Sayings for speech development. Tongue twisters for adults: examples

The effectiveness and necessity of pronunciation of tongue twisters for training correct diction Stanislavsky also noted. Today, both speech therapists and literate parents of schoolchildren recommend cramming tongue twisters.

Development modern society has led to the fact that today, if you don’t speak beautifully and clearly, you simply won’t be heard. So why not learn this from childhood and train yourself at the same time?

Correct diction and speech technique are necessary primarily for actors, television and radio presenters, business trainers, people who often give presentations and anyone else who leadership positions. This list can be continued. Accordingly, if you want to be successful, recognizable, so that your speech is pleasant to listen to, you can’t go without tongue twisters.

It is also necessary to remember that pronouncing tongue twisters is a systematic process. That is, even if you are sure that you pronounced the tongue twister well and never stumbled, this does not mean that it is time to move on to another. After repeating a tongue twister 100 or more times, you will understand that there is no limit to perfection.

From time to time you need to consolidate the result obtained and pronounce the tongue twisters again and again. And don’t try to chase speed, the main thing is clear, loud and correct pronunciation, and speed will come with time. Also follow correct accents. The main thing in this matter is practice.

164 tongue twisters for training speech and diction.

1. (B,r) - Beavers wander into the forests. Beavers are brave, but they are kind to beavers.

2. (B,r) - All beavers are kind to their beavers.

3. (B,e) - Good beavers go into the forests, and woodcutters cut down oak trees.

4. (B) — White snow, white chalk, white hare also white But the squirrel is not white - it wasn’t even white.

5. (B,c) - White oak tables, smoothly planed.

6. (B, p) - The bull is blunt-lipped, the bull is blunt-lipped, the bull’s white lip was blunt.

7. (B) - Okul baba shod, and baba also shod Okul.

8. (V, l) - Vavila’s sail was getting wet.

9. (V, p) - The water carrier was carrying water from under the water supply.

10. (V, l, d) - It is not visible whether the shares are liquid or not liquid.

11. (V, sh, w) - The emotional Varvara felt the emotion of the insensitive Vavila.

12. (B,c) - The waxwing plays with a pipe.

13. (V, t, r) - Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not tack.

14. (V, r, h) - The nervous Babylonian Barbara, became nervous in Babylon, the nervous Babylonian Babylon of Babylonia.

15. (V, p) - The otter tried to snatch the fish from the otter.

16. (G,v,l) - Our head overtook your head with his head, out-headed.

17. (D,b,l) - The woodpecker hollowed out the oak, hollowed out, hollowed out, but did not hollow out and did not hollow out.

18. (D, l, g, h) - De-ideologized, de-ideologized, and further de-ideologized.

19. (D, r) - Two woodcutters, two woodcutters, two wood splitters were talking about Larka, about Varka, about Larina’s wife.

20. (F, c) - Leather reins fit into the collar.

21. (F) - The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a squeeze.

22. (F) - The ground beetle is buzzing and buzzing, buzzing and spinning. I tell her, don’t buzz, don’t spin, and you better go to bed. You'll wake up all your neighbors if you're buzzing in your ear.

23. (Y, r, v) - Yaroslav and Yaroslavna
We settled in Yaroslavl.
They live nicely in Yaroslavl
Yaroslav and Yaroslavna.

24. (K,b) - In Kabardino-Balkaria, valocordin from Bulgaria.

25. (K, v) - You can’t say all the tongue twisters too quickly.

26. (K, p) - They drove a stake into the palisade and beat him up.

27. (K, t, r) - Kondrat’s jacket is a little short.

28. (K, n, l) - Is this colonialism? - No, this is not colonialism, but neo-colonialism!

29. (K, p, r) - From near Kostroma, from near Kostromishchi, four peasants walked. They talked about trading, and about purchases, about cereals, and about reinforcements.

30. (K, h, s) - A goat is walking with a goat.

31. (K, l) - Klim pounded a wedge into one pancake.

32. (K, r, g) - The crab made a rake for the crab, gave the rake to the crab - rake the gravel with the rake, crab.

33. (K, sh, p, n) - The little cuckoo bought a hood, put the cuckoo’s hood on, the little cuckoo looked funny in the hood.

34. (K, r, l) - Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole Karl’s clarinet.

35. (K, r, v, l) - The Queen gave the gentleman a caravel.

36. (K, r, m, n) - The Elector compromised the Landsknecht.

37. (K, r) - The courier overtakes the courier into the quarry.

38. (K, s, v) - Coconut makers boil coconut juice in short-coconut cookers.

39. (K, p) - Buy a pile of spades. Buy a pile of spades. Buy a peak.

40. (K, s) - Mow, scythe, while there is dew, away with the dew - and we are home.

41. (K, l, b) - Our Polkan from Baikal lapped. Polkan lapped and lapped, but Baikal did not become shallow.

42. (K, l, c) - There is no ring near the well.

43. (K, t, n) - The nervous constitutionalist Constantine was found acclimatized in the constitutional city of Constantinople and with calm dignity inventing improved pneumatic bag-punchers.

44. (K, l, p, v) - The cap is sewn, not in the Kolpakov style, the bell is poured, not in the Kolokolov style. It is necessary to re-cap, re-cap. The bell needs to be re-belled, re-belled.

45. (K, r, l) - The crystal crystallized, crystallized, but did not crystallize.

46. ​​(L, h) - The fox runs along the pole: lick the sand, the fox!

47. (L,k) - Klavka was looking for a pin, and the pin fell under the bench.

48. (L) - We ate, ate ruffs by the spruce tree. They were barely finished at the spruce.

49. (L,n) - On the river shallows we came across a burbot.

50. (L, m, n) - In the shallows we lazily caught burbot, You exchanged the burbot for me tench. Was it not you who sweetly begged me for love, and beckoned me into the mists of the estuary?

51. (L) - Have you watered the lily? Have you seen Lydia? They watered Lily and saw Lydia.

52. (L,b) - Malanya the chatterbox chatted and blurted out the milk, but didn’t blurt it out.

53. (L,k) - Klim threw a bow at Luka.

54. (M, l) - Mom washed Mila with soap, Mila didn’t like soap.

55. (P, r, m) - Your sexton will not out-sex our sexton: our sexton will over-sex your sexton, over-sex.

56. (P, x) - Get up, Arkhip, the rooster is hoarse.

57. (P, k, r) - In the pond at Polycarp there are three crucian carp, three carp.

58. (P, t, r) - Shot for quails and black grouse.

59. (P,k) - Our Polkan fell into a trap.

60. (P,t) - From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

61. (P, x) - Osip is hoarse, Arkhip is hoarse.

62. (P, r) - The quail hid the quails from the guys.

63. (P, g) - The parrot said to the parrot, I will parrot you, the parrot answers him - Parrot, parrot, parrot!

64. (P, k, sch) - The commander spoke about the colonel and about the colonel, about the lieutenant colonel and about the lieutenant colonel, about the lieutenant and about the lieutenant, about the second lieutenant and about the second lieutenant, about the ensign and about the ensign, about the ensign, but was silent about the ensign.

65. (P) - Pyotr Petrovich, nicknamed Perov, caught a pigtail bird; he carried it around the market, asked for fifty dollars, they gave him a nickel, and he sold it like that.

66. (P) - Once upon a time, while scaring a jackdaw, he noticed a parrot in the bushes, and the parrot said: “You’re scaring the jackdaws, pop, scare. But just jackdaw, pop, scare, don’t you dare scare the parrot!”

67. (P) - I went to weed the fields.

68. (P, r, k) - Prokop came - dill is boiling, Prokop left - dill is boiling. Just as dill boils with Prokop, so without Prokop dill boils.

69. (P, r, h, k) - We talked about Prokopovich. What about Prokopovich? About Prokopovich, about Prokopovich, about Prokopovich, about yours.

70. (P,k,r,t) - The protocol about the protocol was recorded as a protocol.

71. (P, r) - A quail and a quail have five quails.

72. (P, r, v) - The workers privatized the enterprise, privatized it, but did not privatize it.

73. (P, k) - Tell me about the purchases! — What kind of shopping? - About shopping, about shopping, about my shopping.

74. (P) - There is a haystack with a little underfoot, and under the haystack there is a quail with a little quail.

75. (P, k) - There is a priest on a head, a cap on the priest, a head under the priest, a priest under a cap.

76. (P, r, t) - Turner Rappoport cut through the pass, rasp and support.

77. (P) - In our courtyard, the weather has become wet.

78. (P, r, l) - Parallelogram parallelogrammil parallelogrammil but not parallelogrammed.

79. (P,t) - Ipat went to buy shovels.
Ipat bought five shovels.
I was walking across the pond and grabbed onto a rod.
Ipat fell - five shovels were missing.

80. (P, p) - Perpendiculars are drawn without protractors.

81. (P, r, t) - Praskovya traded crucian carp
For three pairs of striped piglets.
The piglets ran through the dew,
The piglets caught a cold, but not all of them.

82. (R, p, t, k) - Pankrat forgot Kondratov’s jack. Now Pankrat cannot lift the tractor on the road without a jack.

83. (R,g) - The guru’s inauguration went off with a bang.

84. (R, t, v) - The interviewer interviewed the interviewer, interviewed, but did not interview.

85. (R,l) - Eagle on the mountain, feather on the eagle. A mountain under an eagle, an eagle under a feather.

86. (R, m, n) - Roman Carmen put Romain Rolland’s novel in his pocket and went to “Romain” to see “Carmen”.
87. (R,v) - There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass. Don't cut wood on the yard grass!

88. (R,k) - A Greek was driving across the river, he sees a Greek - there is a cancer in the river. He stuck the Greek’s hand into the river, and the crayfish grabbed the Greek’s hand - slam!

89. (R, p) - Reported, but didn’t complete the report, completed the report, but didn’t complete the report.

90. (R, l) - The pig snouted, white-nosed, blunt-nosed, dug up half the yard with its snout, dug, dug. That’s why Khavronya was given a snout, so that she could dig.

91. (R) - On Mount Ararat, a cow was collecting peas with its horns.

92. (R, l, g) - The Ligurian traffic controller regulated in Liguria.

93. (R, m, t) - Margarita was collecting daisies on the mountain, Margarita lost daisies in the yard.

94. (S, n) - Senya carries hay in the canopy, Senya will sleep on the hay.

95. (S, m, n) - In seven sleighs, seven Semenov with mustaches sat down in the sleigh themselves.

