What grows in the Czech Republic. Geography, natural features and area of ​​the Czech Republic

1. Bohemian Switzerland National Park - one of the most beautiful places in Europe

Czech Switzerland - the youngest national park in the Czech Republic. It was officially opened on January 1, 2000. The park area covers 79 km2. It is located in the Ustsky region and is adjacent to the state border, where another national park begins - Saxon Switzerland. The main attraction of the park is the unique rock city. Here tourists visit the observation deck at Jetřichovice, admire the Kamenice gorge and walk along the natural rock bridge Pravcické brany, which is considered a symbol of Czech Switzerland. Along the perimeter of the park you can also see numerous monuments of folk architecture.

Website: www.ceskesvycarsko.cz
Address: Pražská 52, 407 46 Krásná Lípa
GPS: 50.914085 14.509806

Czech Switzerland, kudyznudy.cz

2. Nature Park Meander Ploucnica

This national park, located along the banks of the Ploucnica River between the cities of Mimon and Ceska Lipa, covers an area of ​​270 hectares. The greatest interest in this park is the endless meadow forests and fields with different types plants and animals. The nature in this area is untouched; there are not even paths near the river: therefore, boat tourism is popular in the reserve.

Address: Meandry Ploučnice, 471 23 Zákupy
GPS: 50.633161 14.670934

Meanders Ploucnica

3. Czech Grand Canyon - Great America

The famous western Lemonade Joe was filmed here. Once upon a time, unwanted political prisoners were also taken here. All these are the Wapentsa canyons, which are called Great and Little America. This is incredible beautiful place is located near the Karlstejn fortress in the Czech Karst, but not all tourists visiting the castle get to it.

Website: www.karlstejnsko.cz
Address: Karlstejn 334, 267 18 Karlstejn
GPS: 49.957515 14.194851

Velka America Canyon, kudyznudy.cz

4. Rock town Adrspach

The largest rock city in the Czech Republic. It is located in the Adrspash-Teplice Rocks - the largest natural complex in Central Europe, which has inspired tourists and travelers since the 18th century. You will not see such a number of picturesque corners as in the Adrspash-Teplice Rocks almost anywhere. Many of the bizarre rock formations have hiking trails leading to them, while some can only be reached by stairs. Those who overcome all the steps will be able to admire the mountain lake and the Adrspash waterfall. There is another lake right at the entrance to the complex, where you can go boating in the summer (50 CZK per person).

Entrance to the park: 70 CZK
Website: www.adrspach.cz
Address: Dolni Adršpach čp. 26, 549 57 Adršpach
GPS: 50.614957 16.122890

Adrspach, kudyznudy.cz

5. Chalupská slat - a lake in the largest peat bog in the Czech Republic

Lake Chalupská slat is located at the mouth of the Vydří stream at an altitude of 910 meters. Oaks, spruces and numerous other plants grow around the largest peat lake in the Czech Republic. A small educational trail leads through the swamp to the lake where the floating islands appear. You can get to the lake along an asphalt and wooden path, along which there are many information signs.

Website: www.npsumava.cz
Address: Borová Lada-Svinná Lada 21, 385 01 Borová Lada
GPS: 48.998611 13.659167

Lake Chalupská send, kudyznudy.cz

6. Mshenske nicknames - giant rocky mushrooms in the Giant Mountains

The sandstone pillars near Mshen look like huge mushrooms. They showed up naturally as a result of weathering due to the fact that the upper part of the rocks, with a higher iron content, resisted erosion better than the lower part. You can see this beauty in the Kokorzhinski dol nature reserve - one of the largest national parks Czech Republic.

