I dreamed that a bombing had begun. Why do you dream about bombing from an airplane?

The article on the topic: “dream book of war, hiding from bombing” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Did you dream about a bombing? In reality, expect troubles and obstacles that will get in your way at the most inopportune moment. After all, according to the dream book, such an episode in a dream is a warning sign. However, such pictures do not always promise something negative. In addition, you can accurately answer the question of why you dream of a bombing only by clarifying all the details.

Gut feeling

Did you dream about a bombing? This means that somewhere in your subconscious, you have a premonition of certain events that are about to happen. For example, a big scandal that will be accompanied by breaking dishes.

Why else could such an event occur in a dream? Pay attention to all the details of the night's plot, the answer is hidden in them. So, if during the bombing you managed to hide or the blow did not cause you significant harm, then, according to the dream book, you are not afraid of any problems in life.

On the love front

In accordance with the interpretation of the dream book, if a girl in a dream sees a plane starting to bomb a residential area, then in reality she will try to attract the attention of a strange man.

The possible result, according to the dream book, will be revealed by the consequences of the bombing. If the buildings survive, the man will actually be indifferent to you. If only ruins remain from the quarter, then even the desired representative of the stronger sex will not be able to resist your charms.

Symbol of change

Sometimes bombing is part of a specific military action. In this case, the interpretation of the dream will be slightly different. Miller's dream book, not without reason, believes that war symbolizes destruction and decline. Therefore, if a girl had such a dream, then she will soon experience acute disappointment in a love relationship.

In all other cases similar dream will promise problems in business affairs and in the service. If you win in a dream, then in reality you will be able to cope with everything.

Nature of explosions

In order to select the most exact interpretation, one should remember the nature of the explosion. So, if in a dream a plane was dropped nuclear bomb, that in the end it did not explode, then all your fears and doubts will actually be in vain and empty. If in a dream you saw a mushroom cloud after an explosion, then beware big problems and misfortunes in reality.

Also try to remember what the explosions were like. If you saw a lot of black smoke in your dream, then wait bad news in life. If there are bright fiery flashes, then expect stunning success and good luck. And if you were able to examine in detail the plane from which the bombs were dropped, then in everyday life you will be able to reveal your enemy.

Everything will pass

Most often, to the question of why one might dream of firing rockets, there is such an answer. To the suddenness of events. That is, every event that happens in reality will be unexpected for you and will take you by surprise. And only the details of the dream itself will help you understand how you will get out of this situation.

If the bombing took you by surprise in a dream, but the missiles do not harm you, then in reality nothing threatens you. According to the dream book, troubles will pass you by. But if you lead a bombing in a dream, then in reality you can have great fun in the company of friends.

War in a dream: what military operations warn about

The vision in which hostilities take place is unlikely to please anyone. On the contrary, it makes you worry and feel a sense of fear for yourself and your loved ones. But you shouldn’t get upset ahead of time, because it may also happen that a war in a dream is not dangerous at all. To dispel all doubts, let’s turn to popular dream books for clarification.

What dream books say about war

As a rule, each dream book explains the plot seen in its own way:

If the dreamer takes a leading position in a dreamed battle, in reality he will be able to unravel the plans of ill-wishers and will be able to get rid of his enemies.

Most dream books are convinced that war in a dream prophesies quarrels and misfortunes

Does the gender of the dreamer affect the meaning of dreams?

From the point of view of psychology, interpret male and women's dreams follows differently.

A woman dreamed of war

Freud's dream book states that if a representative of the fair sex sees elements of battle in her dreams, she experiences dissatisfaction with sex. This may also indicate that the dreamer is haunted by memories of ex-partner. However, the opinion of this interpreter is not the only one; other dream books offer their own explanation of the vision depending on the details:

  • the girl saw off her beloved to the war - the feelings of your chosen one are deceptive, take a closer look at him, he is probably using you for selfish purposes;
  • a married lady taking part in a war may soon find herself wanting material resources; spend money wisely, remember that tomorrow may bring negative surprises that require certain investments;
  • if you watched the war from afar, your reputation may be at risk; ill-wishers are watching you, and one wrong step can push you into the abyss;
  • run away from the battlefield - due to the prejudiced attitude of relatives, you will have to leave your father’s house;
  • the birth of an heir foreshadows a dream in which you were engaged in household chores during the battle.

