The best sign for an Aries man. Your ideal match according to your zodiac sign

Aries-Aries. This is the case when passion blazes with a hot flame, because both have a lot of temperament. When two such explosive ha...


Taurus is a lover of leisurely tasting the pleasures of life and solemnly bringing their sensuality to the feast of love. Aries does not see the point in rituals. When he's in the mood to make love, he can't wait to get down to business. But what can Aries do if Taurus is not ready to share his passion? He either bites the bit or is forced to adapt to the pace of Taurus. Judge for yourself: is such an alliance durable?


About this couple we can say that this is a meeting of two school friends who value the diversity and excitement of life above all else. However, we want to warn you, indomitable Aries! Aries is a breed of people who, if they really love, then give themselves to love without a trace. However, the flighty Gemini is not a suitable candidate if you expect that the marriage obligations undertaken will be as sacred for him as they are for you. He is by nature inclined to pick the flowers of life wherever possible, and it is possible that Aries will only be a hindrance for him.


It cannot be said that the romantic that Cancer is is a suitable match for Aries with his ebullient, sparkling temperament. In fact, how to reconcile these two such opposite personalities: one is frantic and passionate, who prefers pressure in bed, the other is a somewhat old-fashioned conservative and romantic who is disgusted by the aggressiveness of Aries?


Without exaggeration, it will be an unforgettable sight! It won't seem enough! Once they get together, this couple will create a real fireworks display, and the emotional intensity will reach its highest level. It seems that before these two ultra-radicals, humanity did not know what carnal love was. However, the union of these two hearts will not be smooth, because neither one nor the other is accustomed to yielding the palm to anyone. Using theatrical phraseology, these are two “premiers”. If one does not curb their ardor, they can burn in the fire of passion.


If Aries suddenly feels that he lacks an intellectual nearby, he can safely choose Virgo. Virgo, in turn, will have no arguments to resist the erotic feast offered to her, and she will easily allow herself to be seduced. However, some smart conversations Aries is not enough. This is a nature in which, in an irrepressible thirst for activity, feeling often overshadows reason, and this will sooner or later begin to inspire suspicion in the sensible Virgo.


What effect do you think will have on a person who can be said to be elegance itself, who has courtship in her blood? It is clear that Aries will quickly mercilessly crush her exquisite wardrobe without the slightest regret. Before she knows it, the job will be done. Perhaps this is the source of the mutual attraction that exists between these types.


These are two fighters, each in their own way! This union promises more torment than joy. Equally proud and passionate, people born under these two signs would rather be competitors in everything than merge in reverent harmony. However, it is possible that by constantly tyrannizing each other in accordance with the classical laws of sadomasochism, both will be able to fully realize themselves.


Walking in the same harness, these two human types have a chance to live a fun and interesting life. These two were born to complement each other in everything - both in everyday life, and giving themselves to each other in hot passion, and peacefully resting after work in front of a friendly crackling fireplace in a cozy house in the mountains.


Aries appreciates Capricorn's ambition, which is understandable: after all, he wants to provide Aries with a luxurious life. However, if Capricorn gets hung up on thoughts about his career, Aries begins to feel abandoned. And even the rare tenacity of Capricorn cannot save you here.


This original couple outshines all the others: both witty and liberated, who never mind challenging anything and everything. This is fully true in relation to preferences in intimate life, and no wonder: for both there is no greater pleasure than to look for the least traditional places to make love. The bed serves them only for sleeping.


It’s even hard to imagine a greater contrast - the sensitive and mysterious Pisces and the open, life-loving Aries. But this is precisely what can become the foundation strong relationships, if tenderness and strength unite and try to find a path to harmony. Aries pulls Pisces out of the dream world where they live, and this happens no later than the veils of mystery fall under its unstoppable onslaught.

Jasmine Rachtlitz

Compatibility Horoscope: perfect sign zodiac sign for an Aries woman is the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

In the first half of life, it is easiest to meet the ideal among other signs of the fire element - Leo and Sagittarius. However, the marriage will be harmonious provided that Leo is especially busy creative work and will not claim leadership in the family. For Sagittarius, for Aries to be completely happy, it would be good to travel a lot (by type of activity, for example), in order to give his wife time to be a little bored alone, and then share with her vivid impressions. In the second half of life, Aries should look for an ideal match among Gemini or Aquarius. But there is one “but” here: the marriage will be exemplary only if your chosen one has already been married, and the divorce took place on his initiative!

Best Pair for Aries

Twins: They can be a very happy couple who feel the harmony of their relationship and appreciate each other. The marriage between them can be concluded quickly and within long years. However, the vulgarity and harshness of Aries can have a depressing effect on Gemini, and the frivolity of the latter upsets Aries, the Compatibility Horoscope: Aries Gemini warns about this. The life together of these signs promises to be rich and interesting.

