Funny names of Russian weapons. Names of military equipment and weapons, our designers may not

10th place: The GP-30 underbarrel grenade launcher is called “Obuvka”. It can fire three types of grenades -
conventional fragmentation (VOG-25), “jumping” (VOG-25P) and “non-lethal” “Gvozd” grenades with tear gas.

9th place: The 220 mm caliber 9M51 “Quarantine” rocket is designed to destroy manpower, unarmored military equipment and reveal and destroy natural and artificial camouflage devices. Projectile weight - 256 kg.

8th place: Atomic bombs are traditionally called in Russia female names. In 1951, "Maria" (RDS-3 charge) was tested, in 1953 - "Tatyana" (product 244N), and, finally, "Natasha" - tactical atomic bomb 8U49.

7th place: The container missile control system is called “Phantasmagoria”, and the artillery fire control system is called “Kapustnik”.

6th place: ACS ( Automated System Management) brigade rocket artillery called "Vivarium".

5th place: The aircraft satellite communications station is called “Grump”.

4th place: It is worth appreciating the sense of humor of the defense workers who released the “Tenderness” handcuffs and the “Argument” baton. The telescopic baton is called “Surprise”.

3rd place: “Ballerina” is a 30-mm aviation automatic cannon 9A-4071 (not pictured). It is intended to arm the MiG-29 and Su-27 aircraft.

2nd place: Intercontinental ballistic missile RT-23 UTTH “Molodets” is designed to destroy strategic targets of all types. In the west, this missile was designated SS-24 “Scalpel” Mod 2 (PL-4).

1st place: The modified version of the famous T-72 tank - T-72M1, in terms of its total combat characteristics, can be equated to the next generation tank T-90S. The T-72 is equipped with a device to protect the crew from exposure shock wave nuclear explosion, radioactive and toxic substances. It is capable of crossing the bottom of a river up to 5 meters deep... The military calls this tank “Banana”.

It seems that Russian developers of military equipment and weapons are a little mocking their foreign colleagues.
In the sense of the names of the equipment they create. Germany has the Leopard tank. Israel has the Merkava (War Chariot). America has the Abrams tank, France has the Leclerc, both in honor of famous generals.

And in Russia - T-72B "Slingshot". In honor of the slingshot

Or, for example, the Americans take it and call their self-propelled howitzer “Paladin”. And the British call theirs “Archer” (Archer). All is well. Then the Russians come up and say: look here.
Here self-propelled howitzers 2S1 "Gvozdika"

2S3 "Acacia"

Self-propelled mortar 2S4 "Tulip"

And long-range self-propelled guns 2S5 "Gyacinth"

And 2S7 "Pion", capable of firing nuclear shells.

Please smell the bouquet!

So the Americans take and call their anti-tank guided missile “Dragon”. And the other is called "Shilleylah" (Budgeon). Everything is logical.
Then the Russians come up and say: look at this. Here is the 9M14M "Malyutka" anti-tank system

ATGM 9M123 "Chrysanthemum"

And the Metis anti-tank missile with the Mulatto night sight.

And just to make it completely incomprehensible and scary for you, there was also a missile called “Kromka” (an experienced ATGM that has not yet appeared anywhere). And to make you think even more, we called the heavy tank support combat vehicle “Frame”.

And to make your head spin, they called the newest coastal defense missile system “Ball”.

And just to give you an idiotic smile, their most powerful 30-barrel self-propelled flamethrower in the world is called TOS-1 “Buratino”.

And if anything, there is also an 82-mm automatic mortar 2B9 "Vasilek"

As is known, the creators of weapons in different countries peace in different times have and continue to have a serious desire to call their creations with bright and memorable names. These may be terms associated with titles precious stones, birds of prey, wild animals, fish, names famous characters folklore etc. If you ask a person who is well versed in types of communications where to buy jasper, he will first of all think that they are trying to learn from him not about buying a famous stone, but about phototeletype communication equipment or about the portable radio station “Yashma-N”.
Among other minerals whose names appear in the naming Russian technology for military purposes, there are the following: yacht, diamond, granite and others. The word yacht hides several types of equipment. Firstly, it is supersonic anti-ship missile. In another version, the same missile is called “Onyx” P-800. The Americans call this weapon Strobile - pine (fir) cone. The missile was developed by designer G.A. Efremov and is intended to destroy enemy ships. Yakhont missiles are currently supplied to India, Indonesia, Vietnam and Syria. In Russia, such a missile is used to form ammunition for 855 Yasen class submarines. The ships of Project 1234.7 and 22350 are also equipped with it. The weight of the Yakhont exceeds 3 tons with a length of 8.9 m. Warhead The rocket has a mass of 250 kg.

