What's wrong with Igor Krutoy's daughter Sasha. New photos of Alexandra Krutoy, who has autism

Igor Krutoy: Alexandra’s daughter has autism - recently many reports began to appear on the Internet that the daughter of the famous composer suffers from a severe mental disorder, also known as infantile syndrome. Should we believe the assumptions? in social networks, where do these rumors come from and what is really happening?

Igor Krutoy is a popular composer who has collaborated with many giants of the national stage. History knows many cases where children with disabilities and physical disabilities are born in families of successful and wealthy people, famous musicians and actors. This is what happened to Krutoy’s daughter, if you believe a lot of news on the Internet.

The daughter of the Russian composer is currently only 14 years old, but there is already a lot of gossip and rumors about her in online communities. Alexandra’s parents have repeatedly talked about how they are raising their daughter and that she is a real outlet for their family.

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As a rule, children at this age are active users social networks and other Internet resources. However, the same cannot be said about the musician’s daughter - it is impossible to find her on social networks; apparently, the young girl is not interested in this and spends little time with her smartphone.

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Social networks and blocks are overflowing new information Regarding the health of Igor Krutoy’s daughter, it is assumed that the girl has autism. As for the composer himself and his family, they have never made such statements; moreover, celebrities do not try to hide their child from cameras. There is a high probability that all the rumors are just fiction, since no grounds or evidence have been presented in this regard.

20:17:44 — — Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_0_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14A456 Safari/602..html

Many users and visitors to news resources still cannot understand why such articles and blog posts began to appear? In the photographs you can see that the girl already looks quite pretty at her age, in addition, there is not the slightest sign of mental disorder or any other deviation.

20:17:44 — — Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_0_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14A456 Safari/602..html

Friends of Igor Krutoy’s family admire his daughter’s appearance, and it is possible that the basis for rumors about Alexandra’s autism could be ordinary human envy - and this is far from uncommon these days. The composer is in no hurry to comment on the situation, but one day he spoke a little about his daughter, noting that the girl was growing up by leaps and bounds. Therefore, everything is fine with the composer’s family.

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Igor Krutoy shared a photo with his grown-up fourteen-year-old daughter.

The star couple Krutykh are having fun abroad. In addition to his beloved, the head of the family also took his youngest daughter, 14-year-old Alexandra, with him. The girl’s mother published a photo on the microblog in which Sasha poses with her father. Apparently they are waiting for an order at one of the local restaurants. Relatives hug and look very happy.

It is interesting that some considered the girl to be mature beyond her years. Not only is she stylishly dressed, but she has also become almost taller than her dad. Judging by the photograph, Igor Yakovlevich is close and personal with his daughter. warm relations. The girl hugged him tenderly and leaned her head against her parent. Olga's followers appreciated the frame and noted that the celebrity heiress had changed noticeably. Social network users also found similarities between Krutoy and the young beauty. They left comments on Instagram with words of admiration.

“How quickly not only your own children grow, but also other people’s”, “Daddy’s little girl”, “Wow, what a beauty!”, “Daddy’s copy, daddy’s daughter, gorgeous, daddy’s joy”, “Enjoy your holiday! Sashulya is a beauty!”, “What a change! Gorgeous! How she has grown! Happiness to you!”, “Beautiful Sashulya!”, fans wrote compliments to Alexandra.

Loyal admirers of the popular composer's work have long known about his love for family members. The celebrity tries to communicate with relatives as much as possible, despite being very busy. Close men admitted that they often ask Krutoy Sr. for advice and also share their most secret things. A friendly family tries to get together for the most important events in life: having children, New Year and other holidays.

Earlier, Igor Yakovlevich himself spoke touchingly about his relationship with children. He spoke especially warmly about his youngest daughter. According to the composer, they have a completely different connection with Alexandra than with the older heirs. The girl always expressed awe and tenderness for her father, calling herself “little Igorechek.” The man believes that such a friendship arose thanks to his own awareness - Sasha was born when Krutoy was already 49 years old.

