How much does a piglet weigh? Pork meat yield from live weight

In pig farming, it is very important to timely calculate the amount of profit that can be obtained from this species economic activity. To do this, you need to know the mass of the animal - live weight. But putting some boars on scales for measurements is an impossible task.

Therefore, the weight of an individual can be determined without measuring instruments. Various methods can be used, including a pig measurement chart. For this purpose, it is very advisable for farmers, especially beginners, to understand age characteristics and indicators of pigs at different times of their rearing and know how much a pig weighs without resorting to scales.

In pig farming, it is very important to calculate the profit margin in a timely manner.

Adult pig weight

The average weight of a pig directly depends on a well-designed feeding ration. To compile it correctly, it is necessary to have knowledge of the mass of animals at various stages of their growth. This is necessary in order to calculate the required amount of feed and find out how many times a day it is better to feed the pigs.

When a pig farmer knows these average indicators, he still should not forget about the existing differences between animals due to breed characteristics. For example, white pigs will weigh an order of magnitude more than Asian pigs of the same age.

How much does an average pig weigh? This depends on several factors such as:

  • Gender;
  • Age of the animal;
  • Features of the breed;
  • The chosen feeding method.

The weight of an adult pig can be, subject to the required standards for its maintenance, from 150 to 300 kg. There are record cases where an adult pig could reach very heavy weight- about 1 ton. There are also dwarf varieties of these animals. Their weight is no more than 30 kg. Pig farmers, as a rule, prefer not to engage in such extremes.

Interesting. Each farmer chooses a convenient and profitable breed for himself. Pigs are divided into fat and meat. The fat of the former tends to form more actively after 6 months, while the latter have better and faster muscle development.

A lot of weight depends on the breed of pig. A boar of the steppe white breed can easily weigh more than three hundred kg, the Vietnamese variety - only up to 140 kg.

The average weight of a pig directly depends on a well-designed feeding ration

Pig weight for slaughter

How much an animal will weigh depends to a large extent on what breed it is and how proper the nutrition was during its growth. The white pig breed can easily reach a weight of up to 350 kg, but pig farmers consider 200-250 kg to be the normal average weight. If a pig is fed ad libitum, it can weigh 100 kg at three months of age. Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs can weigh up to 150 kg, but they are usually slaughtered a little earlier, immediately after six months.

Pig meat yield

The live weight of an animal on the farm and the weight for slaughter are somewhat different concepts and should be calculated differently. The second parameter determines the meat in pure form after the carcass is cut up. This should not include the lower legs, skin, or internal organs. This figure is correspondingly less than the live weight of the pig.

It is not for nothing that pig farming is considered profitable in obtaining products meat direction. This is due to the fact that there is not much waste left during slaughter and subsequent cutting. The slaughter weight includes the carcass itself without skin, head and no entrails. Slaughter weight is considered to be the ratio of live weight and that which comes out after cutting.

The average meat yield for pigs is considered to be from 60 to 70 kg with an animal’s live weight of 100 kg. With such a mass of lard, the result should be from 15 to 25 kg.

Important information! The layer of fat will be much thinner if the pig moved enough during life; if the animal moves little during the fattening period, the amount of meat may decrease.

The yield of clean pork is influenced by many different reasons. Almost the main determining aspect can be called the breed meat properties of a pig. In animals whose breed is not too large, the meat yield is greater when compared with large and tall breeds.

When an animal looks quite well-fed before immediate slaughter, it means that the amount of meat produced will be greater. The fact is that offal and bones do not change in weight, only the meat increases.

The average meat yield for pigs is considered to be from 60 to 70 kg with an animal’s live weight of 100 kg

Also, the gender of the pig affects the meat yield. A boar that has been castrated will produce slightly less meat than a pig of the same weight. The slaughter weight will be greater for those animals that the owner fed with special compound feed and introduced into the diet with food containing substances beneficial to the animal.

Pig weight without scales

Those livestock breeders who have sufficient experience in farming can most often easily determine the live weight of a pig without resorting to weighing. In this case, the error varies within 10-15 kg.

First, you can determine the weight of a pig, taking into account its age, as well as its breed. For example, a dairy Vietnamese can weigh no more than 4 kg; in a large white pig, an equivalent baby reaches an average of 9 kg. When the pig breed is large, by 3 months it can weigh up to 30 kg, after six months - up to 150 kg.