"Almaz" is an aviation radar sight, as well as one of the inductive perimeter detection devices. Almaz also has other expressions in the military-technical industry. In particular, this means BIUS - combat ship information and control system.

The tradition of naming weapons based on their external similarity to certain objects dates back to the 16th century. It was then that grenades appeared in the arsenal of the French army, and the soldiers, without thinking twice, gave them the name of the fruit - and they are similar in shape and the bursting of grenades into small fragments resembles numerous pomegranate seeds. The same applies to lemon. And the M9 anti-tank grenade launcher, which entered service American army during World War II, soldiers named the bazooka after musical instrument. At the same time, the most popular names were those that pointedly emphasized the deadly and threatening nature of machine guns, tanks, and missiles. All of us have heard about German tanks"Panther" and "Tiger".

However, all this has a very distant relation to Russia, since our engineers, as always, went their own way. Titles Russian weapons often unusual, witty, and sometimes even flirtatious. Sometimes you get the feeling that all the names of domestic self-propelled guns, rockets And anti-aircraft systems- this is a complete mockery of probable enemy. Looking at the names of Russian military equipment and weapons, you understand that KVN could only be born in this country.

For example, in Germany there is the Leopard tank, in Israel there is the Merkava (war chariot). In France there is the Leclerc tank, in America the Abrams, both are named after famous generals. We also have a modification of the T-72B2 “Slingshot” tank, named after the slingshot. Or another example from the field of artillery. The Americans called their self-propelled gun “Paladin”, the British “Archer” (Archer), everything seems to be clear. And if you look at domestic developments, there are only flowers: Carnations and Acacias, Peonies and Hyacinths, the latter, among other things, can fire nuclear weapons. Probably not a single potential enemy would dare to smell such a bouquet.

Self-propelled gun 2S5 "Gyacinth"

The same thing can be seen at the missile level, the American anti-tank missile is called “Dragon”, the other is called “Shilleyla” (bludgeon), everything is quite logical. However, we have our own approach - the 9M14M Malyutka ATGM, 9M123 Chrysanthemum, and the Metis anti-tank missile is equipped with a Mulatto night sight.

It is worth noting that flowers in the works of Russian designers occupy special place. In service Russian army there is a whole “garden”. We have a 152-mm self-propelled gun “Hyacinth” (its second unofficial name “genocide” more accurately reflects the capabilities of the weapon). There is the "Pion" - a self-propelled gun with a 203-mm 2A44 cannon, there is the "Tulpan" - a 240-mm self-propelled mortar, the 2S1 "Gvozdika" and 2S3 "Akatsiya" self-propelled guns, as well as the 82-mm automatic mortar 2B9 "Vasilek", and that too not the whole bouquet yet. If we talk directly about the “Bouquet”, then this is the name of convoy handcuffs for 5 people.

Judging by other names, it can be noted that sentimentality is not alien to our military engineers. Apparently the dull grayness of army life weighs on them, so they yearn for romance and trepidation. Probably, it is because of this that the direction-finding meteorological complex RPMK-1 is called “Smile”, the thermobaric GC 9M216 is called “Excitement”, 240 mm missile MS-24 with a chemical warhead - "Laska", a 122-mm 9M22K rocket with a cassette warhead - "Ornament". The UAZ-3150 “Shalun” vehicle, the MR-352 “Positive” shipborne radar and the 23-mm “Privet” rubber bullet deserve special mention. The same series includes the “Visit” body armor, the “Option” grenade launcher-shovel, the playful infantry shovel “Excitement,” the “Tenderness” handcuffs and the multiple-action flash-and-noise grenade “Ecstasy.”

grenade launcher "Option"