Address: Mšeno
GPS: 50.438015 14.631287

Mshenske nicknames, kudyznudy.cz

7. The Devil's Pulpit in the Rychlebské Mountains is one of the most beautiful viewing platforms in the Czech Republic

The most beautiful natural observation deck of the Devil's Cathedral (Čertovy kazatelny) is located on the way to the ancient fortress of Rychleby (3 km) in the Rykhleby Mountains. The site is a formation of gneiss rocks with a high and steep southern wall, which is shaped like a pulpit. From here you have a beautiful view of the canyon of the Racha valley and relict forests. You can get to this place by car; parking is provided for tourists.

Address: Račí údolí, 790 70 Javorník
GPS:50.368773 16.992611

Devil's pulpit, kudyznudy.cz

8. Teplitsky rock city - a mystery of wild nature

The Teplice Rocks are massive rock walls that rise to the very sky (in some places over 70 m) and the largest mountain labyrinth in Central Europe, narrow valleys and mysterious caves. Walking along the Teplice Rocks is admiration and adrenaline at the same time. The area is well prepared for tourism, but compared to the Adrspash Rocks, walking here is more difficult.

Website: www.teplickeskaly.com
Address: Horní 13, 549 57 Teplice nad Metují
GPS: 50.594966 16.169974

Teplice rock walls, kudyznudy.cz

9. Czech Sahara - sand dune at Vlkova's

Vlkovsky dune, or the Czech Sahara, is one of the most famous and visited places of its kind in the Czech Republic. Here, pine trees and other plants grow on the pleasant yellow sand, and the wind creates whimsical sand figures(though only a few centimeters high). As in any desert, the Czech Sahara is always warmer than in the surrounding area, because the sand perfectly reflects sunlight. You can get to the mini-desert from the parking lot at Horusický rybník.

Address: Veselí nad Lužnicí
GPS:49.159418 14.713224

Czech Sahara, kudyznudy.cz

10. Beseditsky rocks - a romantic natural labyrinth

In the Besedice Rocks a secret prayer house of Czech brothers and beautiful views. A walk through the rock labyrinths of Kalikh and Chlevishte in the Bohemian Paradise region will be an unforgettable romantic adventure. If you're into geology, you'll love the nature trail with information boards. You can also take a walk around this complex with children, who will definitely enjoy the narrow corridors between the rocks.

Address: Besedice, 468 22 Koberovy
GPS:50.628287 15.208218

Observation deck on the Besedice Rocks, kudyznudy.cz

11. Peklo - a valley at the confluence of the Metui and Oleshenka rivers

Despite the intimidating name, Peklo (translated from Czech language- underworld, hell) is a fairly popular and very beautiful national park in the Czech Republic in a romantic valley at the confluence of the Metuje and Oleshenka rivers. The park received this name in honor of the old Pekelec mill, which was rebuilt according to the design of the architect Dusan Jurkovic into a tourist restaurant with elements of folk architecture. The restaurant is decorated with various devils, and the menu includes several devil-themed dishes.

Website: www.peklo-nemecek.cz
Address: Peklo u Nového Města nad Metují, 547 01 Nové Město nad Metují
GPS:50.378614 16.186745

Peklo National Park, kudyznudy.cz

12. Khromnitskoe Red Lake - a European unique

Red Lake water is a weak solution of sulfuric acid. It is sterile and there is no life in it. Iron compounds give the lake its red color. This is a unique natural attraction in Europe, which you can see for free.

Website: www.hromnice.cz
Address: Hromnice č.p. 60, 330 11 Třemošná
GPS:49.850941 13.447312

Red Lake near Chromnice, kudyznudy.cz

13. Gruboskalsky rock city

Between the Wallenstein Fortress and the Hruba Skala Castle near Turnov, in the Bohemian Paradise region there is an unusual area called the Hruboskal Rock Town. There are more than 400 natural towers here, the tallest of which reach 50 meters.

Address: Hruba Skala
GPS:50.544630 15.200404

Rough rocks, kudyznudy.cz

14. Broumov walls

Amazing rock formations surrounded by pristine nature are hidden in a 410 km2 Protected Nature Reserve. This area delights with its beauty, incredible views and mysterious rocks of bizarre shapes.

