Sets of exercises with kettlebells for beginners. How to lift a kettlebell correctly so as not to injure your back and what exercises to do

So, are you interested in trying out kettlebell workouts at home or are you planning on using them at the gym? Then you have come to the right place, we will tell you how to pump up with a kettlebell, or use it for weight loss. Let's assume you don't know anything about this projectile. In my experience, most people do not know anything about this wonderful “trainer” and we will tell you what it means and how to use it correctly.

Essentially, it is an iron ball with a handle that makes it easier for people to lift it. Okay, that's not a real definition, but it's pretty close to the truth. Its weight is comparable to dumbbells, and since most movements only use one arm, you can double the weight. They also come different sizes, which makes them accessible to people with any athletic training. You won’t need anything other than weights, so you can do exercises with weights at home or return to your usual dumbbells, but we recommend trying the first workout option, you’ll definitely like it.

You may find something suitable nearby, but many of the ones sold in stores are very light. While this isn't a bad idea, it's better to invest in one or two heavier kettlebells; one with a large but adjustable weight that works well for all one-arm movements, and one slightly heavier for two-arm exercises (or one-arm, as you get stronger).

A beginner can choose a 12 or 14 kg kettlebell. If you're used to lifting heavy weights, you'll probably be more comfortable with 16kg - universal option for men and women. If you want something heavier, try the 24 kg weight. You will need it for full body exercises with both arms. One of the best brands is Rogue Fitness, they offer all weight options. If you're on a budget, or you're still not entirely sure whether weights are worth the investment for a beginner, try adjustable weight options.

The most unique aspect of kettlebell training is endurance. In addition to developing strength and muscle growth, you can work up a serious sweat with the endurance and cardio exercises included in our routine.

There are many workout variations you can do with kettlebells, and almost all of them target all muscle groups. Some people like isolation exercises, but for those of us who want to increase strength and endurance and lose excess fat.

The best set of exercises with kettlebells

You should start your kettlebell training with these five movements - they are the most effective.

It is very important to follow the correct technique to avoid injury. Please consider working out with a certified trainer before attempting them at home on your own.

Kettlebell swings are a basic exercise to start with. It forces all major muscles to work while simultaneously burning large number calories in a short period of time. It increases strength and endurance. You can do kettlebell swings with one hand or two at once, or alternate them, killing two birds with one stone.

Take a fairly difficult weight that you can lift to chest level at least 10 times in a row. You may be asking, “How will this help with a full body workout?” You can easily guess that moving your upper body doesn't do much for your arms.

Kettlebell swings are a heavy compound exercise. The base is your feet firmly planted on the ground, slightly bent at the knees, and the core is your hips. It is this rod that allows you to pull the weight back between your legs, and pushing your hips forward returns it to its original position. It should look like a catapult, and it is recommended to launch it with the lower body. Remember: swings are not squats. Since your legs are your support, it is important that your hips are higher than your knees.

And let's not forget the body. If you followed the correct technique, your abs will be burning the next day! It's important to keep your shoulders straight (so the weight doesn't pull you down), and stabilizing your back means stabilizing your entire body.

Set a timer and do as many swings as possible. Try this exercise for 10 minutes. Find your pace and keep it. You can do 10 swings, then rest for 30 seconds and start all over again.

Can't pull yourself up? Then you probably haven't done this exercise. Women often have poorly developed upper bodies, and this is natural, and men have poor stabilizing muscles, but with the help of Turkish get-ups this can be corrected.

The Turkish get up cannot be done using momentum like a swing. In fact, it's quite uncomfortable. Starting in a prone position on the floor, you grab a nearby kettlebell and lift it. You will then slowly pull yourself upward, moving the kettlebell in the air until you reach a vertical position. And then you have to repeat everything in reverse order.

What is the difficulty here? In coordination of movements between arms and legs. Once you get past this, you can increase the number of repetitions of Turkish get-ups.

This exercise may seem silly when you watch someone else do it, but it will work every muscle in your body. And this is not an exaggeration. If you do it often enough, you will find that other exercises become easier for you. Want to strengthen the top? Then go ahead.

Start with a light weight. Seriously, don't try to lift more than you can! Do 5 reps on one side and 5 on the other to warm up for high-intensity kettlebell training.

Kettlebell Snatch

This may be your favorite or hated exercise. If you do enough repetitions, you will feel so powerful that it will become your favorite.

Of all the kettlebell exercises, this is probably the most demanding in terms of endurance and strength. cardiovascular system. Cardio and strength? So you can miss treadmill. A couple of laps of the snatch may become short and effective training for you.

This movement requires mobility in the shoulders, the same security in the hips you need for the swing, and the strength to hold the kettlebell overhead because you don't want it to fall directly on your head. With this in mind, don't lift the weight too quickly. Only work with weights that you can perform the required number of repetitions with.

