How much should a 6 month old pig weigh? Sizing

Most precise definition live weight of pigs is carried out using scales. However, it is not always possible to have it at home necessary equipment. How to determine the weight of a pig without scales? The most common method used for this purpose is to determine the mass of a pig based on measurements of chest girth and body length.

1)Pig body length measured with a measuring tape, starting from the middle of the occipital crest, along the top line of the neck between the ears, along the withers, back, lower back and sacrum to the root of the tail. It is important that when measuring a pig to determine its weight, its head is in a position where the line of the lower jaws, neck and chest continues the line of the abdomen, that is, it is straight.

2)Pig chest circumference also measured with a measuring tape, focusing on the rear angles of the shoulder blades. Make sure that the tape does not lie loosely on the bristles, but also does not cut into the body. This will help you as accurately as possible determine the weight of a pig without scales.

In the future, it will help to determine the weight of pigs live weight table for pigs.

Pig weight table by measurements (kg)

How to determine the weight of a pig from measurements?

If you are involved in pig farming, it would be a good idea to know what they emit. five groups of pig fatness.

1 pig fatness group. These are young animals up to 8 months old for bacon, fattened on special feed. The first group includes white pigs, without pigmented spots, traumatic injuries, tumors, or bruises. In this case, the length of the body must be at least 1 meter. The weight of such pigs ranges from 80 to 105 kilograms. Another important criterion is that the thickness of the backfat between the sixth and seventh thoracic vertebrae, above the spinous processes (without the thickness of the skin), should be from 1.5 to 3.5 centimeters.

2 pig fatness group. This is young meat with a live weight of 60 to 130 kilograms. In the mentioned area, the thickness of the bacon should be from 1.5 to 4 centimeters. This also includes gilts with a back fat thickness of 1 cm and a weight of 20 to 60 kilograms.

3 pig fatness group. These are fatty pigs, including sows and hogs, with a back fat thickness of at least 4.1 cm.

4 pig fatness group. These are sows and hogs weighing over 130 kilograms with a backfat thickness in the mentioned area from 1.5 to 4 centimeters.

5 pig fatness group. These are suckling pigs with white or slightly pink skin, without bruises, rashes, swelling, bites or wounds.

How to measure a pig's weight you now know - a table of pig weights based on measurements will help you with this. By the way, in the same way you can find out

Victor Kalinin

Pig farmer with 12 years of experience

Articles written

It is important for any pig breeder to know what the meat yield of pigs is, because they are raised to produce precisely this product. This indicator will also be important for sales; it will allow one to evaluate the profitability of cultivation and calculate the pig’s feeding standards. The ratio of live weight of a piglet or boar to slaughter, the amount of pork produced is determined in percentage terms. The calculation is simple, made using formulas.

The weight of the grown pig depends on the selected breed and proper feeding. The heaviest are large white pigs, the most common in Russia. The weight of a white boar reaches 300-350 kg, and the weight of a boar of the Mirgorod breed is about 230-260 kg. For a pig, the normal average is 200-250 kg. However, a small Vietnamese pig can reach 140 kg, and a large white breed sow weighs twice as much - up to 330-350 kg.

Increasing the weight of piglets depends on proper quality feeding. This is 50-60 kg at the age of 3-4 months, and when fed ad libitum, the piglet reaches 90 kg or more in 3 months.

Large white pig breed.

Determination of live weight without scales

Not every household has suitable instruments, but the weight of a pig can be determined quite accurately without them. There are several ways. To be on the safe side, you can use them all at once.

To calculate, you will need to measure the chest circumference and body length of the animal. Chest girth is determined by placing a measuring tape behind the front legs at the corners of the shoulder blades. Body length is measured from the middle of the back of the head to the root of the tail. To avoid errors in calculations, the pig should not raise or lower its head when measuring.

Simplified formula

Experienced livestock breeders are able to determine the weight of a well-fed pig “by eye”. Developing such an ability requires a lot of practice, but any farmer from time to time needs to know how much a pig weighs, and a small farm may not have the equipment required for weighing. In this article we will share practical considerations on how to measure the weight of a pig using a variety of available techniques.

Measuring animals using scales is not always possible, so there are other proven methods.

