Groceries for a month for 1 person. "Magnit" revealed the cost of a grocery basket in its stores in Russia

Typically, every five years a new consumer basket is determined, with the last time this process was carried out in 2013. That is why no significant changes will be made in 2019. You can expect that the official consumer basket in 2019 will be almost the same as last year.

What is the official consumer basket?

It is important to initially know what this term represents. The consumer basket is special list goods that provide normal and comfortable living for a Russian citizen, who with their help can satisfy his basic needs for food and drink. It is this list that is the basis on which the cost of living in the country and regions will be determined.

The composition of the consumer basket includes three separate groups:

    • food products occupy half the basket, but usually Russian families they spend most of their earnings on food, but in most European countries no more than 20% of their income is spent on these purposes;
    • non-food products, which includes clothing and shoes, as well as medicines;
  • services, to which the least amount of money is allocated, and this includes payment for utilities and travel on public transport, services of hairdressers and other organizations, and approximately 5% of income is spent on these purposes in families in Russia.

Groceries in the basket

IN daily norm per person in 2019 includes:

    • bread - 300 grams;
    • potatoes - 280 grams;
    • - 80 grams;
    • meat - 160 grams;
    • fish - 50 grams;
    • vegetables - 300 grams;
    • fresh herbs and fruits - 160 grams;
    • and sweets and spices - 60 grams;
  • chicken egg - 1\2 pieces.

Even grams are allocated for each person, but these indicators are averaged. It is believed that in 2019, in most cases, the consumer basket contains only healthy and healthy products, since the consumption of sweets, potatoes and bread has decreased significantly, but the consumption of fish, vegetables and meat has increased.

However, it should be noted that in 2019 there are no special or dramatic changes in the consumer basket compared to several previous years. In some regions, the cost of this indicator may vary, but not much. Experts believe that the consumer basket includes too few products, so it is considered extremely poor. The most expensive baskets are in northern regions countries, as well as in the largest regions.

In the capital, the consumer basket is approximately 5 thousand rubles, however, if you purchase products in an economy class store, and if you purchase in trading network middle class, then the cost will be approximately 11 thousand rubles. According to these figures, it is assumed that living wage in the country should not be less than 10 thousand rubles, and in some regions it should even reach 20 thousand rubles, but real figures are far from this.

It should be noted that the food portion of the food basket increased on average by 4.2% in 2019 compared to last year, but if you break down this increase, you can see the following:

    1. for children the increase was 4.1%;
    1. For non-working pensioners – 8%;
  1. for working people – 3.2%.

However, it is the largest part of the population, represented by working citizens, who will practically not feel any changes, although it is they who are responsible for feeding children and the elderly. Changes in the food basket in 2019 affected exclusively food products.

What data can be gleaned from other countries?

Compared to others developed countries In Russia, the official consumer basket in 2019 is in many ways inferior. There is a lag not only in content, but even in the number of goods included in the cart. For comparison, in the Russian Federation the basket includes 156 goods, but in Germany there are 475. As a result, we can say that the nutrition of Russian citizens is monotonous.

Additionally, it should be noted that in the Russian consumer basket the majority is occupied by food products, while in most European countries more attention is paid to services and non-food products. This suggests that Russians are forced to spend most of their income on food, and they simply do not have money left to buy other things and items.

Expert opinion on the Russian consumer basket

Some experts and even officials argue that fundamental and significant changes must be made to the composition and cost of the consumer basket in Russia. The fact is that the existing indicators are unsuitable for the normal life of any person. However, it is not expected that any innovations will be introduced in the near future, since this must be accompanied by numerous and the most difficult work, and the results may be unpredictable.

Every person understands that in 2019 and subsequent years the consumer basket must provide people with those products that can provide normal and healthy eating. However, currently it is a list of products that are enough for existence and survival, and not for a good life.

There was even an experiment conducted in which ordinary Moscow residents received cash, equal to the cost of the consumer basket, after which they lived on it for a month. However, as a result, to purchase only those items that are listed in the cart in the right size Twice as much money is needed.

Thus, in 2019, no special and fundamental changes were made to the consumer basket, and now many experts and officials are talking about the need to introduce important innovations to this indicator in order to bring it closer to real conditions.

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Consumer basket - enough important indicator economic development any country. It clearly shows the level of well-being of citizens. Depending on the cost of living and the minimum wage, which are established by the state, the composition of the consumer basket varies. In some countries, the list even includes such luxury elements as dating on Internet sites. In other countries, this indicator is very meager and does not even provide the necessary food products. It all depends on how much a country’s economy can provide the basic needs of its population.

