Anna Sedakova's ex-husband is a football player. Anna Sedokova spoke about the difficult struggle for the inheritance left by the father of her eldest daughter

The famous singer - ex-soloist of the group "VIA Gra" - is surrounded a large number fans. Anna Sedokova had 2 husbands. Moreover, she has three children who have different fathers.

The singer got married for the first time at the age of 22, on June 23, 2004. famous athlete. A few months later, Anna Sedokova and Valentin Belkevich had a daughter, Alina, but soon after this, the couple’s relationship began to deteriorate. Two years later, the couple officially divorced their marriage.

According to Sedokova, her first husband cheated on her with ex-girlfriend. At the same time, the football player wanted family comfort, and for Anna the first place was stellar career. After the divorce, they did not immediately reconcile, but were still able to establish communication.

Belkevich is known as a football player for Dynamo Kyiv. After graduation sports career he began working as a trainer and made successful steps until he died due to a blood clot.

What happened to Valentin Belkevich

At the age of 41, the football player died in Kyiv from thromboembolism. He was often plagued by health problems, but the athlete did not pay enough attention to them.

Anna Sedokova's ex-husband - Maxim Chernyavsky

The next husband was a businessman. Maxim Chernyavsky first saw Anna on television, and after that he met her on the street. The romance was very rapid and soon, during a Los Angeles vacation, Max proposed to Sedokova. About.

The lovers did not have a grand wedding. They gathered their closest guests and celebrated not only the registration of their relationship, but also the birthday of their daughter Monica. The marriage did not last long and broke up after 1.5 years. ABOUT .

Sedokova’s second husband admitted that living with such famous woman It’s hard because he needs a calm wife who spends a lot of time at home. Anna blamed Maxim for constant betrayal. Chernyavsky did not become the man from whom the third child was a Russian pop star.

The ex-husband of Anna Sedokova is known for his participation in the show “The Bachelor”. The man is not without financial assistance parents founded their business at the age of 19. Today he is a successful entrepreneur worth millions.

Sedokova's ex-husband - who is Maxim Chernyavsky with now?

The businessman did not worry for long after his divorce from the singer and after 1.5 months he began an affair with 19-year-old model Anna Anders. The relationship was short-lived, but journalists often wrote that the girl looked very similar to Sedokova. Maxim does not say who his wife is now, it is only known that after the show “The Bachelor” he gave wedding ring Maria Drigola. ABOUT .

The common-law husband of Anna Sedokova, to whom she gave birth to a son

The singer hid her third pregnancy and the father of the child for a long time. She said she made a mistake by talking openly about previous relationships. Therefore, the identity of the new lover did not immediately become known.

He turned out to be the son of billionaire Artem Komarov, who is 9 years younger than Anna. The man is a member of the board of directors of the Chelyabinsk pipe rolling plant. In 2017, the couple had a son.

Children of Anna Sedokova - from whom

U famous singer two daughters and a son, while their fathers are different men. In 2004, Anna gave birth to Alina from Valentin Belkevich. The girl is growing up very creative and athletic, she does gymnastics, sings and dances. ABOUT .

Sedokova's eldest daughter takes her first steps in modeling business, runs an Instagram page with several dozen subscribers. Alina also became the face of a clothing brand from Anna Sedokova. Young age does not prevent a girl from shining with her mother among secular society.

In 2011, another daughter of the singer, Monica, was born in California. Her father is Anna's second husband Maxim Chernyavsky. The girl is very similar to her mother and is attached to her sister Alina.

Monica lives with her father in Los Angeles. A year ago she started first grade. The girl draws well, can play the piano and sing.

In 2017, Sedokova gave birth to common-law husband Artyom Komarov's son Hector. The baby is very attached to his mother. He recently started walking and loves to travel to new places and play with his dog, Bun.

29.12.2017 |

Anna Sedokova is a popular singer, presenter and actress. The girl gained numerous fans while participating in the musical group “VIA Gra”. Now she performs solo and has three beautiful children.

Anna Sedokova and Artem Komarov

At the end of winter 2017, the singer shared with fans that she was pregnant for the third time. The child’s father is Artem Komarov, who is 9 years younger than the girl. He works in construction company his oligarch father.

The young people first met on the set of Sedokova’s video and started dating. In April, the singer gave birth to a son from Artem in America. She had a hard time giving birth and had to do C-section, but pretty soon the woman’s condition returned to normal.

Komarov also came to Los Angeles to see his child. Soon after giving birth, Anna deleted pictures with the millionaire from her Instagram, and fans believed that the young people had broken up.

Children of Anna Sedokova: daughters and son

The singer has three children. All of them are from different fathers: millionaire Komarov, athlete Belkevich and businessman Chernyavsky.