A man dreamed of war

Representatives of the stronger half of humanity should also prepare for changes in life after such a dream:

  • open and courageous participation in war indicates the dreamer’s determination and ability to withstand difficulties;
  • if you win the battle, in reality you will satisfy all your ambitions and turn the situation in your favor; failed - everything will happen exactly the opposite;
  • For a young guy, the image promises sexual failure and conflicts with his beloved;
  • a dream in which a young man escorts a girl to war has unexpected meaning: joyful events await him, and they will happen in the near future;
  • saw yourself in military uniform - you shouldered a task beyond your strength, before it’s too late, give up your plan.

For a pregnant woman, war in a dream promises the birth of a son

Interpretation of sleep taking into account details

Sometimes the meaning of a dream can change even from a small detail, which, as it initially seems, does not deserve special attention.

I dreamed of military training, the beginning of a battle

War preparations usually indicate a change in financial situation. But in which direction depends on the mood of the dreamer. If you were happy to wear military uniform, you can prepare for profit. Fear of a future battle promises troubles and losses. Send to fight loved one- to betrayal on his part.

The sounds of a siren, various signals indicating the beginning of a war, are a warning about problems in the body. The disease is still in its early stages, so coping with it will not be difficult. The main thing is timely diagnosis and proper therapy. The panic and bustle that began after the news of hostilities predicted a move to a new place of residence.

Watching the preparation of shells, seeing mines placed around means that you managed to “annoy” someone, and this person is now obsessed with a thirst for revenge.

All the “delights of war”: bombing, shooting, explosions, military equipment

Bombing that started suddenly indicates unexpected events that will take you by surprise. However, do not be upset, since such a dream does not necessarily promise trouble. If you managed to orient yourself and take cover from the shells, real troubles will pass by. Slowness is not a good sign and indicates a serious illness. Fortunately, you will soon be back to normal again.

“Returning Soldier Syndrome” has been statistically confirmed. After major military conflicts, noticeably more boys are born than girls.

Watching shooting means that you do not trust your partner and are trying to constantly control yourself. Remember that it’s unlikely that anyone will like this attitude, and besides, your attentiveness may misfire. Random shooting is a symbol of sudden troubles and health problems. If you yourself shot enemies with a gun, you will be able to cope with all obstacles in life. Difficulties and problems are indicated by a dream in which you missed while shooting at the enemy.

If there are many foreign military personnel involved in the battle, you will have to meet with a person with whom you had conflicts in the recent past.

Watching shooting in a dream is a symbol of distrust of your partner

Explosions even in a dream do not bode well. If you saw an exploding residential building or the ruins of it, a financial crisis awaits you, from which it will be difficult to get out. Exploding your own home indicates family troubles and quarrels with relatives.

Dreamed military equipment adds “heat to the fire”:

  • an airplane or helicopter in the sky foreshadows a series of joyful events; if you controlled the turntable, pleasant changes are coming, and soon your wish will come true; airplane explosion - to failure;
  • if you happen to sit in a tank, you are ready to commit a stupid act that will negatively affect your life;
  • traveling by car with the military means that selfish people will help you, they will demand a reward for the service;
  • a warship promises a quick promotion;
  • a cart with shells is a symbol of the fact that you are too fixated on your problems, and this prevents you from adequately perceiving the events happening around you.

The bombing of a city located far from you symbolizes a useless struggle for the affection of a person who does not have warm feelings for you.

I dreamed of a war with the Germans

Great Patriotic War left unhealed wounds in our hearts. Many lost their closest relatives and acquaintances in this battle, so we always perceive the mention of the Germans in a negative way. Interpreters also share this opinion and believe that the war with Germany indicates hard fight the dreamer with his ill-wishers. Of course, in the end, victory will go to you, but at what cost will it be obtained?

The Great Patriotic War claimed the lives of 26.6 million citizens of the USSR, more than 10 thousand cities and villages were destroyed.

If the dreamer himself plays the role of a fascist, this indicates his cruelty towards other people.

A warship in a dream is a symbol of rapid promotion

Actions in a dream: hiding from bombs, getting captured, etc.