An equally popular topic for inspiration in the defense industry is fauna. But here we are not talking about “cheetahs” and “tigers” (although in fairness it is worth noting that there are “tigers” in the Russian army), Russian designers are honest people. Of course, there are tigers in Russia, but very limited, only in Far East, but there are a lot of squirrels, which is probably why the “Belka” is a 140-mm M-14S missile, a radio station military intelligence 4TUD and the RM-207A-U target missile rolled into one. Our country also has "Boars" - a 96M6M multi-purpose target missile system, "Flies" - a 64-mm rocket-propelled anti-tank grenade RPG-18, "Raccoons" - a 533-mm homing torpedo SET-65, "Grasshoppers" - a mobile robotic complex of RTOs -2, “Canaries” – silent automatic grenade launcher system 6S1.

We call the experimental automatic grenade launcher TKB-0134 “Kozlik”, and the ground-based transportable DV-SV radio receiver R-880M “Shrimp”. Of the overseas animals you can find in the Russian army "Panda" - radar sighting system N001VP for modifications of the Su-27, and “Hummingbird” - a 324-mm anti-submarine torpedo. What crowns it all is the complex artillery reconnaissance and fire control 1L219 - “Zoo” and you know, there is even some logic here.

They played on the military and the eternal theme of health. That is why today the Russian army has at its disposal the BTR-80A “Buynost” armored personnel carrier and the R-410M “Diagnoz” heavy TRS station. In addition, there is a special medical machine for airborne troops BMM-1D “Traumatism” and software and hardware complex 65s941 “Tonus”.

UAZ 3150 "Scamp"

Military designers could not ignore the topic of professions, and judging by the names, many of them had previously worked in the field of journalism. A hint of this is the MKZ-10 “Subtitle” electronic compatibility complex, the “Gazetchik-E” radar protection device, and the somewhat ambiguous “Paragraph” - a 220-mm 9M27D propaganda rocket designed for the Uragan MLRS.

There are also references to other completely non-military professions in the names of military products. So, for example, the 30-mm aviation automatic cannon 9A-4071 is called “Ballerinka”, and the autonomous integrated secondary air traffic control and state recognition radar is called “Stewardess”. Some of the military designers were apparently well acquainted with the work of the “Courier”, hence the name for the mobile ground missile complex 15P159 with a small-sized ICBM RSS-40.

There are also quite hospitable, native Russian notes in the name of our weapons, for example in the Gzhel body armor or the L-183-1 Bukovitsa electronic warfare testing equipment. These names are quite suitable for the formation of the Russian folk image. This also includes the immensely joyful names for the RT-23 UTTH (RS-22) “Molodets” ICBM and the heavy flamethrower systems TOS-1 “Buratino” and TOS-1M “Solntsepek”, as well as the 55-mm naval seven-barreled grenade launcher MRG-1 Ogonyok."

TOS-1 "Pinocchio"

Somehow, two more stand apart in this row interesting systems: hand flamethrower RPO-2 “Prize” and proximity fuse 9E343 “Semifinal”. Although in fairness both the first and second options contain certain hints to justify their name.

If we approach this issue seriously, we can understand that the names of weapons are given in accordance with established traditions:
- by modification letter: “Angara” - S-200A, “Vega” - S-200B, “Dubna” - S-200D, etc.
- by the name of the ongoing competitions or R&D: “Judge”, “Rook”.
- by abbreviation: “Nona” - New Ground Artillery Weapon, “Kord” - Kovrov Gunsmiths-Dyagterevtsy, etc.
- based on the logic of the series: self-propelled guns - “flower series”: “Peony”, “Hyacinth”, “Tulip”, etc.; air defense systems - “river series”: “Tunguska”, “Shilka”, “Neva”, “Dvina”; MLRS - various natural phenomena: “Hail”, “Hurricane”, “Tornado”, “Tornado”.
- associative names: MANPADS – “Igla”, “Strela”; radio jamming complex “Moshkara”; camouflage sniper suits - “Kikimora” and “Leshy”.
- army humor: sapper shovel – “Excitement”, handcuffs “Tenderness”, shot for an under-barrel grenade launcher – “Foundling”, heavy flamethrower system “Buratino”.
- in honor of the creators: the T-90 tank is named “Vladimir” (after the chief designer of the machine), the Antey-2500 air defense system (after the name of the creator company).
- by pronounced action or property: fire extinguishing system “Frost” (sprays powder), dynamic protection “Contact” (triggered upon contact).

