Delicious seedless plum jam. Recipes for plum jam with pits

Now our season has begun blue plums. They are in the middle phase of ripening, not very soft yet. The jam prepared for the winter from such plums will come with whole slices. Today I am posting an easy to prepare and proven family recipe for Hungarian plum jam. This homemade jam Blue plums make tasty, tender and delightfully beautiful. We need: blue […]

We are now in the season of blue plums. They are in the middle phase of ripening, not very soft yet. The jam prepared for the winter from such plums will come with whole slices. Today I am posting an easy to prepare and proven family recipe for Hungarian plum jam. This homemade blue plum jam is delicious, tender and delightfully beautiful.

We need:

  • blue plums 1.5 kg (I have the Hungarian or Ugor variety);
  • sugar 1.2 kg;
  • water 0.5 cups.

How to make jam from pitted plums

We begin preparing the workpiece by going, armed with a bucket, to collect plums ourselves or to the nearest market store. Jam made from your own plums, collected with your own hands, is always tastier and healthier, but not everyone has this opportunity, unfortunately. Blue plums need to be freed from tails and leaves. Wash thoroughly and remove from each seed, cutting it into two parts. Defects, if any, should be removed.

Sprinkle the plum halves with granulated sugar. You can leave the plum in the sugar until it releases juice, or add half a glass of water so you can immediately put it on the fire. The heat should be very low so that the jam does not burn.

During the heating process, the plums will release juice and end up in syrup. Stir the plums with a wooden spatula. After boiling, boil the Hungarian jam for a couple of minutes (no more than 5) and turn off the heat. Leave the workpiece to cool completely (about 3.5 hours).

Place the cooled jam on the fire again. Cook for 5-7 minutes. Then pour into jars.

Close the jars with lids and roll up with a special key. Turn the jars of jam onto the floor and wrap them in a warm blanket or towel.

Leave the plum jam until it cools completely, then put it in a dark and cool place for long-term storage.

Blue plum jam tastes incredible - with a slight sourness and rich, bright color. It goes well with hot drinks: tea, compote, uzvar. In addition, Hungarian jam is perfect as a filling for grated pie or other baked goods.

Seedless, the recipe for which is passed down from generation to generation in many families, is prepared quite quickly, and most importantly - without extra effort. Exists universal method cooking, which is suitable for both the stove and multicookers, which few kitchens can do without these days.

Plums are useful because they have a good effect on intestinal motility, stimulating it. It is noteworthy that after cooking the fruit retains this property. The vitamin composition of plums undergoes some changes, but they remain healthy and tasty even in the form of jam.

Plums in their own juice

This jam is more like a thick syrup with pieces of berries. It tastes in no way inferior to any other. Preparation plum jam This recipe will not cause any difficulties even for those who have never rolled up jars for the winter before.

You will need:

Ripe dark plums (1-1.5 kg);

Sugar (300-450 g).

There is no water in the recipe at all, no need to add it. The pits are removed from the plums and the fruit halves are placed in a deep pan. Everything is covered with sugar on top. Seedless plum jam, the recipe for which involves infusion, turns out to be especially tasty and aromatic. The fruits are left sprinkled with sugar for a while so that they produce juice. The period depends on how ripe the plums were taken. Once the juice has appeared, the pan can be placed on the stove to bring the contents to a boil. Next, you need to cook for another 3-5 minutes, stirring with a spoon so as not to damage the integrity of the plums. You need to repeat the procedure 2-3 times: boiling, cooking, boiling, cooking. The finished jam is sealed in heated sterilized jars.

The simplest recipe for sweet jam

The cooking principle is no different from the previous one, there is only one difference: sugar is taken at the rate of 1 kilogram per 1 kilogram of fruit. Plum jam for the winter made in this way is rich, sweet and does not become sugary. for a long time, if the jars have been well sterilized. It must be stored in a cool place. The maximum shelf life is 2 years. After this time, there is a risk that the jam will become simply sweet, losing all its beneficial properties.