In order for pigs to successfully gain weight, they constantly require a certain amount of feed. To calculate the required volumes, it is advisable to know the weight of pigs that are fattened for a specific purpose. Based on the weight gain of even one pig out of the entire farrowing, the farmer is able to draw an objective picture of his work and either leave everything as is, or make some adjustments.

There are other needs for such knowledge. For example:

  • the introduction of additional feed or fortified supplements requires precise control over weight gain - you cannot give too little, otherwise there will be no effect, but overfeeding is also not good - costs increase;
  • if the pig is already “ripe” to be sold for meat, the cattle breeder would probably need some kind of “insurance” - the ability to estimate the weight of the pig at home without scales in order to assess future benefits;
  • When an animal gets sick, it sometimes has to be given medicine. In such cases, the required dose must be calculated based on live weight.

Of course, these methods cannot compete with measurements on precise scales, but they allow you to approximately estimate the weight of a pig on average, and this is often quite enough.

Calculation method for animal size

You will need a measuring tape, a tool commonly used by tailors. The scheme is as follows - using a tape, you need to measure two indicators of mumps:

  1. Body length. To make the animal stand still, interest it in some kind of food. Then start measuring - place the beginning of the measuring tape in the middle of the back of the head and stretch it to the beginning of the ponytail.
  2. Breast volume. This measurement is made under the shoulder blades - you simply encircle the pig from below with a ribbon, bringing the ends together at the top on the shoulder blades.

Using the method of calculating weight based on the size of the animal, it is enough to measure the length of its body and the volume of the chest behind the shoulder blades.

There is no need to tighten the tape too much; an error of one centimeter is quite acceptable.

Important. All measurements must be taken before feeding the animal, and not after. The pig should stand straight, with its head raised.

Next, you should use the table we provided. Keep in mind that calculated using this method average weight pigs has a certain error, ranging from 4 to 11 percent. However, with the dosage of the same medications, such an error is considered acceptable.

Based on the results obtained, by the way, you can find out for what purpose this or that animal is raised. Some pigs are fattened for meat, others for bacon. When determining a specific category, not one measurement is required, but two:

  • live weight;
  • lard thickness.

Usually, based on these parameters, the measured pig can be classified into one of five existing categories. For example:

  1. A pig weighing from 80 to 100 kilos, which is already eight months old, can be safely classified in the first, meat, category.
  2. Young animals weighing from 50 to 150 kilos with a small thickness of fat belong to the second category. This also includes representatives of the first category who have some kind of trauma or developmental pathology.
  3. If the fat layer in an animal has formed within 4 cm, then this is already the third category.
  4. Heavy hogs that have gained more than 150 kilos of live weight are classified in the fourth category.
  5. Suckling piglets weighing up to eight kilos constitute the fifth category.

Measurements should be taken in the morning, on an empty stomach, in a spacious room or outdoors.

To ensure that your weight measurements are not particularly difficult, it is recommended to obtain more accurate results:

  • take measurements in the morning, when animals are inactive;
  • measure hungry pigs - this will allow the animal’s attention to be diverted to the food offered;
  • take measurements in a spacious room or even outdoors to avoid injury;
  • The measuring instrument must be made of soft materials so that the piglets' delicate sensitive skin is not irritated.
Body length (in cm) Chest circumference under the shoulder blades (in cm)
60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140 144 146
38 11 13 15
42 13 14 16 18
46 14 16 18 20
50 15 17 19 22 24 27
54 16 18 21 23 26 29 32
58 17 19 22 25 28 31 34 37
62 18 21 24 27 30 33 37 40 43
66 19 22 25 28 32 35 39 42 46 50
70 24 27 30 34 37 41 45 49 53 58
74 28 32 36 39 44 47 52 56 61 66
78 37 41 46 50 55 59 65 70 76
82 39 43 48 52 57 62 69 74 79 85
86 46 51 55 60 65 71 77 82 89 96
90 53 58 63 68 75 81 94 101 108
94 60 66 71 78 85 91 105 113 120
98 69 74 81 88 95 101 110 118 125 133
102 78 85 92 99 106 114 123 131 139 147
106 88 95 103 110 119 127 136 144 153
110 99 107 114 123 132 141 149 158 170 180
114 111 119 128 137 146 155 176 186 196
118 123 132 142 151 160 170 182 193 203 215
122 137 146 156 166 176 188 199 210 222
126 151 161 171 181 194 205 217 229
130 166 177 187 200 212 224 236
134 182 193 206 218 230 244
138 199 212 225 237 251
142 219 231 244 258
146 238 251 266
150 258 273

The measuring tape combines a table for determining live weight and a regular measuring tape.

