Osho Zen fortune telling one card online. Fortune telling osho

This is a kind of meditation, an attempt to look inside yourself. These cards differ from other Tarot decks, first of all, in their purpose. Below we will tell you about what Osho Zen Tarot is and how to work with it correctly.

In the article:

Osho Zen Tarot: what is it?

Osho Zen Tarot was created by students after his death. A set of cards appeared in 1995. The images for the arcana were drawn by the sannyasin Osho Ma Deva Padma.

Osho is an Indian spiritual leader and mystic, classified by some researchers as neo-Hinduism, and the inspirer of the neo-Orientalist and religious-cultural movement of Rajneesh.

The main difference between this deck and traditional ones is that its main purpose is to show the current state of a person. The deck invites you to play all-encompassing Zen game. It is not used to predict events of the future or past. It shows what is happening at a given specific moment, thereby giving a hint to a person on what to do, what to pay attention to, how to set priorities. Essentially, the Osho Zen Tarot is an oracle with which you can know yourself.

Differences between Osho and the classical Tarot

Osho Zen Tarot differs from classical decks. Yes, it retains the same structure: 78 cards, of which 22 are Major Arcana and 56 are Minor. Some of the names of the major arcana coincide with the classical ones (for example, arcana "Fool" And "Lovers" from the classics did not change their name in Osho Zen), some of the Major Arcana have names similar to traditional ones ( "Priestess"- in the classics, in Osho Zen - « Inner voice» ), and some of the arcana have completely different names (OSHO’s lasso number three is called "Creation", in the classics - "Empress" etc.).

The minor arcana are not divided into elements, and their interpretation also differs from the generally accepted one. In particular, the element of water replaces the classical "Cups" or "Bowls" element of fire - "Wands" or "Scepters", clouds symbolizing the mind represent "Swords", and the rainbow - "Pentacles" or "Denarius". Besides, minor arcana do not have a numerical value, instead they have their own names ( "Healing", "Trust", "Friendliness" etc.). Each of the four elements has its own court cards, similar to the classical ones, but their hierarchy does not play any role. The interpretations of the cards also differ. More precisely, they have nothing to do with the traditional divinatory meanings of the Tarot. All of them are described in detail in the instructions included with the set of cards.

Fortune telling Osho Zen Tarot

How to work with this unusual deck? First of all, you need to understand that these cards will only tell you about the present. They will not show the future and past. Fans of Osho Zen consider her an excellent assistant in spiritual growth. They believe that cards help to realize the feelings and emotions that a person is experiencing now, thereby showing him different manifestations himself, what happens to him.

Fans of fortune telling with ethical cards offer special layouts (for example, layout "Seven Chakras", which, as the name implies, is based on seven chakras) and modified classic layouts (for example, « « ). The deck is also great for reading « « .

In order to use these cards, you do not need to understand, since this deck, as we said above, is more of an oracle than a full-fledged Tarot deck. It does not require the so-called deck development- a number of practices that tarot readers use to get acquainted and tune in to one or another (for example, meditation on the lasso or "Card of the Day"). Large number people far from Tarot use these cards for meditation.

What questions does the deck work with:
  • relationship issues;
  • questions of knowledge of oneself and the world;
  • personality characteristics;
  • karmic issues;
  • viewing chakras

What questions should not be looked at in the Osho Zen Tarot:

  • Any questions not related to inner world person;
  • Questions of money, work, travel, probabilities of future development.

If you want to get to know yourself better and are looking for the right tool for this, the Osho Zen Tarot deck is just what you need. By learning your current state with its help, you will learn to be conscious of yourself and life, understand your true desires and how to implement them.

Do you want to get an answer to a question that concerns you? Think of a number from 1 to 12 and read the corresponding parable. The answer lies therein. This is Osho's famous fortune telling.

Whether this is true or not, on Sunday morning I saw an invitation to tell fortunes on Facebook, smiled and went to do it. I suggest you treat this fortune-telling with a smile, but without a certain irony. Because in any case, all Osho's parables are very instructive and worth reading. But only after the one you chose during the fortune telling process.