96. (S, k, v, r) - The fast talker quickly spoke quickly, that you can’t quickly talk all the tongue twisters, you can’t talk quickly, but having spoken quickly, he quickly said - that you can’t talk all the tongue twisters, you can talk quickly. And the tongue twisters jump like crucian carp in a frying pan.

97. (S, k, p, r) - Just as all tongue twisters cannot be quickly spoken, not spoken quickly, so all quick proverbs cannot be spoken quickly, not spoken quickly, and only all tongue twisters can be spoken quickly, spoken quickly!

98. (S,k) - Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge galloping, Senka off his feet, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.

99. (C) - The wasp does not have a mustache, not a whisker, but antennae.

100. (S, m, n) - Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their nets.

101. (S, k, r) - It’s a hassle to catch a cunning magpie, but forty forty is forty hassle.

102. (S, n, k) - Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge jump, Senka off his feet, Sanka in the side, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.

103. (S, r, t) - The longboat arrived at the port of Madras.
The sailor brought a mattress on board.
A sailor's mattress in the port of Madras
The albatrosses were torn apart in a fight.

104. (T, r, s) - Sergeant with the sergeant, captain with the captain.

105. (T) - Standing, standing at the gate, the Bull is stupidly wide-lipped.

106. (T,k) - The weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya’s scarves.

107. (T,k) - To interpret clearly, But there is no point in interpreting.

108. (T,t) - Fedka eats radish with vodka, eats Fedka with vodka and radish.

109. (T,r) - Spanking is of no use to Toropka. Toropka crust for future use.

110. (T) - Don’t go to such and such, don’t ask for such and such - here’s something for you.

111. (T,k) - The Turk smokes a pipe, the trigger pecks at the grain. Don't smoke a Turkish pipe, don't peck the trigger on a grain.

112. (F, h, n) - Feofan Mitrofanych has three sons Feofanych.

113. (F) — Fofan’s sweatshirt fits Fefele.

114. (F, d, b, r) - The defibrillator defibrillated, defibrillated, but did not defibrillate.

115. (F, r) - The pharaoh’s favorite for sapphire was replaced by jade.

116. (F,l,v) - I was at Frol’s, I lied to Frol about Lavra, I’ll go to Lavra, I lie to Lavra about Frol.

117. (X, t) - The crested little girls laughed with laughter: Xa! Ha! Ha!

118. (X, h, p) - There was a commotion in the garden -
A thistle blossomed there.
So that your garden does not die out,
Weed the thistles.

119. (X, sch) - Khrushchi grab horsetails.
An armful of quinine is enough for cabbage soup.

120. (C, p) - The heron’s chicken tenaciously clung to the flail.

121. (C, x) - The heron wasted away, the heron was dry, the heron was dead.

122. (C, r) - The fellow ate thirty-three pie pies, all with cottage cheese.

123. (C) - Well done among the sheep, but against the well done the sheep itself.

124. (C, k, p, d, r) - Once upon a time there were three Chinese
Yak, Yak-Ci-Drak and Yak-Ci-Drak-Ci-Drak-Ci-Droni.
Once upon a time there were three Chinese women
Chicken, Chicken-Drip and Chicken-Drip-Limpompony.

Here they got married:
Yak on Tsype Yak-Tsi-Drak on Tsype-drip
Yak-Tsi-Drak-Tsi-Drak-Tsi-Droni on Chicken-Drip-Limpompony.

And they had children:
Yak and Tsypa have Shah,
Yak-Tsy has a fight with Tsypa-dripa - Shah-Shakhmoni,
U Yak-Tsi-Drak-Tsi-Drak-Tsi-Droni
With Chicken-Dripa-Limpompony -

125. (H, t) - A quarter of a quadruple pea, without a wormhole.

126. (Ch, sh, sh) - Scales on a pike, bristles on a pig.

127. (C) - Our daughter is eloquent, her speech is pure.

128. (H) - The turtle, not bored, sits for an hour with a cup of tea.

129. (B, R) - Four little black little imps drew a drawing with black ink extremely cleanly.

130. (H, r) - Four turtles have four turtles each.

131. (H) - The custom of a bull, the mind of a calf.

132. (Ch, sh) - Three little birds are flying through three empty huts.

133. (Sh, s) - Sasha walked along the highway, carried a dryer on a pole and sucked on the dryer.

134. (Sh) - You even stained your neck, even your ears with black mascara. Get in the shower quickly. Rinse the mascara off your ears in the shower. Rinse off the mascara from your neck in the shower. After your shower, dry yourself off. Dry your neck, dry your ears, and don’t dirty your ears anymore.

135. (W) — Upper echelons walked around drunk.

136. (W, F) - A yellow dervish from Algeria rustles his silks in the hut and, juggling with knives, eats a piece of fig.

137. (Sh) — Shishiga walked along the highway, his pants rustling. The step will step, whisper: “Error.” Wiggles his ears.

138. (Ш) - Six little mice rustle in the reeds.

139. (Sh) - Boxwood, boxwood, how tightly you are sewn.

140. (W, m) - Jasper in suede is suede.

141. (Sh) - Forty mice walked, carrying sixteen pennies, two smaller mice carried two pennies each.

142. (Sh, k) - Two puppies, cheek to cheek, pinch the cheek in the corner.

143. (W, R) - The Staffordshire Terrier is zealous, and the black-haired Giant Schnauzer is playful.

144. (Sh, s) - Sasha has whey from yogurt in his porridge.

145. (Sh,k) - Sashka has cones and checkers in his pocket.

146. (Sh, k, v, r) - The cook cooked the porridge, boiled it, and undercooked it.

147. (W,F) - A piston is not a hornet:
does not buzz, glides quietly.

148. (Sh, r, k) - The little nesting doll’s earrings have disappeared.
Earrings I found an earring on the path.

149. (Sh, s, k) - Sunflowers look at the sun,
And the sun goes to sunflowers.

But the sun has a lot of sunflowers,
And the sunflower has only one sun.

Under the sun, the sunflower laughed sunnyly while it matured.
Ripe, dried up, pecked.

150. (W,R) - The balls of the ball bearing move around the bearing.

151. (Sh, s) - Sasha quickly dries the dryers.
I dried about six dryers.
And the old ladies are in a funny hurry
To eat Sasha's sushi.

152. (Sh, p, k) - Yeryoma and Foma have sashes that are wide all over their backs,
The caps are recapped, new,
Yes, the shlyk is well sewn, covered with embroidered velvet.

153. (Sh, r) - The riffraff rustled with the riffraff,
What rustling prevented the riffraff from rustling.

154. (Sh) - Mother gave Romasha whey from the yogurt.

155. (Sh,k) - Troshkina mongrel
She bit Pashka.
Pashka hits with his hat
Troshka's mongrel.

156. (Sh,k,h) - Under the mountain at the pine edge
Once upon a time there lived four old women,
All four are big talkers.
All day on the threshold of the hut
They chattered like turkeys.
The cuckoos fell silent on the pines,
Frogs crawled out of a puddle,
The poplars tilted their tops -
Hear old ladies chatting.

157. (Sh, k, p) - Pashkin’s mongrel bit Pavka on the leg, Pavka hits Pashkin’s mongrel with his hat.

158. (Sh, t) - The pike tries in vain to pinch the bream.

159. (Sh, t) - I’m dragging, I’m dragging, I’m afraid I won’t drag it,
But I definitely won’t release it.

160. (Ш,ж,ц) - In a puddle, in the middle of a grove
Toads have their own living space.
Another tenant lives here -
Water swimming beetle.

161. (Ш,ж,ч) - The train rushes grinding: w, h, w, w, w, h, w, w.

162. (Sh, h) - The puppies’ cheeks were cleaned with brushes.

163. (Brush, h) - I brush my teeth with this brush,
I clean my shoes with this one,
I clean my pants with this one,
These brushes are all needed.

164. (SH, t) - Wolves are prowling - looking for food.

Tongue twisters will correct diction deficiencies... especially something as long and complex as tongue twister about Liguria, which is used by many radio and TV presenters to train clear and correct pronunciation without hesitation.
On the coast of the Ligurian Sea in the northern part of Italy there is a very cozy and picturesque place Liguria and patter, which we mentioned above, begins with the story of a Ligurian traffic controller who regulated in Liguria.

On Thursday fourth at four and a quarter hours the Ligurian traffic controller was regulating in Liguria, but thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, and never tacked. And then the protocol about the protocol was recorded as a protocol, how the interviewed Ligurian traffic controller eloquently, but not clearly, reported, and so reported about the wet weather that, so that the incident did not become a candidate for a judicial precedent, the Ligurian traffic controller acclimatized...

This is a fragment funny Liguria Tongue Twisters, as many Internet users call it. And you can find the entire tongue twister below.

But what exactly are these tongue twisters and what are they for? The first thing tongue twisters are associated with is childhood. It is not always possible to pronounce funny poems without hesitation; sometimes the language begins to get confused, as a result of which the funny text becomes even funnier. Under game form hides very much important factor- the baby adapts to the peculiarities of the language, learns to correctly pronounce sounds in phrases, and practices diction. Pure language helps the child express himself more clearly, and it will be much easier for others to understand him. Certainly Liguria Tongue Twister For small child will be too complex and it is unlikely that he will be able to learn a complex tongue twister by heart, but he will be able to learn simple children's tongue twisters in one line or quatrains by heart.

Tongue twisters are considered folk art, people have been inventing them for centuries and millennia in order to improve the speech apparatus, as well as correct individual defects in diction. Pure speech consists of phrases that are difficult to pronounce. It contains a totality simple words with many identical sounds it becomes unpronounceable, even if you try to read it slowly. But this is only at first glance. After short-term training, a confused rhyme will sound from your lips like a song. And when you read it in high tempo, every sound will be heard clearly.

If you have problems communicating with others, and someone repeatedly asks you what you are talking about, practice your diction. Tongue twisters on various sounds, of which there are now a huge number, will be very useful in such a situation. There is no need to be embarrassed, and there is no need to divulge information that you are training your speech. You can do this without anyone else. When working with tongue twisters for adults, after a short period of time you will hear that the speech sounds different, and suddenly you stop asking again. Problems with diction- this is a shortcoming that can be easily corrected, do not put off training, surprise your interlocutors with the clarity of your pronunciation. Be sure - if you can read without hesitation (yes, just read, and not memorize!) Liguria Tongue Twister, then you will significantly improve your diction and will be less likely to “swallow” long and complex words when reading or talking with people.

