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For the winter, you can prepare both ready-made berry products and semi-finished products. The latter are perfect for boiling or jelly in the cold season, and will also be indispensable for homemade fruit juice and as a filling for pies. First of all, let's consider such an option as blueberries in own juice. The cooking process is not complicated, and the ingredients you will need are only half a kilo of sugar per 1 kilogram of berries, which must first be sorted and washed in a colander.

Blueberry pie filling

We separate the crushed berries as part of a fifth of the total volume of blueberries and crush them into a paste. Mix the resulting mass with the rest of the fruits, add sugar and mix thoroughly (for this it is best to use wooden spoon or spatula). Next, place the container with the berries in juice on the stove and light a small fire. After bringing to a boil and simmering for up to 5 minutes, remove the pan from the gas and pour the contents into jars. We place the filled container for sterilization in another saucepan or high basin, for liter containers we set it to half an hour, and for smaller or larger containers we lower or increase the blanching time by 10 minutes for every half liter.

If you have an abundance of blueberries, winter recipes can be prepared without cooking at all. In particular, fresh berries can be dried quickly and inexpensively. To do this, wash them in running water and let it drain, placing the blueberries in a sieve, which we then place on a baking sheet in a preheated oven. We don’t close the door, keep the gas low, shake the berries from time to time so that the moisture evaporates from them evenly. You can store the resulting semi-finished product in a box or bag right in the kitchen cabinet, and to use it, just put the blueberries in water so that they swell slightly. Then you can use the fruits in compote or as a filling for dumplings and pies.


There are other no-cost recipes, for example, berries cooked without sugar. Apart from them, you don’t need anything, not even water. First, take some of the fruits and squeeze out the juice, which should be at least a glass. The process is simple, but labor-intensive: first we grind the blueberries through a strainer, and then we put the resulting pulp without peel into a gauze bag and squeeze it out. You can then put the cake into compote or blueberry jelly, and pour the juice into a saucepan, put a kilogram of berries in it and, after boiling, cook for 5 minutes. Then we pour it finished product to the banks and close. By adding sugar to an open twist in winter, you get jam, and if you also dilute it with water, you get compote.

The following recipes, in which you will learn how else you can prepare and preserve blueberries for the winter, are offered to those who love similar products. Let's start with the most liquid option - confiture. To cook this delicacy you will need for every 500 grams of blueberries a glass of sugar (heaped), half a lemon and about 15 grams of pectin, preferably in powder. First, the washed berries are placed in a pan and sprinkled with sugar until all raw materials are completely exhausted.

Berry confiture

Then, when the juice appears, squeeze half a lemon into the same container through cheesecloth and pour in the pectin. We add the zest to a compote made from leftover berries and fruits. Leave the resulting mixture for about another half hour to release more juice from the berries, and then put the pan on low heat. Cooking time depends on how many blueberries you cook at a time, and how juicy the berries are in the harvest. In any case, you need to cook until the mass thickens. All that remains is to pour the hot confiture into sterilized jars and screw on the metal lids. Turn the container upside down and cover it with something warm to cool gradually.

If you do not have the opportunity to buy pectin, you can get a product with a high content of pectin by boiling berry cake and fruit cores, cooling the strained broth in the refrigerator and waiting for it to thicken.

Pectin for thickening

For jam we take blueberries, sugar and water in equal parts, that is, per kilogram of berries you will need the same amount of sand and a liter of water. Place the sorted, washed in running water and dried fruits in sugar syrup made from a fifth of sugar and the entire volume of water specified in the recipe. Since the sweet solution is already boiling when we immerse the berries in it, we simply boil them for 10 minutes and then pour in all the remaining sugar. The brew must be stirred constantly, while being careful not to damage the berries. The jam is ready when it thickens and a drop on the plate does not spread. If you add a pinch of citric acid, the product will last longer. Place the jam in the jars and close tightly.