“Remember one important thing: when we predict the future, draw up horoscopes, tell palms, Tarot, I-Ching - all this is basically reading a person’s subconscious. It is rather a guessing of the past, and since the past follows from the future, we can find out the future.” © Osho

Look carefully at the cards, mentally turn to yourself and choose the card number.

Now find this card and its description below. Don't cheat with yourself. For what? After reading Osho's prediction and reflecting on it, you can then read the rest.

Card No. 1LOVE

Morality: Look carefully at the road and, without hesitation, go forward! Philosophizing is a mental process; it will not lead you to your goal. To succeed you need to take action.


It was getting dark when an elderly pilgrim wandered into the village and began asking local residents for a place to stay for the night. She knocked on all the doors, but no one opened for her. As a result, suffering from cold and hunger, the wanderer fell asleep under a spreading fruit tree. And at midnight I woke up and saw how unusually beautiful the flowering branches of the apple tree were in the moonlight. The woman stood up, bowed towards the village and thanked the people for not letting her spend the night. And then she returned home and painted the famous artistic canvas.

Morality: accept everything that life gives with gratitude. For human development, both suffering and pleasure are equally necessary.

Card No. 9HOPE

There is a parable about a hunter who got lost in the jungle. For three days he wandered alone through the living labyrinth and finally came across the same poor fellow. The men hugged and for some time both were incredibly happy. And then they asked each other why they were so happy. The first one said: “I’m lost and have already despaired of meeting anyone.” The second one answered: “I, too, got lost and was hoping to meet a guide.” But if we both do not know the way, there is nothing to rejoice in. Now we will wander together.

Morality: happiness together is possible only when people know how to be happy alone. Otherwise, they make each other even more miserable.


Jesus was very young when Mary and Joseph took him to Jerusalem for the Passover holiday. The kid got lost in the crowd. The parents searched for the child for a long time, then they found him in a circle of scribes. The boy talked with wise men, and they marveled at his childish intelligence. Joseph asked Jesus:

Why are you here? Your mother and I have been looking for you all day!
- Why do you need to look for me? I'm busy with my father's business.
- I am your father and I am a carpenter. “And you are sitting among the scribes,” Joseph was indignant.
- I meant my spiritual father.

Morality: sooner or later a child must break away from his parents, becoming independent not only physically, but also spiritually.


A samurai came to a Zen master with a question: “Is there hell and heaven? And where is their gate?
- Who are you? - asked his owner.
“Samurai,” answered the guest.
- Samurai? Why, you look like a tramp!

The warrior's pride was hurt, and without hesitation he grabbed the sword from its sheath. And the sage smiled and said:

Here's your answer. Hell and Heaven are not geographical concepts, but psychological ones. They are inside us. Both doors are nearby. By acting unconsciously, we open the gates of hell, and consciously, we open the gates to heaven.

Morality: learn to control your feelings and actions. And it doesn’t matter what you do - the main thing is that it is conscious.

Card No. 12JOURNEY

Teacher and student passed through the village on the day big holiday. As they approached the main square, the sounds of drums and people's screams became so loud that the student covered his ears with his hands. But to his surprise, the teacher, dancing, walked deeper and deeper towards the center of the square, to the place of the main action. After the holiday ended and the tired people went home, the student asked the teacher:
- Teacher, how could you rejoice and celebrate with such noise? I couldn't even hear my thoughts!
“You were tuned in to the noise, my friend, but to the people of this village it was music.” I just perceived these sounds the same way as they did.

Hello Beautiful!

I am glad that you came to my women's blog about happiness, harmony and love!

What is happiness for you?

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Let there be HAPPINESS!

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Here I talk about what I really, really love...