Liguria tongue twister to improve diction and pronunciation. Let's watch the video.

Comprehension of a foreign language You will have difficulties with correct pronunciation, and an extra accent will also interfere. Pure phrases will help you learn to speak correctly; phrases will correct your pronunciation, making it quick and correct. They will remove the Russian accent, and difficult grammar will be casually reinforced in phrases. The effect of foreign tongue twisters remains for a long time, even if you stop studying.

The difference between tongue twisters for children and adults simple phrases for adults are aimed only at developing diction, and are not hidden in a playful form, without which children will not be interested in learning them.

On Thursday the fourth at four and a quarter o'clock the Ligurian traffic controller was regulating in Liguria, but thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but never tacked. And then the protocol about the protocol, the protocol recorded how the interviewed Ligurian traffic controller eloquently, but not purely, reported, and so reported about the wet weather that, so that the incident did not become a contender for a judicial precedent, the Ligurian traffic controller acclimatized in unconstitutional Constantinople, where the crested laughter laughed and they shouted to the Turk, who was heavily stoned with his pipe: don’t smoke, Turk, pipe, you better buy a pile of spades, you better buy a pile of spades, otherwise a bombardier from Brandeburg will come and bombard him with bombs because someone with a black snout dug up half his yard with his snout, dug up and dug up; but in reality the Turk was not in action. Yes, and Klara the King was sneaking to the chest at that time, while Karl was stealing corals from Klara, for which Klara stole the clarinet from Karl, and then in the yard of the tar widow Varvara, these two thieves stole firewood. But it’s a sin - not laughter - not to put it in a nut: about Clara and Karl in the darkness, all the crayfish were noisy in a fight - so the thieves had no time for a bombardier, but they had no time for the tar widow, and no time for the tar children. But the angry widow put the firewood into the barn: once firewood, two firewood, three firewood - all the firewood could not fit, and two woodcutters, two woodcutters, for the emotional Varvara, expelled the firewood across the width of the yard back to the wood yard, where the heron withered, the heron withered, the heron died. The heron's chick clung tenaciously to the chain; well done against the sheep, and against the well done the sheep itself, to which Senya carries hay in a sleigh, then Senka carries Sonya and Sanka on a sled: the sled gallops, Senka - to the side, Sonya - to the forehead, everything - into a snowdrift, and from there only a head of bumps knocked down Then Sasha went along the highway, Sasha found a sachet on the highway. Sonya - Sashka’s friend was walking along the highway and sucking on a dryer, and besides, Sonya the turntable also had three cheesecakes in her mouth - exactly like a honey cake, but she had no time for a honey cake - Sonya, with cheesecakes in her mouth, would over-mix the sexton, - over-mix: it buzzes like ground beetle, buzzing and spinning. Was at Frol's - Frol lied to Lavra, he will go to the Lavra to Frol Lavra will lie that - the sergeant with the sergeant, the captain with the captain's wife, the snake - the snake, the hedgehog - the hedgehog, and his high-ranking guest took away his cane, and soon again five guys We ate five again and half a quarter of four lentils without a wormhole, and one thousand six hundred and sixty-six pies with cottage cheese made from whey from yogurt. About everything about this, around the bell the bells were ringing, so much so that even Konstantin, a Salzburg unpromising man, stated from under an armored personnel carrier: just as all the bells cannot be re-ringed, all the tongue twisters cannot be re-spoken, not all the tongue twisters can be re-spoken. But trying is not torture!


On Thursday the fourth at four and a quarter o'clock the Ligurian traffic controller was regulating in Liguria, but thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but never tacked.

And then the protocol about the protocol, the protocol recorded how the interviewed Ligurian traffic controller eloquently, but not purely, reported, and so reported about the wet weather that, so that the incident did not become a contender for a judicial precedent, the Ligurian traffic controller acclimatized in unconstitutional Constantinople, where the crested laughter laughed and they shouted to the Turk, who was heavily stoned with his pipe: don’t smoke, Turk, pipe, you better buy a pile of spades, you better buy a pile of spades, otherwise a bombardier from Brandeburg will come and bombard him with bombs because someone with a black snout dug up half his yard with his snout, dug up and dug up; but in reality the Turk was not in action.

Yes, and Klara the King was sneaking to the chest at that time, while Karl was stealing corals from Klara, for which Klara stole the clarinet from Karl, and then in the yard of the tar widow Varvara, these two thieves stole firewood. But it’s a sin - not laughter - not to put it in a nut: about Clara and Karl in the darkness, all the crayfish were noisy in a fight - so the thieves had no time for a bombardier, but they had no time for the tar widow, and no time for the tar children.

But the angry widow put the firewood into the barn: once firewood, two firewood, three firewood - all the firewood could not fit, and two woodcutters, two woodcutters, for the emotional Varvara, expelled the firewood across the width of the yard back to the wood yard, where the heron withered, the heron withered, the heron died. The heron's chick clung tenaciously to the chain; well done against the sheep, and against the well done the sheep itself, to which Senya carries hay in a sleigh, then Senka carries Sonya and Sanka on a sled: the sled gallops, Senka - to the side, Sonya - to the forehead, everything - into a snowdrift, and from there only a head of bumps knocked down Then Sasha went along the highway, Sasha found a sachet on the highway.

Sonya - Sashka’s friend was walking along the highway and sucking on a dryer, and besides, Sonya the turntable also had three cheesecakes in her mouth - exactly like a honey cake, but she had no time for a honey cake - Sonya, with cheesecakes in her mouth, would over-mix the sexton, - over-mix: it buzzes like ground beetle, buzzing and spinning. Was at Frol's - Frol lied to Lavra, he will go to the Lavra to Frol Lavra will lie that - the sergeant with the sergeant, the captain with the captain's wife, the snake - the snake, the hedgehog - the hedgehog, and his high-ranking guest took away his cane, and soon again five guys We ate five again and half a quarter of four lentils without a wormhole, and one thousand six hundred and sixty-six pies with cottage cheese made from whey from yogurt.

About everything about this, around the bell the bells were ringing, so much so that even Konstantin, a Salzburg unpromising man, stated from under an armored personnel carrier: just as all the bells cannot be re-ringed, all the tongue twisters cannot be re-spoken, not all the tongue twisters can be re-spoken. But trying is not torture!
Long and complex Ligurian tongue twister. The entire text is "tongue twisters for announcers."

Short tongue twisters for children.



Beautiful speech is an important factor for success in career and personal life. Tongue twisters for speech development and diction training. Tips - how to work on tongue twisters.

"It's even rarer to hear on stage good tongue twister, maintained in tempo, clear in rhythm, clear in diction, in pronunciation and in conveying thoughts. Our tongue twister is not clear, but blurred, heavy, and confused. This is not a tongue twister, but babbling, spitting or spilling words. A tongue twister must be developed through very slow, exaggeratedly clear speech. From long and repeated repetition of the same words in a tongue twister, the speech apparatus is so adjusted that it learns to do the same work at the fastest pace. This requires constant exercises, and you need to do them, since stage speech cannot do without tongue twisters." K. S. Stanislavsky.

Russian folk tongue twisters help develop the speaker's speech technique, clear pronunciation of words and phrases, and the speaker's diction. It is important for the speaker to learn how to pronounce the tongue twister clearly, quickly, with different intonations (intonation of surprise, reflection, admiration, etc.), pronounce the tongue twister in a whisper, but with clear articulation of consonants with a strong exhalation on vowels and with open ligaments. That is, vowels need to be pronounced as if through a megaphone, and all sounds in a patter should be articulated, and not pronounced with a hysterical sound, which only injures the throat. In a tongue twister, the speaker needs to overcome all difficult sound combinations. It is important to pronounce a complex word syllable by syllable, albeit at a slow pace, but to pronounce it without any difficulties, misfires, or reservations. Pronounce each tongue twister first silently, but articulating, then switch to a whisper and only then out loud, first at a slow pace, and then at a fast pace, but remember the clarity of pronunciation.

There is a law of “stage” patter (i.e. fast pace speech when the announcer speaks): the faster the speech, the clearer the diction, the brighter the intonation pattern should sound. Because the listener must have time to understand everything, hear everything the speaker is telling him, and see the pictures that the speaker conveys through speech. Those. the faster, the more accurate! Be especially specific about the accents in difficult words. Try to feel the perspective in everything: in a phrase, in a word, in a thought, understanding and remembering that there is a tempo for pronouncing a syllable in a word, a word in a phrase, a phrase in a period of thought.

How to learn to speak beautifully? - Work on tongue twisters to develop your speech!

1. (B,r) - Beavers wander into the forests. Beavers are brave, but they are kind to beavers.

2. (B,r) - All beavers are kind to their beavers.

3. (B,e) - Good beavers go into the forests, and woodcutters cut down oak trees.

4. (B) - White snow, white chalk, a white hare is also white. But the squirrel is not white - it wasn’t even white.

5. (B,c) - White oak tables, smooth planed.

6. (B, p) - The bull is blunt-lipped, the bull is blunt-lipped, the bull’s white lip was dull.

7. (B) - Okul baba shod, and baba also shod Okul.

8. (V, l) - Vavila’s sail was getting wet.

9. (V, p) - The water carrier was carrying water from under the water supply.

10. (V, l, d) - It is not visible whether the shares are liquid or not liquid.

11. (V, sh, w) - The emotional Varvara felt the emotion of the insensitive Vavila.

Tongue twisters for the development of diction

12. (B,c) - The waxwing whistles with a pipe.

13. (V, t, r) - Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not tack.

14. (V, r, h) - The nervous Babylonian Barbara, became nervous in Babylon, the nervous Babylonian Babylon of Babylonia.

15. (V, p) - The otter tried to snatch the fish from the otter.

16. (G,v,l) - Our head overtook your head with his head, overheaded.

17. (D, b, l) - The woodpecker hollowed out the oak, hollowed, hollowed out, but did not hollow out and did not hollow out.

18. (D, l, g, h) - De-ideologized, de-ideologized, and further de-ideologized.

19. (D, r) - Two woodcutters, two woodcutters, two woodcutters were talking about Larka, about Varka, about Larina’s wife.

20. (F, c) - Leather reins fit into the collar.

21. (F) - The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a squeeze.