Sources used:
Materials from the free Internet encyclopedia "Wikipedia"

Sometimes it seems that domestic creators of military equipment, since the times of the USSR, were deliberately egging on the “potential enemy.” Well, imagine - the name Israeli tank"Merkava" means "War Chariot", and our T-72B tank is named... "Slingshot".

30-barreled self-propelled flamethrower Buratino

On May 9, 2014, at the Victory Parade we will see for the first time sniper rifle"Vintorez" and silent machine gun "Val".

What about special forces equipment? "Tenderness" handcuffs, "Laska-Super" stun gun, "Argument" baton, "Cheryomukha" gas. Who comes up with all this?

In the catalogs of Russian military equipment you can find the Zador sapper shovel, the Inspiration stretcher, and the Mummy sub-caliber projectile. In publications on the topic Russian military-industrial complex there is a hand-held six-round revolver grenade launcher "Gnome", a ship's torpedo "Enot", an anti-tank mine "Klesch", a tactical free-fall mine aerial bomb with a special warhead with a capacity of up to 40 kilotons "Natasha", a silent automatic grenade launcher system "Canary", aviation system single indication "Narcissus"...

Our artillery weapon systems are not called threateningly, like, say, the American “Dragon” or “Bludgeon”, but quite peacefully: “Carnation”, “Acacia”, “Tulip”, “Hyacinth”, “Peony”, “Chrysanthemum” and so on. The bouquet is real... We even call the world's most powerful 30-barrel self-propelled flamethrower "Buratino"!

They fascinate with their outlandish names: the automatic mortar "Cornflower", the company mortar "Tray", the mortar "Sani", the active wire security system "Cactus", the intercontinental ballistic missile "Molodets", the artillery fire control system "Kapustnik", the artillery radar target detection system "Zoo" ", container missile control system "Phantasmagoria", self-propelled gun"Capacitor".

The names of the coastal defense missile system "Bal", the anti-tank missile "Metis" with a night sight "Mulat", heavy fighting machine tank support "Ramka", a grenade for the under-barrel grenade launcher "Foundling", an under-barrel grenade launcher "Obuvka", an artillery reconnaissance and fire control radar complex "Zoo". The Soviet Kromka missile was recently withdrawn from service.

However, stop being so sophisticated - for those who are especially interested, it’s easy will find more a bunch of similar names of Soviet and Russian military equipment on the Internet.

Without following the judgments of “narrow specialists” about the need for strict secrecy the latest developments and obligatory misinformation of potential enemies, the site’s observer nevertheless decided to independently get to the bottom of the origins of such daring and defiant sincere smile names of Soviet and Russian military equipment.

It turns out that the fashion for some specific weapon names, in addition to digital and abbreviated ciphers, began to be used throughout the world back in the 50s and 60s of the last century.

The Americans were the first to come up with sonorous and even frightening names for their combat systems. Apparently, this forced our ironic designers to write a kind of “letters to the Turkish Sultan.”

For example, the formidable sea missile systems"Trident" (Trident) or "Polaris" (Polar Star) clearly inspired one of our developers of the world's most massive strategic nuclear submarine Project 667A to give it the code "Navaga" (this is "in the world" a small edible fish, very tasty after frying).

After this, the confused “probable and potential”, so as not to confuse and further puzzle their commanders and intelligence officers, introduced the so-called “NATO Classification” for Soviet submarines. And for some reason our same “Navaga” was called Yankee.

Now even in Russian naval reference books our atomicins also have NATO names. For example, our project nuclear submarine 667BDRM is named "Dolphin" - or "Delta-4". Project 661 "Anchar" (aka " Goldfish" - this is Papa according to NATO (simply dad).

The world's largest heavy missile submarines strategic purpose project 941 "Shark" according to NATO classification - SSBN Typhoon (Typhoon). And the submarines of Project 971 "Pike-B" according to NATO are Akula. Submarines Project 949A "Antey" according to NATO classification - Oscar-II. And so on, the NATO members renamed everything “ours” into “theirs” on an unknown basis.