Website: www.broumovskesteny.cz
Address: Ledhujská 59, 549 54 Police nad Metují
GPS:50.538096 16.236269

Broumovsko, kudyznudy.cz

15. Panchavsky waterfall in the Krkonose Mountains - the highest in the Czech Republic

Pančavský waterfall is the highest in the Czech Republic. Its height is 148 meters. The waterfall cascades down the rocky steps onto the Laba Valley. Near the waterfall there is an observation deck called Ambrožova, from which you can see beautiful view to the valley and mountains.

Website: www.krnap.cz
Address: Harrachov 442, 512 46 Harrachov
GPS: 50.754486 15.555267

Pančavski waterfall, Giant Mountains, kudyznudy.cz

The Czech Republic is a young European state that appeared on the map of Europe in 1993 as a result of What is this country interesting today? What attracts millions of tourists here? different corners peace? What is the area of ​​the Czech Republic and how many people live in it? You will learn about all this from our article.

Czech Republic: area and geographical location

In what part of Europe is the republic located? Which countries does the Czech Republic directly border with?

The country's area is about 79,000 square kilometers. This is roughly comparable to Krasnodar region Russia, or with three regions (for example, Cherkasy, Kirovograd and Poltava). About 10.5 million people live in this territory (data as of July 2016).

To be even more precise, the area of ​​the Czech Republic (thousand km2) corresponds to the value of 78.86. The country is located in the central part of Europe and has no access to the sea. The Czech Republic's neighbors are four independent states: Germany, Poland, Slovakia and Austria. With all these countries the republic supports friendly relations. The longest interstate border is between the Czechs and the Poles (658 km).

The modern Czech Republic Square includes three historical areas. These are Moravia (in the east), Silesia (in the northeast), as well as Bohemia (in the central part), which is considered the historical core of Czech statehood.

Could the area of ​​the Czech Republic shrink?

The political map of Europe continues to be redrawn today. And this does not always happen as a result of revolutions, wars or separatist manifestations. Sometimes the areas of states may change slightly due to trivial cartographic errors.

Thus, the area of ​​the Czech Republic may soon decrease by 500 square kilometers. The fact is that recently the German cartographer Rolf Boehm discovered a discrepancy between the real area of ​​his country and the indicated data in official documents. He found out that unaccounted for “hectares” of German land were located near the bed of the Kirnich River.

To solve this problem, a special cadastral commission will be created in the near future from representatives of both countries. It is quite possible that the borders of states, after repeated measurements, will shift in favor of Germany.

Internal divisions of the Czech Republic

Administratively, the Czech Republic is divided into 13 regions (regions) and the capital city of Prague. The regions, in turn, are divided into districts (there are 77 of them in this country). 6242 - that's it total quantity settlements in the Czech Republic.

Each of the 13 regions has its own “president” (in Prague, the mayor) and a regional council. Regions include territorial communities of the second and first (or lower) levels.

The capital and largest city of the Czech Republic is Prague. 1/9 of the country's population lives here. Prague is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. At any time of the year, on its ancient streets you can see crowds of tourists - representatives different countries and continents.

Travelers do not ignore other interesting ones, including Brno, Karlovy Vary, Cesky Krumlov, Kutná Hora, Pilsen, Litomysl and others.

Natural features and landscapes

The Czech Republic offers a variety of landforms (mountain ranges, gentle hills and river canyons), a mild climate and beautiful natural landscapes. In summer, the air temperature here rarely exceeds +28-30 degrees, which makes staying in the country very comfortable.

The main Czech Laba and Vltava. The watercourses of this small country carry their own fresh waters at three different seas Europe (Black, Baltic and Northern). The highest point in the state is Mount Snezka (1602 meters).

The landscapes of the Czech Republic are very diverse. The historical area of ​​Bohemia is surrounded on all sides by low, gentle mountains - the Sudetes. The eastern part of the country - Moravia - is a hilly and very picturesque area with an abundance of areas of virgin deciduous forest.

