. Many European companies accept applications from applicants ranging from 18 to 56 years of age. In 2015 one British company She even hired the real grandmother of eleven grandchildren; at that time she was 59 years old. But not everyone is so liberal. The American company Delta Air Lines accepts applicants strictly under 25 years of age and weighing no more than 65 kilograms.

Weight. The most popular criterion, which very often becomes a stumbling block for working in the clouds. Airlines set the range of body mass index that flight attendants must have - from 18 to 25, and preferably up to 22. Your index can be calculated by dividing the square of body mass by height in centimeters.

To simplify things, many airlines simply set clothing size requirements, usually Russian size 44-46. But some go further and detail the requirements, for example, in one French company, flight attendants cannot have hips larger than 100 cm, and Chinese flight attendants have a leg size of more than 36. Many people’s favorite Emirates does not welcome large breasts, the maximum that they can allow their girls is 75C.

Height. Everything is more democratic here and applicants have more opportunities. The allowed range is from 157 to 188 cm. Although, in some companies the height of flight attendants must be at least 165 cm. Here the main condition is the ability to reach the luggage racks, load or remove a suitcase.

Smile, teeth and hair. Flight attendants and stewards must look impeccable, so straight, snow-white teeth are necessary requirement. No gold crowns or braces. The hairstyle should also be strict and impeccable. Loud colors and shocking models are not allowed. You will also have to forget about piercings, tattoos and a lot of jewelry.

But even all these requirements are not the most difficult to achieve, such as, for example, a ban on personal life. Many companies prohibit their flight attendants from getting married or having children.

From the outside, the profession of a flight attendant seems quite easy and very romantic: flying, beautiful views from portholes, new places and people, etc. In fact, the work of a flight attendant (this is the official name of the profession) is quite responsible.

  • Firstly, the entire flight time (and they can be quite long) must be spent on your feet.
  • Secondly, permanent shifts time zones and climatic zones, noise, vibration, pressure changes definitely do not bring health benefits.
  • Thirdly, the flight attendant is engaged in service large quantity passengers, so she has to be attentive, caring and correct all the time on the road. Here, let's not be afraid of this word, talent is needed.

And yet, there is romance in the profession - flights, new places and interesting people, which you can meet quite often on an airplane.

Places of work

Flight attendant positions are available in all airlines.

History of the profession

Flight attendant salary

Of course, how much flight attendants earn depends on their category, length of service and airline. It also depends on the direction of the flights being operated. The salary of a flight attendant can range from 20,000 to 150,000 rubles per month. Of course, high incomes are rare among representatives of this profession, and in this case, increased demands are placed on employees.

The average salary of a flight attendant is about 48,000 rubles per month and significantly exceeds the national level.