However, I can only assume that all the renamings were carried out according to the principle “since we didn’t understand, then you will suffer too!”

But still, who gave these names to our weapons? Here is what the famous naval historian, writer and publicist, longtime author of the website, Captain 1st Rank Sergei Aprelev, says:

"The names of these wonderful and, I have no doubt, talented people History, alas, did not leave me with a heightened sense of humor. It may very well be that the names of some of our types of weapons were given randomly, arbitrarily, and not even “at the very top.” Such a case: our submarine recorded the noises of the so-called “Quakers”. The commander was instructed to describe these signals, so to speak, in his own words, so that it would be clear and figurative. Well, he entrusted this matter to the senior mate, that is, to me, as a person who writes literature. Well, in my heart I described the signals of the “Quakers” (as if I had nothing to do at sea back then!) like this: “They resemble the jumping of steel balls on a cast-iron plate with decreasing amplitude.” And the impression is that this particular description was included in the secret reports of a special group of scientists involved in the study of this phenomenon..."

I have always been interested in where the name of military equipment comes from. By the way, a post on one site arrived in time, although it does not give an answer: why military engineers call their brainchildren one way or another. But an almost complete selection of military topology or toponymy???

"Sineva" at startup.

1. AGS -17 (automatic grenade launcher) - “Flame”

2.RPO-A (jet infantry flamethrower) for some reason got the name - “Bumblebee”

3. The 82mm mortar was named nothing other than “Cornflower”

4. 2S9 Art. installation was named “Nona”

5.ATGM (man-portable anti-tank missile system) was christened “Bassoon”

6.MANPADS (portable anti-aircraft missile system) we call it “Needle”

7. ZSU-23-4 (anti-aircraft self-propelled gun) - "Shilka"

8. The well-known hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher is also not intricately named - “Fly”

9. Artillery mounts and self-propelled guns are also named interestingly - “Acacia”

10. Artillery - “Hyacinth”

11. Grenade launcher - “Aglen”

13. ATGM (anti-tank guided missile) our engineers were quite selective in the name - “Competition”

14. And here’s another ATGM called “Baby”

15. Hand grenade launcher with interesting name- "Vampire"

16. GP-25 (for a barrel grenade launcher) - “Bonfire”

17.Machine gun - “Pecheneg”

18. Submachine gun - “Cypress”

19. And finally, tanks. The first of them is the T-80 under the entertaining name “Birch”

20. And my favorite, the T-72 tank - “Slingshot”

21. I just remembered... The 2B14 mortar is modest and not intrusive - “Tray”

Ayyyy, you forgot the funniest thing...
TOS-1 "Pinocchio"

Correction. This is "Bumblebee":

"Pion" (GRAU code 2S7, modified - 2S7, "Pion-M", also known as "Malka")

Complex 2S1 “Gvozdika” (122-mm self-propelled howitzer).

"Zoo" - radar complex for reconnaissance and fire control

Anti-tank missile system "Chrysanthemum"


Shovel grenade launcher "Option"


Woodpecker - Grenade launcher pistol
Grenade launcher "Storm"
Woodpecker is strong

Rifle-grenade launcher complex 6S1 “Canary”:

Rifle-grenade launcher complex "Silence":

15P961 “Well done”

RSD-10 “Pioneer” (SS-20)


9K52 “Luna-M”

They also encrypt in the navy. 3M-47 “GIBKA” is almost a SPONGE

And finally:
Fable - guided weapon 9K116-3
Bakhcha - BMD-4
Beglyanka - BREM-L based on BMP-3
Berezhok - BMP-2M
Birch - T-80UD tank
Violence - armored personnel carrier BTR-80A
Bouquet - electronic warfare aircraft based on Tu-16
Vignette - low-frequency active-passive hydroacoustic station
Grumpy - aircraft satellite communications station
Kanaryka - rifle-grenade launcher complex
Couch - KShM based on BTR-80
Leika - 9M23 chemical fragmentation projectile for the Grad MLRS
Frog - towed howitzer D-30A
Natasha - tactical atomic bomb 8U49
Crimping - self-propelled guns based on BMD-3
Foundling - 7P24 shot for an under-barrel grenade launcher
Rostock - BTR-90
Sleigh - mortar 2S12
Sanya - indicator of optical systems
Naughty - car UAZ-3150