You must not forget the technique and it may take some time to master it. When you lift a kettlebell, it's helpful to imagine someone standing behind you. Your arm should not extend until it is behind your head. Remember that this is a full body workout, not just your arms. This movement uses more of the upper body, but most of the energy comes from the legs and hips. A secure grip in your legs in addition to a stable back will help the kettlebell sit directly above your head.

Set a timer for 3 minutes and do as many repetitions as possible. It may not seem like much, but it will seem like a very long time. Try doing 5-10 reps on one side before switching to the other.

Squats are the best basic exercise for developing muscles of the whole body with a barbell and dumbbells, but the option with kettlebells is often underestimated. There is no good reason for this. Many people suffer from squats, whether they are sick knee joints or too tight thighs. Some simply cannot squat deep enough, while others struggle to keep their back straight. Moral of the story? Squat technique is important and it's worth spending some time perfecting it.

Dumbbell squats also have some benefits, such as helping you increase hip mobility and lifting. more weight for barbell squats without sacrificing technique. Weight in front of you, not above your head or behind your back, will balance you naturally. This helps your body squat in a natural position rather than moving backward or moving from side to side. At the bottom you will get a good boost to return to the starting position.

Plus, the extra weight will help you stay more stable on the ground. Trying to squat deeper so that your thighs touch calf muscles, we often find ourselves lifting our heels off the floor or slouching. If you work under heavy loads, you may lose your balance and get injured. And you don't need this under any circumstances.

Kettlebell squats are one of the most functional exercises you can add to your workout, whether it's stretching, warming up, or endurance work.

Finally, when performing squats, all muscles are involved in the work. Contrary to popular belief, proper squats do much more: they work the hamstrings, quadriceps and abs, because when correct execution your body will be tense, forcing each muscle to perform its role.

Warm up with squats, focusing on depth, using the heaviest weight you can lift. Do 5-10 reps for a great dynamic stretch that will warm up your hips and knees for further work.

Army press

Lifting weights overhead is hard work. So lifting weights overhead is a pretty clear indicator that you're going to have an amazing workout. With that said, you can't ignore the military press.

This exercise works the shoulders, back muscles and arms. During this lift, the abs also work. You can do as many squats as you want (and you probably don't want to), but nothing works your abs and makes them strong like lifting weights.

You can simply lift the weight without using your legs. If you want to make the exercise a little more challenging, you can push with your abs, which requires you to bend your knees slightly as you lift the weight. If you want to become very strong, increase the weight. A double weight kettlebell will give you twice the fun.

Keeping your legs stable, your back as straight as possible (don't let the weight tilt you to the side) and your stance as narrow as possible will help you maintain tension. Tension is the determining factor in the success of every lift.

You can use any weight of kettlebell you want for this exercise, but heavier ones are helpful. Set yourself a goal that you want to achieve, and each time take a weight that brings you closer to this goal, over time you will achieve it.

15 minute workout for weight loss

This kettlebell workout program is specifically designed to save time and burn body fat. This ready-made home workout plan will put serious stress on the abs, which will allow you to see abs in a few workouts if you don’t have a large percentage subcutaneous fat.

Do you want to get rid of last pair extra pounds around your waist? It's just one device, and there are a whole bunch of exercises you can do for it, including weight loss workouts and low-rep strength training cycles. They are good for developing hip extension strength, which is useful for building muscle without the risk of injury.

This complex includes exercises with weights for weight loss for men, which everyone could do short term reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat and get sculpted muscles. You work in three areas: improving movement technique, burning calories and getting rid of fat. And it only takes 15 minutes, so you can do it during your lunch break.

How to practice according to this scheme

Let's talk a little about how to properly train with dumbbells or kettlebells according to this program so that the effect is noticeable. Perform these 6 exercises, following the recommended repetitions without rest, until you complete the entire set. Then rest for 2 minutes and do another circuit. This fat-burning kettlebell workout will be most effective if you complete three full circuits in one session. As you get stronger, you can add an extra circle.

1. Mahi

  • Reps: 10
  • Rest: 0 sec

Grab the kettlebell with both hands and throw it back between your legs, swinging at the hips with a minimal bend in the knees. Push your hips forward powerfully to stand tall, using the pull of your hips rather than your arms to lift the weight.

2. Push

  • Rest: 0 sec

Swing the kettlebell between your legs and push your hips forward. Once the bar reaches your stomach, pull your elbow back, raise your arm to catch the kettlebell in a standing position, then lower your arm again to repeat the exercise.

3. Kettlebell Press

  • Reps: 5 per side
  • Rest: 0 sec

Start in a standing position with the kettlebell at shoulder height and your elbow pointing toward you for support. Lifting the weight directly overhead is the most effective way to reduce stress on the shoulder joint.

