Five-minute strawberry jam. Thick strawberry jam for the winter: recipes for strawberry jam with whole berries

Some people do not make jam from frozen strawberries, fearing that they will spread. But this unnecessary fears, if you listen to the advice and recommendations of those who have already made such jam and got really jam, not jam, or marmalade.

I’ll say right away that “five minutes” is very arbitrary and in fact you will spend a little more time, although this time will be spent defrosting the strawberries.

To make jam from frozen strawberries, you can use a little less sugar. After all, when frozen, the excess water evaporates and only the juice remains, which is already quite sweet.

Take 1 kg of strawberries and 600 grams of sugar. This is the ideal ratio for frozen berries. Place the strawberries in a saucepan, add sugar, stir and let the berries melt on their own at room temperature.

And now main secret: Before putting the jam on the stove, add 10 grams of citric acid or the juice of half a lemon to the saucepan. Lemon will prevent the berries from spreading and they will retain their bright color, and I’m not even saying that lemon gives a pleasant sourness and acts as a preservative.

Bring the jam to a boil, skim off the foam and cook over very high heat for 5 minutes.

Place the jam in jars or bowls and cool. Such jam can be rolled up, but this is not advisable. It’s easier to make jam from frozen berries when you want jam, rather than storing it for future use.

Frozen strawberry jam in a slow cooker

The only difficulty in making jam in a slow cooker is that when boiling, the strawberries foam a lot and can even come out from under the lid. Therefore, if you want to cook in a slow cooker, cook the jam in small portions.

Pour frozen berries into the multicooker bowl, mix them with sugar and let the berries melt. After that, turn on the “multi-cook” or “simmering/stewing” mode for 30 minutes. Keep an eye on the jam and skim off the foam from time to time.

The taste of jam made from frozen strawberries is no different from that made from fresh berries. So, feel free to buy a bag of frozen strawberries at the store and make jam for your health.

How to cook strawberry jam in a slow cooker, watch the video:

Publication date: 07/01/2017

Today we will make strawberry jam, which takes 5 minutes to make, due to this, vitamins are preserved in it. In this jam, the berries come out whole; they only change color when cooked, but not their shape. At the same time, it can be stored under ordinary plastic covers without a refrigerator.

Five-minute jam is a high-speed option for processing strawberries, so you need to cook them in small portions so that all the berries have time to warm up evenly. Cook a maximum of a couple of kilograms at a time.

It is best to cook strawberry jam for the winter in a copper basin, but if the portion is small, you can do it in a saucepan with a thick bottom.

If you want to keep the berries whole and beautiful, then it is better not to stir the jam with a spoon or spatula. Instead, you can lift the pan and swirl it around, shaking it a little.

Five-minute strawberry jam may not turn out very thick, because we did not boil it long time, it doesn’t have time to boil down. But at the same time, it is still very tasty and can be eaten instantly. And also the most useful and beautiful - after all, the berries were not boiled down, but remained intact.

If you think there is too much syrup, you can pour the excess into a separate jar. And you will have homemade natural syrup, which you can use to soak cakes, pour over ice cream, etc.

Strawberry jam 5 minutes. The secret of how to make healthy strawberry jam for the winter (method 1)

Although the jam is called “five-minute jam,” it takes two to three days to prepare it according to this recipe. But on each of these days you will need a minimum of time and effort.

But, in fact, it is not difficult. We came home from work in the evening, turned it on, cooked for 5 minutes and set it aside. Saving time for modern busy housewives.

The proportions are approximately the same as for most types of jam: per kilogram of strawberries you need 1 kilogram of sugar.

  1. First, prepare: the berries must be washed and removed from the sepals.

2. Cover approximately two kilograms of berries with two kilograms of sugar.

3. After this, let it sit with sugar for 15-20 minutes. Then put it on low heat. The jam begins to boil, stir gently until the sugar dissolves completely. You don’t need to stir too much, because the berry is tender, it’s important not to crush it, just if you have some sugar left on the surface, you need to carefully push it down with a spatula so that it dissolves.

