Virtuoso and ballerina. The love story of pianist Denis Matsuev

Denis Matsuev, his personal life, wife, children, Interesting Facts from the life of a musician...

Denis Matsuev is a man who made a huge contribution to the development of philharmonic art Russian Federation, is one of the most famous pianists in the whole world. In fact, the life of this wonderful man was connected with music, art and other areas of educational activity, which he simply could not change his preferences.

Denis Matsuev: photo

Today, the biography and personal life of Denis Matsuev, photos of his wife and children cannot be found on the Internet. The problem is that he still has not been able to find a companion. Despite this, he did a lot for his country, which is grateful to him.

A very talented and famous person is always a reason for reflection and other searches interesting information about him. But Denis Matsuev has never hidden anything about himself and is open to communication with his fans. If you are interested in something, then everything is reflected in the presented article. The man achieved what he has only thanks to his talent and desire for art, but he was never able to find personal happiness.

Currently, Denis Matsuev holds important positions under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Despite this, he manages to gather tens of thousands of people at concerts around the world.

Pianist Denis Matsuev

There is a considerable amount of talent in our country and all of them are formed outside the capital. It was Denis who became popular not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Millions of fans dream of capturing his heart, but no one has yet succeeded. In 2017, a lot of information began to appear about the personal life of Denis Matsuev, his wife, children, but all these are only articles that do not have any exact facts behind them.


Famous pianist Denis Matsuev is popular all over the world and all thanks to the talent that was acquired for long years perseverance and development in this regard. In 1975, in the rather unmusical city of Irkutsk, the future maestro was born. His family, as expected, was also musical. The father was a fairly famous pianist, worked in a variety of orchestras, the mother was a representative of the same movement as her son, and devoted her entire life to the piano. So important changes in Denis's life took place under the clear guidance of his parents. My father also wrote music, which was later used in theater productions in Irkutsk.

Denis Matsuev in childhood

According to Matsuev himself, he acquired most of his skills from his grandmother. All his childhood he listened musical compositions which she performed at home, and little by little he learned to play. In the pianist’s memories, a fairly large part is occupied by Irkutsk, Lake Baikal, and the beauties that surrounded him. They were the ones who inspired his creations. Music lessons began from childhood, but the boy studied at a secondary school.

The Arts Center, where the boy first became acquainted with the difficulties of learning, then there was the Irkutsk Music School. From the very beginning of his studies at this institution, it was clear that Denis was not getting what he needed to develop his talent. Thus, the whole family decided to move to Moscow, where famous teachers work. According to relatives, this was necessary for the growth of talent.

From that moment it began to take shape creative career. The starting point was 1990, when Matsuev became a student of a music school with great success. At that time it belonged to the conservatory, and the very next year they started talking about it. He was awarded the title of laureate of an international charitable foundation that helps young talents develop.

Denis Matsuev with his parents

It is this organization that has become a good platform for many aspiring artists and musicians. Already in the first years of his studies, Denis Matsuev visited about 40 countries around the world.

His talent was received as befits a star. It is only worth noting that already at that time he spoke before the Pope, the Queen of England and other important persons.

After studying at school, he had to enter the state conservatory, which he did the first time. Then he continued to perform under the auspices of the New Names Foundation, thanks to which he became so famous. After two years of studying at the conservatory, in 1995 he was offered the position of chief soloist at the Moscow State Philharmonic. He later became the winner of an international competition. His concert activity began to expand more and more. Despite all this world fame did not overshadow the performer's head. He continued to work on his talent.

It’s not difficult to find a video interview of Denis Matsuev on the Internet, but there will be nothing about his personal life, children or wife. Everything is connected with the fact that he still has not been able to find the one who could spend his whole life with him. This actually puts some negative connotation on his condition.

Denis Matsuev after the concert

Denis Matsuev became one of the most popular pianists on Globe. His masterly performances caused a great resonance in the world. The artist began to be invited to the most prestigious events.

For example, he performed at the closing ceremony of the Olympics in Sochi. Many people became interested in the nationality of the pianist. It seemed to them that such a brilliant talent could only appear in a person of special blood.

In fact, it has not yet been possible to arrange his personal life; Denis Matsuev does not have a wife or children, which is very sad for him. With his talent, he has millions of fans, but he failed to find exactly the girl he always dreamed of. Information about his new passions sometimes appears on the Internet, but all this is the yellow press which should not be trusted. Not even any Serious relationships things didn’t work out for the singer. In his last interview, he said that he hopes to soon meet a girl with whom he can spend the rest of his life.