  • Reps: 5 per side
  • Rest: 0 sec

Lower the dumbbell between your legs, then push your hips forward into a swing. When the kettlebell reaches chest height, bend your elbow back, rotate your kettlebell arm, and lift it above your head.

  • Reps: 5 per side
  • Rest: 0 sec

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lift the weight above your head. Your weight should be slightly offset to the side when you hold the kettlebell. While looking at her, lower your torso until your hand touches the floor.

  • Reps: 10 per side
  • Rest: 2 min

Get into a plank position with your body straight from head to toe, placing a kettlebell on one side. Drag it with one hand under your torso to the other side of your body. Switch sides and repeat.

20 minute fat burning workout

Build muscle and burn calories by doing kettlebell exercises for all muscle groups. This will increase your calorie burn during exercise and will allow you to recruit more muscles in your body, which require a lot of energy to continue the fat burning process even after the workout ends.

Kettlebell lifting is one of the the best ways burn calories and strengthen your body, especially when you're pressed for time. You're guaranteed to get in shape with this 20-minute workout program.

How does this work: Two or three times a week, perform the exercises in order, resting 30-60 seconds between them. Do you have more than 20 minutes? Do another round, resting 1-2 minutes in between.

  • Total time: up to 30 minutes.
  • You will need: bench, chair, weights, mat.

A. Lie on your back with your left knee bent and right leg. The left arm is extended to the side, palm down. Hold the weight in right hand, pulling it up. Connect the case and use left hand to sit up, first moving to the left forearm and then pressing on left palm, holding your right arm outstretched.

B. Push your hips off the ground using your left arm and right leg, keeping your left leg.

C. In a quick, controlled movement, bring your left leg under your body and place it on your knee. Keep your right arm extended forward and your left arm extended above your shoulder.

D. Stand with your left foot next to your right, holding your right arm above your head and extending your left. Reverse the sequence to return to the starting position and take the kettlebell in your left hand to repeat on the opposite side. Continue alternating sides.

  • Approaches: 1 - 2
  • Reps: 16 - 20

2. Kettlebell swings

A. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and grasp a kettlebell with both hands. Bend at the hips and place your hands between your legs, keeping your knees slightly bent.

B. Push your hips forward and use lower body momentum to lift your arms to shoulder height, keeping the kettlebell pointing away from your body. Bend at the hips again and repeat the sequence, moving as quickly as possible while maintaining proper technique.

  • Approaches: 1 - 2
  • Reps: 16 - 20

A. Hold the kettlebell with both hands at chest height, with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart and your toes slightly pointed out to the sides.

B. Bend at the hips and knees as you lower into a squat, keeping your torso straight. Reverse the movement and repeat.

  • Approaches: 1 - 2
  • Reps: 16 - 20

4. Kettlebell push with one hand

A. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and grab the kettlebell with your right hand with an overhand grip. Push with one arm, bend your hips, and lower the weight back between your legs.

B. Push your hips forward and use your lower body to lift the kettlebell to shoulder height, bend your right elbow, and rotate your kettlebell hand with your thumb toward your body. Allow your left arm to extend in front of your body at shoulder height.

C. Extend your right arm up over your shoulder, turning your palm away from your body and keeping your left arm in front at shoulder level. Reverse the movement, return to the starting position and repeat all over again, switching hands on the next repetition to the opposite one, quickly transferring the kettlebell to your left hand and raising it to shoulder height. Continue alternating sides.

  • Approaches: 1 - 2
  • Reps: 16 - 20

A. With your feet hip-width apart, place a kettlebell on the ground between your legs. Bend at the hips, stretching the back. Keep your spine straight, push your hips back, and bend your knees slightly to grasp the kettlebell.

B. Tighten gluteal muscles and with controlled movement, rise to a standing position, keeping your body straight and pressing the kettlebell close to your body. Reverse the movement and repeat.

  • Approaches: 1 - 2
  • Reps: 16 - 20

6. Bent-over row with one kettlebell

A. Stand with your right foot forward and left foot back, holding a kettlebell in your left hand, placing your right hand on a chair or bench. Bend at the hips and slightly at the knees.

B. Keeping your torso straight with your shoulders and hips pointed toward the ground, extend your left elbow back, keeping it close to your body until your left arm is near your chest. Extend your left arm again and repeat 12-16 times, then switch sides and repeat.

  • Approaches: 1 - 2
  • Reps: 12 - 16

7. Russian twist with kettlebell

A. Sit on a mat with your knees bent, holding a kettlebell with both hands in front of your chest. Lift your feet off the floor so that your shins are parallel to the floor.