Our article will present the biography of the popular Russian maestro Igor Krutoy, creator of hits of all times: “I love you to tears,” “ Unfinished novel" Recognized Ukrainian and Russian composer, National artist Russia, producer of “New Wave”, “Song of the Year”.

Igor Krutoy is known not only in Russian Federation, but also beyond. He was awarded the title “Honored Worker of the Russian Federation.” Now many famous singers dream that this famous artist would write a song and music for them. But you will find out how his path to success began as soon as you read the article.

Height, weight, age. How old is Igor Krutoy

Many followers of his work are interested in the question of height, weight, age. How old is Igor Krutoy? At 62 years old, Igor Krutoy looks like a fit, stately man. He leads an active lifestyle, and this all affects his external appearance.

His height is 176 centimeters and his weight is 78 kilograms. The weight is in harmony with his height. By zodiac sign he is Leo, and by Chinese calendar horse. Igor can be compared to a horse; they are both hardworking and proactive.

Biography of Igor Krutoy

The biography of Igor Krutoy is eventful. Almost everyone thinks that Krutoy is the artist’s pseudonym. On July 29, 1954, Igor Krutoy was born in Ukraine. Mother, Svetlana Semyonovna, worked at the sanitary and epidemiological station, and father, Yakov Krutoy, worked at the factory. At the age of six, the boy was bought a button accordion. It began with this instrument creative career. As a child, the artist did not even think about being a composer, he wanted to be a driver. But over time, he realized that what he liked most in life was composing music and writing poetry.

The future pop star studied at music school in Kirovograd, graduating with honors. The guy dreamed of entering the conservatory, but this did not happen. In 1974 he entered the Nikolaev Pedagogical Institute at the conducting and choral department. While studying at the institute, the future composer worked at school, teaching musical art, as well as in free time worked in restaurants and taverns with his friend Alexander Serov. Igor Krutoy played the piano, and Serov sang. In 1986 he entered the Saratov Composer University.

Success overtook the composer in 1987, when he composed the song “Madonna,” which was performed by his friend Alexander Serov. After this song, Krutoy’s career as a composer began to grow. In 1998, he became president of the concert and production company ARS.

U famous artist many awards and orders.

Personal life of Igor Krutoy

The personal life of Igor Krutoy was arranged over a long period of time. Krutoy has an unsuccessful marriage behind him. When Igor was a student, he met his first wife, Elena. Elena captivated him so much that he proposed to her on the third date.

The family did not last long; due to difficulties in everyday life and lack of money, they decided to divorce. From his first marriage, the composer has a son, Nikolai. In 1995, he tied the knot for the second time. This marriage is strong, it has gone through “fire and water, and copper pipe" Second wife – Olga. She gave Igor a daughter, Alexandra.

Family of Igor Krutoy

Igor Krutoy’s family lives in two houses. The wife will live in the USA, and Igor will live in Moscow. At the maestro's big family, he has loving wife, son, two daughters and granddaughters. Quite rarely they get together. Igor Krutoy constantly has to fly to his daughters in America.

The composer has quite successful family: wife – business lady, daughter – singer. Their family has a tradition of celebrating the New Year together. The biggest gift he received from his wife Olga Krutoy was the birth of their daughter Sasha.

Children of Igor Krutoy

The children of Igor Krutoy constantly please their father with their talents and successes. Son Nikolai grew up without his father's participation. Since his first wife, Elena, left for another man, and Kolya grew up with another “dad.” Igor has a stepdaughter, Victoria, but he considers her his own daughter.

Igor adopted Vika and gave her his last name. The most beloved child is daughter Sasha. Sasha is a late child, and the actor has the most reverent and tender feelings for her. Alexandra is already 14 years old, and she is already as tall as her dad. But, for Igor Krutoy, she remains a little girl.

Son of Igor Krutoy - Nikolai Krutoy

The son of Igor Krutoy is Nikolai Krutoy. Nikolay was born in 1981. After the divorce, Elena Krutaya forbade Igor to see his son, but after a while she thawed out and allowed Kolya to see his father. Krutoy provided the boy with not only moral, but also financial assistance. Nikolai Igorevich received a decent education. Kolya holds a high position in the largest machine and construction company, which is located in Moscow.