Very important factor are the actions of the dreamer and his attitude to everything that happens:

  • had to hide from bombs - unresolved problems oppress you;
  • did not fight the enemy, but tried to escape - you are on the verge of nervous exhaustion, try to forget about your problems and take a little rest, otherwise there is a risk of developing a serious mental illness;
  • to betray your comrades during battle - to a vicious love affair that will greatly spoil your reputation;
  • digging trenches means an unpleasant situation that you cannot cope with alone;
  • clean weapons - any task will be up to you;
  • to be on the front line - to be a leader in a team;
  • to be captured - the events happening around you cause a feeling of discomfort and constraint; Apparently, you will have to submit to someone else’s will, and this, naturally, will not cause your approval; according to Hasse’s dream book, this image means that you adhere to outdated views;
  • capture the enemy - the authorities trust you and will entrust you with a very important matter;
  • were able to escape from captivity and hide from the invaders - solve all your problems with cunning; if you had to harm another person during your escape, your actions are causing pain to your loved ones;
  • to save a prisoner is to sacrifice your principles for the sake of a friend.

Interpretation of dreams about nuclear war

Nuclear war is the most terrible of all, since it leads to universal death. Let's see how dream books interpret this plot:

  • modern - a lot of negativity has accumulated in your soul, which requires release;
  • universal - you can catch a fatal disease;
  • Chinese - make a discovery that will amaze everyone around you;
  • Miller - to dead-end problems from which it is impossible to find a way out;
  • Medea - you have committed a meanness, which all your friends and relatives will soon find out about;
  • Grishina - to the death of a relative.

Despite the fact that even in a dream, war is a harbinger of unpleasant events, you should not be upset. Remember that only you are the arbiter of your destiny, your well-being depends on you.

Hello! My name is Tatyana. By education, she is a catering technologist. Hobbies: cooking, astrology.

Interpretation of dreams about bombing according to dream books

Any dream book classifies bombing as a symbolic dream. If you see such a picture, get ready for the upcoming serious tests. Remember that this terrible event is not always filled with negative meaning. Why do you dream of a bombing? Let's analyze the details and find out the meaning.

Let's find out the general explanation

Seeing an attack from the air or from the ground is a sign that the owner of the dream senses imminent extraordinary changes. Only in some cases does the bombing convey a message of misfortune. In most cases, such a picture is a harbinger of a quarrel with breaking dishes. Is bombing part of a large-scale war? For a girl, such a dream carries the threat of disappointment in love.

For reference! When looking for a specific interpretation, pay attention to important details. If you hid during the attack and remained alive (without the slightest damage), then you can handle any hardships in life.

An interesting interpretation of an airstrike for girls: if a plane flies over houses and starts dropping bombs, she will soon have to look for the address unknown guy. The results of this search can be predicted by the scale of destruction: if the houses are intact and the damage is insignificant, the man will resist the charm.

Interpretations of dream books: what do Freud, Miller, Vanga predict?

The differences in interpretation in Sigmund Freud’s dream book are sexual inclinations. So, if in a dream you become a participant in hostilities and watch a bombing (or bomb residential areas yourself), this is a sign of a hidden craving for sadomasochism.

For reference! According to Freud, killing opponents is victory over enemies in real life.

In Vanga’s dream book, bombing is a sign of serious trouble (or even death). If you are on the battlefield, in life you can feel the bitterness of loss.

The interpretation of the dream in Miller’s dream book is aimed at a logical explanation of the picture. War and bombing indicate chaos in life, and victory won in a dream will not bring joy (since there are no winners in war).

Book of interpretations from A to Z

  • The absence of wounds and injuries is a quick unpleasant event that will end without unpleasant consequences for you.
  • Did you still get injured or suffer as a result of the bomb falling? To the troubles in real life will be added an illness that will weaken your strength (you may be forced to retire for a while).

Unique dream book of Simeon Prozorov

The scientist devoted more than 30 years of his life to the study of dreams. With the help of this book of interpretations, you can find the meaning of a dream or change your real life with its help. So, what does Prozorov say about the bombing?