B. Keeping your torso and spine straight, rotate your torso to the left.

C. Return to starting position.

D. Rotate to the right, holding the dumbbell in front of your chest. Continue alternating sides.

  • Approaches: 1 - 2
  • Reps: 16 - 20

Choose the set of exercises with kettlebells that you like. They are all very good, especially for burning subcutaneous fat and improving muscle definition and tone. The main condition is to perform all movements with correct technique and maximum dedication with the maximum level of intensity for you, then the result will not be long in coming.

As a rule, women choose kettlebells with weights from 8 to 16 kilograms, and men - from 16 to 32.

To find your weight, try performing five repetitions of one exercise. If it's easy, take heavier weights. If you can't finish the exercise, you need less weight.

Once you find your weight, don't do all the exercises with it. Some of them you can do with heavier weights, for others you will need lighter ones. Check the weight for each exercise separately.

As for the number of repetitions, aim for five sets of 10–15 reps. If you feel you can do more, do it.

Exercises with kettlebells

Russian kettlebell swings differ from regular ones in that the kettlebell is not raised above the head, but only slightly above the shoulders. If you are unfamiliar with this exercise, it is best to start with simple Russian swings.

  • Stand straight, place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders.
  • Grasp the weight with both hands, lean forward slightly and place the weight between your legs.
  • The back should remain straight, without rounding.
  • Swing the kettlebell, bringing it to shoulder level. The movement starts from the hips, not the arms, which provides the force of the push.
  • Lower the weight down, bringing it back between your legs, and repeat the exercise.

This movement is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that you work with one hand.

One-arm swings allow you to better pump up target muscle groups and are suitable for those who have already mastered two-handed kettlebell swings.

This exercise helps to pump up your back well. It will be an excellent replacement for dumbbell rows. Due to the shifted center of gravity of the kettlebell, performing the exercise will be a little more difficult.

Exercise technique

  • Take two weights and lean forward with your back straight and knees slightly bent.
  • Pull the weights towards your stomach. At the final point, the handles of the weights should be located in the stomach area.
  • Pull the weights with your back muscles, not your arms.
  • Keep your elbows close to your body, do not spread them out to the sides.
  • Lower the weights to the starting position and repeat.

This exercise pumps up the core muscles well and also provides stress on the arms and legs. In addition, it looks quite impressive.

Exercise technique

  • Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and hold the weight in your right hand.
  • Bend your knees, lean forward slightly with a straight back and bring the weight between your legs at body level.
  • Reach your left arm back and take the weight from your right hand.
  • Move your left hand with the weight forward and move it back between your legs.
  • Reach your right hand back and grab the weight from your left.

During this exercise, you seem to describe a figure eight around your legs, passing the weight from hand to hand. It may be difficult to coordinate the movements at first, but with a little practice you will get used to it.

Due to inertia, the exercise is performed quite easily, so you can take a heavier weight. The main thing is not to slouch your back, otherwise it may have a bad effect on your body.

This exercise will help target your legs and buttocks. By using weights in the form of a kettlebell, you will get the desired shape much faster than doing repetitions without weight.

Exercise technique

  • Stand up straight, hold a weight in front of your chest with both hands.
  • Keep your elbows close to your body.
  • Keeping your back straight and your pelvis back, do a deep squat.
  • IN lowest point When doing squats, the hip joint should be below the knees.
  • Return to starting position and repeat.

If you want to put more stress on your leg muscles and pump them up, try supplementing squats with jumping jacks.

Exercise technique

  • Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the kettlebell at your outstretched arms below.
  • Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor or slightly less.
  • Jump up from the squat and repeat.
  • To make the exercise more difficult, you can place plates or step pads under your feet. This will help deepen your squats, increase your range of motion, and increase your load.

During lunges, the muscles of the legs and buttocks are worked, and lifting the weights provides stress on the shoulders and arms.

Exercise technique

  • Stand up straight, hold the kettlebell in your bent arm at shoulder level, elbow close to your body, arm turned with your palm facing your body.
  • Lunge forward and at the same time raise your arm with the kettlebell above your head.
  • Return to the starting position, lowering your hand with the kettlebell during the rise.
  • Repeat on the other leg.

The exercise perfectly pumps up the core muscles, but it is quite difficult to perform and has a number of contraindications.

It should not be performed by those who have poorly developed rectus abdominis muscles, a stiff thoracic spine, or have back problems.

Exercise technique

  • Sit on the floor on your ischial tuberosities, press the weight to your body and hold it in both hands, do not place your elbows to the sides.
  • Raise your legs off the floor with your knees bent.
  • Try to keep your back straight.
  • Turn your body to the right and left without rounding your back or lowering your legs.

This exercise requires some flexibility and good mobility. hip joint. It simultaneously stretches the latissimus dorsi and strengthens the muscles of the core, arms and shoulders.

