Osho zen tarot instant reading.

Osho Zen Tarots are not traditional tarots in the sense that you play with predictions. Rather, they are an all-encompassing Zen play that reflects the moment, presenting what is here and now, without judgment or comparison. This game awakens you to sensitivity, intuition, compassion, receptivity. The emphasis on awareness is something that has been added to the old systems and old ideas about tarot. You will see this for yourself as soon as you start working with Osho Zen Tarot cards.

Obviously, although you can ask the tarot anything, it is really a means of revealing what you already know. Any card drawn in response to a question is a direct reflection of what you are unable or unwilling to recognize at that time. But it is only through awareness (without judgment as right or wrong) from a position of non-involvement that you can begin to most fully experience your ups and downs - the full spectrum of your colorful existence.

Remember to stay in the moment as you choose the cards, allowing your inner response to bring clarity to your outer circumstances. Be creative - the possibilities are unlimited. Be as silent and focused as possible. The more deeply you understand this process as a gift for your individual development, those more meaning you will find in these messages.

You will see in practice that the images of Osho Zen Tarot are alive. Their impact is undeniable. They speak to us in a language that our deepest selves understand. They awaken understanding. They bring clarity.

On these pages of our website there are several layouts, or models, with which you can play. Be as silent and focused as possible. The more deeply you understand this process as a gift for your individual development, the more meaning you will find in these messages.

For thirty years, talking with friends and students, Osho answered questions, commented on the teachings of great sages and sacred scriptures.
His conversations make you look at everything from the Vedic scriptures to the familiar sayings of Jesus in a new way. He speaks with equal authority about Hasidim, Sufis, Bauls, yoga and Buddhists. Osho ultimately focuses on imparting the unique wisdom of Zen because he considers Zen to be a spiritual tradition whose approach to the inner life of man has stood the test of time and is important to modern humanity.
Unlike other religions that have fallen prey to cultism and dogmatism, Zen insists on unique ability each person to achieve enlightenment or freedom from the illusions of the ego created by the mind. The teaching claims that this ability can be realized only through meditation - neither by following certain rituals, nor by adherence to rules, nor by imitation of other people, even the most worthy, but only by vigilance and non-judgmental attention to one's own thoughts, actions and feelings.
When we practice this alertness, this meditative approach to life, it soon brings us to the realization that in every person there is a constant, unchanging, equanimous center of observation, a center which has the ability to see life as a great adventure, a game, a school of secrets, and, finally, a blissful journey with the sole purpose of enjoying every step of the way. According to Osho, this ability not to worship Buddhas but to become a Buddha, not to follow others but to develop awareness within ourselves, can bring a quality of light and love into everything we do. Osho has always been more than just an orator or philosopher. For the friends around him, he created an atmosphere in which the truths he preached could become direct experience. Traveling with Osho does not mean retiring to the mountains, leading an ascetic life and moving away from the bustle of the world. On the contrary, it means devoting oneself completely to the task of awakening through a variety of techniques of meditation, healing the body and psychological therapy, laughter, play and a healthy combination of creativity and physical labor.

Mopping floors can be as much a meditation as sitting silently in the presence of the Master, and arguments about kitchen duty are as significant as understanding Gautama Buddha's Diamond Sutra. Even the twists and turns love relationship play a role in the journey of self discovery. It is in the pursuit of contemplation of life in general that these tarot cards were created. And they are dedicated to the Buddha within each of us.

Buddha is not anyone's monopoly, he does not belong to anyone. This is the innermost essence of everyone.
You don't have to be a Buddhist to be a Buddha. Buddhahood transcends all religions; This is everyone's birthright. Let it come to you, in your daily activities, so that everything in your life becomes meditation, grace, beauty and blessing.
Osho No-mind: flowers of eternity.
Ma Deva Sarito

