What does terrorism represent? Modern terrorism


1. The concept of terrorism…………………..………………………..4

2. Main areas of terrorism…………………………………..8
2.1. Political terrorism………………….………………8
2.2. Information terrorism…………….…………..….10
2.3. Economic terrorism………………………..……..12
2.4. Domestic terrorism…………………………….…………12

3. The history of the emergence of terrorism………………………...…….16

4. Modern terrorism…………………………………..….21


List of references………………………………….26


Terrorism, as well as its consequences, is one of the main and most dangerous problems facing the modern world. This phenomenon, to one degree or another, affects both developed societies and still developing countries. The reality of the present time is the fact that terrorism increasingly threatens the security of most countries and entails enormous political, economic and moral losses. Any country, any person can become its victims. Over the last century, terrorism has changed significantly as a phenomenon. History knows the practice of state mass terror, for example, in fascist Germany or the former USSR. The peak of the “leftist” terrorist movement occurred in the 60s and 70s of the 20th century. It is sometimes difficult to draw a line between the national liberation movement and nationalist terrorist organizations.

Terrorism has developed most since the 60s of the 20th century, when entire regions of the world were covered with zones and centers of activity of terrorist organizations and groups of various orientations.

Terrorism has already become international, global character. Until relatively recently, terrorism could be spoken of as a local phenomenon. In the 80s and 90s of the 20th century, it already became a phenomenon on a global scale. This is due to the expansion and globalization of international relations and interaction in various fields.

The world community's concern about the growth of terrorist activity is due to the large number of victims of terrorists and the enormous material damage.

1. Terrorism concept

What is terrorism? There are few words that are so firmly rooted in the vocabulary of modern man. Most people have a generalized and rather vague idea of ​​what terrorism is.

Terrorism - the term comes from the Latin word terror, meaning fear, horror. It refers to “violent actions (persecution, destruction, hostage-taking, murder, etc.) with the aim of intimidating, suppressing political opponents, competitors, imposing a certain line of behavior. There are individual and group terror (repressions of dictatorial and totalitarian regimes). In the 70s – 90s of the 20th century, international terrorism became widespread.” This definition of terrorism is given in the popular encyclopedic dictionary, published in Moscow in 1999, and the meaning of the corresponding articles in other dictionaries is similar, and the content of the concepts “terror” and “terrorism” in them turns out to be almost identical.

“Terror” in Russian is defined as intimidation of an enemy through physical violence, up to and including destruction, and terrorism is the practice of terror. The actions of terrorists are not always associated with murder, but always involve violence, coercion, and threat. The goals can also be different: purely selfish, based on the thirst for profit; political, including from narrow corporate ones to the overthrow of the state system. Terrorist acts are also committed for the sake of an idea. Therefore, those who share the ideas of a terrorist often call him a patriot, freedom fighter, oppositionist, etc.

Terrorism can also be expressed in the destruction or attempted destruction of any objects: aircraft, administrative buildings, homes, ships, life support facilities, etc. One of the main means of achieving goals for terrorists is intimidation, creating an atmosphere of fear. Destruction of property by terrorist groups, even if it does not result in loss of life, can also be classified as terrorism. Terrorism is a crime that can be committed by one person against one or more people or objects (terrorist act). For terrorism as an international crime, committing a criminal act alone is currently not typical.

A more detailed and legally defined definition of terrorism is contained in the Federal Law “On the Fight against Terrorism”, as well as the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Terrorism, that is, committing an explosion, arson or other actions that create a danger of death, causing significant property damage or the onset of other social dangerous consequences, if these actions were committed with the aim of violating public safety, intimidating the population or influencing decision-making by government authorities, as well as the threat of committing these actions for the same purposes.

Less vulnerable is the definition given by the US State Department: “Premeditated, politically motivated violence used against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine state agents.”

However, there is still no legally impeccable, logically verified, absolutely clear in meaning, unconditionally accepted in international and national legal institutions universal definition that reveals this concept.

In the literature, the terms “terror” and “terrorism” are used to define phenomena of a different order, similar to each other in one thing - the use of violence against individuals, social groups, even classes. Historians write about the “oprichnina terror”, the Jacobin terror, the red and white terror of the civil war era, etc.; modern publicists write about criminal terrorism; terrorism includes aircraft hijackings and hostage-taking, etc.

At the same time, it is obvious that despite the external similarity of the use of violence, we are talking about phenomena of a different order. For a historian, the difference between the assassination of Emperor Paul I and Alexander II is obvious. In the second case we are dealing with a terrorist act, in the first - with something similar to the regicides in Ancient Greece. However, articulating the difference between these two regicides on a theoretical level is not so easy. Terrorism is a very complex phenomenon that manifests itself differently in different countries depending on their cultural traditions, social structure and many other factors. Which make it very difficult to try to give general definition terrorism.

From the above we can conclude: Terrorism is a political tactic associated with the use and promotion of those forms of armed struggle that are defined as terrorist acts. Terrorist acts, which previously amounted to the murders of individual high-ranking officials, in modern conditions can take the form of hijacking aircraft, taking hostages, arson of enterprises, etc., but what unites them with the terrorism of previous times is that the main threat from terrorists remains the threat life and safety of people. Terrorist acts are also aimed at whipping up an atmosphere of fear in society and, of course, they must be politically motivated. To incite fear, terrorists can use actions that do not directly threaten people - for example, arson or explosions of shops, the headquarters of political parties during non-working hours, issuing manifestos and proclamations of a threatening nature, etc.

It should be noted that this interpretation is not universal in nature and is tied primarily to terrorism of the 1970s and 1980s in the West. It is enough to apply it to the “disorganizational” activities of the Land Volyas of the 1870s, who viewed terror primarily as a weapon of self-defense and revenge, it becomes obvious that modern political science terminology “does not work” in relation to many specific historical situations.

To avoid terminological confusion, it is customary in the literature to separate the concepts of “terror” (violence used by the state; violence from the “strong”) and “terrorism” (violence from the opposition, from the “weak”). The phrase “individual terror” is also used as a synonym for the concept of “terrorism” in the literature, although the latter term does not always reflect historical realities.

2. Main areas of terrorism

Today there are dozens of classifications.

Let's start with the fact that any classification that separates types of terror on the basis of explanations offered by the terrorists themselves or by journalists writing on these topics is fundamentally flawed. It makes no sense to multiply the number of such classifications because they are infinite and practically “dimensionless”: every time there will be some new explanation for the sake of which such a classification will have to be expanded. It is difficult to consider, for example, various ideological classifications productive - after all, in addition to left- and right-wing radical terrorism, there will always be some new variety of it. It seems more productive to distinguish types of terrorism according to the main areas in which it is used. These areas define the goals, tools and expected effects of specific actions called terrorist actions. It is clear that purely military terrorism (elementary sabotage) cannot be confused with political terrorism, and street terrorism cannot be confused with information terrorism.

Political, economic and information terrorism are distinguished quite clearly. In addition to them, there is also domestic or general social terrorism.

2.1. Political terrorism







Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Terrorism as a social phenomenon of our time: Social and philosophical analysis”

Fundamental changes in international life associated with the processes of globalization and the decreasing likelihood of a large-scale nuclear missile war at the beginning of the 21st century have not made the world safe. The threat to peace associated with the rapid expansion of extremist ideas and practical actions to redistribute the life of society using terrorist methods. Modern terrorism differs significantly from manifestations of terrorist activity in the past in terms of goals, tactics and means of struggle.

The relevance of this study is determined by the following circumstances.

Firstly, the increased scale of effective terrorist acts, rapidly changing methods of action and regions of spread, objectively position terrorism today as one of the most serious threats to the security of individuals, society and the state. Modern terrorism does not challenge individuals political leaders, but to entire countries and their coalitions.

Secondly, due to the massive scale of terrorist organizations, the specifics of their training and methods of action, modern terrorism can and is capable of resisting not only security services, but also the armed forces. The use of insurgent tactics and methods of sabotage makes him invulnerable and creates a fetish for omnipotence.

Thirdly, the time it takes for the threat of terrorism to become a reality has been significantly reduced, because this is carried out by organizations, groups and fanatical individuals. They are well-covered, trained and provided for, have specific goals for changing the world, and consist of volunteers who are ready to not consider any sacrifices in order to achieve these goals.

Fourthly, terrorist actions find support in third world countries because the most developed in economically powers impose individualistic egoistic spiritual guidelines on these states, and this inevitably leads to opposition from the peoples of these countries. One of the extreme forms of such counteraction today is terrorism.

Fifthly, in connection with the development of scientific and technological progress, expanding access to information technologies, people with extremist views now have the opportunity to purchase or manufacture any types of weapons (including mass destruction), as well as use latest achievements science to fulfill your plans.

Sixthly, a certain closedness and secrecy of the phenomenon of modern terrorism, which is expressed in insufficient scientific study of it as an integral social phenomenon, and in connection with this, the need for a philosophical understanding of its essence, content and main forms of manifestation.

Thus, the problem of studying modern terrorism, its role in the processes occurring in public life, genesis and development trends, manifestations of essence, structure, forms and functions is currently acquiring special significance.

The degree of scientific development of the problem. In the scientific literature, terrorism appears as one of the actively studied problems. Many social sciences present their analysis of this phenomenon. Currently, there is a large number of political science, psychological, sociological, legal and other dissertation studies of modern terrorism. Various scientific settings and specific areas of research have led to a clear differentiation of knowledge about this phenomenon. In political science, terrorism is considered in a system of factors influencing the political system of society1. Psychology focuses on the characteristics of the psyche of terrorists, the manifestations of mental disorders in victims of terrorist acts. Sociology studies the dynamics of terrorist manifestations in society3. Legal studies examine the legal aspects of terrorism as a highly dangerous criminal act4, etc.

An idea of ​​the level of socio-philosophical analysis of modern terrorism can be formed on the basis of a review of the available literature, which presents an essential analysis of this phenomenon and highlights its substantive elements as a social phenomenon.

Analysis results scientific works on the topic of dissertation research allow you to highlight the most and least studied aspects, conditionally divide the literature and publications into groups.

The first group should include works that explore the essence of terrorism as a phenomenon of social life. In this group, subgroups can be identified, because Depending on the clarification of the essence, the main aspects of modern terrorism are highlighted here.

There are a number of works by L. Kitaev-Smyk, D. V. Olshansky, V. Shlyapentokh and others5, focusing on the psychology of fear, its impact on the person

1 See for example: Borodin A.M. Political problems of modern terrorism: Av-toref. dis. . Ph.D. polit, science - Kazan, 2002; Karatueva E.N. Political terrorism: theory and practice: Author's abstract. dis. Ph.D. polit, science - M., 2001.