The son of a popular composer married for the first time in 2007. This marriage produced a daughter, Christina. Igor doted on his granddaughter. In 2013, the couple separated. In 2015, Nikolai married for the second time. The wedding was magnificent, many celebrities were invited.

Is Igor Krutoy’s daughter, Alexandra Krutoy, autistic?

The daughter of Igor Krutoy, Alexandra Krutaya, was born in 2003. The girl is brought up in strictness, but for her father she is an outlet. Igor Krutoy composed music and poetry for her, “Sasha’s Lullaby.” At her age, the girl is not registered on any social network.

Sasha tried herself as a singer, performing in the New Wave competition for young performers. There are many facts on the Internet that Igor Krutoy’s daughter Sasha has autism. The producer himself does not comment on this fact.

Igor Krutoy's wife - Olga Krutaya

Igor Krutoy’s wife is Olga Krutaya. The meeting of Olga and Igor took place in America in 1995. Igor Krutoy came with his concert program “Song of the Year”. A month after this meeting, they began a relationship. In 1997, the couple decided to get married. Igor adopted Olga's daughter Victoria.

Olga Krutaya does not waste hours on quarrels and insults, since they see each other extremely rarely. From the lips of the couple’s comrades it is said that due to the fact that Igor and Olga often break up, they do not have time to get tired of each other. In 2017, the couple will celebrate their pearl wedding.

Illness: Igor Krutoy has cancer?

Everyone is interested in the question of what disease Igor Krutoy has. Everyone was shocked by the news that Igor Krutoy had cancer. Igor had a pancreatic cyst. The composer was able to overcome this illness. The operation was performed at an oncology clinic located in Los Angeles.

A difficult operation that lasted more than twenty hours, and soon long rehabilitation days helped overcome the disease. After suffering an illness, the composer rethought the values ​​in life. Igor still adheres to proper nutrition, no matter what provokes the disease.

Instagram and Wikipedia Igor Krutoy

The composer does not update his Instagram feed often, due to his busy schedule. On Instagram, you can see photos with celebrities such as: Alla Pugacheva, Maxim Galkin, Laima Vaikule and others. Also a lot of photos with family. The composer is not registered on other social networks.

People's Artist of Russia Igor Krutoy, while raising his youngest daughter Alexandra, encountered problems in the development of children.

Fans of the composer suspect that the fourteen-year-old daughter from his second marriage has autism. After all, the teenager has no friends at all, she is not registered on social networks and is always in the sight of her relatives under constant care.

At one time, parents do not confirm this information and, moreover, they are outraged. They don’t understand where the information about the girl’s illness came from.

Igor Krutoy’s daughter Alexandra has autism: the sincerity and kindness of the composer’s youngest daughter contribute to her father’s special attitude towards her

The famous composer Igor Krutoy has three children. Son Nikolai and stepdaughter Victoria from their first marriage, which took place with Elena Kruta. In his second marriage, the artist’s beloved gave her star father a daughter, Alexandra. Igor loves all his children madly, but still admits that they have a special connection with his youngest daughter. He sees a little angel in her and says that she is infinitely sincere, pure, kind and is not ashamed of her reverent feelings for her parents. Therefore, the composer composed poems and songs dedicated to the baby.

Sasha is brought up in the strictness of her parents, but she feels care in this. The girl has been interested in drawing for a long time. She tried herself in a singing career, participating in youth competitions for performers.

Igor Krutoy’s daughter Alexandra has autism: the controversial interests of the People’s Artist’s youngest daughter give rise to gossip and discussions on forums

Today, the illness of Igor’s youngest daughter is being discussed on many forums. Fans of the composer noticed that the girl leads a too constrained lifestyle. She does not have photos on the Internet, moreover, she is not a member of any social networks. Alexandra very rarely appears in public, although with the popularity of her father this can be done quite often. Our daughter does not like to waste her time on gadgets - this is how her parents comment on this situation.