This definition is quite far from accurate. The weight of the animal also depends on the correct maintenance and feeding. If you feed it with household waste or potatoes, it will reach normal slaughter weight closer to 12 months.

There is another method. Its main principle is based on the animal’s fatness coefficient. Here's how you can calculate when choosing this method:

  • At extreme thinness the animal, its short stature and smallness, is assigned a coefficient of 162;
  • With sizes more or less average - 156;
  • When a pig is well fed, its indicator is 142.

When calculating weight, they resort to measuring the chest circumference and length of the animal. The resulting numbers are multiplied, after which they are divided by the desired coefficient. This result will be average weight animal.

Pig weight without scales

You can also use the formula, which is quite simple. The chest circumference of the pig is measured and multiplied by 1.54. The measured body length is multiplied by 0.99. Then these results are summed up, 150 is subtracted from this indicator. This will be the most accurate pork weight.

Weight measurement table

The pig weight table is a fairly accurate method; the error can range from 5 to 10% with this calculation method. In order to use it, you need to take the same measurements of the pig as described above: body length and chest girth. The first is carried out using a tape, starting from the base of the head and ending at the very caudal base, in the area of ​​​​the exit of the rectum. The second is made so that the measuring tape on one side is adjacent to the back base of the blades. Some measurement parameters are extremely important in order to achieve maximum accuracy.

A table for measuring the weight of pigs is compiled after measurements are taken; there are a number of conditions for this:

  • The animal must be in a standing position during the procedure;
  • The head should be raised very slightly up;
  • It is necessary to measure 3 hours before the animal eats food.

In order to achieve the fulfillment of the first two conditions, they resort to some cunning to interest the animal. You can use a small cup of feed, bringing it to the pig at the required level. While the animal tries to reach the food, the necessary manipulations are performed.

The resulting measurement indicators are inserted into the required column and line in the prepared table. In the place where these parameters intersect, there will be a result, that is, a certain weight. The table can be printed and hung in a convenient place so that you can always use it.

Here is an example of such a table.

Picture 1 Weight measurement table

How much does a sow weigh?

Reference. According to average indicators, a sow can weigh, based on breed indicators, from 200 to 350 kg.

Weight may increase with the arrival of the warm season due to the appearance of green food in the diet, which is very healthy and nutritious for these animals. In general, weight very much depends on proper feeding and maintenance.

When fattening pigs specifically for meat to increase their weight, feeding is usually divided into intensive fattening and less intensive fattening. With the latter, it will be difficult to obtain a large meat gain, since with such a diet the animal reaches a weight of about 100 kg only by 10-12 months. Of the obvious advantages of this method, business executives cite the minimum cost of feeding pigs, but the meat yield is also minimal. In this case, the owner uses only kitchen waste with a small proportion of feed for feeding.

Another way to meat indicators much more profitable in terms of meat product yield. By 8 or 9 months, the pig reaches a slaughter weight of 100-130 kg.

In general, fattening of pigs begins at a time when their weight is about 30 kg. This should happen when the piglet is about three months old. The duration of fattening is usually from 4 to 5 months, but sometimes it can be a little longer. During this period, the pig will gain about 700 g per day.

Fattening of pigs begins at a time when their weight is about 30 kg

Pigs are considered quite intelligent animals, and experienced business owners advise treating animals as gently as possible to achieve good results. Not only one correct feeding will help to raise a good pig from a piglet. An important point is the room in which animals will be kept. It should be quite spacious and comfortable, good lighting is welcome.

Young piglets that have not yet been weaned from their mother's breast must be fed from the very first day, immediately after maternal feeding. Can be used cow's milk with the addition of chicken eggs.

In order for pig meat to be soft and more tasty, it is necessary to use a large amount of greens in feeding. Suitable beet and carrot tops, weeds removed from the garden, or nettles. Place a tray filled with salt and charcoal near the feeder. Water for animals must always be fresh and clean.

On a note. Farmers also monitor the indoor air; too many gas formations due to the accumulation of ammonia due to untimely manure removal are unlikely to benefit growing pigs.