Tarot cards have been around for thousands of years since Ancient Egypt or even much earlier. Tarot was first used in the West in the Middle Ages. During those troubled times, tarot imagery was used as a code to convey the teachings of the medieval secret schools. IN different times tarot was used in different ways - to predict the future, as a “parlor” game, as a way of obtaining invisible occult information about different situations. Some sources say that the number of cards is equal to the number of steps taken after birth by the child Siddhartha, who later became Gautama Buddha. He walked seven steps forward and seven steps back in each of the four cardinal directions, says legend, and this became the model for the minor cards in the tarot. In addition to these 56 cards Minor Arcana, the tarot includes an additional 22 cards, or Major Arcana, which reflect full story spiritual journey of a person. From the first innocent step of the Fool to the culmination of the journey represented by the card of Completion, we find in the Major Arcana archetypal images that connect us all as humans. They tell a journey of self-discovery that is entirely unique to everyone, regardless of race, gender, class or religion.
In the traditional tarot deck, this journey of self-discovery was represented as a kind of spiral, leading with the completion of each turn on new level way to a new beginning with the next entry of the Fool. But this deck has a Master card added to it. This card allows us to leave the spiral, to jump out of the wheel of death and birth. The Master card symbolizes the highest transcendence of the journey itself, a transcendence that becomes possible only through the disappearance of the separate individual ego in enlightenment.
Definitely, Osho Zen Tarots are not traditional tarots in the sense that you play with predictions. Rather, they are an all-encompassing Zen play that reflects the moment, presenting what is here and now, without judgment or comparison. This game awakens you to sensitivity, intuition, compassion, receptivity. The emphasis on awareness is something that has been added to the old systems and old ideas about tarot. You will see this for yourself as soon as you start working with Osho Zen Tarot cards.

The 22 cards in the deck are numbered in Roman numerals from 0 to XXI. They represent the central, archetypal stages of man's spiritual journey. The Master Card, symbolizing transcendence, has no number.
When a Major Arcana card appears in a reading, it has a special superior and deeper meaning compared to the Minor Arcana cards. She shares how our current circumstances provide us with an opportunity to explore one of the central themes of our individual spiritual journey. This is especially useful in exploring other cards in relation to a central theme. For example: “What does the fact that I worked too hard (Exhaustion) tell me about my need for self-expression (Creativity)? How am I hindering my creative progress by spending all my energy trying to keep the “machine” running? If the Major Arcana cards are not in the reading, most likely the current situation is a passing subplot of a larger play in your life. This doesn't mean it's unimportant or that it's stupid to worry about it. But the very absence of Major Arcana cards may remind you that “this too shall pass,” and you may later wonder how much fuss there was about it.

Finally, if the Major Arcana cards are in the reading, this may indicate that there is a significant change of scenery and characters in your play. Sometimes the abundance of Major Arcana cards is so overwhelming that you may want to choose just one of them - the one that strikes you with the clarity of its message - as the basis for a new interpretation to help you understand what you are encountering.

These 56 cards are divided into four suits, representing the four elements, each of which is marked with a diamond of a special color and the dominant color of the suit. Cards of the Water suit have a blue diamond, those of the Fire suit have a red diamond, those of the Clouds have a gray one, and the Rainbow ones have a rainbow color. Each tarot suit contains "court cards" (similar to the "king", "queen" or "jack" in a regular deck playing cards). Their hierarchy does not have any meaning in this case, but is needed only to present the various possibilities of mastery of the four elements in which they are located.
The Fire suit corresponds to the Wands of traditional tarot and represents the area of ​​action and reaction - the energy that draws us into a situation and then takes us out of it. When we follow our intuition rather than our mind or emotions.
The Water Suit replaces the traditional Cups, representing the emotional side of life. It is a more “feminine” and receptive energy than Fire.
Clouds were chosen to replace Swords, the traditional suit of air representing the mind. This is because the nature of the unenlightened mind is like clouds in the sense that it blocks the path of light and casts a shadow on our surroundings, preventing us from seeing things as they are .
But there is also another side to clouds that needs to be remembered - they come and go, and therefore should not be taken too seriously!
Finally, the Rainbow suit in this deck takes the place of the traditional suit of Disks, or Pentacles, representing the element of Earth. Traditionally, this is an element representing the practical, material side of life. But in keeping with the Zen approach, in which even the simplest earthly activities contain the opportunity to celebrate the divine, the Rainbow was chosen for this purpose. By using the Rainbow, which connects heaven and earth, matter and spirit, we remind ourselves that in reality there is no division between the lower and the higher, and that in fact it is a continuous flow of common energy. And heaven is not some distant place high in the sky, but a reality waiting to be discovered here on earth. A journey of discovery awaits you, and a path to going beyond everything. Walk lightly and playfully from the peaks to the valleys and back to the peaks again, enjoying the step of the path. Learn from your mistakes and you won't be able to act wrongly.