Currently, the personal life of Denis Matsuev, his wife, children and nationality are the main issues for discussion. In an interview with Vladimir Pozner, the singer replied that his nationality is “Siberian.” In his opinion, those born in Siberia are a separate category of people who have their own talents, the unconquered spirit of the Decembrists. We can say that it is his character that reflects his breadth of soul and independence of opinion.

Denis Matsuev public figure

He never spoke negatively about his hometown and the people who live there. He came to Irkutsk more than once to hold charity concerts. Its annual festival, which has become a symbol of Baikal art, is also held here.

Dwelling separately on nationality, we can say that he has Estonian, Jewish, Russian, Polish roots in his blood, and all this formed in him a frantic temperament and enormous talent.

He never identified himself with a specific nationality and boldly called himself a Siberian. In his opinion, the best audience is the Russian one, and at domestic concerts he gave his all.

The best symphony orchestras of the Russian Federation and Far Abroad countries travel with him all over the world. We can say that this is a talent that has been formed over a long time. For any conductor, working with Denis Matsuev is a great honor.

The musician’s contribution to the development of the national musical art and creativity is simply unimaginably huge. His roots and musical talent allowed him to make enormous efforts to popularize this art. Under his leadership, annual festivals are held that attract young people to study and acquire skills at the appropriate level. Thanks to Matsuev, a large number of musicians appear today, opera singers and just people who work in philharmonic societies. Denis Matsuev also conducts charity events and organizes projects.

Musician Denis Matsuev

In 2006, the singer was awarded a unique title and became a member of the Council for Arts and Culture. It was a great honor for him; according to him, he didn’t even think that he could do anything for his fatherland.

After six years of persistent service in this field, in 2012 he became chairman of the Ministry of Culture. Concerning political views, then he repeatedly supported the policies of V.V. Putin.

Among his main hobbies are sports and the Russian bathhouse. He is an ardent fan of the Spartak football club. Regularly attends theater productions. His favorite theater, Sovremennik, constantly pleases him with various productions. What can I say about visiting his hometown? He would have stayed there forever, but work requires something else.

Denis Matsuev and Alexander Spivakovsky

The artist loves the Russian bathhouse. He is a devoted fan of theatrical art, often visits Sovremennik and is friends with Galina Volchek. The broad nature of Denis Leonidovich requires an outlet. The musician admits that during visits to his homeland he cannot breathe. Among the creative and educational achievements one can note the organization of festivals, concerts and other projects in various regions of our vast country.

Personal life

The personal life of Denis Matsuev is a rather interesting aspect of his biography, which may interest any person or fan of his art. First of all, it is worth mentioning that the musician achieved enormous results in his career, but was never able to build a marriage with a woman. He was seen more than once in the company of quite wealthy and famous ladies, but nothing further worked out. Maybe it’s all due to the Siberian character, or maybe just a desire to be alone.

Currently, the network is overflowing with falsified articles about the personal life, wife and children of Denis Matsuev, so you shouldn’t believe everything. He has neither a wife nor children and this is very sad, because this person deserves more. In his biography there were a considerable number of incidents that changed his life.

Denis Matsuev on vacation in Sochi

Of course, he is already 42 years old and at this age he should already have children, but not everyone works out so well. Some people devote themselves to art, while others family values. Everyone has their own destiny and maybe in the future Denis Matsuev will be able to find exactly the woman he has been looking for for a long time.

By by and large the most important thing for anyone famous person this is recognition from his fans and Denis Matsuev has enough of this. Personal life, wives, children for Denis Matsuev are a separate conversation for reflection about which he tries to think on his own.

Denis Matsuev plays football

In the interview, he tries to distance himself from these questions so as not to somehow reveal his secrets. Still, for many, it is enough that he is famous, unique and the best performer. Thanks to his talent, many young people also followed in his footsteps and reached considerable heights.

Wife and kids

The talent of the performer is simply priceless. Thousands of artists spoke about this and achieved considerable results. For him, all this is of great importance, since assessment of achievements is always an indicator of popularity. Denis Matsuev’s life consists of constant moving and traveling around the world, which does not provide the opportunity to create a full-fledged family and enjoy life. IN Lately A considerable number of articles about his wives began to appear on the Internet, but none of this corresponds to reality.