22. (F) - The ground beetle is buzzing and buzzing, buzzing and spinning. I tell her, don’t buzz, don’t spin, and you better go to bed. You'll wake up all your neighbors if you're buzzing in your ear.

23. (Y, r, v) - Yaroslav and Yaroslavna
We settled in Yaroslavl.
They live nicely in Yaroslavl
Yaroslav and Yaroslavna.

24. (K,b) - In Kabardino-Balkaria, valocordin from Bulgaria.

25. (K, v) - You can’t say all the tongue twisters too quickly.

26. (K, p) - They drove a stake into the palisade and beat him up.

27. (K, t, r) - Kondrat’s jacket is a little short.

28. (K, n, l) - Is this colonialism? - No, this is not colonialism, but neocolonialism!

29. (K, p, r) - From near Kostroma, from near Kostromishchi, four peasants walked. They talked about trading, and about purchases, about cereals, and about reinforcements.

30. (K, h, s) - A goat is walking with a goat.

31. (K, l) - Klim pounded a wedge into one pancake.

32. (K, r, g) - The crab made a rake for the crab, gave the rake to the crab - rake the gravel with the rake, crab.

33. (K, sh, p, n) - The little cuckoo bought a hood, put the cuckoo’s hood on, the little cuckoo looked funny in the hood.

34. (K, r, l) - Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole Karl’s clarinet.

35. (K, r, v, l) - The Queen gave the gentleman a caravel.

36. (K, r, m, n) - The Elector compromised the Landsknecht.

37. (K, r) - The courier overtakes the courier into the quarry.

38. (K, s, v) - Coconut makers boil coconut juice in coconut cookers.

39. (K, p) - Buy a pile of spades. Buy a pile of spades. Buy a peak.

40. (K, s) - Mow, scythe, while there is dew, away with the dew - and we are home.

41. (K, l, b) - Our Polkan from Baikal lapped. Polkan lapped and lapped, but Baikal did not become shallow.

42. (K, l, c) - There is no ring near the well.

43. (K, t, n) - The nervous constitutionalist Constantine was found acclimatized in the constitutional city of Constantinople and with calm dignity inventing improved pneumatic bag-punchers.

Tongue twisters for diction

44. (K, l, p, v) - The cap is sewn, not in the Kolpakov style, the bell is poured, not in the Kolokolov style. It is necessary to re-cap, re-cap. The bell needs to be re-belled, re-belled.

45. (K, r, l) - The crystal crystallized, crystallized, but did not crystallize.

46. ​​(L, h) - The fox runs along the pole: lick the sand, the fox!

47. (L,k) - Klavka was looking for a pin, and the pin fell under the bench.

48. (L) - We ate, ate ruffs at the spruce tree. They were barely finished at the spruce.

Russian folk tongue twisters

49. (L,n) - On the river shallows we came across a burbot.

50. (L, m, n) - In the shallows we lazily caught burbot, You exchanged the burbot for tench. Was it not you who sweetly begged me for love, and beckoned me into the mists of the estuary?

51. (L) - Have you watered the lily? Have you seen Lydia? They watered Lily and saw Lydia.

52. (L,b) - Malanya the chatterbox chatted and blurted out the milk, but didn’t blurt it out.

53. (L,k) - Klim threw a bow at Luka.

54. (M, l) - Mom washed Mila with soap, Mila didn’t like soap.

55. (P, r, m) - Your sexton will not out-sex our sexton: our sexton will over-sex your sexton, over-sex.

56. (P, x) - Get up, Arkhip, the rooster is hoarse.

57. (P, k, r) - In the pond near Polycarp there are three crucian carp, three carp.

58. (P, t, r) - Shot for quails and black grouse.

59. (P,k) - Our Polkan fell into a trap.

60. (P,t) - From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

61. (P, x) - Osip is hoarse, Arkhip is hoarse.

62. (P, r) - The quail hid the quails from the guys.

63. (P, g) - The parrot said to the parrot, I will parrot you, the parrot answers him - Parrot, parrot, parrot!

64. (P, k, sch) - The commander spoke about the colonel and about the colonel, about the lieutenant colonel and about the lieutenant colonel, about the lieutenant and about the lieutenant, about the second lieutenant and about the second lieutenant, about the ensign and about the ensign, about the ensign, but was silent about the ensign.

65. (P) - Pyotr Petrovich, nicknamed Perov, caught a pigtail bird; he carried it around the market, asked for fifty dollars, they gave him a nickel, and he sold it like that.

66. (P) - Once upon a time, a jackdaw pop was scaring, he noticed a parrot in the bushes, and then the parrot said: “You scare the jackdaw, pop, scare. But just jackdaw, pop, scare, don’t you dare scare the parrot!”

67. (P) - I went to weed the fields.

68. (P, r, k) - Prokop came - dill is boiling, Prokop left - dill is boiling. Just as dill boils with Prokop, so without Prokop dill boils.

69. (P, r, h, k) - We talked about Prokopovich. What about Prokopovich? About Prokopovich, about Prokopovich, about Prokopovich, about yours.

70. (P,k,r,t) - The protocol about the protocol was recorded as a protocol.

71. (P, r) - A quail and a quail have five quails.

72. (P, r, v) - The workers privatized the enterprise, privatized it, but did not privatize it.

73. (P, k) - Tell me about the shopping! - What kind of purchases? - About shopping, about shopping, about my shopping.

Folk tongue twisters

74. (P) - There is a haystack with a little quail under it, and under the hay there is a quail with a little quail.

75. (P, k) - There is a priest on a shock, a cap on the priest, a shock under the priest, a priest under the cap.

76. (P, r, t) - Turner Rappoport cut through the pass, rasp and support.

77. (P) - In our courtyard, the weather has become wet.

78. (P, r, l) - Parallelogram parallelogrammed parallelogrammed but not parallelogrammed.

79. (P,t) - Ipat went to buy shovels.
Ipat bought five shovels.
I was walking across the pond and grabbed onto a rod.
Ipat fell - five shovels were missing.

80. (P, p) - Perpendiculars are drawn without protractors.

81. (P, r, t) - Praskovya traded crucian carp
For three pairs of striped piglets.
The piglets ran through the dew,
The piglets caught a cold, but not all of them.

82. (R, p, t, k) - Pankrat forgot the jack. Now Pankrat cannot lift the tractor on the road without a jack.

83. (R,g) - The guru’s inauguration went off with a bang.

84. (R, t, v) - The interviewer interviewed the interviewer, interviewed, but did not interview.

85. (R,l) - Eagle on the mountain, feather on the eagle. A mountain under an eagle, an eagle under a feather.

86. (R, m, n) - Roman Carmen put Romain Rolland’s novel in his pocket and went to “Romain” to see “Carmen”.

Tongue twisters for speech development

87. (R, c) - There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass. Don't cut wood on the yard grass!

88. (R,k) - A Greek was driving across the river, he sees a Greek - there is a cancer in the river. He stuck the Greek's hand into the river, and the crayfish grabbed the Greek's hand - clap!

89. (R, p) - Reported, but didn’t complete the report, completed the report, but didn’t complete the report.

90. (R, l) - The pig snouted, white-nosed, blunt-nosed, dug up half the yard with its snout, dug, dug. That’s why Khavronya was given a snout, so that she could dig.

91. (R) - On Mount Ararat, a cow was collecting peas with its horns.

92. (R, l, g) - The Ligurian traffic controller regulated in Liguria.

93. (R, m, t) - Margarita was collecting daisies on the mountain, Margarita lost daisies in the yard.

94. (S, n) - Senya carries hay in the canopy, Senya will sleep on the hay.

95. (S, m, n) - In seven sleighs, seven Semenov with mustaches sat down in the sleigh themselves.

96. (S, k, v, r) - The fast talker quickly spoke quickly, said that you can’t quickly talk all the tongue twisters, you can’t talk quickly, but having quickly spoken, he quickly said - that you can’t talk all the tongue twisters, you can talk quickly. And the tongue twisters jump like crucian carp in a frying pan.

97. (S, k, p, r) - Just as all tongue twisters cannot be quickly spoken, not spoken quickly, so all quick proverbs cannot be spoken quickly, not spoken quickly, and only all tongue twisters can be spoken quickly, spoken quickly!

98. (S,k) - Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge galloping, Senka off his feet, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.

99. (C) - The wasp does not have a mustache, not a whisker, but antennae.

100. (S, m, n) - Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their nets.

101. (S, k, r) - It’s a hassle to catch a cunning magpie, and forty forty is a forty hassle.

102. (S, ny, k) - Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge jump, Senka off his feet, Sanka in the side, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.

103. (S, r, t) - The longboat arrived at the port of Madras.
The sailor brought a mattress on board.
A sailor's mattress in the port of Madras
The albatrosses were torn apart in a fight.

104. (T, r, s) - Sergeant with the sergeant, captain with the captain.

105. (T) - Standing, standing at the gate, the Bull is stupidly wide-lipped.

106. (T,k) - The weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya’s scarves.

107. (T,k) - To interpret clearly, But there is no point in interpreting.

108. (T,t) - Fedka eats radish with vodka, eats Fedka with vodka and radish.

109. (T,r) - Spanking is of no use to Toropka. Toropka crust for future use.

110. (T) - Don’t go to such and such, don’t ask for such and such - here’s something for you.

111. (T,k) - The Turk smokes a pipe, the trigger pecks at the grain. Don't smoke a Turkish pipe, don't peck the trigger on a grain.

112. (F, h, n) - Feofan Mitrofanych has three sons Feofanych.

113. (F) - Fofan’s sweatshirt fits Fefele.

114. (F, d, b, r) - The defibrillator defibrillated, defibrillated, but did not defibrillate.

115. (F, r) - The pharaoh’s favorite for sapphire was replaced by jade.

116. (F,l,v) - I was at Frol’s, I lied to Frol about Lavra, I’ll go to Lavra, I lie to Lavra about Frol.

117. (X, t) - The crested girls laughed with laughter: Xa! Ha! Ha!

118. (X, h, p) - There was a commotion in the garden -
A thistle blossomed there.
So that your garden does not die out,
Weed the thistles.

119. (X, sch) - Khrushchi grab horsetails.
An armful of quinine is enough for cabbage soup.

120. (C, p) - The heron’s chicken tenaciously clung to the flail.

121. (C, x) - The heron wasted away, the heron was dry, the heron was dead.

122. (C, r) - The fellow ate thirty-three pie pies, all with cottage cheese.