To make marshmallows at home, you will need only 600 grams per kilo of berries granulated sugar. After thoroughly washing and sorting the berries, put them in a saucepan and heat them in a water bath (so as not to burn) until they soften. Next, you need to crush the blueberries in a sieve, resulting in a pulp without peel and seeds. Add sugar and put it on gas again, now without a water bath, cook until a very thick mass is obtained, stirring constantly. We transfer the pastilles into containers with lids and place them in a cool cellar.

Many ways blueberries can be prepared have been described here, but traditional recipes the twists for the winter were left for last. Compote is not very popular today, so we will look at regular jam. For it we take a quarter liter of water and one kilo of berries and sugar. Place the latter in water heated over a fire and cook the syrup. We wash the berries and sort them carefully. The sugar solution should become quite thick, so stir occasionally to prevent it from burning to the bottom and walls of the pan.

Blueberry jam

When the syrup is ready, remove the container from the stove and wait for the thick sweet mass to cool. Then we take the already dried berries and immerse them in a sugar solution, after which we put them on the fire again. When bubbles appear, we begin to stir regularly (it is best to use a wooden spoon or spatula), and cook for no more than half an hour so that the berries do not become sour. Then quickly pour into jars and close.

Preparation of sugar syrup

Recipes for berries grated with sugar are no less popular. Next, we will tell you how to prepare blueberries for the winter with granulated sugar and without any cooking at all. We take ripe washed fruits and the same amount of sugar by weight, that is, in a 1:1 ratio. Classic version– crush the berries and then grind them through a strainer. But you can cope with the task faster by chopping blueberries in a blender, however, in this case, fragments of skin and seeds will be mixed with the pulp. Regardless of the method of processing the fruits, they should be thoroughly mixed with sugar and left for 15-20 minutes to allow it to dissolve. We sterilize the jars and, while they are hot, put the prepared mass inside and immediately roll them up for the winter.

Blueberry wine - an elementary recipe

And finally, let's move on to the very interesting recipe and learn how to cook homemade wine from blueberries. Using a regular wooden masher we crush the berries, of which we need about 4 kilograms. Carefully place them in a large 10-liter bottle, fill it with 2 liters of water and, after tightening the neck with gauze, put it in a warm and dark place for 5 days. Then you need to strain the resulting tincture through several layers of gauze, throw away the berries, and pour the liquid into a bottle. There we pour 1.5 kilos of sugar and 300 grams of linden honey, dissolved in 1.5 liters of water.

We plug our container with a rubber stopper with a tube from a dropper passed through it (through a small hole made in advance), the other end of which is inserted into the lid of a jar of water, lowering it to the bottom. In the same lid we make another hole for air to escape. All this is necessary so that the wine does not resemble compote. Leave it for a month and a half in a dark place, then throw out the water from the jar and fill it with fresh water. We put the bottle away again, now in a cool place and for 2 months. After this period, all that remains is to pour the wine into bottles and seal tightly.

In the summer, everyone actively begins to prepare for winter and stock up on berries, fruits and vegetables. The blanks are made in various types. Berries, for example, are frozen fresh, compotes, preserves, jams and various sweets. It is especially useful to stock up on blueberries for the winter. This tasty and healthy berry contains large number useful vitamins and microelements. But besides this, blueberries make delicious jellies and jams that replace sweets.

Before you start cooking pigeon or freezing it for the winter, you need to select and prepare it correctly. Preference should be given to ripe and large berries, without signs of damage. They should not have stains, traces of insects or other damage that contribute to the rapid deterioration of blueberries. The fruits should be firm and elastic to the touch, not soft. When lightly pressed, the berries do not wrinkle or burst, but remain intact.

It is also important to properly prepare the berries so that during freezing they retain their taste, aroma and beneficial properties. First, blueberries are selected and only good fruits are left. Damaged ones are immediately thrown away. The sooner the blueberries are picked, the lower the likelihood that they will begin to mold.

After this procedure, the berries are washed under cool water(under no circumstances should the water be hot) and lay out on a flat surface in a thin layer. During this time, the blueberries will dry out and will not mold. When the berries are dry, they are packaged in bags and sent to the freezer. These berries are used to make teas or simply eaten fresh.