2 See: for example: Kochergina A.R. Psychophysical and psychological diagnostics of post-traumatic stress disorders using the example of victims of terrorism in Budennovsk in 1995: Author's abstract. dis. Ph.D. psychol. Sci. - Stavropol, 1999.

3 See for example: Grishaev VV. Social risk: conceptual models and analysis of terrorism in the urban environment: Author's abstract. dis. . Ph.D. sociol. Sci. - M., 2002; Epstein V.A. Political terrorism as a phenomenon of modern society: Author's abstract. dis. . Ph.D. sociol. Sci. -M., 1999.

4 See: Martynenko B.K. Theoretical and legal issues of political terrorism: Author's abstract. dis. . Ph.D. legal Sci. - M., 2000; Khabachirov M.JI. International legal problems in the fight against nuclear terrorism: Author's abstract. dis. Ph.D. legal Sci. - M., 2001.

5 See: Kitaev-Smyk JI.A. Psychology of stress. - M., 1983; Olshansky D.V. Psychology of terrorism. - St. Petersburg, 2002; Shlapentoh V., Shubkin V. et al. Catastrophic consciousness in the modern world at the end of the 20th century. - M., 1999. http://www.auditorium.ru/books/28/index.html. century and society, the mechanism of emergence, development and influence of fear on political decision-making.

Terrorism is considered as a phenomenon of political violence that affects public policy in the works of I. Alexander, W. Vo, G. Deniker, A. Cassis, W. Lacker, P. Wilkinson, and others1, identifying the increasing danger of this phenomenon for society in modern stage works by V. Vityuk, V. Zamkov, M. Ilchikov, E. N. Karatueva, N. N. Kudrina, U

O.V. Ryzhov, B. Hoffman, S. Efirov and others.

Many modern researchers see terrorism as a type of social conflict (N. Melentyeva, B. Churkov)3, a product of Western virtual culture (E. Guy Debord, R. Vakhitov)4, a special social information technology (I. Ryzhov, N. Slyadneva) 5 or an irrational reaction to injustice - a “revolution of the insane” (R. Gressart-Matichek, I. Manatskov)6.

1 See: Alexander I. Terrorism: Theory and Practic. - N.Y., 1980 Cassesse A. Terrorism, Politics and Law. - Cambridge, 1989 Deniker G. Antiterror - strategie. - Stuttgart., 1974 Laquer W. Terrorism. - L., 1983; Laquer W. The Terrorism Reader: A Historical Anthology. Ed. By Walter -L., 1975; Levingstone C. Neil The War against Terrorism. 8th Printing. Lexington Books. Toronto. 1987; Thackrah R. Terrorism: A Definitional Problem // Contemporary Research on Terrorism. Edited by Paul Wilkinson and Alasdair M. Stewart. Aberdeen University Press. Aberdeen, 1989. P. 31; Waugh L. William International Terrorism: How Nations Respond to Terrorists. Documentary publications. Salisbury, N.C., USA, 1982; Wilkinson P. The Laws of War and Terrorism. //The Morality of Terrorism. /Ed. by Rappoport, Y. Alexander. - N.Y., 1989; Wolf B. John Fear of Fear: A survey of Terrorist Operations and Controls in Open Societies. Plenum Press. New York and London, 1981.

2 See: Zamkovoy V., Ilchikov M. Terrorism - global problem modernity. -M., 1996; Karatueva E.N., Ryzhov O.V., Salnikov P.I. Political terrorism: Theory and modern realities. - M., 2001; Kudrina N.N. Political terrorism: essence, forms of manifestation, methods of counteraction: Author's abstract. dis. . Ph.D. polit, science - St. Petersburg, 2001; Hoffman B. Terrorism - a view from the inside. - M., 2003.

3 See: Melentyeva N. Reflections on terror, http://arctogaia.org.ru/modules.php? name= News&file=article&sid=499; Churkov B.G. Motivational and ideological foundations of modern terrorism, http://conflictolog.isras.ru/93-4-l.html

4 See: Vakhitov R. Myths and essence, http://www.hrono.ru/text/2003/vahit03 03.html

5 See: Ryzhov I. Terrorism: special opinion, http://www.alfa.org.ua/011113.htm; Slyadneva N.A. International terrorism and voluntary PR: symbiosis generated by the new information regime of the 21st century, http://www.library.by/data/005/074.htm;

6 See: Manatskov I.V. Political terrorism: regional aspect: Author's abstract. dis. . Ph.D. philosopher, scientist - M., 1998.

A number of legal experts V.P.Emelyanov, S.I.Illarionov V.E.Petrishchev, K.N.Salimov, V.V.Ustinov, and others1 consider terrorism as a “supercrime” that creates the danger of death, causing significant property damage and other dangerous consequences subject to criminal prosecution.

Among scientists who study the moral foundations of terrorism (Yu.M. Gogolitsyn, V.A. Lefevre, R. Rybakov), there is a vision of terrorism as a collision of two completely different ethical systems, the “evil” and the “good principle” in people. A similar point of view is shared by spiritual leaders of various religions: Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II, Pope John Paul II, Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia Sheikh-ul-Islam T. Tajuddin, who express an opinion on terrorism as an evil, a sin, a heretical idea, used by people far from religion3.

Other authors (N. Narochnitskaya, S. Huntington, V. Shestakov) note the similarity in a number of features of the phenomena of terrorism and war and on this basis conclude that modern terrorism is its new form4. Foreign and domestic military theorists (A.K. Belov, M. Liebig, V.I. Slipchenko, A.

1 See: Emelyanov V.P. Terrorism and crimes with signs of terrorism. - St. Petersburg, 2002; Nazarkin M.V. Criminological characteristics and prevention of terrorism: Author's abstract. dis. . Ph.D. legal Sci. - M., 1998; Petrishchev V.E. Notes on terrorism. -M., 2001; Salimoe K.N. Modern problems of terrorism - M., 2000; Modern terrorism: state and prospects / Ed. E.I. Stepanova. - M., 2000; Ustinov V.V. International experience in the fight against terrorism: standards and practice - M., 2002; Terrorism and transport security in Russia (1991-2002): White book / Ed. V.N. Lopatina. -SPb., 2004.

2 See: Gogolitsin Yu.M. Sponsors of Jihad. - M., 2003; Let's check the world disharmony with algebra. Conversation with V.A. Lefebvre // Centaur. - 2003. No. 31; Rybakov R. Terrorism - a threat to humanity in the 21st century - M., 2003.

3 See: Geopolitics of Terror: Geopolitical Consequences of the Terrorist Acts in the United States on September 11, 2001 (collection of articles). - M., 2002; Information bulletin of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate. - 2001. No. 9; Muslim theologians defined terrorism in Mecca. http://txt.newsru.com/religy/15j an2002/mekkaconfer .html

4 See: Messner E. The Face of Modern War // Military Thought in Exile. - M., 1999; Narochnitskaya N.A. Terrorism: an ugly accident or an inevitable feature of globalization? http://www.zhilin.ru; Huntington S. Clash of Civilizations? - M., 2003\1Lestakov V. Terror - world war. - M., 2003. von der Heydte et al.1), considering various aspects of a terrorist war, pay special attention to studying its essence, as well as identifying the similarities and differences between terrorism and “classical” war.

The second group includes works devoted to identifying the content of terrorism, its signs, distinctive features and the forms of its manifestations. The most general approach is presented in the works of J. Baudrillard, E. G. Lyakhov, G. V. Novikova, M. N. Shakhov and other authors3, who consider the content of modern terrorism as a set of three interrelated facets - doctrinal, organizational and activity.

Terrorism researchers K.V. Zharinov, E.P. Kozhushko, M.P. Trebin and others4 in their publications analyze structural elements, identify its individual types and classify it on various grounds. Among such grounds are the following: ideology of terrorism, goals, objects of terrorist actions, geography of terrorist manifestations, organizational foundations, strategic and tactical features, terrorist environment

1 See: Liebig M. Strategic context of modern irregular warfare // Almanac Russia - 2010. http://wwwl.df.ru/~metuniv/index.htm; Boyarsky V.I. Partisanship yesterday, today, tomorrow. - M., 2003; Lyakhov E.G., Popov A.V. Terrorism: national, regional and international control. - M., 1999; Slipchenko V.I. Sixth generation wars. Weapons and military art future. - M., 2002; Shakhov M.N. Theoretical problems of modern terrorism. - M., 2003.

2 See: Mantaev A. A. “Wahhabism” and the political situation in Dagestan. http://www.yaseen.ru/ dissertacia/ disertacial.htm; Medvedko L.I. Russia, the West, Islam: “clash of civilizations”? Worlds in world and “other” wars at the break of eras. - M., 2003

3 See: J. Baudrillard. The Spirit of Terrorism, http://www.inosmi.ru/2001/ll/06/ 1005042843.html; Lazarev N.Ya. Some aspects of terrorism in the context of a modern conflict situation (terrorist considerations) // Social conflicts: examination, forecasting, resolution technology. - M., 1993; Lyakhov E.G. Problems of cooperation between states in the fight against international terrorism. - M., 1979; Novikova G.V. Strong strategy of the weak // Terrorism at the end of the 20th century. - Polis. - 2000. No. 1; Shakhov M.N. Theoretical problems of modern terrorism. - M., 2003;.

4 See: Zharinov KV. Terrorism and terrorists: a historical reference book. - Mn., 1999; Kozhushko E.P. Modern terrorism: Analysis of the main directions. - Mn., 2000; Trebin M.P. Terrorism in the 21st century. - Mn., 2003. struggle, forms and methods of terrorist influence, methods and means of terrorists, etc.

Historical analysis is presented in the works of V.V. Luneev, B. Tamm, S.A. Efirov and others,1 who focus their attention on the inherent features of modern terrorism that distinguish it from terrorist manifestations in the past and its trends further development, reflect the diversity of content of the phenomenon of modern terrorism.

The third group should include scientific articles, monographs, dissertations, documents that consider possible directions for countering modern terrorism in various fields public life.

International level the problems of the fight against terrorism are studied in the works of A.I. Gusher, S.G. Fedorov, O.M. Khlobustov and others, they propose a number of measures regulating international relationships on issues of suppressing the activities of terrorists, their prosecution and extradition. Authors A.M. Borodin, K.P. Burtny, E.P. Kozhushko3 in their works formulate a system of measures organized by government bodies and public organizations to eliminate the contradictions in social life that cause terrorist activity. Researchers such as A. Ilyin,

1 See: Luneev V.V. Almanac Organized crime, terrorism and corruption. -2003. No. 2. http://www.satcor.ru/anthology/2003/02/ancontents.html; Efirov S.A. Terrorism as a catastrophic factor. Social conflicts: examination, forecasting, resolution technologies, http://conflictolog.isras.ru/93-4.html; Thamm B.G. Terrorismus. Ein Handbuch uber Tater und Opfer. - Buchvertrieb, 2002.

