Using clay internally is a unique means for cleansing and healing. What is clay made of? What substance does clay consist of?

Doctors say that medicinal and cosmetic clays are not just a basis for medicines, but substances that are medicines in themselves. Leaving the internal use of this substance to doctors, let's talk about how it helps make the skin healthy and beautiful.

What is this?

From a geological point of view, clay is a substance resulting from destruction rocks under long-term exposure to water and wind.

From a chemical point of view, it is a mixture of silicon oxide and aluminum oxide with admixtures of coloring ions and organic substances. Silicon prevents skin aging, smoothes wrinkles, and accelerates healing processes. Aluminum oxide in the form of tiny particles (not exceeding 1 micron) gently exfoliates dead particles of the epidermis, making the skin smooth and soft. It also has a drying, astringent effect. In addition, useful macro- and microelements include phosphates, nitrogen, and iron.

Clay is capable of absorbing and retaining water and substances dissolved in it, including toxic ones. This property is used not only in cosmetology, but also by doctors in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Actually, this property contains the answer to the question “does cosmetic clay draw toxins from the skin?”

From a physics point of view, this is a good coolant. The local thermal effect is especially useful for: capillaries expand, microcirculation improves. This effect can also be useful in the treatment of diseases of the joints, muscles and ligaments.

Thus, cosmetic clay, used in our case for the face, has the following properties:

  • cleansing and detoxification,
  • peeling,
  • moisturizing the surface of the skin (important condition: the mask should not be allowed to dry out),
  • mineralization of the skin,
  • calming effect (relieves redness, irritation and swelling),
  • enhances the effectiveness of cosmetics (improves their penetration due to a tight fit).

The shelf life of “pure” (without additional cosmetic ingredients) clay dried to powder is practically unlimited.

Can clay cause allergies? No, it can't. provoke allergic reaction Added active ingredients, such as essential oils, can. You can check your reaction using a standard skin test: apply large number mixture prepared in the required proportions in the area of ​​the elbow, leave for half an hour, rinse, and after a day evaluate the condition of the skin at the site of application.

To prepare masks or wraps, only ceramic, glass or plastic are used - in no case metal! - dishes. The spatula for spreading and applying the mask should also not be metal.

The oilier the skin, the longer you can keep the mask on it, and the shorter the break between procedures. Ladies with dry skin are not recommended to apply the mask for more than 5 minutes once a week. Oily skin allows you to keep the mask for 15 minutes and use it every other day.

Types of cosmetic clay and their properties


Also known as kaolin. The most common, chemically neutral, due to which it is used in the pharmacopoeia as a filler for mixing substances that are destroyed upon contact with organic matter. In the same way, it is inert when in contact with the skin: from the white clay itself (without additional components) no substances pass into the skin tissue chemicals. But at the same time, the waste products of cells are perfectly removed, pathogenic bacteria, products of inflammation. Due to this property, kaolin has a good soothing effect - for neurodermatitis, it reduces swelling and itching.

A mask diluted with water is best for oily skin.

  • As a soft scrub:

Dilute the powder with water 1 to 1, apply to the face, massage for 5 minutes, not allowing it to dry out. Wash your face cool water.

  • As a drying mask for excessive sebum (sebum) production:

Apply the powder diluted 1 to 1 on the face for 10-12 minutes. Rinse off the dried mask with cool water.


Another great option for oily skin. Narrows pores, normalizes the secretion of sebaceous glands, tones. Contains elements such as silver, magnesium, calcium, zinc, cobalt, phosphorus, copper. They improve metabolic processes and help strengthen skin tissue.

  • Acne mask

For 1 heaping tablespoon of powder, take ½ teaspoon of grape seed oil and add 3-5 drops of tea tree essential oil. Dilute with water to the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply to face for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm (not hot!) water.

  • Mask for blackheads (comedones)

Add 5-10 drops of lemon juice to 1 tablespoon of powder, add water until the consistency of thick sour cream. Keep on your face for 10-15 minutes, avoiding drying (you can spray your face with water). Rinse off.


Whitens the skin, tones it, and can smooth out fine wrinkles.

  • Whitening mask

Mix equal amounts of blue clay, tomato juice and sour milk.

But best use cosmetic clay blue color– for the body, as an anti-cellulite wrap.

How to do wraps

Before the wrapping procedure, you must do peeling. Dilute the clay warm water until the consistency of mush. Heat in a water bath to a temperature of about 40-45 degrees: the mixture should be hot, but comfortable for the body. If desired, you can add essential oils of lemon, orange, grapefruit, cedar, rosemary (the latter is best not combined with other oils) - but even without them, the wrap is very effective. Apply the mixture to problem areas of the body in a thick layer, wrap in film, and cover with a blanket to prevent heat loss. The duration of the procedure is 20-40 minutes, the course is 8-10 procedures, which are carried out every other day. Clay wraps should not be used when high temperature, thyrotoxicosis, varicose veins veins, pregnancy, cancer.


Smoothes the skin texture, therefore it is used in masks against wrinkles.

  • Mask for aging skin

Mix 2 tablespoons of powder with 1 tablespoon of almond oil, add warm water to the desired consistency. Keep on your face for 5-10 minutes without allowing it to dry out.

  • Mask for dry skin

To 2 tablespoons of clay add a tablespoon of peach oil and 5 drops of patchouli oil. Rinse off after 5-10 minutes, do not allow it to dry out.


Reduces irritation, improves blood circulation. Can be used for hot wraps with lipolytic and tonic properties. Good for baths too.

Photo taken from the resource

Bath with red cosmetic clay

Helps against allergies, inflammation, abscesses. Shake 200 g of clay in the bath. If desired (and if skin tolerates it) add 1-2 handfuls sea ​​salt. You can take such a bath no more than once every 2 weeks.

Red clay can be used not only in the form of baths, but also topically to treat abscesses. To do this, you need to dilute the powder thickly and spread it with a spatula on a piece of fabric in a layer about 2 cm thick. Apply to the affected area, bandage, leave for 40 minutes. The mixture cannot be reused. However, any type of clay can be used in this way: its adsorbing and antibacterial properties will have an effect. Under no circumstances should you heat an abscess!

Black clay

Not recommended for dry and sensitive skin. But for oily people it is optimal. If the question arises, which clay to choose for problem skin, best option– black. It perfectly absorbs excess fat, inflammatory products, narrows pores, stimulates microcirculation and lymph flow, reducing swelling.

  • Deep cleansing mask

To two tablespoons of clay add a teaspoon of calendula tincture and lemon juice. Leave for 10-15 minutes, be sure to apply moisturizer after the mask.

  • Homemade scrub

To a tablespoon of powder, add a teaspoon of finely ground coffee, 2 drops of essential oil, and water until the consistency of sour cream. Apply to face, leave for 5 minutes without letting it dry, rinse, massaging gently. This scrub will be good for young skin, but for mature or sensitive skin it is better to limit yourself to just a pure mixture without additives. However, as an anti-cellulite remedy it is quite good at any age.