What can you make from blueberries for the winter?

There are many blueberry recipes. It is used for making preserves, jams, jellies, marshmallows and other sweets. To preserve maximum beneficial properties, the fruits are dried or frozen. In addition to sweets, homemade wine and liqueurs are made from blueberries. After heat treatment It is important to properly store the resulting blueberry dishes in order to preserve their taste for as long as possible.

Dried blueberries

To prepare dried berries, you need to have an oven at home and that’s it. That's enough.

Blueberry drying process:

  • Fresh berries are spread in a thin layer on the surface of a baking sheet. The oven is preheated to 40 degrees. Place a baking sheet and leave the berries to dry.
  • Gradually increase the temperature for drying to 60 degrees.
  • During drying, the blueberries are stirred 2-3 times so that the fruits dry evenly.

Frozen blueberries

The easiest way to keep fruits fresh even in winter is to store them in the freezer. To preserve the beneficial properties of berries during storage in the refrigerator, the fruits are pre-prepared. It is advisable to freeze only ripe and strong berries, without signs of damage. Before freezing, they are sorted and the spoiled ones are thrown away.

It's easiest to freeze in plastic bags. Before freezing, the fruits are washed and then dried. In order for the berries to retain all their beneficial properties and not turn into porridge when frozen, they need to be well dried. Blueberries should not be washed under running water, but in a deep container, so as not to damage the thin skin.


Making jam is quite simple:

  • Sort the berries and rinse them in water, place them on the bottom of the pan in which the jam will be cooked.
  • Place 250 ml of water on the fire and gradually add 850 g of sugar to it to prepare a thick syrup.
  • When the syrup is ready, pour it over the berries and let it cook, stirring the mixture regularly.
  • Cook the jam over low heat for at least 20 minutes.
  • After this, it is poured into jars, rolled up and placed upside down to cool.

When the jars have cooled down to room temperature, they are put away in the cellar or refrigerator.

Blueberries in their own juice

To prepare blueberries in their own juice, you only need the fruits and the same amount of sugar. The fruits are washed in water and the excess liquid is allowed to drain. After this, add sugar so that it covers the berries and leave for a day in a cool place.

Within a day, the blueberries will give juice and become saturated with sugar. You can use less sweetener so as not to make the blueberries too sugary. It is added to taste. The next day, the blueberries are poured into jars and covered with lids.


Dove compote will be an excellent preparation for the winter. The fruits, again, are washed in a large container of water. Sugar is added to the compote according to taste, but it is better to add more of it, otherwise the too sugary compote is diluted with plain water.

The berries are transferred to a deep pan and filled with water. Then add sugar. Cook for 10-15 minutes until the compote acquires a beautiful rich color. When the compote is ready, it is poured into jars and rolled up. And when the jars have cooled, they are lowered into the cellar and left there until winter.


To prepare pastila you need to take:

  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 650 g granulated sugar;
  • 1 glass of warm water.

Pour water over the berries and put on the fire for about 20 minutes. When the blueberries soften, they need to be ground in a blender or rubbed through a sieve. Then place in a thin layer on a baking sheet and dry. The marshmallows are checked regularly. The finished marshmallow is flexible and does not break.

Blueberry juice with pulp

Blueberry fruits are sorted and washed under water. Then you need to pass it through a meat grinder or grind it in a blender. Squeeze out the juice, pour it into a saucepan and cook for 10 minutes over low heat. At this time you need to prepare sugar syrup.

When the sugar syrup is ready, mix it with the juice and cook for 20 minutes. After the juice is boiled, it is poured into jars and sealed. And in winter the whole family can enjoy delicious and healthy juice based on blueberries. Other fruits or berries are used along with blueberries for flavor.


Liqueur is made from blueberries at home. To prepare it you need:

  • 300 g fruits;
  • 300 ml vodka;
  • granulated sugar;
  • 1 glass of water.