Denis Matsuev at the piano

Denis Matsuev is one of the most famous talents of the Russian Federation, who really managed to achieve great results in his career, but never managed to start a family. Maybe in the near future he will be able to change his position.

He attaches no small importance to working with young people, maybe in this way he is trying to drown out his personal experiences.

Denis Matsuev now

The main question that interests many fans is whether Denis Matsuev has a personal life, a wife, children, and what kind of relationship he is currently in with them. From reliable sources it is known that he has never been married, he does not have children even from strangers. We can say that Denis Matsuev is completely free and available for a serious relationship.

In his interviews, there is always some desperation, since he still has not been able to find the one for himself. Thus, Denis Matsuev has neither a wife nor children.

Name: Matsuev Denis

Age: 44 years old

Place of Birth: Irkutsk

Activity: Russian virtuoso pianist and public figure. National artist RF. Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation

About the personal life of the famous Russian pianist Denis Matsuev in the press detailed information No. Just as there was no information about his wife and children until the famous musician told live about the birth of their daughter Anna in 2016.

Over the past ten years, the chosen one of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Denis Matsuev, ballerina Ekaterina Shipulina, has been under the watchful surveillance of the yellow press. The couple did not advertise their relationship, arrange magnificent wedding I wasn't in a hurry.

The musician never answered all the questions from journalists about the details of his personal life - Denis Matsuev always believed that his wife and children should be able to live in peace, without being the object of close attention of the paparazzi.

Denis Matsuev, photo

The young people met at the opening of a restaurant with mutual friends. A little later they had to work on staging a joint performance based on the project of American director Sergei Danielyan “Reflections”.

According to the script, 5 ballerinas were supposed to perform on stage to the accompaniment of 5 different musicians.

Shipulina had to perform various steps to Tchaikovsky's work, while her beloved speeded up the tempo three times, focusing on the composer's intention, and not on the balletic elongation of the melody.

From Catherine’s stories it is clear that the couple have been together for a long time - they come to the New Year to the pianist’s homeland in Irkutsk to celebrate the holiday on the shores of Lake Baikal and plunge into Epiphany in ice water legendary lake.

Therefore, when journalists noticed the ballerina’s rounded shape in 2016, they began to besiege the lovers with questions. Matsuev and Shipulina took a spectacular pause and delighted their fans with the news of an addition to the family only after the birth of their daughter.

Ekaterina Shipulina and Denis Matsuev

The musician does not comment on his paternity, he only says that he plays various classical works for the baby, trying to find out if his daughter has his love for music. According to Denis Leonidovich, Anya categorically does not accept Liszt’s melody.

Facts from the biography of the chosen one

Ekaterina Shipulina was born, this moment is common-law wife Denis Matsuev and the mother of his only daughter, in 1979 in Perm. In the girl’s biography, ballet was present virtually from the moment she was born - the artist’s parents were renowned masters of this type of classical dance in their small homeland.

From early childhood, Ekaterina and her twin sister were prepared for life on pointe shoes, rehearsing all kinds of steps and classical dance exercises with the little ones.

Ekaterina Shipulina studied at the Moscow Choreographic Academy

The girls' mother devoted a lot of time not so much to her own children as to her students, paying attention to Katya and her sister only when they successful studies. Oddly enough, Shipulina is proud of her parents, considering such rigor to be the engine of her progress in the profession.

In 1989, both sisters entered the Perm Choreographic School, deciding to follow in the footsteps of their parents. After graduation, the family moved to the capital in 1991 at the invitation of the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theater.

Famous ballet artists became choreographers and teachers for the younger generation of artists of this illustrious institution. And in 1994, Ekaterina Shipulina became a student at the Moscow Choreographic Academy, having the opportunity to hone her skills under the guidance of the world-famous teacher Litavkina.

A year later, Katya confirmed her professionalism by performing the main role in the production of “Corsair”.

Career growth and world fame

After graduation, Shipulina received an invitation to work at the Bolshoi Theater, where she initially performed in crowd scenes and episodic roles.

Speech by Ekaterina Shipulina

This became the starting point for her creative biography– the artist’s arsenal now includes leading roles in productions of world significance:

  1. "Fantasies on a Casanova Theme."
  2. "Chopiniana".
  3. "La Sylphide".
  4. "Don Quixote".
  5. "The Little Humpbacked Horse".
  6. "Russian Hamlet".
  7. "Pharaoh's Daughter"
  8. "Swan Lake".
  9. "La Bayadère"
  10. "Sleeping Beauty".
  11. "Chippolino".
  12. "Giselle".
  13. "Spartacus".