Using cosmetic clay for hair

Properties of clay to adsorb various substances allow you to use it not only for the face. Shampoos and hair masks based on it are a simple and inexpensive way to improve their appearance. These masks are especially good for. Their use helps reduce hair loss and increase breaks between washes. Since dirt is a mixture of excess sebum and dust, clay makes an excellent shampoo. In order to use it in this capacity, clay gruel is generously applied to the scalp, massaged for several minutes and rinsed thoroughly. After clay shampoo, be sure to rinse your hair with acidified water.

  • Natural dry shampoo made from pink clay

Mix 5 tablespoons of powder with the same amount of mustard, add a tablespoon of salt, 5 drops each of tea tree and mint oil. Apply to damp scalp, massage thoroughly, rinse. Use balm as desired.

  • Shampoo made from cosmetic clay and soda

To 6 parts clay add 1 part talc and 1 part soda.

  • Shampoo with horsetail for very oily hair

In a glass of warm horsetail decoction, stir 2 tbsp. l. clay, apply to hair, leave for 5-10 minutes, rinse thoroughly.

  • Moisturizing mask-shampoo

3-5 teaspoons of powder, a teaspoon of honey, an yolk, a tablespoon of lemon juice, half a glass of kefir (approximately). Instead of kefir, you can use tea (for dark hair) or herbal infusion. Apply to the scalp and hair, cover with a bag and a scarf for half an hour to an hour, rinse thoroughly (but not with hot water!).

  • Mask for dry hair

Mix 2 tablespoons of powder with an equal amount of avocado pulp puree, add a teaspoon of olive oil, and, if necessary, water to the desired consistency. Leave on hair for 30 minutes.

Read about treating dry hair.

  • Mask against hair loss

Mix clay with castor oil until thick as sour cream. Leave on hair for 30 minutes to an hour.

You can get acquainted with folk recipes for hair loss in the article “”.

  • Mask for oily hair

Brew a tablespoon of dry nettle with a glass of boiling water. Strain. Dilute the clay with broth until it becomes thick like sour cream. Add half a teaspoon of natural apple cider vinegar. Keep for 30 minutes to an hour.

How to choose cosmetic clay

The dry powder should contain nothing other than clay of the desired color. Some unscrupulous manufacturers add dyes: this becomes immediately noticeable during dilution. We recommend that you immediately throw away this product, so to speak: you never know what else the manufacturer decided to save on, and where he “dug up” it.

A quality product also does not contain fragrances.

Ready-made clay masks usually come in the form of a paste to which additional ingredients and water have been added. Of course, with an appropriate markup.

The finer the powder is ground, the softer the consistency of the finished mask will be.

Some manufacturers produce white clay in the form of granules - this is acceptable.

But foreign impurities, caked lumps and coarse unground residues are an indicator of low quality.


Despite the fact that clay is a natural cosmetic product suitable for any age, it has the most noticeable effect on young, oily or problem skin. It is not recommended to use it “in its pure form” for those with dry and aged skin. In this case, it must be mixed with base and essential oils, herbal decoctions.

It is good to use body products, both as wraps and local applications. Instead of wraps, you can also use baths, but in this case the procedure is done once every two weeks.

Hair masks, like skin masks, work best when there is excess sebum and oily seborrhea. Lovers of natural dry shampoos will love homemade shampoos with clay as the main ingredient.

In a previous article, I substantiated theoretical and laboratory methods for studying blue Cambrian clay. Let's figure out how to properly take clay internally.

Dissolve the clay powder in a glass of water. The first week of taking clay - the optimal dose is one teaspoon of clay (maybe with a slide). It is better to dissolve clay in melted or purified water. Stir the clay thoroughly, for better dissolution, let it stand for five to ten minutes. Then stir again and drink slowly in sips (not in one gulp). If there is still some clay left at the bottom, add water and drink it up.

The course of taking clay is 21 days. It is not advisable to scoop up clay with a metal spoon. It is better to take clay in the morning, 30 minutes before meals, and if you take it in the evening, then an hour after meals.

To strengthen teeth and gums and improve digestion, you can take clay in dry form. Take the clay into your mouth, let it melt, and then swallow it with a small amount of water.

After a week, you can take two teaspoons of clay, but, as a rule, everyone chooses their own dose. At the same time, take into account some features of the consequences of taking it. If constipation occurs at the beginning of taking clay internally, this is evidence of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, you need to drink large amounts of light clay water in small sips throughout the day. The amount of clay per dose should be selected depending on the needs of the body. There will be no harm from clay, but it is better to start taking it with small doses, bringing adults to two spoons, children to one teaspoon.

You can be treated with clay, taking it orally, for several months, but after every 20 days, take breaks of 7 - 10 days. Clay perfectly cleanses the intestines; after a week or two, deposits that have stuck to the intestinal walls begin to come off.

In practice, having carried out a course of treatment with clay inside, baths, lotions, the result is equivalent to sanatorium treatment.

Blue healer from the Cambrian depths

"No living organism can exist without silicon." V.I.Vernadsky

According to ancient legend, God created man from clay. One of the most famous scientific hypotheses of the origin of life on Earth states: it was clay particles that served as a catalyst in the process of the formation of the first organic molecules. Clay helps a person to restore strength, because it is charged with the energy of the sun. That's why all its adherents adopt it healthy image life. Well, scientists never stop studying and finding new applications amazing properties this mineral.

Few people know that clay is actually a crystalline substance. Its amazing plasticity is explained by the very small size of the crystals and their ability to stick together. As a result, if we take just one gram of clay, it turns out that its surface area is equal to several square meters! This is why clay has excellent adsorption properties: it absorbs and removes toxins and even harmful bacteria from the body!

But let's return to the legend of the creation of man. At the very beginning of the 20th century, the Russian scientist academician V. Vernadsky discovered that it was not born out of nowhere. It turns out that clay contains all the macro- and microelements that are present in the human body. Moreover, in approximately the same proportions! Moreover, this mineral has ion-exchange properties: it takes from cells what is in excess and supplies what is missing. It turns out that clay, by normalizing the mineral composition of the body, regulates metabolic processes, strengthens the immune system, fights inflammation, and helps with fractures.

Academician Nikolai Yushkin, director of the Institute of Geology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, says that clay is not as simple as it seems at first glance. When examined, amino acids are found in it, albeit in small concentrations. What is this - dead matter, or rudiments biological life? Could the “clay gene” really be the basis for the origin of life? Modern science tests this hypothesis in the most serious way. True, the Creator not only used clay for modeling, but also “breathed the soul into it.” What is this - an allegory or a very real process that has not yet been deciphered by us.

The use of clay is one of the methods of natural healing of the body, undeservedly forgotten and little used. However, in recent times, due to the intensive development of cosmetology and traditional medicine, the method of peloidotherapy (from the Greek peos - clay, mud) - treatment with mud-like substances has attracted much more attention. This is due to the safety, effectiveness and low cost of this natural product. Oddly enough, clay is perhaps the only drug that has almost no contraindications for use.