All this is alarming because we are in the 21st century and now it is simply impossible to find a teenager who is not interested in modern technologies. As you know, the desire to escape contact with the outside world and self-absorption are the main signs of the disease. However, there is no official information about the girl’s illness.

Igor Krutoy’s daughter Alexandra has autism: the grace and beauty of the teenager overshadows the existence of the disease

On her birthday, Alexandra’s mother published a photo of her girl on Instagram. So, in the photo Sasha looks absolutely healthy person. Moreover, she has quite beautiful facial features and a bright appearance that can easily outshine the appearance of her peers. The girl was always an ordinary, unremarkable teenager, but by the age of 14 she became simply beautiful.

Friends of Igor Krutoy’s family, as well as subscribers, seeing such an elegant girl, refuse to believe in her illness, which can lead to death. It is argued that envy most likely encourages the spread of sad rumors.

Nikoshka said: 02/20/2014 15:11

Nikoshka said: 02/20/2014 15:14

Irina Khakamada, a former leader of the Union of Right Forces, and now a business coach and designer, surprised many by deciding to give birth to a child at 42 years old. In 2004, Irina ran for president of the Russian Federation. And no one knew that at that time she was experiencing a terrible family tragedy. Doctors gave her youngest daughter Mashenka a terrible diagnosis - leukemia. The girl underwent chemotherapy. Fortunately, she overcame this illness. And two years ago, Irina Mitsuovna came to the premiere of the blockbuster “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian” with the matured Masha. This appearance in the world was not easy even for the strong-willed Khakamada. Everyone saw that her daughter suffers from Down syndrome and began to respect this persistent woman.

Masha studies at a specialized school

- She loves to dance very much. She has artistic thinking - there is no boom-boom in mathematics, but everything that concerns the imaginative vision of the world, drawing, dancing, singing - she succeeds, says her loving mother.

Knowing how many trials such children and their parents have to go through, Khakamada created the Social Solidarity Fund and advocates for power structures interests of disabled people of all ages.

Nikoshka said: 02/20/2014 15:16

Iya Savvina refused to send her son to a boarding school

In 2003, in Moscow, in the gallery on Staraya Basmannaya, an exhibition of 46-year-old Sergei Shestakov opened. His unusual, talented paintings destroyed the stereotypes of perception of people suffering from Down syndrome. Sergei has been disabled since childhood. Despite his serious illness, he received a good education at home: he studied English language, plays the piano excellently, knows poetry and painting well. And he picked up a brush and paints as an adult. This unusual artist is the son famous actress Ia Savvina.

About the diagnosis long-awaited son I recognized Savvina back in the maternity hospital. She was offered to place the sick child in a special boarding school. But she categorically refused. Savvina accepted her boy, who was unlike others, as he was given to her from above. I studied with him, developed his abilities in every possible way, and hired teachers. And she told her friends what a wonderful, affectionate and kind son she had. She stoically looked after Seryozha and continued to act in films and theater, creating unforgettable images of selfless women.

Nikoshka said: 02/20/2014 15:18

Tatyana Yumasheva: Gleb is just different!

A child with Down syndrome is also growing up in the family of the first President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin. The boy was born in the second marriage of his daughter Tatyana - with Alexey Dyachenko. Journalists have long found out this secret of the Yeltsin clan. But those around the president hid Gleb’s illness for a long time. Even on family photos you could never see his face. And so Tatyana broke the silence. In her blog, she spoke in detail about her sick son. According to her, Gleb studies in a special school. Teachers come to his home. The boy goes in for swimming and chess.

“He remembers hundreds of classical pieces of music from memory - Bach, Mozart, Beethoven... The chess coach is amazed at how extraordinary he thinks. Glebushka also swims amazingly in all styles, writes Tatyana. – It is believed that Down syndrome is a disease. But, in my opinion, children with Down syndrome are simply different. They are concerned about what we easily pass by without noticing.”