Sagittarius: This couple is a very successful combination of zodiac signs. Sagittarius and Aries are similar in their love for luxurious life filled with exciting events. True, the relationship of this couple has an increased fire hazard: the fiery element of these signs is doubled. The Aries Sagittarius compatibility horoscope warns about this. The unspoken leadership in the couple will belong to Aries, whom Sagittarius will inspire to great deeds.

a lion: Selfishness and the desire for leadership can interfere with this couple, the Leo and Aries compatibility horoscope warns about this. If it is possible to come to an agreement that it is better not to argue about power, then this couple can become an extremely successful combination of zodiac signs. Aries inspires Leo and can discover new abilities in themselves. With a successful combination of circumstances, they can become a fruitful creative tandem, this is confirmed by the Aries Leo Compatibility Horoscope.

Worst Match for Aries

Virgo: Relationships of owners of these zodiac signs can quickly go into a stage cold war, the Compatibility Horoscope warns about this. Aries and Virgo have completely different temperaments: Aries's assertiveness frightens Virgo, who, in turn, seems to Aries to be an emotionless cracker. However, if Virgo comes to terms with the extravagance of Aries and stops finding fault with him, then the couple can turn out to be successful, as indicated by the Aries Virgo Compatibility Horoscope.

Capricorn: Aries and Capricorn are too different. The conservative Capricorn will be irritated by the excessive thirst for life and adventure of Aries, who in turn will be enraged by Capricorn's home-building. A quick romance promises to end in disappointment for this couple, warns the Aries Capricorn Compatibility Horoscope. However, if the relationship drags on, Aries will discover a lot of new things in Capricorn and they will complement each other extremely well.

Taurus: Taurus is fascinated by the sensuality of Aries, and he is fascinated by the eroticism of Taurus. Nevertheless, Taurus will invariably lag behind the constantly accelerating pace of life of Aries, which will irritate the latter. This is confirmed by the compatibility horoscope: Aries Taurus. Energetic Aries constantly strives for bright sensations and often causes jealousy in conservative Taurus. These outbursts of mistrust can spoil relationships - this is indicated by the compatibility horoscope. Aries and Taurus, however, can be a wonderful couple if they learn to appreciate each other's reliability.

Strained relations

Aries: This union is doomed to constant confrontation, in which not a single Aries agrees to even the slightest concessions. Compatibility Horoscope: Aries Aries confirms that the energy of one will definitely clash with the energy of the other. However, a pair of owners of these zodiac signs can coexist quite harmoniously if both of them are united by one goal or if one of them consciously submits and the second Aries dominates. The compatibility horoscope warns that given mutual stubbornness and nagging, this couple has little chance.

Scales: The relationship between Aries and Libra promises to be exemplary captivating: they both love entertainment and light flirting. Libra is irritated by Aries's passion for violence and noisy entertainment; the Aries Libra compatibility horoscope warns about this. Nevertheless, this couple has a bright future, Aries's optimism inspires Libra, and their sophistication enchants Aries. They complement each other well. Marriages usually last a long time.

Aries man with other Zodiac Signs

Who is suitable for an independent Aries woman?

Swift, omnipresent, believing in love and independent, the Aries woman is an irresistible and attractive person in her own way. Yes, not every man will be able to give a woman freedom, not stand in the way of independence and infringe on her interests. However, companions who want to test their compatibility with such a woman and pass the exam will receive a tender and ardent lover as a reward. After all, her seething energy and desire to be always and everywhere must necessarily find a way out.

So why not in bed? Of course, like any other sign included in the Zodiac, she also has negative character traits. But if you just put in the effort to create perfection, you can get it. Even from such a complex personality as Aries.

general characteristics To really understand this mysterious creature

, which is the Aries woman, you need to try hard. At first impression, she may seem overly cold-blooded, and will treat men with some disdain. But it's just a mask. After all, the changeable Aries is capable of playing roles perfectly. She can be charming and contradictory, show her temperament and take unpredictable actions. Such a rapid change of images can confuse her interlocutor, who is not able to follow her changes.

Her impulsiveness often manifests itself in communication. The Aries girl says what she thinks, without caring about the feelings of others. Watching her language and thinking before saying something is difficult for her. Such a broad-minded person does not like to be bored, and therefore constantly finds himself interesting activities . At the same time, she strives to enjoy physical activity

. Tennis, sailing, Pilates classes or snowboarding are quite in her style. This also includes sex, in which compatibility plays an important role for this ardent lover.

Of course, when you first meet her, she may seem like a flighty person, capable of changing partners like gloves. However, it is not. The adventurism and spontaneity that the Zodiac has awarded her push her to realize her immediate desires. But precisely the motto “Now means now!” attracts the opposite sex to such ladies.