In a word, the revival of clay therapy today is taking place on a solid basis of centuries-old developments, which inspire confidence that this natural method of treatment has stood the test of time.

And yet the question remains: why, in the conditions of highly developed medical science, when equipping specialized clinics with state-of-the-art technology, it is necessary to turn to a primitive method of treatment, which many intelligent people consider as a relic of the past, a healer’s remedy that should not be a place in the civilized world?

But the fact is that currently more than 50% of diseases registered annually in developed countries, are complications of technogenic treatment methods: drug therapy, surgical intervention, hardware influences, and so on. Using hormones, antibiotics, and other chemicals official medicine attempts to treat the consequences or symptoms of diseases that originate in the depths of the body. These diseases themselves are associated with energy disturbances.

A few years ago World Organization The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified medications as environmental pollutants, which should be regarded as one of the manifestations of the environmental crisis in the medical field. That is why there is so much interest in natural healing remedies that have biofield vibrations in the same frequency range as the human body and do not cause adverse reactions even with prolonged use. Even Hippocrates, whose oath doctors take, said: “ The doctor heals, and nature heals."

The first recipes for healing with clay were discovered in ancient papyri. A thousand years ago, Avicenna in the “Canon of Medical Science” described in detail the properties of clay and its effect on the body. Clay was highly valued by Hippocrates, Galen, Pliny, Marco Polo and others. By the way, among Zaporozhye Cossacks there were so-called “clays”, which were treated only with clay. The founders of modern medicine S.P. Botkin, M.I. Sokolov, A.N. Pokrovsky, G.A. Gelman also widely used clay in medical practice.

Many wild animals "eat soil" (actually clay minerals) in the fall and spring - this cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and helps the body switch to new look nutrition. Traditional medicine has also adopted a similar technique. Clay has healing powers - it eliminates inflammation, promotes the activation of the production of red blood cells in the blood - erythrocytes, which helps eliminate anemia.

Clay is used to treat migraines, headaches, vascular diseases, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, skin and other organs and systems. Clay can activate the immune system, improve metabolism, absorb toxic substances, accelerate the healing of wounds and ulcers. It has been known since ancient times that washing with clay water improves complexion and tightens pores. Since time immemorial, the ability of clay to prevent the processes of rotting and decomposition has been known. For example, even in ancient times, say in Ancient Egypt, in ancient China, and in Babylon, in order to preserve it for as long as possible meat products clay powder was used. And not only meat and food were preserved with the help of clay by our ancestors - vegetables and fruits too - they were dipped in a clay solution and stored for a long time after that.

The main healing property of clay is considered to be its absorbent property (five times more than that of activated carbon). It is expressed in cleansing the body through the absorption of toxins, waste, heavy metals, poisons, radionuclides and their further disposal. The mechanism of the healing effect of clay is that its static wave (8 m) coincides with the wave of vibrations of healthy cells of the body. Therefore, clay causes diseased cells, which have a different frequency, to vibrate as healthy ones and thereby helps the body get rid of harmful structures that interfere with its normal functioning. Clay renews cells and strengthens the body's immunity.

Clay has a magnetic structure. It concentrates the solar and life-giving magnetism of air and water, and therefore its magnetic effect exceeds that of other elements. The famous doctor from Bulgaria Ivan Yotov believes that blue clay “evens out” the human biofield, and his famous words “clay is a gift from God, with the help of which a person can restore his health” have become a catchphrase for many people . Applying a clay lotion to a diseased organ is equivalent to powerful magnetic rain penetrating this organ, giving it strength, life, health, expelling everything that is sick and negative.

Today, the most promising for use in health and cosmetology practice is blue Cambrian clay, due to its unique mineral composition it has amazing healing properties. Almost all elements of the periodic table are present in varying quantities.

This type of clay contains a large amount of cadmium and cobalt salts. IN Tsarist Russia blue clay was sold abroad. And it was worth a lot. Blue clay normalizes metabolism. It is used for obesity, joint diseases, muscle weakness, and hypofunction of the thyroid gland. Blue clay has no contraindications, and in terms of mineral content it surpasses all fruits and vegetables. It is effective for cancer and diseases caused by radiation. Clay, formed in the bottom sediments of the Cambrian seas more than 500 million years ago, is an environmentally friendly product, mined at a depth of 80-100 meters. This layer corresponds to the Cambrian era in the history of the Earth, hence the name "Cambrian clay". This clay is primary because it was not washed out, although it was subject to weathering. The high therapeutic effect of blue Cambrian clay is due precisely to its rich mineral composition: it is a large layered deposit of marine origin with a dense structure of polymineral composition. This moment is very important, since it has been proven that clay containing a complex of microelements is more effective than individual minerals.

Clay layers occur at different depths. Few people manage to find “superficial” (up to 10 m depth) clay of proper quality, since they are all excellent sorbents. himself high quality clays occur at great depths (from 40 meters and deeper) and, as a rule, are difficult to access. Like all good things in our lives, finding such clay is not easy and requires a lot of work. Blue Cambrian clay contains all the mineral salts and trace elements that we need, namely: more than 50% silicon dioxide, 19% aluminum and 15% other elements - oxides of iron, calcium, magnesium, as well as sulfuric anhydride, organic matter, which give it its original color.

According to recent studies, blue Cambrian clay has a softening, tonic, antibacterial, anti-cellulite and anti-stress effect, helps smooth out wrinkles, eliminates excess oily hair and promotes the regression of acne. Clay provides a soft micromassage of body tissues, as well as the penetration of valuable microelements into it, stimulating intracellular processes. Therefore, the use of blue Cambrian clay helps to rejuvenate cells, cleanse the body and its tissues, and help resist many ailments. It has a therapeutic, preventive and restorative effect. The most important element entering the human body from clay is silicon. A person’s age is usually calculated by the condition of his blood vessels. The expression that sand pours out of a person has a biochemical meaning - the body loses silicon. According to the findings of biochemists, silicon is used in the human body eight times, participating in various intermediate reactions, as a catalyst, an “energy provider,” providing life. After eight uses, silicon is removed. If the silicon content in the body is not replenished by food and water, life fades out in it. The lack of silicon in food and water is a serious etiological factor for the development of many diseases, primarily vascular diseases and atherosclerosis. This means that atherosclerosis and, as a consequence, stroke and heart attack, are a natural result of silicon deficiency in the human body.

If there is little silicon in the soil, the plants get sick. If there is little silicon in the water, algae stop reproducing. If there is little silicon in a person’s body, his eyes become sore, his skin deteriorates, the enamel of his teeth wears off, and baldness may begin. The presence of silicon is necessary for the absorption of calcium and a number of essential microelements, such as sulfur, zinc, cobalt, molybdenum, etc. It is known that a lack of silicon in tissues, or a violation of its metabolism, is directly related to the problem of general aging of the body. Silicon takes an active part in almost all physiological processes. It stimulates tissue replacement (protein synthesis), prevents cholesterol deposition, normalizes the permeability of vascular walls and ensures their elasticity. Silicon compounds contained in clay are converted into forms suitable for absorption into the gastrointestinal tract. Silicon receives and transmits energy from the brain; it is necessary for absolutely all human tissues and organs.