Exercise technique

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, grab a kettlebell in one hand and lift it above your head.
  • Bend to the side as far as the stretch allows. Ideally, you need to touch your foot with your hand. The weight remains in the outstretched hand at the top.
  • Return to starting position and repeat.

This exercise will help you pump up pectoral muscles, arms and core muscles.

Exercise technique

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor.
  • Hold the kettlebell in a bent arm, the shoulder lies on the floor, the elbow is pressed to the body, the angle between the shoulder and forearm is 90 degrees. The palm is turned towards the body.
  • Press the kettlebell upward, turning your elbow to the side and your wrist with your palm facing your feet. IN extreme point the weight is located above the chin.
  • Lower the weight to the starting position and repeat.

This is another quite impressive exercise that perfectly pumps up the muscles of the core and arms.

Exercise technique

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a kettlebell in one hand.
  • Bring the weight behind your back and grab it behind your back with your other hand.
  • Bring your arm forward and grab the kettlebell with your other hand.

This universal exercise, which combines regular kettlebell swings with movement around the gym. Great cardio for those who are tired of the treadmill.

Exercise technique

  • Perform a Russian kettlebell swing. When the weight is at the top point (chin level), place your right foot next to your left, connecting them together.
  • As the kettlebell lowers from the top, step sideways with your left foot, placing your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • When the weight passes between your legs and goes up again, place your right foot next to your left and connect them together.
  • Repeat this exercise on one side and then the other. To go to the right, you need to put your left foot down during the swing, and when the weight goes down, step with your right foot.

This exercise perfectly pumps up the buttocks and hamstrings. The load also goes to the core muscles.

Exercise technique

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, holding a kettlebell in both hands.
  • Tilt your torso, push your pelvis back and lower the kettlebell to the floor.
  • Keep your back straight while bending over.
  • Return to the starting position, tensing your buttocks and abs.
  • Repeat the exercise.

This is a fairly challenging exercise, so try it with light weights first and add pounds very carefully. When performed correctly, the exercise provides stress to the legs, buttocks and back.

Exercise technique

  • Place the weight between your legs, lean towards it with a straight back and grasp the weight with one hand.
  • Bring the kettlebell between your legs behind your body, gaining momentum, and then swing it up to shoulder level, turning your arm so that your palm is facing your body.
  • The elbow should be close to the body, the wrist continues the line of the arm, without bending. The weight seems to hang on the indentation between the thumb and the rest of the fingers.
  • Lower the weight so that it passes between your spread legs and bring it up again.

This exercise will pump you up perfectly top part body: arms, back and shoulders. It also involves the core muscles.

Exercise technique

  • Take two weights and throw them over your shoulders. The elbows are close to the body, the palms are directed towards each other.
  • Press the weights upward, turning your palms forward so that at the top point the weights are located behind your hand.
  • Lower the weights to the starting position at shoulder level and repeat the exercise.

This is not only a strength exercise, but also a cardio workout. If you choose the right weight, the very first set will greatly raise your heart rate. In addition, the exercise pumps up the shoulders, chest and core muscles.

Exercise technique

  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and place the kettlebell on the floor between your legs.
  • Lean towards the kettlebell with a straight back, moving your pelvis back, grab it with one hand, and move the other back behind your back.
  • Bring the kettlebell between your legs, swinging it back a little, and then swing it forward.
  • Snatch the weight, bringing it above your head. The palm faces forward, the weight is behind the hand.
  • Lower the kettlebell down so that it passes back between your legs again, and then repeat the upward jerk.

Try to complicate and diversify the option with weights. This exercise primarily develops the abs, and due to alternate lifting of weights, it puts stress on the arms and back.

Exercise technique

  • Get into a plank position with your hands on the handles of the weights.
  • Raise one arm with the kettlebell.
  • Try to keep your body straight while lifting the weights, do not rotate your hips. Ideally, the hips should be firmly fixed.
  • Pull the weight with your back, not your arms.
  • Lower the kettlebell to the floor and raise your other arm.

This is very interesting exercise. There is quite a lot of movement in it, so you will have to make a lot of effort to maintain your balance. With its help, you can provide stress to all the muscles of the body.

Exercise technique

  • Lie on the floor with your arm extended above your head. If you are holding a kettlebell in your right hand, bend your right leg and place your foot on the floor.
  • Raise your body, holding the kettlebell above your head, into a glute bridge. Lean on your right leg, straighten your left and extend it to the side.
  • Place your left leg behind your right and place it on your knee. You will find yourself at the bottom of a lunge with the kettlebell overhead.
  • Come into a lunge position with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Return to the starting position, going through all the steps in reverse order: lunge, glute bridge, floor position with bent leg and kettlebell in outstretched arm.
  • Repeat the exercise.