Having both measurements on hand - body length and chest girth - find their values ​​in the column and column using the table. The cell where they intersect will indicate the approximate weight of the animal.

Calculation using coefficients

This option for determining the weight of pigs is much less accurate, but it can also be used if you have a centimeter ruler, but do not have the above table. How to determine the weight of a pig in this case?

The technique is as follows:

  1. Take the indicated measurements (body length and chest circumference).
  2. Multiply one obtained value by another;
  3. Choose one of three pig fatness coefficients, by which you divide the multiplication result. Pig fatness (conditionally) comes in three stages:
  • skinny pig – in this case the coefficient is 162;
  • medium fat pig– coefficient is 156;
  • fat pig – coefficient 142 is taken.

Look at your pig, determine by eye the approximate stage of its fatness and choose a coefficient.

After dividing, get the approximate weight of the animal.

Let us explain this method with an example. Let's assume that after your measurements you get the following values:

  • the body was 70 cm long;
  • the girth under the shoulder blades is 85 cm;
  • The pig is of average fatness, which means we take the coefficient 156.

Now we make the required calculations of the animal’s weight:

  • 70 multiplied by 85 = 5,950;
  • divide the result by the coefficient: 5950 / 156 = 38.14.

It turns out that the mass of the pig is about 38 kilos.

Based on age

The longer a fattening pig lives, the more it weighs. For example:

  • a month-old suckling piglet weighs 8–9 kilos;
  • by three months, receiving feeding, animals gain weight of 25 kilos;
  • after the piglets begin to be fed more intensively, they gain weight and gain up to 55–60 kilos in one or two months;
  • at four to six months their weight reaches 70–80 kilos;
  • after 6 months the piglet is already considered a gilt, its weight by the end of the seventh month should be between 90–110 kilos;
  • A pig becomes an adult by the age of nine months. By this time, her weight is already in the range of 130–150 kilos;
  • sows of the “Big White” breed gain up to 350 kilos;
  • in Vietnamese breed pigs, the maximum weight rarely exceeds 140 kilos.

The longer you fatten a pig, the more it will weigh. The methodology for determining weight by age is based on this fact.

Based on this, i.e. knowing how the weight of an animal increases with age, you can go from the opposite - to roughly estimate the current weight, knowing the age. True, the breed of pigs should also be taken into account, because, for example, representatives of the white breed and the Vietnamese breed, having the same age, still weigh differently.

Of course, the technique cannot take into account absolutely all factors. Some farmers give their charges specialized, complete and balanced diet, others simply feed the animals with what is left from the home kitchen.

Here is a table of the weight of piglets up to 16 weeks. The gradation, of course, will be very rough, but it may be useful to someone. We recommend using it to find out if everything is okay with your pets.

Piglet weight table by month

Pig age Pig weight (in kg)
Life period (month) Life period (week) Lifespan
(in days)
1 First from 1 to 7 2,6
Second from 8 to 14 4,4
third from 15 to 21 6,4
fourth from 22 to 28 8,9
2 fifth from 29 to 35 11,6
sixth from 36 to 42 14,5
seventh from 43 to 49 17,5
eighth from 50 to 56 21
3 ninth from 57 to 63 24,9
tenth from 64 to 70 29
eleventh from 71 to 77 33,5
twelfth from 78 to 84 38,4
4 thirteenth from 85 to 91 43,4
fourteenth from 92 to 98 48,6
fifteenth from 99 to 105 53,9
sixteenth from 106 to 112 59,4

Conditional assumptions

Of all the described methods for determining how much a pig or an adult pig weighs, the last one is, of course, the most approximate. It does not take into account, for example, factors such as:

  • living conditions for animals;
  • composition and nutritional value of feed;
  • time of year - summer or winter.