Representatives of this sign also love and know how to spend money. That is, they will be able to quickly make a huge amount turn practically into zero. She sees nothing wrong with this seemingly reprehensible trait that the Zodiac awarded her. After all, money is simply created to be spent.

Among the beautiful Aries maidens, there are often optimists who are able to maintain such a view of the world until the end of their lives. And even in old age they will enjoy life the way children do.

Love and Aries

There are always a large number of men around this intriguing person. Each of them would like to know if compatibility with such an amazing woman is possible. But the peculiarity of Aries is that such ladies prefer to choose their gentlemen themselves. They are so confident in this right that they can even take the initiative and propose marriage first.

The Aries woman has a number of masculine qualities that do not make her less feminine. In appearance Such a lady always has charm. She has a very good figure, looks at the world with an open gaze and always looks young and attractive.

But under no circumstances remind her of her stale appearance or extreme fatigue. Not a single charming woman born under the sign of Aries can endure such sympathetic glances.

If you are aiming to create a strong and long-lasting relationship, remember that these women prefer romance. This companion also needs to feel loved and unique. What is important to her is the emotional compatibility of partners and the ability for both to experience the same feelings at the same time. She will always expect warmth and openness in your relationship. If she suspects the existence of secrets, she will do everything to find out. You should not hide anything from the beautiful Aries maiden, otherwise she will demonstrate to you her ability to make scandals.

Marriage for Aries

By her nature, the Aries woman strives to dominate not only in the professional sphere, but also in her personal (family) life. Her desire for independence and the ability to make decisions at her own discretion make her the “head of the family.” And it is useless to resist this “law”.

To be happy, such a woman should look for a spouse who can normally relate to her desire to be an independent person. IN family life She shouldn’t be stopped from taking the initiative. But it is very important to love and admire such a spouse, to look at her with adoration. Good compatibility In life, the wife of Aries will have a husband who will become equal to her. A weak-willed calf who can only meekly carry out the order given to him will not seduce this strong woman. She would rather prefer a lonely life than an alliance with someone who is not worthy of her.

According to the description, the Zodiac awarded this independent person with the ability to remain faithful to her chosen one. No more strong blow according to Aries, than the infidelity of the other half. And even if the relationship was almost ideal, and the compatibility, both physically and emotionally, was good, all this will collapse the moment the spouse finds out about the betrayal.

Sex and Aries

In sexual games, the Aries woman does not seek to curb her temperament. And why does she need it? After all, this way she won’t be able to get the very pleasure she strives for. In bed she will be an erotic, sexy and unbridled lover. Of course, first of all, she cares about her own pleasure, but she will not forget about the satisfaction of her partner.

The zodiac awarded this sign with this great love to sex, that Aries are ready to have it anywhere. Moreover, this can heighten sensations, emotions and give a real “sky in diamonds”.

Such lovers have good physical compatibility with temperamental and resilient partners who are able to pacify aggression and the desire to dominate. If for some reason this man does not suit Aries in bed, then she will easily change him to someone who can become an excellent partner for her.

In love games, she still prefers the leading role. That is, she chooses positions in which she can control the entire process herself: from the rhythm to the moment of achieving orgasm. Often among Aries women there are lovers of BDSM, and a leather suit with a whip and the role of “Mistress” are one of the sexual fantasies.

Negative traits

In order for life to become the embodiment of a cherished dream, and for a happier destiny, for many people it is enough to overcome negative traits in themselves or turn them so that they serve for the good.

The “native” planet Mars endowed the Aries sign with the following negative traits:

  • a tendency to start emotional scandals and ugly fights while drunk;
  • the ability to talk about yourself for hours;
  • boringness;
  • dislike of having to repay debts;
  • the ability to screw someone over at the slightest opportunity;
  • mental retardation;
  • antagonism;
  • confrontation;
  • mental inconsistency;
  • obstinacy;
  • waywardness;
  • self-will;
  • quarrelsomeness;
  • painful grumpiness;
  • selfishness;
  • vulgarity;
  • coarseness;
  • ruthlessness;
  • love of blood;
  • aggressiveness;
  • conflict.

Eligible Men

The two partners will have good compatibility Aries. After all, like will attract like and will create a great union. And even after disagreements in life, “sweet” reconciliation in bed will fix everything.

Romance between an Aries seductress and a man Leo will simply sparkle from the feelings present in it. They even have the opportunity to create an alliance based on deep feelings.

Zodiac awarded the man Sagittarius desire to diversify your life. And with this he will attract an Aries woman. They are unlikely to ever be bored, both in life and in bed.

Man Taurus and the Aries woman is a great match for a one-night stand. Although, such relationships can last longer if jealousy does not often arise between partners.