Nikoshka said: 02/20/2014 15:19

Lolita Milyavskaya's daughter wants to become a singer

Lolita Milyavskaya admires her daughter in every interview. But he does not hide the fact that the child has health problems. Until the age of four, Eva did not know how to speak, and besides, she poor eyesight. The singer herself never mentioned what the girl was sick with. But there have long been rumors that Eva has Down syndrome. They say that upon learning of this diagnosis, the singer was initially shocked, but now she is trying to do everything so that her daughter can realize herself as fully as possible. Mother's love works wonders. At 11, Eva is in third grade, just a little behind her healthy peers. Lolita enthusiastically notes each of her successes: she learned to read, recites poetry with expression, sings jazz improvisations. Perhaps all these successes are not at all outstanding for ordinary children, but Eva is from the category of special ones.

Milyavskaya had a daughter in mature age– after 35. The singer said that labor began in the sixth month of pregnancy. The baby weighed less than one and a half kilograms, and she was nursed for a long time in a pressure chamber. Lolita had to raise the child alone. Alexander Tsekalo, the singer’s then-husband, filed for divorce immediately after Eva’s birth. He does not help in raising the girl. At first, Lolita often reproached Alexander for cowardice. But later she suddenly declared: Tsekalo has nothing to do with her daughter. However, many doubt that Eve is own daughter Milyavskaya. They say she took it from the baby's home. After all, no one saw Lola pregnant.

However, Eva for her is the most dear person in the world, and her heart hurts only for her alone. While struggling with her daughter’s illness, she considers it her duty to help other children abandoned by their parents due to serious illnesses.

Elena said: 02/20/2014 15:24

Nikoshka said: 02.20.2014 17:21

In an interview with SNC magazine, the wife of the actor and film director Svetlana admitted for the first time why they were hiding their youngest daughter Varvara from prying eyes. As it turned out, the girl has congenital health and development problems, and therefore famous parents carefully protect her peace.

14-year-old Varvara spends most of her time abroad, in a specialized treatment center, where she receives qualified medical care. According to Svetlana Bondarchuk, in Europe “sunny” children are looked after much better than in our country.

“Thank God, we have the opportunity to pay for Varya’s stay in a commercial clinic. At the same time, we often take her home. This is a cheerful and smiling child who instantly puts you at ease!” she said.
The daughter’s illness not only did not destroy, but, on the contrary, strengthened the union of Fedor and Svetlana: “As a rule, in such a situation, a husband and wife very quickly stop communicating, but, fortunately, this did not happen to us. Thanks to Fedor for not turning his back on us!”
In the Bondarchuk family, the word “illness” is not uttered - the spouses simply call Varya special. “Yes, we have a child with certain problems, but we don’t make a catastrophe out of it and don’t see the world in only black terms. Something can happen to each of us at any moment - no one is immune from this,” Svetlana Bondarchuk is convinced.

For reference:
Fyodor and Svetlana Bondarchuk have two children: son Sergei (1991) and daughter Varvara (2001). A girl was born ahead of schedule, and doctors fought for her life for a long time.
“Varya was born in an extreme situation, and at first we were very nervous. There was no time to rejoice - I had to mobilize and do specific things: being on duty, driving/bringing, etc.,” recalled Fyodor Bondarchuk four years after the birth of his daughter

Igor Krutoy’s daughter suffers from autism, the composer commented on the rumors

Igor Krutoy: Alexandra’s daughter has autism - recently many reports began to appear on the Internet that the daughter of the famous composer suffers from a severe mental disorder, also known as infantile syndrome. Should we believe the speculation on social networks, where these rumors come from and what is really happening?

Igor Krutoy is a popular composer who has collaborated with many giants of the national stage. History knows many cases where children with disabilities and physical disabilities are born in families of successful and wealthy people, famous musicians and actors. This is what happened to Krutoy’s daughter, if you believe a lot of news on the Internet.

The daughter of the Russian composer is currently only 14 years old, but there is already a lot of gossip and rumors about her in online communities. Alexandra’s parents have repeatedly talked about how they are raising their daughter and that she is a real outlet for their family.

