Colitis in a 3 year old child. A child has colitis: what to do? Treatment of chronic spastic colitis

Colitis in a child is associated with an inflammatory process in the colon and causes pain for the little patient. This is a serious disease, but responds well to treatment in the early stages. With advanced intestinal inflammation, long-term treatment, a strict diet, and serious complications are possible.

If you have the slightest suspicion of colitis in a child, you should immediately consult a doctor.

  • Currently, medicine is studying the causes of colitis in infants up to one year and older. The identified causes and symptoms of the disease allow us to create a clinical picture, but some factors that provoke colitis have not yet been identified.
  • The main reasons provoking the development of the disease:
  • Infections;
  • Allergic reaction to certain types of food; Immune system dysfunction;;
  • Incorrect or prolonged use
  • medicines
  • Eating disorder;
  • Mechanical damage to the intestines due to constipation or diarrhea;
  • Acute food poisoning;

Congenital defect or dysfunction of the digestive organs;

Polyps or neoplasms in the intestines.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis in children is caused by immune and genetic predisposition. Often occurs in children whose relatives are also susceptible to the disease.

  • The pseudomembranous type of disease is caused by spore-forming microbes and develops against the background of improper or long-term use of antibiotics and antibacterial agents. Excessive proliferation of microorganisms leads to improper bowel function and is diagnosed as pseudomembranous colitis. Symptoms Nonspecific ulcerative inflammation of the intestine Depending on the location, it can cause bleeding, diarrhea and abdominal pain during bowel movements. In 20% of patients, signs of ulcerative lesions are accompanied by skin rashes, inflammation of the joints and eyes. Timely treatment and
  • proper diet eliminate the unpleasant consequences of the disease; Pseudomembranous colitis nausea, vomiting, diarrhea with blood and mucous discharge. Signs are accompanied by pain and bloating; disturbances in the functioning of the heart (tachycardia) and blood vessels are possible. The pseudomembranous type of disease is usually caused by taking medications (Ceflaosporin, etc.), which should be immediately discontinued and consult a doctor immediately;
  • Acute colitis appears due to food poisoning, infections, individual intolerance to food or drugs, stress. Accompanied by pain, vomiting, diarrhea, fever and general weakness;
  • Symptoms chronic inflammation include alternating constipation and diarrhea, abdominal pain, especially after eating, flatulence, increased fatigue of the body;
  • Spastic irritable bowel syndrome is determined by bloating, improper bowel function, headache, increased fatigue and spotting.


If you notice the first signs of illness, you should immediately consult a doctor. Diagnosis and treatment of colitis must be carried out in a timely manner.

The examination is carried out by a pediatric gastroenterologist and includes drawing up a clinical picture and prescribing appropriate tests and procedures.

Diagnosis can be carried out using the following laboratory tests:

  • Blood analysis. Detects anemia, may show decreased electrolyte levels;
  • Stool analysis. Coprological analysis helps to detect mucus, starch, increased fat or nitrogen content, as a result of disturbances in the functioning of the body. Bacteriological examination helps exclude or confirm infectious colitis;
  • Endoscopic examination of the intestine. A sigmoidoscopy, sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy may be prescribed. The procedure allows you to assess the condition of the intestinal mucosa and identify polyps;
  • Irriography. Diagnosis is carried out using an X-ray machine and barium contrast agent. Allows you to determine the functional state of the child’s colon;
  • In some cases, when diagnosing nonspecific colitis, a biopsy is prescribed.

A thorough and comprehensive examination allows you to establish the correct diagnosis, determine the type of disease and prescribe the correct treatment.


proper diet should be treated by immediate discontinuation of the drug that caused the disease. The source of the disease is eliminated with antimicrobial drugs, for example Metronidazole. The pseudomembranous type of disease is especially dangerous for children under 6 years of age. If inflammation is detected in a timely manner, treatment has maximum effect and patients recover completely.

Treatment nonspecific ulcerative lesions of the intestine aimed at reducing inflammation and preventing possible complications. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibacterial agents and immunomodulators are used. Children are required to be prescribed a therapeutic diet Table No. 4 according to Pevzner. In some cases, with advanced or rapid development of the disease, surgical intervention is required.