Jam from sour plums

The recipe described above is also suitable for fruits with pronounced sourness, but there is a slight difference. Firstly, you need more sugar: 1 kilogram of plums requires 1.5 kilograms. Secondly, in order for the fruit to give juice, you need to add half a glass of boiled warm water. Thirdly, you will have to insist for about 10-12 hours. At the same time, seedless plum jam, the recipe for which is universal for any variety, turns out to be moderately sweet and moderately sour. You don’t have to throw away the seeds, leaving them for other purposes. For example, homemade tinctures.

For multicooker

The quantity of ingredients is selected individually, taking into account the volume of the bowl of the device. For 1 kilogram of plums, 1 kilogram of sugar is required. There is no need to soak the fruit. They are thoroughly washed, pitted, and peeled. This is not difficult to do: scald the plums with boiling water, then remove the skin. The plum halves are placed in an even layer in the bowl, sprinkled with sugar, and fruit is again placed on it until the multicooker is full. Plum jam, prepared at home not on the stove, has a special aroma and softness. The consistency is more like a very delicate jam. The program is set to “Quenching”. How much? 1 hour is enough at a power of 750-800 W. After cooking, the jam is sealed in jars or eaten immediately. Any varieties of plums are suitable, but cook sour ones longer - 1.5 hours. Sugar is added to taste.

A way for those who like to tinker

Not everyone likes five-minute jam, so you can prepare it using the traditional method, which was previously used in every third home. You will need:

Elastic plums (1 kilogram);

Sugar (1.4 kilograms);

Boiled water (1.5 cups of 200 ml).

Plum jam for the winter used to be prepared this way. Many people have known its taste since childhood, although it takes a little tinkering. The fruits are pitted and placed in a separate bowl. Sugar is mixed with water and the syrup is cooked over low heat. The calculation of the ratio is simple: for 1400 grams of sugar you need 300 ml of water. The syrup is not cooled, but immediately poured into the plums. They need to be left in this form for 6-8 hours. Then the syrup is drained again, boiled over low heat, and poured over the plums again for several hours. After such preparation, the jam is placed on the stove. You need to cook it over low heat, stirring and skimming, for an hour. The recipe for delicious plum jam is not so simple, but the result exceeds all expectations. They are sealed in jars in the same way as any other homemade product.

If the plums were unripe or sour, then they need to be infused longer - 4-5 hours. How long should you cook plum jam in this case? The same amount - 1 hour. To check how well it has reduced, you can drop a drop of syrup onto a plate. If the drop does not flow or spread over the surface, then the jam is completely ready for swirling. It is not necessary to cool it.

Combined recipe

Jam with plums and oranges turns out to have a very interesting taste. It will require:

Plums (1 kilogram of ripe, but not too soft);

Sugar (1.5 kilograms for the entire cooking);

Zest of 5 oranges.

The plums are sprinkled with sugar (the pits are first removed) and left for several hours until the juice is released. At this time, candied fruits are made from orange peel. That is, they caramelize the skin over low heat with sugar. The plum with juice is placed on the stove. After the first boil, reduce the heat to low. Candied orange peel passed through a meat grinder, added to fruits with syrup. You need to cook until tender, on average 1-1.5 hours over low heat. The finished jam is sealed in jars. The combination of oranges and plums gives the preparation an indescribable aroma and taste.

How to seal jam for the winter

To prevent the workpieces from deteriorating, they must be properly closed for storage. It's not as difficult as it seems. To begin with, the jars are thoroughly washed, doused with boiled water from the inside, and dried. The latter is very important: seedless plum jam (any recipe) requires well-sterilized containers, otherwise it will be difficult to avoid the appearance of mold or mildew. The jars are kept over steam until all the droplets have dried. The lids are sterilized in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Jam is placed in jars wooden spoon so that the cutlery does not touch the walls, otherwise they will burst. Everything is closed with lids of your choice: plastic or metal. The latter are twisted with a special machine.