4. When the jam has boiled for 5 minutes, you need to set it aside.

5. The next day, turn it on again to cook for 5 minutes after boiling. And then remove it from the stove again.

6. The next day, boil again for five minutes and pour hot into sterilized jars. The jam is ready!

Five-minute strawberry jam. How to make jam with whole berries (method 2)

This is real five-minute jam, which does not need to be cooked for three days (albeit for 5 minutes each), but is cooked in one go. In this recipe, we follow the method of our mothers and grandmothers - we do not weigh the sugar, but simply measure it in equal measure with the berry. For example, for 5 cups of berries, 5 cups of sugar.

This is the fastest jam. But it is recommended to cook it not on low, but on medium heat, so that the berries can warm up, especially if they are large.

1. First, make a very thick sugar syrup. For the syrup, you will need about half a glass of water per liter of sugar. Stir the water and sugar until all the sugar is wet, place the heat over medium or higher and begin to cook, stirring constantly.

2. Gradually it will turn into a thick boiling syrup.

3. At this moment, switch to medium heat and carefully add the berries.

4. At the very beginning, you can stir a little with a spatula, especially near the bottom, so that the syrup does not burn. But as soon as the liquid from the strawberries appears, you can no longer stir; mixing occurs like this: you take the pan, rotate and shake so that the berries change place. At this stage, the boiling stops, the heat should be medium or below medium - at this time the berries release their juice into the sugar syrup.

5. Then the jam will boil, and every two minutes you need to take the pan and rotate it in a circular motion so that the berries turn over and heat up evenly.

6. A sign that cooking is finished is when the jam begins to bubble at the edge of the pan. This may take more than five minutes, but you have to wait for this moment.

7. Next, you need to quickly put it into sterilized jars. You need to lay it out very carefully.

Five-minute strawberry jam is every woman’s dream. Quickly - because our heroine does not tolerate long preparations. Convenient and not troublesome - not much work. But the main thing is that it’s healthy, tasty and even, if you want, elegant! Tender, pleasant in all respects, whether picked in the garden or bought at the market, the strawberry just begs to be put in a jar. And then, in the cold, having found it on the shelf, filled with a fragrant delicacy, we, barely restraining ourselves from opening it on the way to the kitchen, anticipate pleasure... In whatever form the five-minute strawberry appears before us, carefully closed in summer time, - With citric acid whether, in a slow cooker, cooked or without cooking berries, any step by step recipe delicious strawberry jam for the winter with photos is unforgettable. Because our princess, who has such an unforgettably bright aroma, looks good in all her outfits, as they say!

Five-minute strawberry jam for the winter: step-by-step recipe with photos

In order not to say goodbye to your favorite berries in the summer, you just need to work a little. After waiting for the strawberry season, quickly make the necessary preparations in the form of strawberry jam in five minutes, a step-by-step recipe with photos of which we offer. And one day, spreading a spoonful of such deliciousness or five-minute strawberry jam on a fresh loaf, you suddenly realize that winter is not so long!

We will need (for 2 liters of product):

  • strawberries – 2 kilograms
  • granulated sugar – 1 kilogram 200 grams

How to make quick five-minute strawberry jam

  1. Having chosen a medium-sized berry, sort it out and rinse it gently without disturbing the flesh.

  1. After letting the water drain, tearing off the tails, put the strawberries in a deep bowl and pour granulated sugar.

  1. Once we see the juice (after about five hours), we’ll let it cook on the fire.

  1. Bring to a boil and skim off the foam, boil the strawberries with juice and sugar for exactly five minutes.

  1. Without allowing the “five minutes” to cool, we quickly pack it into clean jars and roll it up with sterile lids.

  1. After letting them cool upside down, we put them in a cool corner. This is what five-minute strawberry jam will look like!