2 See: Gusher A.I. The problem of terrorism at the turn of the third millennium of the new era of mankind. www.e-journal.ru/peuro-st3-3.html; Kravchenko I.N. Diplomatic aspects of countering transnational terrorism. http://www.ipma.ru/publikazii/terrorizm/315.html; Khlobustov O.M., Fedorov S.G. Terrorism: the reality of the current state // Modern terrorism: state and prospects. Ed. E.I. Stepanova. M., 2000; l

See: Borodin A.M. Political problems of modern terrorism: Author's abstract. dis. . Ph.D. polit, science - Kazan, 2002; Burtny K.P. Modern political terrorism. -M., 2003; Illarionov S.I. Terror and anti-terrorism in the modern world order. - M., 2003; Kozhushko EL. Modern terrorism: analysis of the main directions. - Minsk, 2000.

D.V. Olshansky et al.1 analyze methods that reduce the terrorist danger for individuals, formulate rules for safe individual behavior in conditions of terrorist activity.

Among the state-legal literature devoted to the problem of countering terrorism, international agreements, laws of the Russian Federation, legal norms, aimed at organizing cooperation between states, defining the legislative prohibition of terrorism, its material and financial support, organizing the exchange of information for effective counteraction, etc.

Issues related to the armed counter-terrorist struggle are covered in the works of A. Kulikov, A. Nikolaev, P. Popovskikh, V. Suvorov, A. Taras and others.3

1 See: Ilyin A. Terrorism or how to protect our cities from explosions // School of survival in conditions of economic crisis. - M., 2003; Olshansky D.V. Psychology of terrorism. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002

2 See for example: International Convention against the Taking of Hostages adopted by the UN General Assembly on 12/17/1979; Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Their Detection, done in Montreal on 1 March 1991; Declaration on measures to eliminate international terrorism, adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 9, 1994 // Zharinov KV. Terrorism and terrorists - Mn., 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings, adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 15, 1997; International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 9, 1999; http://www.knb.kz/index.php?parentid=1016169254&date= &chapter=l 062472967; Shanghai Convention on Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism adopted on June 15, 2001; Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the fight against terrorism” dated July 25, 1998 No. 130-FZ. // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998. No. 31. Art. 3808; Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Combating Extremist Activities” dated July 25, 2002 No. 114-FZ. // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002. No. 30; The concept of national security of the Russian Federation. www.scrf.gov.ru/Documents/ Decree/2000/24-1; Military doctrine of the Russian Federation. www.scrf.gov.ru/Documents/ Decree/2000/706-1 .html;

3 See: Belov L.K. The Art of Guerrilla Warfare. - M., 2003; Gerasimov A.V. On the cutting edge with terrorists: memories. - M., 1991; Grinyaev S. Fight of networks // Independent military review. - 2002. No. 3; Kulikov A. The army cannot stand aside from the anti-terrorist struggle, http://nvo.ng.ru/concepts/2003-01-31/5kulikov.html; Small war. Organization and tactics of combat operations of small units: a textbook / Comp. A.E. Taras. - Mn., 2003; Nikolaev A. We have a terrorist war // Independent Military Review. - 2002. No. 40; Popovskikh P. Russian response to the “rebellion war” // Independent Military Review. - 2002. No. 21; Troshin N.V. Administrative and police bodies of Tsarist Russia in the fight against extremism and terror in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries: Author's abstract. dis. . Ph.D. history Sci. - Vladimir, 2000.

A special group should be allocated electronic resources, available on information sites, portals and Internet forums. Various societies

12 3 veins and scientific organizations, electronic media, terrorism researchers provide an opportunity for anyone to interactively express their opinion on the problem of terrorism and methods of countering this phenomenon.

The literature studied by the author expresses many different points of view, approaches and opinions on the problem of modern terrorism. This is due to the fact that this phenomenon is extremely complex, diverse, contradictory and has long been considered in various planes of scientific knowledge. It should also be noted that the integration into a single whole of all facets and levels of the essence and content of modern terrorism, taking into account developments in other branches of scientific knowledge, remains outside the research framework.

Thus, an analysis of the literature shows that the questions of the existence of modern terrorism as a systemic phenomenon of society, associated primarily with a special way of organized violent actions, which in terms of scale, number of victims and connection with politics can be considered as a special type of war and thus required

See for example: World Anti-Crime Anti-Terrorism Forum http://www.waaf.ru/; Institute of Political and Military Analysis http://www.ipma.ru/ publikazii/terrorizm/315.html; International Political Institute for Counter-Terrorism http://www.ict.org.il/; Center for Analysis of the Dynamics of Strategic Relations http://www.cssfund.ru/autors.html;

2 See: Conferences on: history http://www.memo.ru/history/terror/; philosophy http://www. auditorium.ru/conf/; psychology http://psyfactor.by.ru/; sociology http://wwwl.df.ru/~metuniv/index.htm; conflictology http://conflictolog.isras.ru/93-4-l.html; anthropology http://anthropology.ru/ru/texts/hofmeis/terror.html

3 See: Almanac Organized Crime, Terrorism and Corruption. http://www.satcor.ru/; Law and politics. International Scientific Journal, http://www.law-and-politics.com/; Russian magazine http://www.russ.ru/; Social conflicts: examination, forecasting, resolution technologies, http://conflictolog.isras.ru/93-4.html; Magazine Russian Special Forces. http://www. specnaz.ru

4 See for example: http://terrorism.wallst.ru/; http://www.agentura.ru/; http://www.terrorunet.ru; http://terrorism.ru; http://www.yaseen.ru; http://www.waronline.org/ to analyze its relationships, mutual influences and interactions with the policy of extremist violence, which in general was practically not posed as an independent research task, and only certain aspects were studied and studied (for example, only political terrorism) in the context other tasks.

The relevance of the research problem, the prerequisites for its scientific and practical solution determined the object, subject, purpose and objectives of the dissertation research.

The object of the dissertation research is terrorism as a complex, systemic phenomenon of our time, a specific dangerous social reality.

The subject of the study is the essence and content of modern terrorism.

The purpose of the study is to consider from a socio-philosophical position the deep essential features and main content of modern terrorism, determine the nature of the relationships between its structural elements, identify the sources of its development, ways and means of countering terrorism in order to ensure international security, state security of Russia, as well as personal the safety of its citizens.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following interrelated specific tasks."

1. To clarify the essence of modern terrorism, to clarify the cause-and-effect, formal-substantive, ideological-political and military-strategic essence.

2. Present in a systematized manner the content and structure of modern terrorism as a social phenomenon, determine its place and role in the structure of public life.

3. Explore the underlying causal factors and main contradictions that ensure the development of terrorism as a social phenomenon of our time.

The general theoretical and methodological basis of the dissertation research consists of the ideas and positions of representatives of domestic and foreign philosophical thought, in which social phenomena of public life, phenomena of public and individual consciousness are explored.

The methodological basis of the dissertation is the basic provisions of socio-philosophical science, its conceptual and categorical apparatus in relation to the object and subject of research. The work uses and implements the principles of philosophical analysis: functional-activity, organizational-systemic, essential, structural-content, axiological, phenomenological approaches, principles of social determinism, historicism, etc. More specific methods of classification and systematization, theoretical generalization and description, content analysis and others were also used. This study took into account the methodological requirements of the principle of knowability of objective reality, the multidimensionality of truth, its mediation by various forms of scientific knowledge, worldview and perception.

The empirical basis of the study consisted of: sociological data obtained and used by other authors on the problem under study, content analysis of the main legislative acts, documents, publications in periodicals and other sources.

The scientific novelty of the research lies in the socio-philosophical analysis of a pressing scientific problem, which until recently remained insufficiently studied and is also expressed in the provisions put forward for defense.

The following main provisions are submitted for defense:

1. Modern terrorism is a specially organized violence, a type of social counteraction, which, in terms of military-political goals, means, methods and results of influence, is one of the forms of warfare and represents the antisocial activity of extremely aggressive organized, ideologically prepared subjects and represents a holistic a system where extremist ideas and actions of people and relevant organizations are presented.

2. The content of modern terrorism includes irreconcilable spiritual, political positions, supported by certain socio-economic structures, it synthesizes extremist worldviews of individuals and organizations, and includes ambitious-political, spiritually exceptional, fanatical-psychological components, which are organizationally and at the personal level are aimed at destabilizing the life of society.

3. The functioning of modern terrorism is mediated by a combination of a number of economic, social, political and spiritual contradictions that are caused by the peculiarities of modern social development and act as its sources and causes.

4. Countering modern terrorism is considered as a process of resolving contradictions that are its causes, and is aimed primarily at preventing and preventing terrorist activity. Armed confrontation with its manifestations is a last resort after all non-violent forms, methods and means have been used.

Structure and main content of the dissertation. The work consists of an introduction, three sections, a conclusion, a list of references and an appendix.

Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Social Philosophy”, Kaftan, Vitaly Viktorovich


According to systemology, all self-developing phenomena of society, including terrorism, are ordered, structured, hierarchically organized systems. Modern international terrorism is a social system, which means that all its component parts, when combined together, form a unique whole with new properties. Terrorism, which emerged as a result of the interaction of many factors (the confrontation between the superpowers during the Cold War, the radicalization of political movements, counteraction to the processes of world globalization, the fundamentalist renaissance, etc.), formed into a system, brought to life a completely different, integrative property: catastrophicity for of the entire society, which has a serious impact on the general direction of its modern development.

Terrorism today can be a special type of war, that is, the continuation or conduct of large-scale violent actions by other (different from classical) methods and methods, characterized by the use of all available means to achieve the goal.

Terrorism today manifests itself as a threat to political systems and acts as a way of influencing the pole of power on independent states, a stimulus for the revival of totalitarian dictatorships, the transformation of a democratic system into police and dictatorial regimes, terrorism becomes a detonator of interethnic and civil wars, which can spread widely and turn into major military conflicts, in addition, terrorism is a force capable of seizing the means mass destruction and use them against civilians.

The following should be noted as a conclusion.