According to experts, on balanced feed, the weight of an adult pig can reach 120 kilos in just six months, but if you feed it waste from the kitchen and garden, i.e. boil potatoes for it, grate grain, etc., then the animal will reach this weight only by the year.

Advice. Let's add to the last method a few more facts that are well known to experienced livestock breeders. In summer and spring, pigs gain weight much better than in the cold months, so it is most profitable to buy piglets in the spring. If you have a choice, give preference to two-month-old babies who are able to digest solid food on their own. If you have suckling piglets on your hands, you will have to supplement them with milk for the first month.

Proper weighing on scales

If you have the opportunity to weigh your animals on precise scales, this does not mean that you will always get 100% reliable results: even electronic scales show weight with a certain error, so experts recommend weighing not once, but several times, and based on the measurements obtained calculate the average result.

Such measurements are associated with certain hassles and often require the involvement of additional assistants and even special equipment. Therefore, small farms usually use the methods we have listed.

Exit at slaughter

When slaughtered, the weight is finished products depends on the animal’s sex, breed, age and degree of fatness.

Particular mention should be made of the yield of livestock products at slaughter. Here the results depend on four factors:

  • sex of the animal;
  • age;
  • breeds;
  • degree of fatness.

When cutting pigs, the yield is equal to the following values:

  • from 100 kilos of pigs or wild boars, 73–75% of the product is obtained;
  • from an animal weighing 120 to 140 kilos, the yield will be 77–80%;
  • if the weight is more than 180 kilos, the yield is expected to be from 80 to 85%.

It turns out that the more well-fed the grown pig, the greater the benefit the animal will bring to its owner.

The live weight of a pig is considered to be its weighed mass before slaughter. But there is also the concept of slaughter weight, which implies the separation of the head and limbs. Let’s take, for example, the yield from an individual of the “Russian White” breed, which is extremely popular in domestic livestock breeding.

A carcass weighing, for example, 110 kilos is divided in the following proportion:

  • 10–11 kilos go to the bones;
  • 2.5–3 kilos go to waste;
  • The resulting lard will be 23 kilos;
  • 73 kilos will be meat.

Even with a pig weighing 110 kilos, half a carcass will be only 30–35 kilos.

Let us also give a weight estimate (also, of course, approximate) of individual pig entrails. For a 100-kilogram carcass:

  • the head will pull 8–9 kilos;
  • liver – 1.5 kg;
  • light – 800 g;
  • heart – 320 g;
  • kidneys – 250 g.

For pigs of other breeds, the ratio of finished products may be different.


We explained how to find out the weight of a pig using one of the generally accepted methods. Knowing the weight of the animal at least approximately, you can already measure out the medicine for it and figure out whether to add more feed.

Let us clarify once again - all the tables we provide allow us to obtain a value with a certain, sometimes up to 10%, error. A piglet that weighs one value at 6 months according to one pig weight table, may show a different result according to another.

If a farmer uses combined feeds when breeding pigs for sale, then his results will probably be better than those owners who chose a different path - homemade feeds, fattening the piglet for their own needs.

People living in villages often need to know how much an adult pig weighs on average. Those who are involved in pig farming more or less professionally acquire electronic scales. Others don’t need an expensive purchase, because you can find out how much a pig weighs without special tools. The methods for “weighing” adults and piglets are different - the weight of the latter is calculated by month. But all methods are characterized by fairly high accuracy.

Of course, this swinish business has its own records. There are wild boars weighing under, or even over, a ton. It’s not for nothing that obese people are compared to these cute pet animals. But, fortunately, there are statistics that equalize animals in their right to some kind of universality. True, breed classification makes adjustments to the average indicators.

The heaviest domestic breed is the Great White. Boars of this species weigh on average 320-350 kg. Pigs of the same breed weigh a hundred kilograms less. However, these indicators cannot be considered average. Closer to the “center” the weight of a pig of the Mirgorod breed is 240-260 kg. And if we speak exclusively in the language of statistics, then average weight“our” pigs are 200-240 kg.