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If you need to understand yourself and get answers to exciting questions, then Osho’s fortune telling will do. This is a way of receiving advice using tarot cards. But at the heart of the ritual Osho fortune telling Zen lie not regular cards, and the Osho deck. There are several options for Osho's fortune telling on Tarot cards: Instant, Diamond, Unity, Celtic Cross. These fortune tellings can be done absolutely free online. This way, you don’t have to understand the meaning of each symbol.

The simplest is Osho Zen instant fortune telling. The procedure is carried out in a free style, you concentrate on the question. You need to shuffle the deck several times, so it will be charged with your energy. Next, you take out one card and place it in the center of the table.

Interpretation of the received response:

  • Jester - unexpected and dubious events. You haven't thought it through well;
  • Mag. This means you are full of determination;
  • The High Priestess speaks of hidden secrets that you do not want to reveal to anyone;
  • Empress means about material wealth;
  • The Emperor testifies to wishes that will come true;
  • The High Priest speaks of concentration;
  • Lovers testify that difficult choices must be made;
  • If you pulled out a chariot, then you are promised material success;
  • Justice and court. Chances are you'll soon run into trouble with the law;
  • The hermit talks about finding a spiritual path or being alone;
  • The Wheel of Fortune means that life is fleeting and changeable. Don't dwell on the problem;
  • Strength shows your self-confidence;
  • Elevated – victim;
  • Death says changes are coming your way. Perhaps this is a new chance;
  • Abstinence – calmness, complete harmony;
  • The devil talks about the desire to receive something;
  • Tower - chaos, destruction of plans;
  • The star speaks of a gift or success;
  • Moon – illusion, success in creativity;
  • Sun – happiness and security;
  • Peace – success or happiness.

As you can see, there are many cards and each has its own designation. Over time, when reading Osho Zen tarot, you will remember the meaning of each card.

Lay out the cards

Select 1st card

Card No. 1. You are also represented by what you, for your part, bring into the relationship, or what you have to learn from them.

Map No. 2. Represents the person you are interested in and indicates what they bring to your relationship.

Map No. 3. Shows the process of development of your relationship, the quality and spirit of interaction between you.

Card No. 4. It carries the key to understanding the deep essence of your relationship and its potential (future).

Fortune telling Osho Zen “Rhombus”

This is also fortune telling using Tarot cards. But here the layout of the cards is completely different. In the very center there is one sign, this is the answer to the question. After this, another one is laid out to the left of the main card. This is the influence of your feelings, or what you don’t see, on the situation. Then another card is laid out to the right of the first one. It indicates the influence of external events that you are aware of. Place one card at the bottom of the first icon; it means your understanding of events. Place again on top of the first card new sign. This is the last card, it allows you to find out what you need to solve your problems. The result should be a figure resembling a rhombus. This method can be called complex Osho Zen tarot fortune telling.

Fortune telling Osho Zen Tarot for a couple “Unity”

This unique fortune telling is carried out if you want to get an answer to a question about love or a relationship with your lover. It is carried out according to a certain scheme. In total, ten cards are laid out on the table during the process. Each of them has a specific meaning. According to such fortune telling Osho tarot, you can get answers to events happening in a couple. This is fortune telling for love.

Fortune telling Osho Zen "Celtic Cross" tarot

This method is used if you need to know the answer to a difficult life situation and you do not know how to solve it. The deck is laid out in the form of a cross according to a certain pattern. The easiest way to carry out such fortune telling is online, since you need to be able to make the layout and interpret each of the symbols. This procedure will push you to solve the existing problem.

- this is a specific fortune telling on unusual Osho Zen cards, the interpretation of which is based on the philosophy of Zen Buddhism. In this main feature and the value of these cards. The Zen Tarot deck can be used for meditation and self-improvement practices.

Fortune telling is provided with online STATISTICS. All your predictions are remembered.

- This financial condition Your affairs. The layout describes the cause of complications with income and a way to solve this problem. The result of the efforts made to improve the situation if you follow the advice of Osho Zen tarot cards.

- one of the simplest and most traditional card layouts, this is the answer of the cards to the question that worries you, a type of general layout.