Step-by-step recipes for making plum jam for the winter with spices, nuts and cocoa

2018-07-28 Rida Khasanova





In 100 grams ready-made dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


63 gr.

254 kcal.

Option 1: Classic recipe for plum jam for the winter

Everyone knows the beneficial properties of plums - it helps strengthen blood vessels, helps fight anemia and normalizes blood pressure. To benefit not only in the summer season, but also all year round, you can make delicious jam from plums.

Plum jam turns out very thick, with a rich aroma. it can be boiled in pieces or in the form of a sweet puree, and other fruits or nuts can be added. This preparation can become not only a dessert for tea, but also a filling for sweet pies or buns.


Step-by-step recipe for plum jam for the winter

Place plums in a bowl with cold water and wash thoroughly. Remove fruits with damaged sides, remove leaves and tails.

Cut each plum into halves and remove the pits. Large plums cut into 4 slices.

Place the plum pieces into a saucepan or enamel bowl, add sugar and leave until juice begins to ooze from the fruit.

Place the pan on the stove, turn on moderate heat and bring the sweet mass to a boil. After 5 minutes, turn off the stove.

Let the plums cool and turn the heat back on. As soon as they boil, immediately remove from the stove and let cool again.

For the third time, cook the plums for 5 minutes.

Wash and rinse small glass jars thoroughly. clean water. Transfer the hot sugared plums into jars and immediately seal them tightly with metal lids.

Allow the jam to cool room temperature and put it in a dry, cool cellar for storage until winter. You can serve it with pancakes, pancakes or just as a dessert for tea.

Option 2: Quick recipe for plum jam for the winter

Many housewives strive to make more preparations from berries and fruits in the summer in order to enrich their food with vitamins. winter diet. But if you keep the jam on the stove for a long time, almost all useful substances disappear from the fruit. You can avoid this if you prepare jam under the code name “Five Minute”, when cooking takes no more than 5 minutes.


  • kilogram of plums;
  • kilogram of granulated sugar.

How to quickly make plum jam for the winter

Rinse the plum thoroughly, remove stems and leaves. Cut the fruit into halves or quarters if the plums are very large. Remove the bones.

Place the plums in an enamel pan, pour sugar on top, mix well.

Turn on low heat and cook the plums, stirring constantly with a spatula so that the jam does not burn to the bottom of the pan. Bring to a boil and keep in this state for about 5 minutes.

Sterilize jars and lids in advance and scald them with hot steam. As soon as the jam is ready, immediately pour it into jars and seal the lids using a sealing machine.

Turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a warm towel. Leave the jam like this until it cools down.

Return the cooled jam to its normal position and store it in the basement.

Option 3: Plum jam with spices for the winter

If you add spices to plum jam, you will get a very aromatic dessert that can surprise all guests with its unexpected, amazing taste. This jam goes especially well with herbal tea and will help keep you warm on cold winter evenings.


  • 12 dried cloves;
  • 2.5 kg. ripe plum;
  • 2.5 cinnamon sticks;
  • 2.5 kg. granulated sugar.

How to cook

Pour into a bowl cold water. Pour plums into it and leave for 8-10 minutes. Then drain the water and rinse the plums a couple of times with running water, thoroughly washing each fruit.

Cut the plums in half, remove the pits. With a sharp knife remove the skin if the plums are blue, but you can leave the yellow fruits - this variety has a soft skin, and this will not affect the taste of the jam.

Cut the peeled plum into four slices, place in a saucepan and add sugar. Leave for about an hour to release the juice.

Place on the lowest heat, do not cover with a lid. Cook for about an hour, stirring occasionally with a spatula. Remove from heat and leave overnight.

After 12 hours, add cinnamon and cloves to the jam, put it back on the fire and cook for half an hour. Remove any foam that forms immediately.