To security natural resources Czechs are very respectful. Thus, it was here that some of the first nature reserves in Europe were established back in 1838. About 14% of the country's territory is under state protection. Perhaps the most beautiful in the Czech Republic is nature reserveŠumava, which is famous for its numerous lakes, ancient trees and perfectly clean air.

You can complete a short geographical essay about this country by listing the most interesting facts about it. So, did you know that:

  • prostitution and some types of drugs are legalized in the Czech Republic;
  • The grammar and pronunciation of the Czech language are considered the most difficult in Europe;
  • there are an incredible number of pet stores in this country;
  • The leader in marijuana use in Europe is not Holland at all, but the Czech Republic;
  • in the town of Kutna Hora there is a temple built entirely from human bones;
  • Prague is home to the largest castle in Europe;
  • It is forbidden to install satellite dishes on old buildings in the Czech Republic - they spoil appearance ancient quarters;
  • One of the most popular Czech souvenirs is the “krotek” toy (a famous cartoon character).

In conclusion

The area of ​​the Czech Republic is 78.86 thousand square kilometers. The country's population exceeds the ten million mark.

The state is located in Central Europe and attracts a huge number of tourists. Travelers come to the Czech Republic to admire the most picturesque natural landscapes, visit first-class ski resorts, wander through the narrow medieval streets of ancient cities and taste the legendary Czech beer.

The Czech Republic is located in the very center of Europe and borders Germany, Poland, Austria and Slovakia. The territory of the republic is almost 79,000 square meters and unites the historical regions of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. Capital – Prague, largest city countries. Most settlements are small. Among the large ones, we highlight the cities of Brno, Pilsen, Ceske Budejovice, Olomouc, Hradec Králové and Ostrava.

The country's landscape is dominated by highlands and medium-high mountains - the Bohemian Massif, bordered by the Šumava ridges, the Bohemian Forest, the Giant Mountains and the Bohemian-Moravian Upland. Largest river– Vltava with a length of 440 km. The Czech Republic is located on the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands, which is the watershed between the Elbe and the Danube. The Elbe - also known as Laba - flows through the territory of the Czech Republic, others big rivers- Morava, Odra - also known as Oder - Ohře, Strela and Berunka.

The landscapes of the Czech Republic are amazing in their beauty and diversity. Wide valleys with a dense network of rivers and lakes give way to dense forests, hills and mountain ranges, preserving the centuries-old freshness and coolness of stalactite caves. It is here that the healing springs of the most popular European resorts are located - Karlovy Vary, Marianske Lazne and Frantiskovy Lazne - making up the “golden triangle of Czech health”.

15,000 lakes and ponds, sandstone rock formations, 2000 mineral springs, hundreds of palaces and castles, meadows and fields - all this is the Czech Republic. Most Valuable natural areas protected by the state. They became national parks and reserves - almost 12 percent of the territory.

Climate of the Czech Republic

Climatic conditions in the Czech Republic are very favorable. The country is located in the transition zone from Central European maritime climate to continental Eastern European, i.e. located in a climatically favorable area temperate zone Northern Hemisphere. The climate of the Czech Republic is temperate, transitional from maritime to continental, more or less equal throughout the country, but its regional features depend mainly on the topography.

Winters are usually mild, with temperatures ranging from –2 to –4 °C in the plains and –8 to –10 °C in the mountains. On the coldest days, the temperature can reach -15 degrees, but this happens no more than once every 10 years. The average temperature in winter is approximately 0 degrees. Summers are usually moderately hot. Average daily temperatures in the warmest summer month, July, fluctuate around 19–21 °C on the plains and 4–8 °C in the mountains.

Spring in the Czech Republic begins at the end of February. Autumn begins only in October.

