P. Globa Signs of the Upper Zodiac and associated Constellations

Many people already know the reasons for the appearance of moles and how to deal with them, if it is really necessary. We also talked about the harm moles can cause to the body and what you need to pay attention to in order to prevent the development of diseases associated with moles and their unnatural behavior. All this, of course, is very interesting, especially for those people who have a lot of pigment spots on their skin, but it will be no less interesting to learn about what types of moles exist in nature, what color and shape they can be.

Which ones exist?

Let's look at all the types of moles that can appear on the body of both an adult and a baby, immediately after birth:

  • Hemangioma. Moles of a vascular nature, which form on the surface of the skin in the form of small nodules or. Non-vascular moles, in turn, very often look like small warts or ordinary age spots.
  • Flat moles. The most common type of moles on the human body. They are formed in upper layers skin due to melanocytes, practically do not respond to sun rays and are not growing in number.

  • Convex moles. It may look like a smooth or lumpy type formation and forms in the deep layers of the skin. Often such a mole is no more than 1 centimeter in diameter and has a growing hair.

  • Blue moles. There are different sizes And different colors, from bluish to dark blue, rise above the surface of the skin in the form of small hemispheres, most often dense and smooth.

  • Huge, pigmented spots. It often happens that these moles are congenital and constantly increase as the human body matures. As a rule, these are brown or gray moles that may even turn black over time.

Appearance of moles. Moles in the form of various shapes.

Not only do moles have a different structure and nature of appearance, they can also take on a variety of forms, which greatly attract the attention of not only palmists, fortune tellers and people associated with magic, but also ordinary people.

What do shaped moles mean?

  • Moles in the form of a triangle. They are said to bring people a lot of happiness. A person who has such moles is morally stable, strong in spirit and believes in his principles.
  • Moles in the form of constellations. Such moles carry a certain fatality, fateful marks that determine major events your life. They say that the life of such a person is very interesting and filled with a lot of high-profile missions and tasks.
  • Moles in the shape of a cross can mean many things. On the chest - unhappy love, which can leave a mark on a person’s entire life, on the back - possible betrayal in life, on the stomach - serious dangers in life, on the leg - persecution and distrust of a person - common mistakes in life, wrong decisions in work, on the left - the fatal birthmark of marriage, he can be either very good or catastrophically unhappy.
  • A heart-shaped mole or a heart-shaped mole can mean two opposites at once. Some experts say that the owner of this mole is a loving person and, at the same time, loved by many, while others insist that this is a sign of a love curse and the owner of the mole will never have to taste the warmest feeling on earth.
  • Moles in the shape of a bucket mean the same thing as moles in the shape of a big dipper; they are practically the same thing. Such marks can be found in a person who has enormous vital energy, the will to win and willpower that cannot be compared with anything. Many bright achievements await such a person in life, but they will not come on their own, you need to work hard and only then the result will fully justify all hopes.
  • Three moles in the form of a triangle mean fate, only good or evil, experts have not yet decided either, or rather, each of them has moved to their own camp and from there, from a high bell tower, proves their opinion. Positive side- the highest purpose in one’s life, and maybe in the lives of people around him, a person with the goal of goodness and positive deeds. Negative side- a fatal person with whom you do not need to deal. May be attached to unidentified religions or sects, has a bad influence.
  • Moles in the shape of a diamond. Such moles, in the form geometric shapes, and even in even number, always mean a person’s high potential, his desire to learn and achieve something in life; the goals of such a person are predetermined by fate.

What other types of moles are there...

This is not the entire list of moles that can appear on the human body. There are known cases of moles in the form of numbers, pieces geographical map, in the form of birds and animals.

Symbol of happiness - mole

The science behind the meaning of moles on human body, called morphoscopy. She is mysterious and little known. The body is viewed as an astrological chart, where moles symbolize the planets. The appearance of a new spot, a change in its color or shape can predict future events. Morphoscopy suggests that the meaning of moles in women is always favorable if they are located on the left side. For men, on the contrary, this is an unlucky sign.

The appearance of moles in an adult

Moles, or nevi, are pigment cells that are located in the epidermis. Newborn babies are already born with spots on their skin. In the first years they may not be noticeable because their color is too pale. They darken with age.

Doctors have been arguing for a long time about why moles appear on the body of an adult. One theory suggests that information about nevi is stored at the DNA level. Therefore, it is impossible to prevent or predict their occurrence.