1. Modern terrorism is a specially organized violence, a type of social counteraction, which, in terms of military-political goals, means, methods and results, is one of the forms of warfare and represents the antisocial activity of extremely aggressive, organized, ideologically prepared subjects. Terrorism today is an integral system that includes extremist ideas and actions of people and organizations corresponding to these activities.

Terrorism is a complex socio-political phenomenon, which is based on a range of social contradictions; these contradictions directly or indirectly influence extremist terrorist ideology. In the modern world, there are structures that want to create terrorist organizations to carry out terrorist actions. The ideology of terrorism is a radical view of the problem of changing reality. Terrorism implements a method of violent influence on individuals, social communities, peoples of a state and groups of states in order to obtain political, economic, spiritual benefits and advantages. Based on the understanding of modern terrorism as the most severe form of violence and relying on its multi-level structure, its main essential features have been identified.

Such signs that characterize modern terrorism are a high social danger arising as a result of violence; deliberate creation of a climate of fear, depression, tension not at the individual or narrow group level, but at the social level as a socio-psychological factor influencing other individuals and forcing them to take any actions in the interests of terrorists; the public nature of its execution, terrorism cannot exist without wide publicity, without open presentation of demands; the use of violence against certain individuals, and the provision of psychological impact for the purpose of inducing certain behavior on other persons, i.e. violence here influences the decision-making of the victim not directly, but indirectly - through the development of a volitional decision by the victim due to the created climate of fear.

The main goal of terrorism is to generate mass fear caused by violent actions. The community is “emotionally infected” by rumors spread by people, socio-cultural institutions of society (literature, art) and the media. The creation of a climate of general fear is now acquiring planetary proportions.

Terrorists competently influence instincts and, above all, the subconscious danger of death, loss of one’s own individuality, pain as a violation of the physical integrity of the individual, fear for the safety of the entire family to which the individual belongs: for children, parents, relatives and friends. Such fear becomes rational when a person realizes the source of a constant threat to his safety and therefore takes on the forms of the most powerful impact on public consciousness.

The central element of terrorism is violence as a mechanism for cultivating fear. The violent actions of terrorists are constantly being improved - in scale, subjects, means, objects, forms. Violent tactics are dynamic and change quickly.

2. When studying the nature of terrorism, three interconnected facets are identified in its internal structure - doctrinal, organizational and operational. The content side of the leading activity facet reveals a combination of the following elements: subjects (state, intelligence services, international and national terrorist organizations, political movements and extremist parties, groups of citizens and individuals); objects (individuals - political, spiritual leaders, groups of people united by a common characteristic - belonging to a certain profession, classes, nationalities, the system of society and its institutions); motivation (mythological elements of consciousness; abnormal value orientations; fanaticism; extreme maximalism; extreme intolerance to other views; infernalization of reality; disdain for death); violent and intimidating actions (displays of violence, cruelty, aggression, as well as repression or the threat of their use); information technologies (information methods: forgery of information, discrediting the activities of authorities, bribery of media representatives, barrage, formation of stereotypes, positioning; information means: video and audio equipment, television, radio, print, oral and visual campaigning and data transmission means - Internet, space and cellular communications; information and psychological actions: demonstration of force, taking responsibility for terrorist attacks, etc.).

Modern terrorism can be classified on various grounds.

Among such grounds are the following: by sphere of influence on society (economic, political, social and spiritual terrorism); on an ideological basis (anarchist, leftist, counter-revolutionary, extreme right; nationalist, separatist, religious, terrorism in the cultural and environmental spheres); by purpose (rallying, demonstration, confrontational and provocative terrorism); by geography of terrorist manifestations; on a legal basis (non-illegal, pseudo-legal, special terrorism, criminal and narco-terrorism); according to the environment of terrorist acts (land, sea, air, space, infrastructure, computer terrorism, as well as noospheric terrorism); by methods of influencing the object (demonstrative and instrumental); according to the methods used: physical and moral-psychological violence (threats, blackmail, demonstration of force, ultimatum demands, spreading panic rumors, etc.); by form (blackmail, threat; terrorist act; terrorist action; system of terrorist actions - “terrorist war”); by means: classic and new terrorism: technological (terrorism using biological, chemical, nuclear weapons of mass destruction), suicide terrorism and unconventional terrorism.

Based on the essence of modern terrorism, it is possible to distinguish two groups of functions - extroverted (external) and introverted (internal).

The extravertive functions of modern terrorism can be:

The verification function of terrorism is a test of the strength of the relationships that have developed in society, the ability to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state from manifestations of terrorism, as well as the ability to counter the threat of terrorism, the destruction of material and spiritual values ​​of society;

Destructive function, which consists in delivering destructive blows to the material and spiritual objects of the state, society and the individual;

A terrifying function that, as a result of terrorist actions, generates fear, which, penetrating into the spiritual world of a person, destroys him from the inside, subjugating his aspirations and putting his activities under control;

Disorienting function, consisting in the ability to have such an impact on public consciousness, which leads to the formation of false ideas among citizens about the permissibility of the use of terrorist violence;

The introvertive functions of terrorism may include:

The integrating function, which is a rallying, unification, providing each other with comprehensive material, financial, organizational and moral support for terrorist organizations based on their opposition to centrifugal forces in world politics;

The function of spiritual egoism, which acts as a “justification” for the terrorist’s violations of social norms and moral rules, serves as a justification for the right to use any violent means to change the existing society.

3. The emergence, development and special activity of terrorism in modern conditions are based on certain social contradictions; they act as sources and reasons for the existence of modern terrorism. Among such contradictions, four groups stand out.

First of all, these are contradictions of an economic nature, a sharp discrepancy in the level economic development between different countries and the income gap between the richest and the poorest in conditions of limited financial, material, technical, resource and other opportunities, these factors lead to difficult social consequences, creating the basis of tension in society.

Contradictions of social heterogeneity, which represent the social basis of terrorism, caused by the deformation of society, increasing social hostility and aggressiveness, exacerbation of national, religious and other conflicts, the formation of long-term centers of social tension; deepening the influence of religious orthodox movements seeking to use terrorism for selfish interests to divide property and seize power.

Contradictions in political relations between democratic constitutional principles and real political practice, generated by the alienation of power from the population, the weakening of socio-economic and cultural ties between states and individual regions.

Contradictions in the spiritual sphere, causing the destruction of historical, cultural, moral traditions and humanistic values ​​and establishing the cult of individualism, selfishness and violence, disbelief in the ability of the state to protect its citizens, creating a mood of national humiliation in society, thereby ensuring the spiritual exaltation of terrorists.

The social dynamics of the development of modern terrorism are determined by the growth rate of terrorist activity; improving the organization of groups into transnational terrorist associations; the size of material, technical and economic-financial support; the scale and speed of the spread of terrorism from the location of the terrorist attack to the coverage of entire cities, countries, regions; increasing the severity of the consequences of terrorist attacks and the number of human casualties - from the killings of individuals and the destruction of single objects to the extermination of thousands of people and extensive material destruction; rapid changes in directions and coverage of targets of encroachment - terrorism today is aimed at overthrowing legitimate authorities, destroying states and destroying entire peoples. All these trends indicate that terrorism is becoming a factor of global significance, and therefore the fight against it must acquire not only a national, but also an international character.

4. Countering modern terrorism is considered as a process of resolving contradictions that are its causes. It is primarily aimed at preventing and preventing terrorist activity. Armed confrontation with its manifestations is a last resort, after other non-violent forms, methods and means have been used. Elimination of the consequences of the use of terrorist methods should be elevated to the rank of a state program.

In the fight against terrorism, as a systemic phenomenon, it is necessary to coordinate the activities of the world community, states and its law enforcement agencies, public organizations and citizens themselves, in certain areas. These directions were formed based on the essence and content of modern terrorism, subjects and objects of terrorism, these may include the following:

Terrorism prevention is a set of preventive anti-terrorism actions, which may consist of the following measures.

Intelligence activities include intelligence operations to obtain and process comprehensive information about terrorist organizations, their ideology, leaders, goals, plans, structure, numbers, etc., analyze the terrorist threat based on the intelligence received, and determine the nature of the response measures.

Counter-propaganda activities consist of pursuing a firm line to form a negative public opinion for terrorists, creating in society an atmosphere of rejection of terrorist methods, no matter what goals they are hidden behind, organizing support for the actions of the authorities from the population, influencing the media in order to deprive terrorists of the opportunity broadcast their ideas to the population, present only the negative attitude in society towards terrorists, deprive them of the image of martyrs, fighters for a “bright future” and “romantic” heroes.

Eliminating the causes of terrorism in various spheres of society seems to be the most important, although the most time-consuming, expensive and difficult to implement preventive activity, in which all entities countering the terrorist threat must participate.

In the economic sphere, the task is to pay special attention on the part of the government to the specific causes of socio-economic discontent of the part of the population that supports terrorists, to bridge the gap in socio-economic development between rich and poor countries, to create financial intelligence, to freeze the accounts of “sponsors” of terrorists and their confiscation.

In the political sphere, every effort must be made to maintain the stability of the constitutional system, institutions of state power, to ensure civil peace and national harmony, and territorial integrity.

In the social sphere, in order to mitigate contradictions, it is necessary to carry out extensive work among the population aimed at explaining the dangers of terrorism, as well as identifying potential subjects of terrorism - separate groups risk among young people, political adventurers, nationalistic individuals or religious fanatics and providing a corrective influence on them.

In the spiritual sphere, it is possible to distinguish several areas in the fight against terrorism. The most important of them, functioning at the highest theoretical level of public consciousness, is anti-terrorist ideological education citizens of the country in order to form public consciousness of anti-terrorism. Another direction in countering modern terrorism is, at the lowest level of everyday consciousness, the social psychology of anti-terrorism. This psychology includes three main strategies of action: the first is passive, without panic, neutral perception of terrorism; the second is to counteract it with all possible means and methods, including force; the third is active nonviolent resistance, overcoming a situation of injustice primarily through nonviolent methods (rallies and protest demonstrations). At the personal level, it is necessary to form an individual anti-terrorist consciousness (overcoming fear, acquiring a civic position, etc.).

Direct counteraction to terrorism is a specially organized counter-terrorism activity carried out to directly suppress an already committed terrorist act, free hostages, search for, pursue and destroy terrorists.

These activities are carried out, first of all, by services providing security, law enforcement agencies (police, court, prosecutor's office, penitentiary authorities, etc.), applying legal sanctions against terrorists (operational work, security measures, negotiations, search activities, organizing the extradition of terrorists from -abroad, prosecution, serving a sentence, etc.); Armed forces carrying out combat operations against terrorist groups, protecting military facilities, implementing the regime state of emergency in regions of greatest terrorist activity; special counter-terrorism units designed for preemptive strikes on bases, headquarters and leaders of terrorists, the release of hostages and the arrest (destruction) of terrorists.

