Smart Aries man and Aquarius woman. Are Aquarius woman and Aries man compatible? How to win the heart of such a gentleman? Aquarius is the boss, Aries is the subordinate

These two will remain incomprehensible to each other for a long time. Where the Aries woman seeks passion, the Aquarius man seeks friendship. Just when she's ready to move on to something more, he may suddenly leave, leaving her completely bewildered. The Aquarius man is completely devoid of a sense of possessiveness, the Aries woman is the very embodiment of it. Their relationship will be like a game of cat and mouse, and of course she will be the cat. The Aries woman will be outraged by the Aquarius man’s reluctance to follow her rules: he is generally against any restrictions, especially those that he did not invent. There are two ways to develop their relationship: either she will get tired of running after him and trying to bring their love to a common denominator, and they will quickly part, or he will give her a head start and create the appearance of obedience - then the chances of long relationship quite large.

In this pair, the Aries woman is a kind of sexual engine that “turns on” the Aquarius man. Which, by the way, is no mistake: he always finds new ideas for unforgettable sex. The Aquarius man loves to try, the Aries woman... she just really loves sex. And it doesn’t really matter to her what her original lover offers, the main thing is that everything is bright and sensual. Usually this couple achieves harmony in sexual relationships: thanks to the unbridled temperament of the Aries woman and the lightness and spontaneity of the Aquarius man. She advances - he gives in. This game is probably their favorite.

Family and marriage

If they get married, the woman will be the head of the family. It’s not that the Aquarius man is a follower - it’s just that true power still belongs to the Aries woman. The Aquarius man will offer thousands of his smart and original solutions to any issue; she will approve the only one they will use. It must be said that their family will not necessarily be a model of matriarchy - it is quite possible that those around them will not even notice who is in charge in this family. The marriage of an Aries woman and an Aquarius man is a rather harmonious phenomenon. They will be able to find an approach to each other and save the family for many years.

Friendship between an Aries woman and an Aquarius man is quite possible. She will give him protection and support - mostly emotional, he will offer her hundreds of paths that she can take when, as it seems to her, everything has completely collapsed. Together they will be able to organize a kind of club - they will be able to get together in the evening and have heart-to-heart conversations, not demand anything from each other and at the same time give each other a lot.

Work and business

Most likely, the Aquarius man will come up with something new, and the Aries woman, having heard a brilliant idea, will not be able to resist starting to implement it. Thus, they will establish the following order of work: the Aquarius man is in charge of the “stuffing” of the project, and the Aries woman, in love with this “stuffing”, is involved in the project necessary people and resources. The two of them lack the element of Earth - the one that is responsible for the materialization of ideas, so they need other, more “material” people to take up their cause.

They will attract each other by what they lack in themselves. She will certainly be interested in his intensity. Although she is used to deciding for herself - with whom to communicate and who to avoid - she will note his persistence. The Aquarius woman will like that he does not give up, that he is pursuing her. The Aries man will be amazed by her ostentatious coldness and the fact that she is in no hurry to surrender to him. He belongs to the element of Fire, she belongs to the element of Air. She can both inflame it and almost extinguish it - but natural kindness does not allow her to destroy his flame. A huge plus of the relationship between an Aquarius woman and an Aries man is that this romance can be eternal, since he loves to achieve, and it is almost impossible to achieve her. So he will sing serenades under her windows, and she will be thrilled with the feeling that he needs her so much.

In sex, as in the relationship between an Aquarius woman and an Aries man, the dramaturgy is similar: she slips away, he presses. Their relationship is distinguished by passion and tenderness: the first is brought by the Aries man, the second by the Aquarius woman. They will not experience a shortage of ideas: she, like no one else, cannot stand boredom, so she is constantly inventing something, and the Aries man takes up her suggestions with pleasure and interest. The only thing that the man in this couple can sometimes suffer from is the ostentatious indifference to sex of the Aquarius woman, which she sometimes demonstrates. The fact is that she often downplays her needs for intimacy, which deprives both herself and her partner. But the good thing about an Aries man is that obstacles only strengthen his desire to achieve his goal at all costs.