Raising good, healthy pigs in a private household is a very realistic goal. It is enough to have the necessary knowledge in this area and complete the work on time. necessary actions. Then the yield of tasty and healthy pork will fully satisfy the needs of the well-working owner.

To determine the efficiency of rearing, it is necessary to know how much a pig weighs in order to predict the feasibility of its rearing. Control of a pig's weight is carried out from the first month and continues until it reaches required size, for slaughter. These indicators will make it possible to predict the final yield of meat products and determine feed consumption.

Pig weight by month

To create a diet and be able to adjust it, it is important to take into account the pig’s body weight growth. Average animal body weights will help give a rough estimate of how much pigs weigh different breeds as they grow. If we compare a breed such as the large white and the Vietnamese pot-bellied pig, then the weight of the newborn large white piglet will differ from the Vietnamese herbivorous pigs.

Approximate data on body weight depending on age

Many other factors also affect the weight of the animal. The more piglets the queen brought into farrowing, the smaller the weight of the piglets will be. And vice versa, if she brought fewer piglets, then the mass of one piglet would be greater. A sow of the same breed can have both multiple and small pregnancies, even when kept in the same conditions. Upon reaching the age of one month, the young animals are suckled. And during this period, their growth depends on the amount of milk the female has. Therefore, their early maturity depends on how well the piglets eat. When using fattening, piglets will have high weight gain. If the majority of the diet consists of grass, vegetables, fruits and little concentrated feed, then the rate of increase muscle mass decreases.

Therefore, in order to determine how much a piglet weighs based on the average weight each month, you need to know what type of feeding is used for a given animal. High-intensity breeds such as Landrace, Duroc and Large Whites are grown for 6 months. At the same time, males gain more weight than females.

Large pigs meat breeds, which are used for intensive fattening, can gain live weight up to 350 kg, while queens weigh 100 kg or less. They are used for further reproduction of the herd in 10-12 months. At this time their weight is optimal. The body is fully matured to create offspring. At this moment, the male should weigh from 180 to 200 kg, and the female 120-140 kg. Herbivorous Asian pigs weigh 80 kilograms at 12 months, the maximum weight can reach 130-140 kg.

How to measure a pig's weight

At large industrial enterprises for raising pigs for meat, you can easily find out the real weight and correlate it with the standards, since there are special instruments for measuring the exact body weight of animals.

How to find out the weight of a pig without scales

In this case, even approximate data on the breed may not provide an accurate estimate of the animal’s body weight, so weight measurement is used using special formulas. In pig farming, several methods are used to obtain the most accurate final result. Body length and chest volume are measured and calculations are made. Of course, this method may not give accurate results, but it will help to calculate the approximate body weight of the animal. If you know the coefficient, you can calculate the mass yield of one head using a table of measurements. A pig weight chart is used. To find out the weight of an animal you need to use a measuring tape. A special tape for pigs is also sold, it is elastic and makes measuring easy. After the necessary measurements have been made, you can use the pig weight table. This will require 2 measurements.

Animal body length

A tape is taken and applied to the base of the back of the head and stretched along the back to the base of the tail, the indicator is recorded.

Chest volume

The tape is passed around the chest behind the shoulder blades, after the front legs. The measurement process requires that the final result be accurate. Measurements are taken 2 hours before feeding. The animal must stand upright and keep its head straight. To determine the weight using the data obtained, you need to compare the line and column and get the final result. The mass will have an approximate value, the error, on average, will be 7-8%.

Example: The pig's body length is 1 m 14 centimeters, chest volume is 1 m 20 cm, in this case the weight is 137 kg, +/- 2.5 kilograms. If the mass of a piglet is calculated and its length is 66 cm and its chest volume is 72 cm, then its body weight is 28 kg. In this case, the error will be about 2 kg. If an animal weighs less relative to its age, then its diet is not nutritious enough.

How to find out the weight of a pig using the formula

After you have learned how to determine weight using tables, you can use weight determination using special formulas. This method can be used if the table is in this moment not available. To do this, use previously obtained measurements of body length and chest girth. It is necessary to visually evaluate the animal. Since the coefficients used for calculation will depend on this.