Divination Osho online for free - best way find out what to do in this situation. Osho Zen Tarot allows you to tell fortunes for free online, to penetrate into a person’s soul.

This method Foreseeing the future is very different from any other practice using cards. Those who practice similar look fortune telling, are able not only to see future events, but also to determine exactly how to behave in any situation.

Such a ritual will allow you to find out:

  • what to do in a love relationship;
  • how to overcome the crisis;
  • how to resolve the conflict;
  • what motivates a person;
  • what needs to be done to achieve success, etc.

A fortuneteller should not be asked questions that relate to money and do not relate to emotional experiences. An ordinary deck is not capable of helping in this situation. Therefore, if a person asks such a question, he will not receive any information.

The sage Osho was sure that a person already knows what awaits him and how to act in any situation. But this knowledge is hidden in our subconscious and needs to be awakened.

Your task: both in person and online - close your eyes, concentrate, clearly say the question to yourself, look at the cards laid out in front of you. Intuitively, you will be drawn to the picture that can give you the advice you need.

Zen tarot reading for free is not just a standard method of predicting the future. The ritual is based on Osho's parables, which makes it special.

The more you believe in the success of the ritual and are ready to look into your soul to get the right answer, the more accurate the information that the cards will give. Therefore, having concentrated and tuned in to the desired wave, you can begin the ritual.


I was 14 years old when I timidly but enthusiastically took these cards. Osho Zen Tarot has been my work deck for over 10 years. I learned to use Tarot not from the classics, but from her.

This deck stands alone. Some esotericists consider her an oracle. Others draw attention to the Waitean system of interpretation. Still others plunge into deep meditation with her. In short, the deck is controversial. This is understandable, because its creator is the greatest mystic, philosopher and rebel of India of the twentieth century.

Facts about Osho Zen Tarot

The deck was created in 1995 by a follower of Osho’s teachings, Ma Deva Padma (Susan Morgan). The work went on for 5 years under the guidance of the Master himself.

The attached manual provides a philosophical interpretation of each card with excerpts from Osho's lectures. But in it you will not find direct instructions in the style: “This card means this, it should be read this way, and in the vicinity of such cards it gives such and such advice.” Osho invested his knowledge and vision so that the user of the deck did not follow a clearly fixed interpretation, but independently felt the cards and used intuition as much as possible.

There are 79 cards in the deck. Osho introduced an additional Master card, which is the quintessence of the entire deck. In the layouts it reads as “you yourself know the answer. You are the Master."

On the map Master Osho portrayed himself

The back of the deck is decorated with Osho's autograph.

It is believed that an autograph gives the deck special power, the patronage of the creator.

The deck structure is familiar:

  • Major and Minor Arcana;
  • 4 suits, but already unusual - Water (emotions), Clouds (mind), Rainbow (unity), Fire (action);
  • Courtyard maps marked with triangles.

Also, each card has a hint word - a leading meaning, a ready-made answer.

And all this does not matter. Yes, yes, you read that right. The structure of the deck, suits and colors are of secondary importance here. The main thing is the plot. Therefore, some esotericists believe that the deck is not suitable for searching for answers to everyday, mundane questions, but only for spiritual work.

There is some truth in this, since interpretation occurs primarily in the spirit. The deck encourages you to work through the situation in your mind, and only then move on to action.

For example, the Client asks how to improve his health.

Dropped: Guilt, Lovers, Postponement, Ordinariness, Generosity, Healing, Totality.

