ABC of funny tongue twisters. Otters knit leggings in the tundra... Otters dig in the depths of the tundra

This brain drain (one of the most complex tongue twisters Russian language) gave rise to many variations and humor. Get acquainted with some opuses obtained from the Internet.

Bydra - a mixture of beaver and otter -
cheerfully pokes cedar kernels
in the depths of the tundra in buckets,

Having torn the leggings off an otter in the tundra,
the otter will wipe the cedar kernels,
I'll wipe the otter's face with my leggings -
otter into the tundra, cannonballs into buckets.

The beaver wiped the otter's thighs,
I tore out the buckets and picked out the kernels.
The otters gave Gretchen's leg warmers.
It’s a sin for Gretchen to steal her leggings!

In the tundra, otters are echoed by urks.
They're digging bushings in the tundra.
The bushings will be sold to the Turks.
The Turks will insert bushings into jackets.
The collar of the jacket is the face of an otter.
The otter is fashionable in the depths of the tundra!

In the wilds of the proud cedar crown
Cheerfully tibrite core otter.
Peeling the kernels from the cedar,
The otter compacts them into buckets.
Buckets of cedar kernels in the tundra
Sold to good blacks.
These shots in the depths of the tundra
They play loudly on the dombra.
And a bucket of crushed kernels
black bards are happy about the cedar.

Undermining the roots with a drill,
A beaver wanders in the wilds of cedars,
Having made holes in the otter's buckets,
Predetermined hail of cannonballs.
Buckets in holes, otter tibrits,
And tamping the cedar kernels
Tears the edges of buckets.
The kernels are a fraction to the cedar roots.

The otter is a fool. Sly beaver
Devouring buckets of kernels,
Fertilizes cedar roots.

Otters knit leggings in the tundra,
In the cedars the kernels ripen perishably,
How the otter's leggings are tied,
They will definitely steal the cannonballs!
Karl stole Clara's corals so that the otters wouldn't get it.
Otters poke at everything they see: buckets, cannonballs, spats, cedars...
Otters would even steal the tundra if it fit in the buckets.
Karl and the corals were taken aback, even Clara shed a tear!
What is there tundra! Otters even tried to stop a zebra,
for the zebra to carry stolen cannonballs into the tundra in buckets!
A zebra in the tundra is something!
Otters - fatigue is alien to them.
They wanted to take a hippopotamus,
But it's a little heavy.
And here is Greka, across the river! He put his hands in the buckets...
He sees the Greek - in otter buckets! And besides, he’s wearing spats!
The otters were not at a loss here:
They stole a boat from the Greeks.
They threw cedars into the boat
And they laughed at Greka.
But the Greeks stayed
The cannonballs that the otters forgot
Hiding them away, in leggings.
The Greek put the cannonballs into buckets,
I pulled the leg warmers onto my legs
And he went to meet Clara,
with the one who stole the corals.

This brainwashing (one of the most complex tongue twisters in the Russian language) has given rise to many variations and humor. Get acquainted with some opuses obtained from the Internet.

In the depths of the tundra, otters in spats
they poke cedar kernels into buckets.
Having torn out an otter in the tundra with a cedar,
I will wipe away the cedar core with my spats,
stealing cedars and otters in the tundra,
cedars into gaiters, kernels into buckets!

Bydra - a mixture of beaver and otter -
cheerfully pokes cedar kernels
in the depths of the tundra in buckets,
Having torn the leggings off an otter in the tundra,
the otter will wipe the cedar kernels,
I'll wipe the otter's face with my leggings -
otter into the tundra, cannonballs into buckets.

The kernels are vigorously rubbed into powder,
wash their faces with a liter of cider.

The beaver wiped the otter's thighs,
I tore out the buckets and picked out the kernels.
The otters gave Gretchen's leg warmers.
It’s a sin for Gretchen to steal her leggings!

In the tundra, otters are echoed by urks.
They're digging bushings in the tundra.
The bushings will be sold to the Turks.
The Turks will insert bushings into jackets.
The collar of the jacket is the face of an otter.
The otter is fashionable in the depths of the tundra!