It is very easy for an Aries woman to twirl a man Scorpio. He, of course, may not feel entirely comfortable in the role of a toy, which is either loved and appreciated, or abandoned and forgotten. However, his attraction to this woman will be simply inexplicable. And she, perhaps, one day will understand that she has become the only one for him, and will want to stay forever.

Unsuitable men

Create a union between an Aries girl and a man Scales they just can't. He will love himself too much, and she is unlikely to be able to love a coward and a calculating nature.

Male compatibility Virgo and the beautiful maiden Aries is also doubtful. His desire to do everything according to the rules and follow certain rituals will not be able to get along with the lady’s reluctance to obey anyone or anything.

And although the man Twin will be interested in Aries, but the power that her zodiac sign has awarded her will scare him away. However, like her desire to openly demonstrate her feelings and emotions.

Slowness Rakov And Capricorn, in turn, will scare away Aries after meeting.

It is impossible for the energies that men have to be compatible Pisces and Aries women. Maybe they are equal in strength, but completely opposite in direction vector.

Men Aquarius They will not miss the opportunity to have fun “on the side,” which is also noticed among Aries women. Mutual reproaches and mistrust will doom the union to collapse.

Aries woman: who is right for her?

Character traits Aries women

It is not as easy to understand as it seems. She comes across as a cold-blooded person. At times it may seem that she treats the opposite sex with some prejudice. But this is only at first glance, since the Aries woman is a true actress: controversial, charming, unpredictable and temperamental.

And, as an actress, she tends to change her images extremely often. Her speech is quite impulsive. She always says what she thinks.

As a rule, Aries women have no time to be bored. They choose activities that allow them to enjoy themselves on a physical level: tourism, walking, sports, etc.

Aries is romantic by nature. Sex for her is considered one of the main positive events in life. From her partner, first of all, she expects him, and not care and guardianship.

But you shouldn’t accuse her of frivolity, because, despite the fact that the spirit of adventurism is in her blood, she is not at all dissolute. Among Aries women, every second is an idealist, every third is a philosopher, but these qualities do not prevent them from making decisions.

The key to her heart is flattery. She is ready to listen to compliments addressed to her endlessly, especially if they are addressed to her appearance. Aries women tend to admire themselves often. They wear very moderate makeup, as they believe that their appearance does not need correction.

A man who is going to connect his life with her will have to be content with a supporting role or prepare for endless conflicts. Due to the fact that Aries women are characterized by excessive independence, they often have problems in relationships. If she is jealous, it is most likely because of hurt pride and offended pride, rather than because of a feeling of ownership.

Such a woman is convinced that money is needed in order to spend it. She loves to spend it left and right, without thinking about tomorrow.

Among Aries there are many optimists who can somehow maintain this cheerfulness until old age, enjoying every new day.

Aries woman in bed

Sexy, passionate, erotic - if she has sex with a man, then, first of all, she does it in order to please herself, and only then - her partner.

Aries women do not believe that the bedroom is the only place for sexual pleasure; they are not against doing it in a car, an elevator, or more extreme places. She does not like long foreplay; sex itself is important to her.

She needs a strong, passionate and resilient lover who can do as she wishes. If a man does not suit her in this regard, then she will look for another, because she cannot imagine her own life without quality sex.

The Aries woman is a leader in sexual games and prefers to do this in positions “on top” in order to independently control the entire process, setting the rhythm. During sex, she does not restrain her emotions: she moans loudly, screams and scratches. In general, he does everything from which he gets even more pleasure.

Men who are suitable for an Aries woman

A boring, lazy or quiet man is clearly not suitable. She needs a passionate and strong man with the makings of a leader.

From an astrological point of view, an Aries man is perfect for an Aries woman. Yes, sometimes they will have noisy conflicts with each other, but then they will get used to each other, and a family idyll will definitely come.

In addition, a Leo man would be an excellent option. If she connects her fate with him, then their romance will be so passionate and ardent that it will be visible to the naked eye to everyone around. Between these two zodiac signs, real feelings are quite possible - tender and long-lasting. It will be enough for an Aries woman to flirt a little with Leo, and she will have him on a short leash.

Sagittarius can also be a wonderful partner for an Aries woman. He is very similar to her in his desire for variety, so they will never be bored together. As for sexual relations, then best couple cannot be found, they are simply made for each other. Even if some feeling of “satiety” appears, the situation can always be corrected by the fresh ideas of the Sagittarius man.

Taurus is also perfect for an Aries woman. Such a relationship can only be ruined by a feeling of jealousy, which is especially characteristic of this man. zodiac sign. But if between them there is real love, then they will survive everything. By the way, a Taurus man is an ideal option for sex without obligations.

A Scorpio man will feel with an Aries woman as if he were her favorite toy, which she either hugs and kisses or throws on the floor. And even despite this, Scorpio will still try to be with Aries. And she, playing with his feelings, may one day realize that she is irreplaceable and will remain with him.