Interpretation: First of all, the Client needs to develop self-love. Instead of guilt and self-examination - acceptance, self-respect (Guilt, Lovers). Moreover, do this here and now, in everyday situations, and not wait for a sign from above (Postponement, Ordinaryness). The more actively the Client aligns his attitude towards himself, the faster the healing will occur. Probably, several more sores will wake up as a consequence of past negative thinking (Generosity, Healing). Therefore, the grip cannot be released. Always remain calm and peace of mind(Totality).

As you can see, there is no need to dive into the meanings, consider the advantage of the Major Arcana, or identify the predominant suit. Everything is extremely simple.

Osho Zen Tarot is universal in all respects. You will receive useful recommendations and answers to any topic: love, work, money, health, spirituality. Easily determine the timing of the prediction. How exactly - read on.

Features of the Osho Zen Tarot deck

Don't look for anything from Waite or Crowley in the deck. If you want, of course, you can find similarities, but why? This is a non-classical deck, so put everything you have previously learned on the back burner. You will see familiar plots: The Fool and the Clown, We are the world and Peace, Friendliness, etc. But these similarities do not mean anything.

When working with Osho Zen Tarot, you should carefully look at the images and use clue words. Take a look at the Politics card: a mask, an unpleasant face, a snake evoke simple associations, they also mean meanings - self-interest, lies, deception (including self-deception), dependence on third-party opinions, etc.

Politics card in the Osho Zen Tarot deck

Or the Integration card: the elements of fire and water, the grace of a swan and the strength of an eagle, two faces in one, ouroboros - this card is about unity, balance, calm, reconciliation, a combination of opposites.

Integration card in the Osho Zen Tarot deck

The cards are easy to read - no need to memorize dozens of meanings, no need to rummage through interpretive books. Everything is in the images.

The only difficulty that a tarot reader may encounter is how to tie all this spirituality to everyday issues, the material plane. Here, in addition to intuition, use associations and rise above the situation.

I'll go back to the roots. Our world is dual. There is Theos and Chaos, Light and Darkness, Spirit and Matter. There is also duality in the Osho Zen Tarot: solving everyday issues through spiritual elaboration. Therefore, the recommendations from the cards always sound like this: in order to get something on the physical plane, first do something in spirit (change your attitude, put your thoughts in order, let go of control over the situation, etc.)

How to tell fortunes using Osho Zen Tarot?

Over 13 years of working with Osho Zen Tarot, I have discovered a simple and effective way card reading. And now you will recognize him.

You need:

  1. That's right, ask the question as precisely as possible;
  2. Lay out any number of cards;
  3. Determine in general whether the dropped cards have a positive or negative meaning;
  4. Start the interpretation with the map that is most understandable to you;
  5. Read the cards in any order.

Let me give you a clear example.

Question: What are the reasons for the Client’s loneliness?

Cards drawn: Sadness, Participation, Receptivity, Slowing down, Politics, Struggle.

Interpretation: look as a whole. The gloomy cards of Sadness, Politics, Struggle fell out. This means that the reasons for loneliness are the negative attitude of the Client himself. But the pleasant Participation and Receptivity lie nearby - there is hope.

We highlight the most simple map Receptivity - instead of a head there is a lotus flower. That is, the Client has completely turned off his head and is guided by emotions. The client has overestimated his importance and is immersed in negative feelings. Here's Sadness, Struggle, Politics. He is engaged in self-flagellation, but does not solve the situation - all the images are static, there is no forward striving.

At the same time, there are worthy partners in the Client’s environment (Participation), but they do not attract him. The client persuades himself, like, it’s not time yet, there’s something wrong with me, etc. Therefore, the matter will not move forward in any way (Slowdown).

How to determine the prediction period?

There are three approaches to determine prediction timing:

Option 1. Ask it initially when formulating the question.

For example, the prospects of finding a new job within three months.

Cards: Consciousness, Healing, Innocence, Receptivity, Journey, Lightning.