Silicon is the element of life. Its normal content in the human body is a natural key to health. In 1912, the German doctor Kühn discovered that silicon compounds can prevent the development of atherosclerosis. In 1957, French scientists M. Lepger and J. Lepger experimentally confirmed that the introduction of silicon compounds into the body stops the development of atherosclerosis and helps restore the normal purity and function of the walls of blood vessels. With a deficiency of silicon in the blood, its content in the walls of blood vessels decreases. And silicon, which ensures the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and is capable of responding to commands from the brain to dilate or constrict blood vessels, is replaced by calcium. It is the replacement of silicon with calcium in the tissues of blood vessels that makes them rigid, and they “do not hear” the orders of the brain, because only silicon can capture and transform electrical impulses from the brain. Calcium penetrates into the walls of blood vessels and decalcifies them. Cholesterol begins to settle on the hard spikes of calcium inclusions in the walls of blood vessels. Due to a lack of silicon, cholesterol is also not absorbed and is not used to create the skeleton of new cells. “The content of fatty acids in the blood increases. Silicon disappears from the walls of blood vessels. They become uncontrollable, lose control coming from the generator of intellectual support - the brain. With the preventive administration of silicon preparations, the cholesterol content in the blood does not decrease, which promotes the normal process of regeneration of the cell skeleton from cholesterol. When silicon preparations begin to be taken after decalcification of the vessel walls and the penetration of cholesterol into the vessel walls has begun, the amount of fatty acids in the blood decreases sharply,” wrote M. G. Voronkov. The development of the atherosclerosis process is stopped.

Cambrian clay compares favorably with its analogues in the increased content of kaolinite, hydromica, chloride, montmorillonite, cobalt, giving it a gray color with a bluish-greenish tint. With a deficiency of cobalt in the body, anemia, general weakness, fatigue, and decreased sensitivity may develop; recovery from illness slows down. Sources of cobalt for humans include leafy vegetables, rhubarb, spinach, cottage cheese, buckwheat, millet, rice cereals, meat, nuts (walnuts and hazelnuts), seaweed, cocoa, chocolate. Daily requirement for an adult it is 0.007-0.015 mg.

Cobalt is necessary, first of all, for normal hematopoiesis. Cobalt is involved in the activation of many enzyme systems and regulates the content of adrenaline, an adrenal hormone. The microelement is necessary for normal central and autonomic activity nervous system, pancreas, thyroid gland. It is known that cobalt is actively involved in metabolism, accelerating the synthesis of amino acids. Cobalt and manganese prevent early gray hair and improve its condition. Cobalt and vitamin B12 are useful for people exposed to increased physical activity. Cambrian clay is an excellent healer and bioenergetics therapist, accessible to everyone.

You can remove negative energy and information from the body and physical body, using the most ordinary clay, so simple and so mysterious at the same time. She is a natural earthly helper on this path. Anyone who is going to engage in clay therapy first needs to understand and, if possible, “love” this substance, and most importantly, believe in its miraculous power, because without love and faith, no treatment will take place.

The Saints of the Russian Land often used clay for healing. An example of this is the long-term use of the “clay” of St. Seraphim of Sarov. Along the ditch where Seraphimushka once saw her pass Holy Mother of God, every day the nuns and pilgrims of the Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery perform religious procession. And every day hundreds of people take “little clay from Seraphimushka” from the ditch to be healed.

The effectiveness of clay when taken orally

The clay is filled with solar magnetism. It consists of many minerals that our body needs, in addition, it has the miraculous ability to eliminate our ailments. Passing through the entire gastrointestinal tract - from the mouth, through the stomach to the intestines - clay gives strength and life to the entire body. Clay particles stimulate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and thus activate their digestive function. Clay renews all weakened cells, provides the body with trace elements and minerals: calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, silica, etc. in the most digestible form. Clay provides exactly those mineral salts that we lack, supplying them in doses that best suit our body. In addition, it absorbs all toxins, poisons, putrefactive gases, excess acid and removes them from the body, completely cleansing it.

This circumstance is important, since minerals are vital. They are used by the body in the formation of new tissues, bones, teeth, blood, so children need them during the growth period, which means they should not be deprived of the opportunity to drink clay water. Gout, atherosclerosis, diabetes, diseases of the skin, blood, liver, gallbladder, kidneys and many others need to be treated by taking clay internally. In low-blooded people, cell demineralization has occurred, so they have no strength. After eight days of treatment with clay, it can be noted that the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in these patients increases and the complexion improves. This can be checked with a blood test before and after taking the clay. Red blood cells in clay find new energy, which helps them strengthen and renew themselves, and then take part in the restructuring of tissues. As a result of treatment, the function of the kidneys, liver and gall bladder improves, and their recovery gradually occurs.

Since clay stimulates the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and regulates intestinal function, its use has an excellent effect on diseases of the digestive tract. All diseases of the stomach and intestines can be cured by consuming clay internally. All people are sick to a greater or lesser extent, their bodies are polluted. This applies to everyone: both villagers and, especially, city dwellers. Therefore, taking clay powder internally is necessary for everyone. It cleanses the body, protects us from illness and gives us a source of new energy. Sometimes at the beginning of treatment it may seem that the disease has worsened and you have begun to feel worse, but this is not so. Clay attracts toxins, removes them from the body and promotes recovery. To ensure the sterilization of any drink, just add a little clay to it. In case of an epidemic, clay should be used as a bactericidal agent.

Clay gives the body exactly what it needs. The clay consumed internally is pure and natural, and the dirt is not in the clay, but in the patient’s body. While you are “tormenting” yourself by swallowing clay water, something like this happens. First, the clay absorbs all the toxins and waste that have accumulated in your intestines. A fairly weak solution is enough to cope with this simple task, but we already know that clay can absorb much more substances than it might seem at first glance, and therefore the intestines are cleansed quickly - in two to three days. The rest of the first week is spent under the slogan of freeing the cells of the stomach and intestines from toxins and toxins, bringing them the missing minerals and trace elements, as well as washing the walls of these organs. In the second week, an increased amount of clay begins to tear away denser substances from the intestinal walls - accumulated mucus, undigested and rotting food components and other waste. In addition, clay still releases minerals and trace elements, but they are already beginning to enter the blood and affect cellular metabolism outside the digestive tract. But we are all increasing the concentration of clay - and it absorbs toxins and wastes stored in the far corners of our body, removes various accumulations and plugs in muscles, ligaments, and other tissues - wherever blood purified by clay reaches.