Remove spices from the jam, otherwise they will give too strong an aroma and spoil the taste.

Wash the jars thoroughly, rinse and steam the inside. Pour the jam, filling the containers to the very top and screw the lids on tightly.

Turn the jam jars upside down with the lids and wrap them in warm blanket or a towel and leave it like that until it cools down.

Put the cooled plum jam in the cellar, and in winter enjoy a fragrant, delicate dessert.

Option 4: Plum jam with cocoa for the winter

Ordinary jam can surprise almost no one, but rarely has anyone tried chocolate jam. According to this recipe, plum jam turns out to be completely unusual in taste, aromatic and healthy. It will especially appeal to those who cannot imagine their life without chocolate.


  • 15 tablespoons cocoa powder;
  • one and a half kilograms of sugar;
  • 4.5 kg. ripe plums

Step by step recipe

Place the plums in a large basin, pour in cold water and let sit for 10-15 minutes. Then change the water and rinse each fruit thoroughly with your hands.

Cut the plums into 2 halves and remove the pits. If the peel is very dense, then it needs to be removed.

Pour water into a wide saucepan - enough to cover the bottom. Pour the plums into it, close the lid and put on medium heat. When the water starts to boil, reduce the heat to the lowest setting and cook for about half an hour.

When the plum becomes soft and releases juice, turn off the stove and let the fruit cool.

Using an immersion blender, puree the plums. Or rub it by hand through a colander with large holes. By the way, this method will allow you to quickly separate the skin.

Add 500-600 g to plum puree. granulated sugar, mix well and put back on the fire. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring frequently.

Add the remaining sugar and cocoa powder and stir. Taste and add more sugar if necessary. Cook for 20 minutes over low heat.

Rinse small glass jars well and sterilize with any in a convenient way. Then pour the still hot jam over them and seal them tightly with metal lids using a special key.

Cool the jam at room temperature and store it in the cellar until cold weather sets in.

Option 5: Plum jam with nuts for the winter

To cook an unusual delicacy from plums and nuts, you will need to take strong, early varieties of fruit, otherwise they will boil too much and you will not end up with jam, but with plum and nut paste. It is best to choose walnuts, but hazelnuts and almonds are also suitable - to suit everyone’s taste.


  • two kilograms of plums;
  • one and a half kilograms of sugar;
  • 400 gr. walnuts;
  • a couple of cinnamon sticks;
  • glass of water.

How to cook

Wash the plum thoroughly in running water, remove dry cuttings and leaves. Cut each fruit into halves and remove the seeds.

Divide the peeled walnuts into quarters and lightly dry them in a dry frying pan.

Combine plums and nuts in a saucepan, pour in water and add sugar. Add cinnamon and place pan over moderate heat.

When the mixture begins to boil, reduce the heat to the lowest setting and cook for another 20 minutes, immediately skimming off any foam that appears. The plums should soften, but not boil into a shapeless mass.

Turn off the stove and remove the cinnamon sticks from the jam, otherwise they will add bitterness.

Rinse the jars with soda solution, rinse thoroughly and sterilize over hot steam along with the lids.

Place the jam into jars, filling them to the very top. Seal the lids tightly using a special key. Turn upside down and wrap with a warm towel. When the jam has cooled, store it in the cellar.

Plum jam with nuts can be served as a holiday dessert: pour into bowls and decorate with a mound of whipped cream on top.

Bon appetit!

It’s not for nothing that in the old days they always served buns and bagels to the table, put on a samovar and always cups of honey and boiled sweets summer berries and fruits.

Imagine that you were served not some usual delicacy, but delicious elastic plums in amber syrup. Just think of the delicious smell that comes from it. And what a pleasure it is to bite off practically marmalade nectarines in small pieces! Introduced?

It’s not at all difficult to prepare such a delicious dessert. True, in order for the lilac or yellow magnificent fruits to give juice and become sufficiently saturated with sugar, it takes from 6 to 12 hours. But it's worth it! Moreover, to save useful properties and vitamins further process The heat treatment lasts only a few minutes.