Interpretation: in general, cards with a positive meaning. That is, the chances are great. At the same time, the cards are static, except for Travel and Lightning. They're more about internal work Client than about active actions.

Let's start with the most understandable card - Lightning. Work will drop unexpectedly, and perhaps in another city, with frequent business trips (Travel). The client needs to work on self-esteem - to believe in his strength, to appreciate his potential (Consciousness, Healing). Get rid of doubts in the style of “I’m not smart, good, or experienced enough,” that is, reduce the importance (Sensitivity). And also be ready to learn, hone your skills, even knowing your field of activity inside and out (Innocence).

Option 2. Lay out cards in several ways.

For example, you found out that the Client will be able to find a job within three months. Now lay out one card for each month: January, February, March. In which option the card with the most positive meaning was drawn, in that month the Client will find a job.

Maps: Ripeness for January, Slowdown for February, Source for March

Interpretation: Ripeness says - work is unlikely to appear in January, the Client will still be “ripening”. Slowdown - the chances are extremely low. But the Source glows with positive prospects. In March, the Client has the best chance of finding a job.

Option 3. Analyze the dropped cards based on their dynamics.

The deck contains dynamic cards and stagnation cards.

For example, Intensity, Rebel, Breakthrough, Playfulness, Adventure and others are dynamic cards. They clearly indicate forward movement. They indicate the acceleration of events, the fulfillment of a prediction in short terms: from a couple of days to several weeks.

Dynamic maps that indicate the development of the situation

Sadness, Guilt, Slowness, Completeness, Control and others are cards of stagnation. The figures in the images are static, there is no sense of dynamics, which means that the fulfillment of the prediction is delayed for a longer period.

Passive cards that indicate stagnation

The client is wondering if now is a good time to move to another city.

Cards drawn: Fool, Healing, Intensity, Dream.

Interpretation: The Fool and Intensity are dynamic, Healing is too, do you see how the waves of energy move in the image?

Now the Client can easily start new stage in life (Fool, Healing). He will move quickly and successfully (Intensity) if he casts aside doubts and believes in his goal (Dream).

A client asks about the prospects for a salary increase at his current job.

Cards: Frozen, Beyond Illusions, Postponement, Patience

Interpretation: Frozenness, Postponement and Patience are static, there is no movement.

The prospects are bleak. No salary increase in sight (Frozen). Although it is possible that the authorities will promise this (Beyond Illusions), but will postpone the resolution of the issue until later (Postponement). So the Client will have to wait (Patience).

Who is Osho Zen Tarot suitable for?

Absolutely any tarot reader - both experienced and beginner. During the first year of conducting their Tarot divination courses, 11 out of 40 students chose the Osho deck. I didn’t impose or insist, but the students preferred these cards because easy work with them. And most importantly - a deep understanding of even the most everyday issues.
P.S. There are several manuals for working with this deck, but they are often not available in online stores. I am editing my own book on working with Osho Zen Tarot. Layout and publication are ahead. I will try to complete the manual by the end of spring and release it for free download. So you can explore the deck yourself with my tips and recommendations.

This deck was created in memory of Osho, the revered Indian spiritual leader. His view of scriptures and religions was pure and fresh, and his teachings are now recognized as cultural heritage of India.

Zen practices knowledge of life through meditation and is based on the ability to renounce external husks and illusions, and to know oneself. A person can develop the skill of self-contemplation, comprehension of life not from the outside, but based on inner strength. He must learn to free his individuality, to follow an unconventional path without regard to the environment and the desires of the crowd.

His followers carefully put the main thoughts and ideas into Osho Zen Tarot cards and conveyed the atmosphere of the teaching he created. They will not show you either the past or the future, because Osho taught that you need to live and be happy here and now. They will help you look into your present self and think about what exists. emotional state, suggest the direction of spiritual growth.

Before fortune telling, relax, make sure that nothing distracts you. Try to enter a state close to meditation. Clearly formulate the question that concerns you. And remove one card from the deck. Read the interpretation, this will be your vision of the situation at the moment.

For the “Instant” layout, it is customary to use exclusively cards of the major arcana, because they leave fewer omissions in the answer to your question.