123. (C) - Well done among the sheep, but against the well done the sheep itself.

124. (C, k, p, d, r) - Once upon a time there were three Chinese
Yak, Yak-Ci-Drak and Yak-Ci-Drak-Ci-Drak-Ci-Droni.
Once upon a time there were three Chinese women
Chicken, Chicken-Drip and Chicken-Drip-Limpompony.

Here they got married:
Yak on Tsype Yak-Tsi-Drak on Tsype-drip
Yak-Tsi-Drak-Tsi-Drak-Tsi-Droni on Chicken-Drip-Limpompony.

And they had children:
Yak and Tsypa have Shah,
Yak-Tsy has a fight with Tsypa-dripa - Shah-Shakhmoni,
U Yak-Tsi-Drak-Tsi-Drak-Tsi-Droni
With Chicken-Dripa-Limpompony -

125. (H, t) - A quarter of a quadruple pea, without a wormhole.

126. (Ch, sh, sh) - Scales on a pike, bristles on a pig.

127. (H) - Our daughter is eloquent, her speech is pure.

128. (H) - The turtle, not bored, sits for an hour with a cup of tea.

129. (B, R) - Four little black little imps drew a drawing with black ink extremely cleanly.

130. (H, r) - Four turtles have four turtles.

131. (H) - The custom of a bull, the mind of a calf.

132. (Ch, sh) - Three little birds are flying through three empty huts.

133. (Sh, s) - Sasha walked along the highway, carried a dryer on a pole and sucked on the dryer.

134. (Sh) - Even your neck, even your ears, you stained with black mascara. Get in the shower quickly. Rinse the mascara off your ears in the shower. Rinse off the mascara from your neck in the shower. After your shower, dry yourself off. Dry your neck, dry your ears, and don’t dirty your ears anymore.

135. (Sh) - The highest echelons walked drunk.

136. (W, F) - In the hut, a yellow dervish from Algeria rustles with silks and, juggling with knives, eats a piece of fig.

137. (Sh) - Shishiga walked along the highway, his pants rustling. The step will step, whisper: “Error.” Wiggles his ears.

138. (W) - Six little mice rustle in the reeds.

139. (Sh) - Boxwood, boxwood, how tightly you are sewn.

140. (W,m) - Jasper in suede is suede.

141. (Sh) - Forty mice walked, carrying sixteen pennies, two smaller mice carried two pennies each.

142. (Sh, k) - Two puppies, cheek to cheek, pinch the cheek in the corner.

143. (W, R) - The Staffordshire Terrier is zealous, and the black-haired Giant Schnauzer is playful.

144. (Sh, s) - Sasha has whey from yogurt in his porridge.

145. (Sh,k) - Sashka has cones and checkers in his pocket.

146. (Sh, k, v, r) - The cook cooked the porridge, cooked it, and undercooked it.

147. (W,F) - A piston is not a hornet:
does not buzz, glides quietly.

148. (Sh, r, k) - The little nesting doll’s earrings have disappeared.
Earrings I found an earring on the path.

149. (Sh, s, k) - Sunflowers look at the sun,
And the sun goes to sunflowers.

But the sun has a lot of sunflowers,
And the sunflower has only one sun.

Under the sun, the sunflower laughed sunnyly while it matured.
Ripe, dried up, pecked.

150. (W,R) - The balls of the ball bearing move around the bearing.

151. (Sh, s) - Sasha quickly dries the dryers.
I dried about six dryers.
And the old ladies are in a funny hurry
To eat Sasha's sushi.

152. (W, p, k) - Yeryoma and Foma have sashes that are wide all over their backs,
The caps are recapped, new,
Yes, the shlyk is well sewn, covered with embroidered velvet.

153. (Ш,р) - The riffraff rustled with the riffraff,
What rustling prevented the riffraff from rustling.

154. (Sh) - Mother gave Romasha whey from the yogurt.

155. (Sh,k) - Troshkina mongrel
She bit Pashka.
Pashka hits with his hat
Troshka's mongrel.

156. (W,k,h) - Under the mountain at the pine edge
Once upon a time there lived four old women,
All four are big talkers.
All day on the threshold of the hut
They chattered like turkeys.
The cuckoos fell silent on the pines,
Frogs crawled out of a puddle,
The poplars tilted their tops -
Hear old ladies chatting.

157. (Sh, k, p) - Pashkin’s mongrel bit Pavka on the leg, Pavka hits Pashkin’s mongrel with his hat.

158. (Sh, t) - The pike tries in vain to pinch the bream.

159. (Sh, t) - I’m dragging, dragging... I’m afraid I won’t drag it,
But I definitely won’t release it.

160. (Ш,ж,ц) - In a puddle, in the middle of a grove
Toads have their own living space.
Another tenant lives here -
Water swimming beetle.

161. (Ш,ж,ч) - The train rushes grinding: w, h, w, w, w, h, w, w.

162. (Sh, h) - The puppies’ cheeks were cleaned with brushes.

163. (Brush, h) - I brush my teeth with this brush,
I clean my shoes with this one,
I clean my pants with this one,
These brushes are all needed.

164. (SH, t) - Wolves are prowling - looking for food.

You can read funny, funny tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction right on this page. Try learning a few short tongue twisters for children and adults to improve your diction. There's nothing complicated about it. It will even turn out to be fun and funny. The main thing is to take it with humor and don’t be upset if you don’t succeed in pronouncing the tongue twister the first time. Try reading it again and everything will be great!

Beautiful diction is the adornment of a person. To improve it, tongue twisters are well suited. Moreover, you can study them throughout your life.

Tongue twisters for good diction

(B,r) - Beavers wander into the cheese forests. Beavers are brave, but they are kind to beavers.
(B) - White snow, white chalk, a white hare is also white. But the squirrel is not white - it wasn’t even white.
(B,c) - The tables are white oak, smoothly planed.
(B,p) - The bull is blunt-lipped, the bull is blunt-lipped, the bull’s white lip was dull.

(V, l) - Vavila’s sail was wet.
(V, sh, w) - The emotional Varvara felt the emotion of the insensitive Vavila.
(V, t, r) - Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not tack.
(V, r, h) - The nervous Babylonian Barbara, became nervous in Babylon, the nervous Babylonian Babylon of Babylonia.
(V, r) - The otter tried to snatch the fish from the otter.


(G,v,l) - Our head overtook your head with his head, overheaded it.

(D, b, l) - The woodpecker hollowed out the oak, hollowed out, hollowed out, but did not hollow out and did not hollow out.
(D, l, g, h) - De-ideologized, de-ideologized, and further de-ideologized.
(D, r) - Two woodcutters, two woodcutters, two wood splitters were talking about Larka, about Varka, about Larina’s wife.


(F, c) - The leather reins fit into the collar.
(F) - The ground beetle is buzzing and buzzing, buzzing and spinning. I tell her, don’t buzz, don’t spin, and you better go to bed. You'll wake up all your neighbors if you're buzzing in your ear.

(Y, r, v) - Yaroslav and Yaroslavna
We settled in Yaroslavl.
They live nicely in Yaroslavl
Yaroslav and Yaroslavna.


(K,b) - In Kabardino-Balkaria, valocordin from Bulgaria.
(K, v) - You can’t say all the tongue twisters too quickly.
(K, p) - They drove a stake into the palisade and beat him up.
(K, n, l) - Is this colonialism? - No, this is not colonialism, but neo-colonialism!
K, p, r) - From near Kostroma, from near Kostromishchi, four peasants walked. They talked about trading, and about purchases, about cereals, and about reinforcements.
(K, r) - The courier overtakes the courier into the quarry.
(K, s, v) - Coconut makers boil coconut juice in short-coconut cookers.
(K, s) - Mow, scythe, while there is dew, away with the dew - and we’ll go home.
(K, l, b) - Our Polkan from Baikal lapped. Polkan lapped and lapped, but Baikal did not become shallow.

(K, l, c) - There is no ring near the well.
(K, t, n) - The nervous constitutionalist Constantine was found acclimatized in the constitutional city of Constantinople and with calm dignity inventing improved pneumatic bag-punchers.
(K, l, p, v) - The cap is sewn, not in the Kolpakov style, the bell is poured, not in the Kolokolov style. It is necessary to re-cap, re-cap. The bell needs to be re-belled, re-belled.
(K, r, l) - The crystal has crystallized,
crystallized but not crystallized.

(L, h) - The fox runs along the pole: lick the sand, the fox!
(L,k) - Klavka was looking for a pin, and the pin fell under the bench.
(L) - We ate, ate ruffs by the spruce tree. They were barely finished at the spruce.
(L,n) - On the river shallows we came across a burbot.
(L, m, n) - In the shallows we lazily caught burbot, You exchanged the burbot for me tench. Was it not you who sweetly begged me for love, and beckoned me into the mists of the estuary?
(L) - Have you watered the lily? Have you seen Lydia? They watered Lily and saw Lydia.
(L,b) - Malanya the chatterbox chatted and blurted out the milk, but didn’t blurt it out.

(L,k) - Klim threw his bow at Luka.

(M, l) - Mom washed Mila with soap, Mila didn’t like soap.

(P, r, m) - Your sexton will not out-sex our sexton: our sexton will over-sex your sexton, over-sex.
(P, g) - The parrot said to the parrot, I will parrot you, the parrot answers him - Parrot, parrot, parrot!

(P, k, sch) - The commander spoke about the colonel and about the colonel, about the lieutenant colonel and about the lieutenant colonel, about the lieutenant and about the lieutenant, about the second lieutenant and about the second lieutenant, about the ensign and about the ensign, about the ensign, but was silent about the ensign.
(P) - Pyotr Petrovich, nicknamed Perov, caught a pigtail bird; he carried it around the market, asked for fifty dollars, they gave him a nickel, and he sold it like that.
(P) - Once upon a time I was scaring a jackdaw, I noticed a parrot in the bushes, and then the parrot said: “You’re scaring the jackdaws, pop, scare. But just jackdaw, pop, scare, don’t you dare scare the parrot!”

(P) - I went to weed the fields.
(P, r, k) - Prokop came - the dill was boiling, Prokop left - the dill was boiling. Just as dill boils with Prokop, so without Prokop dill boils.
(P, r, h, k) - We talked about Prokopovich. What about Prokopovich? About Prokopovich, about Prokopovich, about Prokopovich, about yours.
(P,k,r,t) - The protocol about the protocol was recorded as a protocol.
(P, r) - A quail and a quail have five quails.
(P, r, v) - The workers privatized the enterprise, privatized it, but did not privatize it.
(F, k) - Tell me about the purchases! — What kind of shopping? - About shopping, about shopping, about my shopping.