Five-minute strawberry jam with mint for the winter - recipe

Strawberries themselves are incredibly fragrant. And in combination with bright mint it takes on a completely different accent. This “quick” strawberry jam will be a lot of fun!


  • strawberries - 1 kilogram
  • sugar – 1 kilogram

Making strawberry jam with mint

  1. After washing, sorting and drying the strawberries, sprinkle them with sugar.
  2. We are waiting for the juice to appear (you can leave it overnight).
  3. In the morning, after bringing to a boil, remove the foam and add chopped mint sprigs to the mixture.
  4. After 5 minutes of cooking the berries, turn off the gas.
  5. Place the strawberry jam in dry, sterile jars and roll up the lids.

Strawberry jam using the five-minute method for 24 hours


  • strawberries - 1 kilogram
  • sugar - 800 grams

Cook strawberry jam for five minutes

  1. Sprinkle the prepared berries with sugar in a bowl in which the jam will be cooked.
  2. Cover it all with a lid and set it aside for 8 hours.
  3. After stirring the mixture, bring it to a boil and, skimming off the foam, cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Remove from gas, cover with gauze and let cool.
  5. After 5 hours, let it boil and cook for another 5 minutes, repeating the same steps after 5 hours.
  6. Pour the hot mixture into the jars and seal them tightly.
So you’ve found out how simple it all is, and now you’ll be making strawberry jam for five minutes every summer. You will always have a step-by-step recipe for this sweet preparation at your fingertips. Are you going to save it right now?

Strawberry jam without cooking the berries - the best recipe

Want to know how to make strawberry jam without boiling the berries? A good wish, because with this method our heroine will retain almost all her useful qualities. It’s also nice that the procedure is very simple, and the dish itself will amaze you in winter with its incredible natural beauty and incomparable taste.

What you need to prepare from the products:

  • Strawberries – 1 kilogram
  • Sugar – 1.5 kilograms

How to make jam without boiling berries

  1. After preparing the fruits, let them dry as much as possible.
  2. Divide each into slices and gently sprinkle everything with granulated sugar.
    Attention: if you add less sugar, the jam will not last long!
  3. Covering the bowl with the mixture with a towel, wait until morning.
  4. And in the morning, after mixing everything very carefully, put it in sterilized jars.
  5. Gradually fill the empty space left on top of your finger with sugar.
  6. Cover the jars with a clean cloth or paper, tying them with twine on top, or with plastic lids.
This type of healthy treat is extremely tasty and healthy! But, since we do not close the jars hermetically and this is a five-minute strawberry without boiling the berries, it is better to store such preservation in the refrigerator or use it at the very beginning of winter.

Five-minute strawberry jam with citric acid: a delicious recipe for the winter

Many people have the question “Why do we need citric acid?” disappears by itself. They say that the recipe was invented by those who, although they love this bright delicacy, do not welcome its cloying sweetness. Perhaps there is some logic to this. True, those who have already prepared strawberry jam for five minutes with citric acid add it only so that it retains its magnificent color! To make sure of this, we will prepare this sweet preparation today according to this recipe.

Recipe 1

What you will need for cooking:

  • strawberries – 1 kilogram
  • sugar – 1 kilogram
  • citric acid – 2 grams

Method for making strawberry jam with citric acid

  1. After sorting out the strawberries, washing and drying them, add sugar.
  2. In order not to damage the berries, mix them very carefully with sugar and do not touch them in the evening.
  3. In the morning, seeing that the juice has stood out, put the bowl with the future jam on low heat.
  4. Bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and let cool.
  5. This procedure is carried out 3-4 times - during this period the berries slowly absorb the syrup.
  6. IN last time add citric acid - then the jam will retain its incomparable color.
  7. It is poured immediately, hot, into sterile jars and rolled up with a key.