The body begins to restore normal metabolism and release all those sores that it had previously stored in a sluggish, half-forgotten state. No matter how much we would like to avoid it, a crisis in our state will definitely come. There may be quite a noticeable exacerbation of indolent diseases, a surge of long-forgotten symptoms - palpitations, fluid retention, depression, lethargy. The strength and manifestation of all these ailments depend on the initial state of your body before cleansing - the healthier and cleaner you were, the less pronounced these signs of pollution will be. By the end of the second week, there are hopes to completely normalize the functioning of the intestines, to introduce it into a healthy natural rhythm of work, and this means a lot for cleansing our body. After all, with normal intestinal activity, we do not poison ourselves with products and waste from processing these products, we do not allow them to stagnate and clog the body. And a satisfied body gives us health. When the dose of clay is brought to the desired maximum, the body simply partes with what it has accumulated without any problems - cleansing begins in full swing, diseases recede. After all, at this time they are hit from all possible sides: a clean intestine that does not leave poisons and toxins that are so necessary to support diseases, clay that takes away the last islands of dirt and minerals that normalize metabolism. The disease can only recede in one direction - out of the body. Just don’t hope that this will happen on the second day of taking clay; we accumulate our illnesses over the years, but they simply cannot go away in one day or even a week. So patience is your main trump card in the fight against illnesses, especially since you will have to not just wait the allotted time, but force yourself to go through a crisis in treatment, through some exacerbation of diseases." Clay will not do any harm if you do not take it unnecessarily and in larger quantities than necessary.

It should not be forgotten that the importance of clay treatment exceeds the physical concept itself, since clay also has strong impact on the soul and spirit of a person - it cleanses him morally and spiritually. If you are a believer, if you trust spiritual power, then before drinking your wonderful powder, repeat to yourself that clay is God’s creation, that the power of the creator lies in it. Think that this beneficial powder penetrates your body and spreads throughout it with by God's power, which is contained in it. Clay will be able to free you forever from all physical, moral and spiritual dirt .

Clay is used externally in the following way: in the form of baths; clay lotions; wraps; cosmetic masks (visible result); enemas; massage; fight against cellulite.

Clay is a unique substance made of quartz, mica, aluminum, silicon oxides, iron, potassium, magnesium, mineral salts, micro- and macroelements. It has an extensive list of features that were known in the ancient world. Clay has been used to treat various ailments for centuries, and now this tradition has not been forgotten. From our article you will learn how clay is useful and how it can be used to treat bruises, inflammations, and diseases internal organs.

Useful properties of clay

The list of properties that clay has is almost endless. The first healing property of clay is that it contains many salts and elements (calcium, silicon, magnesium, phosphate, potassium, iron, nitrogen). Silicon is needed to maintain the immune system, prevent atherosclerosis and heart attacks. Silicon helps calcium to be absorbed faster, which has positive influence on hair, nails and skin.

Contains radium. It absorbs toxins and heavy metals and is used as the main component for the manufacture of drugs for oncology therapy. This natural component is a good absorbent, it removes radionuclides and heavy metals.

The main properties of clay are its cleansing and antibacterial effect. Normalizes metabolism, removes excess acids and toxins and has a positive effect on activating blood circulation.

As you can see, healing properties clays are very diverse. Used to treat epilepsy, vascular, diabetes mellitus, blood diseases, atherosclerosis, arthrosis, arthrosis, hemorrhoids, cardiovascular system, treatment of diseases of the spine, inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Types of clay

There are several varieties of this natural component. The benefits of clay directly depend on its color, which varies depending on the predominant salts in the composition:

  • Blue clay is the most popular and contains the most cobalt and cadmium. The benefits of such clay for humans include anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Blue clay is widely used to treat headaches, burns, and diseases respiratory system and even colds, it also has a rejuvenating effect by cleansing and saturating the skin with oxygen;
  • Red contains iron and potassium, which determines its color. The properties and use of red clay is to get rid of anemia and anemia. She treats joints, muscles and spine;
  • Green clay is rich in copper and ferrous iron. The beneficial properties of green clay have a particularly good effect on the condition of the skin and hair, and also have a positive effect on the functioning of the venous system, helping to get rid of varicose veins and swelling of the legs;
  • White contains zinc. It is a powerful antioxidant, the main benefit of white clay is its rejuvenating effect; in cosmetology, white clay is popular for treating hair, acne and cleansing the surface layers of the epidermis;
  • Yellow clay is rich in potassium. Used to treat radiculitis and arthritis. Useful property yellow clay - calming effect, effective against overwork and stress;
  • Sulfur is used mainly to rejuvenate and moisturize dehydrated skin.

Harm of clay

Despite the beneficial and healing properties of clay in the treatment of many ailments, there are also limitations in its use. Contraindicated in diseases of the kidneys, liver, osteoporosis, febrile conditions, bronchial asthma and open tuberculosis. You should consult your doctor if you have acute cardiovascular failure.

Clay may be harmful if you are allergic to this natural component. Do not overdose, as this may contribute to the removal of vitamins.

Preparation of medicinal clay

When used externally, clay can be used in different ways. We will tell you the basic cooking methods healing clay depending on the disease.

If you use it to draw out toxins or strengthen the body's strength, you need to make lotions from clay. Mix a teaspoon of powdered clay with 200 ml of boiled and filtered water. Mix with a wooden or glass spatula so that you get a uniform consistency in viscosity reminiscent of sour cream, leave for several hours under the influence of the sun in the fresh air. Then apply the mixture to the skin (the thickness should be several centimeters), secure with a bandage and leave for 1.5-3 hours. Do 2-3 lotions a day.

Clay can cure insomnia and headaches. Mix it with yogurt 1:1, make a compress on the forehead and hold for 15-20 minutes.

Clay for runny nose and sinusitis: mix it with water in a 1:1 ratio, mix until thick and heat to 40ºC. Apply a hot compress to both the sinus and sinus areas 4 times a day. 20 minutes is enough. You can do the same for treating otitis media with clay, just apply it behind the ear 3-4 times a day.

Clay for internal use

Restoration of various internal organs is actively carried out with the help of clay; diarrhea, stomach ulcers, urolithiasis and bloating respond well to treatment with clay. It must be clean, without foreign impurities. The maximum single dose is 30 grams, the daily dose is 100 grams for an adult.

If you are treated with edible clay, do not use it on an empty stomach, dilute it with cool water so that it does not lose its benefits, and after using this natural component internally, you need to rest and lie down for 15-30 minutes and do not overeat. Please note that you need to drink the clay in small sips.

Clay treatment for constipation: drink 50 grams of clay mixed with 200-250 ml of cold water 3 times a day after meals.

If you want to cleanse your body, then drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of blue clay mixed in for 2 weeks.

Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases: it is recommended to drink water with clay before meals 3 times a day. First mix 0.5 teaspoon of blue or white clay with a glass of water, but gradually increase the amount to 2 teaspoons. The duration of treatment is 21 days, take a break for 10 days and continue again.

Clay treatment for bruises

Clay for bruises is very effective, as it will prevent the development of a hematoma.

Preparation of a mixture of clay for the treatment of bruises: mix 45 grams of this natural blue component, a spoonful of honey and raw egg. First apply the resulting mixture onto a clean linen cloth, cover it with compression paper on top and secure the bandage with a bandage. Take it off when you feel warm. But do not rush to throw away the bandage, put it in the refrigerator and apply it again after a few minutes.