Family and marriage

A marriage between an Aquarius woman and an Aries man is quite likely, given how much effort he spent trying to get her attention. He will make even more efforts to make her his finally. The only problem is that the Aquarius woman hates formalities and she would not like to belong to anyone at all. Also, she is usually not attracted to the typical female role of the keeper of the hearth, so an Aries man is unlikely to get a caring wife, even if he gives her her last name.

The Aquarius woman understands everything in friendship like no one else, therefore leading in their friendly relations it will be she. Her ideas on how to spend his time will be received with enthusiasm. The Aquarius woman is an addicted person, so her friend will always be very interested in her. She will warm the Aries man with her warmth, and he will gain strength by being next to her. If she needs a strong male friendly shoulder, he will always lend it - there is no doubt about it.

Work and business

If they happen to work together, they can learn a lot from each other. The Aries man, for example, will become more thoughtful and will devote more time to analyzing his actions - the Aquarius woman will teach him this. She will become more courageous and proactive, working hand in hand with such a lively and enterprising partner as an Aries man. They are quite capable of organizing their own business; fortunately, they have plenty of ideas and energy between them.

Aquarius woman and Aries man

Love compatibility

Only a moderately aggressive and hot Aries man can bring a range of vibrant colors and dynamic feelings into the life of an Aquarius woman. Such opposites, they also have common points of intersection, which are located in their “erogenous” zones. The spouse always wants to possess and rule. As the stars suggest, partners of this sign always have increased testosterone. Such a courageous and attractive nature for women may be disliked by hooligans and simply persistent bullies.

But a sensual, graceful Aquarius woman will immediately notice such an Aries man. They assume compatibility in love due to common sexual tastes, interest in creative crafts, literature and conversation. These people arrange their life together in an original way and don’t get too caught up in routine. They have no time for their husband’s exciting work or social activities wives create a “bitter infusion” that destroys any family - routine. But someday these astrological brats also have children, and then taking care of their little copies can “ground” both of them a little.

Relationship between a hot Aries man and beautiful woman Aquarius, who resembles the Lady of the Heart medieval knight, are always unpredictable. She loves communication and dissolves in caring for her neighbors. This attracts him, but... He requires taking care of himself, although Aries the warrior will conquer the whole world and throw it at her magnificent feet. True, she will rush to free this entire planet from the tyranny of the one she loves and idolizes... Where is Indian cinema concerned with such plot twists...

Sexual compatibility

There are high indicators that Aquarius and Aries will get married. They feel and embody the masculine and feminine, that they are only spurred on by the difference at some levels.

For example, Aries will set the heat in sex, which will truly delight his elegant and extraordinary partner. He also lacks the lightness and emancipation that his Aquarius woman happily shares. Together, like a double star, they light up and, holding hands, they also cross the line between “good” and “very good.”

At work and at home

How convenient it can be for partners to cooperate in the same area, even if only once, if they are favored astrological horoscope! Compatibility between an Aquarius woman and an Aries man is not just another communication between people who are interesting to each other, but also a way to add a “zest” to the matter. Just like in a dance, a partner will help a girl feel more confident, at least thanks to his presence as a support point. Relying on him, the Aquarius inventor will be able to turn over, if not the Earth, then a man’s idea of ​​an intelligent woman.

One drawback of such a fruitfully working union is the lack of desire to get rich. Inflated pride and satisfaction with the result are the highest reward for them. Well, who will take care of the practical side of gratitude to such employees? Aquarius and Aries - this is a unique opportunity to look at how open energetic people create a union - collective, friendly or intense love.

Aries and Aquarius can be a truly happy and harmonious couple if they can immediately distribute their roles in the relationship. Although, it is unlikely that in their union there can be a commander-in-chief and a private. The compatibility of Aries and Aquarius in love depends on how much they respect and appreciate each other.