Weight measurement methods

When it comes to adults, all methods for determining the weight of pigs come down to taking certain measurements. The weight of piglets is determined by month, but more on that below.

Measure living creature may not be very convenient, so follow some guidelines:

  • try to “weigh” in the morning, while the pig is not yet so active;
  • It is better not to feed the boar before measuring, so that it is easier for the assistant to interest the animal in the process;
  • Directly during measurements, it is advisable to stimulate the pig with tasty food so that the animal takes the desired position.

By measurements using the table

Two indicators are used - body length and chest girth. The animal should stand still, this is where an assistant with a treat will come in handy. The body is measured by placing a measuring tape to the middle part of the back of the head and extending it to the root of the tail. It is important that the boar's head looks straight ahead, being in line with the body.

The chest girth can be determined by measuring the pig in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. There is no need to tighten the tape too much, nor do you need to loosen the tension too much. An error of 1 cm is permissible. Having received the initial data, you should use the table. Let us remind you that in this way you can find out the weight of adults. Whereas the weight of piglets is determined by month.

To determine the average weight of a pig, horizontal and vertical lines find the intersection point.

By measurements using the formula

The same initial data is used here - body length and chest circumference. Only we are being asked to be more independent and use our heads. The average can be determined by the formula:

M = 1.54 * X + 0.99 * K – 150

  • M – mass;
  • K – body length;
  • X – chest circumference.

By measurements using the formula - for sebaceous breeds

The average weight of well-fed boars is determined by the formula:

M = (K * X): 142

You already know the encoding - it is similar to that from the previous method. For meat-fat pigs, the same formula is used, but the product of length and girth is divided by another constant - 156. If the animals belong to relatively lean breeds, the number changes again - in this case it is divided by 162.

These are the main ways to determine the weight of pigs without using scales. There is also the Kluver-Strauch method, which is almost no different from the first. It also works with a table. The only difference is that the oblique length of the torso is measured here. This method is more universal and is usually used for measuring cattle. And pigs are just a particularity.

In this video you will learn how a 300-kilogram pig lived in a house with its owners.

The weight of piglets is determined not by size, but by months and weeks. How exactly, further.

Measuring the weight of a piglet

The weight of piglets depends primarily on feeding. At three to four months of age they begin to be fattened. The weight of a newborn boar, with proper attitude towards a pregnant sow, averages 0.8-1 kg. A one-month-old baby already weighs 8-9 kg.

At 2-3 months, the boar, which until this time had been feeding on its mother’s milk, receives additional feeding. Weight at this age is on average 25 kg. At 3-4 months, piglets begin to be fattened more intensively and the figure reaches 50-60 kg. 4-6 months is characterized by reaching the mark of 70-80 kg.

Then intensive feeding usually stops. At 6-7 months the piglet weighs 100-110 kg, at 9-10 months – 130-150 kg. This is a very rough gradation, but the table will help you find out the weight of piglets over shorter life spans. It is limited to 16 weeks of age.

Weight in weeksEnd weight

period, kg

Weight in weeksEnd weight

period, kg

1 2,6 9 24,9
2 4,4 10 29
3 6,4 11 33,5
4 8,9 12 38,54
5 11,6 13 43,4
6 14,5 14 48,6
7 17,5 15 54
8 21 16 59,4

Of course, all this mathematics suffers from errors, sometimes within 10%. Pigs with live weight can crush any arithmetic calculation. But in many cases, being able to understand how much an adult or young pig weighs is very convenient. In particular, knowing the weight of a live boar helps in determining the amount of certain additives, medicines etc.

Video “How much does a pig weigh”

The video shows characteristics related to the size and weight of pigs.

The Vietnamese pot-bellied pig is becoming increasingly popular among domestic farmers. The meat of this breed is juicy and tender. However, there are certain difficulties: growing this breed just like ordinary pigs, it is impossible.

The breed owes its name to its hanging belly, which stands out very much in comparison with its short legs. Good-natured, calm black pigs with a flattened muzzle and small ears are neat and clean. Moreover, they are “compact”. Their small size makes it possible to accommodate a decent number of individuals in a relatively small pigsty.