It is convenient to use wraps to treat bruises and sprains with clay. Soak the cloth in the clay mixture, apply it to the damaged area and cover woolen fabric. Remove the lotion after 2-3 hours.

Treatment of wounds and burns with clay

Clay is a unique natural component, as it literally pulls out all the bad things from our body. Treatment of wounds and burns with clay is an excellent replacement for many modern drugs; it will prevent germs and bacteria from multiplying and will clean even an open wound.

If you have a burn or wound, you need to make a clay lotion. It will take several lotions so that it can completely absorb all toxins and harmful substances.

First, treat the damaged area of ​​the skin. wet wipe or warm water, then dilute the clay with cool water in a 1:1 ratio. Use only a wooden or glass spatula for mixing. Apply the resulting thick mixture to the wound or burn in layers of several centimeters, apply a bandage on top, but do not tighten it too tightly so as not to disrupt blood circulation.

Where to get healing clay

If you decide to use clay for medicinal purposes and not for cosmetic purposes, then pharmacy products will not suit you. You need to prepare this natural component yourself.

Cambrian blue oily clay is considered the best. The activity of deep clay is highly valued; it can be taken from a quarry, near brick factories, or on the surface of the earth near lakes and rivers. Do not use the city one or the one located near industrial centers. Dig deeper and in nature; the purest clay is considered to be located over 15 meters underground. You should dig clay exclusively with a wooden shovel and store it in non-metallic containers.

Are you seriously thinking about undergoing treatment with clay? Then you need to stock up thoroughly. Prepare clay for treatment in the summer, make many small cakes from it. It needs to be warmed up in the sun, then its healing properties will become more pronounced. 1-2 days in the sun is enough for it to be filled with solar energy. After tanning, place the cakes in boxes or grind it into powder and sift through a sieve. Do not use metal to store it, as it degrades the properties of the clay; enameled, wooden or unfired clay vessels are ideal. Periodically expose them to the sun, then it will be stored for a long time.

How to check the quality of clay

If you find clay yourself, you need to check its quality before using it. Give her a simple check that can be done right on the spot.

Method one: take a small piece, dilute it with water and shake. If the clay is good, it will sink to the bottom quite slowly. Otherwise, this natural component is not suitable for treatment. The water should not separate into two layers, and the material good quality It will be a little oily and will settle into flakes.

Method two: make a small bagel by first moistening it with water. It will suit you if it has good plasticity, takes the desired shape and does not crumble. Then leave this bagel in the sun; if stains appear on it, it begins to crack, then such material is not suitable for treatment and use for cosmetic purposes.

Method three: hang a ring, nut or any other weight on a thread and point it at a layer of clay. If the pendulum began to swing towards you, and then away from you, then this product is of excellent quality. If the weight swings left and right, then you should continue your search. This method helps determine the energetic strength of a natural component.

Using clay for cosmetic purposes

Facial masks and body baths with the addition of clay have a good effect. They can be used to prevent various inflammations and irritations on the skin, to improve the condition of the skin, as well as to treat acne and blackheads on the face.

Body wrap: Prepare a clay solution by mixing 3-4 tablespoons of clay powder with 1 liter of warm water. Put warm blanket, put oilcloth or polyethylene on it and a sheet soaked in the solution. The person must lie down on it, and he is wrapped in a sheet, oilcloth and blanket. The duration of the procedure is 1.5-2 hours.

Clay baths: add 5-6 tablespoons of clay powder to 1 liter of warm water. Add the resulting solution to a bath of water at a temperature of 40-45°C. The bath should only be half filled with water. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. After taking such a bath, do not rinse your body immediately; it is better to wrap yourself warmly and lie quietly. This helps strengthen the body and rejuvenate the skin.

Clay face mask: mix 2-3 tablespoons of clay powder with water so that the consistency resembles sour cream. Add 2-3 drops of olive oil, a little estuary juice and one yolk to it. If desired, you can add one teaspoon of honey. Apply the clay mask to your face and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off afterwards clean water and apply nourishing face cream.

Mask for blackheads: mix 2-3 tablespoons of clay from the pharmacy with ¼ glass of vodka and the juice of half a lemon. Apply the mask to problem areas of the face (nose wings, forehead, chin) and leave for 10-12 minutes, then rinse with clean water.

Mother Earth fed and treated the peasant. People enjoyed it medicinal properties: sprinkled on wounds, protected from lightning.

People couldn't do without clay at all.

The clay contains:

  • silicon;
  • calcium;
  • nitrogen;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium.

People in ancient times fought against poisoning, infections, cholera, and dysentery with the help of clay. Since it is an excellent antiseptic and adsorbent. I read the book and want to tell you, dear readers, recipes for treating clay.

Treatment of various diseases with clay

She was treated:

  • Skin diseases;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Adenoids;
  • Polyps;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Headache;
  • Mastopathy;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Diabetes;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Sore throat;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Various tumors;
  • Digestive diseases;
  • Chronic diseases of the spinal joints;
  • Sprain;
  • Hematomas;
  • Various injuries;
  • Gynecological diseases;
  • Cystitis.

IN Ancient Rus' clay was an indispensable medicine. Yellow clay was diluted with vinegar and made into a plaster to treat sprains.

If the lower back and joints hurt, they made a plaster from clay diluted in hot water and added a little kerosene.

The first heating pad was made of clay. It was a jug with a narrow neck, they poured into it hot water. Then the neck was tightly corked and applied to the sore spot.

Clay treatment and types

The color of clay is determined by its chemical composition.

Clay happens:

  • White;
  • Blue;
  • Green;
  • Red;
  • Gray;
  • Brown;
  • Yellow.

The rarest black one.

In medicine, white and blue clay are considered medicinal.

White clay removes toxins from the body and acts as an antiseptic.

Green clay contains copper, iron, and trace elements. Copper takes part in strengthening hair. If you want to stay young for a long time and not feel old, there should not be a lack of it in your body.

Yellow clay contains a lot of iron and potassium, while red clay contains iron impurities. It plays an important role in the body; its deficiency leads to anemia. This clay has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

There is a lot of iron in green clay. It is consumed in the form of an aqueous solution and added to food. This clay is rare and useful; it improves the activity of the heart, increases the body’s resistance to external influences,

Red clay is simply a godsend for blood diseases: anemia, anemia. It supports the immune system and improves blood circulation.

There are many trace elements and mineral salts necessary for our body. This clay is very valuable. In ancient times it was sold for gold.

Doctors say that blue clay is a highly effective remedy that improves metabolism and enhances the effect of other types of treatment: herbal medicine, homeopathy.

The healing properties of clay.

  1. Contains a lot useful microelements, mineral salts.
  2. Absorbing action, it removes harmful substances from the body and kills bacteria.
  3. Thanks to radioactive radium, it has an antibacterial effect. All microbes and viruses die before such radiation.
  4. Renews cells.
  5. Radioactivity kills germs, toxins and resists new infections.

Taking clay internally.

Some doctors claim that only white clay is consumed internally.