In 2002, for her work in the production of The Nutcracker, with which the company traveled halfway around the world with the participation of Ekaterina, Shipulina was awarded the Triumph Prize. Ballerina becomes prima native theater, she is included in the top ten best dancers of our time.

Talent and hard work, supported by external data, played their role - the dancer becomes a popular performer of classical dance not only in her homeland, but also abroad.

Usual life

According to Ekaterina, for a long time she was so eager to meet the requirements of her parents, teachers, and stage directors that she behaved in her work like a “pioneer” - even with high temperature or serious injury went on stage.

Modern ballet art is merciless to the bodies of performers - many compositions require the ballerina to fall hard to her knees.

Ekaterina Shipulina and Denis Matsuev on a walk

The habit of enduring pain, drowning it out with pills and various ointments, played its unseemly role - the woman’s limbs have practically no reflexes.

A little later, Ekaterina began to be more careful about her own health, having the opportunity to dictate her own terms to the directors involved in the development of this or that project.

However, in everyday life the girl loves extreme species sports, in the trunk of her car there are always skates, roller boots and a bathing suit. She enthusiastically descends the steep slope to ski resort, loves to play tennis and football.

She loves to treat herself to tasty treats and will not refuse a rare steak, despite the strict requirements of the choreographers. Fortunately, an active lifestyle and natural body constitution allow you to stay in excellent shape without exhausting diets and hours of effort in the gym.

Ekaterina Shipulina considers the appearance of baby Anna in her life to be a great happiness and has no intention of stopping her concert activities.

For a young mother, her own parent remains a model - Lyudmila Ivanovna appeared on stage after the birth of two babies and successfully continued dancing for several decades.

Fatherly Responsibilities

The press has long known the world-famous musician’s attitude towards the stamp in his passport.

Denis Matsuev, whose personal life and attention to the presence of his wife and children was exaggerated in open sources information constantly, stubbornly does not want to reveal secrets own attitude to the family.

Denis Matsuev is in no hurry to tell all the details from family life

According to the artist, he has been married so many times that he does not want to comment on such statements. At this point in time, there is no exact information about the official status of Denis Matsuev and Ekaterina Shipulina.

Evil tongues claim that the ballerina got her first roles at the Bolshoi Theater only thanks to her famous lover.

It is difficult to say otherwise, but recognizing a child as his daughter was a kind of feat for the musician - Matsuev was an ardent supporter of open marriages for many years.

His assertion that only music could be his wife, and jazz could be his mistress, for a long time created an aura of pompousness for the musician.

The virtuoso pianist Matsuev is known not only in the Russian Federation, but also far beyond its borders. The musician has proven more than once that he deserved it for a reason big name. Matsuev is known and respected throughout the world. Recently, the topic of what nationality Denis Matsuev is has become increasingly relevant. Does the origin and place of birth of an outstanding cultural figure influence his success? Let's try to figure it out in this article.

Musician's youth

Denis Leonidovich Matsuev was born in Irkutsk in 1975. The boy spent his entire childhood in his hometown. The musician still remembers Lake Baikal and its surroundings with nostalgia. Studying music was not easy for Denis. The future world-class star could shine in the field of sports, because Matsuev was madly in love with football. However, the boy gave priority to music.

After graduating from music school, Denis entered the music school. Here Matsuev studied until 1991. Denis’s parents saw real talent in their child, and therefore advised the young man to continue his studies. The musician moves to Moscow, where he enters the music school at the State Conservatory. Already in the early 90s, Denis became a laureate of the New Names charity foundation, which had worldwide recognition. Such a prize allowed Matsuev to give many concerts in a variety of countries. The Pope, the Queen of England, numerous heads of state and other dignitaries highly appreciated the excellent performance of Denis Matsuev. The nationality of the musician was known to many foreign listeners. We can say that Russia has another cultural symbol in the person of an outstanding musician.


Denis's father was a composer and musician. He wrote music for Irkutsk theaters. The activities of the mother of the future celebrity were also related to art. Irina Dmitrievna Matsueva (Gomel) worked as a piano teacher. Surprisingly, even Denis Leonidovich’s grandfather and grandmother were musicians. My paternal grandfather played percussion instruments in the Irkutsk Circus Orchestra. My grandmother taught at a music school. Thus, the pedigree of the hero of our article is no less interesting than the personality of Matsuev himself.