This exercise works the same muscles as: chest, triceps, core muscles. Due to the fact that the hands are not on the floor, but on the handles of the weights, the exercise becomes more difficult.

Exercise technique

  • Stand in a prone position with your hands on the handles of the weights.
  • Do a push-up, keeping your elbows close to your body.
  • Try to tighten your abs and buttocks to keep your body straight.

This exercise combines the two previous ones, and therefore it is even more difficult and effective for pumping up the arms, back and chest.

Exercise technique

  • Stand in a lying position, leaning on the handles of the weights.
  • Do a push-up.
  • Raise one hand with the kettlebell to your waist. Keep your elbow close to your body and try to pull the weight with your back muscles.
  • Place the hand with the weight on the floor and repeat the exercise with the other hand.

Missed a workout? It doesn't matter if you have weights at home. Kettlebell workout at home is no less effective than training in the gym. Just one weight can replace an entire home mini gym. Exercises with a kettlebell for all muscles of the body will help you stay in shape and diversify your training process. For training, you only need a kettlebell, some free space and set of exercises with weights at home, provided in this article.

Exercises with kettlebells for all muscle groups

On this exercises with kettlebell don't end. You can perform bent-over rows, deadlifts, kettlebell overhead extensions, kettlebell chin rows, kettlebell curls, kettlebell side bends, and many other kettlebell exercises for all muscle groups.

A set of exercises with weights for all muscle groups

A set of exercises with a kettlebell for beginners

  • Squats with kettlebell 3x12-15
  • Kettlebell swings 3x15-20
  • One-arm kettlebell press 3x8-12
  • Bent-over kettlebell row 3x8-12
  • Kettlebell row to the chin 3x8-10

A set of exercises with a kettlebell for advanced

  • Squats with a kettlebell in one hand 4x12-15
  • Push two kettlebells 4x8-12
  • Kettlebell push-ups 3-4x8-12
  • Kettlebell swings 3-4x15-20
  • Double kettlebell overhead press 3x8-12
  • Turkish get up with kettlebell 3x8-10

Kettlebell training at home it is great way not only keep yourself in excellent physical fitness, but also develop strength and increase muscle endurance, as well as improve posture. All exercises with kettlebells feature natural biomechanics of movement. Therefore, the load between the muscles is distributed evenly and the risk of injury is minimal. Train for your health!

Strengthen muscles, burn fat, and improve your mobility with these six amazing kettlebell exercises in this article.

The kettlebell is a real “pocket gym”. There are many reasons for this: this weighty piece of metal can pump up your buttocks, shoulders, abs, thighs and back. Of course, not without your participation. In addition, each weight type has its own set of exercises. You need to know how to use a kettlebell, otherwise it can cause harm: it will make your shoulders broad and your back massive. The article contains best methods How to use weights to become a slim, energetic and strong girl.

My name is Zuzka Light. I am the author of these recommendations, an online trainer and an experienced fitness model. My love for kettlebells began exactly 6 years ago. It was sympathy from the first lifting of the matte piece of iron. Since then, I have been sharing with everyone my experience about the correct interaction with weights in training. As you can see, my message has reached you too! In 2013, I didn’t just train – my efforts with weights turned into truly hellish work. As a result, I received the “Russian Kettlebell” certificate in the Dragon Doors community in the USA. Since then, I have been an official certified trainer, so all the advice given can be considered official instructions from a skilled and practicing person.

My technique does not consist in plagiarizing already existing standard exercises, but in combining them, creating new elements and increasing the efficiency of working with a kettlebell. In the article, I tried to break down complex exercises into 3-4 steps, which makes them easy and understandable. However, when you start exercising, you may feel like kettlebells are too heavy and not right for you. Believe me, after the first workout you will feel the fat burning in your body, athleticism will infect you, and you will not be able to quit. At least that's how it was with me. Now attention!

Take on the challenge and become the best athlete! Or lose. Are you ready?

By the way, if you are a beginner and have not yet become familiar with weights, I recommend preparing yourself first. Watch a few videos on the Internet, read a couple of articles. Learn how to do the throw, kettlebell press, and snatch. These are key exercises that even many schoolchildren know (Soviet-trained physical education teachers are required to teach 10th and 11th graders how to work with weights). Well, if you think that you are ready to start training, then take a medium-sized kettlebell, a training mat for comfort - let's start...

6 Kettlebell Exercises That Will Change You!

Squat and rollback with a kettlebell

It is a dynamic combination of squatting, pressing and crunching. Important: all movements must be smooth, without unnecessary tension in the back and with a correct back. So:
1. Stand up straight, holding a kettlebell with both bent arms in front of your collarbone.
2. Squat down, focusing on tightening your buttocks.
3. Roll back. Just be careful. First, try to see if the weight will fall on your face or shoulders, and if you can hold it. If it doesn't work, take something easier. After the rollback, return to the starting sitting position.
4. Stand up, squeezing your buttocks and keeping the weight in your hands. When you stand up, the kettlebell should be in the same position as when you started. Do this 10 more times.