  1. Watching the battle from the side means a quick quarrel in the house, discord and troubles with loved ones.
  2. Fleeing from bombing - people you know can become targets of attacks from enemies.
  3. Hearing over the speakerphone about the start of an imminent air raid (hearing a warning) means an unpleasant conversation with your spouse about divorce is possible.
  4. Participating in war means financial difficulties, lack of income.
  5. Getting caught by a bomb and being clearly injured is a possible mourning in your family or in the family of close friends.
  6. Seeing a scorched field after a bomb fell - you missed the chance to change something for the better.
  7. As a result of the bombing, were you captured? You will soon suffer defeat in life (perhaps an argument or confrontation will not end in your favor).

Looking for answers in Rommel's book

Dream book of Heinrich Romel collected various options interpretations of dreams that have prophetic (prophetic) meaning. Dream analysis is based on ancient traditions V modern interpretation. To see a bombing or a war according to Rommel - soon in reality you will find yourself in the epicenter of troubles, rivalry and quarrels. Watching fighting can also be associated with problems on the love front:

  • breakup;
  • loss of family ties;
  • humiliation in marriage;
  • discrimination of rights in relationships.

If a woman sees her man participating in a bombing, she will soon discover the negative traits of his character (or her actions will be revealed to her that discredit him). If your country (city) is being bombed, the dream has a broad meaning. Perhaps the people will suffer from a crisis, changes in politics, revolution or coup d'etat.

Pay attention! If the bombing is over, and you remain safe and sound, then there will be revival in your business life, and harmony in your personal life.

Let's summarize: find out the opinion of the modern dream book

If the bombing is expressed atomic explosion– significant changes will soon begin in your life. Established and long-term relationships may turn upside down or end in the near future.

Dream Interpretation: bombing - what does it mean depending on the details?

  1. If you become a victim of an explosion, you will suddenly improve financial situation(or another pleasant surprise will await you).
  2. Are you watching the destruction after the bombing? This is a sign of health problems. You need to be more attentive to your body and go for an unscheduled consultation.

If the explosion did not affect you, life will not change (everything will go according to the established order). The explosion itself suggests that the owner of the dream had the opportunity to radically change his affairs (it is unknown what the result would have been), but the “turning point” has already passed.

Any dream book interprets the meaning of the bombing seen differently. Don't get hung up on bad emotions or unpleasant predictions. Let go of the situation and don't expect negativity. Perhaps such a dream is filled with positive meaning for you.

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Dream Interpretation

War bombing

Dream Interpretation War bombing dreamed of why in a dream War bombing? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see War bombing in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

War bombing according to the dream book

If you dreamed of a war or a bombing, then in reality you should prepare for particularly turbulent events. Moreover, they can be both negative and quite favorable. The dream book will tell you in detail why such unpleasant incidents occur in dreams.

Do some analysis!

If you happen to see war and bombing at night, then the dream book is sure that some problem will take a serious turn, and it will not be possible to sort it out peacefully.

At the same time, war is a symbol of internal conflict that requires careful analysis. And the bombing promises to resolve the conflict in the most incredible way.

Did you dream that you were hit by bombs? In reality it will be noisy party, which will bring uncertain consequences.

Everything is activated...

Why do you dream about the beginning of a war? The dream book predicts the revival of relationships and the activation of forgotten affairs.

If a young person happened to see such a vision, then conflict situation with friends. If the beginning of hostilities was seen by older people, then they will receive news about old comrades and distant relatives.

Finding yourself on the battlefield in your night dreams means that the planned deal will not bring profit, but will fray your nerves.

Fortune telling

Why does a girl dream about war and bombing? If a house is destroyed by a bomb attack in a dream, then she is destined for disappointment in love.

Did you dream that your lover was going to war? Soon you will encounter negative traits of his character.

If a girl dreams of military action, then the dream book thinks that she future destiny will be associated with a military member.

According to Miller

Miller's dream book is sure that war, bombing and explosions in a dream symbolize the non-standard actions of the people around you.

Difficulties or overestimation?

If you happen to see or hear explosions, this means that difficulties and various complications await you in your work.

In addition, explosions symbolize real insults or physical violence.

Did you dream about war and bombing? An irreversible revaluation of values ​​is expected, old ties will be destroyed and a completely new stage will begin.

Who's scheming?

Why else do you dream about war and bombing? Watching bombs fall on the area in a dream means that in reality you will have to witness an extremely unpleasant incident.