  • Poorly fed animals will have a coefficient 162 . Visually, such a pig looks thin;
  • If the animal has average fatness, use the coefficient 156 ;
  • If the pig is of normal fatness or fat, it has a coefficient 142 .

Example: the animal has normal fatness, body length is 1 m 14 centimeters, chest volume is 1 m 20 cm, in this case the coefficient is 142. 114 x 120:142 = 96.3 kilograms. If the animal has average fatness: 114 x 120:156 = 87.7 kg. A thin animal with poor nutrition has a live weight: 114 x 120:162 = 84.4 kg.

Calculate the mass of the piglet

Example: 66x72 (with normal fatness of the animal, divide by 142) we get 33.4 kg. For a pig of average fatness: 66 x 72:156 = 30.5 kg. Skinny pig: 66 X 72:162 = 29.3 kg.

For example: pig weight 120 * 1.54 + 114 * 0.99-150 = 147.6, piglet weight 72 * 1.54 + 66 * 0.99-150 = 26.2 kg.

Although the results obtained are different meanings, they will allow you to approximately determine the body weight of the animal without scales. Measurements allow you to determine mass without the use of measuring instruments. This method allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of fattening and calculate the dosage of the necessary drugs. This method also allows you to give an approximate estimate of the yield of the final product. And predict how much meat will end up after slaughter large quantity animals.

It is one of the most common types of livestock farming, since pork is the most popular type of meat. To obtain high-quality products, you need to feed the animals properly, provide them with normal care and puncture them in a timely manner so as not to overgrow the pig, otherwise its meat becomes tasteless and the lard becomes tough.

Suckling pig is an extremely valuable commodity. This is the meat of an animal that is not older than two months of age. Features of pig meat are low-fat and soft. The older the animal, the tougher the meat and lard. Let's consider the main advantages:

  • young meat contains huge amounts of magnesium, calcium, iron and vitamins
  • enhances metabolism, which helps improve digestion and weight loss, unlike meat from adults
  • normalizes blood circulation, improves function of cardio-vascular system due to the high content of antioxidants and vitamins

Regarding the weight of a piglet, it is impossible to say for sure, since it depends on many factors - breed, health status, characteristics of the parent, feeding and maintenance:

  • a newborn piglet weighs on average 900 grams, but the figure may vary depending on the sow and the number of babies in the litter (the more there are, the less their weight)
  • at proper feeding a healthy piglet already weighs up to 10 kg per month, 8-9 is considered normal
  • By the age of two months, the piglet weighs 20 kilograms and is ready for slaughter
  • at three months the animal’s weight reaches up to 35 kilograms
  • at six months, a baby pig weighs 100-110 kilograms and is already ready for puberty

If pigs are bred for the purpose of business and to obtain quality meat in large quantities, then there is no point in stabbing piglets early age. You have to wait until they reach maximum weight.

Boar weight

There may be wild boars different sizes, depending on the breed and method of feeding. The average weight of a domestic boar is 300 kilograms. It should be borne in mind that in order to be slaughtered, the animal must be castrated, otherwise the meat will end up unsuitable for use, with an unpleasant odor.

For example, an English white boar weighs at least 400 kilograms at one and a half years old. That is, the slaughter weight of such an animal will be more than 300 kilograms, which is very beneficial for farmers. The main thing to consider is that such giant breeds require appropriate nutrition and care.

The weight of an adult pig fattened for slaughter can range from 150 kilograms (Vietnamese breeds) to 350. It all depends on the type and breed of the animal. On average, a standard pink pig weighs about 300 kilograms.

Pietrain pigs (spotted) reach up to 240 kilograms of live weight. Although they do not differ in intensive growth, they have high level survivability. Landrace pigs, although considered bacon pigs, can reach up to 300 kilograms of live weight. They are also characterized by intensive growth of young animals, gaining almost 600-700 grams per day.

Record holders

The pig is quite an interesting animal and with special feeding it can reach incredible size and weight. There are many examples of this in the world and some of them are even included in the book of records. For example, a boar from Texas weighed 1153 kilograms with a body length of almost three meters. In China, they have been repeatedly recorded weighing 800-900 kilograms.

Wild boars, even in our country, are found weighing more than 500 kilograms. But if we talk purely about domestic farm animals that eat on a schedule, then the maximum they can weigh is 400 kilograms.