Kettlebell snatch with swinging

This exercise is more difficult than it might seem at first. You have to throw the “hot” tool from hand to hand, while controlling the process. Start the exercise only if you feel normal at the beginning of the workout, when your strength is not exhausted and there is still more to come. Otherwise, you can hurt your leg, arm, or just loudly drop a heavy object on the floor, which is also unpleasant. However, for experienced people this exercise brings more joy than trouble. Ready to gain useful skills? Let's go!

1. Lower the front of your body down. At the same time, fix your buttocks. Grab the weight from the floor with both hands. When you pick up the tool, your back should be almost parallel to the floor.
2. Snatch the kettlebell - lift it with outstretched arms to face level. Next, lower the weight and pass it between your legs.
3. Release your grip and pass the kettlebell with one hand to the other. Now repeat the second point - lift the instrument to face level with outstretched arms.
4. As you return the kettlebell to the starting position, lower one hand again and pass the kettlebell under your knee. Only this time on the other side, it's your choice.
5. Continue the exercise until you have completed 10 repetitions of the “swing” in both directions: left and right.

Kettlebell throw with combination squat

It sounds simple, but in reality it can seem complicated. In general, I tried to describe in clear language, and there seems to be logic in my notes. I hope you will be able to master this exercise and soon it will become a “gym habit”.

1. Sink your hips back to lower your torso and grasp the kettlebell with one hand. Take it correct grip: on one side - four fingers, on the other - thumb. This is an important point!
2. Lift the kettlebell close to your body, and then bend your arm so that your “iron assistant” is located in the bend of your elbow. I recommend that girls slow down the pace somewhat so as not to damage their breasts with the mass of metal. You should end up standing straight with the kettlebell in one hand, pressed to your shoulder.
3. Next you need to sit down. But this is not a simple squat, but on one leg. The leg on whose side the weight is placed should become a support. Place the other one on the “support” so that a figure of four appears. Simply put, place the foot of one leg higher than the knee of the other and start squatting. Do the deepest squat you can.
4. After one sitting, return to a standing position on two legs and place the working, mobile leg, which was thrown over the other, behind your back, stretch it. Culturally, this is called a "curtsey" - moving the leg back to greet. During training, you can call it whatever you want, the main thing is that it works!
5. After curtsying, repeat the “four”. And so 10 times.

Kettlebell "birch"

This is the first lying exercise on our list. Don’t expect to immediately master 10 repetitions in a row - the exercise is difficult, but extremely effective. The sooner you start, the sooner you will get the long-awaited result and pleasure from the developments.
1. Lie back down on a mat or prepared mat and place a kettlebell behind your head at arm's length. Take it from both sides.
2. Grip the kettlebell tightly - it will become your support. Now raise both legs as close to your body as possible, keeping them together. And twist your torso with your legs. This exercise is called the “tornado” and helps pump up your abs.
3. Then lower your legs. After resting for a second, lift them up, but this time the weight is not a support, but your burden, which needs to be moved to the level of your knees. At the same time, raise your legs not extended, but bent at the knees, as you do for the abdominal exercise.
4. Repeat the “tornado”, only this time twist your torso in reverse side. Continue the exercise until you have done 10 approaches. You can change the order of the elements of the exercise: “tornado” - moving a weight, weight - “tornado” - it doesn’t matter.

Snatch, press and squat

The press snatch is a wonderful skill for kettlebell enthusiasts. During the certification, I lifted a kettlebell above me 100 times with one hand in 5 minutes. Once you master this exercise, you can move on to more complex ones.
Note: for snatches and bench presses, it is recommended to wear wrist protection, at least an elastic bandage. Ideally, the kettlebell shouldn't hit your wrist, but if that doesn't work for you yet, protect yourself from an accident.

1. Lower your hips back along with a smooth lowering of your torso. Grab the kettlebell with one hand.
2. Raise the weight so that it is above your head. The tool should be positioned behind your hand, resting on the outside of your wrist. Over time, you will learn to do this smoothly, without hitting your hand. In the meantime, I’ll repeat it again: put on protection and put up with the light blows of a difficult object on the bone.
3. Continuing to hold the kettlebell above your head, begin to lower. First, bend the leg opposite to the side where you are holding the kettlebell. Then bend your supporting leg.
4. Eventually you will squat your hips onto your feet. Now lift your hips and stand straight, keeping your knees on the floor.
5. Start standing with your supporting leg, then straighten the opposite leg.
6. Lower the kettlebell to your shoulder, then lift it back up, repeating the entire cycle. Go through all 6 points 10 times.