The solution for clay treatment is prepared simply: pour a tablespoon of clay into a glass of water and mix with a wooden spoon. The spoon must be made of wood, as metal destroys healing power clay.

An adult needs two teaspoons of clay powder per day.

A week after taking it, toxins begin to come out, kidney and bladder stones dissolve.

Traditional clay treatments


Dilute a teaspoon of clay in a glass of water. Gargle and drink the solution. You can let the kids suck on some clay with a slice of lemon. In the early stages of the disease, cold lotions applied to the lower abdomen are effective. First, make a hot poultice: a terry towel is dipped in boiling water, squeezed out and immediately applied to the throat.

As soon as the towel has cooled, a cold clay lotion is applied to the throat and removed from the stomach. The procedures should be alternated throughout the day until the fever passes.


Clay renews cells and supplies the body with easily digestible trace elements and minerals. Therefore, it is recommended for atherosclerosis. Patients are advised to drink clay water. It removes excess acids, impurities, and toxins.


Sometimes insomnia is difficult to overcome. Traditional medicine I recommended applying compresses with vinegar to my feet. At the same time apply cold compresses to the forehead.

For insomnia associated with nervous tension and anxiety, clay with rose hips will help.

Prepare the drink:

  • dry rosehip powder;
  • powdered clay.

Mix everything. One teaspoon of the mixture is poured with warm water. Let it brew for a while and drink in small sips throughout the evening.

Heart diseases.

Rubbing the heart area with clay water helps a lot. Rubbing is done smoothly, without pressure, so that the skin under the hands becomes warm. When you feel warmth under your hands, the massage should be stopped.

For the following diseases, it is recommended to drink clay water mixed in equal quantities with hawthorn infusion:

  • neuroses of the heart;
  • hypertension;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • vascular neuroses.

This drink has the following valuable properties:

  • slows down heart rate;
  • reduces cholesterol;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • reduces swelling;
  • improves blood circulation in the blood vessels of the heart and brain.

Treatment of various diseases with clay


This viral disease, transmitted through household items through direct contact.

In this case, clay lotions with garlic or onions will help you. Crushed garlic is mixed with melted lard and clay powder and applied to the wart every day.

The onion is first soaked in vinegar for several hours and then applied to the wart, sprinkled with dry clay, and wrapped in a bandage. Keep it on all night.

Varicose veins

Green clay helps well, but if you can’t find it, then any other one. You need to drink clay water and moisten the affected areas. You can add grated garlic to the water. Make lotions with liquid clay and garlic, tie a terry towel on top.

Hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse.

It is useful to drink clay powder internally.

Enemas made from a decoction of flaxseed mixed with clay water are effective. To prepare such a mixture, you need to boil a tablespoon of the seed in a liter of water and hold for 20 minutes on low heat. Then cool and mix with clay water.

An enema should not be done more than 4 times a week. During clay treatment, avoid meat dishes and go vegetarian.


Prepare an ointment: a little blue clay soaked in water and a few drops of vinegar. Everything is mixed and as soon as the mixture looks like an ointment, it is smeared on the feet. Then the legs are wrapped in cloth and warm socks are put on. They take it off in an hour.

Women's diseases.

For various types of bleeding, it is good to drink the drink. A pinch of dry shepherd's purse herb is infused in a glass of boiling water for two hours. Then a teaspoon of clay is added. Drink a tablespoon four times a day.

For female diseases (mastitis, mastopathy, irregular menstruation, vaginitis, inflammation, cysts, polyps), clay lotions are made on the chest and lower abdomen. Sometimes there are notes that compresses on the chest and stomach area can cause swelling and pain. But this is not confirmed by experts.

Clay treatment methods

Eye diseases.

Clay lotions on the eyes, forehead, temples, and back of the head will help relieve fatigue from the eyes.

A folk method for conjunctivitis: leave the clay in water for a while, then drain the water and put drops in your eyes. Then rinse your eyes.

Respiratory diseases.

Drink clay water twice a day, rub your chest with liquid clay mixed with crushed garlic for the following diseases:

  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • cough;
  • pleurisy.

When coughing, lotions on the throat and chest are useful. You can also suck on a piece of clay.

For a runny nose, sinusitis, and sinusitis, lotions on the nose, forehead, and cheeks help. It is useful to rinse your nose with water and clay.

If you have a nosebleed, insert tampons soaked in clay water into your nostrils.

Diseases of the digestive system.

Clay water will definitely help with gastritis, heartburn, peptic ulcers, intestinal colic, enterocolitis, and constipation. It should be taken twice a day before meals. At night, lotions on the stomach are useful.

Once in the gastrointestinal tract, radioactive clay particles act on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, which activates digestion and affects the activity of the entire body.

Clay has valuable qualities:

  • cleanses the stomach of toxins;
  • absorbs internal poisons and removes them;
  • kills all germs.

It will be more effective if you fast for several days before drinking clay water.

Kidney and bladder diseases.

By taking clay, you will cleanse your body of toxins. Lotions on the stomach stimulate the functioning of the bladder, lotions on the kidney area stimulate their function. After the first dose, the urine will become cloudy, thus removing toxins from the body.

Infectious diseases.

For various infections, drink a teaspoon of clay water every half hour. Treat yourself until you recover.

Skin diseases.

Lotions with clay water are very helpful for eczema, psoriasis, abscesses, and burns.

You can also take a bath with added clay and, of course, drink clay water before meals. The bath tones, cleanses, improves blood circulation.

For psoriasis, a mixture of clay and salt, taken in equal proportions, helps well. Make powders.

Clay is used as a powder for ulcers, diaper rash, and burns. The skin is first moistened and then clay powder is poured.


Need to drink more water with clay. It replenishes minerals. If you drink this water for a week, the number of red blood cells in your body will increase.

After the course of treatment, the skin improves, the kidneys, liver, and gall bladder function better.


Regular lotions or adhesive plaster made from yellow clay help a lot. You can rub the calluses with garlic juice mixed with clay water.

Male diseases.

Traditional healers offer the following recipes for treating sexual impotence with clay.

  1. An infusion of dry golden root is poured with water in which clay is dissolved. Drink three tablespoons a day.
  2. An infusion of high zamanikha is prepared with clay water and drunk three times a day, a teaspoon 20 minutes before meals.
  3. An infusion of Leuzea safflower is drunk twice a day.

Nervous disorders.

Rubbing the spine with clay and taking it orally helps a lot. You need to drink water three times a day for 20 days, then a break for 10 days.

You can wrap it with a sheet soaked in clay water. Cover with a blanket and wait 2 hours.

Conclusion: traditional healers They claim that clay treatment is very effective. But before starting such treatment, you should definitely consult with your doctor; you may have contraindications.

Best regards, Olga

How to prepare clay for internal use

For internal use, it is better to use clean, oily, smooth clay without any sand or foreign matter. It is better to use clay taken in one solid piece. Break the briquette, break it into small pieces, which, in turn, using a bottle or mortar, crush into powder - as small as possible. The finer the clay is crushed, the more accessible it will be to the rays of the sun, the more rays it will absorb and the more it will be enriched with a radioactive charge. Then sift the powder through a sieve to get rid of unnecessary impurities and discard any small objects. Place the clean, finished powder in the sun. The clay is ready for use.