What determines the size of the consumer basket?

Constitution Russian Federation, the fundamental law of the country, proclaims our state as legal, democratic and socially oriented. This means that the government is trying to provide the citizens of its country with decent living conditions, a guaranteed minimum.

For the calculation, certain uniform standards are used, which are guaranteed by law. They make it possible to determine the minimum needs of people, which are calculated using a special basic methodology and are established by regulations.

The main indicators in our country are:

  • living wage;
  • minimum wage;

These are the three basic components on which the economy relies. The cost of living, as well as the consumer basket, have different indicators in different regions of the Russian Federation.

Products, goods and services

The living wage for all residents of Russia is established by Law of the Russian Federation No. 134. It was adopted on October 24, 1997.

If we speak in the letter of the law, then a person’s living wage is the cost of the consumer basket and mandatory payments and fees. If a person does not independently provide himself with a living wage established by the state, he has the right to receive benefits and benefits, subsidies and other types of guaranteed assistance. Simply put, he is below the poverty line when he cannot provide for himself due to various reasons your basic needs. Then the state comes to his aid.

The consumer basket of a Russian is a certain set food products, everyday goods, clothing and footwear, as well as some necessary services, without which life and normal life person. To put it simply, this is the necessary minimum for every citizen of Russia.

The composition of the consumer basket directly depends on the economic well-being of the country. It differs significantly in different states. The higher the country's welfare, the more the consumer basket is filled. So, all calculations are made based on how full the state budget is.

What's more important

Although all calculations (the amount of some taxes, fees, payments, administrative fines, and so on) are based on the basic cost of living, the consumer basket is still a more important economic indicator. It is on its basis that economists calculate the money that is necessary for the existence of every person. It directly affects the formation of the budget.

Calculations are made at two levels:

  1. Throughout the Russian Federation, it is determined what the consumer basket in Russia should be in its monetary and commodity equivalent. This is done by the government of the country and the tripartite commission for the settlement of social and labor relations. This norm is then reinforced federal law.
  2. Each subject of the Federation separately sets for itself what is included in the consumer basket and what it will be cash equivalent. This depends not only on the economic state of the region. It also takes into account such components as the need of the local population for certain goods, climate, traditions, and so on.

How often are changes made?

The cost of living in each region is reviewed every quarter and can change in one direction or another four times a year. This is normal and legal.

But the minimum consumer basket is determined for the next five years. Last time it was revised in December 2012 (Federal Law No. 227). Therefore, the revision of this indicator in this year not planned. Although at the end of 2014 some changes and additions were made. It is clear that if the consumer basket was determined three or four years ago, and during this time food and goods have become more expensive, then the price of the basket itself also increases. It becomes more expensive in monetary terms.

The law (in particular Article 2) clearly states what is included in the consumer basket. The main social and demographic subgroups of the population are taken into account here.

Clear ratio

It is worth noting that the products of the consumer basket are defined by a specific, clear list. Consumption rates are indicated in kilograms and liters per year. But the goods in the consumer basket are indicated in the list as the price ratio with food products, which is expressed as a percentage.

To put it simply, the quantity of goods and services should be 50 percent of the cost of food.

Thus, to find out the total price of the consumer basket, you need to multiply the cost of food products by two.

It’s easier to remember this data using this formula:

Groceries + non-food products (they make up 50 percent of products) + services (also half of the cost of the food basket) = consumer basket.

Even according to this scheme, it is clear that half of your income has to be spent on feeding yourself.

What should be included in the shopping cart

So, everything is clear with the percentage, now let's move on to the filling. The consumer basket is divided into three categories, which include:

  1. Food products, namely: cereals, flour products, vegetables, meat, fish, dairy products and others.
  2. Non-food products: clothing, shoes, household appliances, medicines.
  3. Utilities and other services: payment for housing, water, heat, electricity, gas, as well as expenses for public transport, trips to cultural places, etc.

In 2015, the Russian government, for example, decided to slightly reduce the number bakery products(up to 127 kg) and potatoes (the norm is 101 kg) per person. But the amount of meat has been increased - the annual norm is 59 kg. Fish indicators have also been increased - up to 19 kg and dairy products. The norm of milk, kefir and sour cream is 293 liters for each resident of Russia.

Another feature is that greens are included in the diet. So in the food category the changes were significant. But there are practically no changes in the other two categories of the consumer basket.

What will they feed us?