Hearing bombs exploding means revealing the intrigues and insidious plans of ill-wishers.

According to the dream book, just one shell symbolizes an unexpected situation; many bombs predict a change in fate for the worse.

Decoding details

The interpretation of a dream should certainly be done taking into account the type and quality of the shells. Especially if you remember these nuances in a dream best.

  • Any rocket promises the failure of a well-thought-out business.
  • Atomic – conflict with the boss.
  • Grenade - profit.
  • Dynamite - confession.
  • Unexploded - loss of energy.

You can do it!

A bomber or fighter flying over a city promises danger that will come from afar.

If in a dream you saw a plane dropping shells, then the dream book is sure that difficult times are coming in all respects. Did you dream about a reconnaissance plane? In reality, a period of great unrest and anxiety is coming.

If you watched a plane bomb a city, but were not personally injured during the bomb attack, then in real life you will successfully overcome all difficulties.

Everything follows the plot, like a serial film. Now I’m expecting a stormy performance, I’m even afraid!

Dream interpretation of war: hiding from bombing

Did you dream about a bombing? In reality, expect troubles and obstacles that will get in your way at the most inopportune moment. After all, according to the dream book, such an episode in a dream is a warning sign. However, such pictures do not always promise something negative. In addition, you can accurately answer the question of why you dream of a bombing only by clarifying all the details.

Gut feeling

Did you dream about a bombing? This means that somewhere in your subconscious, you have a premonition of certain events that are about to happen. For example, a big scandal that will be accompanied by breaking dishes.

Why else could such an event occur in a dream? Pay attention to all the details of the night's plot, the answer is hidden in them. So, if during the bombing you managed to hide or the blow did not cause you significant harm, then, according to the dream book, you are not afraid of any problems in life.

On the love front

In accordance with the interpretation of the dream book, if a girl in a dream sees a plane starting to bomb a residential area, then in reality she will try to attract attention.

The possible result, according to the dream book, will be revealed by the consequences of the bombing. If the buildings survive, the man will actually be indifferent to you. If only ruins remain from the quarter, then even the desired representative of the stronger sex will not be able to resist your charms.

Symbol of change

Sometimes the bombing is part of certain events. In this case, the interpretation of the dream will be slightly different. Miller's dream book, not without reason, believes that war symbolizes destruction and decline. Therefore, if a girl had such a dream, then she will soon experience acute disappointment in a love relationship.

In all other cases, such a dream will promise problems in business and work. If you win in a dream, then in reality you will be able to cope with everything.

Nature of explosions

In order to choose the most accurate interpretation, you should remember the nature of the explosion. So, if in a dream a nuclear bomb was dropped from an airplane, but in the end it did not explode, then all your fears and doubts in reality will be in vain and empty. If in a dream you saw a mushroom cloud after an explosion, then beware of big problems and misfortunes in reality.

Also try to remember what the explosions were like. If you have seen a lot, then expect bad news in life. If there are bright fiery flashes, then expect stunning success and good luck. And if you were able to examine in detail the plane from which the bombs were dropped, then in everyday life you will be able to reveal your enemy.

Everything will pass

Most often, to the question of what a dream might mean, there is such an answer. To the suddenness of events. That is, every event that happens in reality will be unexpected for you and will take you by surprise. And only the details of the dream itself will help you understand how you will get out of this situation.

If the bombing took you by surprise in a dream, but the missiles do not harm you, then in reality nothing threatens you. According to the dream book, troubles will pass you by. But if you lead a bombing in a dream, then in reality you can have great fun in the company of friends.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 04/28/2019

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events it foretells depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...

Why do you dream about war and bombing? Such a plot in a dream will be a harbinger of fireworks of emotions and dynamic incidents. Dream books give a more detailed interpretation, which can be either positive or extremely unpleasant.

Evaluate events correctly!

War and bombing at night in a dream are interpreted by the dream book as the growth of some troubles. In this case, it is impossible to find a solution without scandals.

Military actions reflect the dreamer’s mental turmoil, which should be studied more carefully. Falling bombs in a dream promise a solution internal problems in an unexpected way.

Why dream that you are under a hail of bombs? If you believe the dream book, then loud celebrations with an unclear ending await.