Crush the berries, put them in a jar and fill them with vodka. Leave in this form for 10 days in a dark room. The longer the liqueur is infused, the richer the taste will be. When the liqueur is ready, you need to boil the sugar syrup and mix everything together. Before pouring the liqueur into sugar syrup, squeeze it out. The finished liqueur should be stored in the refrigerator.


To prepare wine you will need:

  • berries;
  • water;
  • a handful of raisins;
  • 15 g citric acid.

Mash the berries into porridge. Add sugar to water and citric acid. Pour water over the berry puree and add raisins. Mix thoroughly until the puree dissolves in the water. Not all of the sugar needs to be added. Cover the container with wine with gauze and put it in a cool room. After a few days the wine will begin to ferment. Then add more sugar and stir. It is important to make a gas outlet in the bottle. After 5 days, the gas outlet is removed. After 3 days, shake the wine. After 40 days the wine will be ready. The shade becomes lighter. After this, the wine is bottled.


To cook confiture, lemon juice and gelatin are used together with fruits and sugar. Pour water over the fruits and cook for no more than 10 minutes. After cooking, the fruits are placed in a colander and the juice is squeezed out, in which the gelatin is then dissolved. The fruits themselves are crushed using a blender with added sugar. Then the juice with gelatin and the berry mass are combined together and lemon juice and lemon zest are added. After this, the confiture is poured into jars and put in the refrigerator.


A delicious jelly is made from blueberries. To prepare it, you need to pour water over the berries and put it on fire. Cook until they are soft and most of the water has evaporated. After this, the fruits are rubbed through a sieve until smooth.

They put the fire back on, but now they add sugar to the mass. Cook for 15-25 minutes until the jelly thickens. At this time, you need to dilute the gelatin. When the mass is prepared, diluted gelatin is poured into it and poured into a container. Place the jelly in the refrigerator. In a few hours it will be ready.

Blueberries pureed with sugar without cooking

Another way to preserve vitamins in blueberries is to rub them with sugar. The fruits are first ground through a sieve so that a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then add sugar. After the fruits produce juice, they are eaten as jam or added to teas.

Storage Features

Fresh blueberries are stored in the refrigerator. But you need to eat it as quickly as possible. If it sits for a long time, then after 1-2 days it will begin to become moldy and disappear.

Frozen fruits can be stored for no more than 2 years. After two years, even frozen, they will lose all taste and aroma.

Dried fruits are stored in glass jars. The shelf life is also no more than 2 years. After this time, the fruits begin to disappear and are not suitable for consumption.

Jam, compotes and other products that have been prepared can be stored for an unlimited amount of time. But again, you need to eat blueberry jams right away, because the longer they sit, the less tasty they will seem. The optimal storage period in the cellar is 3 years. Jam must be stored in a cellar or refrigerator.

I don’t know about you, dear housewives, but I’m celebrating the berry harvest season fully armed. Some berries are already frozen and waiting for winter. Jam and compotes are rolled into jars. This is not a problem, because in markets and from private traders you can buy the most various berries. She is now the ripest and I want, of course, to stock up on both. Of course, you can’t buy everything and prepare it for future use, but 2-3 small jars different jams you can totally afford it.

Today we will prepare blueberries for the winter, as they are very tasty and healthy.

What are the benefits and harms of blueberries?

You should know that in folk medicine They use fresh, dried berries as a mild diuretic, choleretic, and anti-inflammatory agent.

Wild blueberries have a beneficial effect on digestion and are used in the treatment of pancreas, heart and stomach diseases. It is recommended to be used as a prevention of atherosclerosis, in the treatment diabetes mellitus. It has the ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on nervous system person.

Fresh wild berries They are considered an effective antimicrobial agent, so they are used to combat many infectious diseases, such as dysentery.

However, the vitamins in its composition can cause irritation, itching of the skin and even a runny nose. It is dangerous for babies due to diathesis, so it should not be eaten when feeding a baby.

IN large quantities the berry provokes a laxative effect and flatulence.

How to choose a berry suitable for harvesting for future use?