Manifestation acute form of the disease should be treated, like food poisoning, with plenty of warm drinks, rest, taking Almagel, etc. It is important to follow the doctor’s instructions and not self-medicate with actively advertised but useless drugs.

Doctors recommend treatment chronic colitis adsorbents (Phosphalugel) and antispasmodics (No-shpa). At home, treatment is based on a fractional nutrition system. A diet is prescribed that excludes fried, salty and canned foods, and spices.

The cause of chronic colitis may be advanced acute colitis in a child. In addition, the disease can develop:

The inflammatory process of the intestinal mucosa can be provoked by psychogenic factors, the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia in a child, hereditary predisposition, congenital features of intestinal development, physical inactivity, and bad habits (in adolescents).

Secondary colitis in a child can occur as a result of endocrine diseases or diseases of the central nervous system.


The symptoms of this disease are characterized by an uneven course, acute periods are replaced by a state of remission.

The main manifestation of the disease is pain in the abdomen and problems with stool. Combat syndrome is localized in the navel, left or right iliac region; It is characterized by an aching character, occurs after eating food, intensifies with movements or before defecation.

Problems with stool in those suffering from colitis are expressed by diarrhea, constipation, and their alternation. Often there is a frequent urge to defecate (up to 5-7 times a day) with the release of stool of varying consistency. Constant constipation in a child with further passage of hard feces can lead to the appearance of cracks in the anus and the presence of a small amount of scarlet blood in the stool.

Distinctive signs are: bloated stomach, rumbling in the intestines, increased gas formation. It happens that the clinical picture of such a disease is dominated by psychovegetative disorders: fatigue, weakness, irritability, insomnia, headaches.

Diagnosis of chronic colitis in a child

To diagnose intestinal inflammation in a child, it is necessary to carry out the following series of examinations:

  • Coprological examination of feces.
  • Examination of stool for the presence of dysbacteriosis.
  • Examination of stool for the presence of lactose deficiency.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.
  • Colonoscopy is the name given to examining the intestines using an endoscope.
  • Performing sigmoidoscopy, examining the rectum with an endoscope.
  • X-ray of the intestine with barium.


Long-term colitis can lead to a delay in weight gain and growth in a child, the development of iron deficiency and hypovitaminosis. As a result, weakness and a state of constant fatigue appear. Colitis contributes to the development of hypovitaminosis and visual impairment.

Chronic colitis can develop into an ulcerative form.


What can you do

If you periodically observe your child having problems with bowel movements, he complains of abdominal pain, he has no appetite, he is weak and lethargic, it’s time to show him to the doctor. Self-medication of your baby is fraught with serious consequences, and at least will not bring the desired effect.

The only thing you can do is adjust your diet. The child should only be offered:

  • freshly prepared food,
  • 4-5 times fractional meals in small portions,
  • exclude too cold or too hot, spicy, fried foods, fast food products.

But even a therapeutic diet does not cancel a visit to a pediatric gastroenterologist.

What does a doctor do

The doctor, after studying the history of the disease, symptoms, nature (consistency and frequency) of stool, familiarizing himself with the test results, examines the patient, palpating the abdomen.

After clarifying the clinical picture of the disease, the doctor prescribes drug treatment, which is carried out against the background of a therapeutic diet, during which foods that irritate the intestinal mucosa should be excluded.

During the treatment of chronic stage colitis, a child is prescribed the following:

  • enzyme medicines,
  • enterosorbents,
  • probiotics and prebiotics,
  • prokinetics.

Antibiotic treatment is indicated in accordance with the strict prescriptions of the attending physician. Effective treatment Childhood colitis in the chronic phase involves the use of non-carbonated mineral water, compositions brewed from herbs. If the need arises, IRT, physiotherapy, abdominal massage, and therapeutic exercises are carried out during therapy.

Complex therapy for inflammation of the intestinal mucosa shows effective results.