(P) - There is a haystack with a small quail under it, and under the hay there is a quail with a small quail.
(P, k) - There is a priest on a head, a cap on the priest, a head under the priest, a priest under the cap.
(P, r, t) - Turner Rappoport cut through the pass, rasp and caliper.
(P, r, l) - Parallelogram parallelogrammed parallelogrammed but not parallelogrammed.
(P, t) - Ipat went to buy shovels.
Ipat bought five shovels.
I was walking across the pond and grabbed onto a rod.
Ipat fell - five shovels were missing.

(P, r, t) - Praskovya traded crucian carp
For three pairs of striped piglets.
The piglets ran through the dew,
The piglets caught a cold, but not all of them.

(R, p, t, k) - Pankrat forgot Kondratov’s jack. Now Pankrat cannot lift the tractor on the road without a jack.

(S, m, n) - In seven sleighs, seven Semenov with mustaches sat down in the sleigh themselves.

(S, k, v, r) - The fast talker quickly spoke quickly, said that you can’t quickly talk all the tongue twisters, you can’t talk quickly, but having quickly spoken, he quickly said - that you can’t talk all the tongue twisters, you can talk quickly. And the tongue twisters jump like crucian carp in a frying pan.
(S, k, p, r) - Just as all tongue twisters cannot be quickly spoken, not spoken quickly, so all tongue twisters cannot be spoken quickly, not spoken quickly, and only all tongue twisters can be spoken quickly, spoken quickly!

(S,k) - Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge galloping, Senka off his feet, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.
(S, k, r) - It’s a hassle to catch a cunning magpie, but forty forty is forty hassle.
(S, ny, k) - Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge jump, Senka off his feet, Sanka in the side, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.
(S, r, t) - The longboat arrived at the port of Madras.
The sailor brought a mattress on board.
A sailor's mattress in the port of Madras
The albatrosses were torn apart in a fight.

(T, r, s) - The sergeant with the sergeant, the captain with the captain.
(T,k) - The weaver is weaving fabrics for Tanya’s scarves.
(T,k) - To interpret clearly, But there is no point in interpreting.
(T, t) - Fedka eats radish with vodka, eats Fedka with vodka and radish.
(T,r) - Spanking is of no use to Toropka. Toropka crust for future use.
(T) - Don’t go to such-and-such a place, don’t ask for such-and-such - here’s something for you.
(T,k) - The Turk smokes a pipe, the trigger pecks at the grain. Don't smoke a Turkish pipe, don't peck the trigger on a grain.

F) - Fofan's sweatshirt fits Fefele.
(F, d, b, r) - The defibrillator defibrillated, defibrillated, but did not defibrillate.
(F,l,v) - I was at Frol’s, I lied to Frol about Lavra, I’ll go to Lavra, I lie to Lavra about Frol.

(X, t) - The crested girls laughed with laughter: Xa! Ha! Ha!
(H, h, p) - There was a commotion in the garden -
A thistle blossomed there.
So that your garden does not die out,
Weed the thistles.

(X, sch) - Khrushchi grab horsetails.
An armful of quinine is enough for cabbage soup.

(C, p) - The heron's chicken tenaciously clung to the flail.
(Ts, x) - The heron wasted away, the heron was dry, the heron was dead.
(C, r) - The fellow ate thirty-three pie pies, all with cottage cheese.

(Ch,t) - A quarter of a quadruple of peas, without a wormhole.
(Ch, sh, sh) - Scales on a pike, bristles on a pig.

(Ch) - Our daughter is eloquent, her speech is pure.
(H) - The turtle, not bored, sits for an hour with a cup of tea.
(Ch, r) - Four little black little imps drew a drawing with black ink extremely cleanly.
(Ch, sh) - Three little birds are flying through three empty huts.

(Sh, s) - Sasha walked along the highway, carried a dryer on a pole and sucked on the dryer.
(Sh) - You even stained your neck, even your ears with black mascara. Get in the shower quickly. Rinse your ears off in the shower
mascara Rinse off the mascara from your neck in the shower. After your shower, dry yourself off. Dry your neck, dry your ears, and don’t dirty your ears anymore.
(Sh) - The highest echelons walked around drunk.
(Sh) — Shishiga walked along the highway, his pants rustling. The step will step, whisper: “Error.” Wiggles his ears.
(Sh) - Boxwood, boxwood, how tightly you are sewn.
(Sh) - Forty mice walked, carrying sixteen pennies, two smaller mice carried two pennies each.
(Sh, k) - Two puppies, cheek to cheek, pinch the cheek in the corner.
(W, R) - The Staffordshire Terrier is zealous, and the black-haired Giant Schnauzer is playful.
(Sh, s) - Sasha has whey from yogurt in his porridge.

(W,F) - A piston is not a hornet:
does not buzz, glides quietly.
(Sh, r, k) - The little nesting doll’s earrings have disappeared.
Earrings I found an earring on the path.
(Sh, s, k) - The sunflowers are looking at the sun,
And the sun goes to sunflowers.
But the sun has a lot of sunflowers,
And the sunflower has only one sun.
Under the sun, the sunflower laughed sunnyly while it matured.
Ripe, dried up, pecked.
(Sh, s) - Sasha quickly dries the dryers.
I dried about six dryers.

And the old ladies are in a funny hurry
To eat Sasha's sushi.
(Sh, p, k) - Yeryoma and Foma have sashes that cover their entire back,
The caps are recapped, new,
Yes, the shlyk is well sewn, covered with embroidered velvet.
(Sh, r) - The riffraff rustled with the riffraff,
What rustling prevented the riffraff from rustling.
(Sh) - Mother gave Romasha whey from the yogurt.
(Sh,k) - Troshkina mongrel
She bit Pashka.
Pashka hits with his hat
Troshka's mongrel.

(Sh, k, h) - Under the mountain at the pine edge
Once upon a time there lived four old women,
All four are big talkers.
All day on the threshold of the hut
They chattered like turkeys.
The cuckoos fell silent on the pines,
Frogs crawled out of a puddle,
The poplars tilted their tops -
Hear old ladies chatting.
(Sh, k, p) - Pashkin’s mongrel bit Pavka on the leg, Pavka hits Pashkin’s mongrel with his hat.

(Sh, t) - The pike tries in vain to pinch the bream.
(Sh, t) - I’m dragging, I’m dragging, I’m afraid I won’t drag it,
But I definitely won’t release it.
(Sch, f, c) - In a puddle, in the middle of a grove
Toads have their own living space.
Another tenant lives here -
Water swimming beetle.
(Ш,ж,ч) - The train rushes grinding: w, h, w, w, w, h, w, w.
(Brush, h) - I brush my teeth with this brush,
I clean my shoes with this one,
I clean my pants with this one,
These brushes are all needed.

Tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction


Skinny, weak Koschey
Carrying a box of vegetables.

The parrot said to the parrot:
I'll scare you, parrot.
The parrot answers him:
Parrot, parrot, parrot!

Patter about shopping
Tell us about your purchases
What about purchases?
About shopping, about shopping,
About my purchases.

Tongue twister starting with the letter Z WITH

Scared of the bear cub
Hedgehog with a hedgehog and with a hedgehog,
Swift with a swift and a haircut.
Tongue twister starting with the letter H
Four turtles have four baby turtles.

Tongue twister starting with the letter Sh
At the edge of a hut
Old chattering ladies live.
Every old lady has a basket,
There's a cat in every basket,
Cats in baskets sew boots for old women.

In the hut

Silks rustle in the hut
Yellow Dervish from Algeria
And juggling with knives,
He eats a bunch of figs.

Once upon a time a crucian carp
Gave me a coloring book.
And Karas said:
“Color the fairy tale, Karasyonok!”
On the Karasenka coloring page -
Three funny little pigs:
The little crucian turned the piglets into crucian carp!

Once upon a time there were three Chinese - tongue twister, full version

Try to learn and speak this tongue twister about the Chinese. If you succeed with diction, then everything is in order.

Once upon a time there lived three Chinese: Yak, Yak Tsidrok and Yak Tsidrok Tsidrone.
Once upon a time there were three Chinese women: Tsypa, Tsypa Drypa, Tsypa Drypa Limpopone.
So they got married: Yak on Tsypa, Yak Tsidrok on Tsypa Drypa, Yak Tsidrok Tsidrone on Tsypa Drypa Limpopone.
So they had children: Yak Tsidrok with Tsypa - Shah, Yak Tsidrok with Tsypa Drypa - Shah Sharakh, Yak Tsidrok Tsidrone with Tsypa Drypa Limpopone - Shah Sharakh Sharone.

Short children's tongue twisters for speech development

(B,r) - All beavers are kind to their beavers.
(V, p) - The water carrier was carrying water from under the water supply.
(F) - The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a snake.
(K, p) - Buy a pile of spades. Buy a pile of spades. Buy a peak.
(K, h, s) - A slanting goat is walking with a goat.
(K, l) - Klim pounded a wedge into one pancake.
(K, r, l) - Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole Karl’s clarinet.
(K, r, v, l) - The Queen gave the gentleman a caravel.
(K, r, m, n) - The Elector compromised the Landsknecht.
(P, x) - Get up, Arkhip, the rooster is hoarse.
(P, k, r) - In the pond at Polycarp there are three crucian carp, three carp.
(P, t, r) - Shot for quails and black grouse.
(P, t) - From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.
(P, x) - Osip is hoarse, Arkhip is hoarse.
(P, r) - The quail hid the quails from the guys.
(Sh, k) - Sashka has cones and checkers in his pocket.
(H, r) - Four turtles have four turtles each.
(F, r) - The pharaoh's favorite was replaced by sapphire and jade.
(C) - The wasp does not have a mustache, not a whisker, but antennae.
(S, m, n) - Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their nets.
(K, sh, p, n) - The little cuckoo bought a hood, put the cuckoo’s hood on, the little cuckoo looked funny in the hood.
(P, k) - Our Polkan fell into a trap.
(C) - Well done among the sheep, but against the well done the sheep itself.

Tongue twisters for developing speech starting with the letter “r”

(R,g) — The guru’s inauguration went off with a bang.