Son of Sedokova

In April 2017, Anna gave birth to her third child, son Hector. The boy bears the surname of his father, Artem Komarov, the owner of a large manufacturing company. The couple never formalized their relationship, and in the summer of 2017 it became known that the young people had separated.

The singer immediately showed the child to fans. He was not even a year old, but he was already traveling with his mother and delighting her with his first successes. Anna idolizes her son and calls him the main man in her life. April 8, 2018, he turned 1 year old.

Daughter Monica

In 2011 in California former soloist « VIA Gra"gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Monica. The girl’s father is a successful businessman Maxim Chernyavsky (the singer’s second husband).

WITH early years The girl showed talent in music. She sings beautifully, plays instruments, and takes part in her mother’s concerts.

Now Monica is 6 years old, she is studying in the United States, and often meets with her father. The girl loves her older sister, trying to imitate her in everything.

The singer's eldest daughter

From her first husband, Sedokova gave birth to a daughter, Alina. The girl was born in 2004, now she is 13 years old.

Her father, Valentin Belkevich, left the family, Alina supported her mother in everything from an early age.

Now the girl does gymnastics and also loves music. Plus, Alina runs her own blog; about 50,000 people subscribe to her page.

Anna's eldest daughter is the face of the line fashionable clothes, which is represented by her star mother.

Personal life and ex-husbands of Sedokova

Anna was officially married 2 times. In addition, the singer dated dancer Sergei Guman for quite a long time and gave birth to a son from businessman Artem Komarov. Now journalists and fans are sure that the girl is dating musician Anatoly Tsoi.

The singer's first husband

In 2004, Anna met the famous Dynamo football player Valentin Belkevich. Their relationship developed quite rapidly, and soon the singer married him and gave birth to a daughter. It was because of Valentin that Sedokova left VIA Gro, deciding to devote herself entirely to her family. The wedding ceremony was magnificent, the bride looked incredibly happy.

Anna was 10 years younger than her husband; for 2 years everything was fine with the lovers, but then Valentin cheated on his wife and she left him. In 2014, he died, and Sedokova could not come to her senses for a long time, because she supported her first husband friendly relations.

Second marriage

In 2009, the singer began to be courted by the influential businessman Maxim Chernyavsky, who fell madly in love with Anna at first sight. The girl began to constantly travel to America, because the Formula 1 manager lived in Los Angeles.

After 2 years, the lovers got married and had a daughter, Monica. Everyone around noted that the young people looked great together and prophesied for them happy marriage. However, after a year and a half, the couple decided to divorce. The reason for the divorce is unknown. There is an opinion that Anna’s husband cheated on her with another VIA Gra soloist.

Relations with Sergei Guman and Anatoly Tsoi

In 2013, while filming a video, the singer met dancer Sergei Guman. They immediately began a relationship. The couple appeared together quite often; on Anna’s page there are many photos with a young man.

In 2015, they broke up, but exactly a year later they decided to get back together.

The relationship was again short-lived, because soon Sedokova began dating the oligarch’s son Komarov. The reasons for the breakup are still unknown.

Now Sedokova often appears with the lead singer of the M-band group, Anatoly Tsoi. This summer, fans were dismayed by pictures from the girl’s page where the musician spends time with Anna and her son.

The singer does not comment on this relationship; Anatoly also took a neutral side, without confirming information about civil marriage and without denying it. They got to know each other back in music show“I want to go to Meladze.”

Anna Sedokova now

2017 was quite a busy year for the singer. She gave birth to a third child, broke up with his father and again decided to build her personal life with a young and talented musician.

Anna's career is developing no less rapidly. She records new songs, appears in videos, and has released several albums: the long-awaited “On the Free” for fans and a live album with songs from a live performance “The Real.”

Sedokova is beautiful and talented woman, who found her happiness in children. Her personal life interests many fans, but she keeps the details secret. Despite the fact that Anna is raising her children alone, she manages to look great and do successful career presenter and singer.

The first husband of singer Anna Sedokova, former football player Dynamo Kyiv Valentin Belkevich, died in Kyiv at the age of 41. This is reported by official website Ukrainian team.

The cause of death was the detachment of a blood clot from the vessel wall.

After completing his sports career in 2009, Belkevich worked as a senior and then head coach of the youth team of Dynamo Kyiv.

Anna Sedokova and Valentin Belkevich got married on June 23, 2004. The bride was then 22 years old, the groom 31. On December 8, 2004, their daughter Alina Belkevich was born. However, the couple’s happiness was short-lived: after the baby was born, their relationship began to deteriorate. The divorce took place in early 2006: Anna left her husband after learning that he was dating ex-lover Lesey. True, later the ex-spouses still managed to establish friendly relations.