Surgical treatment of this intestinal disease is not provided, since the disease is characterized by a benign course and requires only conservative treatment.


Chronic colitis can be prevented if the acute course of the disease is not started. In addition, it is recommended to monitor the diet of the child, especially those susceptible to intestinal diseases and problems with bowel movements.

Of no small importance is compliance with hygienic and sanitary standards, healthy image life, moderate physical activity.

Preventive measures for colitis regarding the infectious nature of the disease consist, first of all, in the timely isolation of a sick child from healthy ones, in the disinfection of his bed and underwear. It is required to carry out a sanitary and bacteriological examination in order to determine the cause of the disease. If even a single case of the disease is detected in children's team measures need to be taken to improve hygiene standards, monitor the cleanliness of linen, clean the premises, introduce individual pots, and strengthen control over food. It is necessary to combat bacilli-transmitters and use vaccination to prevent the disease.

Colitis can occur in children of any age. During the neonatal period and in children of the first years of life, this pathology affects both the thick and small intestine due to the structural features of the child’s body. The inflammation is dystrophic in nature. In many cases, the disease develops against the background of intoxication with viruses and bacteria entering the child’s body from the outside. This occurs due to non-compliance with diet and personal hygiene rules. Pathology can develop with frequent stress. In infants, the disease occurs when switching to “adult” food. In most cases, colitis occurs due to uncontrolled use of antibiotics. Genetic factor, unfavorable ecological situation play an important role in the development of the disease.

In 10% of cases, intestinal colitis begins to develop in childhood.

Description of the disease

Childhood colitis is an inflammation of the colon, accompanied by intense cutting pain with functional disorders of the intestine. More than 10% of cases of colitis develop from infancy. Therefore, the main problem of pediatric gastroenterology is the diagnosis and treatment of inflammation of the colon.

Since babies in the first years of life digestive system has some structural features; inflammation affects two sections of the intestine. This disease is called enterocolitis. IN adolescence

More common are isolated lesions of different parts of the intestine, classified as enteritis and colitis. Consequently, the inflammatory process can be limited and widespread, that is, covering several areas.

  • When the distal part of the intestine is affected, proctitis develops, and when the rectum and S-shaped intestine are inflamed, proctosigmonditis develops. The illness happens:
  • acute and chronic;
  • infectious and non-infectious;

ulcerative and spastic. Refers to dysentery disorders. Frequent exacerbations of a protracted form lead to a delay physical development

and psychosocial adaptation.

Causes of colitis in a child The acute form of the disease develops when a child’s body is affected. pathogenic bacteria

and viruses such as salmonella, escherichiosis, retrovirus, shigellosis. Gastritis and gastroenteritis develop along with colitis. The disease can occur against the background of food intolerance, dietary violations, or intoxication with harmful substances. The disease can be congenital and hereditary. In this case, the cause of inflammation lies in genetic characteristics. In older children, colitis develops with vegetative-vascular dystonia, due to intestinal underdevelopment, bad habits


The permanent form is characterized by alternating acute phase and remission. With such colitis, the clinical picture appears during the period of exacerbation. During this period, the baby may experience a cutting pain in the left abdomen. Due to loss of appetite, body weight decreases. The main manifestations of this form: frequent (up to 5 times) stools with mucus and blood.

The rest of the time, intermittent pain may occur during bowel movements, movement, and after eating. Stool changes frequently - from constipation to diarrhea with stool varying in consistency and color. The stool may contain undigested food or foamy mucus.

If the manifestations of chronic colitis include severe and frequent constipation, cracks appear at the sphincter opening, which leads to the appearance of blood in the stool. The child feels bloated and has frequent false urges to go to the toilet. Due to overwork, loss of appetite and insomnia, anemia and hypovitaminosis develop.

It occurs in three forms, depending on the degree of manifestation:

  • light;
  • moderate severity;
  • heavy.

Based on the prevalence of symptoms, there are two types of inflammation:
- segmental and total. Main features:

  • severe nausea;
  • general weakness and fatigue;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • very frequent diarrhea.