Five-minute strawberry jam with citric acid - a very quick recipe

For conservation we take:

  • strawberries – 1 kilogram
  • sugar – 1 kilogram
  • citric acid – 2 grams

Step by step instructions

  1. Divide each peeled and washed berry into several parts.
  2. Having put this mass in a cauldron, pour everything with sugar and immediately add citric acid.
    Attention: not everyone will be able to measure exactly 2 grams, so it is advisable to taste it.
  3. We don’t wait for the juice to stand out, but bring the mixture to a boil over low heat (otherwise it will burn!).
  4. Remove the foam as soon as the strawberry jam boils for five minutes.
  5. Let it cook for 5 minutes, but without stirring.
  6. Then you can pour into prepared jars and seal.
  7. Let it cool upside down and put it on the shelves until summer!
With so much sugar and the cooking method, it is not entirely necessary to store strawberry jam with citric acid in the refrigerator. It will be perfectly stored on the shelves of your cellar or pantry. And the color is truly magnificent!

Five-minute strawberry jam in a slow cooker: step-by-step recipe

If you cook strawberry jam for five minutes in a slow cooker, it will retain more of its nutrients than usual. After all, here everything happens fallow, and therefore everything (including vitamins and the pulp itself) will be preserved as much as possible. Yes, the product will not be as thick as we would like, and it may not be suitable for pies. But with tea, with any dessert - unforgettable!

Ingredients for jam in a slow cooker:

  • strawberries – 1 kilogram
  • granulated sugar – 400 grams

Step-by-step recipe for jam in a slow cooker

  1. Let's prepare everything - the berries (washing, sorting and clearing of excess), and the slow cooker for making strawberry jam.
    Attention: first, let’s take a look at the container to see if there is enough space, because the jam may begin to escape under the steam.
  2. Place the clean and moisture-dried fruits into the multicooker bowl.
  3. Sprinkle them with sugar.
    Attention: if the strawberries are sour, add more sugar!
  4. Set aside for a while, waiting for the juice to release. Please be patient because this process may take 5-6 hours.
  5. Having installed the bowl in the multicooker, set the desired mode - “Multicook” (at 120 degrees).
  6. We remove the foam and, without hesitation, pour our hot five-minute mixture into a sterile container.
  7. Cover it tightly with lids and let it cool upside down.
There are no special requirements for storing five-minute strawberry jam cooked in a slow cooker. It is enough to send it to a cool place. But as for containers, it would be better to focus on small volumes - it’s more convenient to arrange them and use them. Having learned how to make five-minute strawberry jam, or rather its recipe without boiling the berries, what kind of gift would this be? original form you can present!

Video recipe: five-minute strawberry jam

It’s better to see once than to read a hundred times... We learned how to make strawberry jam recipe with photos. And now, slightly paraphrasing the well-known proverb, we will offer a five-minute video recipe for making strawberry jam. The author talks about the process so clearly. All you have to do is follow the advice, good luck!

  • To ensure that the results of your summer work are only pleasing, it is important to know something. Let's say, picking berries - it must be dry weather.
  • Whole berries should be placed separately from overripe ones. And once collected, do not store them for long. After which they are sorted, washed (without keeping them in water!), allowed to dry (and only then weighed) and proceed further according to the recipe.
  • If it happens that the jam does not cook immediately, then you can cover the berries with sugar.
  • Covered with nylon lids, the jars should be kept in the refrigerator.
  • To prevent mold from covering strawberry jam, recipe
    must match. So, sugar saves the workpiece from this misfortune: first put one layer, then, when it is absorbed, another one - and so on until you get a crust of sugar. After which the jam closes
  • You can quickly make strawberry jam without adding a lot of sugar (this is ideal for diabetics) - just put 10 g of pectin per 1 kg of fruit (combine it with sugar first; cook for 5 minutes with pectin after boiling).
  • It is better to take strawberries that are dense, not fully ripe and medium in size.
  • Store the product in a cool, dark place for 3-5 years - if everything is exactly according to the recipe!
  • If you add lemon juice to a kilogram of strawberries at the end of cooking, the aromatic sweetness will become even tastier.
  • Dipping each berry in vodka three times before cooking will add even more extravagance to the jam.
Five-minute strawberry jam for the winter... Everyone associates it with incredible and healthy deliciousness. And not only in the form of spreading it on a fresh bun or with a cup of fragrant tea. What can you cook with his participation! How delicious will be cheesecakes or casserole, sprinkled with this bright red beauty, pie or pies, mousse or other drink, desserts, etc.! That’s why any step-by-step recipe with photos that tells you how to make five-minute strawberry jam with citric acid and other goodies in a slow cooker or without cooking at all always finds a home in culinary recipes hostesses. And they can’t wait for summer since winter - just to get started with winter preparations as soon as possible!