Statistical indicators of the Czech Republic
(as of 2012)

In terms of climate, the Czech Republic can well be called a bridge between East and West. Czech Republic all year round attracts tourists. The Czech Republic is located practically in the very center of Europe. The landscape of the Czech Republic is amazing in its beauty and diversity. Wide valleys with a dense network of rivers and lakes give way to dense forests, hills and mountain ranges that preserve the centuries-old freshness and coolness of stalactite caves. Large temperature fluctuations are rare. But in the mountains and the Czech Forest, everything is the other way around, as cold, heavy air descends into the valleys, and warmer, clearer air layers rise into the mountains - an excellent opportunity for mountain tourism.

Skiing in the Czech Republic is well developed and very popular among the population. The Czech Republic is home to many famous ski resorts, where you can relax and have a good time.

The best months to visit the country's ski resorts are January and February. As for precipitation in the Czech Republic, rain prevails here, brought mainly by westerly winds. The average annual precipitation is 550 mm on the plains and 1400 mm in the mountains. In general, the climate of the Czech Republic is very mild.

Vegetation and fauna

The Czech Republic is one of the most forested countries in Europe. Forests cover about 30% of its territory. Industrially valuable coniferous species predominate, primarily spruce (61% of the tree stand) and pine (22%). Above the forest line there are alpine meadows. Vast forests create conditions for people to relax and provide habitat for wild animals - deer, beavers, pheasants and hares. In the mountain forests there are lynxes and numerous small animals - foxes, squirrels, weasels.

Nature conservation in the Czech Republic has a long tradition and is one of the best in the world. 12% of the territory of the entire country (9270 sq. km) is occupied by nature reserves. In Western Bohemia there is a unique natural complex- Sumava Park, stretching for 125 km along the border with Austria and Germany. This is a vast region of calm deciduous forests, largely untouched by human activity. Although only one small part of Sumava - the Bubin Virgin Forest, can be regarded as, indeed, a protected ancient European plant community, but a better preserved complex of European mountain broadleaf forest simply doesn't exist. Wild flowers abound everywhere.

The mighty Vltava, as well as five other main rivers of the country, begins from here, creating excellent conditions for active aquatic species sports There are also all conditions for classes skiing And alpine skiing. In the foothills of Sumava there are the amazingly beautiful castles of Švigov, Velhartice, and Rabi.

The Czech Republic even has its own volcanoes located in Western Bohemia. The most famous of them is the crater of the extinct volcano Komorni-Hurka. Here, between Cheb and Frantiskovy Lazne, in the vast swampy area of ​​Slavkov Forest, there are numerous mud volcanoes that emit mineral water. Here is something amazing nature education- Koneprusskie caves are absolutely amazing karst caves, where you can get absolutely freely at any time of the year.

The diversity of flora and fauna, topographic zones, and invariably attracts lovers of hiking and cycling tourism to the country. In addition to tourists from other countries, local residents also travel and walk along tourist trails - green tourism is a priority here.

Climate of the Czech Republic

Looking at the photos representing all the beauty of the Czech Republic’s nature, you just want to quickly plunge into this green world plains and rocky mountains. The country's climatic conditions are comfortable both for living and for active tourism. in winter average temperature the air never drops below -5 °C, and in summer time it most often does not exceed +20 °C. Due to the fact that the Czech Republic is protected from the continent by mountains medium height, strong winds and bad weather are rare here, and the vegetation is proof of this.

Why is Czech nature interesting to tourists?

There is something to see in the Czech Republic both in winter and summer: its nature is multifaceted. Despite the absence of clearly defined climatic zones, the difference is felt as you move from north to south and from east to west. Tourists will be interested in:

Pearls of green tourism

Although the Czech Republic is not large state, there are advantages here - everything natural parks and unique places can be visited for quite a while short time. It's definitely recommended to take a look.

This seemingly tiny country hides quite a few natural beauties. High mountains and rivers flowing lazily through the lowlands or bubbling along rocky shores, thermal springs, ponds and sunny vineyards. Today we will show you the natural wonders of the Czech Republic that are worth visiting.