The stool is watery, green tint with bloody impurities. In infants and newborns, rectal prolapse is possible. As a result of diarrhea, dehydration develops. At the same time, the skin loses its firmness and elasticity, becoming excessively dry. Facial features become sharper.

Symptoms of colitis are differentiated from those similar to them based on the manifestations of cystic fibrosis, bile duct dyskinesia, diverticulitis, and acute appendicitis.

Diagnostic measures

Several methods will help to diagnose the disease and determine the form of colitis in a child:

Tactics for stopping the disease

Common methods of treating childhood colitis:

  1. Anti-inflammatory therapy using high-frequency electromagnetic fields, treatment methods electromagnetic waves decimeter range, therapeutic mud of various origins.
  2. Anesthetic therapy by prescribing electrophoresis with novocaine.
  3. Prescription of antispasmodics taken during sessions of high-frequency magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, applications with coolants, sitz baths.
  4. Specific methods, including endonasal electrophoresis with B vitamins, constant impact on the intestines electric shock under low voltage (up to 80 V), current irradiation with a frequency of 50-100 Hz, reception mineral waters for drinking, prescribing microenemas, colon hydrotherapy.
  5. Treatment with sedatives, including the effects of current pulses on the brain, electrophoresis with bromine on the neck-collar area, pine baths.

Restoration of intestinal functions after exacerbation of colitis differs in duration using complex techniques.

Diet therapy is one of the main techniques for relieving the disease. Young patients are assigned to table menu No. 4, in which dairy products are excluded, and the dishes are enriched with proteins from fish, meat, and eggs.

To normalize microflora, probiotics are prescribed

At the same time, antibiotics are prescribed: Sulfasalazine, Mexaform, Erythromycin, Enteroseptol. The list of medications includes analgesics, anticholinergic drugs, ganglion receptor blockers, such as Novocaine, Atropine, etc. To maintain normal intestinal microflora, the following are taken:

  • enzymes;
  • antihistamines;
  • probiotics;
  • enveloping, adsorbent and astringent agents;
  • vitamins of group B, PP, A.

Surgical methods of treatment are taken in extreme cases, when the disease cannot be cured by methods traditional medicine. Operations are indicated for specific forms of the disease: Crohn's disease, nonspecific manifestations of ulcerative and ischemic inflammation of the intestine. During the operation, most of the intestine is partially removed. This creates a connection at the ileum and rectum.

Ulcerative colitis is treated by excision of the colon and the inside of the rectum, preserving muscle tissue rectum.

Traditional methods of treatment are represented by a number of recipes:

  • decoction of alder cones, taken orally for 4 months;
  • cleaning with microenemas with chamomile or St. John's wort for 1 month;
  • microenemas at night with sea buckthorn oil in the amount of 60 g - for teenagers, 30 g - in the first years of life;
  • flaxseed tinctures;
  • cleaning with enemas on mumiyo with a dilution of 0.05-0.1 g of the substance - for adolescents, 0.02 g - from 3 months to 1 year.

Before using any of the above methods, you must consult your doctor.

A fairly common intestinal disease in children is. This pathology is characterized by the development of an inflammatory degenerative process in the mucous tissues of the large intestine.

Due to the anatomical characteristics of the body of babies under one year of age, in such patients colitis causes simultaneous inflammation of the large and small intestines, which in medical language sounds like. In older children, inflammation is localized directly in the mucous membranes of the large intestine.


So, colitis in children is a polyetiological inflammatory pathology of the large intestine, which is accompanied by degenerative processes in the mucous tissues. It is characterized by dysfunctional disorders of colonic activity and occurs with severe pain.

According to statistics, about 10% of chronic colitis begins to develop in childhood. Diagnosis of the disease is complex and involves conducting bacteriological, scatological examination of feces, etc.


Pediatric gastroenterologists identify many causes that can lead to colitis. Acute forms develop against the background of:

  1. Intestinal infectious lesions like or, salmonellosis and, rotavirus infection or foodborne toxic infection. With a similar etiology, childhood colitis is usually combined with gastroenteritis, gastritis or.
  2. It happens that acute colitis occurs against the background of individual hypersensitivity or intolerance to certain food components, non-compliance with the recommended diet or radiation exposure.