During fattening, it should be taken into account that in addition to high weight, you also need to get high-quality meat.

How to measure the weight of a live pig

Almost all farms have modern equipment and electronic scales that allow you to find out the exact weight of a pig or boar. But not everyone has this opportunity, so you can use other methods to find out live weight:

  • The tabular method is considered the oldest and most accurate for measuring the weight of an adult pig. The table shows the weight, which is determined by the volume of the chest and the length of the animal.
  • If there is no sign, then you can determine it using the formula. M = 1.54*X + 0.99*K – 150 (m – weight, x – chest circumference, k – body length).

Up to six months, the piglet’s weight is determined by standard weight, depending on age.

Meat weight

The weight of the final product can vary significantly between breeds of the same live weight. This is due to fatness, the presence and amount of fat layers, the density of the meat and the thickness of the skin (if we're talking about about lard).

Live weight is the entire mass of a living individual. And the weight of meat after slaughter is the final result without entrails, blood, limbs and head. Of course, the mass decreases significantly. Approximately calculate the mass of meat and internal organs possible based on the following indicators (data are statistical averages):

  • pork kidneys – 200-300 grams
  • liver – up to 1700 grams
  • light 700-900 grams
  • heart – 300-400 grams

If we talk about the pig average size 100 kilograms, then it produces approximately 30-35 kilograms of fat and 75 kilograms of meat. Slaughter yield from 70%, depending on the type of fattening and breed of boar. Animals weighing about 100 kilograms lose approximately 30% of their weight during slaughter and dressing. If the live weight is about 200 kilograms, then the loss is only 20%. It is for this reason that farmers try to fatten animals to maximum weight in order to get a lot of meat with minimal loss.

Internal and by-products are also sold, so waste, in principle, will be minimal. Liver, kidneys and lungs are popular products. Even intestines and blood are used to prepare many dishes and sausages.

Age of animal for slaughter

As already written above, the slaughter of an animal can begin from the age of two months (suckling pig). In this case, the result is a small carcass, weighing up to 20 kilograms, with tender dietary meat.

A piglet is considered meat when it weighs more than 60 kilograms. This weight, in principle, will already bring profit to the farmer and cover losses associated with transportation and food. Fat people are different appearance. They have a wide, rounded body. Such individuals are ideal for lard and salting for the winter.

To determine at what age to stab a pig, you need to consider several points:

  • at 4-5 months the piglet weighs about 60 kilograms, but at the same time has a little fat and more meat
  • if the goal is to get fatty meat and a layer of fat, then you need to fatten the animal to 100-120 kilograms (by age this is approximately 6-7 months)
  • to obtain meat products, such as canned stew, the pig is slaughtered at approximately 7 - 8 months of age - it is during this period that the pig reaches its peak in weight

To get not only meat, but also high-quality fatty lard, after 4 months you need to use a special fattening method, in which the animal is fed at least 4 times a day. This method is used to obtain a carcass of at least 100 kilograms.

In summing up, I would like to note that it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to how long a pig grows before slaughter. This indicator depends on many factors. First of all, this is the purpose for which the animal is raised. To obtain milky meat, slaughter is carried out no later than two months later. If you need to get high-quality fatty meat and lard, then the pig is fattened to its maximum weight, which depends on the breed and conditions of detention.

How much meat is in a pig - on video.

Raising pigs at home can be quite profitable occupation, but to take into account productivity and a number of other tasks, it is necessary to know the exact weight of the animal. At the same time, not every farm has scales of the required configuration. In this case, a very useful skill for the breeder will be the ability to find out the weight of a pig without scales. This can be done in several ways, each of which requires detailed consideration.

Why do you need to know the weight of a pig?

Only a few, even among experienced farmers, can determine the weight of a pig without a scale. Meanwhile, this skill provides the breeder with a number of advantages and helps to increase the efficiency of raising livestock.

The exact weight of a piglet, when determined periodically, allows one to calculate the rate of weight gain in the animal. As a result, knowing the average values ​​for a particular breed, one can judge the effectiveness of the diet used to feed young animals and adjust it if the results are unsatisfactory. In this case, the menu is supplemented with various vitamins and more nutritious foods.