The name, based on its external similarity to some objects, dates back to the 16th century. It was then that grenades appeared in the arsenal of the French army, and the soldiers, without thinking twice, gave them the name of the fruit - and they are similar in shape and the bursting of grenades into small fragments resembles numerous pomegranate seeds. The same applies to lemon. And the M9 anti-tank grenade launcher, which entered service with the American army during World War II, was named bazooka by soldiers after the musical instrument. At the same time, the most popular names were those that pointedly emphasized the deadly and threatening nature of machine guns, tanks, and missiles. All of us have heard about the German Panther and Tiger tanks.

However, all this has a very distant relation to Russia, since our engineers, as always, went their own way. The names of Russian weapons are often unusual, witty, and sometimes even flirtatious. Sometimes you get the feeling that all the names of domestic self-propelled guns, rockets and anti-aircraft systems are a complete mockery of a potential enemy. Looking at the names of Russian military equipment and weapons, you understand that KVN could only have been born in this country.

For example, in Germany there is the Leopard tank, in Israel there is the Merkava (war chariot). In France there is the Leclerc tank, in America the Abrams, both are named after famous generals. We also have a modification of the T-72B2 “Slingshot” tank, named after the slingshot. Or another example from the field of artillery. The Americans called their self-propelled gun “Paladin”, the British “Archer” (Archer), everything seems to be clear. And if you look at domestic developments, there are only flowers: Carnations and Acacias, Peonies and Hyacinths, the latter, among other things, can fire nuclear weapons. Probably not a single potential enemy would dare to smell such a bouquet.

Self-propelled gun 2S5 "Gyacinth"

The same thing can be seen at the missile level, the American anti-tank missile is called “Dragon”, the other is called “Shilleyla” (bludgeon), everything is quite logical. However, we have our own approach - the 9M14M Malyutka ATGM, 9M123 Chrysanthemum, and the Metis anti-tank missile is equipped with a Mulatto night sight.

It is worth noting that flowers occupy a special place in the work of Russian designers. The Russian army has a whole “garden” in service. We have a 152-mm self-propelled gun “Hyacinth” (its second unofficial name “genocide” more accurately reflects the capabilities of the weapon). There is the "Pion" - a self-propelled gun with a 203-mm 2A44 cannon, there is the "Tulpan" - a 240-mm self-propelled mortar, the 2S1 "Gvozdika" and 2S3 "Akatsiya" self-propelled guns, as well as the 82-mm automatic mortar 2B9 "Vasilek", and that too not the whole bouquet yet. If we talk directly about the “Bouquet”, then this is the name of convoy handcuffs for 5 people.

Judging by other names, it can be noted that sentimentality is not alien to our military engineers. Apparently the dull grayness of army life weighs on them, so they yearn for romance and trepidation. This is probably why the direction-finding meteorological complex RPMK-1 is called “Smile”, the thermobaric warhead 9M216 is called “Excitement”, the 240-mm MS-24 rocket with a chemical warhead is “Laska”, the 122-mm rocket 9M22K with a cassette Warhead – “Decoration”. The UAZ-3150 “Shalun” vehicle, the MR-352 “Positive” shipborne radar and the 23-mm “Privet” rubber bullet deserve special mention. The same series includes the “Visit” body armor, the “Option” grenade launcher-shovel, the playful infantry shovel “Excitement,” the “Tenderness” handcuffs and the multiple-action flash-and-noise grenade “Ecstasy.”

grenade launcher "Option"

An equally popular topic for inspiration in the defense industry is the animal world. But here we are not talking about “cheetahs” and “tigers” (although in fairness it is worth noting that there are “tigers” in the Russian army), Russian designers are honest people. Of course, there are tigers in Russia, but very limitedly, only in the Far East, but there are a lot of squirrels, which is probably why the “Belka” is a 140-mm M-14S rocket, a 4TUD military reconnaissance radio station and an RM-207A-U target missile in one person. Our country also has "Boars" - a 96M6M multi-purpose target missile system, "Flies" - a 64-mm rocket-propelled anti-tank grenade RPG-18, "Raccoons" - a 533-mm homing torpedo SET-65, "Grasshoppers" - a mobile robotic complex of RTOs -2, “Canaries” – silent automatic grenade launcher system 6S1.