If we consider the norms of the consumer basket for Moscow and Muscovites, then this is the picture we get. Each citizen can consume per day:

  • 370 grams of bread;
  • 290 grams of potatoes;
  • 370 grams of vegetables;
  • 180 grams of fruit;
  • 780 grams of dairy and fermented milk products;
  • 60 grams of sweets;
  • half an egg;
  • 70 grams of fish;
  • 180 meat.

In addition, the necessary products include vegetable oil, tea, fats, and so on. Such products are required in the diet. As you can see, there are no cheeses, seafood, alcohol, sweet drinks, or delicacies.

It is worth noting that the consumer basket in Moscow is designed for three main groups of the population. These are children, the working population and pensioners. In this case, the cost of living is:

  • per capita – 12,145 rubles;
  • for pensioners – 8,528 rubles;
  • for children – 10,443 rubles.

Three categories of citizens

When calculating the living wage for the capital, the specifics of the region are taken into account. For example, if in the whole country services should make up 50 percent of food products, then in Moscow (for the working population) they are within 127 percent. For pensioners and children, this ratio is slightly lower – 75 percent.

It is worth noting that the consumer basket for the working population, pensioners and children has some differences. This has to do with basic needs and age. Thus, for pensioners, food standards and, accordingly, goods and services are lower by about 10 percent. As for children, the standards for vegetables and fruits are higher than for the working population. This is due to the fact that a growing body requires more vitamins and fiber. This is reflected.

There are also geographic features. IN Murmansk region, for example, the number of food products included in the consumer basket is greater than in middle lane Russia. But the rate of vegetable consumption is lower than in other regions of Russia.

Each time, before approving new norms for the consumer basket, a thorough consultation with specialists - doctors and nutritionists - takes place. Guided by their recommendations, the commission compiles a list of products and their quantities.

What needs to be added

Naturally, the consumer basket of any country is a guaranteed minimum set of products, goods and services. Therefore, proposals constantly arise to expand this list and supplement it with necessary expenditure items. After all, every year more and more services and goods appear, without which daily life becomes impossible or incomplete.

Legislators and social activists in Russia propose to include the following important aspects:

  • help from a hired nanny (very important due to the shortage of places in kindergartens);
  • services for paid medicine;
  • home and vehicle insurance;
  • rental housing;
  • computers, laptops, etc.

In general, there are proposals to supplement the consumer basket with nine items.

Of course, these are things without which life modern man extremely difficult to imagine today. And naturally, new level life should be reflected in the consumer basket. But behind each position there must be a clear economic rationale.

What do they have?

Of course, it’s always interesting how things are going with similar indicators in other countries? What is the size of the consumer basket, for example, in Europe?

Yes, compared to European countries the Russian basket will look somewhat meager. It currently contains only 156 main items of products, goods and services. But in the UK there are more than 700 of them, in Germany - 475. In France, there are 250 items in the consumer basket, in the USA - 300, in England - 350. At the same time, in the UK, the composition of the consumer basket is adjusted annually. And there are positions there that we are still very far from reaching. This is, for example, the cost of purchasing e-books, payment for various mobile applications for dating, as well as payment for the Internet, mobile communications and other “entertainment”.

What is this connected with? Naturally, with general position affairs in the country's economy. The richer the state, the more it can afford to include items in this important socio-economic indicator. The lower the economic level of the country, the fewer items of mandatory goods and services in the consumer basket.

Pensions and subsidies depend on the basket

You can’t just take and enter those positions that are necessary. After all, the law on the consumer basket assumes that on the basis of its value such an important indicator as inflation is calculated, and the amount of pension benefits, social benefits and government subsidies is determined. Therefore, you cannot simply add to the list those products and goods that you would like. After all, an increase in the cost of living will lead to additional social burdens on the state. Will it then be able to fulfill its obligations?

Therefore, if you ask a person to at least roughly draw up his personal calculation of the consumer basket, it will differ significantly from the official one.

Some more interesting facts

It’s clear with the products that are part of the consumer basket. But I wonder what else is determined by this norm and for how many years.

As for household services, every Russian of working age can consume 285 liters of water per day, both hot and cold. Agree, this is very generous! Per month, according to calculations of the consumer basket, you can burn 10 cubic meters natural gas, and also consume only 50 kW of electricity. So you will have to be more economical with electricity.