Men who are not suitable for an Aries woman

An Aries woman will not have a happy life with a man of the zodiac sign Libra. This is due to the fact that he loves himself very much, which is unacceptable for Aries. In addition, she is not impressed by his prudence and cowardice.

For a Virgo man, feelings of closeness, cohesion and mutual responsibility are very important. That is why this novel is obviously doomed to failure, since it is pointless to demand strict discipline and obedience to the rules from Aries.

The Gemini man is slightly afraid of such a woman. Although he considers her a rather attractive person, he is scared off by her desire for open display own feelings and emotions.

Cancers and Capricorns are overly boring and slow for impulsive Aries women.

Although the Pisces man is very energetic, his activity is directed in the completely opposite direction for Aries. In this situation, they will not be able to have an affair, or even physical intimacy.

Aquarius men, just like Aries, have a tendency to frequent flirting and cheating, so even with other favorable circumstances, it will not be possible without mutual reproaches of infidelity. The secret, sooner or later, inevitably becomes apparent.

Aries woman: who she is and what kind of man she needs

This article should not be considered the ultimate truth. “Ideal” representatives of any zodiac sign, 100% suitable for the given description, do not exist in nature, just as phlegmatic people, choleric people, melancholic people and sanguine people do not exist in nature. pure form. However, get general idea the fact that who you need is quite real. In no case do we encourage you to ruin your existing relationship if it suddenly turns out that, according to this text, you are not suitable for each other.

Aries Woman

She's not that easy to understand. She gives the impression of a self-possessed, cold-blooded person; sometimes it seems that she treats men with some prejudice. But this is just an appearance, because the Aries woman is real actress: charming, controversial, temperamental and unpredictable. She changes her roles so quickly that if her interlocutor turns out to be a person with insufficient fast speed reactions, then after some time he will probably feel that his head is spinning.

Her speech is impulsive, often what is on her mind is also on her tongue. Aries does not give herself the trouble to think first and then speak, so she hits the truth in the face.

Aries women, as a rule, have no time to be bored. These tomboys in a skirt choose activities that allow them to enjoy themselves on a physical, bodily level: tennis, sailing, snowboarding, Pilates, sex, finally!

Aries is in love. in love, she is naturally romantic and considers sex one of the most enjoyable aspects of life. From her lover, she expects, first of all, sex, and not fatherly care and guardianship; she does not need a second father.

Do not rush to accuse “Lamb” of frivolity - despite the fact that spontaneity and adventurism are in her blood, she is not at all flighty. Among Aries, every second is an idealist, every third is a philosopher, but these qualities do not prevent them from making decisions. If she says “Come on!”, then this is exactly what she means, this trait attracts men to her.

The key to Aries's heart is flattery; she can endlessly listen to compliments addressed to her, especially if they are addressed to her body. It’s not in Aries’s character to walk past a mirror and not admire themselves. “Lambs” paint themselves very sparingly, believing that, according to by and large, their appearance does not need correction.

They do not feel the need for useful, practical gifts; the main thing for them is emotions. Aries will be delighted with some silk pajamas, but will still continue to sleep in Eva’s suit, because it’s more comfortable for the body.

The man who marries her will have to settle for the role of Deputy Boss or prepare for a hundred-year war in which there will be no mercy. Due to the need to be independent and the inability to stay at home, “Lambs” often have problems in their marriage. If she is jealous, then it is more likely that hurt pride and offended pride speaks in her than a feeling of ownership. Aries feel absolutely miserable if they quarrel with their husbands or lovers. However, they themselves are capable of driving anyone crazy.

The Aries woman is convinced that money is made to be spent. She loves to throw money left and right, and overspending does not scare her. “Lamb” is sure that if today finance sings romances, then tomorrow they will definitely perform a life-affirming march.

Among Aries there are many optimists who manage to maintain their cheerfulness into old age, enjoying every new day in the morning.

Aries in bed

Erotic, passionate, sexy - if she gives herself to a man, she does it, first of all, in order to get pleasure herself; her partner will get an honorable second place.

“Lambs” do not consider the bedroom the only suitable place for sexual fun and are not averse to having sex in the back seat of a car or an office sofa. She is not attracted by long foreplay; if an Aries Woman experiences lust, then even before the candles go out and the last bars of the romantic melody sound, her man will find himself lying on his back, and she is in the “Cowgirl” position on top.

She needs a worthy lover to match - strong, resilient, who can curb her aggressiveness and help her see the sky in diamonds. If a man does not satisfy the “Lamb” in bed, she will prefer to find another, because she can hardly imagine her life without sex “on top level».

She is a leader in love games and prefers to make love in the “Woman on Top” positions in order to control the process herself, setting the pace and rhythm of movements. On the way to orgasm, she prefers not to restrain her emotions - she screams, moans, scratches. Aries often leaves men's bodies their "marks".