What can you tell us about the nationality of your parents? Denis Matsuev does not hide information about his ancestry from the media. The musician states that he has Siberian and Ossetian roots.

It is not easy to explain the increased media interest in the topic of nationality. Most likely, some Russian mass media simply cannot exist without covering sensitive topics and unique problems. Representatives of every nationality would like to see their fellow countryman in the famous musician, and therefore they are trying so hard to find information about where Denis Matsuev is from. The musician’s nationality interests them no less than his achievements and personal life. This topic will be discussed in our article.

Denis Leonidovich Matsuev: nationality

The famous musician, unlike many colleagues in the field of art, does not hide his origin. “I am a Siberian,” Denis Leonidovich said in an interview with Vladimir Pozner. Moreover, the musician seriously believes that Siberian is a nationality.

Denis Matsuev is an Ossetian, a Pole, an Estonian, a German and even a Jew all rolled into one. He is well acquainted with his pedigree, and therefore has some information about the origin of his ancestors. At the same time, Matsuev does not intend to challenge his attachment to Russia. The artist is truly in love with Siberia. He is sure that in these parts the spirit of a certain rebellion and firmness, founded back in the days of the Decembrists, has been preserved. Here we come to the question of whether place of birth has any influence on a person’s talent. Of course, and to a very large extent. It is clearly noticeable how inspired the musician is by the region where he was born and spent his childhood.

Thus, the question of Denis Matsuev’s nationality is very complex. The musician has a variety of ancestors in his family, which he often likes to talk about.

World recognition

Since the beginning of the 2000s, Denis Leonidovich has begun to receive increasing recognition and recognition - both in his homeland and abroad. Matsuev gives concerts all over the world. The most famous musical groups and orchestras are happy to work with the talented performer.

Matsuev considers his main achievement to be the album “The Unknown Rachmaninov,” recorded on the composer’s own piano. The recording of the album might not have taken place if Alexander Rachmaninov was the grandson of the famous musician. It was he who gave Matsuev archival documents with previously unknown suites and fugues of the classic. Denis Leonidovich received the right to premiere performance. In exchange, the grandson of Sergei Rachmaninov made a friendly promise from the performer to quit smoking. I must say, Matsuev kept his promise.

Some critics call Matsuev an innovator in the field of piano art. It is believed that he invented a new approach to the application of rich musical traditions.

Concert activities

Denis Matsuev’s personal subscription has been valid annually since 2004. The musician, together with the best symphony orchestras, travels around Russia and foreign countries. Such celebrities as Toscanini Arturo, Valery Gergiev, Zubin Mehta, Mikhail Pletnev and many others performed on the same stage with the virtuoso. Matsuev actively collaborates with the soloist and conductor of the Russian Philharmonic Orchestra, Vladimir Spivakov.

Matsuev is world famous. The biggest celebrities from all over the planet consider it an honor to work with him. The musician's fans include such people as the Queen of England, heads of many states, the Pope and other famous personalities.

Personal life

Denis Matsuev tries not to hide his biography. For a long time the musician was a bachelor. In numerous interviews, he stated that he does not suffer from loneliness and does not intend to start a family in the near future. However, quite recently Denis Leonidovich finally acquired a stamp in his passport. The wife of the talented musician was the equally talented ballerina Ekaterina Shipulina.

Matsuev's wife has been working at the Bolshoi Theater for the last ten years. In the fall of 2016, the media learned that married couple expecting a child. “The most important thing for me today,” says Denis Matsuev, “is my wife and children.”

The personal life, nationality and hobbies of the musician’s wife are still little known. The ballerina herself tells a little about herself. She loves to talk much more about her work as a ballet dancer. At the end of 2016, the Matsuev couple had a daughter.

Social activity

Matsuev tries to apply his popularity in different useful areas. The main merit of Denis Leonidovich is the promotion of philharmonic art in different regions Russian state. The musician creates a special interest among young people in classical music. To achieve his goals, Matsuev uses various charity programs, youth and children's festivals, as well as special music competitions.

Since the end of 2011, Denis Leonidovich has been an honorary professor at Moscow State University. The musician became president international fund"New names". The main goal of the organization is to provide quality education to talented children and young people.