“This is some kind of horror... I don’t believe it... He was a brilliant athlete, strategist and good man. He loved his daughter. He was loved and respected by millions. And especially one little girl,” Anna Sedokova wrote on Instagram and thanked her fans for their words of support and condolences.

// Photo: Vladimir Peslyak (Ukrinform - ITAR-TASS)

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First husband

She stole her first lover, Dynamo Kyiv football player Valentin Belkevich, from him common-law wife Lesya, with whom he lived long enough long time. After the wedding, Valentin and Anna had a daughter, Alina.

Family happiness didn't last long. Sedokova left VIA Gra and demanded that her husband invest money in her solo career. But her husband saw her exclusively as a housewife... A year and a half after the wedding, they separated, Belkevich returned to his former lover.

After the divorce, Anna and her daughter received a luxurious apartment and a car. In 2014 her ex-spouse died suddenly: a blood clot broke loose. Since the football player did not leave a will, Sedokova had to fight for the property in court.

Second husband

Sedokova met her second husband, Maxim Chernyavsky, at an elite sports club. Some time after they met, the couple went to Los Angeles, where they settled. They got married in 2011, and six months later Anna gave birth to a daughter, Monica.

They failed to build a family nest. There were rumors that Chernyavsky often cheated on Anna with her friends. After the divorce, Maxim’s rich grandmother said that Sedokova does not know what love is, she only needs money. That's all family photos on Instagram it’s just window dressing.

At first, her ex-husband fully provided for his daughter, but now he decided to deprive Anna of parental rights. According to the artist, she now sees her daughter exclusively in the presence of a lawyer and communicates with her only in English.

“For eight months now I have not had the opportunity to communicate normally with her, just to be near her. Her father, the man I trusted, went to war against me. Maxim decided to deprive me of my maternal rights, and I absolutely don’t understand why. I never forbade him to see his daughter or take her. Maxim and his grandmother took Monica to America and went to court.", Anna said in an interview.

Third lover

By tradition, the father of Sedokova’s third child was a successful and rich man. Artem Komarov is the son of a billionaire. When she told him that she was pregnant, the man decided to get married. However, the wedding never took place. Apparently, the guy's parents were against this marriage.

Eternal single mother

“It’s difficult for a mother to be alone. Not financially. I have long been accustomed to supporting everyone, being the basis. It is difficult to be the only warrior in the field. One parent"- Sedokova once admitted.

She addressed all women who are also raising children alone: “I read your comments, and I am filled with a feeling of pride for each of you. For my mother, who raised us herself, and for the thousands and hundreds of thousands of girls and women who were forced to learn the word “masculinity.” I'm strong and I can handle it. Like hundreds of thousands of mothers who raised their children without fathers..."

News about new celebrity novels constantly appears on the Internet. Who knows, maybe the prince on a white horse is already somewhere nearby...

Or maybe? Life is an unpredictable thing!

The famous football player Valentin Belkevich, who was one of the husbands of singer Anna Sedokova, tragically died today. The athlete died due to acute blockage of a vessel by a blood clot.

Valentin Belkevich, who was a native of Belarus, played for Dynamo Kiev and the Belarusian national team. The football player died at the age of 41, the official website of the Ukrainian team Dynamo announced today. “The football club expresses its deepest condolences to the family, friends and everyone who knew this wonderful man and first-class professional,” the website reads. After finishing his sports career, Belkevich worked as a youth coach for Dynamo Kyiv.

Valentin Belkevich died from blood clot disease

The famous singer immediately responded to the death of her ex-husband and father of her child Valentin Belkevich:

This is some kind of horror... I don’t believe it... He was a brilliant athlete, a strategist and a good person. He loved his daughter. He was loved and respected by millions. And especially one little girl... Thank you for your words of support. Thank you.

Anna Sedokova and Valentin Belkevich were married in the past

The couple have a daughter Alina

Anna Sedokova and Valentin Belkevich got married in the summer of 2004, and a few months later their daughter Alina was born. The girl now lives with her mother, but often communicated with her father and adored him. Despite the divorce, which followed a few years after the wedding, the celebrities managed to maintain friendly relations. The singer has repeatedly spoken positively about ex-husband and admired his endurance, perseverance and courage.

Sedokova tried to remain friends with Belkevich

Anna Sedokova was Belkevich's only wife. After the divorce, the football player tried to concentrate on his career, which was already going very well. The singer in 2011 married Maxim Chernyavsky, a famous businessman who lives in Los Angeles. After the wedding, Anna moved to the States, and a few months later gave birth to her second daughter, Monica. In February 2013, the couple decided to divorce. Recently Chernyavsky performed main role in a popular project