More dynamics

The resumption of forgotten connections and progress in postponed matters is promised by the interpreter of dreams after visions of the outbreak of war.

Why do young people dream about the beginning of war? To scandals and quarrels with friends. And for older people, a dream about the outbreak of hostilities promises news about old friends and distant relatives.

War and bombing around you on the battlefield is interpreted as a lack of benefit from your project. But this will not stop him from squeezing all the juice out of you.

Fateful predictions

When in a dream the building where the dreamer lives collapses due to a bomb, this foreshadows her suffering on the love front.

Why does a girl dream about war and bombing? There is a chance that she is destined for an alliance with a military man.

A dream in which a man dear to your heart goes to war is explained in the dream book as your dissatisfaction with the shortcomings in the behavior of your loved one.

Miller's Dream Book

The psychologist believes that military actions and bomb explosions are an allegory for the non-trivial actions of those around you.

Difficulties or new discoveries?

The dream was focused on bomb explosions - they expect problematic issues in the business field.

Also, an explosion is a sign of violence against the sleeping person, including psychological violence.

War and bombing in a dream will entail the destruction of stereotypes and established foundations; you will have to see your principles in a completely new way.

Who is the author of the machinations?

A dream in which you watched bombs fall on certain territory, is interpreted by the dream book as an imminent unfavorable event in fate.

Hearing bombs exploding in reality means that your ingenuity will mix up all the cards for enemies and envious people. A single shell will be a harbinger of imminent surprise, and many bombs will predict a sad turn in life.

Nuances are everything

The dream book will help you interpret the vision most correctly if you managed to discern the type of weapon.

  • A rocket of any kind - your cherished plans will fail.
  • Atomic bomb - friction with management awaits you.
  • The grenade promises prosperity.
  • Dynamite - success in society.
  • If the shell does not explode, your strength will leave you.

Everything will pass!

A military plane in a dream flying over the area is a harbinger of a threat. Clouds are gathering over the sleeping man.

If in a dream a bomber dropped bombs on the ground, then you are expected hard times on all fronts. A reconnaissance plane will tell you about future worries and feelings of uncertainty.

Despite many years of research, scientists still do not have a clear understanding of the nature of dreams. But people have noticed since ancient times that night visions appear for a reason. If you dreamed of war and bombing, the dream book will explain to you what this means and what to expect in the future.

Autumn dream book

He interprets the war and bombing as follows:

  • Because of your fault, a huge scandal will break out at home. It can lead to a breakdown in relations between spouses and even assault.
  • If you observe the bombing and destruction from the side, it means that you are waging a meaningless and fruitless struggle for what does not belong to you. This could be property, a position or an object of affection.
  • If you were bombed in a dream, this indicates a collapse of hopes. In the near future, avoid serious undertakings both in work and in your personal life.
  • If the military surrounds you and intends to shoot, this means that in real life you are being pressured by friends, relatives and colleagues. If you don't show resistance, you won't be able to come out of the shadows and achieve success.

Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

Bombing and war in Melnikov’s dream book mean the following:

  • If you find yourself in the midst of hostilities, but are not injured in any way, this means that in the near future you will face serious danger. But you will be able to overcome it without losses.
  • If you were injured during a bombing, this means that you should expect health problems. They will force you to put aside your work and hobbies for a while.
  • If you dream about war almost every day, this means that in reality you are dissatisfied with the state of affairs at work or in your family. You will take the path of change, but will encounter aggressive resistance from others.
  • If during military operations a combat aircraft appears in the sky, this means that you will be able to cope with problems, but only with outside help.

Miller's Dream Book

Here's what Miller's dream book says about war:

  • Combat means a difficult state of affairs in real life. This is a reflection of the struggle with problems, illnesses and lack of money.
  • If war and bombing begin, the dream book interprets this as a trap that ill-wishers are preparing for you. Be more careful in your actions and statements so as not to suffer from the machinations of envious people.
  • Escaping from war means that in real life you prefer to hide from problems rather than solve them. As a result, difficulties accumulate and put even more pressure on you.
  • If you shoot cannons or other large weapons in your dream, it means that you are now at the peak of your powers. It's time to move forward to achieve success in your work and personal life.