Before you decide to buy berries at the market, take a little advice:
Remember that the berries no longer ripen after picking. This is not a banana that ripens during transportation... Therefore, do not take unripe, reddish ones. Blueberries must be ripe blue, strong and not spoiled. Avoid buying berries that are wrinkled, watery, have lost their juice, or are moldy. They won't be of much use.

Well, now, let's start preparing berries for future use, and let's start with jam:

Blueberry jam for the winter

To prepare, we will need 1 kg of fresh wild blueberries (you can, of course, use garden blueberries, just wild blueberries are healthier), 4 cups of granulated sugar.

How to cook:

Sort the berries, remove leaves, stalks, spoiled, unripe berries. Place in a colander and rinse thoroughly with running water. While the remaining water is drained, prepare the syrup:

Pour 1 cup into the enamel bowl where you will cook the jam. clean water, add the entire amount of sugar, mix well, boil, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula. Remove the finished syrup from the stove and wait until it cools.
Dip the prepared blueberries into the cooled syrup, place on the stove and heat over low heat until it begins to slowly boil. Stirring constantly, cook the jam for about 20-30 minutes. Then, while hot, pour into sterilized jars and seal.

Blueberries in sugar

For this recipe, when the berry remains almost fresh, since it is not boiled long time, you will need: 1 kg of blueberries, 4 cups of sugar.

How to cook:

Sort the berries, wash and dry as in the previous recipe. Place them in an enamel bowl, crush them lightly with a wooden masher until the integrity of the skin is broken. Now, with constant stirring, heat everything until hot (65-70°C), add sugar, stir gently, bring to a boil, but do not boil.

Transfer the hot berry mixture into sterilized jars, boil them for 15-20 minutes, and seal.

Berries with sugar (mashed)

For preparation you will need: 1 kg of berries, 4-5 glasses of sugar.

How to cook:

Grind the prepared, washed berries using a blender, place in a bowl, add sugar, and stir. Leave in a warm place for a couple of hours to release the juice. While the berries are “infused,” wash and boil the jars. While still hot, place the pureed berries and roll them up. Since the berries in jars remain practically fresh after cooling, store them in the refrigerator (while it’s warm outside), and when it gets cooler, you can store them in the cellar, basement or other cold place in the house.

Freezing fresh blueberries for the winter

Many people consider this method of saving for future use to be the best. And this is true. Frozen berries retain all their beneficial properties inherent in fresh ones, just picked in the forest.

How to freeze blueberries:

There is no need to wash them before freezing, otherwise the skin will be too hard. Then, when you want to defrost them, take out a portion and rinse with water.

Now just go through them, remove the stale, “spread” ones. Place in an even layer plastic container, close it with a lid, place it in the freezer.

How to dry fresh berries?

Nothing could be simpler. In general, I consider this method of preparing for future use to be the most convenient. The product does not take up space in the refrigerator; dried blueberries can be stored in a cabinet, placed in glass jars. The berries retain all their beneficial properties, and you can make them almost fresh by simply soaking them in water for a while to swell.

How to cook:

Sort the berries, place them on a large sieve, place them on a baking sheet, and dry them in the oven for 5-6 hours at a temperature of 40 - 60 degrees. Shake them carefully from time to time, being careful not to damage them. Keep the oven door slightly open.

In winter, use dry blueberries to make pies, all kinds of fillings, and simply add to tea. Bon appetit!

Material prepared by:

Executive Director of the Association of Gardeners of Russia (APYAPM), candidate of agricultural sciences. Sciences, leading specialist of APPYAPM on berry crops

APPYAPM specialist

Using material Mariusz Podymniak

Storing blueberries in a modified atmosphere

Blueberry variety Toro

Blueberries are a less common crop in the fresh fruit market. You can extend the period of delivery to the consumer using various methods fruit storage - conditions of low temperature and controlled atmosphere.