Although the recipe is called “five-minute”, due to the time required for boiling over low heat, it will still require a time investment. Therefore, you should start preparing it in the evening.

No, you won't bother with it for long! Everything is done quite quickly. Simply cut plums need to be allowed to own juice. In this way, it will be “preserved” in sugar syrup.

We will need:

  • Plums – 3 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 2 kg.


First, you must thoroughly rinse the plums and remove the stems. If there are any damages on the skin, be sure to remove them so that the jam does not ferment later.

Cut a circle around each nectarine and remove the pit. In principle, you can cook with it. But remember that not everyone likes to “crack” with the hard core while eating. And guests, unknowingly, can accidentally break their teeth on it.

For convenience, and so that the fruit pulp gives more liquid and is then better soaked, you should pour the prepared halves into a basin and sprinkle sugar on top.

If you used plastic dishes, and not an enamel basin, then for cooking you need to pour the workpiece into a pan convenient for this.

Place it over medium heat and let it boil. Then reduce the heat slightly and let it simmer quietly in its thick syrup for just 5 minutes.

You can stir periodically, but do not squeeze so that the fruit does not lose its shape, and skim off the foam. The skin will wrinkle slightly, but this is not a big deal.

Pour the prepared jam into clean, sterile jars and seal with metal lids. Allow to cool at room temperature, and then you can take it to the cellar for storage.

On long winter evenings, enjoy the aroma and taste of summer fruits, thereby lifting the mood of everyone at home.

A classic recipe for making thick pitted plum jam

In the classic recipe, cooking occurs in one long step and there is no need to infuse the syrup for hours. The only thing is that the color in this version is more saturated brown due to thorough heat treatment.

But some people like it even more. Moreover, it turns out to be thicker.

We will need:

  • Plums - 2 kg.
  • Granulated sugar - 2 kg.
  • Water - 200 gr.


Under running water or in a deep basin, rinse the plums and remove the tails, as well as any damage.

Remove the seeds and, if the fruits are too large, cut into slices. In the case of a small size, it is enough to leave them in the form of halves.

Prepare syrup filling, which will become the basis of sweet jam. To do this, pour sugar into a saucepan and dissolve it in water. You will get a fairly thick viscous mass.

Place on the stove and boil. To prevent the amber liquid from burning, it must be stirred constantly. And cook for 5 minutes.

Pour the hot liquid directly into a basin or pan with the prepared plum halves, and allow the contents to boil again over medium heat.

From time to time, foam will appear - it is advisable to remove it so that the jam is left without all sorts of whitish or dark inclusions. And also so that it does not ferment later.

The delicacy prepared in this way quickly thickens and becomes like jam with large pieces of plums. Therefore, it is necessary to pour into sterile jars immediately after cooking and roll up the lids.

Turn over and wrap in a warm “fur coat”. Let cool in this position for about a day. Then you can store long time in any dark place.

Five-minute plum jam with pit

Undoubtedly, there are plum lovers who certainly need whole fruits. They are not at all embarrassed by the presence of a bone, and on the contrary, they enjoy the process of “gnawing” the pulp from it.

Well, you can simmer the jam on the stove for a long time according to the previous recipe. You will get fruity, almost marmalade balls in thick syrup.

However, rarely does anyone like to stand at the stove for so long. And housewives prefer to let their preparations brew overnight, but then cook and seal winter supplies one, two, three times.

We will need:

  • Plums – 800 gr.
  • Sugar – 600 gr.
  • Water – 150 ml.


It’s better to prepare the liquid filling first so as not to waste time. Pour water into a saucepan and, adding in portions, dissolve the sugar.

With frequent stirring, allow the bulk product to completely dissolve and boil. To get a truly viscous syrup, it must be simmered over low heat for at least 5 minutes.