We call the experimental automatic grenade launcher TKB-0134 “Kozlik”, and the ground-based transportable DV-SV radio receiver R-880M “Shrimp”. Of the overseas animals, you can find in the Russian army the “Panda” - an N001VP radar sighting system for modifications of the Su-27, and the “Hummingbird” - a 324-mm aircraft anti-submarine torpedo. All this is crowned by the artillery reconnaissance and fire control complex 1L219 - “Zoo” and you know, there is even some logic here.

They played on the military and the eternal theme of health. That is why today the Russian army has at its disposal the BTR-80A “Buynost” armored personnel carrier and the R-410M “Diagnoz” heavy TRS station. In addition, there is a special medical vehicle for the airborne troops BMM-1D “Travmatism” and the software and hardware complex 65s941 “Tonus”.

UAZ 3150 "Scamp"

Military designers could not ignore the topic of professions, and judging by the names, many of them had previously worked in the field of journalism. A hint of this is the MKZ-10 “Subtitle” electronic compatibility complex, the “Gazetchik-E” radar protection device, and the somewhat ambiguous “Paragraph” - a 220-mm 9M27D propaganda rocket designed for the Uragan MLRS.

There are also references to other completely non-military professions in the names of military products. So, for example, the 30-mm aviation automatic cannon 9A-4071 is called “Ballerinka”, and the autonomous integrated secondary air traffic control and state recognition radar is called “Stewardess”. Some of the military designers were apparently very familiar with the work of the Courier, hence the name for the 15P159 mobile ground-based missile system with the small-sized RSS-40 ICBM.

There are also quite hospitable, native Russian notes in the name of our weapons, for example in the Gzhel body armor or the L-183-1 Bukovitsa electronic warfare testing equipment. These names are quite suitable for the formation of the Russian folk image. This also includes the immensely joyful names for the RT-23 UTTH (RS-22) “Molodets” ICBM and the heavy flamethrower systems TOS-1 “Buratino” and TOS-1M “Solntsepek”, as well as the 55-mm naval seven-barreled grenade launcher MRG-1 Ogonyok."

TOS-1 "Pinocchio"

Somehow, two more interesting systems stand apart in this row: the RPO-2 “Priz” hand flamethrower and the 9E343 “Semifinal” proximity fuse. Although in fairness both the first and second options contain certain hints to justify their name.

If we approach this issue seriously, we can understand that the names of weapons are given in accordance with established traditions:
- by modification letter: “Angara” - S-200A, “Vega” - S-200B, “Dubna” - S-200D, etc.

By the name of the ongoing competitions or R&D: “Judge”, “Rook”.
- by abbreviation: “Nona” - New Ground Artillery Weapon, “Kord” - Kovrov Gunsmiths-Dyagterevtsy, etc.
- based on the logic of the series: self-propelled guns - “flower series”: “Peony”, “Hyacinth”, “Tulip”, etc.; air defense systems - “river series”: “Tunguska”, “Shilka”, “Neva”, “Dvina”; MLRS – various natural phenomena: “Hail”, “Hurricane”, “Tornado”, “Tornado”.
- associative names: MANPADS – “Igla”, “Strela”; radio jamming complex “Moshkara”; camouflage sniper suits - “Kikimora” and “Leshy”.
- army humor: sapper shovel – “Excitement”, handcuffs “Tenderness”, shot for an under-barrel grenade launcher – “Foundling”, heavy flamethrower system “Buratino”.
- in honor of the creators: the T-90 tank is named “Vladimir” (after the chief designer of the machine), the Antey-2500 air defense system (after the name of the creator company).
- by pronounced action or property: fire extinguishing system “Frost” (sprays powder), dynamic protection “Contact” (triggered upon contact).

Sources used:
Materials from the free Internet encyclopedia "Wikipedia"