Chronic colitis develops against the background of an untreated acute type of disease, as well as with pathologies such as:

In addition, inflammatory colonic lesions occur against the background of childhood vegetative-vascular dystonia, psychogenic disorders, genetic predisposition, congenital abnormalities of intestinal development and physical inactivity.

Often cases of teenage colitis are caused by bad habits among the younger generation. Lesions of the large intestinal secondary nature are closely related to endocrine pathologies such as myxedema and hypothyroidism, as well as nervous system pathologies (and myasthenia gravis).


Childhood colitis is classified into several groups. In accordance with the number of affected segments and the localization of the inflammatory process, colitis is as follows:

  • Sigmoiditis, when the sigmoid colon is affected;
  • Typhlitis, when the cecum becomes inflamed in isolation;
  • Proctitis is characterized by damage to the rectum;
  • Typhlocolitis is a combined inflammation of the cecum and ascending colon;
  • Angulitis is an inflammatory lesion of the descending and transverse colon;
  • Proctosigmoiditis - the lesion covers the rectum and sigmoid colon;
  • Transversitis is an inflammation of the transverse colon.

According to clinical forms, colitis is divided into chronic and acute, and according to structural changes, inflammation is divided into, catarrhal or. Depending on the severity, intestinal inflammation can be severe, mild or moderate.

Symptoms of colitis in a child

Acute inflammation of the rectum, provoked by infectious factors, occurs with toxic symptoms, which include:

  • Hyperthermia and weakness;
  • Anorexia and vomiting;
  • The intestines are disturbed by spasms, which cause severe pain and false urges to defecate;
  • Stool can bother a child up to 15 times a day;
  • Fecal masses in colitis are foamy and watery, greenish in color with admixtures of bloody streaks and mucous masses.
  • Sometimes, during a bowel movement, a child experiences bowel prolapse.
  • Typically, children with this diagnosis are distinguished by the presence of signs of dehydration, which include dry tissue, oliguria and lax skin, and external features become pointed.

As for, they are distinguished by a wave-like course with periodic changes in remission periods and exacerbations. Painful signs and stool disorders are the main signs of colonic inflammatory lesions.

Painful symptoms can manifest themselves in the umbilical or iliac region, it is aching in nature, and manifests itself mainly after eating. In addition, painful manifestations tend to intensify with motor activity or before bowel movements.

Problems with stool in chronic colitis can manifest themselves in the form of diarrhea, constipation, or their periodic alternation. In this case, rumbling is observed in the intestines, bloating is disturbing, and gas formation increases.

Long-term development of chronic intestinal inflammation provokes in young patients the development of anemia, excessive weakness, weight loss and insomnia, as well as hypovitaminosis or growth retardation.


Lack of proper treatment can provoke the development of internal bleeding, threatening the life of a small patient.

Also, one of the frequent complications is perforation of the intestinal walls, turning into peritonitis, or appendicitis.

Such complications are very dangerous, so the appearance of the first signs of pathology requires mandatory consultation with a specialist in order to avoid undesirable, and in some cases, irreversible consequences.


To confirm the diagnosis, a small patient undergoes a set of diagnostic measures with the appointment of such procedures as:

  • Blood biochemistry;
  • Examination of feces;
  • Endoscopic examination of the intestine;
  • X-ray examination of intestinal tissues, etc.

Treatment of illness in children

Treatment of colitis in patients childhood should be comprehensive and not limited only to antibiotic therapy and diet.

Treatment consists of taking antibacterial drugs (Eithromycin or Enteroseptol), enzymatic (Mezim) and probiotic agents (Bifidumbacterin), painkillers (Novocaine or Platifillin), which can relieve small patients of severe pain symptoms.

An excellent remedy for eliminating the symptoms of colitis is a group of drugs with enveloping and astringent effects.