To extend the period for selling blueberries, you can put the berries in the refrigerator - this is not only desirable, but even necessary if you want to export the fruits, especially to distant markets. Rapid cooling allows you to extend not only the post-harvest storage period of fruits, but also preserve their nutritional value. The currently available technology is the storage of fruits under modified atmosphere conditions, which makes it possible to increase sales markets, extend the timing of the sale of berries by season and stimulate the expansion of blueberry production. The modified atmosphere package contains the standard composition atmospheric air replaced by a combination of carbon dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen in proportions different from those found naturally in the atmosphere.

Modified atmosphere packages

The simplest way, which does not require investment in organizing additional infrastructure to change the composition of the cooling atmosphere, is the use of Xtend bags, usually manufactured in Israel by the company Stepak and sold in Poland by PHU Puch. These bags maintain the necessary balance between oxygen (O 2) and carbon dioxide (CO 2) in the absence of excess moisture (condensation), and ensure selective permeability to oxygen. As a result, the process of fruit respiration inside a closed container gradually slows down - the amount of oxygen decreases and the volume of carbon dioxide increases.

Fig. 1 Modified atmosphere storage bags
blueberry fruits for 4 weeks

To store fruit for several weeks, it is important to determine the optimal time for picking the fruit. Overripe or unripe fruits should not be stored for long-term storage. Fruits collected after rain should not be planted; they quickly lose water and are prone to fungal diseases. Typically, blueberries are harvested in small boxes that are placed in Xtend bags (Figure 1). Once opened, the blueberries should be placed in the refrigerator and cooled to the required temperature. Only then can the bags be sealed. There should be no temperature fluctuations in the chamber. The optimal storage temperature for blueberries is 1-2 °C.

Variety Chanticleer

During storage, every few days it is necessary to visually inspect the fruits and determine whether they are affected by pathogens and whether the berries are losing turgor. To do this, periodically open one package to check the actual condition of the berries in the boxes (or containers). The opened package is removed from the refrigerator. Practice has shown that blueberries can be stored under such conditions for four weeks or more.

Blueberry storage system on pallets

Another way to store fruits for a long time under controlled atmosphere conditions is to create a modified atmosphere throughout the entire volume of the chamber. For this, of course, we need new equipment - CO 2 and nitrogen generators. If there are sharp fluctuations in the composition of the gas environment in the refrigeration chamber - this happens during its opening, it is necessary to quickly sell all the fruits stored in it. This problem does not arise if fruits are stored in refrigerated chambers in specially packaged blocks, with individual system maintaining the gas environment in each block (Fig. 2). Such a storage system in Poland is offered by the following companies: Atmo (specialization - compressors), Termopol Ice (air conditioners) and PHU Puch (refrigeration equipment). This modern optimal storage option is that CO 2 and nitrogen are supplied individually to each block of bags. These gases can be supplied from cylinders or nitrogen (N) and carbon dioxide generators set up by a gas scrubber (CO 2 scrubber). Common practice today is to supply nitrogen not from nitrogen and carbon dioxide generators, but from gas cylinders.

The customizable gas purifier is newest device, called IS, which interacts in real time with automatic system ISOSOFT control. The central system controls the gas purifier, which regulates the composition of the gas environment in the different storage units or chambers.

Rice. 2. In each block of packaged berries (there can be several of them on one pallet), a modified gas environment is individually maintained

In addition to regulating the gas composition, it is maintained and stable during storage. low temperature. Using an O 2 and CO 2 analyzer, you can constantly monitor the gas composition individually in each unit in order to change it if necessary. Experience in storing berries in Poland shows that the optimal gas environment for blueberries is one containing 10-12% CO 2 and 10% O 2 . Under these conditions, blueberries can be stored for four weeks or more.

After removing the fruits from storage, before they go on sale, they need to be sorted and put into new packaging in order to remove berries with symptoms of disease or those that have lost turgor.

The progressive storage system is also used for long-term transportation of fruits, which facilitates the delivery of fruits by land and sea transport - costs are significantly reduced compared to air transport. This mode ensures the preservation taste qualities and natural presentation fruits, shelf life increases. This is an additional opportunity to increase the sales market and stimulate the expansion of production of valuable vitamin products, including blueberries.