In the meantime, we are going through this process, wash the plums thoroughly, and pierce each side with a fork to create small holes with a depth right to the pit. This will allow not only the juice to stand out, but also the sweet liquid to penetrate evenly inside.

Place the prepared fruits into the amber liquid and let it brew overnight without heating. Then in the morning boil and cook for 5 minutes.

Leave to brew again for half a day and repeat the five-minute cooking. So repeat again. There should be 3 approaches in total.

As a result, the plums will really become like marmalade, and the liquid component will be completely saturated with the aroma of the fruit.

All that remains is to put it in jars and store it for the right moment to serve.

How to make delicious jam from seedless plums and without water

you love thick jam so that it would be convenient to spread it on fresh, still slightly hot toast in the morning and wash it down with a coffee or tea drink? Then this recipe is perfect for you. It turns out something similar to jam, but the plums remain beautiful elastic slices.

Do you know what the secret is? No water is added to the syrup! The fruits will be in their own juice!

We'll need it.

  • Plum - 2 kg.
  • Sugar – 2 kg.


To make the skin more tender, lightly rinse the fruit with boiling water after washing, and then cool in cool water. The skin will not come away from the pulp, but during the cooking process it will become almost as soft as the inside. Cut into halves and remove all seeds.

Add sugar and let it brew for 8 hours. During this time, the fruit juice will mix with sugar to form a syrup from its own liquid.

Place the container to heat on the stove and, as soon as the contents boil, immediately turn off the heat. Allow to cool to room temperature.

Boil and cool again in the same way. Two times is enough, but if you like it a little thicker, and so that the plum slices become almost transparent, then you can do it in three passes.

Transfer to a sterile container and roll up for winter storage.

The treat turns out thick and is completely preserved in its own juice.

Plum jam with gelatin for the winter at home

When gelatin is added to jam, a soft confiture is obtained. And somehow gelled berries and fruits taste juicier and fresher.

We will need:

  • Plums – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 400 gr.
  • Gelatin – 30 gr.


It is not necessary to dilute gelatin with water. Plums will release juice, and it will be able to swell in it. To avoid lumps, it is better to mix it with granulated sugar.

Remove the seeds from the fruit and chop into manageable pieces. You can leave it in halves - it’s whatever you like.

Fill the resulting crushed plums with the loose mixture.

For better connection substances, you can use a spatula and mix everything carefully. Or you can simply shake the dishes thoroughly and the sugar and gelling agent will penetrate deep into the mass.

Now you should leave the workpiece overnight, covering it with a towel on top.

In the morning, place the container to heat over low heat.

The beauty of this recipe is that you don’t have to cook the jam! All you have to do is let it boil and that’s it! Place in jars, roll up and store in a cool place.

The jelly envelops the fruit, and without oxygen, it is preserved almost fresh.

Homemade apple and plum jam without sugar for the winter

No less tasty jam is made from plums and apples. And the natural pectin contained in the latter makes it possible to achieve gelling of the syrup without any additives.

And those who, for medical reasons, cannot consume sugar will like this recipe, because the fruit itself contains enough fructose, which will give its sweetness when cooked. Not an ounce of extra sugar!

No long infusion is required because water is added. True, you will need to cook in 4 approaches, but you won’t lose much time near a hot unit.

We will need:

  • Ripe apples – 3 kg.
  • Plums - 2 kg.
  • Water - 3 l.


To avoid unnecessary inclusions from the skin, it is best to peel the apples not only from the core and stem, but also from the skin. Cut into slices of centimeter thickness.

Proceed with the plums as usual: cut in half and remove the pits.

Combine both cuts in a cooking container, add water and wait until it boils over medium heat. Then turn off the stove and let it cool completely for 8-12 hours.

Then bring to a boil again and cool again for a long time. Repeat this two more times. Although it will take about 2 days, the syrup will thicken thanks to the apples.

Pour into a sterile container and store in a cool place.