The second theory states that the formation of nevi is influenced by several factors. The main ones include:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Hormonal changes. They may appear more frequently in adolescents, pregnant women, and during menopause.
  3. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Injury or infection of the skin. Moles may appear on damaged areas.
  5. Internal pathologies. Lack of vitamin K and C, liver and pancreas diseases.

Morphoscopy has its own theory, which explains why moles appear on the body of an adult. It is believed that nevi are permanent signs given from above. They must accompany a person throughout his life. Removing moles is a crime against one's own destiny. The event she warned about could happen in a different scenario and have a negative outcome.

The number of moles on the human body can reach up to 100. Moreover, they can be different in shape, color and diameter. Classification of nevi:

  1. Flat. A large accumulation of melanocytes leads to the appearance of this type. Moles do not change even under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Convex. They have both bumpy and smooth bodies and can be covered with hairs. They develop in the deep layers of the skin.
  3. Blue. Rarely found, dense in structure. They are distinguished by a rich blue color.
  4. Red - a large accumulation of vascular cells. They are mounted and smooth.
  5. Pigmented. Usually increase significantly with age.

Marks of fate

Morphoscopy teaches that each side of the body contains different information. For example, the meaning of moles in women on the right side is threatening. While for men, on the contrary, it is favorable.

Birthmarks warn of events that cannot be avoided. They tell you what impact relationships with other people will have on your destiny. For example, red moles on the body, the cause of which are vascular congestions, are associated with Mars. This planet symbolizes aggression and war. This means that the life of the owner of red moles will not be easy. Such marks indicate a loss of strength, vitality and will. The location of the mole will tell a person how to do the right thing and which option to choose.

Light spots are associated with Venus. The meaning of these moles in women is a constant help higher powers and gifts of fortune. But only on condition that they are located on the favorable, left side. If they are on the right, this is a warning that a person is inclined to show his lower instincts.

Brown moles that were on the body at the time of birth belong to Jupiter. Those that appeared later are associated with Mercury. Jupiter is responsible for abundance and luck. Mercury controls learning and intelligence. The marks of this planet located on the unfavorable side do not mean that the person is stupid. Rather, it signals that he is cunning, cunning and hypocritical.

Signs on one side can be completely crossed out by moles on the other. But mirrored spots only strengthen each other’s action. In order to correctly understand what the neoplasm warns of, it is necessary to carefully examine both halves of the body.

Decoding the form

Nevi can form various shapes. The meaning of the shapes of moles is different. The most threatening are clusters in the form of a cross or a spider. This is a warning about severe trials and deprivation. A square of birthmarks is also an unfavorable sign. He says that a person will have to deal with unforeseen circumstances all his life.

Moles in the shape of a triangle or a collection of spots in the shape of an oval located on the favorable side have a lucky meaning. Luck will accompany such a person in everything. This is fate's favorite.

The appearance of an oval or triangle even on the unfavorable side is happy sign for a person. This is a kind of “safe conduct letter”. There are cases where people who had similar marks on their bodies found themselves in catastrophic situations several times and remained alive.

Triangle-shaped moles on the face indicate chosenness. Such a person cannot sin; any offense can cause him to fall into the abyss. Such a sign requires its owner to fully mobilize his forces.

The star is the luckiest mark. A successful and successful life awaits its owner. easy life, patronage of higher powers and success in any field. Moles in the shape of the sun or moon also have auspicious meaning. Bearers of such signs are distinguished by irrepressible vital energy, positive thinking, sharp mind and ebullient temperament.

Constellation of moles in the form Ursa Major, is a symbol of victories and great achievements. Such a person will have fame and a high position in society. The owner of this sign will conquer the world without straining at all.

Moles resembling the shape of the constellation Orion indicate that the soul came to Earth from other worlds. Such individuals are very mysterious, often have supernatural powers, but carefully hide it.

Cassiopeia, according to astrologers, is one of the most beautiful constellations. Women who have a similar mark on their bodies are creative and feminine. They easily conquer the men around them without doing anything about it.

In the Middle Ages, all women who had moles on their bodies that resembled constellations in shape were automatically classified as witches. They were tortured and burned at the stake. Therefore, such signs were carefully hidden from prying eyes under clothes.