In the wilds of the proud cedar crown
Cheerfully tibrite core otter.
Peeling the kernels from the cedar,
The otter compacts them into buckets.
Buckets of cedar kernels in the tundra
Sold to good blacks.
These shots in the depths of the tundra
They play loudly on the dombra.
And a bucket of crushed kernels
black bards are happy about the cedar.

Undermining the roots with a drill,
A beaver wanders in the wilds of cedars,
Having made holes in the otter's buckets,
Predetermined hail of cannonballs.
Buckets in holes, otter tibrits,
And tamping the cedar kernels
Tears the edges of buckets.
The kernels are a fraction to the cedar roots.

The otter is a fool. Sly beaver
Devouring buckets of kernels,
Fertilizes cedar roots.

Otters knit leggings in the tundra,
In the cedars the kernels ripen perishably,
How the otter's leggings are tied,
They will definitely steal the cannonballs!

Karl stole Clara's corals so that the otters wouldn't get it.
Otters poke at everything they see: buckets, cannonballs, spats, cedars...
Otters would even steal the tundra if it fit in the buckets.
Karl and the corals were taken aback, even Clara shed a tear!
What is there tundra! Otters even tried to stop a zebra,
for the zebra to carry stolen cannonballs into the tundra in buckets!

A zebra in the tundra is something!
Otters - fatigue is alien to them.
They wanted to take a hippopotamus,
But it's a little heavy.

And here is Greka, across the river! He put his hands in the buckets...
He sees the Greek - in otter buckets! And besides, he’s wearing spats!

The otters were not at a loss here:
They stole a boat from the Greeks.
They threw cedars into the boat
And they laughed at Greka.
But the Greeks stayed
The cannonballs that the otters forgot
Hiding them away, in leggings.
The Greek put the cannonballs into buckets,
I pulled the leg warmers onto my legs
And he went to meet Clara,
with the one who stole the corals.

Well, these are the stories about otters, beavers and other dubious characters who are engaged in illegal procurement of valuable pine nuts. True, for some reason in the tundra...))

If you memorize any of these tongue-twister rhymes and can read them all at a party to your friends, then success is certainly guaranteed to you!

The otter is a fairly large animal. Its body length reaches 1 m and weight 14 kg. Otters live everywhere. The exceptions are Australia and Antarctica. This is a semi-aquatic animal. It can live in water.

The otter has a rounded head, a short, slightly pronounced neck, an oval flattened body, a wide powerful tail and webbed paws. The otter is good at diving. When immersed in water, the otter's ears and nostrils close tightly due to the contraction of special muscles. These animals are awake both day and night. These predators hunt fish, frogs and some terrestrial animals; they eat berries and roots of herbs and shrubs. An otter can catch a young muskrat, beaver cubs.

If the otter is not hunting, it is resting or frolicking. Otters often gather in groups to hunt or fish together. They drive a school of fish into a narrow strait, where they are easiest to catch. If the fish is small, the otter eats it right in the water. At this time, she swims on her back. If the fish is large in size, then the animal takes the prey ashore. Otters are very good at distributing food resources. That's why they play and frolic most of the time. And they don’t scour in search of food, like other animals.

The otter is a non-aggressive animal. But, if she has no other choice, she can be aggressive, vicious and will fight her enemies fiercely. During the mating season, male otters may fight among themselves for a female. This carnivorous mammal listed in the Red Book. Because of valuable fur The otter was hunted without observing any restrictions, which led to a significant decrease in the number of otters.

Tongue twisters about otters

“In the depths of the tundra, otters in gaiters poke cedar kernels into buckets. Having ripped out gaiters from an otter in the tundra, wipe the cedar kernels with the otter, wipe the otter’s face with the gaiters - the kernels into the buckets, the otter into the tundra.”

In the wilds of the proud cedar crown
Cheerfully tibrite core otter.
Peeling the kernels from the cedar,
The otter compacts them into buckets.

Buckets of cedar kernels in the tundra
Sold to good blacks.
These shots in the depths of the tundra
They play loudly on the dombra.