These include bismuth, infusions of St. John's wort or chamomile. Practice shows that the use of these funds can speed up the healing process of children. Since quite often colitis in a child is a consequence of an allergic reaction, the symptoms of the disease are significantly reduced when taking antihistamines such as Fenistil or Suprastin.

Compliance with the dietary regimen is important for the treatment process. Children should not be given rich soups, fatty or fried foods. It is better to cook food by steaming; among meat varieties, it is allowed to eat lean veal or chicken meat, as well as low-fat fish products. You can drink juices and herbal teas.

Usually in pediatrics, treatment of colitis is limited to exclusively conservative methods and only in very rare, advanced cases, surgical intervention is necessary. Therefore, a timely visit to a gastroenterologist will help protect the little patient from surgical treatment and the consequences associated with it.

Prognosis and prevention

If the child’s inflammation is chronic, then with strict adherence to dietary recommendations and medications, stable remission can be achieved. With frequent cases of exacerbations, a serious disruption of the psychosocial adaptation of children occurs, and problems with physical development arise.

Preventive measures involve adherence to dietary principles in nutrition, timely treatment of emerging intestinal infections, or dysbiosis. Children with this diagnosis are treated by a pediatric gastroenterologist or pediatrician.

Preventive vaccination is carried out after achieving a stable remission period for quite a long time.

If it is still not possible to avoid the disease, then after completion of therapy the child needs to be prevented from relapse of inflammation of the large intestine.

Colitis in a child is an intestinal disease that is accompanied by an inflammatory process and degenerative changes in the mucous wall. This disease occurs as a result of deterioration in the regenerative properties of the mucous membrane of the digestive organ.

Children are more likely to suffer from colitis age group. This is directly related to dietary habits and the weakness of the still poorly developed intestines.

When the disease occurs in infants, the large and small intestines are usually affected in combination; older children experience colitis locally, that is, inflammation affects only segments of the large intestine.

To successfully treat a disease, it is first necessary to find out the cause of its development, as well as determine the type.


Colitis in children can develop for various reasons. There are external and internal factors that provoke the onset of the disease.

These include:

In newborns who are fed artificial formulas, colitis may appear due to improperly selected nutrition.

As for older children, the appearance of the disease can be almost equally associated with any of the listed factors.

Species division

Pathological changes, accompanied by inflammation in the colon, in a child can occur in one or several segments of the intestinal tube.

Depending on the location, they are distinguished the following types colitis:

  1. Typhlocolitis– the cecum and ascending colon are affected.
  2. Transferzit– the transverse colon suffers.
  3. Typhlitis- the cecum becomes inflamed.
  4. Signoiditis– the sigmoid colon is affected.
  5. Angulite– the transverse colon and descending colon suffer.
  6. Proctosigmoitis– the sigmoid and rectum become inflamed.
  7. Proctitis– the rectum is affected.

Intestinal colitis in all children is latent, monotonous, progressive or recurrent in nature.

Depending on the severity, there are mild, moderate and severe forms. The pathology can also be acute or chronic.


How younger child, the more difficult it is to recognize and determine the type of colitis. Especially in infants, the symptoms are unclear. Parents often mistake the child's moodiness for ordinary colic, as a temporary phenomenon.

It is easier to diagnose children from one year old. The signs of the disease are already of a certain nature and have their own characteristics.

Common symptoms of colitis in older children are usually:

  • excessive gas formation;
  • bloated belly;
  • belching;
  • foreign matter in the stool (mucus, pus, blood or bile);
  • intestinal disorder;
  • vomiting or nausea;
  • signs of dehydration (dry skin, pale mucous membranes, acetone odor from the mouth);
  • pain in the abdomen (below the navel).

In infants under 1 year of age, signs of colitis include:

  • frequent regurgitation of food;
  • pressing the legs towards the stomach;
  • constant anxiety;
  • frequent crying;
  • loss of appetite.

In some cases, children become weak, get tired quickly and noticeably lose weight. Additionally, signs of vitamin deficiency and anemia may appear. This means that symptoms and treatment in the future are directly dependent on each other.