Their desire to dominate sometimes pushes Aries towards BDSM; one of the typical erotic fantasies is a man whom a Mistress with a whip forces to perform cunnilingus.

What kind of man does she need?

Bored to the point of dislocating the couch potato's jaw or "bogged down" Sissy- for a woman - Aries is clearly not a match. She needs a real “Energizer” with the makings of a leader.

Suitable for Aries

“Like attracts like” - according to this principle, an Aries man is perfect for an Aries woman. Yes, from time to time they will butt heads with each other, there will be noisy showdowns, but then the turn of sweet reconciliation in bed will definitely come and family idyll.

Another wonderful option is a Leo man, their romance will be so ardent and passionate that the sparks that jump between these two will be visible to the naked eye. Between these two, real feelings are possible - deep and tender. It is enough for the “Lamb” to gently scratch the defenseless belly of the king of beasts (both literally and figuratively) in order to keep him on a short erotic leash.

A Sagittarius man can compete with an Aries woman in terms of craving for variety, so they are unlikely to ever be bored together. When it comes to sex, you couldn't ask for a better couple; they were made for each other. If, nevertheless, a certain feeling of “satiety” appears, then a fresh wind of change will help correct the situation.

The Taurus man is also a good match for Aries; only a spoonful of jealousy in a keg of love can ruin a relationship - because of it, “Lamb” wedding ring may seem like a link in a chain of convicts. He is the perfect partner for a one-night stand.

The Aries woman turns the Scorpio man as she wants, he often feels like her favorite toy, which is either kissed and hugged, or thrown into a corner. Despite these feelings, Scorpio will still be drawn to Aries. And she, playing with his love, may one day feel irreplaceable, and... will stay with him.

Not suitable for Aries

For happy life With Aries woman Libra men They love themselves too much, and she is not at all impressed by their cowardice and prudence.

Virgo man A sense of intimacy, rituals and routines are extremely important - so this romance is doomed, because you should not demand discipline and obedience to the rules from an Aries woman.

The Gemini man is slightly afraid of “Lamb”; although he considers her a very attractive person, her desire for an open demonstration of her feelings and emotions frightens him.

Cancers and Capricorns seem too boring and slow to impulsive Aries.

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One of the brightest representatives of the zodiac is the Aries man. Its compatibility with other signs is very difficult. This man amazes women with his approach to relationships. He can be either very cold or overly ardent. Aries can simultaneously be liked by many people and disgusted by others. It combines courage, extravagance, self-confidence, demands on people, selfishness and suspicion.

Who dives headlong into love is the Aries man! He is of little interest in compatibility at the time the feeling arises. He is sure that this woman is the only one he has been looking for all his previous life. And here Aries shows all his positive traits: generosity, attentiveness, passionate nature, affection and temperament.

Who should these men pay attention to? Let's see what the compatibility horoscope advises. Aries is an impulsive nature, so not every woman can get along with such a man. He will be patient with a woman of his sign until she begins to give commands and try to guide him. As soon as a woman proves herself to be a leader, he will create a stormy scandal so that she knows her place in their couple.

The union of Aries with Taurus is an eternal confrontation between partners. A man is impulsive, and a woman is slow but stubborn. Aries will try to overtake his wife in everything and leave the last word behind you. The lady will be smarter, she slowly but surely moves towards her goal, sometimes turning the situation in the direction she needs. The marriage is interesting and bright.

Let's look further at who an Aries man can easily get along with. Compatibility with Gemini is not very high. But if the airy woman curbs her thirst for communication with friends, the union will be good. Love between both signs flares up with lightning speed, but maintaining the feeling will require compromises from them.

Marriage between Aries and Cancer is problematic. The Cancer woman will want to experience the temperament of Aries, she will dissolve in this relationship. But both have too much different tempers. A union is possible only if a man wants to continue to protect such a vulnerable creature as Cancer.

The Aries male zodiac sign is an impulsive nature, so it will be difficult for him to get along with another fiery representative - Leo. Only in nature does this one evoke awe and respect. In family life, Aries takes the lead. A harmonious union is possible if a woman pacifies her “royal” nature. Dispose of in cash Aries must be in this marriage, otherwise the couple will have a constant lack of funds due to the spendthrift habits of the Lioness.

Who should an Aries man stay away from? Compatibility with Virgo is absolutely impossible. A rational Virgo woman can’t even imagine how she can live together with this man. Cooperation between both signs is possible only in the case of co-authorship.

They can create a wonderful union. A woman loves to bring comfort and beauty to the home, and a man plays the role of leader in the family. But both should take a closer look at their partner’s interests. Libras need to feel free in the union so that they can breathe deeply. Aries like it when their rear is covered by a faithful woman who does not try to command them.