The finished jam is aromatic, tasty and is always eaten with great pleasure!

Video on how to make chocolate plum jam

And if you have already prepared a lot of all kinds of jam and don’t know what else to surprise your household, then take a closer look at this original recipe.

This option has what is called a “twist,” and cocoa powder is used as such. The result is a favorite recipe for many people: “Plum in Chocolate”. I just adore him.

And also choose for yourself other methods that we have already talked about a lot today.

In addition to yellow and blue plums, you can use the given recipes to cook prunes, as well as late hybrids that ripen after the first frost.

Appetizing jam halves can easily be used in baking, to decorate desserts, and even as a flavorful ingredient when brewing herbal tea.

Bon appetit and plum mood with a cup of tea!

Step-by-step recipes for amazing five-minute plum jam with nuts and lemon on the stove and in a slow cooker with halves and whole berries

2018-07-01 Yulia Kosich





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


40 gr.

160 kcal.

Option 1: Classic five-minute plum jam recipe

Plum jam is quite popular here. Moreover, it is used for serving on its own with bread or cookies for tea, as a filling for pies, and as a base for various sauces for meat. And today we will talk about creating five-minute plum jam with different ingredients.


Five-minute step-by-step recipe for plum jam

Sort out fresh medium-sized plums. Pull out the tails and wash thoroughly in cold clean water. Place on a towel. Let the fruits dry a little.

After half an hour, cut all the plums (along the seam) into two halves. Remove the bones. Place the plum parts into a bowl.

Sprinkle the fruits with sugar and cover with a clean, dry towel to prevent dust or small debris from getting in there.

Leave the ingredients overnight to form sweet juice and didn't have to use water.

The next day, remove the towel and place the bowl itself on high heat on the largest burner. Cook for five minutes without reducing the temperature.

Finally, turn off the stove and pour the hot mixture into sterilized jars. Screw on the lids and place the plum jam on the refrigerator shelf for five minutes for further storage.

If you plan to store sweet preparations in the pantry and not in the refrigerator, increase the amount of sugar (ratio 1 to 1) and be sure to sterilize the jam in boiling water after pouring into jars.

Option 2: Quick five-minute plum jam recipe

The presented jam is prepared quickly. But in order to reduce the process time to a minimum, we suggest abandoning infusion of berries in sugar. For the same reason, we recommend including some water in the recipe.


  • a kilogram of fresh plums;
  • a glass of water;
  • kilogram of fine sugar.

How to quickly make plum jam in five minutes

Place a kilogram of fresh plums in a deep bowl with cool purified water. Remove floating leaves and thin tails.

Cut the washed fruits into two parts in a circle. Remove the seeds and place the soft halves into an enamel bowl.

Pour in a glass of water. Add a kilogram of white sugar. Gently mix everything with a long, wide spatula.

Place the container with the future plum jam on high heat for five minutes. Stirring and skimming, cook for a short five minutes.

Immediately pour the resulting hot mixture into clean, sterilized jars to the top. Twist. Move to refrigerator shelf.

Although plums don't have a lot of sugar added due to their natural sweetness, we recommend using a one-to-one ratio for this option. Since we will not infuse the fruits for several hours and subject them to minimal heat treatment, such a volume of sugar will allow you to preserve the workpiece for several months.

Option 3: Five-minute plum jam with pits

As a rule, plum jam is prepared without seeds. However, it is permissible to make a sweet preparation with whole berries in sugar syrup. This option is perfect for decorating desserts or other dishes.


  • two kilograms of small plums;
  • two glasses of purified water;
  • kilogram of sugar.

How to cook

Sort out the fine plums. Tear off the tails with leaves. Wash each one and place it on a clean towel.

While the berries are drying, pour a couple of glasses of water into an enamel bowl. Add sugar. Boil the syrup for several minutes until all the crystals are completely dissolved.

Pour dried plums into the hot sweet liquid with the utmost care. Mix. Increase the heat to maximum.