The Vietnamese type of pigs practically does not get sick and tolerates all hardships well. climatic conditions, including temperature changes. Already at 4-5 months, a pot-bellied pig is ready to reproduce. A pig gives birth to 10-20 piglets. Babies do not have a fat layer, so week-old piglets must be kept in a very warm room.

A small healthy piglet has an elastic body and strong legs. Pot-bellied species need to be fed so that they quickly gain weight. One-week-old piglets suckle their mother. At the age of 10 days they begin to slowly eat with her. Toddlers have a minimum supply necessary for the body substances. Since they feed only on milk, their body has a low iron content. This is a direct path to anemia, which leads to slow development and possible death. Many farmers make vaccinations that enrich the body with copper and iron.

The pot-bellied pig is very beneficial in nutrition, as it feeds on grass. They can practically be grazed. Of course, grass alone is not enough for slaughter. In the first days, cow's or goat's milk and eggs are added to the diet. The milk is slightly heated and a drop of vitamin A is added every day, and a drop of vitamin D every other day. These vitamins allow you to gain weight well and have strong bones. Important point- do not overfeed, otherwise intestinal upset is guaranteed.


At one month of age, a baby can weigh about 5 kg. During this period, babies are just beginning to wean from mother's milk. Some pig breeders believe that the longer you feed babies with mother's milk, the better. But this is a mistaken opinion. You need to include chalk and clay supplements and vitamin porridge in your diet. In order for the Vietnamese breed of piglets to gain weight, feed is added to the diet. There should be water in the enclosure at all times. At the age of one month they are fed regular hay, corn porridge. By two months, piglets weigh 10 kg.

It is simply necessary to know the exact weight of the pig: if it is insufficient or excessive, it means that there is some kind of problem in the body. If, for example, at two months of age a boar weighs more or less than the value indicated in a special weight gain table, then the pig breeder should monitor the animal. Perhaps he is inactive, does not eat well, does not sleep enough, perhaps changes should be made to his daily routine. The first month of life is very important; the development and weight of babies should be appropriate for their age.

Three months

Three months is a significant period for pot-bellied piglets. At this time, they begin puberty and special growth occurs. How much should a pot-bellied pig weigh at three months of age? According to pig farmers, up to 23 kg. At this age, the piglet eats like an adult. His diet includes mixed feed, cake, vegetable mixtures, legumes, and bone meal.

Particular attention should be paid to the nutrition of boars. Their food should consist of 5% bone meal, otherwise problems in development cannot be avoided. Weight Limit at this age is 15 kg. Some farmers fatten them at this age.

But if the boar is raised naturally, creating everything necessary conditions, then the pot-bellied one will grow up healthy and strong. The average weight gain per day should be 500 g. Mini pigs gain slaughter weight at 4 months. Its average value is 35 kg. From the point of business profitability to more weight it is not profitable to maintain them.

Weight at 6 months is 50 kg. Pigs eat grass and feed. With such a weight, they have fat the size of two fingers. Although it tastes tender, it is not profitable to raise such pigs for lard. But the pork bacon is of excellent quality. This is why dwarf pigs are bred. This delicacy meat has much less cholesterol than regular pork. A Vietnamese pig at 6 months is ideal for slaughter.

From 7 months to a year

Vietnamese piglets weigh 60-70 kg at 7 months. Pot bellies need to be fed properly. The “Vietnamese” put up to 40 kg for meat, and then for lard. For example, corn for dwarf pigs is a controversial product. If there is more than 10% of it in the porridge, then the piglets gain excess fat. If you slaughter at this age, you will get 50-70 kg of meat.

How much a mature Vietnamese pig weighs can be found using a special table. This figure ranges from 80 to 150 kg.

This depends on the conditions in which the dwarf pig is kept and its “purebred”. This weight is gained by 10-11 months. Slaughter at this age will provide an average of 100 kg of clean meat.

After a year

An adult boar at the age of 2 years weighs on average 135 kg. Some farmers have boars that overtake females and reach a weight of 150-160 kg by the year. At this age, “Vietnamese” are used for breeding. In general, representatives of this breed are quite cute, quiet, very clean and do not stink at all. Breeding such pigs is a profitable business: they grow quickly and gain weight well.