In occult sciences, the cat is considered a servant of Satan. It is not surprising that in the Middle Ages, one or more moles that resembled this animal in shape could be considered a witch. In fact, cat-shaped birthmarks do not foretell anything bad. This is a sign that a person has an ability for magic, is secretive and talented.

Birthmarks under the eyes

The eyes are the area that is responsible for human creativity. Holders of such marks are usually very talented people. For example, Dostoevsky had a mole under his right eye.

Women who usually have sensual and kind natures. At the same time, they have a strong character and are able to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. Quite often they move forward where most retreat. Such women have charm and sexual magnetism. They are popular with men.

The meaning of a mole under a woman’s right eye is always favorable. Despite the fact that this side is not happy for the fair sex. Such a woman is smart, calculating, knows what she wants and gets it. Her career will always be successful. Difficulties may arise in your personal life, with finding a reliable partner. But if it is found, such a couple will have a happy marriage.

A mole under the left eye does not promise a career boost. Its owner is a flighty nature. She will be extremely popular with men, so all her problems will be solved by the stronger sex. If the birthmark is located closer to the nose, this indicates a passionate and selfish nature. And also such a woman is very jealous.

The meaning of a mole above the eyebrows

During the Holy Inquisition, a mole over right eyebrow could have been a death sentence for its owner. Such a mark was considered a symbol of involvement in witchcraft and Satan. And in the 18th century, French court ladies specially glued flies above their eyebrows - this signaled their readiness to enter into a love affair.

The meaning of a mole above a woman’s eyebrow depends on which side the spot is located on. The nevus, which is on the right, indicates that its owner is very self-confident. She knows very well what she wants and always gets it. Serious about choosing a life partner.

A mole above the left eyebrow promises a lot to its owner life difficulties. Studying and career will not be easy. But such women are distinguished by enormous tenacity and instinct of self-preservation. This will help them overcome all obstacles.

A mole between the eyebrows speaks of selfishness. Such people are unsociable and have a difficult character. Career usually doesn't work out. Relationships with the opposite sex often end in complete disappointment. Most often, such people strive for solitude.

Mole near the navel

The stomach is Virgo's zone of influence. She is responsible for running the house and work. A mole located on a woman’s left side indicates that her profession will give her great pleasure and will become a source of material wealth. And her home will be a place of coziness and a center of comfort. A mole on the right side indicates an aversion to profession and work. Possible development of severe chronic diseases. As well as long-term care for a bedridden relative.

A mole in the navel in women has a lucky meaning, regardless of which side it is located on. This is a truly divine mark, which means that any dream will be achieved and plans will be realized. All possible obstacles can be easily avoided.

A red mole is a sign of Mars and in most cases carries a negative meaning. But not when it is located in the navel area. In this case, Mars will not take away vital energy, but, on the contrary, fill it with it. There is a high probability that the owner of such a mark will live a long life.

Astrologers say that those with moles near the navel are stunningly beautiful. They are able to quickly conquer men and skillfully manipulate them. They have a quick temper and explosive temperament.

Ear marks

Usually, moles on the ears indicate that a person is boastful and likes to exaggerate his virtues. He prefers not to remember his shortcomings. This situation is associated with low self-esteem and the desire to hide it.

The meaning for a woman is often favorable, but in to a greater extent depends on where the spot is located. A nevus on the earlobe is always associated with money. If the mole is on the left side, this indicates that the woman will gradually accumulate a huge fortune. Owners of this mark are always careful and make only informed decisions.

A mole on the right lobe indicates that the woman will always be near large sums. Whether she can become the owner of at least part of this wealth depends only on herself.

Hands strewn with moles indicate that a person has open energy channels that negatively affect the psyche. Therefore, it can be quite contradictory. Sometimes be too soft or, conversely, create a scandal for no reason.

The meaning of moles on women’s hands depends on where exactly they are located. Marks on the right shoulder indicate poor health, but a strong-willed character. Moles on the opposite side promise a successful marriage and a loving spouse.

Nevi located on the left elbow indicate that the woman will be successful in her career and personal life. Despite their strong-willed nature, these are very gentle and devoted wives. A mole on the right elbow suggests that its owner is selfish. Has complex character. Such a woman strives for independence and does not like to give in.

For a woman, it is favorable in all cases if they are located on the hands. Regardless of which side the mark is on, its owner is in good health and strong character. Such a woman will always be well provided for.