Elimination of the consequences of terrorist activity consists of maximizing the reduction of damage caused by terrorists in the material and spiritual spheres and consists of psychological, relaxation and compensatory actions in relation to victims of terrorist attacks, as well as the continuation of preventive measures, with the introduction of the necessary changes, taking into account new trends in the development of this phenomenon, aimed at preventing new manifestations of modern terrorism.

During the dissertation research, the author made a number of theoretical conclusions that have practical significance, consisting in the formulation of a number of recommendations of an organizational, practical and theoretical-methodological nature.

1. Military social scientists, scientists and teachers of higher educational institutions are invited to use the dissertation material for the following purposes:

To conduct classes in philosophy, history, psychology, sociology, religious studies, cultural studies and other subjects;

To develop and include in the thematic plan on philosophy the following topics: “Philosophy of countering terrorism”, “Social danger of modern terrorism”;

For the preparation and publication of textbooks for students and cadets of higher educational institutions: “Modern terrorism, its aggressive nature and increasing danger”, “Terrorism in Russia: the essence and features of its manifestation.”

2. For officers involved in training, education and management of personnel, the dissertation material will help in preparing and conducting classes in the system of public and state training, as well as in the system of commander training in the following topics:

For officers - “The phenomenon of modern terrorism: essence, content, directions of development and main ways of counteraction”;

For warrant officers - “Modern terrorism as a threat to the security of the individual, society and state”;

For soldiers and sergeants - “The main types of modern terrorism and ways to combat it.”

Development of a scientifically based system of interaction between various subjects of anti-terrorism activities;

Social and philosophical analysis of the sources and causes of modern terrorism;

Study of the emergence, modification, dynamics and trends in the development of terrorism;

Critical analysis concepts justifying the use of terrorist violent methods in the life of society;

Development of new approaches to the problem of preventing, countering and eliminating the consequences of terrorist activity;

A critical study of the methodological foundations of modern terrorism;

Determination of approaches to the classification of various manifestations of modern terrorism;

Studying the mechanisms of mutual influence of radical trends of extremism, nationalism, separatism and fundamentalism on changes in terrorist activities.

Suggested conclusions and practical recommendations are not indisputable and final, but their consideration in the activities of troops, military educational institutions, officer cadres and other categories of military personnel in understanding the existing sources and causes of the emergence and development of the phenomenon of terrorism, identifying the essence of this phenomenon, its content, the main development trends, will help determine the degree of its danger to society and determine the main ways to counter the threat of modern terrorism with the participation of various subjects of public life (including the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation) formed into an anti-terrorist system.

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Terrorism is one of the most dangerous and complex, difficult to predict phenomena of our time, which is taking on all different forms and threatening proportions. Acts of terrorism most often cause massive human casualties, entail destruction of material values ​​that sometimes cannot be restored, sow hostility between states, provoke wars, mistrust and hatred between social, religious and national groups, which sometimes cannot be overcome within the life of an entire generation. The components of the phenomena “terrorism” and “international terrorism” are acts of violence, distinguished by enormous diversity both in the means and methods of commission and in the subjects; for the Russian Federation and for many other countries the phenomena are relatively new. These crimes go beyond ordinary (criminal) acts, which mainly attack the safety and well-being of the individual. Terrorism and international terrorism, along with other forms of crime - enemies of any statehood, are a threat to the security of the individual - society - the state - the international community, affecting not only the rule of law, but also the economic, political, state, life of peoples, states, national and international regions.

Terrorism is a policy based on the systematic use of terror. Synonyms for the word "terror" (Latin terror - fear, horror) are the words "violence", "intimidation", "intimidation". generally accepted legal definition this concept does not exist. In Russian law (Criminal Code, Art. 205), it is defined as the ideology of violence and the practice of influencing public consciousness, decision-making by state authorities, local governments or international organizations, associated with intimidation of the population and/or other forms of illegal violent actions. In US law, it is defined as premeditated, politically motivated violence committed against civilians or targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually with the goal of influencing the mood of society. At the end of the 1960s, a specific form of terrorism emerged - international terrorism.

Types of terrorism

According to the nature of the subject of terrorist activity, terrorism is divided into:

· Unorganized or individual (lone wolf terrorism) - in this case, a terrorist attack (more rarely, a series of terrorist attacks) is carried out by one or two people who are not backed by any organization (Dmitry Karakozov, Vera Zasulich, Ravachol, etc.);

· Organized, collective - terrorist activity is planned and implemented by a certain organization (People's Revolutionary Revolutionaries, Al-Qaeda, IRA, ETA, state terrorism). Organized terrorism is the most widespread in the modern world.

According to its goals, terrorism is divided into:

· Nationalist - pursues separatist or national liberation goals;

· Religious - may be associated with the struggle of religious adherents among themselves (Hindus and Muslims, Muslims and Christians) and within the same faith (Catholics-Protestants, Sunnis-Shias), and has the goal of undermining secular power and establishing religious power (Islamist terrorism) ;

· Ideologically given, social - pursues the goal of a radical or partial change in the economic or political system country, attracting public attention to any pressing problem. Sometimes this type of terrorism is called revolutionary. Examples of ideologically defined terrorism are anarchist, Socialist Revolutionary, fascist, European “left”, environmental terrorism, etc.

This division of terrorism is arbitrary and similarities can be found in all its types.

Around the mid-90s, Russia came face to face with the problem of terrorism. In 1995-1996 The largest terrorist acts in Russia were: raids on the cities of Budenovsk and Kizlyar by Chechen militants, an explosion at the Kotlyakovskoye cemetery in Moscow, when 13 people were killed and 80 people were injured, a powerful explosion in a residential building in the Dagestan city of Kaspiysk, when 68 people died. On December 31, 1996, the Segodnya newspaper summed up the terrorist manifestations in 1996, recording 33 facts. According to the newspaper, approximately 90% of such facts are related to an explosion or attempted explosions. In 1999, explosions in residential buildings in Moscow and Volgodonsk claimed hundreds of lives. On September 11, the international Islamic terrorist organization Al Qaeda attacked the Pentagon (Washington) and the World Trade Center buildings in New York. Terrorists try to influence, first of all, society and public opinion. First of all, they want to intimidate people. Moreover, the threat of violence or violence itself is accompanied by acts of intimidation aimed at partial or complete demoralization of society as a whole, and, as a consequence, the state apparatus. Ultimately, the number of victims does not matter much to terrorists. More important is the demonstration to millions of people of the very fact of human suffering, carried out through the media.

On March 29, 2010, at 7:56 Moscow time, an explosion occurred at the Lubyanka metro station, in the second (according to another version, in the third) car. Another explosion at 8:37 occurred at the Park Kultury station. As a result of the terrorist attacks, 40 people were killed and 85 were injured. Law enforcement officials have identified one of the suicide bombers who carried out terrorist attacks in the Moscow metro. The explosion at the Park Kultury station was carried out by a 17-year-old native of the Khasavyurt region of Dagestan, Dzhanet Abdurakhmanova, the widow of the leader of the Dagestan militants, Umalat Magomedov, nicknamed Al-Bara. The leader of the "Caucasian Emirate" Doku Umarov took responsibility for this terrorist attack. We will also remember the outgoing year 2011 for all the terrorist attacks in Domodedovo. On January 24, a suicide bomber detonated a bomb at Domodedovo Airport in Moscow at 16:32. According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, 37 people died (including the terrorist), 130 people were injured of varying degrees of severity. Some terrorist crimes, including those of previous years, have been uncovered and the perpetrators brought to justice, but in general the punishment for such dangerous acts is at a very low level. On February 26, 2006, the State Duma adopted the law “On Countering Terrorism.” The law provides for the creation of a state system for countering terrorism - in particular, the formation of an organization that ensures the prevention and suppression of terrorist attacks, regulates the participation of the Armed Forces in countering terrorism and coordinates the actions of executive authorities. The main powers to combat terrorism are vested in the FSB, whose director heads the operational headquarters and coordinates the actions of the armed forces, internal affairs bodies, justice and civil defense. The new law allows the FSB to involve armed forces in the fight against terrorism, which, in particular, can be used to “suppress the flights of aircraft used to commit a terrorist act or captured by terrorists” - up to their complete destruction. In particular, by decision of the Russian President, the military may be involved in striking terrorist bases abroad. In July 2006, in connection with the kidnapping and murder of employees of the Russian embassy in Iraq, Russian President Vladimir Putin asked the Federation Council to give permission to use Russian armed forces and special forces units abroad to fight terrorism. On July 7, the Federation Council voted unanimously to grant such a right indefinitely and without any additional conditions.

terrorism religious ideological power

List of used literature

1. Constitution of the Russian Federation

2. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

3. Zamkova V., M. Ilchikov. Terrorism. - a global problem of our time. M., 2007.

4. Salimov K. N. Modern problems of terrorism. M., 2006.

5. http://www.chaskor.ru/article/terakty_v_metro_novye_dannye_16340

6. http://ru.wikipedia.org/

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IN Lately International and state terrorism is becoming a significant threat to Russia, turning the civilian population into an object of force in order to destabilize the situation, intimidate people, and deprive them of the ability to provide organized resistance.
It is absolutely clear that terrorism is not a new phenomenon, but it has not yet been fully studied. It is also obvious that society and the state in different conditions can manifest themselves differently, depending on the scale of the threat and actions on the part of terrorist groups and associations.

In the Federal Law “On the Fight against Terrorism”, adopted State Duma On July 3, 1998, the basic concepts of what terrorism and a terrorist attack are were defined:

terrorism – violence or threat of its use against individuals or organizations, as well as destruction (damage) or threat of destruction (damage) of property and other material objects, containing the danger of death of people, causing significant property damage, or the occurrence of other socially dangerous consequences, carried out for the purpose of violating public safety, intimidating the population, or exerting influence on the adoption by authorities of decisions beneficial to terrorists, or the satisfaction of their unlawful property and (or) other interests; an encroachment on the life of a statesman or public figure, committed in order to terminate his state or other political activity or out of revenge for such activity; an attack on a representative of a foreign state or an employee of an international organization enjoying international protection, as well as on the office premises or vehicles of persons enjoying international protection, if this act was committed with the aim of provoking war or complicating international relations;

terrorist attack – direct commission of a crime of a terrorist nature in the form of an explosion, arson, use or threat of use of nuclear explosive devices, radioactive, chemical, biological, explosive, toxic, poisonous, potent, poisonous substances; destruction, damage or seizure Vehicle or other objects; attacks on the life of a state or public figure, representative of national, ethnic, religious or other groups of the population; hostage taking, kidnapping; creating a danger of causing harm to the life, health or property of an indefinite number of persons by creating such a danger; spreading threats in any form and by any means; other actions that create a danger of death, significant property damage, or other socially dangerous consequences.