Fruits and berries


Strawberry jam in 5 minutes– it’s very simple and affordable winter preparation, which is sure to be present in the pantry of any self-respecting housewife. Not only because such a delicacy is easy to prepare, but also because it contains a lot useful vitamins. It is increasingly better to please your loved ones with something tasty and at the same time natural, rather than with what is sold in stores today. Now let's try to figure out what this jam is in 5 minutes. It is obviously false to assume that you will be able to prepare this or any other jam in just 5 minutes. The simple process of washing the amount of strawberries that we will use today will take you more time.

The essence of any five-minute jam lies in the method of its preparation, which we will talk about in more detail directly in the step-by-step photo recipe, but now we will clarify only some of the features. In order to save taste characteristics jam and the shape of the berries, you definitely can’t overexpose it over the fire, but in this case, the sugar will not preserve the berries enough, and the preparation may simply deteriorate. It may seem that this vicious circle, however, this is where five-minute recipes come to the rescue. More simple and delicious recipe You simply won’t find strawberry jam. You can serve this treat in any quantity, because strawberries are plentiful in summer. Let’s start preparing delicious and healthy strawberry jam for the winter in five minutes at home.



    We wash the selected amount of sweet and ripe strawberries in advance in cold water and at the same time we remove the green tails ourselves or with the assistance of loved ones. You shouldn’t be seduced by store-bought berries that are the same shape and too bright in color; they were probably not fully grown in a natural way. It’s better to buy or even pick fresh strawberries different shapes, but with a natural scent. We discard the washed strawberries in a colander and let the excess liquid drain completely, after which we place the berries in a clean enamel basin.

    Now you need to generously sprinkle the strawberries with prepared granulated sugar. Remember, if you use a different amount of strawberries than what is indicated in the ingredients, the amount of sugar will also have to be recalculated. We leave the strawberries in this form until the evening or for the next 6-8 hours so that the strawberries release the juice we need so much. By the way, this is why we use enamel containers at this stage, because in this case we will keep the taste and color of the juice natural.

    It will be most convenient to use a large saucepan instead of a basin; otherwise, you will have to pour the strawberries and juice into a separate pan for cooking or prepare the jam directly in the basin. After the specified time has passed, you must carefully wooden spoon mix strawberries with the remains of undissolved refined sugar.

    Place the container with strawberries and juice on the stove, bring the liquid to a boil and cook the jam for 5 minutes, the same ones we were talking about we're talking about in the title of the recipe. As soon as five minutes have passed, turn off the heat and cover the container cotton fabric and leave the strawberries in this form for at least another 8 hours.

    We repeat the procedure the next day again, at the same time a white foam will form on the surface of the jam, as shown in the photo, it must be carefully removed with a slotted spoon, then the workpiece will turn out transparent and smooth. We steep the strawberries again for 8 hours and cook for the third final time for the same 5 minutes. It is thanks to this method of preparing jam that strawberries will retain their shape and natural taste.

    Now all that’s left is to thoroughly sterilize small jars for the preparation, pour still hot strawberry jam into them and seal them tightly with sterilized tin lids. This sweet preserve is perfectly stored in the pantry or in the refrigerator, and is most often served with tea. Homemade delicious jam from strawberries in 5 minutes by yourself simple recipe ready.

    Bon appetit!