(R, t, v) - The interviewer interviewed the interviewer, interviewed, interviewed, but did not interview.

(R,l) - Eagle on the mountain, feather on the eagle. A mountain under an eagle, an eagle under a feather.

(R, m, n) - Roman Carmen put Romain Rolland’s novel in his pocket and went to “Romain” to see “Carmen”.

(R, c) - There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass. Don't cut wood on the yard grass!

(R,k) - A Greek was driving across the river, he saw a Greek - there was a cancer in the river. He stuck the Greek’s hand into the river, and the crayfish grabbed the Greek’s hand - slam!

(R, p) - He reported, but didn’t complete the report, completed the report, but didn’t complete the report.

(R, l) - The pig snouted, white-nosed, blunt-nosed, dug up half the yard with its snout, dug, dug. That’s why Khavronya was given a snout, so that she could dig.

(R) - On Mount Ararat, a cow was picking peas with its horns.

(R, l, g) - The Ligurian traffic controller regulated in Liguria.

(R, m, t) - Margarita was collecting daisies on the mountain, Margarita lost daisies in the yard.

Tongue twisters to improve diction for children 3-4-5 years old

(B,e) - Good beavers go into the forests, and woodcutters cut down oaks.
(B) - Okul baba shod, and baba also shod Okul.
(B,c) - The waxwing plays with a pipe.
(V, l, d) - It is not visible whether the shares are liquid or not liquid.
(K, t, r) - Kondrat’s jacket is a little short.
(P) - The weather in our courtyard has become wet.
(S, n) - Senya carries hay in the canopy, Senya will sleep on the hay.
(T) - Standing, standing at the gate, the Bull is blunt-lipped and wide-short.
(Sh, k, v, r) - The cook cooked the porridge, boiled it, and undercooked it.
(Sh) - Six little mice rustle in the reeds.
(Ш,р) - The balls of the ball bearing move around the bearing.
(Sh, m) - Jasper in suede is suede.
(H) - The custom is bovine, the mind of a calf.
(F, h, n) - Feofan Mitrofanych has three sons Feofanych.
(P, p) - Perpendiculars are drawn without protractors.
(K, r, g) - The crab made a rake for the crab, gave the rake to the crab - rake the gravel with the rake, crab.
(Sh, h) - The puppies’ cheeks were cleaned with brushes.
(Sh, t) - Wolves are prowling - looking for food.
Small folklore genres with early childhood enter a person's life. Lullabies, nursery rhymes, and nursery rhymes arouse interest in infancy, but tongue twisters attract attention throughout life.
After all, a tongue twister is interesting phrase with a selection of sounds that are difficult to pronounce, which is pronounced quickly and clearly.

There are a huge number of different tongue twisters. They can be divided into simple and complex. Simple ones are designed to improve the pronunciation of only one sound. It is much more difficult to learn to pronounce a combination of difficult phonemes or to distinguish sounds that are close in meaning. This is where complex tongue twisters come to the rescue. They are also divided into short, consisting of one word, and long, consisting of several words, plotless and with storyline, written in prose form or in verse. There is often a division by age category - children and adults.

The importance of tongue twisters is difficult to overestimate. They help develop good diction, improve memory, expand lexicon, develop auditory attention. You can start learning tongue twisters when the child has just learned to speak. At first he will listen, but over time he will want to repeat. You need to choose funny poems with an entertaining plot in order to interest the baby. Such rhyming tongue twisters will be interesting for preschool and younger children school age. Although they must be pronounced quickly, they teach the baby to pronounce phrases more slowly, without “swallowing” the endings in order to be understood.

Tongue twisters are also fun. After all, in order to pronounce it correctly, you need to repeat it several times, sometimes making mistakes. It's good to laugh together at words that don't work out. But there is another meaning hidden here. The child learns to perceive small failures in the form of clumsy words. He sees that elders make similar mistakes. Such collaboration will teach children not to perceive mistakes in the future so painfully.
Necessary and the right approach to learning tongue twisters. First you need to understand that for a child this should be a game. The choice should be made on interesting and useful poems. For little ones you need to choose easy and simple ones, and for older ones - more complicated ones. First, you need to read the tongue twister slowly or tell it, clearly pronouncing all the sounds. Then learn it by heart, speak it silently, then in a whisper. Only after this should you slowly tell it out loud. And every next time, speed up the pace. After some time, the child will easily pronounce tricky sentences.

Hello everyone who has visited my blog! Beautiful, clear speech is relevant at any age and adds attractiveness and charisma to its lucky owner. Well, you already know that. Therefore, today I will publish the coolest tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction in adults, and you promise me to practice them regularly! I assure you, the result will be very impressive after 3-4 weeks of constant training.

Diction is how clearly we pronounce sounds according to the phonetic norms of the language. For those whose work is closely related to understandable expressive diction, you can’t do without regular training. If you don’t feel like a great speaker, and you realize that you sometimes have porridge in your mouth, or those around you periodically clarify what you said, there is something for you good news. All sounds and their pronunciation can be trained to a decent level even as an adult! You just have to actively address this issue.

And the path to beautiful speech should begin with training the muscles of the tongue, cheeks and lips, and with articulatory gymnastics.

Tongue twisters - accessible, but very good method speech training. For successful work With them, you should first choose those that will suit you. And in the literal sense of the word! First, carefully reread them to yourself, then in a whisper or voice. Then begin to pronounce each syllable loudly and expressively.

But this is not enough. When the tongue twister becomes easy and understandable, speed up the pace of its pronunciation, while maintaining the accuracy of all sounds. Applause, you did it!

Let's move on to the highest level, and take complex long variations and start training from the beginning. We record ourselves on a voice recorder and train weak spots. As a result, when you can speak intricate tongue twisters beautifully, clearly and reasonably quickly without hesitation, bravo! You did it!

Don't stop there and train your skills regularly, otherwise you will quickly lose them.

It is recommended to devote at least 10-15 minutes a day to such activities, preferably in the morning and evening. You can make tasks more difficult by doing sports during them, for example, squatting, jumping, bending, or running. Focus on your health, not everyone can do this.

It is important that you do not force your muscles and repeat phrases until they become slightly tired. You don’t need to immediately take on a lot of phrases and train hard until your mouth hurts. This will only make things worse. Start small, and do a little warm-up in the form of simple syllables - Ma, mo, mu, we. Ka, ko, ku, ky. Ay, ay, etc.

By the way, tongue twisters can be borrowed from foreign language which you are studying. This way you will improve your phonetics, develop your speech, and improve your memory.

And also known to many acting method working with them - when with walnuts(washed) words are pronounced in the mouth so that each of them remains understandable. Don't forget the pace. A fun speech attraction is guaranteed.

And yet, if you work, for example, in a weaving factory, and your work results are related to the skill of your hands, not your tongue, then such training will still be very useful. After all, even in Everyday life It’s more pleasant to communicate with a person who has no sound defects. And besides, by pronouncing complex phrases, you improve the work and speed of your thought processes.

Short tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction for adults

And so, you remember that we begin to train diction and expressiveness of speech with simple short tongue twisters. They can even consist of 3-6 words, but do not neglect them.

My daughter is growing like a sprout.
Popcorn bag.
The wasp does not have whiskers, not whiskers, but antennae.
Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their hallway.
Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.
The sorcerer was doing magic in the stable with the sorcerers.
The weather in our courtyard has become wet.
The net caught on a twig.
The waxwing whistles with a flute.
Osip is hoarse, Arkhip is hoarse.
The Ligurian traffic controller was regulating in Liguria.
Seven of us sat in the sleigh ourselves.
Two rivers: Vazuza with Gzhat, Vazuza with Gzhat.
Sixteen mice walked and six found pennies, and the mice, which are worse, noisily fumble for pennies.

Watermelons were being reloaded from truck to truck. During a thunderstorm, the body fell apart in the mud from a load of watermelons.
He doesn’t want to mow with a scythe, he says, scythe is a scythe.
Pavel swaddled Pavlushka, swaddled and unswaddled.
We ate, ate ruffs from the spruce tree. They were barely finished at the spruce.
Is this colonialism? - No, this is not colonialism, but neocolonialism.
Coconut cookers boil coconut juice in coconut cookers.
The workers privatized the enterprise, privatized it, but did not privatize it.
A quarter of a quadruple of peas, without a wormhole.
The Christmas tree has pins and needles.
Cuckoo bought a hood. Put on the cuckoo's hood. How funny he is in the hood.
A black grouse was sitting on a tree, and a black grouse with its young grouse was sitting on a branch.
The crested little girls laughed with laughter.
The bombardier bombarded the young ladies with bonbonnieres.
Please, get some cobras.
Siskins, tap dancers, goldfinches and swifts are chirping in the grove.
Rake - to row, broom - to sweep, oars - to carry, runners - to crawl.
Good beavers go into the forests.
Leather reins. They fit into the clamp.
Have fun, Savely, stir the hay.
I strive to be equal to everyone.

Grandfather Dodon played the trumpet, Grandfather hit Dimka with the trumpet.
From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.
Egorka was picking mushrooms in a copse near a hillock.
The quail hid the quails from the boys.
The fox runs along the pole and the fox licks the sand.
Evsey, Evsey, sift the flour, And if you sift the flour, bake some rolls in the oven, and the swords are hot on the table.
Lena was looking for a pin, and the pin fell under the bench.
Klim pounded one damn thing with a wedge.
Mom washed Mila with soap.
The cook cooked the porridge, overcooked it, and undercooked it.
The heron wasted away, the heron was withered, the heron was dead.
Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.
In the pond at Polycarp there are three crucian carps and three carp.
Prokop came, dill was boiling, Prokop left, dill was boiling; Just as under Prokop the dill was boiling, so without Prokop the dill was boiling.
Brit Klim is brother, Brit Gleb is brother, brother Ignat is bearded.
Sasha sewed a hat for Sasha.
Karl stole Klara's advertising, and Klara stole Karl's budget.
Horses trampled into the field.

The water truck was carrying water from the water supply system.
The weather in our courtyard has become wet
Varvara was finishing the jam, grumbling and saying.
Beavers wander into the cheese forests. Beavers are brave, but they are kind to beavers.
Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge jump, Senka off his feet, Sanka in the forehead, Sonya in the side, all into a snowdrift.
Vavila was getting wet on the sail.
Terenty spoke about auctions and about purchases, and Terentykha spoke about cereals and about reinforcements.
The crow missed the little crow.
There is a haystack with a small quail, and under the hay is a quail with a small quail.
Our purchase includes cereals and cereals.
The falcon sat on the naked trunk.
The tables are white oak, smoothly planed.
From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.
One firewood, two firewood, three firewood.