Only exceptional people have moles on the palms. They are constantly engaged in self-improvement, always trying to become even better. Many of them have the gift of clairvoyance.

Marks on the neck

The meaning of moles in women on the neck is most often associated with financial well-being. Whether she can achieve it or not will depend only on the character of the lady. Fate provides every opportunity for this.

A birthmark on the neck, regardless of its specific location, indicates that the woman is an optimist. She is always determined to win and full of energy. She does not like to take risks, preferring to achieve her goal slowly but surely.

Women who have moles on their necks find it difficult to decide on a second marriage if the first one ended in divorce. They faithful wives, wonderful mothers and ideal girlfriends. In the most difficult situation always ready to help.

A mole hidden under the hair indicates that its owner is very secretive. It is difficult to gain trust in such a woman. She is shy and does not open up to anyone she meets. If her trust can still be won, she will become very reliable and true friend for life.

Women who love beautiful things and luxury have moles in the center of the neck. They love to be in public and often do charity work. Such women cannot live without numerous fans and the admiring glances of others.

Owners of birthmarks in the central part of the neck are always well provided for. The larger the mark, the more wealth the lady has. Typically, such women are not afraid of losing a partner, since they always have a backup option. Such natures are terrified of old age, so they spend a lot of time and money on caring for themselves. They always get what they want.

Venus sign

A mole that is located near the lips is considered a sign of Venus. He says that the goddess of love left a mark on her lips as a sign of her patronage. The owner of such a birthmark is distinguished by powerful natural magnetism.

Women with moles on their lips can boast of an easy-going character, so they almost never have enemies. Risks are rarely taken, even if they are justified. Despite this, they successfully achieve their goal.

Moles on women's bodies have always attracted the attention of the stronger sex. Men say that these are the most beautiful natural jewelry. And very sexy.

Cosmic signs of fate are reflected not only in people’s horoscopes, but also appear in their appearance. These indicating signs appear throughout life on the human body in the form of moles, birthmarks, wrinkles, depressions, scars, etc.

A person is born absolutely “clean” - no moles, except birthmarks, are usually visible. As you get older, moles appear unexpectedly. It is curious that moles in children repeat the pattern of the location of moles of the mother or father, grandfather or grandmother, or other relatives. Thus, moles, like birthmarks, are a generic, hereditary factor, indicating generic problems, talents, or a repetition of the family line of fate. At the same time, generic tendencies on the maternal and paternal lines are smoothly combined. To understand what these signs are talking about, let’s turn to ancient science, which considers the horoscope and the human body as a single whole.

What can moles say about a person’s fate?

The human body is conventionally divided into twelve sectors, each of which has a connection with its own zodiac sign. A sign in the form of a mole or birthmark on a certain area of ​​the body corresponds to a certain zodiac sign and is described by the influence of this zodiac sign. Moles and birthmarks carry fatality, predestination in fate in certain areas of life. If there are a lot of small moles, as if the body is strewn with them, then it is believed that a person’s fate is “overwhelmed” with karmic generic problems, which will have to be “dealt with” as they arrive, and to interpret the signs of fate in this case, you need to pay attention only to large, prominent moles. The nature of the influence of a mole depends on its location, color and size. The most pleasant and sweetest in influence will be moles that are golden or light brown in color, not convex and not prominent due to their size. The nature of the influence of brown, dark brown and red moles depends on the location on the human body - on the right or left side. It should be noted that there is a difference between the location of moles on the body of a man and a woman. Moles, birthmarks located on the right side of a man and on the left side of a woman are considered favorable, indicating talent, a “lucky mark” in fate. Moles, birthmarks located on the left side of a man and on the right side of a woman are considered unfavorable, indicating a birth problem, a difficulty that will have to be faced in life. The most negative are dark, black or bluish-tinged moles. Located on the “favorable” side of a woman or man, they somewhat soften their meaning, but still indicate a serious karmic problem in the family, which will have to be solved or “passed on” further by inheritance. If an unfavorable mole in children or grandchildren becomes lighter or smaller, then this is very good and indicates that the ancestral karmic problem is gradually being resolved and erased.