The main features of terrorism in Russia, reflecting the essence as a socio-political phenomenon, include:

  • the use of violence and intimidation, which is achieved using particularly acute forms and methods;
  • focus on achieving political or social goals;
  • increased public danger associated with an immediate threat to people’s lives, illegitimacy;
  • the use of conspiracy as a necessary condition for the existence of terrorist structures and the effectiveness of their actions.

Terrorism on the threshold of the 21st century has become a real threat to society and the state and is capable of using the latest scientific and technological achievements for its criminal purposes; the threat of using weapons of mass destruction as means of terrorist influence is quite real, and the possible consequences of terrorist acts can have the nature of large-scale disasters.

The socio-political situation in Russia, the ongoing expansion of the circle of individuals and groups potentially ready to commit acts of terrorism, as well as the conditions conducive to this, the lack of real opportunities to stabilize the situation in the near future give reason to believe that the likelihood of an increase in terrorist influences remains quite high .

In this regard, a unified state system of countering terrorism is necessary, ensuring the implementation of not only law enforcement, but also relevant legal, political, socio-economic, propaganda measures, protection of the population during terrorist acts, as well as the unification of the efforts of all interested government bodies, the implementation of a unified state policies in this area, preparing forces and means to prevent terrorist acts, reducing and eliminating their consequences.

It should be noted that significant work has been done in Russia aimed at combating terrorism. In March 1996, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On measures to strengthen the fight against terrorism” was issued.

In June 1998, the Federal Law “On the Fight against Terrorism” was adopted. The law, in particular, sets out the main functions of entities involved in the fight against terrorism, as well as issues of managing and directing the actions of forces and means during counter-terrorism operations. In September 1999, the Government of the Russian Federation issued a decree “On measures to counter terrorism.”

The implementation of a system of measures to combat terrorism is also provided for in the Federal Target Program for Strengthening the Fight against Crime for 1999-2000, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on March 10, 1999, and supplemented by a government resolution dated February 9 of this year.

In general, it can be stated that in Russia today, the necessary regulatory legal framework for organizing work to counter terrorist activities has basically been created
In accordance with the above documents, certain work is being carried out in all interested departments and at all levels of executive power.
In January 1997, the Council of Europe adopted a convention on the fight against terrorism, which provides for increased cooperation between signatory states. The Convention defines terrorism as “any serious act of violence directed against the freedom, life or health of citizens.”

The fight against terrorism, as defined in the Federal Law “On the Fight against Terrorism,” is “activities to prevent the identification, suppression and minimization of the consequences of terrorist activities,” that is, the fight against violence or threats of its use against individuals or organizations carried out in order to ensure public safety, eliminating the impact on decisions taken by authorities that are beneficial to terrorists.

Serious concern about the expansion of terrorism would have been expressed at the January summit of the leaders of the CIS countries. It was noted that today terrorism is not only and not so much about lone saboteurs, airplane hijackers and kamikaze killers. Modern terrorism consists of powerful structures with equipment corresponding to their scale. The examples of Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kosovo, Chechnya and the powerful patrons behind them show that terrorist groups are capable of carrying out sabotage and terrorist actions and participating in large-scale armed conflicts, such as the Chechen one. In this regard, at the summit it was decided to develop an Interstate program to combat terrorism and create a unified anti-terrorist center within the Commonwealth of Independent States.

For our country, issues of countering terrorism, especially in connection with recent events, have become extremely relevant. Terrorist acts in Moscow, Buynaksk, Budennovsk, Volgodonsk, Kaspiysk, and the appearance of armed terrorists in Dagestan and Chechnya resonated not only in our country, but also acquired global significance.

The modern social and socio-political situation in Russia is characterized by the growth of criminal trends, the spread of political extremism, and the increasing threat of terrorism. The effective fight against terrorism is becoming increasingly important in the system of ensuring national security. Terrorism is one of the most dangerous types of political extremism and has an acute criminal nature.

As a socio-political phenomenon, terrorism is a unity of such elements as:

– socio-political concepts and attitudes (national extremist, neo-fascist, left-wing extremist, religious extremist, criminal, etc.), providing for the use of violence or the threat of its use in order to intimidate and coerce targets of terrorism (authorities, public and private organizations, citizens) to make decisions and perform certain actions that are unfavorable and even unacceptable for them in the interests of the subjects of terrorism;

– paramilitary, military and actually terrorist organizations, formations, other structures (as a rule, illegal or semi-legal), existing autonomously or as part of parties, other socio-political organizations, commercial structures, criminal communities, etc.;

– terrorist activity – violent and demonstrative actions of a terrorist nature (explosions, arson, hostage-taking, murders of political and public figures, officials, entrepreneurs and other objects of terrorist aspirations, acts of psychological pressure, man-made terrorism, etc.).

The identification and study of these elements of terrorism as a complex phenomenon is a necessary prerequisite for the implementation of a systemic counteraction to it, requiring mandatory influence on each of the mentioned elements, and the determination of a set of measures adequate to the nature, content and danger of a specific terrorist threat. Ignoring this requirement entails a significant reduction in the effectiveness of the fight against terrorism.

The main types of modern terrorism, the manifestations of which have now been recorded by Russian law enforcement agencies, are political terrorism (neo-fascist, leftist, etc.), nationalist, religious. criminal terrorism, which differ mainly in the goals promoted by terrorist actors. These goals often do not coincide with the real aspirations of terrorist leaders, which consist in the desire for an illegal redistribution of political power, property, and national wealth.

In the context of the politicization of social relations in Russia, the line between the mentioned types of terrorism often turns out to be very fragile. Regardless of their direction and the motivations of the perpetrators of terrorist acts, these types of terrorism cause grave damage to national security.

The above classification of terrorism has serious practical significance, since the ideological overtones of terrorism influence the social composition and base of the relevant terrorist structures, the motivation of the actions of their participants, and have a significant impact on the organization and tactics of the fight against terrorism. Identification of discrepancies between the declared and real goals of terrorist organizations should be actively used for ideological, political, moral and psychological counteraction to terrorism and separation of ordinary participants from it. This aspect of the fight against terrorism is often underestimated, as evidenced by the shortcomings in countering terrorism in Chechnya during operations to restore constitutional order.

A specific type of terrorism is criminal terrorism, the motivational basis of which is a system of criminal anti-values. With its initial focus on serving the competitive struggle of criminal clans in the economic sphere in order to enrich themselves through criminal means and to suppress society’s resistance to crime, it is characterized by increasingly broad negative consequences for political stability and direct use to serve the goals of the political struggle of extremist organizations and groups.

As a threat to the national security of Russia, terrorism covers with its destructive influence all the main spheres of the country's public life, increasingly gaining importance as one of the main factors preventing the stabilization of socio-political relations in the country. The specificity of the mechanism of terrorist influence determines the multifaceted destructive influence of terrorism on the entire system public relations, as well as its increased danger, especially in connection with the increasing threat of the development of mass terrorism and the use of means of mass destruction by its subjects.

Thus, based on the basic essences of terrorism, protecting the population from emergency situations of a terrorist nature, reducing their socio-economic and environmental consequences is possible only with the implementation of a set of social measures aimed at reducing material and human losses.

So, at the present stage, it is necessary to analyze the issues of protecting objects and people on Russian territory during terrorist attacks.

The qualifying signs of terrorism are, as a rule, similar to the signs of other violent crimes: by prior conspiracy by a group of persons, repeatedly, with the use of firearms.

In paragraph 2 of Art. 35 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides a definition of a crime committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy, from which it can be concluded that this qualifying feature is characterized by three mandatory conditions: the presence of two or more subjects of the crime (sane and have reached the age of 14), who in advance, i.e. at the preparation stage, entered into a conspiracy to commit an act of terrorism and who fully or at least partially carried out actions included in the objective side of terrorism (exploded, set fire, blocked, etc.).

Repeatability, according to Art. 16 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation means the commission of two or more acts of terrorism. To recognize repeated terrorism, it does not matter whether the terrorist has already been convicted of a previous terrorist attack or was brought to justice for the first time for two or more terrorist acts. Undoubtedly, there is no repetition if a conviction for a terrorist act committed in the past is overturned.

If one of the repeated acts of terrorism constitutes a completed crime, and the other represents an attempt at terrorism, then such actions must be qualified according to the rules of aggregation of crimes, in accordance with Art. 17 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The use of firearms in the commission of a terrorist act increases its danger to society.

Using a firearm means using it damaging properties to cause harm to health or destruction of people, both real consequences, and during an attempt on the life and health of people, as well as the use of firearms for the purpose of psychological influence, when it was only demonstrated, but there was a danger of harm to people.

An organized group is defined in paragraph 3 of Art. 35 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as a stable group of persons who have united in advance to commit one or more crimes.

Sustainability criminal group means its existence for a more or less significant period of time for the purpose of preparing a crime.

The relatively stable numerical composition of the criminal group speaks about stability. Stability can also manifest itself in the repetition of similar criminal acts. In such groups, there are internal connections between their members, there is a distribution of roles between criminals not only at the time of terrorist attacks, but also in the period between them, when the group exists as a structure.

According to paragraph 5 of Art. 35 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the organizer or leader of a criminal group is responsible for all crimes committed by a terrorist group if they were covered by his intent.

Members of the group are responsible for the terrorist acts in which they participated or took part in their preparation. If actions were taken to prepare a terrorist act, but the terrorist attack itself has not yet been committed, then its preparation is qualified as a crime under Art. 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The death of people affected by terrorism or the occurrence of other grave consequences caused by negligence constitutes, in the opinion of the legislator, an equivalent qualified type of terrorism, as does its commission by an organized group.

The distinction between terrorism and related crimes poses significant difficulties.

The legislator identifies several offenses related to terrorism:

  • terrorism and aggravated murder;
  • terrorism and hostage taking;
  • terrorism and banditry;
  • terrorism and sabotage;
  • terrorism and encroachment on the life of a state and public figure, etc.