Only three cards are selected: the first determines the past and its influence on the issue that concerns you, the second is the influence of the present on this issue, the third is the final result.

Four cardinal directions - this layout is one of the simplest and most universal layouts. It is suitable even for beginners, but requires precise wording of the question. The more specific the question, the clearer the answer.

The layout shows what significant event awaits the Questioner in the future, what should not be done in this regard, the recommendations of Osho Zen cards and the final result if the recommendation is implemented.

– this layout is used to interpret the current state of affairs and events. It allows you to navigate what is currently happening around you, better see what is happening from all sides, and helps to predict upcoming difficulties.

Having received this information, you can prepare for the problems that await you and cope with them more easily, and in some cases, avoid them altogether.

– this layout can help make an important decision. You are offered two options for solving your problem and the results of each solution. All that remains is to choose which one to accept (or not to accept both – it’s up to you). Prediction does not choose for you best option, it only shows the results of one and the other solution. The choice is yours.

- a layout showing the past incarnation. Sometimes it happens that you are not interested in the past, nor the future, nor the present - you want to know at least something about your previous incarnation. You are interested in what karma you came into this life with, what you need to work off, what you should pay special attention to. In this case, the Infinity layout will help you.

Seven pearls of Isis - the alignment is used in cases where a problem has already arisen or something is greatly bothering you, and you need to carefully analyze this situation. To get as much as possible more information on the issue that concerns you, this alignment is used.

The layout can be useful if you feel that you are not in control of the situation, or something important is constantly eluding you.

– the alignment can help if you find yourself in a difficult situation that negatively affects your well-being.

The cards offer you a detailed analysis of the situation, its causes, the origins of the problem, the possibilities of overcoming the crisis, active steps towards overcoming the crisis and the end result of these efforts.

0 Fool

Straight position:
The card shows that if you trust your intuition right now, you feel that things are “right,” you cannot be mistaken. Your actions may seem stupid to others or even to yourself if you try to analyze them from a rational point of view. But the “zero place” occupied by the Fool is a place without a number, where the adviser is not skepticism and past experience, but trust and innocence.

Description of the lasso:
Moment to moment, and with every step, the Fool leaves the past behind. He carries in his hand white rose, which symbolizes his purity, innocence and gullibility. The design of his vest contains the colors of all four elements of the tarot, showing that he is in harmony with the world around him. His intuition had reached its peak. At this moment, he finds support in the universe to take a leap into the unknown. Adventure awaits him on the river of life.

Meaning of the card:
A fool is one who always trusts; a fool is one who continues to trust despite his experience. You deceive him, and he trusts you; you deceive him again, and he trusts you again; you deceive him again, and he trusts you again. Then you will say that he is a fool, that he does not study. His trust is amazing, his trust is so pure that no one can destroy it. Be a fool in the sense of Tao, in the sense of Zen. Don't try to create a wall of knowledge around yourself. Whatever experience comes to you, let it happen and then go on throwing it away. Keep constantly clearing your mind, keep dying to the past so that you remain in the present, here-now, as if you were just born, as if you were a baby. In the beginning it is very difficult. People will start deceiving you...let them. They are unhappy. Even if you are fooled, deceived and robbed, let it happen, because no one can steal from you what is truly yours, no one can take away from you what is truly yours. And every time you do not allow the situation to overwhelm you, that opportunity will become internal integration. Your soul will become more crystallized.


© Original values cards that come with the deck.

Rider White values:

ASTROLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Uranus/Mercury in the sense of openness of character, curiosity, spontaneity and a bit of crazy; in interaction with Neptune - a feeling of guidance from above.