It is also worth noting that the musician is the art director of the Rachmaninoff Foundation, is a member of the Council for Culture under the Head of the Russian State, and also heads the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.


The musician's first major performance took place in 1998. Then Matsuev won the XI International Tchaikovsky Competition. Critics and spectators were impressed by Denis Leonidovich's performance. The musician himself began at a fast pace gain popularity.

His signing of a contract with the Sony BMG Music label, a real “musical empire,” is considered a real success. Matsuev's performances are becoming increasingly famous, and his albums are becoming bestsellers. The musician's first album was called Tribute to Horowitz. The publication included the best concert numbers of Vladimir Horowitz, as well as individual concert variations of classical operettas. It is also worth noting that Denis Matsuev is a representative and advertising face of Yamaha pianos.

Organization of festivals

The hero of our article loves to organize various festivals and is an active initiator and leader of many musical projects. It is worth mentioning, for example, the famous festival “Stars on Baikal”, held since 2004. The festival is hosted by Matsuev’s friend, Svyatoslav Belza.

At the invitation of his French colleagues, the famous musician organizes an annual festival in the city of Annecy, the goal of which is to bring the French and Russian cultural spheres closer together.

The nationality of Denis Leonidovich Matsuev makes itself felt: the eminent musician likes to give frequent concerts in his homeland - in Siberia. Most likely, the native land inspires the creator to new achievements. Matsuev has been playing masterfully for several decades, and it seems he has no intention of stopping.

Hobbies of a musician

It is worth abstracting from questions about how Denis Matsuev builds work activities and complex organizational relationships. The nationality, biography, personal life and hobbies of the famous musician are no less interesting for his connoisseurs.

According to Matsuev himself, he is interested in football, bowling and tennis. Denis Leonidovich is a fan of Spartak. He is a fan of jazz compositions, although he prefers classics. A fan of the famous Moscow Sovremennik Theater. If we talk about the musician’s more “mundane” hobbies, then it’s worth mentioning the Russian bathhouse and walks in the forest. In one interview, Matsuev said that he could not live without emotional outbursts. To do this, Denis Leonidovich goes into a dense forest, where he “yells for his own pleasure.”

Thus, the hero of our article is a truly multifaceted and world-famous personality. Without exaggeration, it is worth noting that Matsuev is our national pride, one of those people who will definitely go down in Russian history.

The world has lost so many talented musicians, singers, and artists because parents “pressured” the child and forced him to study. The result is that the craving for art completely disappears, and humanity loses another genius. The biography of Denis Matsuev, a talented academic and jazz pianist, is a case of “reverse”.

Denis Matsuev's childhood

In Irkutsk, Siberia, on June 11, 1975, a boy, Denis Matsuev, was born, whose family knew firsthand about the world of art. Denis’s grandfather worked in a circus orchestra, his mother taught music, his father was the director of the city drama theater, and wrote music.

Denis Matsuev as a child, 11 years old

The child received his first gentle impetus for the development of talent at the age of 4, when his parents noticed that he had hearing and the ease with which he, like a child, but already competently reproduced well-known melodies.

Although Denis began to seriously study music in early childhood, no one at school could call him a “nerd”: he was cheerful, sociable, and at that time he was a fan of football and hockey! Denis was so passionate about this that he twice broke his arm at the skating rink.

The music he was destined for did not let go, reminding him with all his might. As Dina Ivanova, a classmate of the genius, said, at school between lessons he loudly sang, running around the school, a tune from “Slave Isaura,” a TV series that everyone was passionate about at that time.

The beginning of the career of Denis Matsuev

The outstanding pianist always emphasizes that it was his parents who lovingly guided him to musical fame in his childhood and youth. For the sake of their son and his future, they left their established life in Irkutsk, moved to Moscow, rented a tiny apartment, so that Denis could continue to study in the capital.

Music school at the Conservatory named after. Tchaikovsky, where Denis Matsuev began studying in 1990, another three years at the Moscow Conservatory - this is it, the beginning of the path to great success. The public charitable foundation “New Names” organizes competitions for young geniuses. Thanks to them, Denis got the opportunity to demonstrate his talent in England, France and more than 40 countries around the world.

Denis studied in the class of Professor Sergei Dorensky

Having won the XI International competition them. Tchaikovsky in 1998, the young conservatory graduate literally “blew up” music world with your talent. To this day, the pianist considers this victory at the competition one of his main achievements. Moreover, he ensured his success with an unusual style of performance: instead of the usual, dry academic style, he chose a concert style.