Location of moles and their meaning

Moles or birthmarks on the forehead are related to determination, ambition and ambition. Located on the favorable side, such signs indicate that a person will be distinguished in his circle, will have a strong influence on the fate of his relatives, a clan or community of people, and will be listened to to his opinion and advice. Whether this influence will be beneficial or destructive for others depends on the location on the “good” or “evil” side. A black mole, located just above the eyebrows and slightly shifted to the side from the center of the forehead, warns of “trouble” with the law.

Mole figures are signs of fate, but not everyone will be able to interpret them correctly. Having mastered the necessary knowledge, you will discover new horizons for yourself, you will be able to read a person’s future, his destiny, inclinations and even purpose.

In the article:

Color of moles and other distinctive marks

There is a special science - morphoscopy, which deals with the interpretation of signs on the human body. According to it, it is divided into two parts - favorable and unfavorable. To correctly identify the halves, you need to mentally put a point in the middle of the forehead and draw a vertical line.

In women and men these parts are opposite. For the stronger sex, the right half is considered positive, and the signs on it promise good events, while the left is negative, whose moles portend troubles and misfortunes. For women, the opposite is true: the left side carries positive information, and the right promises unpleasant changes in life.

Birthmarks are also associated with astrology, since the celestial bodies influence significant influence for our lives. Depending on the color and shape, moles belong to one or another planet.

Black and convex spots are related to Saturn. The larger they are, the more inevitable the predicted events. These stains can be received as a reminder of actions in past life and have an impact in the future. Marks can be passed down through a family from an ancestor whose sin must be atoneed for. And only long-term work on yourself can change this.

Red moles belong to Mars and Jupiter. They foreshadow fateful events in life. Perhaps you will discover a religious teaching or meet a person who will amaze you. The echoes of this event will be felt in future incarnations.

Light moles are related to Venus. They indicate a person's personal life. These can be both problems that prevent you from finding happiness, and lucky coincidences that open the way to the future. The tonality of the signs depends on the location of the birthmarks, as well as the side of the body.

Another science related to morphoscopy is considered. Magic numbers can enhance, decrease or change the meaning of figures.

The timing of a mole's appearance affects the accuracy of what it predicts. The most reliable marks are those that appeared before the age of seven. If they remain on the body, the meaning is reliable. Have disappeared or all that remains is white trail- influence is not taken into account.

To find out what events will prevail in your life, you need to count the number of moles on the right and left side of the body. Fate will depend on where there are more signs - favorable or not.

We should not forget that there are both positive and negative zones on the human body, regardless of the side. Two moles on the stomach near the navel warn of future health problems. However, if there is a mark on the favorable side in the “bad” zone, all problems will be successfully resolved.

Figures from moles in the form of a triangle

Birthmarks can form shapes that have a special magical meaning. They are also divided into favorable and negative. The triangle is considered the most positive sign. Such a mark indicates the mission in the life of an individual. If it appears on the face, the person is the chosen one and his actions will have huge consequences for the future generation.

The top of the triangle is directed upward - you will soon gain important experience. The figure is on the favorable side - the acquisition of knowledge will be easy and pleasant. To “bad” - through pain and suffering.

The top of the triangle is directed downward - expect losses and failures, even if it is located on the positive side. The top of the sign pointing to the right or left symbolizes dependence. Someone owns your thoughts and controls you.

The location of the triangle of moles also affects its interpretation. If it is on the stomach, on the favorable side, work brings joy and self-realization to its owner and is a source of benefits. He moves quickly through career ladder, being a strict but fair boss. A triangle on the unfavorable side indicates tedious and hard work. There is a high risk of injury at work.

A triangle of birthmarks on your back on your auspicious side is a sign that you love the simple pleasures of life. Nevertheless, carnal desires are not the height of dreams; you are able to pull yourself together and abandon them. If the symbol is located on the unfavorable side, beware of base passions. You need to devote time and effort to developing self-control.

A figure of three spots on the chest on the favorable side indicates a talent for entrepreneurial activity. It seems as if Providence itself is directing you on the right path, helping you to successfully avoid all pitfalls and traps. If it is placed on the unfavorable side, the business is not for you. Become a good specialist in your field.

A triangle on the leg on the unfavorable side indicates anxiety and suspiciousness of the owner. He cannot sit still and is always dissatisfied with what he has. Always looking for the best, but rarely satisfied. If the birthmarks are on the favorable side, their owner likes to achieve everything himself. He is also restless and active, but this liveliness helps in life, and does not hinder. Thanks to his disruptive nature, he will be able to achieve a lot.