Kettlebell Snatch Push-Up

This is a difficult exercise, so don't make the mistake of picking up a heavy instrument right away. It's better to start small, take a light weight. Believe me, the activity will not seem easy to you if you are trying it for the first time.
However, the weight of the kettlebell should be optimal so that during a push-up it doesn’t happen that the weight goes out from under your hands, you fall face down on the floor and hurt your wrist. Be careful!

1. The first point is push-ups. But not simple ones. Usually your hands were fixed on the floor, and now the horns of the weight, which you will turn its massive part towards your face, will serve as support. Make sure to place the body exactly along the line. Tighten your buttocks and abdominal muscles. Do push-ups.

2. Instead of repeating push-ups, move into a squat position as you lift your torso. At the same time, move the weight between your legs.

3. Straighten your legs and simultaneously jerk the kettlebell. Hold it with both hands and lift it slightly above head level with your arms outstretched. You don't have to be completely standing. The legs may be slightly bent at the knees.

4. Return the kettlebell back to the push-up position. Repeat the exercise complex 10 times. This will tone your abs, tone your butt and strengthen your back!

Turn combo exercises into a workout!

This list of activities I have invented can be turned into a full-fledged workout. To do this, repeat each exercise 10 times, as I wrote in all the lists. Then repeat the entire cycle of 6 sessions three times. Allowed to change the sequence training exercises, but it is better not to reduce the number - 10 approaches is the ideal number to start with. It has been tested several times: you will repeat what is described at least 2 times a week and you will not recognize yourself after 3 months. But the result will not come on its own. Since you have read to the end, you have the desire to develop. So, let's get started. Now.

More interesting things

Such a sport as kettlebell lifting arose at the end of the 19th century in Russia. In 1885, in St. Petersburg, the first amateur circle for strength exercises was organized, the founder of which was V.F. Kraevsky. It was this man who at that time introduced the European level of training in the circle and equipped the training halls with everything necessary. This type sports, is designed to develop strength endurance in a person; also, athletes from weightlifting and even powerlifting often come to him.

Many people, thinking about doing kettlebell lifting, don’t know where to start. Most of those who take up it make such gross mistakes as severely exhausting themselves, which is unacceptable in the initial stages of training. This primarily leads to pain throughout the body and after short training, many give up weight lifting.

You need to start training with kettlebells small, gradually increasing the load and adding new exercises. For those who are just starting to master kettlebell lifting, it is enough to just do specialized exercises several times a day for 1 hour.

It is best to conduct training either in the morning from 10 to 12 o’clock in the afternoon, or in the late afternoon from 16 to 18 o’clock.

When engaging in kettlebell lifting, it is important to organize not only regular training for yourself, but also proper nutrition to provide your body with only useful substances that are so necessary for sports. However, in order for the body to receive the required amount useful substances when playing sports, you need to eat a significant amount of food, and this does not have a very positive effect on digestive system. It is precisely because of this problem that special sports nutrition, with the help of which the athlete could receive everything necessary substances, to maintain your strength.

Therefore, before engaging in kettlebell lifting, review your diet and calculate what is most optimal for your body.

The next thing you need to do is to treat the exercises you perform as correctly as possible, since your future passion for kettlebell lifting depends on this.

For beginners, exercises using a one-pound weight are best. You need to exercise before three times per week, be sure to use the intervals to restore your strength. Before performing classes, you need to do a short warm-up. The first exercises with a kettlebell, you should try to perform using your whole body, from your stomach to your skeleton. Between each exercise, be sure to take a break of a few minutes.

Below are several simple sets of exercises with kettlebells for beginners.

1. Taking a one-pound weight with both hands, lift it to the chest area and push it up with your whole body. Try to smoothly lower the weight to the base of the floor. Continue doing this exercise five to eight times.

2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Take the kettlebell by its handle with both hands and place it behind your back, placing the kettlebell on your shoulder blades. Begin to lean forward and backward smoothly. Try to keep your back straight and your legs straight. Repeat the exercise five or six times.

3. Take the weight with both hands and lift it to the chest area, holding the weight in this position, bend forward, and then slowly return to its original position. Do this exercise five to eight times.

4. You need to place your feet shoulder-width apart, grab the kettlebell by its handle with both hands and vigorously throw it up above your head. When performing this exercise, use your back muscles as much as possible and make sure that the weight rises as perpendicularly as possible, upward relative to the floor.

5. This activity can be performed both from a standing position and in a sitting position. If this exercise is performed standing, then you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart, bring the weight to the chest area and holding it in this position, you need to turn your torso from one side to the other. The pace of this exercise is moderate. This must be done five or eight times.