Here's some interesting data about outerwear. According to the norms of the consumer basket, an able-bodied person is entitled to three items of the “top coat group”. And not for a year, but for 7 and a half years. But in different weather You also need appropriate clothing - a fur coat, jacket, coat, windbreaker, and so on. And then it turns out that you can only buy a new jacket once every 8-10 years! Women should wear a skirt very carefully, taking into account that it should last 5 years. But more shoes are required - two pairs per year. Skeptics will say: is it really possible to wear just two pairs for a whole year? The bra is designed for a full 3 years, a business suit for 5 years, and trousers for 4 years.

But here it is worth recalling once again that a Russian’s consumer basket determines only the necessary minimum. And remember that as the country’s prosperity grows, so do the standards of the consumer basket.

Food costs occupy an important place in the family budget. Especially when it comes to balanced proper nutrition. Purchasing groceries will become easier and more economical if you do it according to a compiled list. The time spent in the store will be significantly reduced due to the fact that products are not collected spontaneously, and food will not be purchased in approximate quantity, but where necessary.

Of course, the monthly grocery list for a family of 4 will differ in quantity from the list for a family of two, but the principle of compiling the list will be the same.

It is beneficial to purchase long-lasting products once a month. Perishable food items are purchased within a month. When compiling a list of products for a balanced diet, they rely on the principles. In certain quantities, the menu should contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats: cereals, pasta, wholemeal bread, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, meat, fish, eggs, legumes, nuts, fats and sweets. Excluding any group has consequences.

Correct balanced diet excludes only products with preservatives, dyes, and flavoring additives. The rest of the products are not removed, but their quantity is monitored, guided by well-known rules. They try to replace sugar and animal oils with dried fruits and vegetable oils. Vegetable oils can be of different quality, which is also taken into account. Thus, by studying, for example, experts came to the conclusion that it is not the refined oil itself that has gone through all the necessary stages of purification that is harmful, but its hydrogenated analogue, which, in combination with animal fats, contributes to the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, which later leads to serious diseases.

The general rule is low calorie food with sufficient vitamins and minerals.

The monthly grocery list for each family will be different, depending on income level, age, taste preferences. So, a monthly grocery list for a family of 3 people, where there is small child, will include more cereals and vegetables, and in a family where the children are teenagers, there will be more meat in the diet.

Approximate monthly grocery list for a family of 2 (without children)

List of products for purchase once a month

1. Meat: chicken, beef. Approximately 4 kg.

You should try to exclude semi-finished products from the menu. To save time, you can prepare minced meat from whole meat in advance and make preparations for cutlets, chops, soup, etc.

2.Fish: frozen, fresh - 4 kg.

3. Cereals: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, corn, wheat - 2 kg.

4. Pasta - 1 kg.

5.Vegetables: potatoes, onions, carrots, cabbage, beets, garlic. Frozen vegetable mixtures - 9 kg (of which potatoes 3 kg, carrots, cabbage 2 kg each).

6. Flour – 0.5 kg.

7.Vegetable oil - 1 bottle.

8.Sugar, sweets - 0.5 kg.

9.Salt. A 1kg pack lasts for several months.

10. Coffee, tea - 1 pack/jar 100g.

11.Canned vegetables (olives, green peas, corn, beans) - 1-2 jars of any product.

12. Dried fruits, nuts -300 g. (Can be included in muesli).

List of products for purchase once a week (monthly norm is indicated):

13.Eggs - 24 pcs. (6 per week).

14.Fruits: apples, bananas, citrus fruits - 5-7 kg, buy 1.5 kg per week. In any combination.

15.Dairy products:

Cottage cheese - 2 kg (0.5 kg per week).

Cheese - 0.5 kg.

Kefir - 3 l.

Sour cream - 1 l.

Milk is individual: adults are not recommended to drink it, but children and teenagers cannot be excluded from the menu.

When choosing dairy and fermented milk products, pay attention to expiration dates, avoiding buying products with suitable shelf life and long shelf life. You should try not to consume products that can be stored for a long time (milk, cottage cheese desserts); they may contain preservatives or lose their value as a product during pasteurization.

16. Butter – 400 g.

Purchased every few days:

17.Bread. Buy daily. It is acceptable to buy it with other products when purchasing for a month, storing it in the refrigerator and defrosting before use. There is no information about the dangers or benefits of frozen bread.

Cereals, flour, sugar are bought once every 3-4 months in wholesale stores, packaged in 25-50 kg bags, provided that it is possible to store the products correctly. This helps save time and money.

Sausages, mayonnaise, ketchup, alcohol, etc. are not included in the list of products, it is advisable not to consume them on an ongoing basis; if you want to pamper yourself, then everyone determines the quantity individually.