Desert in southern Bohemia

Southern Bohemia is covered by a dense network of ponds and rivers, but near the village of Vesely nad Luznici, on the outskirts of the protected area of ​​Třebonsko, lies one of the driest places in the Czech Republic. It's about about a sand dune where rare dry-loving plants grow and heat-loving species of insects live.

Prokop Valley

In the Prague pit there are several natural reserves, one of which is the Prokop Valley, which became famous thanks to paleontologist Joachim Barrandov (after whom the Barrandov district is named), who studied the local Paleozoic deposit. Today the valley is an oasis of tranquility and a favorite destination for many cyclists. The surrounding rocks offer a magical view of the city, and if you go deep into the reservation, you can visit the local lake and cave where bats live.

Beskydy virgin forest

Once upon a time, dense mixed forest covered the entire Beskids, but to this day it has been preserved in its untouched, original form only in the Cieszyn Beskids. Magic will envelop you in the natural reserve of the virgin forest of Mionshi untouched nature. On an area of ​​170 hectares there is a special trail for pedestrians, which is open only during the season. Some parts of the trail are quite challenging and unfortunately not suitable for families with strollers.

Steppes in the Vysočina

The small safari is located near Třebíčsk. The Mochelen Steppe National Nature Reserve is famous for its heat-loving grasses and pine forests. The local warm microclimate arose due to the high content of magnesium oxide in rocks, which, when heated, acts as something like a battery.

Tallest waterfall

In the most high mountains Panchavsky waterfall is located in the Czech Republic. The total length of the cascades is 250 meters. You can get here if you follow the red hiking trail from Bedřichov to the Labská base. Along this path you can reach the source of the waterfall and enjoy amazing view not only himself, but also the Labsky mines, Goat Ranges and Bald Mountain.

Mud mofettes

When you first find yourself on the Soos reservation, you feel like you are on another planet. Everywhere you look - shades of brown and gray, here and there springs are bubbling mineral water and clean carbon dioxide, the so-called mofettas. Soos is located 6 kilometers from Frantiskovy Lezne. The reservation was established in 1964 on an area of ​​221 hectares, but only one part is open to the public - a 1.2-kilometer-long trail. Several species live on the reserve rare birds, and also grows many rare plants.

Pravčicka Gate Rock Bridge

This is probably one of the most famous monuments in the Czech Republic, created by nature itself. You can’t get to the very top of the Pravcicka Gate, but around it amazing place There are many viewpoints. The rock bridge is a symbol national park Czech Switzerland, as well as one of the highest natural gates in Europe. The park itself is very popular, and the hiking trails are well-maintained - some are easier, some are long and some are more difficult. Everywhere there are breathtaking views of lush forest and mountains.

Tundra in the Giant Mountains

This place is a real find for botanists and zoologists. The Upa peat bog allows its visitors to be transported to the subarctic tundra, which was on the territory of the country during Ice Age. The peat bog lies at an altitude of 1400 meters above sea level between Luční base, Branichny ridge, Obří base and Studnicna mountain. Plants that grew here 5,000 and 6,000 years ago thrive here.

Glacial lakes in Šumava

Šumava is proud of its crystal clear lakes of glacial origin. On the Czech side of the mountains you can visit five lakes – Černoe, Čertovo, Prašilské, Plesné – and, the smallest of the five, Lake Laka. The most visited of them are the first two. Black Lake is the largest and deepest, and it is located near Zelezne Ruda.

Mysterious abyss and cave system

The largest and most famous karst region The Czech Republic is the Moravian region. It is here that people come who want to look at the caves that are open to the public and visit the Macocha Abyss. Tourists sail on boats underground river Punkva to see the spectacular caves decorated with stalactites and stalagmites. The Macocha Chasm is the largest chasm of its kind in central Europe. Since 1914, its bottom has also been open to the public.