Trust your intuition. A fool discards unnecessary knowledge, his thoughts are pure and innocent, like those of a baby. In your case, rational thinking will be a hindrance.

Allow yourself to exist in harmony with this world, throw away everything vain, feel unity with nature, like a woman sitting on a lotus leaf in the silence of the starry sky.

There is no need to rely on outside advice. Disconnect from external noise, and even from the constant thoughts flashing in your head. Then the inner essence will lead you.

Relax and surrender to the creative impulse that attracts you. If you love your work, then you will be able to find a balance between material and spiritual creation.

The rebel encourages you to take responsibility for your life and understand yourself. Fight every day against social restrictions so that you can be the master of your own destiny.

Allow your consciousness not to cling to the vanity of existence, to dissolve in silence and bliss. After all, at the beginning life path nothing, and it is in the end. There's no need to create a fuss.

Only when you are confident in yourself, feeling self-sufficient and happy alone with your nature, will you want to share love and stop worrying about the feelings of others towards you.

By throwing away the burden of experience, the dust of a vain past that weighs down your mind, you can learn to manage your life consciously and detachedly.

It takes great courage to grow towards your dreams without knowing what lies ahead. Be brave and you can reach your potential.

Free yourself from the fear of feeling lonely, feel freedom from society, allow yourself to have own opinion, even if it goes against the foundations of other people.

Allow the new to break into you and bring changes into your life. By rejecting them, you rotate in a vicious cyclical circle.

You have been in chaos for a very long time. But the dawn is already near. Allow yourself to shake off the shackles and release energy for further achievements.

If you are open to the higher, it will fill you. But you will have to let go of the burden of the past to start living in the present.

Let yourself go, allow your emotions to just be inside you, observe them from the outside. You should not hate grief, because without it there would be no joy.

You are a whole, created from the unity of opposites of a previously lived dual life. Dive inside yourself and you will see the core.

Reject your identity imposed by society. Don't be a sheep in a herd of your own kind. Reveal your individuality, find your true face.

If there is a storm in your soul, and the earth is about to disappear from under your feet, do not try to grab hold of the fragments of the collapsing world. Renew yourself and you will become stronger.

Forget about the noisy world, plunge into inner silence. It is deep, but once you know it, you know everything.

Use your imagination, because all events in life only hint at an ancient model of existence, an echo of eternity in the bustle of days.

You are born innocent, but when you receive knowledge, you become callous and covered with dust. So erase it from the mirror of your soul. Observe, like children, rediscover who you have always been.

Everything in the world moves, changes, is illusory. Don't look for reality outside yourself, search within. Get out of the imposed illusions.

Finish your unfinished tasks, they take up your time and energy. The universe does not tolerate incompleteness. Only after finishing one thing will you be open to another, new process.

Among online fortune telling using Tarot cards, Osho’s instant layout is highlighted. Zen and Tarot are not as distant concepts as they might seem at first glance. They are united by multi-layered symbolism and a philosophical approach to reading signs, that is, one in which a person receives not a clear guide to action, but clues in the direction of movement. Both Zen and Tarot seek to expand the consciousness of the fortuneteller and push him to find new ways to solve his problems, that is, they are potentially more in a universal way Find out the answers to questions and apply them in practice than classical fortune telling.

Components of the layout

Let's define the basic concepts for better reading Instant Tarot layouts: Osho, Zen and Zorba-Buddha. They all come from Asia and are related to each other. Zen (Sanskrit for “contemplation”) is one of the main varieties of Buddhism originally from China, where Zen came from India. If we consider the term broadly, then Zen is the teaching of enlightenment through mystical contemplation.

Osho (Hindi for “dissolved in the ocean”) is an Indian mystic and spiritual leader. He preached a life of total absorption, but without attachment to the world, as well as freedom from ego and the pursuit of enlightenment. Osho received conflicting assessments of his activities during his lifetime and was even expelled from the United States and became persona non grata in 21 countries, but after his death he received new recognition as one of the most important spiritual teachers of India and his generation.