The list of products will differ in different seasons. In summer, vegetables and fruits predominate; in winter, porridge is consumed more.

The list is approximately compiled, the housewife can adjust it, knowing the preferences of her family, not forgetting the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The grocery list for a family of 3 people with a child will be different for the month. They add baby cereals and more dairy products, increase the amount of fruits, vegetables, and juices. It is important to teach your child to eat healthy (but tasty!!!), focusing on fruits, juices, and reducing the consumption of confectionery to a minimum.

The list of products for a family of 4 people will depend on whether there are children in the family, what age they are, how the family is used to eating, the amount for a month can be approximately calculated by multiplying the dosages of the list proposed for a family of two people.

When creating a menu, you need to remember that your health and, as a result, your quality of life depend on food. Low-quality fuel will quickly turn a new car into an immovable mechanism; the human body will also quickly and radically react to the constant consumption of junk food.

To determine the minimum required amount of money on which one can live for a month certain person or family, and the concept of the consumer basket was introduced. It is also used to compare real and estimated levels of purchase of certain goods, to calculate and determine each of the currencies.

Legislative regulation

Before identifying the baskets, it is necessary to find out its composition. It is the number of products included in it and their prices that will determine how much money everyone needs to spend on living expenses. The composition of this basket was approved by the relevant federal law of 2012 for three main groups of people, children and pensioners.

The food basket for Russian citizens consists of 11 items. It is separately stated that the cost of non-food products is set at 50% of the cost of food, the same percentage is determined for services. But in the previous ones legislative acts the necessary standards for paying for services, purchasing clothing and basic necessities were calculated.

Minimum set of products

At the federal level it was determined minimum quantity products that different categories of the population should consume per year. Thus, the law establishes such standards for children, pensioners and the working population.


Working population

Bread (including cereals, pasta, beans, bread in terms of flour)

vegetables and melons


fresh fruit

sugar and confectionery products (converted to sugar)

fish products

meat products

dairy products (converted to milk)

fats, including vegetable oil and margarine

other products (spices, tea, salt, etc.)

The annual nutritional set for every resident of Russia looks exactly like this. The monthly grocery basket looks the same. Its composition is no different, just the number of products from each category can be divided by 12, and you will find out how much meat or bread you should eat within 30 days. By the way, if you think that the tables give too large and unrealistic numbers, then to determine the average daily norm, simply divide each of the indicators by 365. This way you will find out that an adult can eat about 275 grams of potatoes, 300 of other vegetables and a little more than half an egg. The daily intake of meat is 160, and fish - 50 grams. True, in individual regions the set of its components may differ.

How is the composition of the basket determined?

Looking at what the food basket includes, many are perplexed. They are interested in what legislators are basing their decisions on when they allocate, for example, 88 kg of potatoes for a child and 80 kg of potatoes for a pensioner. To understand this, you need to understand how it is compiled. First of all, keep in mind that it must be updated at the legislative level at least once every 5 years.

When updating the cart, its biological and, of course, nutritional value. It is believed that each new set of products should be better and healthier than the previous one. That is why at the legislative level it includes more meat, milk, fish products and eggs, fruits and various vegetables. But the share of potatoes, bread products, and fats is gradually decreasing.

The food basket also takes into account the content of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, and the amount of kcal in it is also determined. These indicators must comply with the standards established for each category of the population.

Why is a consumer basket needed?

In many countries, it is customary to determine the minimum set of products and goods that are necessary for living. Based on its cost, the minimum estimated amount on which a person can live is calculated. Of course, the established set is more of a theoretical nature, because it is not enough for a full life. The cost of living and the consumer basket are two interrelated concepts, because the first indicator is determined based on the cost of the second.

It is the subsistence minimum that is taken as the basis for calculating various social supplements, determining the amount of benefits and other payments. Based on the cost of the consumer basket, it is easy to determine the level of inflation; it is enough to calculate how much it has grown during the billing period.

Is it possible to live on the estimated amount?

Seeing the composition and cost of the food package, the allocated amount for services and other things, many are interested in whether it is realistic to survive for a month on such rations. If you decide to do such an experiment, then keep in mind that you will have to give up many habits. For example, the food basket does not include alcohol. With the allocated amount you are unlikely to be able to purchase overseas fruits; you will have to be content with the cheapest apples, although winter period and they will become something unattainable.

The cost of living does not count on the fact that you want to develop culturally, so going to the cinema, museums or theaters is also prohibited. However, please note that you need to pay for public utilities, set aside a certain amount for global purchases (and these include the purchase of outerwear and shoes).