Possible consequences

Acute intestinal colitis in a child, if not promptly sought help from a medical facility, can lead to severe bloating, resulting in intestinal perforation. And then peritonitis develops.

Long-term chronic colitis can cause deficiency useful substances, vitamins in the body and anemia, as well as endocrine disorders.

Ulcerative colitis of a nonspecific type, in the absence of timely treatment, leads to the development of fistulas, anal fissures and abscess.


First of all, during the examination, doctors must check the child for the presence of other serious intestinal diseases.

To diagnose, specialists conduct laboratory tests and hardware examination.

What does diagnostics include:

  • general analysis of blood plasma;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • laboratory analysis of feces for the presence of pathological impurities;
  • or endoscopy;
  • X-ray of the abdominal area;
  • biopsy.

Once the diagnosis is confirmed and the type of colitis is established, the doctor prescribes treatment.

Treatment measures

Treatment of colitis in children is always carried out comprehensively. In newborns and older children, therapeutic measures naturally vary.

Kids younger age usually require normalization of nutrition. They are given rosehip decoction to drink to strengthen the immune system, and are fed only steamed and pureed food.

To alleviate the condition of the artificial baby, the doctor prescribes a dairy-free diet.

If the baby is feeding breast milk, then the doctor makes adjustments to the nursing mother’s diet.

For older children, it is also required to: normalize nutrition (there are only gentle, easily digestible foods, and temporarily give up dairy, flour, junk and aggressive foods), eliminate pathogenic flora, and direct efforts to restore proper intestinal function.

Therapy for colitis of various origins and types usually requires the use of:

  • enzyme preparations;
  • vitamin-mineral complex;
  • probiotics;
  • enveloping agents;
  • antibiotics;
  • allergy medications;
  • analgesics.

Physiotherapeutic procedures for the treatment of intestinal disease are carried out only during the period of remission.

Physiotherapy includes:

  • paraffin therapy;
  • diathermy;
  • ozokerite.

If the disease has worsened, then you can apply a slightly hot heating pad to the epigastric zone.

Folk recipes

Under no circumstances should you indulge in self-medication. Moreover, if we're talking about about the health of a small organism. Before using an unconventional prescription, it is important to consult a doctor about the safety of its use.

  1. You can try preparing a decoction of alder cones. You will need 4 g of cones and 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 60 minutes. Take half a glass twice a day before meals.
  2. Enema with sea buckthorn oil or rosehip infusion. Microenemas should be done at night. Dose for children – 60 ml. At all small child– 30 ml.
  3. Flaxseed infusion. You will need 10 g of crushed seeds and 1 cup of boiling water. Leave for an hour, stirring every 10 minutes. You should drink this infusion 100 g 2 times a day.

Self-medication can lead to unpleasant consequences, so do not abuse any medicines it is forbidden.


After you achieve a lasting positive result, you need to support the body for some time to avoid exacerbations in the future. Rehabilitation period is extremely important for a growing organism, which is not yet resistant to irritating internal and external harmful factors.

What should be done to maintain a young body after an illness?

To do this you need:

  • conduct breathing exercises, and a light tummy massage;
  • take a course of using enzyme and probiotic agents for preventive purposes;
  • eat easily digestible food, and no harmful irritating foods;
  • so that the pediatrician gives temporary exemption from physical education and exams;
  • preventive health treatment in a sanatorium (if possible).

These measures are necessary for the complete recovery of the child’s body after illness. This is the only way to finally improve the functioning of the intestines.

Provided that stable remission is achieved, when the symptoms of the disease completely disappear in children, only after 2 years the children are removed from the gastroenterological dispensary register.

Prevention methods

In order to protect a child from intestinal diseases, including colitis, it is necessary to constantly monitor the correct nutrition and the quality of the food he eats.

It is also important to monitor hand and oral hygiene, and promptly treat poisoning or infections if they do occur.

Timely vaccinations also help to exclude various types of infectious diseases which can cause secondary colitis.

And in order to avoid hidden development of the disease, you should regularly visit a gastroenterologist for preventive purposes.