Marriage between Aries and Scorpio is possible. Moreover, only two feelings can arise between them: love or hatred. If Aries allows Scorpio to express his nature to the fullest, then the woman will be unconditionally faithful to her chosen one. And this is the most important thing for a man.

Aries and Sagittarius are the best couple. It reigns here complete harmony, the partners seem to complement each other. These are two interlocutors, friends, lovers, they live in perfect harmony.

Aries and Capricorn are too different. Unions between these signs are rare and mostly end in divorce. Signs have different rhythms of life. Aries is fast and impetuous, a leader by nature. Capricorn is also characterized by determination, but he has his own way of reaching his destination. The woman is too slow, which irritates the impulsive Aries. Although they may be moving towards the same goal, they achieve it with a large gap between them.

Will create good union. But both require small compromises. Aries should not suppress the freedom of Aquarius, and the latter will not provoke his spouse to jealousy.

Aries should not create an alliance with Pisces. Otherwise, the life of the latter may turn into constant stress. Aries will crush soft Pisces. And they will have no choice but to resign themselves and forget about their individuality.

Text: Sascha Gluwein

The constellations under which we are born can influence our character and choice of partner. the site presents a series of articles in which it will tell about representatives of all zodiac signs.

This article should not be considered the ultimate truth. “Ideal” representatives of any zodiac sign who 100% fit the given description do not exist in nature, just as phlegmatic people, choleric people, melancholic people and sanguine people in their pure form do not exist. However, getting a general idea of ​​who you need is quite possible. In no case do we encourage you to ruin your existing relationship if it suddenly turns out that, according to this text, you are not suitable for each other.

Aries Woman

She's not that easy to understand. She gives the impression of a self-possessed, cold-blooded person; sometimes it seems that she treats men with some prejudice. But this is just an appearance, because the Aries woman is a real actress: charming, controversial, temperamental and unpredictable. She changes her roles so quickly that if her interlocutor turns out to be a person with an insufficiently fast reaction speed, then after some time he will probably feel that his head is spinning.

Her speech is impulsive, often what is on her mind is also on her tongue. Aries does not give herself the trouble to think first and then speak, so she hits the truth in the face.

Aries women, as a rule, have no time to be bored. These tomboys in a skirt choose activities that allow them to enjoy themselves on a physical, bodily level: tennis, sailing, snowboarding, Pilates, sex, finally!

Aries is in love... with love, she is naturally romantic and considers sex one of the most enjoyable aspects of life. From her lover, she expects, first of all, sex, and not fatherly care and guardianship; she does not need a second father.

Do not rush to accuse “Lamb” of frivolity - despite the fact that spontaneity and adventurism are in her blood, she is not at all flighty. Among Aries, every second is an idealist, every third is a philosopher, but these qualities do not prevent them from making decisions. If she says “Come on!”, then this is exactly what she means, this trait attracts men to her.

The key to Aries's heart is flattery; she can endlessly listen to compliments addressed to her, especially if they are addressed to her body. It’s not in Aries’s character to walk past a mirror and not admire themselves. “Lambs” wear makeup very sparingly, believing that, by and large, their appearance does not need correction.

They do not feel the need for useful, practical gifts; the main thing for them is emotions. Aries will be delighted with some silk pajamas, but will still continue to sleep in Eva’s suit, because it’s more comfortable for the body.

The man who marries her will have to settle for the role of Deputy Boss or prepare for a hundred-year war in which there will be no mercy. Due to the need to be independent and the inability to stay at home, “Lambs” often have problems in their marriage. If she is jealous, then it is more likely that hurt pride and offended pride speaks in her than a feeling of ownership. Aries feel absolutely miserable if they quarrel with their husbands or lovers. However, they themselves are capable of driving anyone crazy.

The Aries woman is convinced that money is made to be spent. She loves to throw money left and right, and overspending does not scare her. “Lamb” is sure that if today finance sings romances, then tomorrow they will definitely perform a life-affirming march.

Among Aries there are many optimists who manage to maintain their cheerfulness into old age, enjoying every new day in the morning.

Aries in bed

Erotic, passionate, sexy - if she gives herself to a man, she does it, first of all, in order to get pleasure herself; her partner will get an honorable second place.

“Lambs” do not consider the bedroom the only suitable place for sexual fun and are not averse to having sex in the back seat of a car or an office sofa. She is not attracted by long foreplay; if an Aries Woman experiences lust, then even before the candles go out and the last bars of the romantic melody sound, her man will find himself lying on his back, and she is in the “Cowgirl” position on top.

She needs a worthy lover to match - strong, resilient, who can curb her aggressiveness and help her see the sky in diamonds. If a man does not satisfy the “Lamb” in bed, she will prefer to find another, because she can hardly imagine her life without sex “at the highest level.”