The year 2004 was significant in that the musician presented his personal annual subscription “Soloist Denis Matsuev” as part of the Moscow Philharmonic concerts. Famous groups were attracted to the concerts, among them the Orchestra of Soloists under the direction of Spivakov.

The contract with SONY BMG Music Entertainment gave a new impetus to the fact that even more music fans learned about Denis Matsuev: discs with recordings of his performances were sold out instantly.

World fame of Denis Matsuev

Now in this talented musician, a tall and attractive man, it is difficult to recognize the boy whom the physical education teacher at school jokingly called “Gritsatsuev” because of his short stature.

Matsuev retained his love for football since childhood

Denis Matsuev, who could not imagine his life without football as a child, still retains his sporting enthusiasm and an unconventional, lively approach to music. An important event in his career as a pianist - the release of the solo disc “Unknown Rachmaninov” in 2015 at the suggestion of the composer’s grandson.

Alexander Rachmaninov concluded a friendly agreement with Matsuev: the pianist would record a disc performing a hitherto unknown fugue and suite if he quit smoking (by the way, the musician fulfilled the agreement). The project was also unusual in that the music was performed on Rachmaninoff’s personal piano.

Matsuev quit smoking to play unreleased works by Rachmaninoff

Festivals and concerts, various musical projects - it is impossible to list everything that Denis Matsuev does. He is a regular participant in the annual autumn international festival “Stars of Baikal” in Irkutsk, and the artistic director of the Crescendo forum for a new generation of musicians. The international competition for young pianists Astana Piano Passion boasts that Denis is its artistic director.

The Milan La Scala Orchestra, the Royal Scottish National Orchestra, the London Symphony Orchestra, the symphony orchestras of the USA, France, and Germany are far from full list groups with which Denis Matsuev collaborates. Charitable Foundation“New Names,” of which Denis was a student, is now proud that Matsuev is its president.

A concert anywhere in the world by this pianist is sold out and tickets are instantly sold out. According to the newspaper Le Devoir (Montreal), Denis Matsuev is not just a genius: he is passionate and generous in the way he conveys music to the public, his performance technique is perfect, at the same time free and natural.

The talented musician is actively involved in charity work. For example, in June 2017, he gave a concert for visually impaired young musicians in Krasnodar. He not only played, but also after the concert talked with the children who came to his performance.

Personal life of Denis Matsuev

A brilliant pianist, a talented leader, a philanthropist, Denis is a happy husband and father. Marrying a prima ballerina Bolshoi Theater Ekaterina Shipulina and the birth of her daughter Anna in October 2016 were not ignored by the press, but there was a minimum of comments from the “star” of the events.

According to Denis himself, he does not feel the need to talk about his personal life. The main thing for him is happiness in the family, and he doesn’t take offense at journalists for their intrusive interest, that’s their job.

Hobbies of Denis Matsuev

Sports, a childhood hobby, still does not let Denis out of captivity: he plays football, tennis, goes bowling, and supports Spartak.

Denis Matsuev is a fan of Spartak

A true Siberian, he enjoys going to the bathhouse and making forays to Lake Baikal with his friends. Siberian forests, he says, are a place where he can wander, shout and throw out energy in nature.

Denis loves to relax in nature

A fan of the Sovremennik Theater, Denis Matsuev is very friendly with Galina Volchek. The musician is passionate not only about classical music. For example, the “Jazz among Friends” project, in his words, is jazz improvisation using classical hands.

The famous Russian pianist became a father for the first time. The musician admitted about the addition to the family as part of the “Evening Urgant” show. Matsuev said that his wife Ekaterina Shipulina gave birth to a daughter at the end of 2016. The girl was named Anna.

The virtuoso pianist admitted that he is very happy to be a father. He said that due to his busy schedule, it is not easy for him to combine raising his daughter and work, but Matsuev emphasized that he is always in a hurry to go home to his baby and the woman he loves, ironically asking to end the program quickly so that he can see Anna Denisovna.

The musician’s fans started talking about the upcoming addition to Denis Matsuev’s family back in mid-2016, but the pianist never confirmed the fact of his wife’s pregnancy or his paternity. The pianist always answered questions about his personal life evasively, not wanting to let others in on his happiness.

Denis Matsuev admitted that he became a father (video):