The jester is our inner child. It means the spontaneous start of something new, impartiality, openness. This is a carefree game, the most elementary joy of life, a period when we enter the unknown with cheerful surprise and without any specific expectations. However, it can also mean infantilism with all its attributes - frivolity, naivety, gambling, and simply stupidity. Or - wise simplicity, modesty of requests and humility, which we usually come to only at the end of a long and difficult path. A jester can also be a cunning, mischievous person. One way or another, he lives only in the present, he is a frank, sincere, mobile person. Is this good or bad? What this card means: our stubborn reluctance to become an adult or, on the contrary, the simplicity acquired along with long experience - will have to be judged by the whole scenario as a whole. The jester always warns about something completely new that is ready to burst into our lives, which causes chaos in it, and we ourselves may get a couple of bumps, but there is actually nothing dangerous about it.

From the book: Hayo Banzhaf. TAROT SELF-TUTORIAL.
Translation from German by E. Kolesov.
Publisher: Center for Astrological Research, 1999

0 - Fool
The zero card FOOL (another name is Jester) is likened to the material Universe. But she, like a mortal human body, is nothing more than a robe, a motley suit, suitable for a jester, under whose clothing, however, there is a divine substance, of which buffoonery is just a shadow. Tarot cards were given by enlightened priests to be kept by the stupid ignorant people who made them playing cards, in many ways even an instrument of vice. Man's diabolical habits, therefore, became the unconscious guardian of his philosophical precepts.
If the FOOL is placed in the first place in the deck, and the other cards are laid out in a row from left to right, then you can find that the FOOL goes to other characters, as if passing through all the cards. He, like a neophyte spiritually blind because of a blindfold, is ready to embark on the most difficult journey leading through the gates of Divine Wisdom.

Uranus - embodies the principle of primordial movement. In the TAROT, this principle is compared with the concept of “living nature” and the picture of the Jester, symbolizing divine power before manifestation. This is a divine genius, capable of creating the Universe and destroying it, but... The Universe does not yet exist, and therefore the FOOL is only zero, nothing, absolute emptiness, which can become anything, and the absolute freedom of this becoming: in this there is nothing, in potential contains everything.
The planet Uranus says that God creates the Universe easily, accidentally and not on purpose - and such is the spontaneous Nature of human genius. Most often, the Jester is depicted holding a bundle on a stick over his shoulders and balancing with it (the bundle) on the edge of an abyss. In this bundle there is that “everything” and “nothing” that forced the Jester to set off on his journey.
In a narrowly practical perspective on human life this card is interpreted as a warning against dangers and everything unexpected, fundamentally new and unknown. But behind this unknown lies a broader meaning of higher creativity - creation from scratch, from the fullness of one’s being.
And even though creation is a violation of the original order of being - and therefore there is an abyss before the Fool - but still it is dictated by the highest moral laws and therefore simply cannot be a creation if it does not carry the original principle.

IN upright position the position of the Jester card can mean the beginning of a new life cycle, any new things. There is energy, optimism, strength and happiness. The map shows unexpected, unplanned circumstances that can turn the current state of affairs upside down. Also indicates the need to adopt important decisions: - you are free to choose any direction, go anywhere, do whatever you want.

In an inverted position, the Jester’s position speaks of restless, impulsive activity, rash actions. Symbolizes madness and carelessness, a waste of energy, time and effort. The problem is not being solved. You are very careless about something important. Your choice may turn out to be bad, your decision fatal. Sometimes this card symbolizes a person who is tirelessly looking for a change in environment and activities, starting a lot of things, but not finishing anything. In addition, the card can mean thoughtlessness, whims and caprices, extravagance, lack of discipline, immaturity, irrationality in thoughts and behavior, exaltation, defenselessness, inability to calculate consequences, and in extreme cases, frenzy.

"A symbol of a blind man who has turned himself into the slavery of matter. His knapsack is overflowing with his delusions and senseless actions. A broken obelisk is the death of his deeds. The crocodile (in Papus's cards a crocodile is depicted instead of a dog) is an emblem of inexorable fatality and... inevitable atonement and retribution for what he has done , since nothing in life is done “just like that” - and you have to pay for everything.”

From the book: Rider White Tarot.
Theory and practice.
Series “Secrets of Predictions”.
Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002