Cook the jam for five minutes, mixing and skimming as you go. Turn off the stove. Place the berries in sterilized jars.

Pour syrup over the plum jam for five minutes and immediately roll up the lids. Cool. Place in the refrigerator for further storage.

To ensure that the plum is well soaked in the sweet syrup, we recommend choosing small berries for this option. In addition, it will be easier to place them in a bank. As for the presence of water, it is necessary, since we are boiling whole berries and they will not give much juice.

Option 4: Five-minute plum jam with nuts

The first ingredient we suggest adding to the recipe will be walnuts. They will fit perfectly into plum jam. But it is not recommended to use other types of nuts, as they will remain hard and slightly spoil the taste characteristics of the workpiece.


  • a kilogram of fresh plums;
  • two glasses of peeled walnuts;
  • kilogram of sugar.

Step by step recipe

Sort all the fresh plums and remove the stems. Wash each berry, shaking off the liquid.

Remove the walnut kernels from the shell. Break apart into small pieces by hand. In addition, cut the fruits and remove the seeds from the halves.

Place the plum in a medium-sized bowl. Sprinkle with nut pieces and sugar. Leave for a couple of hours, covering with a towel.

When given time will pass, turn on the large burner. At maximum temperature simmer the plum jam for five minutes, skimming off the light foam.

After five minutes, turn off the heat. Pour the hot berry mixture with nuts into sterilized jars.

Given the short boiling time, the nuts need time to soak in the syrup and become soft. Therefore, it is important not to touch this preparation option for a month. By the way, it is important to carefully examine the nuts so that shell fragments and thin bitter membranes do not get into the jam.

Option 5: Five-minute plum jam in a slow cooker

We will make the next version of jam in a slow cooker. Thanks to this modern machine, the product will turn out very tender and rich in taste.


  • one and a half kilograms of plums;
  • half a glass of filtered water;
  • one and a half kilograms of white sugar.

How to cook

Wash all planned plums, removing hard tails and leaves in the process. Then cut them in a circle one by one.

After turning the halves, separate the berries. Take out the bones. Place in one layer on a clean, dry towel.

Pour water into the bowl. Add sugar. Place in the slow cooker. Turn on the "Frying" mode. Bring the syrup to a boil and dissolve the crystals.

Now throw the plum halves inside. Mix. Snap the lid. Without changing the mode, cook plum jam for five minutes.

After five minutes, turn off the machine. Leave covered for an hour. Then pour the berry mixture into jars scalded with boiling water.

Sterilize the sweet preparation in boiling water for about 7-8 minutes, then roll it up and cool. Only then put the jam on the refrigerator shelf.

This option requires little water. But it should still be present in the recipe, since we will not infuse the berries in sugar so that they release juice. As for the mode, it is important to set the strongest one. As a rule, this is "Frying".

Option 6: Five-minute plum jam with lemon

We will make the last plum jam with bitter and sour lemon. This will saturate the preparation with an incredible aroma and light sourness. Moreover, we suggest using lemon with skin, which will also make the jam very useful.


  • large fresh lemon;
  • kilogram of medium plums;
  • one and a half kilograms of fine sugar.

Step by step recipe

Wash large lemons with special care. Cut into medium pieces along with the skin. Grind in a stationary blender or meat grinder.

Rinse all the plums. Cut in a circle, turn and remove the seeds, removing the tails if there are any.

Place the berry halves into a bowl or large bowl. Spread the lemon shavings evenly. Add sugar.

Leave the mixture, covered with a towel, for two to three hours, during which the ingredients will release juice.

Pour the sweet mass into sterilized glass jars. Tighten immediately. Cool and store the jam until winter.

Since we are using lemon along with the skin, the latter must be washed as thoroughly as possible. To do this, it is better to use the hard side of a clean sponge. By the way, it is advisable to cut off the “butts”, as they are too hard and bitter.