A triangle on the hands speaks of the vulnerability of the owner. He should not do work that requires nervous tension, this will not end well. It’s better to work at home or in a familiar team, without deadlines and fuss. Such people are good where perseverance and patience are needed.

Moles in the form of a triangle are rare on the head, more often on the cheek. On the favorable side, they mean talent in some area. Their owners may not develop abilities and still be more talented than those who do. With diligent practice you can do big name in this area. On the unfavorable side, the sign promises failure and trouble. They literally pour out on the owner. Perhaps the cause is the sins of a past life or a strong curse at birth.

A triangle of moles on the top of the head is quite rare and speaks of a strong connection with the cosmos and the great destiny of man. He can be a spiritual teacher, preacher, creator of a new religion. In any case, his life will not be ordinary. This person attracts people regardless of his desire. In case of non-reconciliation with fate, hardships await him, including death.

Figures from moles in the form of constellations

A figure of seven marks, reminiscent of the Big Dipper's ladle, speaks of strong energy. You don't get sick often and recover quickly. People are drawn to you, attracted by your strength. Trust your intuition and develop your abilities.

Six spots located in the form of the constellation Orion characterize the nature of the fighter. You don't like to give up and don't compromise, but that's your flaw. To have good relationship with people, learn to sacrifice your interests and show condescension towards the weaknesses of others. You sense danger well and can foresee important events.

Birthmarks, similar to the Pyramid constellation, in or near the navel indicate the abilities of a healer. Such people are attentive to others and notice changes in them before they themselves. Therefore, it is difficult to deceive them. You are usually patient and gentle, but can stand up for yourself if necessary. And yet, sometimes you think too much about others and not enough about yourself. Breathe out and take care of yourself.

Other figures from moles

Heart-shaped birthmarks tell about relationships with the opposite sex. Much depends on the harmony of the figure. If the parts of the heart are equal, and there are no sharp zigzags and corners, love will be smooth, without passionate feelings, but also without betrayals. If the figure is torn or broken, expect whirlwind romances, but you will experience disappointments and losses.

If four birthmarks form a diamond, and there is another one exactly in the middle, this is a sign of a crossroads, a difficult choice that will change your life forever. Three or more spots form a straight line - the fate has already been determined. It is located from top to bottom - you must fulfill your purpose in life. If the line is horizontal, there is a chance to change the course of events.

Moles have always attracted people's interest. Their shape, size and location are special meaning. For example, moles on the human body, which look like constellations, are fateful, and also speak of a diverse and hectic life the person who has them.

A mole that looks like the Big Dipper indicates that such a person is protected by higher powers. For example, if a mole is located on the arm, then a person is lucky in communicating with other people; if it is on the forehead, such people are quite smart; if it is on the chest, such people are lucky in amorous affairs.

A mole that looks like the constellation Gemini indicates that its owner has an incredible gift for communicating with people: he finds general topics and contact with all people. Women who have a mole that looks like this are characterized as good needlewomen and housewives.

A mole that looks like the constellation Libra is a sign that people with such a mole attract the attention of the opposite sex, and such people are also quite well versed in legal and political affairs. They can be good lawyers, politicians and speakers.

A mole that looks like the constellation Aquarius indicates the energy of a person and his great potential in any type of activity.

A mole, which looks like the constellation Virgo, brings its owner the protection of higher powers. Such people are lucky in everything. They have strong family And good job, they do not have chronic diseases, and almost all their desires come true.

People who have moles that look like the constellation Virgo are able to unite people around them and have leadership qualities. They are capable of strong and great feelings.

Moles that look like the constellation Orion indicate that their owner has a special mission on Earth. Such a mole indicates that the person belongs to the red or Atlantic race.

Moles that look like the constellation Capricorn indicate that their owner will have a successful and great career. Such people achieve their goals by any means.

A mole that looks like such a constellation is a sign of happiness, and the happiness of people with such a mole lies in family life.

People whose mole looks like the constellation Scorpio lead a rather extreme life and constantly walk on the edge of an abyss. They are very expressive and amorous, you need to watch out for them.

A mole that looks like the constellation Sagittarius indicates that its owner loves to travel and has a craving for unknown countries.

It should be noted that people who had moles in the form of constellations were previously considered to be related to evil spirits Therefore, such people carefully hid their moles from prying eyes.