And a bucket of crushed kernels
black bards are happy about the cedar.
Undermining the roots with a drill,
A beaver wanders in the wilds of cedars,

Having made holes in the otter's buckets,
Predetermined hail of cannonballs.
Buckets in holes, otter tibrits,
And tamping the cedar kernels
Tears the edges of buckets.

The kernels are a fraction to the cedar roots.
The otter is a fool. Sly beaver
Devouring buckets of kernels,
Fertilizes cedar roots.

Otter photos and pictures

An astronomer, a lawyer and one climber,
Architect, pharmacist and even artist.
Once we sat on the carousel.
We couldn’t resist and flew down:
Pharmacist, artist, acrobat, astronomer.
Which of them were you not familiar with yet?
Bull, bull, white side,
He ran with a bun into the meadow.
The wolf waltzed with the she-wolf:
"It's not good for us to wolf."
Dove in a blue boa
I ate blueberries on a branch.
Danya made the house in the village
“When I grow up, I’ll start living in it.”
Barely spruce Egor
He dragged me into his yard.
Hedgehog yellow russula
Happy as a squirrel to nuts.
Toad, crane and yellow bug
We went to the meadow to visit the hedgehog,
To be sewn in place by a seamstress
Letter Ш and the forest became quiet.
Zil green made dad angry,
Started up badly.
Look, you are Irtysh,
And smoothness and silence.
Yogis flew to Yoshkarla
We ate yogurt along the way.
Kyrgyz brought kumis to China.
The Chinese like kumiss.
Lera with Laura and Larisa
Surprises for mom:
They cut, cook, work,
That's how smart they are.
Little soap was lathered,
And all the water poured out.
The oriole carries threads -
He'll sew a sundress for himself.
Sharp horns
The goat has Earrings
And Seryozhka said:
"I'm a little scared."
Dust, steam, stomping, scrap.
A beaver and a female beaver are building a house.
The ruffel grew in the river,
Grew, grew, became a ruff,
But he didn't grow up.
Gray bunny, hide your teeth:
It's not cabbage, it's a ball.
The black grouse on the current pushed the black grouse,
That grouse grouse, and
This grouse is a grouse.
Fishing with a fishing rod
Our Yurochka is smart.
Fedya is afraid of the owl -
The owl may get angry.
Cunning ferret, quick ferret,
He grabbed the bread and ran away.
Circus performer to circus performer Zinochka
He gave me a scarf.
A quarter of an hour
Sang ditties on the ivy tree,
Black cat, big weirdo,
I climbed into the attic to listen.
Sushi your fur coat Sasha,
It's her flank coat, not ours.
The pike has brushes behind its cheek.
The pike has brushes behind its cheek.
The pike squints its eyes,
Don't squint.
Mice-rodents. Cheese is chewed.
Did you finish it? They are gnawing.
Ate two Eli
Eclairs in bed.
Mom washed
El barely.
Duck - young
Huddles in a tent.
Don't huddle there duck -
Living in a tent is scary.
Yasha and Pasha ate porridge,
Sasha and Tasha make yogurt,
And Mishutka is a herring under a fur coat.


  • Tongue twisters for tongue speaking,
    for training and teaching.

    The children stomped: “Top-top”,
    who will trample whom:
    Potap or Prokop?

    The cook gave the cook a ladle:
    -Cook the porridge without pretending.

    cooked decoctions,
    not poison.

    The spinner was spinning yarn on a spinning wheel,
    I spun all the yarn on the spinning wheel in 24 hours.

    The ambassador has gone
    drink pickle.

    Forty forty turned over
    forty haystacks.

    The jumper quickly jumped on the jump rope.

    forty varieties of cheese.

    Through the dew, slanting
    the mowers mowed,
    Yes, not everything was mowed down,
    there wasn't enough strength.

    Matryona has two crows
    stole the pasta.


    Telephone operator
    telephone message.

    Account clerk
    is counting.

    Brought by Margarita
    kilogram of margarine,
    a jar of raspberries,
    yes two tangerines.

    A muskrat walks a muskrat.