Esoteric dream book

From esoteric dream book You can find out the following information about the war:

  • “War and bombing begin, and I’m running...” - the dream book interprets such a plot as betrayal. You will get stabbed in the back by close friends or relatives.
  • War can be a reflection of aggression that is directed at you from the outside. You should hide for a while until the storm subsides.
  • If in a dream you do not see fighting, but clearly hear the sounds of explosions and gunshots, this means that you will have to hear unexpected and very unpleasant news. She will touch you close friend or a family member.
  • If in a dream you look at the war through a window or on TV, this means that unpleasant events are coming. But they will not affect you personally. You are more likely to be an observer.

Interpretation for men

Dream books interpret visions of war and bombing differently depending on the gender of the dreamer. This is what this dream means for men:

  • If you fail in a military battle, this means that a similar outcome can be expected in real life. This may affect work or personal relationships.
  • If in a dream you managed to hide from shelling, this means that you will cope with obstacles on the way to your goal. But you shouldn’t relax, because obstacles can arise again at any moment.
  • If you emerge victorious from the battle, this means that in reality you will be able to overcome all problems. Coming soon in your life white stripe.
  • If your work involves constant business trips and traveling, most likely, soon after having a dream about war you will have to go on the road.

Interpretation for women

Dream books interpret a vision of war and bombing for women as follows:

  • If you dream of seeing your lover off to war, this is a negative sign. Soon you will have to find out unpleasant information about the man.
  • The fight can be a symbol of family troubles. Most likely, a quarrel is coming between the spouses.
  • The victorious end of the war is auspicious sign. Soon you will be able to overcome all difficulties and achieve complete mutual understanding in the family.
  • If pregnant early dreamed about active fighting, this means that she will have a son.
  • If unmarried girl sees soldiers going to war in a dream, which means that she will soon fall in love.

If you dreamed of a war or a bombing, then in reality you should prepare for particularly turbulent events. Moreover, they can be both negative and quite favorable. The dream book will tell you in detail why such unpleasant incidents occur in dreams.

Do some analysis!

If you happen to see war and bombing at night, then the dream book is sure that some problem will take a serious turn, and it will not be possible to sort it out peacefully.

At the same time, war is a symbol of internal conflict that requires careful analysis. And the bombing promises to resolve the conflict in the most incredible way.

Did you dream that you were hit by bombs? In reality there will be a noisy party that will bring uncertain consequences.

Everything is activated...

Why do you dream about the beginning of a war? The dream book predicts the revival of relationships and the activation of forgotten affairs.

If a young person happened to see such a vision, then a conflict situation with friends is coming. If the beginning of hostilities was seen by older people, then they will receive news about old comrades and distant relatives.

Finding yourself on the battlefield in your night dreams means that the planned deal will not bring profit, but will fray your nerves.

Fortune telling

Why does a girl dream about war and bombing? If a house is destroyed by a bomb attack in a dream, then she is destined for disappointment in love.

Did you dream that your lover was going to war? Soon you will encounter negative traits of his character.

If a girl dreams of military action, then the dream book thinks that her future destiny will be connected with a military man.

According to Miller

Miller's dream book is sure that war, bombing and explosions in a dream symbolize the non-standard actions of the people around you.

Difficulties or overestimation?

If you happen to see or hear explosions, this means that difficulties and various complications await you in your work.

In addition, explosions symbolize real insults or physical violence.

Did you dream about war and bombing? An irreversible revaluation of values ​​is expected, old ties will be destroyed and a completely new stage will begin.

Who's scheming?

Why else do you dream about war and bombing? Watching bombs fall on the area in a dream means that in reality you will have to witness an extremely unpleasant incident.

Hearing bombs exploding means revealing the intrigues and insidious plans of ill-wishers.

According to the dream book, just one shell symbolizes an unexpected situation; many bombs predict a change in fate for the worse.

Decoding details

The interpretation of a dream should certainly be done taking into account the type and quality of the shells. Especially if you remember these nuances in a dream best.

  • Any rocket promises the failure of a well-thought-out business.
  • Atomic – conflict with the boss.
  • Grenade - profit.
  • Dynamite - confession.
  • Unexploded - loss of energy.

You can do it!

A bomber or fighter flying over a city promises danger that will come from afar.