Attention! Detection of a steady decline in a piglet’s weight may be the main sign of a developing disease, which will subsequently help to organize timely treatment measures.

  • more rational use of available feed reserves;
  • increase weight gain in the animal;
  • prevent obesity;
  • improve taste qualities meat before slaughter.

But it is worth noting that the measurement methods listed below provide only approximate values ​​for the weight of a pig, assuming a certain error. Therefore, in the case of selling pork after cutting, it is recommended to weigh all meat products on conventional electronic scales.

Methods for determining weight without scales

There are several various ways Determine the weight of a pig without using a scale. The three most used among them are:

  1. According to the measurement table.
  2. Using the body condition factor.
  3. According to the age.

According to the measurement table

The method of measuring the body weight of a piglet, which uses a pig weight chart, is one of the simplest, but at the same time the most accurate. The error of this method of calculating weight ranges from 4–10%.

To carry out calculations, it is initially necessary to take 2 measurements of the animal’s body:

  1. Pig chest circumference. The easiest way to carry out this procedure is to use a measuring tape. It is wrapped vertically around the animal's chest and back, so that one side of the tape touches the back edge of the shoulder blades.
  2. Pig body length. After completing the previous measurements, the tape is stretched along the animal’s back, with its beginning applied to the base of the piglet’s head, and the measurement is carried out in the area of ​​the base of the tail.

When measuring to obtain the maximum exact values It is extremely important to consider the following points:

  • the pig must stand during measurements;
  • the animal's head should be slightly raised up;
  • measurements are taken 3 hours before the piglet eats.

To comply with the first two points, the animal must be interested in something. Most often, a small container of food is used for this, which is brought to the piglet’s nose at the desired height. While the pig sniffs the treat and stands motionless, the performer quickly takes the necessary measurements.

The data obtained during the measurement is substituted into the corresponding column and row in the table (it is presented below). After this, the point of their intersection is found, it will indicate the weight of the individual whose measurements were taken.

For example, if the body length of an adult pig is 1.26 m with a chest circumference of 1.24 m, then the weight of such an animal is approximately 161 kg.

Using the body condition factor

The second method is used if there is no access to the table. It involves more complex calculations, for which the same measurements of the animal and a certain value of the animal’s fatness coefficient are taken as the basis.

The indicated coefficients have clear meanings and are quite easy to remember:

  • for animals with insufficient fat, the coefficient is 162;
  • to deduct the body weight of pigs with an average degree of fatness, this figure is 156;
  • when determining the weight of animals with pronounced signs of obesity, the value 142 is used.

The desired indicator is selected by assessing pigs by eye. Accordingly, for the right choice In such a matter, a certain skill is required.

Further calculations are carried out according to the following plan:

  1. The girth of the pig's chest is multiplied by the length of its body from the back of the head to the base of the tail.
  2. The resulting value is divided by the coefficient selected after assessing the animal’s physique.

The number obtained as a result of such calculations is precisely the piglet’s body weight.

For example, the body length of a piglet is 58 cm. Its chest circumference is 72 cm. The physique is assessed as moderately well-fed. In this case, the calculations will look like this:


Accordingly, the weight of the young is 25.9 kg. Comparing this value with the table, we see that the number 25 is indicated in the corresponding line. Taking into account the existing error, we can conclude that the method is effective.

According to the age

Some breeders determine the weight of an animal based on its age. Undoubtedly, this parameter affects the weight of the animal. But with this approach the error is significantly higher, so it is possible to determine only the average weight of a pig without specific values. The reason for this may be the difference in weight between animals of different breeds. In addition, the diet and living conditions used on the farm also play a big role in the weight gain of pigs.

There are a lot of tables for identifying pigs by age on the Internet. Moreover, in addition to the general ones, you can also find more specialized collections of values ​​on the network, focused on a specific breed line of pigs and living conditions.

It is extremely useful for a breeder to know the approximate weight of a pig. This value allows you to timely adjust the animal’s diet in order to increase productivity, prevent the development of various diseases in time, and clearly determine daily norm feeding the animal. But to determine this value at home, it is not necessary to purchase expensive electronic scales. It is enough to carefully familiarize yourself with the methods presented above for determining the body weight of pets.