The thunderstorm is threatening, the thunderstorm is threatening.
Our Polkan fell into a trap.
The pharaoh's favorite was replaced by sapphire and jade.
Under the fence, in the shadow. An ax in a stump - zen.
Senya carries hay in the canopy, Senya will sleep in the hay.
There is no point in interpreting it, but there is no point in interpreting it.
The cap is sewn, the cap is knitted, but not in the Kolpakov style. The bell is poured, the bell is forged, but not in the bell style. It is necessary to re-cap and re-cap. The bell needs to be re-belled and re-belled.
A weaver weaves fabric on Tanya's dress.
Standing, standing at the gate, is a bull with blunt lips and wide short length.
The baker baked pies in the oven.
Prokop came - dill was boiling, Prokop left - dill was boiling. And with Prokop the dill boils, And without Prokop the dill boils.
Lumberjacks cut down oak trees.

Pankrat Kondratov forgot his jack, and Pankrat couldn’t lift the tractor on the road without a jack. And a tractor jack is waiting on the road.
One day, while scaring a jackdaw, he saw a parrot in the bushes, and the parrot said: you should scare the jackdaws, pop, scare them, but don’t you dare scare the jackdaws, pops, in the bushes, don’t you dare scare the parrot.

Cool tongue twisters

There are many humorous funny tongue twisters for adults. Now I’ll write you some to make speech development more fun.

The macaque dipped the koala in cocoa, the koala lazily lapped up the cocoa.
I'm a vertical climber. I can upright stump, I can invert stump.
The colonel spoke to the lieutenant colonel, the ensign to the sub-ensign, the lieutenant to the second lieutenant, but forgot about the sub-lieutenant.
The thought of the meaning of meaninglessness is meaningless, because the meaning of meaninglessness is its meaninglessness, and the comprehension of meaninglessness makes meaninglessness meaningless.

Dybra is an animal in the wilds of the tundra,
Like the beaver and the otter, the enemy of the cobra and the powder.
He vigorously rips the cedar kernels and crushes the goodness in the depths.

Widely arched lilac eye-dumper with a reversible undercut on a refrigerator covered with roofing felt.

While getting used to work, the worker gains experience,
Earning income comes from working, and extra income comes from overworking.

As you know, beavers are kind. Beavers are full of kindness. If you want good things for yourself, you need to call the beaver. If you are kind without a beaver, then you yourself are a beaver at heart.

Feofan Mitrofanch has three sons Feofanych.
There’s a hill with sacks in the field, I’ll go out onto the hill, you’ll straighten the sack, you’ll take the sack. I'll fix it anyway.
Carmen Roman put Romain Rolland's novel in his pocket and went to see "Carmen" at "Romain".
I am a fertile person, I can be fertile and fertile.

Those who lead round dances are round dancers.
Those who study the creativity of choir dancers are choir dancers.
Those who like to read choir dance teachers are choir dance lovers.
Those who hate horovodovodovedophiles are horovododovedophilophobes.
Those who eat round dances of Vedophilophobes are round dances of Vedophilophobophages.
Those who are fighting against the round dances of Vedophilophobophages are anti-choir dances of Vedophilophobophages.
Those who pretend to be anti-choir dances of Vedophilophobophages are quasi-anti-choir dances of Vedophilophobophages!

The merchandisers lied - the sampling of samovars was disrupted.
He who does not work does not eat what he who works eats.
Lilac teeth picker.
Our head has out-headed your head, out-headed.

The dwarf doctor Karl stole corals from the dwarf Clara.
And the dwarf thief Clara stole a clarinet from the dwarf doctor Karl.
If the dwarf doctor Karl had not stolen corals from the dwarf Clara,
then the dwarf Klara would not steal the clarinet from the dwarf doctor Karl.

Fluorographer fluorographed fluorographers
Creative is not creative, it needs to be re-creative.

There lived three Japanese: Yak, Yak Tsidrak, Yak Tsidrak Tsidrak Tsindroniy. There lived three Japanese women: Tsypi, Tsypi Drippy, Tsypi Drippy Limpomponii. Yak got married to Tsypi, Yak Tsidrak to Tsypi Drippy, Yak Tsidrak Tsidrak Tsindroniy to Tsypa Dripa Limpomponius. And they had children: Yak and Tsypi Shah, Yak Tsidrak and Tsypi Dripi Shakhmat, Yak Tsidrak Tsidrak Tsindroniy and Tsypi Dripi Limpomponii Shah Chess Chess Shakhmony.

The Staffordshire Terrier is zealous, and the black-haired Giant Schnauzer is playful.
In Kabardino-Balkaria, valocordin from Bulgaria.
Their pesticides will not match yours in terms of pesticide effectiveness.
The sample of cleaners driving Rolls-Royces is unrepresentative.

Advertising for grips has seams with coverage, but potholders without coverage have been snatched up.
The tongue twister spoke quickly, quickly said that he would out-speak all the tongue twisters, but, having quickly spoken, quickly said that you can’t out-speak all the tongue-twisters, you can’t out-speak quickly.

A lilac, unpromising guy with an undercut.
Toly Tolya is Kolya's sidekick, Tolya's sidekick is Kolya. If Kolya is Tolya’s sidekick, then Tolya is Kolya’s sidekick.

Complex long tongue twisters

For the guru oratory and speech perfectionists, I saved the most interesting for dessert. For you the biggest and most complex tongue twisters. Take a breath and go!

A cone drying factory requires a cone dryer to work on a cone drying machine. The cone dryer must have experience in drying cones on a cone drying machine using cone drying technology for high-quality cone drying. He must also distinguish the cone drying machine from the non-cone drying machine, repair the cone drying machine, distinguish cones suitable for cone drying from those unsuitable for cone drying, distinguish under-dried cones from over-dried cones, for each under-dried or over-dried cone, the cone dryer will receive a hit on the head with the cone dryer.

Cone drying technology: After the cone collection, all the collected cones suitable for cone drying are sent to the cone drying factory on a cone transporter. The cone carrier, using a cone dumper, dumps the cones into the cone sorting department. Cone sorters using a cone sorting machine sort pine cones suitable for cone drying from those unsuitable for cone drying. Cones suitable for cone drying are sent to the cone grinding department.

In the cone grinding department, cone grinders use cone grinders to grind cones from non-cone-drying cone shoots. Cones that have undergone cone grinding go to the cone crushing department. Cone crushers at cone crushers crush the cones to a cone crushing state, throwing the non-cone crushing cones into a cone dump, where the cone crushers burn the non-cone crushing cones in a cone furnace. Cone crushed cones are dried in cone dryers.

Well, your tongue hasn't fallen off yet? This tongue twister is still out of reach for me, aerobatics. I'll get to her later.

Well, if you have mastered such a “brutal” level, I will delight you with another huge monster. Meet one of the longest tongue twisters, which combines many short ones.

On Thursday, the fourth, at four and a quarter o'clock; the Ligurian traffic controller regulated in Liguria; but thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but never tacked; then he recorded the protocol about the protocol; as an interviewer, a Ligurian traffic policeman being interviewed; eloquently, but did not report cleanly, but did not report it, he completed his report, but reported it like that; about the wet weather; that, so that the incident does not become a candidate for judicial precedent; a Ligurian traffic controller acclimatized to unconstitutional Constantinople; where the tufted little girls laughed with laughter; and they shouted to the Turk, who was smoked with a pipe: don’t smoke, Turk, pipe, better buy a pile of spades, better buy a pile of spades; otherwise a bombardier from Brandenburg will come and bombard you with bombs; because someone with a black snout dug up half his yard with his snout, dug up and dug up; but in reality the Turk was not in action; and Clara the King was sneaking to the chest at that time, while Karl was stealing corals from Clara, for which Clara stole the clarinet from Karl; and then in the yard of Degotnikova’s widow Varvara, these two thieves were stealing firewood;

but sin is not laughter - not putting it in a nut; about Clara and Karl in the darkness, all the crayfish were noisy in a fight; so the thieves had no time for the bombardier, but also no time for Degotnikov’s widow, and no time for Degotnikov’s children; But the angry widow put the firewood in the barn: once firewood, two firewood, three firewood - all the firewood did not fit; and two woodcutters, two woodcutters, for the emotional Varvara, expelled the firewood across the width of the yard back to the wood yard; where the heron wasted away, the heron withered, the heron died; the heron's chick clung tenaciously to the chain; a good fellow against the sheep, and a good fellow against the sheep himself; which Senya carries hay in a sleigh; then Senka takes Sonya and Sanka on a sled: the sled - galloping, Senka - sideways, Sonya - head on, everything - into a snowdrift; and Sashka only knocked off some bumps with his hat; then Sasha went along the highway, Sasha found the sachet on the highway; Sonya, Sashka’s friend, was walking along the highway and sucking a dryer, and besides, Sonya the turntable also had three cheesecakes in her mouth - exactly like a honey cake, but she had no time for a honey cake - Sonya had cheesecakes in her mouth;

the sexton will over-spont, - over-spont; buzzes like a ground beetle, buzzes and spins; was at Frol's - Frol lied to Lavra, he will go to Lavra to Frol and tell lies to Lavra; that - a sergeant with a sergeant, a captain with a captain, that a snake has a snake, a hedgehogs; and it would be nice to go to Prokhor’s funeral: but his high-ranking guest took away his cane; and soon again five guys ate five honey mushrooms; with half a quarter of a quadrangle of lentils without a wormhole; and one thousand six hundred and sixty-six pies with cottage cheese made from curdled milk whey; - about everything about this, near the bell the bells with the Coca-Cola emblem were ringing; so much so that even Konstantin is the Salzburg “Unpromising Man!” stated from under an armored personnel carrier; and the story about how Stas brought the iconostasis and Nastasya had ecstasy; how all the bells cannot be re-belled, not re-belled; so you can’t talk too quickly about all the tongue twisters, you can’t talk too quickly; but trying is not torture.

I think you are puzzled by the volume of tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction that you have become familiar with. Reread again how best to work with them, and choose the most interesting and suitable ones for yourself, start with short ones, and you can take funny ones for mood. Have a beautiful speech to you, friends! I also went to study.

Until next time, Anastasia Smolinets