She is a leader in love games and prefers to make love in the “Woman on Top” positions in order to control the process herself, setting the pace and rhythm of movements. On the way to orgasm, she prefers not to restrain her emotions - she screams, moans, scratches.... Aries often leave their “marks” on men’s bodies.

Their desire to dominate sometimes pushes Aries towards BDSM; one of the typical erotic fantasies is a man whom a Mistress with a whip forces to perform cunnilingus.

What kind of man does she need?

A lazy couch potato, boring to the point of dislocation, or a “stuck-up” mama’s boy, is clearly not a match for an Aries woman. She needs a real “Energizer” with the makings of a leader.

Suitable for Aries

“Like attracts like” - according to this principle, an Aries man is perfect for an Aries woman. Yes, from time to time they will butt heads with each other, there will be noisy showdowns, but then the turn of sweet reconciliation in bed and family idyll will definitely come.

Another wonderful option is a Leo man, their romance will be so ardent and passionate that the sparks that jump between these two will be visible to the naked eye. Between these two, real feelings are possible - deep and tender. It is enough for the “Lamb” to gently scratch the defenseless belly of the king of beasts (both literally and figuratively) in order to keep him on a short erotic leash.

A Sagittarius man can compete with an Aries woman in terms of craving for variety, so they are unlikely to ever be bored together. When it comes to sex, you couldn't ask for a better couple; they were made for each other. If, nevertheless, a certain feeling of “satiety” appears, then a fresh wind of change will help correct the situation.

The Taurus man is also a good match for Aries; only a spoonful of jealousy in a keg of love can ruin a relationship - because of it, to the “Lamb” the wedding ring may seem like a link in a convict chain. He is the perfect partner for a one-night stand.

The Aries woman turns the Scorpio man as she wants, he often feels like her favorite toy, which is either kissed and hugged, or thrown into a corner. Despite these feelings, Scorpio will still be drawn to Aries. And she, playing with his love, may one day feel irreplaceable, and... will stay with him.

Not suitable for Aries

For a happy life with an Aries woman, Libra men love themselves too much, and she is not at all impressed by their cowardice and prudence.

For a Virgo man, a sense of intimacy, rituals and routines are extremely important - so this romance is doomed, because there is no point in demanding discipline and obedience to the rules from an Aries woman.

The Gemini man is slightly afraid of “Lamb”; although he considers her a very attractive person, her desire for an open demonstration of her feelings and emotions frightens him.

Cancers and Capricorns seem too boring and slow to impulsive Aries.

Although the Pisces man is energetic, his energy is directed absolutely in the opposite direction to Aries - in this case we are not talking not only about a romance, but even about the most platonic friendship.

Aquarians, like Aries themselves, are prone to flirting on the side and “walking on the left,” so even under other favorable circumstances, they are unlikely to get by without mutual reproaches of infidelity, and the secret will certainly become apparent.

This representative of the fire element is most attracted to high moral and spiritual qualities in the opposite sex. When associating yourself with Aries, you should remember that this is a leader in all aspects of life, and romantic relationship will not be an exception for him.

Aries has excellent compatibility with representatives of his own element - Leo, Aries and Sagittarius, since these are the signs that are closest to him in spirit and temperament. The only thing such a couple should give up is the struggle for leadership. Despite the fact that the union of Aries with fire signs may seem very capricious or frivolous at first glance, but if this relationship lasts, then they will be able to experience the fullness of passion and deep trust.

A wonderful and long-term relationship awaits Aries with the down-to-earth Taurus, who will help him save money and not chase unfulfilled fantasies. Libra can make a very successful match for a representative of this sign, since incredible passion can flare up between them, but this relationship will last if both partners are ready to compromise on other issues. A relationship with Aquarius, who is so used to building long term plans for the future. Aries should understand the desire of his partner and help him in every possible way in this.

Aries should avoid relationships with representatives water element- Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces, since in such a union there is always a risk that the water will extinguish the fire, or the fire will evaporate the water. Representatives of the water element are too different in their temperament and character from Aries, who will be irritated by the excessive sensitivity of Cancer, the slipperiness of Pisces and the vindictiveness of Scorpio, although the latter’s aggression in bed may well suit him.

Aries has poor compatibility with Virgo, who will be irritated by the changeable nature of her partner. Aries, in turn, will be completely uninterested in the predictable and too down-to-earth Virgo, whom he will often make fun of.

The compatibility horoscope promises a short-term union with Gemini, to whom he will be attracted with incredible force. It should be understood that the airy essence of Aquarius only fuels the fire more, and such a force of passion can become too dangerous for a relationship.

Aries's careless attitude towards money will be the main reason for the breakdown of his alliance with Capricorn, who is used to keeping an eye on finances.