Aries Man and Aquarius Woman

Aquarians tend to believe that love begins with friendship, because of this she may think that the Aries man is too active, wants too much and too quickly. But if there is someone who can charm him, it is she - the Aquarius woman. She will make him feel life as an adventure in which reality develops according to its own laws. They attract each other like a magnet, but each feels the attraction differently. The Aries man is always looking for devotion; he believes that love is only possible where there is trust. He can trust the Aquarius woman, although sometimes he will think that she does not pay enough attention to him. His devotion can be absolute; if he has met his soul mate, he will always be devoted to her. An Aries man will express love with all his inherent passion and romance.

It is sometimes difficult for an Aquarius woman to understand the difference between friendship and love. An Aries man doesn't have this problem, it would be nice if he reminded her that her friends are just friends and he is the one she really loves. The Aquarius woman is unpredictable; she needs to understand that sometimes her partner may not be ready for change, no matter how much she wants. Aries are impulsive and often act inconsistently, which leads to a series of ups and downs in their lives. His beloved should always be with him, even in times of failure. The ambitions and irrepressible energy of an Aries man will allow him to overcome a difficult period and become a winner again, sharing the joy of victory with his beloved. If partners understand and accept each other's characteristics, the flame of love and passion will never go out.

Which of this couple will be the first to take a step towards the other does not matter at all; the relationship will develop in any case, and quite quickly. The Aries guy is a conqueror by nature, so a mysterious Aquarius girl who is not completely clear to him will arouse strong interest on his part. The beloved will willingly let him into her life, but will never open up completely to this guy. Aries wants to completely possess his loved one, but his chosen one will not give him such a feeling. A young man in love will do his best to prove to the girl the seriousness of his intentions, but Aries will not receive the desired rapprochement and greater frankness on her part.

Most often, on the part of Aries, feelings are more pronounced, but this is not a matter of Aquarius’ indifference, but especially of temperament. Nevertheless, this will touch the guy to the quick: there will be major quarrels, scenes of jealousy, and even long-term disagreements. In any case, Aries remains the master of the situation, and further fate relationships are completely in his hands.

The key to understanding the relationship between an Aries man and an Aquarius woman are character traits. Aries is fire, Aquarius is air. Fire needs air to survive, but air can live quite happily without fire. Against this background, the independence of the Aquarius woman, who is the most difficult for this relationship, stands out very much.

Compatibility of Zodiac signs according to horoscope

Aries is very emotional, driven by fire to heights and depths; if he is angry, then this cannot be ignored, if he loves, then with all his soul. The girl is completely different, her emotions are under strict control, she is disciplined and keeps at arm's length, is slightly aloof and emotionally always looks reserved and cold. Aries is not like that at all, so these two end up on opposite sides emotionally.

The quirky, independent character of a woman is captivating, he is the one who must win at any cost, if this does not happen, the man simply becomes furious. She seems to have the strongest immunity to his charms. Of course, the fair half of this sign loves just like any other, she’s just not looking for a prince charming or a knight in shining armor, or a person who could lead her life, take everything into her own hands. The girl is not used to being dependent and more wants an intellectual partner and an abstract lover who will not be present in her life all the time and not completely.

The couple's union may falter at the first obstacle. They want very different things from a relationship. Aries will love to argue, but he will never win because she is too smart for him.

Overall compatibility: 4 out of 5.

Compatibility in love and marriage

Of the two partners, the girl definitely has the upper hand in this union. Even though she loves her boyfriend, she won't change for him or anyone else and she won't necessarily be faithful. If the relationship breaks down, it will most likely be her decision because she resents his attempts to turn it into some kind of commitment, despite the fact that compatibility is in love relationships not bad.

Such a union is a real rocky road for a man and a woman. Of course, compatibility of partners is possible; they must adapt to each other’s characters and behavior. A woman should be more emotional and sacrifice precious freedom, in turn Aries should not pursue main goal victory at any cost. Whether he wants it or not, he will never be the main priority for his wife.

People value their independence and at the beginning of a marriage and relationship this will hold the couple together the most as they will not trespass on each other's territory. This union can guarantee the highest degree of romance and liking each other with enthusiasm and a desire for change. A man basically likes to spice up his life by trying to spice it up in different ways. Some may call his behavior risky, but it is this temperament that attracts a woman to him. Their competitive and adventurous natures go hand in hand, which is why they enjoy being together.