The fight against terrorism, its manifestation in various forms have become an urgent task, a problem for all bodies of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The main tasks of these bodies and formations are:

  • development and implementation of measures in the field of countering terrorism, political, national and religious extremism;
  • making proposals for the formation of a system of measures for anti-terrorist protection of the population;
  • monitoring the implementation by executive authorities and local self-government of existing legislation on the fight against terrorism, political, national and religious extremism;
  • organization of safety and uninterrupted functioning of potentially dangerous objects and life support systems;
  • providing assistance to representatives of local governments, internal affairs bodies, the FSB, and government emergency response bodies in preventing terrorist acts and maintaining public order in the event of a threat or emergency. ensuring their interaction during evacuation measures, eliminating the consequences of terrorist attacks with minimal losses, organizing life support in areas of temporary resettlement;
  • coordination of executive authorities in the development of draft regulations on issues within their competence;
  • attracting the broad masses of the population for this work and. Work is being carried out to strengthen the security of subordinate facilities, to prevent unauthorized entry into the territory and facilities of emergency response authorities by unauthorized persons, the entry of unknown objects, to ensure the operability of security systems and automatic fire alarms. Thus, in the points of permanent deployment of units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Chechen Republic, in forced migrant camps, at life support facilities, work is carried out daily to ensure the safety of military personnel and the population from terrorist attacks, to prevent mining of objects and territory, poisoning of water sources and food products, and other measures.

In accordance with the requirements of the federal laws “On Civil Defense” “On the Protection of the Population and Territories from Natural and Technogenic Emergencies” and in order to comply with the instructions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated September 29, 1999 No. 33-2957-5 in the territories of municipalities (in areas , microdistricts, blocks, residential complexes and courtyards) to carry out control and preventive functions aimed at preventing emergencies associated with terrorist acts, the involvement of the population in civil civil defense organizations (GODO) has been organized.

With the creation of GOGO, the chaotic activities of the population to protect their residential buildings turned into daily organized work posts, strong points under the leadership of housing maintenance enterprises, police strong points, temporary operational headquarters under the management bodies for civil emergency situations. In close cooperation with law enforcement agencies, they monitor the condition of buildings and structures of the residential sector, heat-electric-water supply systems, identify explosive and fire-hazardous objects and objects in crowded places, near roads and transport communications, monitor the condition of attic, basement and other locking devices non-residential premises, maintain public order in case of threat and emergency situations in the controlled territory. keep records of residents with limited ability to move independently who will need assistance during an emergency evacuation.

Measures are being implemented to strengthen the protection and ensure the safety of energy facilities, enterprises that use radiation, explosive and fire hazardous materials, aggressive chemically hazardous substances, and other facilities in their production increased danger.

A set of urgent measures has been developed and is being implemented to strengthen the security of residential neighborhoods, places of mass gathering of people, educational institutions, health care, culture and sports.
The Ministry of Emergency Situations was faced with the need to organize long-term measures to protect residential areas and economic facilities from possible terrorist attacks. Ensuring the safe functioning of the republic’s economic facilities, especially those with potentially hazardous production for the population and territory, life support systems, begins with the implementation of a set of preventive measures laid down at the design stage of construction and reconstruction of high-risk facilities, life support and mass gathering of people.

In order to improve the organization of counter-terrorism at potentially dangerous facilities and life support facilities in the North Caucasus region, it is necessary to focus efforts on solving the following problematic issues:

1. Organization of regulatory, social, financial support and incentives for civil defense units designed to carry out suddenly emerging tasks in the fight against terrorism.
2. A clear definition and regulatory consolidation of the functions of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, structural units for organizing the implementation of measures to protect the population and territories from terrorist acts and eliminate their consequences.
3. In order to prevent the receipt of false information about impending terrorist acts, equip all duty services with systems for identifying numbers and recording telephone messages.
4. Introduction in the management bodies and forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, ministries, departments, organizations of digital (electronic) maps of the geographic information system and standard programs for their use for the purpose of quickly assessing the situation and making informed decisions to conduct not only anti-terrorist operations, but also to eliminate the consequences of natural and technogenic nature.
5. Equipping special units and rescue services involved in carrying out measures to suppress terrorist attacks with modern by special means communications, tools, office equipment, etc.

Conducting comprehensive surveys of life support facilities, potentially dangerous facilities to verify security measures, compliance with production technology, storage conditions for explosive, radioactive, toxic and other high-risk substances.

The main problem of creating civil society civil society among the population in municipalities is the lack of a regulatory framework on this issue at the federal level. In accordance with regulatory documents, civil defense formations are created to protect the population and organizations from dangers arising during the conduct of military operations or as a result of these actions, the tasks of preventing emergency situations are not assigned to them. As a result, there is an urgent need to develop regulatory documents at the federal level, including the “Regulations on Civil Civil Defense Organizations”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 10, 1999 No. 620, regulating the procedure for the creation and operation of civil defense units.

The protection of hydraulic structures in rural areas is poorly organized due to lack of funds.
Work is not carried out at the proper level to check citizens who arrived from the North Caucasus region, who returned from places of imprisonment, to identify persons hiding from investigation and court, evading registration, foreign citizens illegally staying in the region, citizens with illegal possession of weapons, other persons of operational interest.
Inspections of warehouses located in residential buildings, empty and rented apartments, attics and basements, vehicles and cargo on the roads of the region are not fully carried out.
In the work of organizing counter-terrorism in cities and at economic facilities, we are at the beginning of the path and the main task is that work in all areas should not be a campaign, but be of a systematic, planned nature.

For these purposes, in order to reduce the risks of emergencies in the context of possible terrorist incidents, the main departments for civil emergency situations:

  • clarification of the list of objects and life support systems as the most likely to carry out terrorist attacks on them;
  • measures are being developed at economic facilities to prevent unauthorized entry of unauthorized persons; declaration of hazardous production facilities and forecasting possible emergencies at them in the event of terrorist attacks;
  • system implementation compulsory insurance facilities and production from possible accidents as a result of terrorist attacks;
  • implementation of licensing of hazardous industries, taking into account their readiness to localize and eliminate emergencies, protection in the event of accidents as a result of terrorist acts;
  • training of special reconnaissance groups for detection and identification hazardous substances used by terrorist groups:
  • determining the list and preparing special measures to detect and neutralize means of committing technological terrorist acts.

During the liquidation of the consequences of the collapse of residential buildings as a result of explosions, the RSChS forces carried out the following main types of rescue and other emergency work:

  1. Reconnaissance of the emergency zone (condition of buildings, territory, routes for the deployment of forces and means, determination of the boundaries of the emergency zone).
  2. Deployment of forces and equipment of emergency rescue services and rescue units into the emergency zone.
  3. Rendering medical care to the victims.
  4. Search and rescue work.
  5. Evacuation of victims and material assets.
  6. Organization of management and communications.
  7. Ensuring public order.
  8. Carrying out emergency rescue operations related to extinguishing fires in the emergency zone.
  9. Dismantling rubble, clearing routes and creating passages in the rubble.
  10. Strengthening or collapsing damaged and collapsing structures of buildings and structures on traffic routes and work sites.
  11. Work on engineering and organizational preparation of rescue work sites and work sites in emergency zones, lighting of workplaces.
  12. Carrying out blasting operations in an emergency zone. The operational groups of the LGE in the designated areas of rescue work were mainly engaged in unblocking the victims by sequentially dismantling the rubble from above.

The main technological operations were the following:

  • strengthening unstable structures at the work site:
  • removing large-sized debris from above the rubble using truck cranes;
  • crushing of large-sized fragments in the body of the rubble.
  • selection and extraction of small debris from the rubble and removal of them to the dump;
  • removing victims from the rubble;
  • transporting victims to a collection point.

The governing bodies and forces of the RSChS successfully completed the assigned tasks. The issues of attracting and deploying forces to emergency zones were promptly resolved. allocation of the required number of truck cranes with heavy lifting capacity and long reach. loading equipment and vehicles for removing debris. Utility and energy networks were turned off in a timely manner, fencing was organized, cordoning off and lighting workplaces, rooms were allocated for inter-shift rest, and hot meals were organized.

During the liquidation of the consequences of terrorist acts in cities through the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the following shortcomings were revealed that reduce the effectiveness of the actions of government bodies and RSChS forces:

  • lack of clear delineation in the powers and functions of various management bodies at the emergency site;
  • lack of timely information about the work area (in the initial period there was no diagram of the buildings, a list of residents, information about the location of management bodies, places for collecting valuables and victims):
  • when eliminating emergency situations involving the collapse of damaged and threatening building structures on the upper floors, they were carried out late, which could have caused injury to the rescuers working below;
  • lack of operational methods for calculating the attraction of the necessary forces and resources for such emergencies.

Experience shows that objects where people are concentrated (stadiums, train stations, passenger transport, multi-storey residential buildings, etc.) are most susceptible to terrorist acts.
Along with this, objects of terrorism may include high-risk economic facilities and public utility facilities that have been damaged technological equipment lead to the emergence of secondary damaging factors that significantly exceed in their scale and severity of consequences the damaging factors resulting from the primary impact on the object. Such objects, first of all, should include nuclear energy and nuclear fuel cycle facilities, chemically hazardous facilities, oil production and refining enterprises, main oil, gas, and product pipelines, ammunition and explosives depots, and hydraulic structures.

It seems to us that one of the most important areas for increasing the resistance to terrorist attacks of such facilities is improving the ITM of civil defense and preventing emergency situations at them.

In modern conditions, one of the methods of a terrorist attack on high-risk objects could be the use of high-precision weapons against previously scouted buildings, structures, technological units and other elements of the object.

In this regard, the role of ITM in providing comprehensive camouflage and reducing the visibility of these objects and their elements in the optical, infrared and ultra-high frequency (radar) ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum is significantly increasing.

The results of research and development carried out to date show that the listed activities can be carried out using radio-absorbing and heat-absorbing coatings, camouflage nets and curtains (aerosol, smoke, water-foam, etc.), simulating real objects using inflatable mock-ups of elements objects, corner reflectors, infrared and laser decoys (traps).
Analysis of the content of sections currently being developed. Emergency prevention measures for construction projects of enterprises, buildings and structures are shown in the set of rules for design and construction SP 11-107-98; blackout and other measures to camouflage objects are overwhelmingly limited only to blackout actions (SNiP 2.01.53-84).
There are no building codes and regulations on the issues of complex camouflage of objects.

This causes significant difficulties both for specialists from emergency response authorities when developing and justifying the legality of requirements for complex camouflage of objects, and for specialists from design organizations when developing and justifying technical solutions aimed at implementing these requirements.