20:17:44 - - Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_0_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14A456 Safari/602.1 - http:// therussiantimes.com/news/252971.html

As a rule, children at this age are active users of social networks and other Internet resources. However, the same cannot be said about the musician’s daughter - it is impossible to find her on social networks; apparently, the young girl is not interested in this and spends little time with her smartphone.

20:17:44 - - Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_0_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14A456 Safari/602.1 - http:// therussiantimes.com/news/252971.html

Social networks and blocks are filled with new information about the health of Igor Krutoy’s daughter; it is assumed that the girl has autism. As for the composer himself and his family, they have never made such statements; moreover, celebrities do not try to hide their child from cameras. There is a high probability that all the rumors are just fiction, since no grounds or evidence have been presented in this regard.

20:17:44 - - Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_0_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14A456 Safari/602.1 - http:// therussiantimes.com/news/252971.html

Many users and visitors to news resources still cannot understand why such articles and blog posts began to appear? In the photographs you can see that the girl already looks quite pretty at her age, in addition, there is not the slightest sign of a mental disorder or any other deviation.

20:17:44 - - Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_0_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14A456 Safari/602.1 - http:// therussiantimes.com/news/252971.html

Friends of Igor Krutoy’s family admire his daughter’s appearance, and it is possible that the basis for rumors about Alexandra’s autism could be ordinary human envy - and this is far from uncommon these days. The composer is in no hurry to comment on the situation, but one day he spoke a little about his daughter, noting that the girl was growing up by leaps and bounds. Therefore, everything is fine with the composer’s family.

20:17:44 - - Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_0_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14A456 Safari/602.1 - http:// therussiantimes.com/news/252971.html



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Composer Igor Krutoy is raising his youngest daughter with autism

Pop stars are people too and nothing human is alien to them. Trouble comes unexpectedly and does not bypass the families of even the most talented and famous people. Igor Krutoy, a famous composer and People's Artist of Russia, also faced developmental problems in children while raising his youngest daughter Alexandra.

Sasha Krutaya, Igor Krutoy’s daughter has autism: information about the disease

Information about my daughter's illness Cool with autism, spammed on forums and filled in search engines. There is no official information about her daughter’s illness. The musician's acquaintances admire the beauty of his 14-year-old daughter.

Igor Krutoy has an adult son, Nikolai, from his first marriage, who has already married a second time. In his second marriage to Olga Kruta, the composer has a daughter, Alexandra. He also raised his stepdaughter Victoria as his own all his life. A couple of years ago it took place in Monaco gorgeous wedding with a restaurateur, which was then written about for several months.

Igor's daughter Cool Alexander born in 2003, the girl was raised by strict parents, at the same time she became an outlet for Alexander’s father. Igor Krutoy composed music for his daughter, as well as poems “Lullaby for Sashenka.

Sasha Krutaya, Igor Krutoy’s daughter has autism: Olga Krutaya wishes her daughter health

Alexandra Krutaya celebrated her 14th birthday.

The girl’s mother Olga Krutaya posted in her Instagram photo matured daughter, accompanying the post with a touching congratulation: “Sasha, my love, happy birthday! Be healthy and happy! May you be surrounded by loyal friends all your life. Happy Birthday my love."

The girl is still not registered on social networks. As a rule, children at this age are active users of social networks and other Internet resources. However, the same cannot be said about the musician’s daughter - it is impossible to find her on social networks; apparently, the young girl is not interested in this and spends little time with her smartphone. This is precisely what is alarming, because in the 21st century, at the height of technological progress, it is difficult to meet a teenager who does not like to hang out on the Internet. Maybe the girl is really sick, as we know, autism manifests itself in self-isolation and avoidance of contact with reality. Sasha has already tried herself as a singer, and also performed at a competition for young performers called “New Wave”.