    Elena Telushkina, 03/18/2016

  • Masha has a midge in her porridge,
    What should our Masha do?
    I put the porridge in a bowl,
    And she fed the cat.
    Elena, 09.11.2015
  • The correct version about otters and cedar kernels:

    In the depths of the tundra, otters in gaiters poke cedar kernels into buckets.
    Having ripped out an otter in the tundra with a cedar, I wiped the cedar kernels with a gaiter, I stole the cedars of the otter in the tundra, the cedars into gaiters, the kernels into buckets!

    Vladimir, 07/03/2015

  • Improved it a bit:
    (In the depths of the tundra, otters in gaiters poke cedar kernels into buckets)
    The kernels are vigorously rubbed into powder, and their faces are washed with a liter of cider.

    NfO, 11/29/2014

  • In the depths of the tundra, otters in gaiters poke cedar kernels into buckets! The bidra - a mixture of a beaver and an otter - cheerfully digs for cedar kernels in the depths of the tundra in buckets, bastard! Having torn out the gaiters from an otter in the tundra, wipe the cedar kernels with the otter, wipe the otter's face with the gaiters - the otter into the tundra, the kernels into the buckets. Peter the beaver wiped the otter's thighs, tore out the buckets, and picked out the kernels. The otters gave Gretchen's leg warmers. It’s a sin for Gretchen to steal her leggings! In the tundra, otters are echoed by urks. They're digging bushings in the tundra. The bushings will be sold to the Turks. The Turks will insert bushings into jackets. The collar of the jacket is the face of an otter. The otter is fashionable in the depths of the tundra!
    Alexander, 06/19/2013
  • Sasha was eating porridge.
    Sasha ate the porridge.
    Sasha, eat slowly,
    Our porridge is good.
    Dmitriev Vitaly, 06/09/2013
  • What about the famous one:
    Greek rode across the river,
    See the Greek - there is cancer in the river,
    The Greek put his hand in the river -
    Cancer for the hand of the Greek - DAC!
    Natalya, 05/30/2013
  • The pig is stupid, the whole yard
    rummaged through. I dug half a snout, but didn’t get to the hole
    Dasha, 10/19/2012
  • Continuation to “The Three Chinese”:

    They had children:
    Yak and Chicken Shah,
    Yaktsidrak and Tsypa-Drypa - Shah-Sharah,
    Yaktsidrak Tsidrik Tsidroni Tsypa-Drypa Drypa Pony - Shah-Sharah Sharykh Sharoni!
    Svetlana, 05/26/2012

  • The hippopotamus bought new boots for the hippopotamuses, and the hippos are jumping through the swamp in the new boots, tearing their tummies.
    BORMINTAL, 04/01/2012
  • The ships maneuvered and maneuvered but did not catch, because they did not believe in the possibility of catching. Here are the people of little faith: if they believed, they would catch it.
    Rida, 03/18/2012
  • The beetle is buzzing, the beetle is buzzing
    The beetle is guarding the beetle
    Irina, 02/11/2012
  • the parrot says to the parrot,
    I'll parrot you, I'll parrot you,
    the parrot answers him,
    parrot parrot parrot.
    Tanya, 01/02/2012
  • My yacht is light and obedient,
    I will plow the seas on it.
    Anechka, 12/17/2011
  • Oh, at the spruce tree
    Oh, by the Christmas tree,
    Oh, at the spruce tree
    angry Wolfs!
    (read quickly)
    Nastena, 09.09.2011
  • detective detective detects everyone's motive
    Denis$lam, 09/04/2011
  • In the depths of the tundra, otters in gaiters are digging for cedar kernels in buckets!
    Having torn out the leggings of an otter in the tundra, I wiped the cedar kernels with the otter,
    I wipe the otter's face with my leggings - the cannonballs into the buckets, the otter into the tundra!
  • There lived three Chinese:
    yak yaktsindrak yak tsindrak tsindrak akoni.
    There lived three Chinese women:
    tsip tsip drip tsip drip limpamponi.
    how they got married:
    yak on tiptoe yak cyndrak on tiptoe
    yak tsindrak tsindrak akoni tsipa drypa ​​limpamponi.
    Vanya, 05/28/2011