Kira Stoletova

An experienced farmer knows how important it is to monitor weight gain in pigs. A special table or formula into which the main parameters of the animal are entered will help you figure out how much a pig weighs. A chart of pig weights by size is a diagram that both a novice and an experienced farmer should have. Measuring the weight of piglets by month and taking correct measurements of the animal is important for breeding sows and pigs for meat and lard. How to measure the weight of a piglet or adult?

The weight of a pig is the main parameter indicating the health of the animal. How to measure the weight of pigs? To measure the exact weight of a pig, the farmer needs to use a special device or a formula with an average value.

Measurements should be taken at least once a month, especially in young animals that have begun active growth. All obtained parameters are checked against the growth table and only after simple steps can a person assess the condition of the pig.

Why do you need to measure the weight of a pig?

Measuring the weight of gilts seems like a simple procedure. Weight gain according to the table helps to keep track of a large farm. If the pigs successfully gained weight, and then the weight gain decreased, based on the discrepancies in the weight in the table and the parameters of the pig, the farmer will be able to react in time. The average weight of a pig is a conditional indicator with minor errors.

Pigs gain weight at any time of the year, so the schedule for measuring basic parameters does not change throughout the year. It’s easy even for a beginner to understand the pig weight table. The parameters are calculated based on two indicators: body length and chest circumference.

How to estimate the weight of a pig at home without scales? A special formula for measuring the weight of an animal will help in cases where there is no place to measure the live weight of a pig. The average live weight of a pig (the weight of the pig, which is indicated in the table) is different for growing young animals and adults. For different breeds, the values ​​​​from the tables may also change, therefore the average weight of a pig in the absence of a table must be entered in a separate chart. This is the only way to find out about the pig’s weight gain.

Average weights

How much does an average pig weigh? There are pigs with record weights of up to a ton. Average figures for an adult animal, depending on the breed, range from 200 to 300 kg. The average weight of a pig increases in the warm season, when the animal switches to healthy green food. The parameters of a pig's live weight differ from those shown by weighing devices. Only a formula or table shows the required numbers.

One of the most large breeds, characterized by large growth, is white. Boars of this species weigh on average up to 400 kg. In pigs of the Mirgorod breed, the figure reaches 250 kg. 240 kg for pigs is an average figure. Pigs weigh even more if the farmer does not skimp on nutritious feed. For good quality pork rapid growth of pigs is a negative phenomenon. Due to the increase in weight, the layer of lard, not meat, thickens in pigs. A half carcass for sale should not have a large number of greasy streaks.

How to measure parameters correctly

To enter values ​​into the table, the farmer needs to take additional measurements from the pig. In order to weigh pigs, the farmer should know that:

  • It is impossible to calculate the average weight gain of a pig overnight. It is better to carry out the procedure early in the morning, while the animal is sleepy and not too active.
  • It is not advisable to feed a boar or sow before the measurement procedure: it will be very difficult to calculate their weight gain.
  • With the help of food, the animal can be interested in the measurement process. By luring a wild boar, the farmer saves both his time and the effort of his assistant.
  • There is no point in scaring the wild boar or using force against the animal. Such actions will lead to counterproductive results.

You can measure the parameters of an animal with a regular tape measure at home without the involvement of strangers. Using measurements it is easier to find out how much animals weigh at different times. age periods. For large farms, several tables are created at once, depending on the breed of pigs.

Weigh half a carcass (one month, three month or one year old) less in winter when the animal’s strength and energy are spent on heating. The average weight of a pig aged one year and above changes regularly every month. Such an increase indicates proper maintenance of pets.

The schemes consist of two columns: average indicators and real numbers. Thanks to comparative characteristics It’s easier to understand how far behind the norm a two-month or one-year-old piglet is. The weight of the carcass determines its price only in cases where the pig has managed to gain not only fat, but also the meat layer (meat from the back is cheaper, and fillet is more expensive). The farmer should separate in advance the animals that are bred for meat or for raising offspring. At home, you can organize the proper operation of a farm and determine the parameters of all animals.

Gain table

How to determine the weight of a pig? Pigs are recruited in different ways, depending on the time of year, breed and diet. An important factor is the health of the animal: if pigs are born weak, one cannot expect rapid growth from them. Only greasy breeds can gain slaughter weight. The mass indicator is determined by two parameters, which are measured several times a year. There is no point in measuring the legs of pot-bellied breeds, but for dwarf breeds this indicator is just as important.