Compatibility in love relationships: 4 out of 5.

Sexual compatibility

He'll love seducing her in the bedroom, but he won't appreciate her occasional disinterest in sex when she'd rather be reading a book. It seems to him that he can win such a lady only by becoming addicted to his person.

At first he wants to stay for a day, then for a week, and then for many years, but his partner accepts such cohabitation favorably and enjoys cheerful company and doesn't always wonder why he's still with her and how much longer he intends to stay.

Sexual compatibility: 4 out of 5.

Compatibility in friendship

A woman, although competitive, will allow a man to take responsibility. But if the situation goes wrong, a man can trust a woman to take charge, all thanks to her balanced and controlled nature. This ability to manage any situation will help manage events between them, even if their union is on the verge of collapse. It is often said that such a combination of zodiac signs is good union, because they can support themselves without depending on others.

Everyone loves their own personal space. However, since both have dominant personalities, there is a possibility that they may encroach on each other's personal space, which will lead to bitterness in the friendship. But this bitterness will not last long because the girl will be overwhelmed with understanding. If a man is struggling with his ambitions in life and career, a woman will definitely cheer him up.

Aquarius likes to admire and complement random or important events. As each works to improve the other person's morale, the friendship becomes interesting and attractive to both. Under such circumstances, both people strive to preserve warm relations trust.

It is also wonderful that the friend is not going to sacrifice her own interests even for the sake of a strong friendship, while her partner feels that she is not the center of the universe and this cannot but upset him. At first, he is ready to spend a lot of energy in order to completely capture her attention, and then her behavior begins to cause him irritation and anger, which inevitably leads to quarrels.

Friendly compatibility: 5 out of 5.

Compatibility in work and career

Unless Aquarius offers something truly unacceptable to their partner in business, they will have a lot of options when it comes to their joint activities. With so much energy, their only mistake is staying home and not sharing the chance to get more opportunities.

Due to this, the Aquarius woman will support the guy's work venture as well as autonomy, and in turn, this will arouse her partner's interest in unconventional ideas. The only problem is that a man's impulsiveness can sometimes irritate a girl, but this is the exception rather than the rule. A boss and a subordinate will only be friends if the boss is a man.

What do they need to know about each other?

There is a chain of understanding between them, which allows any differences to be resolved when people want it. Both are essentially compatible signs and very creative personalities. A combination of vision and action helps them achieve this. Aquarians are always full of new ideas, and Aries is good at implementing them. Both signs enjoy their independence, but conflicts can arise if Aries becomes too annoying or Aquarius becomes too aloof or distant.

Due to the karmic influence of the sun sign in the union, people are gifted with happiness and harmony, such influence will force for a long time remain friends. Both will easily communicate with each other, even if the conversation turns to disagreements or feelings.

A girl who is distracted or has a habit of daydreaming will be unforgivable for a guy who thinks she's avoiding him on purpose. Both tend to respect and admire each other, and they can achieve great success when they work together. These allies can come up with an idea, plan how to implement it, and stick with it to achieve success.

Relationship Benefits

Their conversations can be so exciting that many people would like to join. A guy can find an idol in his beloved and fully enter into any dialogue. He's excited about what they both might discover and how it will change their perspectives.

They happily share their thoughts, trying to be as interesting as possible for him. The girl is motivated by the presence of the stronger sex nearby; he loves to joke and create a festive atmosphere when he is in the mood. It's important for an explosive partner not to take things personally when we're talking about about humor, they can both have fun.

Disadvantages of Relationships

The guy is often serious and demands that his boundaries be respected. The girl admits this, laughs and shakes the world around her. This is unimaginable for a person who always moves straight. In order for the girl to awaken the emotional nature of the relationship. She usually accepts a partner with sufficient flexibility and patience, but sun sign not very patient, so you can imagine the problem that may arise between them.

From the point of view of the fire sign, the second partner is cold, distant and is not going to open his heart to him. Sign water element sees things differently and tries to remain rational at all times. When Aries starts asking about showing emotions, real problems arise because Aquarius tries to show emotions, but it is difficult to believe that this is his usual behavior, even if he loves.