Sasha Krutoy, Igor Krutoy’s daughter has autism: Alexandra’s beauty

Back in 2014, Alexandra looked like an “ugly duckling” (on the right is Victoria Krutaya, the composer’s stepdaughter)

And today Nikolai Baskov showed a photo where we see the transformation of a teenage girl into a beautiful girl

Earlier, Igor Yakovlevich himself spoke touchingly about his relationship with children. He spoke especially warmly about his youngest daughter. According to the composer, they have a completely different connection with Alexandra than with the older heirs. The girl always expressed awe and tenderness for her father, calling herself “little Igorechek.” The man believes that such a friendship arose thanks to his own awareness - Sasha was born when Krutoy was already 49 years old.

New photos of Alexandra Krutaya, who has autism

Everyone knows that Alexandra Krutaya is the smallest of Igor Krutoy’s daughters from his third marriage. He still has children - a boy, Kolya, from his first marriage to Elena Kruta, and a stepdaughter, Vika, but these children do not have any health problems. But little Sasha, who recently turned 14, is suspected by the public of autism. The grounds for these suspicions did not arise without reason; in fact, the girl has no friends, her photographs are not often seen on the Internet, her father and mother care too much about her, and Alexandra is regularly in their field of view, writes the Wordyou website. Krutoy himself claims that he is raising the girl strictly, and she represents a real outlet and reward for them.

Alexandra Krutaya has autism, new photos: information about the illness of Krutoy’s daughter

Visitors to Internet forums are unhappy and cannot understand from whom the information about the illness of I. Krutoy’s daughter actually came; Alexandra’s father and mother did not give any messages or explanations about this and often tried not to talk about the topic of their daughter’s health. For her fourteen years, the girl leads a too private lifestyle, she does not have pages on social networks, and she rarely appears in public.

The girl's father and mother explain this by saying that their daughter does not like to spend time with gadgets. This is precisely what is alarming: in fact, in the 21st century, at the height of technological growth, it is very difficult to meet a teenager who would not like to hang out on the Internet. Perhaps the girl actually got sick, as we know that autism manifests itself in self-isolation and avoidance of contact with reality.

Alexandra Krutaya has autism, new photos: mother awaits Alexandra’s recovery

On her fourteenth birthday, Alexandra Krutoy’s mother posted a photo of her grown-up daughter on Instagram with wishes of health and happiness. In the photo, the girl looks completely healthy, her very bright appearance and beautiful facial features attract attention. Even if a girl has autism, it doesn’t show up outwardly; at a young age young beauty has already managed to outshine most of her star peers, the Internet portal noted. Close families, fascinated by Sasha’s extraterrestrial beauty, suggest that envy is the reason for the rumors about the girl’s illness.

Igor Krutoy, daughter Alexandra has autism

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  • Published: July 19, 2017
  • ★MORE www.piterburger.ru/130268.html
    Igor Krutoy’s daughter Alexandra has autism.
    Igor Krutoy’s daughter Alexandra is closed to journalists. She doesn't visit social events, does not take part in filming various shows, does not give interviews, she does not pose for photographers, she is not on social networks. Since the composer himself does not comment on his daughter’s closed nature, journalists have long had a version that the girl may have problems with socialization, even mild degree autism. And since the girl was born when Igor Krutoy was 49 years old, there may very well be some pathology in Sasha’s emotional sphere. Those rare moments when you manage to see her are either on the pages of relatives on Instagram, or at some singing competitions. Alexandra has long been interested in vocals, and in 2012 there was one of her rare performances at the New Wave competition for young performers. After the concert, the Internet was filled with rumors and jokes that Sasha could very well be the daughter of Semyon Slepkov, she turned out to be so similar to him, the same dark curly hair, Blue eyes, full lips.
    As is known from numerous interviews with Igor Krutoy, he tries to communicate with relatives as much as possible, despite his busy schedule. A friendly family tries to get together for the most important events in life: the birth of children, New Year and other holidays. The musician always speaks especially warmly about his youngest daughter. According to the composer, they have a completely different connection with Sasha than with the older heirs. Since childhood, the girl expresses special awe and tenderness for her father, in early age She even called herself “little Igarochek.” Such close and touching relationships appeared thanks to parents and their own awareness and maturity.
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