For measurements use a regular tape measure. First of all, the farmer measures the length of the pig’s body, and then the circumference of its chest. After measurements, the parameters are entered into a table and the average animal indicator is calculated. The breed determines the growth rate of young animals.

To calculate, use a table that can be found on the Internet or in specialized literature. So the weight of a pig is determined by age and body parameters:

Body length (m) Torso circumference 72 cm 84 cm 96 cm 124 cm 144 cm
0,38 11
0,50 15 21
0,58 17 25 34
0,78 34 46 59
0,86 52 67 112
1,14 146 211

Body measurements begin from the head (from the part where the back of the animal’s head is located). You need to measure the entire body to the tail. With age, the length of the body changes, so measurements are taken every month until the animal turns one year old. All measurements are taken from the head. The girth of the torso follows the line of the heart. In a home farm, weight gain occurs more slowly. The optimal meat yield per individual is calculated based on the size of the piglet.

Table for young animals

Buying young animals also cannot be done without taking into account weight gain; the weight of a piglet relative to its age can be calculated, how well it was fed and what kind of care was provided to it. This accounting will help you avoid fraud. For young animals at 4, 6 or 7 months, special calculations are made that take into account slight growth. But you need to remember that the weight of a farm pig according to the table may vary, depending on the breed, and the calculations will be slightly inaccurate.

Duration in weeks At the beginning of the period, kg General By the end of the period, kg
1 2,6 9 25
2 4,4 10 29
3 6,4 11 34
4 8,9 12 39
5 11,6 13 43
6 14,5 14 49
7 17,5 15 54
8 21 16 60

A small pig gains every kg over a long period. For further calculations, the small boar must stand still and move less during measurements.

Recruitment by age helps to keep track of a large farm with a lot of young animals.

Formula for measuring weight

How to find out the weight of a pig without scales? If the farm does not have a weighing unit designed for a large animal mass, the measurement of the main parameters is carried out according to the formula. Finding out the weight of a pig without scales using a calculation formula is easy even for a beginner. Thanks to simple calculations, the piglet weight table will show the exact increase.

To determine the weight of a pig (average weight of piglets) use various methods, based on the calculation of the basic body parameters of the pig. How to measure the weight of a pig using the formula? The weight of an adult pig according to the formula is calculated by the length and girth of the body.

The most simple formula, how to measure the growth rate of a boar without special devices (live growth rate) consists of 2 parts. In the first, chest circumference is multiplied by a coefficient that is 1.54. Chest measurement should be as accurate as possible. The length of the body, multiplied by 0.99, will help determine the second component of the formula. Determination of body weight (most simple task for the farmer) occurs by summing the 2 obtained indicators. Then you should subtract 150 from the number you get.

Formula for boar

The weight of an adult pig or a well-fed boar is calculated using a more complex formula. The weight of pigs fed for lard differs significantly from that of a sow or active young stock. The body weight of a pig without scales must be as accurate as possible, therefore all pigs are not measured using a single formula.

For meat-fat breeds, it is necessary to multiply the length of the body by the girth of the chest. The result obtained is divided by constant coefficient. For boars of simple breeds it is 142, and for greasy ones - 156. The yield of the formula is equal to the average mass. Measuring the parameters will not be difficult. Methods without weights are the most accurate. They allow the farmer to save money on the purchase of weighing devices.

Growth rate for a piglet

How much growth should a newborn have? one month old piglet and how much does a piglet weigh in different periods? The weight of a piglet is measured in the first days of its life. It's easier to weigh a piglet. Detailed video will tell the beginner how to distract the animal while the assistant calmly takes the piglet’s measurements.

The yield of one-month-old piglets (milk boars) differs from the weight of three-month-old pigs. WITH fourth month The little piglet switches to a special diet. The general table is calculated by age, so separate schemes are created for young animals.

Average mass ( general table not suitable for age) piglets depends on nutrition and the selected breed. Month-old boars weigh up to 10 kg. At 3 months the boar's weight is up to 25 kg. At 6 months of age, the pig weighs up to 80 kg.