How to take clay

Dissolve clay powder in the required amount of water. Then drink the whole thing - both water and clay - in sips, but not in one gulp. If there is not much clay powder left at the bottom of the glass, you can add more water to it and drink. Remember to never use metal spoons. Clay powder diluted in cold water, should be taken only before meals.

If the patient prefers to take the powder along with another drink, then it is advisable to do this with an infusion of mint or other medicinal herb, but without sugar. You can add a small amount of honey. Never drink clay with milk or coffee, especially with hot or alcoholic drinks. It is best to drink the clay with cold water, you can use homemade grape juice, or you can add a few drops of lemon juice to the clay water. Those who prefer to take the powder in dry form with water can be advised to put a small piece of clay in their mouth, let it melt in the mouth, and then swallow it with a small amount of water. By doing this, you will strengthen your teeth and improve your digestion.

Ingestion of clay has a beneficial effect in terms of evacuation of waste. If you notice that at the beginning of treatment, taking clay internally causes constipation, then this is a sure indicator that you have a serious gastrointestinal disease. In this case, throughout the day, drink a large amount of fairly light clay water, little by little, in sips.

How much clay to take

It is necessary to regulate the amount of clay taken depending on the needs of the body. Clay does not cause any harm, but in some cases it can cause unpleasant reactions. If you have a weak stomach, start drinking water with added small quantities clay, i.e. Do not immediately use thick solutions. Later, after the body gets used to it, you can take half a teaspoon, and then a full one, bringing it up to two spoons at once, or in small portions throughout the day. For children, one teaspoon is enough. Breastfed infants can be given 1 - 2 teaspoons without fear. Breastfed infants should never be fed powdered or pasteurized milk. When they grow up, you can give them water with clay, adding honey if desired.

The normal dose for an adult is 2 teaspoons of clay powder per day. If you take more than that, it will be an excess in your diet. On the contrary, persons who need good nutrition and in restoring their health, they can take up to four teaspoons a day; two in the morning and in the evening before bed. It is best to take clay in the morning - immediately after waking up and always just before meals. It’s not worth eating a lot in the morning, especially after taking clay.

If you have stomach pain and taking clay also causes it (i.e. it gives too strong a reaction), then the clay should be replaced for a while lemon juice, diluted with water. If the use of clay is accompanied by pain, then it needs to be magnetized - then it is much easier to tolerate, even becoming twice as effective.

Treatment by taking clay internally can sometimes last several months or even a year. But it is still advisable to take breaks periodically so as not to accustom your stomach to it. For example, take clay for 21 days and then take a break for nine days. Of course, each patient must balance the duration of treatment with his or her condition and needs.

While taking clay internally, beware of taking other medications and giving injections: there is no point in taking clay to free yourself from poisons, and at the same time imbuing yourself with new medical poisons!

As often as possible, clay should be exposed to the air and especially to the sun: let it accumulate solar radiation!

The clay solution should be stored in a dry place in a glass or clay container.

The effectiveness of clay when taken orally

Clay is radioactive because it is filled with solar magnetism. It consists of many minerals that our body needs, and in addition, it has the miraculous ability to eliminate our ailments. Passing throughout the gastrointestinal tract - from the mouth through the stomach to the intestines - clay gives strength and life to the entire body. Radioactive clay particles stimulate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and thus activate their digestive function. Clay renews all weakened cells, provides the body with microelements and minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, silica, etc.) in the most digestible form. Clay provides exactly the mineral salts that we lack, delivering them in doses that best suit our body. In addition, it absorbs all toxins, poisons, putrefactive gases, excess acid and removes them from the body, completely cleansing it.

As already mentioned, clay provides the body with minerals. This has been scientifically proven: when analyzing the feces of a person who took clay, it was discovered that there were no mineral substances in the clay. This clearly indicates that these substances have been absorbed by the body. This circumstance is important, since mineral substances are vital. They are used by the body in the formation of new tissues, bones, teeth, blood, so children need them during the period of growth, which means they should not be deprived of the opportunity to drink clay water.

All people who are anemic, have lymphatic diseases, suffer from a lack of minerals, nannies, and nurses should constantly drink this water.

Gout, atherosclerosis, diabetes, diseases of the skin, blood, liver, gallbladder, kidneys and many others need to be treated by taking clay internally. In anemic people, cell demineralization has occurred, so they have no strength.

After eight days of treatment with clay, it can be noted that the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in these patients increases and the complexion improves. This can be checked with a blood test before and after taking the clay.

Red blood cells in clay find new energy, which helps them strengthen and renew themselves, and then take part in the restructuring of tissues. As a result of treatment, the function of the kidneys, liver and gall bladder improves, and their recovery gradually occurs.

Since clay stimulates the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and regulates intestinal function, its use has an excellent effect on diseases of the digestive tract. All diseases of the stomach and intestines can be cured by consuming clay internally.

All people are sick to a greater or lesser extent, their bodies are polluted. This applies to everyone: both village residents and, especially, city dwellers. Therefore, taking clay powder internally is necessary for everyone. It cleanses the body, protects us from illness and gives us a source of new energy. In any case, you can get evidence of its disinfecting, dissolving and cleansing effect: after the first spoons taken, your urine will become more cloudy, and the fecal matter will darken. This means that the clay has worked well inside you and expels the toxins that have accumulated in the body. If you continue to take clay, then gradually everything will return to normal: urine will become amber in color, and feces will become dark yellow, natural. It will have no odor, since the clay will absorb toxic gases.

Sometimes at the beginning of treatment it may seem that the disease has worsened and you have begun to feel worse, but this is not so. Clay attracts toxins, removes them from the body and promotes healing. Clay treatment is useful for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

To ensure the sterilization of any drink, just add a little clay to it. In case of an epidemic, clay should be used as a bactericidal agent.

In general, illness should be considered as a disadvantage radioactive substances in the body, clay gives the body exactly what it needs. The clay consumed internally is pure and natural, and the dirt is not in the clay, but in the patient’s body.

In barracks, prisons and other institutions where infections quickly penetrate and spread rapidly, as well as on ships, clay powder must always be at the ready. This medicine will not cause any harm if you do not take it unnecessarily or in larger quantities than you should.

We should not forget that the importance of clay treatment exceeds the physical concept itself, since clay also has a strong effect on the soul and spirit of a person - it cleanses him morally and spiritually.

If you are a believer, if you trust spiritual power, then before drinking your “miraculous powder”, raise a glass of water and clay in the same way as a priest raises a cup, and send a good thought to the Almighty Creator. Repeat to yourself that clay is God’s creation, that the power of the Creator lies in it. Think that this beneficial powder penetrates your body and spreads throughout it with the Divine power that is contained in it. Clay will be able to free you forever from all physical, moral and spiritual dirt.