The development of SNiP regulating measures for comprehensive camouflage of enterprises, buildings and structures seems extremely necessary. The entry into force of these SNiPs and their implementation will help increase the stability of camouflaged objects both in the conditions of possible terrorist attacks and during combat operations using modern reconnaissance equipment and high-precision weapons.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the fact that the main figure or main subject of terror has always been a person or a group of people. And more precisely – their safety. The main figure ensuring the protection of the population in all cases and in all circumstances is the head of the administration in the territory and his managers and managers, the head of the enterprise or organization. At the same time, not a single power structure, not a single special agency is capable of resolving all issues related to ensuring the safety of people without exception. This is completely obvious. In addition, it should be noted that at present our society, primarily the administrative apparatus, including in cities, districts and other territories, are at a very low level of professional knowledge, especially in terms of managing the fight against terrorism. As a rule, managers are not ready to perform this work efficiently and quickly. Moreover, there is no clear government mechanism for managing this process.

There are no rules or guidelines for training managers, there is no certification of their ability to manage the processes of combating terrorism. There is no mechanism for removing from duties managers who cannot cope with this task.

There is no effective protection for people from the incompetence of managers. Thus, we have conditions where the tasks of combating terrorism cannot be carried out effectively, when the competence of managers can significantly affect the protection of the population from any types of emergency situations, including terrorist attacks.

Leaders often do not study documents on protecting cities and towns from floods and other emergencies, do not use available resources to combat the elements (explosives, etc.), and do not have certified demolition workers. Explosives are poorly guarded when carrying out work to combat congestion, and this is a source of acquisition of explosives for terrorists.

No matter how accurately the intelligence services work, acts of terrorism cannot be completely ruled out. Moreover, if local managers in the territories are not properly trained in their functions and are not responsible to society. We do not rule out mistakes. Of course, they can be, everyone has the right to make mistakes. But when the organizer does not want to know the rules of the game, this is a completely different situation; he cannot apply effective methods and methods of rescue work in an emergency situation.

For the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, it is important to consider the problem of terrorism as a whole, since for our forces there is no big difference in carrying out rescue operations, namely, what caused the emergency situation. Another thing is with the provision of resources for our formations, to provide for the population affected by emergency situations. We do not have enough resources and funds, but this determines how much we will limit the loss of people and minimize the damage.

Thus, the main tasks of the RSChS management bodies should be determined, these include:

  • based on the analysis of terrorism, it is necessary to predict and be prepared to prevent emergencies caused by terrorist activities;
  • be prepared to localize and eliminate the consequences of emergencies, inspecting territories;
  • carry out a complex of ITM civil defense, including the protection of objects of special importance and the population.

Without fulfilling these tasks at the present stage in Russia, human security will be difficult.

Human security is a very capacious concept. A lot of research and scientific development has been carried out on this issue. The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations approaches this problem from its position that human security is considered, on the one hand, as providing protection from natural and man-made threats, as a result of which emergency situations may arise that affect the social sphere, disrupt people’s livelihoods, threaten their lives, etc. ., on the other hand, too, but in the process of armed struggle, when people are also exposed to threats, risks and hardships caused by military actions.

Terrorism and terrorists existed in society long before these terms appeared. A review of the history of terrorism allows us to understand that, regardless of the motives for using methods of terror (from self-sacrifice for the good of society and actions in the “highest interests of humanity” to the desire to assert oneself or seize power), at any time it is associated with aggression, cruelty, denial of universal values, desire to challenge the entire socio-political and legal system. The meaning of a terrorist act is the impossibility by legal means of forcing society and the state to take into account the needs certain persons or groups of individuals (terrorist organizations). And attempts to radically change existing orders or turn back the course of social history, even with the best intentions, lie through anarchy, chaos, and terror.

Terrorism has quite a few varieties, but in any form it is the most dangerous in its scale, unpredictability and socio-legal consequences. problem XXI centuries. Not so long ago, terrorism was a local phenomenon, but over the past 10-15 years it has acquired a global character and increasingly threatens the security of many countries, exerts strong psychological pressure on their citizens, entails huge political, economic, and moral losses, and claims more and more lives in all than innocent people.

The incredible scope of terrorist activity is evidenced by the existence of many terrorist organizations that interact with each other, have a rigid organizational structure with intelligence and counterintelligence units, logistics and information and propaganda support, an extensive network of secret shelters, and the presence of agents in government and law enforcement agencies. Sad practice shows that modern terrorists are quite capable of waging sabotage and terrorist wars and participating in large-scale armed conflicts (Kosovo, Chechnya, Afghanistan).

Terrorism is a crime against public security, the subjects of which are the individual, society, and the state. Terrorism does not arise out of nowhere; there are certain reasons and conditions of social life that contribute to this. Their identification and study reveals the nature of terrorism as a social and legal phenomenon, explains its origin, shows what promotes and what counteracts its growth. The main reason for the deterioration of the situation in the modern world is the growth of socio-economic, political, religious contradictions, the growing gap between rich and poor countries and segments of the population. Russian society has faced the same problems. Such socially negative phenomena as transition period, the destruction of the administrative-command system, the economic crisis, the split of society into groups with different financial status, unemployment, political, economic, national, and religious conflicts represent a very fertile ground for the manifestation and growth of terrorism. Modern reality proves: the statement, widespread during the reign of Boris Yeltsin, that terrorism has neither a nationality, nor a person, nor a religion, and therefore “the problem cannot be transferred to ethnic and religious grounds” is a fallacy. The history of terrorism and its modern practice indicate that terror has a face, since it is committed by specific people in their own interests, has a religion, since there are always misanthropic (for example, religious sects fascist type), who inspire terrorists, promising them not only earthly, but also afterlife benefits, dividing peoples into God's chosen and God's rejected, has terror and nationality, as evidenced by history.

Among the political reasons for the emergence of terrorism in Russia, one can note the loss of the national idea as the political core of society, the weakening of the foundations of federalism, the weakening of state foundations and institutions of power, the intensification of political struggle, lawlessness and corruption. Of course, it cannot be said that all these circumstances necessarily have a “terrorist outcome,” but in combination with various types of social conflicts and the helplessness of the authorities, they create favorable conditions for the development and growth of terrorism.

In such a situation, it is quite obvious that it is impossible to do without large-scale government intervention. No individual is able to ensure his individual security without the functioning of the state security system, and it is impossible to overcome the economic crisis, eliminate the threat to the safe development of society, and promptly prevent danger from developing into a threat without strict state regulation in all spheres of life. Therefore, priority in ensuring public safety should be given to the state.

Since terrorism, as mentioned earlier, is generated by many social, political, psychological, economic, historical and other reasons, the fight against terrorism is an extremely difficult task. These reasons should be the object of preventive intervention, but it is very difficult to do this in practice, since the main part of these reasons is related to the possession of state power, the distribution of property, the triumph of a particular ideology, and changes in the national and social structure of society. In addition, against the background of constantly organized meetings of the authorities devoted to measures to strengthen the fight against terrorism, there is a clear inability, inconsistency and disorganization of the actions of law enforcement agencies and intelligence services to combat terrorist activities, as well as their lack of awareness and technical equipment.

A civilized society must strive to prevent this evil from spreading and identify the terrorist threat in time. Today, it is absolutely obvious that there is a need to identify and analyze the causes, problems, essence and trends of terrorism, and to develop forms, methods and effective means of combating it as soon as possible. The main areas of terrorism prevention should include:

1) forecasting terrorist activity with identifying its possible subjects;

2) impact on the main phenomena and processes in society that contribute to the growth of terrorism;

3) suppression of ongoing terrorist acts against state and public figures, detaining the perpetrators and bringing them to justice, and it is extremely important to punish not only ordinary perpetrators and accomplices, but also the organizers and instigators of terror, as well as those who finance terrorist activities;

4) prevention and suppression of crimes similar to terrorism (hostage-taking, genocide, sabotage, etc.);

5) cooperation international organizations in preventing and suppressing terrorist activities.

There are many shortcomings and omissions in Russian criminal legislation. Such gaps not only allow terrorists and their “sponsors” to evade accountability, but also weaken the fight against crime as a whole. It can be stated with certainty that without changing the criminal legal basis of the fight against terrorism, without correcting the defects of the criminal law in this area, it is impossible to create a high-quality law against terrorism. It is important to unite the efforts of all forces of the state and society in countering terrorism.

Teachers, school students and their parents must contribute. In this article we will try to present our own views on the problem of countering terrorism in each individual school or other educational institution.

We all understand perfectly well that terrorism is a terrible phenomenon in the world, especially if it concerns children. Everyone remembers the September 1st terrorist attack in Beslan. I was very shocked by this event, and since I study at school myself, we decided to provide our own project to protect schools from terrorist attacks.

1. Each student and employee must, instead of the usual paper and rather outdated, in my opinion, passes, have an electronic chip on which detailed information about its owner will be stored. It is also necessary to provide one of the parents with the same chip so that there is a possibility of communication between teachers and parents.

2. The school must install surveillance cameras, both internal and external, at least within a radius of twenty-five meters from the school. Of course, only a few should know about the presence of cameras in school.

3. Increase the number of security guards to two people. One will be on duty at the entrance and check for chips and keep records of visitors, the other at the same time will sit in a small room and monitor on monitors everything that happens in the school and outside it.

4. If we remember some of the detailed information about the terrorist attack in Beslan, then we cannot miss the fact that weapons and ammunition were carried into the school by a construction crew who were carrying out repairs at that moment. To prevent such a situation, teams to carry out repairs in schools must be sent exclusively by the Ministry of Education and be verified by people. Under no circumstances should any director just hire builders off the street.

5. If some kind of emergency suddenly happens, then in this case, panic buttons must be installed and disguised in each classroom, the existence of which will only be known to the teacher working in this office, and necessarily the school administration.

6. Also, in order to prevent so-called telephone terrorism, it is necessary to create a single regional call center for each school. In which absolutely all information about the incoming call will be tracked.

In conclusion, I would like to say that this is only the necessary minimum so that children can study in safety, and parents, in turn, do not worry about them.

But at the moment the main issue is financing. I believe that it is necessary to create such a budget item and allocate money from it to absolutely every school, regardless of its status. And the federal government's primary concern should be the safety of children, not the schools themselves.

The role of the measures that we have proposed to protect schools from terrorist attacks is great, but the problem must be solved comprehensively:

1. We believe that it is necessary to improve the standard of living in third world countries. It is no secret that these are Muslim countries. They perceive their sometimes appalling poverty and the wealth of Western countries as a blatant injustice.

2. The second task is to cultivate tolerance in relationships between people. It must start in children's preschool institutions and accompany a person throughout his life.

3. A state program is needed that will include all of the above. Otherwise, there will be no winners in this confrontation: violence begets violence.