Thus, the calculated cost of the consumer basket for 2014 is 6,300 rubles for an adult, 6,400 for a child, 5,400 for a pensioner.

I must admit, I almost never paid particularly close attention to fluctuations in the cost of a package of cottage cheese, for example, or a kilogram of apples, minus, perhaps, only the general hysteria regarding buckwheat or eggs. That is, these oohs and ahs like “milk has risen in price by 2 rubles” did not particularly concern me. But in lately the rise in prices became so rapid that even I could not help but notice how in a couple of months the cost of a kilogram chicken fillet rose on average from 190 rubles to 260, and packs of low-fat cottage cheese (practically the Big Mac index) from 30 to 40, i.e. by a third. At the same time, everyone predicts that after the new year the situation will be even worse. In addition, I recently discussed with my friends from other regions the prices for certain products - in general, I decided to sort out our average weekly grocery basket (with a small share of manufactured goods for everyday consumption such as household chemicals) and fix prices.

(not all products are pictured: I was in a hypermarket with a child and did not lift all the products to the 4th floor,
one more package left in the car)

(click on the photo to open in larger size)

We have a small family: my husband and I, a ten-month-old daughter and a cat. My daughter and I eat completely at home, my husband usually has breakfast with a cup of coffee, and on weekdays he has lunch somewhere in a cafe, and only has dinner at home. I buy it for my cat about once a month. large packaging Hill's food (1.5 kg, ~820 rubles), the child is not yet on the common table, but I prepare the bulk of her food myself (steam vegetables, cook porridge, pasta, plus there is still a significant share of GW), and from baby food I take canned meat (I’m afraid to give regular meat), fruit puree (for convenience: I mix it into porridge and cottage cheese, but I also give regular fruit) and baby cottage cheese. All products from the list are purchased regularly, i.e. about once a week (it’s clear that this week, let’s say, I bought oatmeal, and the next week, buckwheat, or this week, plumbing cleaner and toilet paper, and on the next one - dishwashing liquid), I also bought products for the Christmas cake (flour, spices, dried fruits, nuts) and asked to test them separately for the purity of the experiment.
During the week, I usually buy bread, milk a couple of times, sometimes something for the main dish - meat, poultry or minced meat, sometimes fruit - in total, I think, 500 rubles. I buy vegetables separately at the market, because... at Okay they are tasteless and of poor quality, it costs another 300-400 rubles.

1. Meat/poultry:
Homemade minced meat (pork + beef) 178.12 rub. (244 RUR/kg)
Chilled chicken fillet 194.06 rub. (254 rubles/kg) - literally a few months ago it definitely cost less than 200 rubles per kg.
I rarely take fish, because... We don't really like her.
Here are more photos from the hypermarket from the relevant departments:

2. Dairy products/eggs:
Milk "House in the Village" 2.5% 1 l 47.90 rub. x 2 bottles (I take what is in plastic transparent bottles - this is my personal compromise between perishable milk and that which can be stored for six months)
Butter "House in the village" 82.5% 82.40 rub. x 2 packages (I used to buy either Valio or Fin, I really liked the quality, now I can’t find any good butter)
Soft Cottage Cheese Danone 34.90 rub. x 2 packs
Cheese "Russian" 133.67 rub. (434 RUR/kg)
Low-fat cottage cheese "Golden Meadows" 200 g 39.40 rub. x 3 packs. For as long as I have lived in Omsk, I have been eating this particular cottage cheese, because... the local one costs the same, but is much inferior in quality, while the imported “Jolly Milkmen” and “Houses in the Village” are more expensive - about 50 rubles for a 180-gram pack.
Eggs 10 pcs. 1st grade (I read that smaller eggs come from younger hens and are healthier than selected ones) 48.40 rub.

Mozzarella, mascarpone - Belarusian. The Danish brie Castello is such rubbish that it is not even sanctioned:

3. Cereals/porridge/bread.
Oat flakes "Clear Sun" 500 g 38.90 rub.
Cereals 4 cereals "Clear Sun" 375 g 33.50 rub.
Bread "Corn with cheese" 37.90 rub.
Bread "With cheese and ham" 30.21 RUR
The bread was from an Okey bakery, I took it simply because I should always have it at home, because... My husband eats EVERYTHING with him. In general, the bread in Okay is so-so, in the neighboring store it is much tastier - a loaf of wheat costs about 20 rubles.
I’ll also add photos of all the groceries and spices here.