Osho defined Zen as follows:

I call Zen the only living religion because it is not a religion, but religiosity itself. For Zen everything is sacred.

Zen is a state where illness has disappeared; and, of course, along with the disease - and medicine.

And finally, Zorba the Buddha is a characteristic of a person invented by Osho himself. It consists of two key definitions:

  1. Zorba is a simple man who lives “here and now”, making no distinction between spirit and matter, opposites.
  2. Buddha is the one who was able to achieve enlightenment. This is a person living his last incarnation, since he was able to undergo all the necessary transformations over the thousands of lives that he has already lived.

So, Zorba the Buddha is a symbiosis of a person free from prejudice, with an open view of the world, and an enlightened person. This is exactly how Osho saw the man of the new generation:

It turns out that the instant Zen Tarot layout should be interpreted impartially, free from stereotypes and fears. The more open the fortuneteller, the more correctly he will understand the answer to his question. And by the way, anyone can ask this type of instant tarot.

One card spread

The easiest and fastest option for fortune telling is instant tarot with one card. For the layout, you need to focus on your question, formulate it as clearly as possible. If possible, you can even close your eyes and imagine an exciting situation, then shuffle the deck and pull out one card. It will answer the question.

Example 1

For the question “Is it worth taking on now? new job? the “XXI Completeness” card arrived, its meaning: “Everything that distracted you goes away and gives way to something new. Use this break to celebrate one accomplishment and welcome the next.” You should pay attention to the difference in the interpretation of the card in the meaning of the Tarot and according to Osho:

It is difficult to immediately get used to his language and understand how to apply what is said to the subject of fortune telling, that is, to the request. But if you read carefully, you can still find the meaning: according to Osho, the answer to the question “is it worth taking on a new job” is for a person to answer it for himself, so that he can make a decision on his own. Because “only when you reach the extreme point will you see what’s next.” And this peak can be achieved either without working and rolling back, or by working, reaching the next result. In any case, that will be achieved extreme point, which Osho talks about, from where the path further will become visible.

He separately says that the master only indicates the direction, and does not give specific answers. This is precisely where freedom manifests itself through the expansion of consciousness. The fortuneteller ceases to be led and gains the opportunity to decide and move independently, that is, he takes responsibility upon himself. At the same time, Osho removes the excess potential that a person may feel with the need to choose for himself. He says that when the world ends, there will be nothing left. That is, the decision that must be made (and whatever it may be) is a component of the illusory world. It is not as important as it may initially seem.

Tarot fortune telling three arcana

Another popular layout is for the present, past and future. There is a Tarot deck on the table in even rows. You need to mentally ask a question, choose any three cards and turn them over. This layout answers the request, with one card explaining the influence of the past on the current situation, the second - the influence of the present, and the third - predicting the final result.

Example 2

To the question “What will the situation be like with the person I love in my life?” the following cards fell: “Movement with the flow” - the past, “Rebel” - the present, “Harmony” - the future. Again, you should pay attention to two different, but complementary, ways of reading the map:

In simple terms, this means that in the past a person went with the flow and thus resolved his issue in relation to the opposite sex. And this should continue to be done. There is no need to worry, because the flow will take you where you need to go. Moreover, there is no need to be “stagnant water”. It’s better to strive for depth, to constantly move.

Translating to clear language, we can say that both cards talk about strong man in the present and that you need to stay that way in order to get what you want. Osho’s meaning rather reveals a person’s character, but does not give any recommendations, which is also a classic approach in Zen.

As a final result, the card promises the achievement of harmony, which has already arisen in the person who made the request. She recommends acting from the heart, being simple and natural.

So, for a Zen Tarot reading, you need to ask not closed questions (the answer is “yes” and “no”), but open ones, as shown in the examples above. For a more accurate answer, you can become like Zorba the Buddha; instant fortune telling will then be even more effective, and the cards with their meanings will be clearer.

Zen Tarot cards can explain the past, present and future, as well as indicate the direction of further movement. To read them correctly you only need a little practice and immersion in Zen philosophy.